SH :: Volume #10

#901: Unrest! Konoha crisis

Diving of shadow it snake Hokage()” 火影之潜影之蛇()” Namikaze Minato at this moment does not know completely Akatsuki had stared, does not know that oneself will become the key player of this demolition case. 此刻的波风水门完全不知自己已经被人盯上了,也不知到自己将成为这场爆破案件的中心人物。 In the Ye Long field of vision, Konoha had a big region to be pasted completely the dense and numerous detonation symbols at this moment, including Hospital Konoha and school and market these important regions. 叶龙的视野中,木叶有一大片区域此刻已经被贴满了密密麻麻的起爆符,包括木叶和学校、商场这些重要区域。 Once were exposed, even if the unrest that the people provode, will give the public security to deliver the destructive attack. 一旦被曝光,哪怕是群众引发的骚乱,都将给治安带来毁灭性的打击。 As Uchiha Madara stimulates to movement own pupil strength whole-heartedly, blue chakra covers rapidly to Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) of under foot, is giving originally covers on a destroying the hardest defenses armor on huge and fierce demon. 随着宇智波斑全力以赴地催动自己的瞳力,蓝色的查克拉迅速覆盖向脚下的外道魔像,给着原本就庞大而狰狞的魔物覆盖上一层无坚不摧的铠甲。 However the Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) body was really extremely huge, compared with it Bijuu (Tailed Beast) also wanted the giant innumerable quilts, Uchiha Madara body at this moment to release the so huge energy insufficiently. 然而外道魔像的身躯实在是太过庞大了,比之尾兽还要巨大无数被,宇智波斑此刻的身体已经不足以释放出如此庞大的能量。 Restored the body of youth oriented to be again withered after the combustion life, is releasing strength of Uchiha Madara figure Susa withered, was gray-haired, will as if die momentarily. 原本在燃烧生命后重新恢复年轻化的身躯再次干瘪下去,释放着须佐之力宇智波斑身形枯槁,头发花白,似乎随时都会断气。 Only then that scarlet Sharingan is still splendid, demonstrated determination that he must win! 只有那颗猩红的写轮眼依旧熠熠生辉,显示出他必胜的决心! !!” “唔嗷嗷嗷!!” As if passed through permanent, seems is only the flash, Uchiha Madara of figure rickets partly knelt in the Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) top of the head, the Susanoo strength covered its upper part, especially that sturdy right arm, is burning the flame of cold and gloomy Susa, a fist bang to in the air Ye Long! 仿佛经过了恒久,又好似只是一瞬间,身形佝偻的宇智波斑半跪在外道魔像头顶,须佐能乎的力量覆盖了它的上半身,特别是那粗壮的右臂,燃烧着森冷的须佐之炎,一拳轰向空中的叶龙 This is my Uchiha Madara finally strikes, this time fights out, minute/share life and death!” “这是我宇智波斑的最后一击,这次既决胜负,也分生死!” Uchiha Madara exudes the hoarse and demented laughter, as if really enjoys wild with joy of this full power fight, can meet Ye Long this excitement that opponent who is above the common sense. 宇智波斑发出沙哑而癫狂的笑声,仿佛实在享受这种全力战斗的狂喜,能遇到叶龙这种超乎常理的对手的激动。 Bang-!!” “轰-!!” A Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) fist evacuation locates, has swept just like a sun-blocking mountain, the space sends out the wail that is unable to withstand the load, the air is drained instantaneously, light must the left flame, presented a huge vacuum. 外道魔像一拳排空而处,宛如一座遮天蔽日的山岳扫过,空间都发出不堪重负的哀鸣,空气被瞬间抽干,被须左之炎点燃,出现了一片巨大的真空。 Dojutsu (Eye Technique) along prison six flowers!!” 瞳术・顺狱六花!!” Uchiha Madara displays Dojutsu (Eye Technique) again, stares Ye Long that the extreme speed is close to stubbornly, the surplus pupil strength also incline outspokenly. 宇智波斑再次施展瞳术,死死瞪着极速接近的叶龙,剩余的瞳力也毫无保留地倾斜而出。 Knew Akatsuki the Ye Long spiritual force huge terrifying, therefore his Dojutsu (Eye Technique) not direct role on Ye Long, but changed to the substantive strength to attach on the fist of Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path). 