SH :: Volume #9

#892: Otsutsuki Pu village

眼前 的 巨型 Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye), 庞大 如同 白色 的 热气球, 其中 蕴含 的 恐怖 能量 却 是 Bijuu (Tailed Beast) 都 比拟 不 了 的 。 …… Under order to cope with the attack of Ye Long, these Hamura left behind Otsutsuki to divide family property to create this terrifying weapon ahead of time, even if Ye Long also has to be slightly earnest. 为了对付叶龙的侵袭,这些羽村遗留下的大筒木分家们提前创造出了这恐怖的兵器,哪怕叶龙也不得不稍微认真起来。 If can obtain the pupil strength, my Byakugan will certainly have the transformation, obtains in the middle of legend Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye), is Dojutsu (Eye Technique) of original space and time Building Otsutsuki person, and opens the Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye) chakra pattern, obtains the corresponding strong capability.” “如果能得到其中的瞳力,我的白眼一定会产生蜕变,得到传说当中的转生眼,也就是原时空大筒木人的瞳术,并且开启转生眼查克拉模式,得到相应的强大能力。” But, how should do?” “但是,该怎么做呢?” Hopes the law law...!” “希律律…!” Saw that the Akuma no Hi body replies rapidly, in five Mu Wangyan has the ray that the provocation and disdains, is treading the hoof back and forth, the supine upper margin leaves neighs. 看到妖天的身躯迅速回复过来,五尾穆王眼中有着挑衅和不屑的光芒,来回踏着蹄子,仰天头出嘶鸣。 Come, your domestic animal!” “来啊,你这畜牲!” Akuma no Hi is angry, the purple black star strength covered the body of summer star thoroughly, such as the syngenesis grows the muscle shinbone, the body inflates to three meters high dark giant beast suddenly! 妖天大怒,紫黑色的星力彻底覆盖了夏日星的身躯,如同生长出肌肉胫骨,身躯骤然膨胀到三米高度的黑暗巨兽! Compared with evil different and graceful, the Akuma no Hi chest of thorough star strength sees evilly sparkles the dazzling rose red ray, the whole body muscle is gripping the knot, a bloody and aggressive strength feeling. 比起邪见的邪异而优雅,彻底星力化的妖天胸口闪耀着刺眼的瑰红色光芒,浑身肌肉扎结,给人一种血腥、凶悍的力量感觉。 But what is only same, their both's strength had broken through this Ninja World shinobi limit, the rushing star strength that in the body contains, including Bijuu (Tailed Beast) will feel that shakes intimidated! 而唯一相同的是,他们两者的力量都已经突破了这个忍界忍者的极限,身躯中蕴含的澎湃星力,连尾兽都会感到震怖! Hu-hu......!!” “呼哧……!!” 仿佛 是 感受 到 Akuma no Hi 变 身后 的 强大, 五 尾 再次 俯下身 躯, 身上 升腾 起 大量 的 蒸汽, 尖锐 的 犄角 遥遥 对准 空中 的 Akuma no Hi, 再次 发动 了 冲锋! …… Bang a loud sound, the land leaps the white smoke that blocks the sky together, five stern heavies run upon Akuma no Hi that did not dodge does not evade again, works as the car(riage) like the praying mantis arm. “轰”的一声巨响,大地腾起一道遮天蔽日的白烟,五尾重重撞上了不闪不避的妖天,如同螳臂当车。 If periphery also has survival Rock shinobi to see both's fight, certainly will be startled. 然而如果周围还有幸存的岩忍可以看到两者的交手,一定会大吃一惊。 Because of the seemingly tiny star strength giant beast, the both arms resisted five corners unexpectedly stubbornly, compels to stop forcefully him. 因为看似渺小的星力巨兽,竟然双臂死死抵住了五尾的犄角,硬生生将他逼停下来。 Grew ten in the country of bear for several years, absorbed the huge vitality, the Akuma no Hi strength already today we are no longer as we have been. 在熊之国成长了十数年,吸收了庞大的生命力,妖天的实力早已今非昔比。 The body that differs so much as to be beyond comparison completely contains the terrifying star strength, shook Bijuu (Tailed Beast) at the pure physical body strength unexpectedly! 那完全不成比例的身躯蕴含着恐怖的星力,竟是以纯粹的肉体力量撼动了尾兽 „......!” “呜嗷嗷嗷……!” Ha, how, this strength?” “哈哈哈,怎么,就这点力量吗?” Akuma no Hi dies to stubbornly resist five, the huge star strength erupts, the cliff collapsing in the purple-red ray comes directly shatter. 