SH :: Volume #8

#721: The book of seal

„The book of seal.” “封印之书啊。” Sees the Jiraiya serious expression, Sarutobi has not rejected directly, he thinks to say earnestly: As disciple of Jiraiya approval, you, although did not have enough qualifications, but I am not cannot agree.” 见到自来也郑重的表情,猿飞没有直接拒绝,他想了想认真道:“作为自来也认可的弟子,你虽然还没有足够的资历,不过我也不是不能同意。” Namikaze Minato at rescuing Kushina this matter, the Konoha high level owes him one eventually. 波风水门在救出玖辛奈这件事情上,木叶高层终究是欠他一个人情。 Did not say that does not have Minato Kushina unable to be rescued, but Sarutobi Hiruzen knows the idea of Jiraiya. 不是说没有水门玖辛奈就无法获救,但是猿飞日斩知道自来也的想法。 Each powerful shinobi needs the unique skill approaching body, Nawaki to take the Orochimaru disciple, Senju Clan few lords, the acquired resources cannot imagine, Ye Long in this age, the condition is unable in the past in comparison. 每一个强大的忍者都需要绝技傍身,绳树作为大蛇丸的弟子,千手一族的“少主”,获得的资源是不可想象的,叶龙当年在这个年纪,条件根本无法与之相比。 Namikaze Minato can achieve the Jōnin strength in this age is good, however in disturbance treacherous Ninja World also by far insufficient. 波风水门能在这个年纪达到上忍的实力已算是不错,但是在风波诡谲的忍界还远远不够。 As master, Jiraiya, although is an unconventional fellow, but to the apprentice is quite responsible. 作为师傅,自来也虽然是一个放荡不羁的家伙,但是对徒弟是相当负责的。 Namikaze Minato has no Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit), wanting to become the powerhouse to have the powerful Ninjutsu mystique to take the card in a hand. 波风水门没有任何血继限界,想要成为强者就必须拥有强大的忍术秘法作为底牌。 Except that teaches to Minato Rasengan, this Jiraiya for the first time asked Sarutobi, for was the road of Minato later shinobi! 除了传授给水门螺旋丸,这次自来也破天荒地来求猿飞,为的就是水门以后的忍者之路! Comes with me.” “跟我来吧。” Sarutobi understands that the Jiraiya intention, naturally cannot reject. 猿飞明白自来也的心意,自然不会拒绝。 Teacher and Hokage-sama...!!” “老师、火影大人...!!” Felt the master and master ancestor/grandfather to own concern, Minato got hold of the fist silently, filled excitedly when move! 感受到师傅、师祖对自己的关爱,水门默默握紧了拳头,在感动之余也充满了激动! This is a rare chance, relates whether in the future to go a step further, Minato in the heart pledged that cannot disappoint the Jiraiya painstaking efforts. 这是一次难得的机缘,关系到日后能否更进一步,水门在心底发誓绝不能辜负自来也的良苦用心。 Teacher Sarutobi, can Jiraiya, allow me to travel together?” 猿飞老师,自来也,能不能也允许我一起同行呢?” Orochimaru opened the mouth at this time suddenly, is gazing at Minato meaningfully. 大蛇丸这时突然开口了,意味深长地注视着水门 If as expected, Minato will obtain the inheritance of Senju Tobirama from the book of seal as before, learned entire Ninja World to rarely have person of the technique of Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) was capable of cultivating. 不出意外的话,水门依旧会从封印之书中得到千手扉间的传承,学会整个忍界都鲜有人有能力修炼的飞雷神之术了。 Orochimaru was not clear when or Ye Long does have the cultivation space Ninjutsu talent, before this famous Ninjutsu does not have deliberately to gain, since will meet will not miss. 大蛇丸不清楚自己或者叶龙有没有修炼时空间忍术的天赋,对于这个大名鼎鼎的忍术之前没有刻意去获取,但是既然遇到了也绝不会错过的。 „, Orochimaru, you also to the book of seal interested.” “哦,大蛇丸,你也对封印之书有兴趣啊。” Sarutobi has stunned, but was only slightly hesitant the moment on nodded. 