叶龙精神力的庞大恐怖,所以这一次他的瞳术并没有直接作用于叶龙身上,而是化作实质性的力量附着在外道魔像的拳头上。 Immediately must the left flame ray roast greatly, baseless and rises suddenly three points, looks like the fist of true deity! 顿时须左之炎光芒大炙,又凭空又暴涨三分,就像是真正的天神之拳! Come good!” “来的好!” Strikes facing vigorously of Uchiha Madara, Ye Long also felt carefree dripping, as if the blood in within the body also started the ebullition. 面对宇智波斑的倾力一击,叶龙也感到了畅快淋漓,仿佛体内的血液也开始了沸腾。 Uchiha Madara worthily is Konoha Asura, the true fight talent, the fiendish person common character, this stimulates to movement must kill strikes, even Ye Long that Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) puts forth has to wait prudently. 宇智波斑不愧是木叶修罗,真正的战斗天才,魔王一般的人物,这催动外道魔像使出的必杀一击,连叶龙都不得不慎重以待。 Dojutsu (Eye Technique) blood fats furnace stimulation!” 瞳术・血脂熔炉・激发!” The Mangekyo design revolutions in left eye is quicker, just the additional blazing blood burst out from the heart, Ye Long drinks one lowly, is sparkling the golden light body, that steel pouring strong common muscle sticks out similarly slightly, within the body sends out the parched beans general resounding, contains is destroying day of the strength of extinguishing the place. 左眼中的万花筒图案越转越快,刚加炽热的血液从心脏中迸发,叶龙低喝一声,闪耀着金光的身躯,那钢浇铁铸一般的肌肉同样微微隆起,体内发出爆豆一般的脆响,其中蕴含着毁天灭地的力量。 Sparkling stone green chakra overflowed the body surface, wraps the whole body like a paraselenae, lets Uchiha Madara of demon likely top of the head is also the complexion changes. 一股莹绿色的查克拉溢出了体表,如同一轮幻月包裹全身,让魔像头顶的宇智波斑也是脸色微变。 This fellow, has not displayed Susanoo unexpectedly, instead does the choice attack with the mortal body directly?!” “这家伙,居然没有施展须佐能乎,反而选择用肉身正面对攻?!” Uchiha Madara at this moment already lamp dry oil completely, but can contain the sensation to Ye Long within the body as before inconceivable huge energy. 宇智波斑此刻已经灯枯油尽,但是依旧可以感知到叶龙体内蕴含着的不可思议的庞大能量。 In his eyes, Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) at this moment, although is actually turbulent , some of his full power in addition hold, as before is only a giant empty shell. 在他的眼中,此刻的外道魔像虽然其实汹涌,又有他的全力加持,依旧只是一具巨大的空壳罢了。 But the Ye Long energy is actually completely reserved, like the magnificent stars, wants huge many compared with it any Bijuu (Tailed Beast) or the Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) energy. 叶龙的能量却是完全内敛,如同辉煌的星辰,比之任何尾兽或者外道魔像的能量都要庞大的多。 This energy is not human can have completely, even had somewhat surpassed the understanding of Uchiha Madara. 这种能量完全不是人类可以拥有的,甚至已经有些超出了宇智波斑的理解。 That is the boundary that Rikudō Sennin (Sage of Six Paths) in legend can achieve, is the strength that god can have! 那是传说中的六道仙人才能达到的境界,是属于“神”才可以拥有的力量! Immortal snake swallows!!” “仙法・蛇吞!!” In dazzling ray, Ye Long behind loomed a sun-blocking demon empty shadow. 耀眼的光芒之中,叶龙的身后隐隐出现了一头遮天蔽日的魔物虚影。 That say/way empty shadow looks like has the giant flood dragons of eight fierce heads, the build is even huger than Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path), they face upward to shout, as if can swallow the world! 那道虚影就像是有着八颗狰狞头颅的巨大蛟龙,体型甚至比外道魔像还要庞大,它们仰天嘶吼,仿佛能够吞食天地! Although this empty shadow flashes to pass, like the illusion, Uchiha Madara is an eye of reveal is shocking. 虽然这道虚影只是一闪而逝,如同幻觉,宇智波斑却是目露震惊。 Ha! This world, meets unexpectedly interesting such!” “哈哈哈哈哈!