妖天死死抵着五尾,庞大的星力爆发开来,身后的山崖直接在紫红色的光芒中坍塌破碎开来。 Five former hooves raise high, wants by the stance steamroll of forcing Mount Hua at present this hateful small insect, actually sends out painful neighing under that tide general purple red light screen spread, chakra is all of a sudden feeble. 五尾的前蹄高高扬起,想以力压华山的姿态碾压眼前这可恶的“小虫子”,却在那潮水一般的紫红色光幕蔓延下发出一声痛苦的嘶鸣,查克拉一下子衰弱下来。 This was the corrosion of star strength had the function, even if Bijuu (Tailed Beast) were an energy life, the star strength can also make the latter weak, reduced the strength of opposite party, even put in the deathtrap directly. 这是星力的侵蚀发生了作用,哪怕尾兽是一种能量生命,星力也可以让后者变得虚弱,削减对方的力量,甚至直接置于死地。 Bang a loud sound, five former hooves fall, the body is shivering, lies in the Akuma no Hi strength of legs starts to retrocede unexpectedly. “轰”的一声巨响,五尾的前蹄落下,身躯颤抖着,竟然在于妖天的脚力中开始后退。 In that pure white fur/superficial knowledge had caught a rose red ray at this moment, just like the poison, and is getting deeper and deeper. 那原本洁白的皮毛上此刻已经染上一丝瑰红色的光芒,如同中毒一样,并越来越深。 How five stimulate to movement to boil again escapes the eruption strength, the physical strength also more and more failure, finally bang falls down, pushed over by Akuma no Hi forcefully! 五尾再怎么催动沸遁爆发力量,气力也越来越衰竭,终于“轰隆”一声倒在地上,被妖天强行按倒! Brushes-” “刷刷刷-” Star strength changed for the tentacle surrounded the four limbs of five bodies firmly, the latter called out in grief, in the clear yellow eye pupil was unwilling with completely angrily, actually cannot crawl. 一道道星力化作为触手牢牢困住了五尾的身躯的四肢,后者悲鸣一声,澄黄色的眼眸中满是不甘和愤怒,却是怎么也爬不起来了。 To this Sir honestly!” “给本大爷老实一点!” Changes to the star strength shape Akuma no Hi incomparable savage, grinned fiendishly was holding up the right arm high. 化作星力形态的妖天无比的凶残,狞笑着高高举起了右臂。 Under the irrigation of star strength, inflated suddenly on the sturdy arm, like Akimichi Clan part time of technique, enough more than ten meters, differs so much as to be beyond comparison with the body completely. 星力的灌注下,原本就粗壮的手臂骤然膨胀起来,如同秋道一族的部分倍化术,足足十几米长,和身躯完全不成比例。 Looks to hit!” “看打!” Bang a loud sound, the fist of Akuma no Hi is carrying the scary strength, the numerous thumps in five forehead, the blood scatter! “砰”的一声巨响,妖天的拳头携带着骇人的力量,重重捶在五尾眉心,鲜血四溅! A fist, before , the Bijuu (Tailed Beast) hammer that is insufferably arrogant explodes. 一拳,就将之前不可一世的尾兽锤爆。 Hiss...!” “嘶嗷嗷…!” Five exude one miserably hiss, bang changes to large share steam, retracted reluctantly Jinchūriki within the body. 五尾发出一声惨嘶,“嘭”地化作一大股蒸汽,无奈地缩回了人柱力体内。 Under this condition it could not display too many strengths, can only be punched by Akuma no Hi fat. 这种状态下它根本发挥不了太多实力,只能被妖天胖揍。 The man (Han) who the ground only has the stupor, is seriously injured at this moment, the bright red armor is total wreck, even left refuses stubbornly far. 地上只剩下昏迷的汉,此刻身受重伤,鲜红色的铠甲破烂不堪,甚至都离死不远了。 Hehe, dares unexpectedly before this Sir cocky, has not killed to calculate that you you have good luck ever.” “呵呵,居然敢在本大爷面前得瑟,没把你打死算你命大。” The Akuma no Hi fork waist laughs, the star strength body that later the body rushes same contracts in the summer photostar like the running water again. 妖天叉腰大笑,随后身上澎湃的星力身躯再次如同流水一样收缩回夏日星体内。 Coughs......” “咳咳咳……” Long time, summer star complexion one white, opened the eye again, in the eye has the rose red ray circulation. 