猿飞有一丝错愕,不过只是稍稍犹豫了片刻就点了点头 Then along with me comes together.” “那随我就一起来吧。” Meanwhile. 与此同时。 The country of ghost, originally seal wang liang ghost Wushan, in wang liang space situated in immediate room crevice. 鬼之国,原本封印魍魉的鬼巫山,处于现实空间夹缝中的魍魉空间。 Ye Long is naked the upper body, static float, filled the evil aura place that this dull purple moved, calmly shut the eye to be motionless. 叶龙赤裸着上身,静静悬浮在这个暗紫色调的、充满了邪恶气息的地方,静闭眼睛一动不动。 The Ye Long whole body skin at this moment is jet black, among the volumes and chest and whole body have the monster different purple rune/symbol writing trace, the back has one pair to be giant as if can camouflage the daylight jet black wing. 此刻的叶龙全身皮肤漆黑,额间和胸口、全身有着妖异的紫色符文纹路,背后更是有着一双巨大得仿佛能够遮蔽天日的漆黑羽翼。 Obviously, he is in now sees in the middle of the shape of fusion evilly. 显然,他现在正处于和邪见融合的形态当中。 Three years, Ye Long has almost treated in this secluded from the world space is absorbing wang liang in the evil energy that in this space keeps, more important actually with the aid of this special knot space, in the sensibility world originally the revolution and rule and attempt strength makes own immortal law boundary go a step further! 三年的时间里,叶龙几乎一直待在这个与世隔绝的空间中吸收着魍魉在这个空间中留下来的邪能,更重要的却是借助这个特殊的结界空间,感悟天地间自来力量的运转和规则、试图让自己的仙法境界更进一步! „The technique of Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu)......” 飞雷神之术吗......” Ye Long opened the eye silently, in the pupil flashed through evil purple intent, formed two substantive tiny light beams unexpectedly! 叶龙默默睁开了眼睛,瞳孔中闪过邪恶的紫意,竟形成两道实质般的细小光束! Tittered-” “噗嗤-” Front space produced the slight fluctuation ripples under that say/way evil different ray, seems to dreading of this moment Ye Long strength! 面前的空间都在那道邪异的光芒下产生了些微波动涟漪,仿佛是对此刻叶龙力量的忌惮! Before Ye Long, wakes, after Orochimaru meets Katou Dan used each other relation to awaken him. 叶龙之前就醒了过来,在大蛇丸遇到加藤断之后就利用彼此的联系把他唤醒了。 The time that this Ye Long closes up is very long, the outside world almost depends on Orochimaru to handle, for can make own Mystique Palm boundary stable thoroughly in the third boundary- in direct communication world space natural strength „the heart of vault of heaven boundary! 这一次叶龙闭关的时间还是很长的,外界几乎都靠大蛇丸在打理,为的就是能够彻底让自己的仙术境界稳定在第三个境界-直接沟通天地空间中自然力量的“苍穹之心”境界! Before the Ye Long exuviate turned into white Linda the snake main body and also achieved this boundary in country's of ghost the fierce combat in shortly, erupted the battle efficiency of god of rank shinobi to suppress the opponent instantaneously. 之前叶龙蜕变成白鳞大蛇本体和在鬼之国的激战中也短暂达到了这个境界,瞬间爆发出了忍者之神级别的战斗力压制对手。 However this condition is unstable, needing is quite again extreme, under the tense condition to achieve, is the ultra long display. 不过这个状态并不稳定,需要再比较极端、紧张的条件下才能达到,属于超长发挥。 Cannot achieve this boundary thoroughly, the Ye Long main body strength also on the god level, but enters thoroughly, Ye Long will not dread any Rikudō (Six Path) rank following enemy, Ninjutsu is not meaningful regarding that strength inexhaustible condition person. 不能彻底达到这个境界,叶龙本体的实力也就堪堪神级,而彻底进入,叶龙不会畏惧任何六道级别以下的敌人,忍术对于那种力量无穷无尽状态的人没有任何意义。 