这个世界,竟然会是这么的有趣!” Uchiha Madara is laughing wildly, witnessed Ye Long like the meteor hit to the fist of Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path). 宇智波斑狂笑着,目睹了叶龙如同流星般撞击向外道魔像的拳头。 The incandescent ripple has spread the horizon, swallowed Ye Long and Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) huge body, in the ear was only left over endless thundering, as if the soul has fluttered the sky of nihility, was ripped the fragment by the complementary waves...... 白炽的波纹蔓延过天际,吞噬了叶龙外道魔像庞大的身躯,耳中只剩下了无尽的轰鸣,仿佛灵魂已经飘飞到了虚无的天空,又被余波撕成碎片…… This...?!” “这…这是怎么回事?!” Land is shivering... we to leave obviously was so far, unexpectedly can also come under such drastic effect.” “大地都在颤抖…我们明明已经离开这么远了,居然还能受到这么巨大的影响。” That two fellows, are really the formidable strength...!” “那两个家伙,真是令人敬畏的力量啊…!” Beyond dozens kilometers, Uchiha Obito and Uzumaki male, White Zetsu as well as numerous White Zetsu clone look at the sky of distant place dumbfoundedly. 数十公里之外,宇智波带土漩涡男、白绝以及一众白绝分身目瞪口呆地看着远处的天空。 Giant mushroom cloud raises slowly, in the sky is printing the end general light shadow, that broad fearsome scene, making the people heart have thick desperate meaning. 一朵巨大的蘑菇云冉冉升起,天空中倒印着末日一般的光影,那种恢宏可怖的景象,让众人心底都生出了浓浓的绝望意味。 They use the White Zetsu talent ability, the speed of movement far exceed ordinary Ninjutsu, the so remote distance cannot see the special details of fight. 他们利用白绝的天赋能力,移动的速度远超过普通的忍术,如此遥远的距离并不能看到战斗的具体情况。 The Uzumaki male has been separated from Obito, effort is arranging the chest, appearance that has a lingering fear, my brain is fortunately smart, in valuable the thing moved, such might, our base must raze to the ground.” 漩涡男已经从带土身上脱离下来,用力的排着胸口,一副心有余悸的样子,“还好我脑子机灵,把家里值钱的东西都搬出来了,那样的威力,我们的基地都要夷为平地了。” Finally? Who is that sudden fellow? Had been killed?” “结果怎么样了?那个突然出现的家伙是谁?已经被干掉了吗?” Uchiha Obito has not cared about the Uzumaki male to offer valuable advice general teasing compared with the behavior, but coldly is staring at White Zetsu. 宇智波带土没有在意漩涡男献宝一般的逗比行为,只是冷冷盯着身旁的白绝 He does not care about the Uchiha Madara safety, from the beginning does not trust that fellow with ulterior motives, moreover now that old fogy must die without doubt, some people will not gesticulate to him again. 他并不在意宇智波斑的安危,从一开始就不信任那个别有用心的家伙,而且现在那个老家伙必死无疑了,不会有人再对他指手画脚。 Obito cares about that suddenly to appear attacks them, lets fellow who he has to run away distressedly. 带土更加在意那个突然出现攻击他们,让他不得不狼狈逃走的家伙。 Who is he? What goal has? Can hinder own plan? 他到底是谁?有什么目的?会不会阻碍自己的计划? Obito at this moment has accepted Uchiha Madara to take to his fate, moreover already very good entered into own spirit. 此刻的带土已经接受了宇智波斑带给他的宿命,而且已经很好的进入了自己的角色。 Un, should be mutually wounded, they perish together......” “嗯,应该是两败俱伤,他们同归于尽呢……” White Zetsu seems thinking deeply about anything, crossed said some little time. 白绝仿佛在思索着什么,过了好一会儿才说道。 He is Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) breeding, all White Zetsu clone main bodies, can see the tactical situation in distant place using clone, now only then he knows that had anything. 他是外道魔像孕育的,所有白绝分身的主体,可以利用分身看到远处的战况,现在只有他知道发生了什么。 Perished together? You are earnest?” The Obito serious say/way stares at White Zetsu to say. “同归于尽了?你是认真的吗?”带土严肃道盯着白绝道。 Naturally, I must deceive you to do, that fellow was finished.” “当然,我要骗你干嘛,般那个家伙都完蛋了。” White Zetsu is laughing and playing, on the face cannot see anything. 