良久,夏日星脸色一白,再次睁开了眼,眼中有着瑰红色光芒流转。 Five recovery work were completed, Sir Ye Long.” “五尾回收工作完成了,叶龙大人。” The summer star complexion is chilly, ugly ox Diaozhui who takes up the chest is whispering, side man (Han) who later arrives at the stupor, takes out medicament to inject into his within the body from the pocket, then carries this Jinchūriki, the star strength wing opens, flew into the upper air to vanish rapidly does not see. 夏日星面色清冷,拿起胸口的丑牛吊坠低语着,随后走到昏迷的汉身边,从口袋中取出一根药剂注入他的体内,然后扛着这个人柱力,身后星力翅膀张开,迅速飞入了高空消失不见。 The surroundings residual star strength and radiative energy all change to a faint trace rainbow light to be inhaled her within the body, in the shatter land, has not left the trace of any survivor...... 周围残留的星力和辐射性能量全都化作一丝丝虹光被吸入她的体内,破碎的大地上,没有留下任何幸存者的痕迹…… Meanwhile, saw with four fights evilly was also near the end. 与此同时,邪见和四尾的战斗也接近了尾声。 Melt escapes Mt. Huaguo!” “熔遁・花果山!” In everywhere sea of fire, whole body hair disorderly Sun Wukong angrily roars, both hands pats layer on layer/heavily on the ground, the hot magma like the volcanic eruption, shoots up to the sky, ruthlessly concentrated fire to in the air Akuma no Hi. 漫天火海中,浑身毛发凌乱的孙悟空怒吼一声,双手重重拍在地上,炽热的岩浆如同火山喷发,冲天而起,狠狠攒射向空中的妖天 Useless, the attack of this level, tries again many time is the same.” “没用的,这种层次的攻击,再试多少次都是一样。” Akuma no Hi as before float in sky, the corners of the mouth hold the happy expression of teasing. 妖天依旧悬浮在天空中,嘴角噙着戏谑的笑意。 In his whole body, the dull purple energy forms greatly light/only covers, the hot magma close to had not been corroded by that evil strength, changes to the icy cold rock to crash, does not have any achievements. 在他周身,暗紫色的能量形成巨大的光罩,炽热的岩浆还没有靠近就被那邪恶的力量腐蚀,化作冰凉的岩石坠落下去,没有任何建树。 Sees in the Akuma no Hi hand to grasp one a jet black sickle that is condensed by the evil strength, flies high to divide toward a below four blade. 之见妖天手中握着一把由邪力凝聚的漆黑镰刀,朝着下方的四尾一刀凌空劈出。 A gloomy purple bolt of white silk has cut blazing magma sea of fire seal in four shoulders, the latter shouted one miserably, chakra became the dispirited immediately. 一丝暗淡的紫色匹练斩过炽热的岩浆火海印在四尾肩头,后者惨呼一声,查克拉顿时变得更加萎靡。 Old purple, the strength of this monster was too evil, we are not his opponent......” “老紫,这个怪物的力量太邪恶了,我们恐怕不是他的对手啊……” In the energetic space, four tone incomparable heaviness, „ that evil energy makes me feel somewhat familiar, but has not contacted completely, had caused the huge damage to my body. 精神空间中,四尾语气无比的沉重,“那种邪恶的能量让我感到有些熟悉,但又完全没有接触过,已经对我的身体造成了巨大的伤害。 This way, by that type of evil aura intrusive mass, even if I can also fight, you did not have the means to support... try to find the solution quickly, your old stick-in-the-mud! ” 再这样下去,被那种邪恶气息侵入体内,哪怕是我还可以战斗,你也没办法支撑下去了…快想想办法啊,你这个老顽固!” Few idle talk, isn't my thinking?!” “少废话,我这不是在想吗?!” Old purple sits cross-legged in the energetic space, the complexion is actually pale. 老紫盘坐在精神空间中,脸色却是铁青。 His body is filling evil aura, causing the fist that he grips tightly unable to bear tremble, as if maintained the consciousness is very difficult continually. 他的身上弥漫着一股邪恶的气息,致使他紧握的拳头都忍不住发抖,似乎连维持意识都已经很艰难了。 Once by that strength corrosion consciousness, he will also be lost the consciousness thoroughly, the puppet who degenerates into the evil strength, allows to be oppressed. 而一旦彻底被那股力量侵蚀意识,他也就会失去意识,沦为邪恶力量的傀儡,任人宰割。 