Even if facing just achieved the Rikudō (Six Path) player, Ye Long was supposing can still socialize, even after fusing all clone, he is not necessarily able to defeat! 即使面对刚刚达到六道的选手,叶龙估摸着也能周旋一番,甚至融合所有分身后,他未必会败! Therefore Ye Long longs for the radical breakthrough. 因此叶龙才会这么渴望彻底的突破。 However more than three years of time passed, the Ye Long strength indeed, he used wang liang the evil thought charm energetic will, even developed, with ability that the evil thought sensation opponent acted. 不过三年多的时间过去了,叶龙的实力的确强了一些,他用魍魉的邪恶意念魔力精神意志,甚至开发出了,用恶念感知对手行动的能力。 However regarding fully achieved the third boundary... to miss the shooting. 不过对于完全达到第三个境界...还是差了临门一脚。 Before the evil energy of wang liang gathering had dried up thoroughly, is unable to provide many sensibility to me, was the time goes out.” “之前魍魉汇聚的邪恶能量已经彻底枯竭了,也无法给我提供更多的感悟,是时候出去了。” Ye Long sighed slightly, Yamanaka did not have This, the true Mystique Palm cultivation was such difficult, but he had actually walked the innumerable shortcuts. 叶龙微微叹了口气,山中无甲子,真正的仙术修炼就是这么艰苦,而他其实已经走了无数捷径。 Brushing, Ye Long and sees the separation evilly, both oppose to regard. “刷”的一声,叶龙和邪见分离,两者对立而视。 „Do you want to leave here?” “你要离开这里了吗?” Sees to say just like the devil general evil. 宛如恶魔一般的邪见道。 Trades a brain, may have the harvest.” “换个脑子,或许会有收获吧。” The Ye Long sensation beyond several thousand li (0.5 km) Orochimaru is transmitting to his information said silently, through two person's unique soul links, Ye Long can under the silent condition that side sensation Orochimaru in all that meets. 叶龙感知着数千里外大蛇丸传递给他的信息默默道,通过两个人独一无二的灵魂链接,叶龙可以在静默的状态下感知大蛇丸那边遇见的一切。 Since lacks the turning point, I observe and emulate the Tobirama development the technique of Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu). “既然缺少契机,我就观摩一下扉间开发的飞雷神之术。 This type is communicated the space the way not to know that by the chakra strength I do have the qualifications to grasp, but is also related with the space, could bring some inspirations to me! ” 这种由查克拉的力量来沟通空间的方式也不知道我有没有资格掌握,不过同样和空间有关,或许能给我带来一些启发!” ............ ............ „Is this book of seal? Really is... quite huge!” “这就是封印之书吗?真的是...好巨大啊!” In the Anbu secret room, Minato looks to record the innumerable Secret Technique giant scrolls, sent out some naively sigh. 暗部密室中,水门看着记载着无数秘术的巨大卷轴,发出了有些“天真”的感叹。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Sarutobi uses the special incantation law to turn on the seal of scroll under the cooperation of Anbu, this spreading out slowly. 猿飞暗部的协作下施展特殊咒法打开卷轴的封印,这才将之缓缓摊开。 But the book of seal the Konoha most precious object, has tight security, thus it can be seen the original space and time called the person to be able it absolutely to be Sarutobi intentionally, perhaps was also to one compensation of Minato oneself had a deficit. 封印之书可是木叶至宝,防守严密,由此可见原时空鸣人能够得到它绝对是猿飞故意的,或许也算是对自己亏欠的水门的一种补偿。 This is......!” “这是......!” Namikaze Minato looks that on the scroll records dense and numerous Ninjutsu Secret Technique, was surprised opened the mouth. 波风水门看着卷轴上记载地密密麻麻的忍术秘术,惊讶得张大了嘴巴。 Not is only Minato, Jiraiya is also holds breath cold air, in the Orochimaru eye is glittering the greedy ray. 