白绝嬉笑到,脸上看不出任何东西。 Aiyaya, that Shandong native person from shanxi province taunts us, said own past years was flamboyant, finally had not been done, was really exciting!” The Uzumaki male also has not cared, a happy appearance. “哎呀呀,那个老东西老是嘲讽我们,说自己当年多么牛逼,最后还不是被人搞死了吗,真是大快人心!”漩涡男同样没有在意,一副欢乐的样子。 Right, that is good.” Obito nodded, no longer inquired. “是吗,那就好。”带土点了点头,不再过问。 Present I was too small and weak, development plan time. “现在的我还是太弱小了,还不到开展计划的时候。 Moreover my strength is eventually insufficient, must live in Nagato and Akatsuki strength the line...... ” 而且我一个人的力量终究是不够的,必须就住长门晓组织的力量才行……” Thinks, Obito does not return moves toward the distant place, the body integrates in the middle of space Uzumaki slowly. 想了想,带土头也不回地走向远处,身体缓缓融入空间漩涡当中。 Wait I, Obito!” “等等我啊,带土君!” Where our goes to?!” “我们这是去哪里啊?!” Uzumaki male and numerous White Zetsu clone carries big bunch of things, shouted to pursue...... 身后,漩涡男和众多的白绝分身扛着一大堆东西,呼喊着追了上去…… ...... shouts...... shouts......” “呼……呼……呼……” The giant mist dissipates gradually, if overlooks from several kilometers upper air, the land like split up by the greatly broken glass generally, beyond shocking gully spread enough several kilometers, faint trace dark blue flame is burning in the desolated soil rigid, for a very long time is not willing to extinguish. 巨大的云烟渐渐消散,若是从数千米高空俯瞰,大地如同被大碎的玻璃一般四分五裂,道道触目惊心的沟壑蔓延道足足几公里之外,一丝丝暗蓝色的火焰在荒芜的土壤中执着地燃烧着,久久不愿意熄灭。 Ye Long sits on huge Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path), calmly is recovering own energy, his right hand burning pain, the fist bone seems like must split general. 叶龙坐在巨大的外道魔像上面,静静恢复着自己的体力,他的右手火辣辣的痛,拳骨像是要裂开一般。 Under his body, Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) falls down face up, like the mountain of collapse, does not know that collapsed by pressure many hills. 在他身下,外道魔像仰面栽倒,如同倒塌的山岳,不知道压塌了多少丘陵。 In this moment this demon Xiangju still in sending out wū wū shouting, is sending out the protest to Ye Long probably, what a pity moved does not move. 此刻这尊魔像嘴里还在发出“呜呜”的嘶吼,像是在对叶龙发出抗议,可惜一动也动不了。 Frigid fissures proliferate in demon to look like whole body, especially centralized in the position of chest, probably fought with the fists the trace that by the powerful strength explodes produces. 一道道惨烈的裂痕遍布于魔像全身上下,特别是集中在胸口的位置,像是被强大的力量一拳打爆产生的痕迹。 What is most astonishing is the demon alike right arm, this moment cuns (2.5 cm) disruption, the palm and small arm almost entire vanished, the milky white liquid flows out, probably its blood. 最惊人的是魔像的右臂,此刻寸寸碎裂,手掌和小臂几乎整个消失了,乳白色的液体汩汩流出,像是它的血液。 In the confrontation, Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) and Uchiha Madara naturally were the disastrous defeats. 在刚才的交锋中,外道魔像宇智波斑自然是惨败的。 Both sides' strength actually disparity to the bang is not very big, Ye Long shakes the demon resembles by the mortal body hardly, is actually quite stupid, he can definitely cope with this stupid opponent with other ways, making Uchiha Madara be at wit's end. 双方对轰的力量其实差距不是很大,叶龙以肉身硬撼魔像,其实是比较愚蠢的,他完全可以用其它方式来对付这个蠢笨的对手,让宇智波斑无计可施。 However Ye Long looked like the demon routed, after all was only a empty shell, enormous force that after withstanding is unable to resist, the demon alike body started to disrupt. 然而叶龙还是将魔像击溃了,毕竟只是一个空壳,在承受了无法抵御的巨大力量后,魔像的身体就开始碎裂。 Then by Ye Long was knocked down, breaks down thoroughly. 