But this obviously is also the goal of evilly seeing. 而这显然也是邪见的目的。 „, Probably you have a brute force like this spatially, but does not have silly big of fight method, is completely a sandbag. “啧啧啧,像是你这样空有一身蛮力而没有战斗手段的傻大个,完全就是一个沙包嘛。 The main body needs you to live is absorbing chakra, you do not know that was butchered many times by me. ” 要不是本体需要你活着吸收查克拉,你都不知道被我宰了多少次了。” Sees the chuckle evilly, the sickle in hand sparkles again the dull purple ray, the evil aura blazing greatly! 邪见轻笑到,手中的镰刀再次闪耀起暗紫色的光芒,邪恶气息大炽! At this moment, can only give it all!” “事到如今,只能放手一搏了!” In the energetic space, old purple stood finally, is staring at huge four stubbornly, I cannot make that monster feel better!” 精神空间中,老紫终于站了起来,死死盯着巨大的四尾,“我决不能让那个怪物好过!” But this, your body can unable to support, old purple!” “可是这样,你的身体会撑不住的,老紫!” Four know certainly that he is thinking anything, the complexion is very serious, our chakra synchronization degree is far from enough, such forms of combat, were too reluctant.” 四尾当然知道他在想什么,脸色十分沉重,“我们的查克拉同步程度远远不够,这样的战斗方式,还是太勉强了啊。” Was needless to say again, was not successful, then died for a righteous cause!” The old purple eyes fill the blood threads, obviously has set firm resolve. “不用再说了,不成功,便成仁!”老紫双眼充满血丝,显然已经下定决心。 „...... That good.” “……那好吧。” Four sigh, in the real world, sees evilly is slightly one startled, four that at present the whole body is scarred raised the head, a faint trace blue and black light group gathers in its mouth, condensed a jet black spheroid quickly. 四尾叹了一口气,现实世界中,邪见则是微微一惊,眼前浑身伤痕累累的四尾昂起了头颅,一丝丝蓝、黑色的光团在它口中汇聚,很快凝聚成了一颗漆黑的球体。 Good, Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball), this was must go all out!” “好嘛,尾兽玉,这是要拼命了啊!” Sees to sneer evilly, the whole body can rise suddenly evilly, the sickle in hand changed to the purple completely, was raised by him high, huge sad and shrill, cut to strike to cut the space compared with the former huge ten times of purple, divided ruthlessly to four bodies! 邪见冷笑一声,浑身邪能暴涨,手中的镰刀完全化作了紫色,被他高高扬起,一道巨大凄厉的、比之前足足巨大十倍紫色斩击划破空间,狠狠劈向四尾的身躯! Bang-!” “轰-!” Giant cloud ring before four bodies erupts, in the ray sparkle, jet black Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) soars to the heavens like the shell generally on! 一圈巨大的云环从四尾身前爆发,光芒闪耀中,漆黑的尾兽玉如同炮弹一般冲天而上! „-!!” “哐--!!” Magma sea of fire ebullition rupturing, in the sky presented giant mushroom cloud, discovered in Rock shinobi several hundred kilometers away was not right, looks to implement the clouds the shock-wave, on the face revealed the deep panic-stricken color. 岩浆火海沸腾爆裂,天空中出现了一朵巨大的蘑菇云,远在数百公里以外的岩忍都发现了不对劲,看着贯彻云霄的冲击波,脸上露出了深深的惊骇之色。 What is that?” “那是什么?” „It is not good, the report gives Tsuchikage Sama a bit faster!” “不好,快点汇报给土影大人!” ............ ………… - shouted-” “呼-呼-” In the scarlet red land, four kneel to sit on the ground, on the face has the self-confident smile. 赤红色的大地上,四尾跪坐在地上,脸上却有着自信的微笑。 Really has your......” “真有你的……” It struggles wish to stand, the complexion actually changes suddenly! 它挣扎着想要站起来,脸色却骤然大变! Tittering, the purple bolt of white silk cuts the clouds together, passed through in the sky the smog, cuts ruthlessly in the unexpected four chest. “噗嗤”一声,一道紫色匹练划破云霄,穿过了天空中烟雾,狠狠斩在猝不及防的四尾胸口。 The latter is miserably howling is kneeling down on the ground, looks up to the sky, in the eye may not completely the color of believing. 