不仅是水门,就连自来也也是倒吸一口凉气,大蛇丸眼中更是闪烁着贪婪的光芒。 Although in which many techniques he has obtained through other ways, some surplus also many weaks, but somewhat lets his some interests. 虽然其中的很多术他已经通过其他途径得到过,剩余的还有不少鸡肋,不过还是有些让他有些兴趣。 This inside does Ninjutsu have to browse Secret Technique of Warring States period? Moreover aren't these in the village various endure the technique of clan greatly?” “这里面的忍术连战国时期的秘术都有涉猎吗?而且这些不是村子里各大忍族的术吗?” Minato looks Ninjutsu that in the book of seal records call out in alarm in a low voice said. 水门看着封印之书上记载的一个个忍术低声惊呼道。 A Eight Trigrams (gossip) palm of Hyuga clan Kaiten (Revolving Heaven)! 日向一族的八卦掌・回天! A shadow imitation technique of Nara clan! 奈良一族的影子模仿术! Akimichi Clan time of technique...... 秋道一族的倍化术...... These illustrious Ninjutsu many appeared in the book of seal, although was not complete, the significance was extraordinary. 这些赫赫有名的忍术许多都出现在了封印之书上,虽然不是全部,意义却是非凡的。 Initially joined to form the Konoha family, own important Ninjutsu record in this, this is the trust the village, is an attitude. 当初加入组建木叶的家族,将自身的重要忍术记载于此,这是对村子的信任,更是一种态度。 What is worth mentioning is these techniques do not expose directly, spreads out the scroll of book of seal, above is actually seal technique, can see, only then seal the name, respective family and simple introduction Ninjutsu. 值得一提的是这些术并不是直接展露出来的,摊开封印之书的卷轴,上面其实是一个个封印术式,能看到的只有封印的忍术的名字、所属家族和简单的介绍。 In other words even if launches the book of seal completely, does not have rapid reader, takes down all Ninjutsu situations instantaneously. 也就是说即使将封印之书全部展开,也不存在一目十行,瞬间记下所有忍术的情况。 Wants truly to obtain concrete Ninjutsu, must untie the seal to see the related content correctly. 想要真正得到具体的忍术,必须正确解开封印才能看到相关的内容。 So that's how it is, no wonder called the book of seal!” “原来如此,怪不得叫封印之书呢!” Ye Long in wang liang space sneaks a peek at this corners of the mouth cannot help but. 魍魉空间中的叶龙窥见道这一幕嘴角不由得咧起。 Although does not care about these, but in the middle of the reality this incomparably important scroll seems like not the giant loophole, on the contrary is quite rigorous and grave. 虽然不在意这些,不过现实当中这个无比重要的卷轴看来并不是什么巨大的漏洞,相反相当的严谨、庄重。 Even if there is qualifications to refer to the person of book of seal, wants to learn truly Ninjutsu of record, must through present age Hokage, still be the approval of Sarutobi Hiruzen, can relieve the seal, obtains corresponding Ninjutsu under his inspector general. 即使有资格参阅封印之书的人,想要真正学到其中记载的忍术,必须通过当代火影,也就是猿飞日斩的认可,才能解除封印,在他的监督下获得相应的忍术 Moreover, this scroll main body is a giant to seal/confer array core and a base, was placed in the Anbu center. 不仅如此,这个卷轴本体就是一个巨大封阵的核心、阵基,被安置在暗部的中心。 Has not untied to cover entirely the giant seal of room, is unable to carry off the scroll. 没有解开布满房间的巨大封印,根本无法把卷轴带走的。 If must carry off or decode the seal forcefully, Sarutobi had not said that but Ye Long was supposing perhaps this scroll has the setting of self-destruction, when the time comes can only be the jade entirely burn fate. 如果要强行带走或者破解封印的话,猿飞没有说,但是叶龙估摸着这个卷轴恐怕是有自毁的设定的,到时候只会是玉石俱焚的下场。 The scroll was rather destroyed, cannot help the enemy obtain Ninjutsu, discovers the way of coping with! 