接着就被叶龙击倒在地,彻底趴窝。 Then, Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) belongs to me temporarily. Nagato should not know the complete function of Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) now, before White Zetsu brings he found here, I have enough time it to study.” “如此一来,外道魔像就暂时归我所有。长门现在应该还不知道外道魔像的全部作用,在白绝带他找到这里之前,我有足够的时间来对它进行研究。” Ye Long said with a smile lightly, patted the demon resembles under body. 叶龙轻笑道,拍了拍身下的魔像。 Do not look that its volume is huge, if no one controls, without Bijuu (Tailed Beast) chakra pours into, then eventually is only huge toy. 别看它的体积巨大,若是没有人操控,没有尾兽查克拉注入,那么终究只是巨大的“玩具”而已。 The paper tiger who looking like the food not full strength is insufficient, can only conduct the extremely short event, is unable long time to start. 就像是食不饱力不足的纸老虎,只能进行极为短暂的活动,无法长时间启动。 Has no relations as for that frigid injury actually, Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) after all is ten bodies, oneself will restore slowly, the energy restore body that the absorption drifts away, most two months can recover. 至于那惨烈的伤势倒是没什么关系,外道魔像毕竟是十尾的躯体,自己就会缓缓恢复,吸收游离的能量修复身躯,最多两个月就可以痊愈。 I have collected complete nine Bijuu (Tailed Beast) chakra now, when refining up five and four strengths, can perhaps use it to make ten chakra.” “我现在已经收集到了全部九只尾兽查克拉,等到炼化五尾和四尾的力量,或许就可以利用它来制造十位查克拉了。” The Ye Long spooky say/way, ordinary shinobi becomes ten Jinchūriki, the strength will progress by leaps and bounds, one step soars to the heavens. 叶龙幽幽道,普通忍者成为十尾人柱力,实力就会突飞猛进,一步冲天。 Naturally regarding Ye Long, can let strength about one step, or awakens any special ability, he will satisfy. 当然对于叶龙来说,能够让实力更近一步,或者觉醒出什么特殊的能力,他就会满足了。 He is not an average person, did not count on that one step soars to the heavens, if can make his Mangekyo evolve again, or strengthens the Yin-Yang Release strength, is very satisfied. 他不是普通人,也不指望“一步冲天”,如果能够让他的万花筒再次进化,或者增强阴阳遁的力量,就已经很满足了。 Un, right, speaking of Mangekyo, this time harvest actually coup!” “嗯,对了,说到万花筒,这一次的收获倒是意外之喜!” Ye Long spreads out the palm, a blood red eyeball static float in palm, impressively is Uchiha Madara that eternal Mangekyo Sharingan! 叶龙摊开手掌,一颗血红色的眼珠静静悬浮在掌心之中,赫然是宇智波斑的那颗永恒万花筒写轮眼 Final to bumping, lamp dry oil Uchiha Madara completely decayed in the impact of strength directly extinguished, this eye was actually caught quickly of eye and hand by Ye Long. 最后的对碰中,灯枯油尽的宇智波斑直接在力量的冲击中朽灭了,这颗眼睛却被叶龙手疾眼快地捕捉到了。 This eye did not belong to Uchiha Madara, but is that suppresses the eye that Uchiha female shinobi of rebellion leaves behind using Shintou Izanami, but also leaves leeway certain pupil strength and vitality, well warm support, but can also continue to use! 这颗眼睛原本也不属于宇智波斑,而是那利用伊邪那美镇压叛乱的宇智波忍者遗留的眼睛,还留有一定的瞳力和生机,好好温养,还可以继续使用! Ye Long does not know how Uchiha Madara is can evolving to the degree of eternal eye, certainly also spent many times, as losing the Rinnegan later card in hand, the Dojutsu (Eye Technique) ability is also remarkable, simple practical. 叶龙不知道宇智波斑是怎能将进化到永恒眼的程度,一定也是花了不少功夫,作为失去轮回眼之后的底牌,瞳术的能力也是可圈可点,简单实用。 If not Ye Long looks for Uchiha Madara on own initiative, this powerful eye may vanish, at this moment was actually cheap he! 如果不是叶龙主动找上宇智波斑,这颗强大的眼睛或许会就此消失,此刻倒是便宜了他! How should process?” “该怎么处理呢?” Ye Long thinks, if swallows this eye directly, perhaps he can also obtain the special attack of spiritual force substantializing. 