后者惨嚎着跪倒在地上,仰望天空,眼中满是不可置信之色。 Was Bijūdama (Tailed Beast Ball) that „ I condense with great difficulty, broken out by that fellow?! “我好不容易凝聚的尾兽玉,难道被那家伙劈开了?! The strength of what level this is, if he really must kill me, perhaps isn't a difficult matter? ” 这是什么层次的力量啊,他若真要杀死我,或许并非难事?” Four some delay look Akuma no Hi that in the air crashes slowly, the stance that keeps aloof arrives just like the evil god, desperate. 四尾有些呆滞地看着空中缓缓坠落的妖天,那高高在上的姿态宛如邪神降临,令人绝望。 What... is that...?!” “什么…那是…?!” Four stared in a big way the eye, in his eyes, saw evilly presented the huge purple sex fiend empty shadow behind indistinctly. 四尾瞪大了眼睛,在他的眼中,邪见身后隐隐约约出现了巨大的紫色魔物虚影。 On that demon is burning the evil flame, the body just like the mountain, wants huge many compared with it! 那魔物身上燃烧着的邪焰,身躯宛若山岳,比它还要庞大的多! „, Finished.” “那么,结束了。” Tittering, the lasing of slender dull purple speed of light from evil seeing, easily pierced four chest together, submerges in the land. “噗嗤”一声,一道纤细的暗紫色光速从邪见之间激射而出,轻易刺穿了四尾的胸口,没入大地之中。 This time, four bodies like pushing gold mountain jade column drop down, then vanishes quickly does not see, stays behind suffocates old purple...... 这一次,四尾的身躯如同推金山倒玉柱般倒下,然后很快消失不见,留下奄奄一息的老紫…… Very good, Akuma no Hi and saw evilly has gone well, five and four were abducted simultaneously, Onoki can go crazy!” “很好,妖天和邪见已经得手了,五尾和四尾同时被人掳走,大野木一定会发疯的吧!” In the forest, Ye Long and Namikaze Minato combine in fierce struggle Abbey as before, the surroundings look like the typhoon to transit generally in confusion. 森林中,叶龙波风水门依旧在激斗艾比组合,周围就像是台风过境一般狼藉。 What was different from before, four people of present had made the anger thoroughly, the opposite, sand Brazza like one group of dazzling thunder and lightning, the body muscle inflated, the speed and defense broke through the limit. 于之前不同的是,四人现在已经彻底打出了火气,对面,砂比布拉扎如同一团耀眼的雷电,身上筋肉膨胀,速度和防御都突破了极限。 The Minato ordinary attack cannot break through his defense, at this time seemingly occupies on the minute/share, actually dances in the steel wire probably, for a short time is unable to have the victory and defeat certainly. 水门普通的攻击已经不能突破他的防御了,此时看似占据上分,却像是在钢丝上跳舞,一时半会儿无法绝出胜负。 As for Chilla, he completed Bijuufication impressively, scarlet red chakra wraps the whole body, eight fierce tails flutter in the breeze, the military might aggressive stance is not four classes can compare by far. 至于奇拉比,他赫然完成了尾兽化,赤红色的查克拉包裹住全身,八条狰狞的尾巴迎风招展,威武霸气的姿态远远不是四尾之流可以比拟。 However his opponent is Ye Long... both sides as if meets as an equal at this moment, makes no distinction between victory and defeat. 不过他的对手是叶龙…此刻双方似乎分庭抗礼,不分胜负。 „”, Ye Long evades the surprise attack of opposite party flexibly, backhands round of Wind Release to cut to strike the twinkling, but, shells behind Chilla, although has not caused the substantive damage, makes latter one stagger. “唰”的一声,叶龙灵活地躲过对方的突袭,反手一发风遁斩击瞬息而至,轰击在奇拉比背后,虽然没有造成实质性的伤害,也让后者一个踉跄。 Your this fool, is your bastard, again itchy to this Sir flexure?” “你这笨蛋,你这混蛋,再给本大爷挠痒痒吗?” Chilla turns the head, the wild animal general body makes movement of one set of rare and beautiful flowers as before, to demonstrate regarding despising of Ye Long. 奇拉比转过头来,野兽一般的身躯依旧作出一套奇葩的动作,以显示对于叶龙的鄙视。 However in the energetic space, Hachibi (Eight-Tails) and Chilla complexion is actually ten segregates heavily. 