宁可卷轴被毁,也不能让敌人获得忍术,找出对付的方式! Really is powerful Ninjutsu.” “真是强大的忍术啊。” Minato whisks off Ninjutsu that on the scroll is engraving gently, although is unable to observe and emulate directly, the synopsis of Ninjutsu is also telling their marvelousness. 水门轻轻拂拭着卷轴上镌刻的一个个忍术,虽然无法直接观摩,忍术的简介也诉说着他们的奇妙。 Konoha worthily is the Ninja World most powerful village, is this revolution axis is the value is only unquantifiable. 木叶不愧是忍界最强大的村子,光是这个转轴就是价值难以估量。 What is worth mentioning is initially at the beginning of Jiancun, leaves behind Ninjutsu some little families, because the person is scarce, some have annihilated thoroughly, however their Ninjutsu actually spread as before. 值得一提的是当初建村之初,留下忍术的一些小家族,因为人丁稀少,有的已经彻底湮灭,然而他们的忍术却依旧流传了下来。 Minato understood in this moment suddenly, if Will of Fire is the inheritance of Konoha spirit, then the book of seal is the inheritance of Konoha Ninjutsu. 水门在这一刻突然明白了,如果说“火之意志”是木叶精神的传承,那么封印之书就是木叶忍术的传承。 Perhaps several hundred years later, the strength that some family thorough destruction, they left behind will actually be opened and inherited by the later generation with village. 或许当数百年后,有的家族彻底覆灭了,他们留下的力量却会被同村的后人揭开、继承。 These Ninjutsu will change to the Konoha powerful cornerstone, making the strength of village grow continually, the family own inheritance of can also continue...... 这些忍术将化作木叶强大的基石,让村子的力量生生不息,家族自身的传承也得以延续...... Really is great.” “真是伟大啊。” Jiraiya looks that the book of giant seal voiced the feeling. 自来也看着巨大的封印之书发出了感慨。 The Orochimaru expression somewhat is also strange, he saw on the scroll impressively Chidori that initially Ye Long left behind and holds Mystique Palm, Jiraiya and he development Rasengan...... 大蛇丸的表情也有些古怪,他赫然在卷轴上看到了当初叶龙留下的千鸟和掌仙术,还有自来也和他“开发”的螺旋丸...... Really pitifully.” Orochimaru said in a soft voice. “真是可惜了。”大蛇丸轻声道。 When these families, in addition exists, although these Secret Technique were recorded, actually cannot open casually. 在这些家族尚且存在的时候,那些秘术虽然被记录,却是万万不能随便打开的。 In the event of divulging, then Hokage must shoulder the responsibility, when necessary will even take the blame and resign. 一旦出现泄露,那么火影是必须承担责任的,必要时甚至会引咎辞职。 However has some exceptions, most Ninjutsu actually do not need Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit), for example Senju Tobirama Water Release, Uchiha family's Fire Release. 但是也有例外,大多数的忍术其实是不需要血继限界的,比如千手扉间水遁,宇智波家族的火遁 If these families or are the developer of technique want, then these Ninjutsu can examine, was various respected families to the contribution that the village made. 若是这些家族或者是术的开发者愿意,那么这些忍术是可以供人查看的,也算是各大家族对村子做出的贡献了。 Thinks of here, Orochimaru and understood a matter in country's of ghost Ye Long of suddenly. 想到这里,大蛇丸和远在鬼之国的叶龙突然就明白了一件事情。 Originally Uzumaki Naruto and water wood obtained the book of seal shortly. 原着中漩涡鸣人和水木先后短暂地得到了封印之书。 Because has existence of seal, the water wood does not have the opportunity of examination, but called the person to obtain multiple Shadow Clone Technique. 正因为有封印的存在,水木没有查看的机会,而鸣人却得到了多重影分身之术 What reason is this? The answer is... all these is Sarutobi Hiruzen plans. 这是什么原因呢?