叶龙思索起来,如果直接吞噬这颗眼睛,他或许也可以得到将精神力实质化的特殊攻击。 However is actually the weak, similar ability, Ye Long does not depend upon Dojutsu (Eye Technique) also to display, but also even white wasted an eternal eye! 但是却是过于鸡肋,类似的能力,叶龙不依靠瞳术也能施展,还平白浪费了一颗永恒眼! If extracted the pupil strength to strengthen his own Mangekyo... to speak the truth purely does not have too to affect. 若是单纯地提取瞳力来强化他自己的万花筒…说实话同样没有太多作用了。 The Mangekyo rank of Ye Long is lowest, the pupil strength has actually exceeded the ordinary eternal eye, not because will absorb this strength to raise the rank of eye, effect minimal...... 叶龙万花筒等级最低,瞳力却早已超越了普通的永恒眼,并不会因为吸收这股力量提升眼睛的等级,效果微乎其微…… „It is not really good, gives the child the mouse to use, otherwise with his talent, this whole life could not awaken Mangekyo.” “实在不行,就给子鼠用吧,否则与他的天赋,这辈子都觉醒不了万花筒。” Ye Long made the decision finally. 叶龙最后做出了决定。 Child mouse, is Uchiha is full, in the future will play the huge role in Ye Long about the plan of Uchiha Clan, giving him enhances the strength is also very necessary. 子鼠,也就是宇智波满,未来在叶龙关于宇智波一族的计划中将起到巨大的作用,给他提升实力也是很有必要的。 This, starts to work, shifts this big fellow.” “就这样吧,开始干活,把这个大家伙转移走吧。” Restored was similar, the Ye Long racket the clothes stood, looks at Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) of under foot, both hands ties seal slowly. 恢复的差不多了,叶龙拍拍衣服站了起来,看着脚下的外道魔像,双手缓缓结印。 Immortal Longquan lock!” “仙法・龙泉锁!” Lasing of sparkling stone green Natural Energy from Ye Long, change to the dragon shape chains to spread to the Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) huge incomparable body, will twine several, ties up thoroughly. 一道道莹绿色的真元叶龙身上激射而出,化作龙形锁链蔓延到外道魔像庞大无比的身躯上,将之缠绕了好几圈,彻底捆住。 The Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) instinct is struggling, however these Natural Energy chains are seemingly slender, actually more struggles is tighter, is above the imagination tenacious...... 外道魔像本能地挣扎着,然而这些真元锁链看似纤细,却是越挣扎越紧,超乎想象的坚韧…… Moon, a piece desolated and deathly stillness land, the entire star also only then a flake region has the sign of life. 月球,一片荒芜而死寂的大地,整颗星球也只有一小片区域有着生命的迹象。 That is a huge knot protection land, has the plant, air and clean water source, even also has on the deep blue sky and pure white the cloud like Earth. 那是一片巨大的结界保护起来的大地,其中有着植物、空气和干净的水源,甚至也有着如同地球上的蔚蓝天空和洁白的云彩。 Ancient constructions all densely covered in mountain range, constructs village that sizes vary, can see the flame and sign of human activities faintly. 一座座古老的建筑悉数地密布在山峦之中,构筑成一个个大小不一的村落,隐隐能看到火光和人类活动的迹象。 But at this moment, in the moon center lively region, in the middle of a giant palace, the person of innumerable wear white robe also has a big shock, reads the altar book of seal inconceivable, sent out calling out in alarm. 而此刻,在月亮最中心繁华的区域,一个巨大的宫殿当中,无数穿着白袍的人同时大惊失色,不可思议地看着祭坛中的封印之书,发出了惊呼。 Important matter is not good, Gedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path) of ancestor seal Summoning from the seal went out unexpectedly!” “大事不好,祖先封印的外道魔像竟然被人从封印当中通灵出去了!” Damn, when matter this was, why discovers now?!” “该死的,这到底是什么时候的事情了,为什么现在才发现?!” A taking the lead person is looking angrily at the surrounding subordinate, as can be seen, these people all have with Ninja World Hyuga one group of exactly the same Byakugan. 一个领头的人怒视着周围的手下,可以看到,这些人全都有着和忍界日向一组一模一样的白眼
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