然而精神空间中,八尾和奇拉比面色却是十分凝重。 This moment Bijuufication condition, is almost their strongest shapes, even if releases Hachibi (Eight-Tails) thoroughly, is huger except for the strength and attack range, the strength will not have the substantive promotion. 此刻尾兽化的状态,几乎已经是他们的最强形态了,哪怕彻底释放八尾,除了力量和攻击范围更加庞大,实力也不会有实质性的提升。 But is under such condition, they are unable to conquer at present this obviously not strange enemy unexpectedly, seems like in the beforehand war, the opposite party has been hiding the strength, even if accomplishes a task with ease now! 而就是这样的状态下,他们居然无法战胜眼前这个明明并不陌生的敌人,就好像之前的战争中,对方一直在隐藏实力,哪怕现在都游刃有余! At this moment, Chilla frowns, in the heart has cast a shadow, even smelled the aura of plot keenly...... 这一刻,奇拉比皱起了眉头,心中已经蒙上了一层阴影,甚至敏锐的嗅到了阴谋的气息…… Quite fierce, is the Ye Long senior so unexpectedly powerful?!” “好厉害,叶龙前辈居然这么强大?!” Namikaze Minato hides the opening sand Brazza's attack using the technique of Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu), looks dignifiedly to Ye Long, even sand Brazza also stopped temporarily, is breathing heavily in the distant place, in the eye dreaded completely. 波风水门利用飞雷神之术躲开砂比布拉扎的攻击,凝重地看向叶龙,连砂比布拉扎也暂时停了下来,在远处喘着粗气,眼中满是忌惮。 I remember that Teacher Jiraiya had said with me, Council Ye Long fiercest should be Water Release and Fire Release, was a moment ago, his unexpectedly long-term usage Wind Release and Earth Release dealt with the enemy, looked at such, perhaps Lightning Release was also skilled in.” “我记得自来也老师曾经和我说过,长老团叶龙最厉害的应该是水遁火遁,可是刚才,他居然连续使用了风遁土遁对付敌人,看那样子,恐怕雷遁也是十分精通。” Minato said secretly,adds on powerful Taijutsu (Body Techniques) and fight consciousness, and Orochimaru-sama has lineage/vein snake-type Ninjutsu... the name of abdomen of snake fire, lives up to reputation, before neglected him! 水门暗自道,“加上强大的体术和战斗意识,还有和大蛇丸大人同出一脉的蛇系忍术…火之腹蛇之名,名不虚传,之前都忽视他了! Right, he a moment ago displayed should be Ryūchi Cave Senjutsu, perhaps has been close to the Orochimaru-sama level...... ” 对了,刚才他施展的应该是龙地洞仙术,或许已经接近大蛇丸大人的水准了……” Always, Ye Long was almost remembered by the merit of past and Danzo signature agreement, own strength good impression, but is not the apex. 一直以来,叶龙几乎都是以当年和团藏签署协约的功劳被人记住,自身的实力给人不俗的印象,但算不上顶尖。 However with this moment Ye Long upfront just the Hachibi (Eight-Tails) Jinchūriki score, many people must have a new look to him hardly. 不过随着此刻叶龙正面硬刚八尾人柱力的战绩,许多人都要对他改观了。 Ok, Minato, was the time draw in a net.” “好了,水门,是时候收网了。” Ye Long does not care about these, looks with a smile to Minato, the latter is also smiling nodded. 叶龙并不在意这些,笑着看向水门,后者也笑着点了点头 Again come!” “再来!” Ye Long plunged Chilla again, in the hand condenses a sharp azure wind blade, Minato also rubs round of Ōdama Rasengan, must with the appearance that sand Brazza went all out. 叶龙再次扑向奇拉比,手中凝聚出一把犀利的青色风刃,水门同样搓出了一发大玉螺旋丸,一副要和砂比布拉扎拼命的样子。 Feared that you are inadequate?!” “怕你不成?!” The two brothers do not doubt him, similarly flushed. 兄弟两人不疑有他,同样冲了上来。 But at this moment, Ye Long and Minato drink one suddenly lowly, simultaneously ties seal. 而就在这时,叶龙水门突然低喝一声,同时结印。 Ye Long plunged Chilla again, in the hand condenses a sharp azure wind blade, Minato also rubs round of Ōdama Rasengan, must with the appearance that sand Brazza went all out. 叶龙再次扑向奇拉比,手中凝聚出一把犀利的青色风刃,水门同样搓出了一发大玉螺旋丸,一副要和砂比布拉扎拼命的样子。
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