答案就是...这一切都是猿飞日斩计划好的。 Only the Tobirama multiple Shadow Clone Technique seals were turned on by Sarutobi. 只有扉间的多重影分身之术的封印被猿飞打开了。 As Hokage, this is he, is most suitable his Ninjutsu that to call the person chooses, was he has the jurisdiction to give to call best Ninjutsu of person. 作为火影,这是他为鸣人挑选的、最适合他的忍术,也是他有权限送给鸣人的最佳忍术了。 The water wood knows that on each Ninjutsu has the seal, simply does not have the careful examination. 水木知道每个忍术上都有封印,根本没有仔细查看。 But called the person not to know that seal this point, launched the examination completely, finally then obtained Ninjutsu that can study only. 而鸣人根本不知道“封印”这一点,全部展开了查看,最后便得到了唯一能够学习到的忍术 At this moment Ye Long knew hard secret of original space and time. 这一刻叶龙才知道了原时空的辛秘。 All during the computation of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the water wood are only the Orochimaru abandoned children, a truly pitiful fool. 一切都在猿飞日斩的计算之中,水木只是大蛇丸的弃子,一个真正可怜的傻瓜而已。 Sarutobi Hiruzen looks not making a sound, will only compromise constantly, is actually protecting to call the person with own way, daily cleans up to him, is returning Mr. and Mrs. Minato the sacrifice that silently makes for the village...... 猿飞日斩看着不声不响,只会一味地妥协,却是在用自己的方式保护鸣人,天天给他擦屁股,默默回报着水门夫妇为村子作出的牺牲...... Okay choice, although I gave your opportunity, but said that you can have Ninjutsu that the opportunity attains is not really many, suit your are less.” Sarutobi Hiruzen Sarutobi looks Minato that is lost in thought cannot bear open the mouth to say. “好好挑选吧,虽然我给了你这次机会,不过说起来你能够有机会拿到的忍术真的不多,适合你的就更少了。”猿飞日斩猿飞看着陷入沉思的水门忍不住开口道。 I understood, Hokage-sama.” “我明白了,火影大人。” Kaiten (Revolving Heaven) and so on Secret Technique naturally cannot study, some Ninjutsu value that because the Chakra Attribute reason has not studied. 回天之类的秘术自然是不能学习的,还有一些忍术因为查克拉属性的原因也没有学习的价值。 For example the owner is labelling Senju Hashirama impressively Mokuton (Wood Style) Ninjutsu, many can examine the study, even also has Mokuryū no Jutsu (Wood Dragon)! 比如说拥有者赫然标注着“千手柱间”的木遁忍术,许多都能供人查看学习,其中甚至还有木龙之术! But is that also useful? Mokuton (Wood Style) where the average people come? Meets Mokuton (Wood Style) is almost unable to display this move, has no need to consult in the book of what seal...... 可那又有什么用呢?普通人哪来的木遁?会木遁的几乎都无法施展这一招,也用不着在什么封印之书上查阅的...... These Ninjutsu... are Uchiha... that person stays behind unexpectedly!” “这些忍术...竟然都是宇智波...那个人留下的!” Examines a few for Ninjutsu that the person studies, Minato to discover with amazement powerful Fire Release, is almost that Family Uchiha Clan. 查看着少数可以供人学习的忍术,水门惊讶地发现其中强大的火遁,几乎都属于那个家族-宇智波一族 Moreover above presented that... to be listed as the Name Uchiha Madara of taboo in Konoha in Ninja World impressively! 而且上面赫然出现了那个在木叶...在忍界被列为禁忌的名字-宇智波斑! Fire Release fire loss! 火遁・豪火灭失! Fire Release technique of dragon flame the singing in a loud voice! 火遁・龙炎放歌之术! Fire Release dust hidden technique! 火遁・灰尘隐之术! This... these Ninjutsu...!! ” 这...这些忍术...!!” Orochimaru grew up surprisedly the mouth, perhaps only then he and Ye Long understands the might of these techniques truly. 大蛇丸惊讶地长大了嘴巴,或许只有他和叶龙真正明白这些术的威力。 Although has not presented similar Tengai Shinsei (Heavenly Obstacle Quaking Star) this destroying day to extinguish place the style, but also proves a matter sufficiently. 虽然没有出现类似天碍震星这种毁天灭地的招式,但也足以证明一件事情。 Uchiha Madara in the past when founded Konoha to be indeed wholehearted, otherwise not and family's self-satisfied Ninjutsu takes oneself, and was may consult condition! 宇智波斑当年在创建木叶的时候的确是真心实意的,否则也不会把自己和家族的得意忍术拿出来,并且是“可查阅”状态! Soil that however the love hate deeply cutting, Konoha his Uchiha Madara has not had. 不过爱之深恨之切,木叶并没有他宇智波斑存在的土壤。 Minato, I remember that you have the innate hot attribute, was inferior that......” Jiraiya said behind Minato in a soft voice. 水门,我记得你有先天的火属性,不如......”自来也水门背后轻声道。 Before Minato saw these that Tobirama left behind may consult Water Release time was coveting particularly. 之前水门看到扉间留下的那些“可查阅”水遁的时候可是分外的眼热。 What a pity, he has not practiced water leakage attribute chakra, moreover how is unable to achieve Senju Tobirama sea escaped in the past the boundary again diligently by far, is completely the gain does not equal the loss, therefore gave up as Minato of perfectionist. 可惜,他并没有修炼出水属性查克拉,而且再怎么努力也远远无法达到千手扉间当年“海遁”的境界,完全是得不偿失,所以作为完美主义者的水门放弃了。 However Minato has hot attribute chakra, although Ninjutsu of book of seal are many, can the Minato study, but few, Jiraiya does not hope that Minato returns empty-handed. 然而水门是有火属性的查克拉的,封印之书的忍术虽然多,能给水门学习的可是很少,自来也不希望水门空手而归。 Although Uchiha these years continuously and Konoha and Hokage lineage/vein do not cope very much, but... they after all are shinobi, sometimes face where has the strength to be important?! 尽管宇智波这些年一直和木叶火影一脉很不对付,可是...他们毕竟是忍者,有时候面子哪有实力重要?! „......” “......” Minato looks is labelling „the technique of dragon flame singing in a loud voice the seal hesitant the hand lifted put down. 水门看着标注着“龙炎放歌之术”的封印犹豫了手抬起了又放下。 Fire Release technique of dragon flame the singing in a loud voice, puts out four fire dragons toward the ground, about four directions from high and low attacks the same end simultaneously, hit probability 100, besides hard anti- does not have any method avoidance. Needs the enormous chakra quantity to use. 火遁・龙炎放歌之术,朝地面吐出四条火龙,从上下左右四个方向同时攻击同一目标,命中率100,除了硬抗之外没有任何方法躲避。需要极大的查克拉量才能使用。 This is a few powerful forces, the fight style agrees with Minato Ninjutsu! 这是少数几个威力强大,战斗风格又契合水门忍术! Although... Minato Fire Release is unlikely to be the degree of that man similarly. 虽然...水门火遁同样不太可能达到那个男人的程度。 Jiraiya seems somewhat anxious, Sarutobi Hiruzen looks that hesitant Minato remains silent. 自来也显得有些焦躁,猿飞日斩看着犹豫的水门保持着沉默。 Orochimaru carefully looked at the vague explanation that Uchiha Madara left behind, the corners of the mouth showed the meaningful happy expression. 大蛇丸则仔细地看了看宇智波斑留下的隐晦说明,嘴角露出了意味深长的笑意。 Who can think, in the future that Yellow Flash that” makes the enemy be panic at the news, Konoha famous four generations of eye of Hokage, in this time are also only ordinary shinobi, will intertwine to have a headache for own path? 谁能想到,未来那个令敌人闻风丧胆的“金色闪光”,木叶大名鼎鼎的四代目火影,在这个时期也只是一个平凡的忍者,会为了自己的道路而纠结头疼呢?
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