STH :: Volume #12

#1174: 100,000 years of emperor fights to end

Ancient fearsome ghost ship murderous intention reappears, they floated to cross so many years in the fearful universe, probably one crowd of spirits, silent, as long as appeared must have in a big way kills the tribulation. 上古可怖鬼船杀机再现,它们在可怕的宇宙中漂渡了这么多年,像是一群幽灵,无声无息,但凡出现必有大杀劫。 The people think that the experience diameter 100,000 years are so remote, the calamity becomes the past events mist, however confirms today, the years are indelible, they are such heaven defying. 众人本以为历径十万年那么久远,厄难成为往事云烟,然而今日证实,岁月难以磨灭,它们还是如此的逆天 The ship group of big piece is dense, the ice ridge metallic luster is gloomy, but is actually the world most fearful cemetery, the fluctuation is proliferating! 大片的舰群黑压压无边,冰脊的金属光泽暗淡,但是却是世间最可怕的坟场,波动在扩散! Quickly, conducts Space Jump!” Even Saint was anxious, some people ripped open Void to walk directly, but some constructed Star Portal, wants to carry off the ship group. “快,进行空间跳跃!”连圣人都急了,有的人撕开虚空直接走了,而有的则构筑星门,想带走舰群。 They are away from enough far, has the time of cushion, half people retreated, successfully avoids a tribulation. 他们距离足够远,有缓冲的时间,半数的人退走了,成功躲过一劫。 Only has the people in Ye Fan their region unable to succeed, because in which one Void Great Dao mainly comes to them, exactly said because of Ye Fan. 唯有叶凡他们这一区域的人不能成功,因为其中的一种虚空大道主要是冲着他们来的,确切的说因叶凡而起。 Infallible Sun Royal Family is greatly anxious, five Mother Ship and large expanse of fleets simply do not have the means to conduct Space Jump, was imprisoned by a mysterious strength, is unable to flee. 日不落王族大急,五艘母船与成片的舰队根本没有办法进行空间跳跃,被一种神秘的力量禁锢住了,无法走脱。 This is a plague! 这是一场大灾! Abatement Infallible Sun Royal Family, the depot ship groups of half nobilities were blocked, Star Portal constructs the failure, their space Law in front of Void Great Dao insufficiently looks radically. 除却日不落王族,还有半数王侯的母舰群被挡住,星门构筑失败,在虚空大道面前他们的空间法则根本不够看。 This is what strength, big Dao Spirit of Ancient spirit ship is unapproachable, can we ruin in this?” “这是什么力量,上古幽灵船的大道神则无可匹敌,我们都要葬送于此吗?” People each and every one complexion snow white, wants to fly to escape by fleshly body, the discovery is impossible, all by strength of immobilized Void. 众人一个个脸色雪白,想要以肉身飞遁,却发现根本不可能,全都被虚空之力定住了。 They will not forget that two Saint's mixed the shape a moment ago, the probably pair of invisible big hands are tearing them, hauled in the death them in the gate, the facial features twisted unable to work loose. 他们不会忘记刚才两位圣人的掺状,像是有一双无形的大手撕扯着他们,将他们拉进死亡的门内,五官扭曲挣脱不出。 Comes to me!” “冲我来的!” Ye Fan scalp tingles, no matter what his thousand methods, divine ability is unable to get rid, this was Ancient Great Emperor enormous and powerful hundreds of thousands years of strength aftermath. 叶凡头皮发麻,任他千般手段、万般神通也无法摆脱,这是古之大帝浩荡了十几万年的力量余波 He thought that will unravel momentarily, in the face of this strength, individual was too tiny, even is going Sanctification not Hangzhou 他觉得随时会灰飞烟灭,在这种力量面前,个人实在太渺小了,即便将要成圣了都不杭 The front is silent, the fearful catastrophe is happening, two Mother Ship are torn to pieces cracking with several hundred escort ship cuns (2.5 cm) for the cosmic dust. 前方无声无息,可怕的大灾难在发生,两艘母船与数百护卫舰寸寸断裂化为了宇宙尘埃。 That fluctuation must affect this place immediately! 那股波动马上就要波及到了此地! I do not think that dead Ancient Great Emperor does strangle me to do with no reason at all really?” Life and Death affects, Ye Fan realized strength too vast clearly trickily . “我不想死古之大帝无缘无故扼杀我做甚?”生死攸关,叶凡真切体会到力量太渺刁、了。 Regarding all living things, the Ancient Great Emperor can compare gods no one's strength can contend! 对于众生来说,古之大帝堪比神明没有谁的力量能抗衡! The situation is critical, that fluctuation comes fast, the third depot ship and large expanse of ship group smashing, Holy Artifact is vulnerable at this time, the diameter does not have aftermath to strike. 情况危急,那股波动快速而来,第三艘母舰与成片的舰群粉碎,圣器此时脆弱不堪,径不起余波一击。 The situation to the apex, the Ye Fan's heart actually calmed down critically, perhaps the seed dies, but actually cannot fluster the body to be hard at this time to make, only had a mind clear(ly) to be good. 情况危急到了顶点,叶凡的心却静了下来,也许籽死但此时却不能慌身体难以挣动,唯有心明才行。 Ruinous strength belongs to another two Great Emperor, Void Great Dao is spreading, has not destroyed to live to know......” “毁灭性的力量属于另外两位大帝,虚空大道不过是在蔓延,并未摧毁生知......” After Ye Fan is calm, felt that the time stagnated probably, makes all sorts of judgments in In the time it takes a spark to fly off of a piece of flint, moves him to understand the Great Void Technique deep meaning by the golden Divine Consciousness show/unfolds. 叶凡镇定后,感觉时间像是停滞了,于电火石花间做出种种判断,以金色神识展动他所懂得大虚空术的奥义。 Void Great Dao comes to me, I can attract bend his, only then his say/way......” 虚空大道冲我而来,我所能吸弓他的只有他的道......” The golden Divine Consciousness resonance blends with that supreme Great Dao, he discovered that body active, was no longer imprisoned, the judgment is correct. 金色的神识共鸣与那无上大道交融,他发现身体能动了,不再被禁锢,判断正确。 Zheng! 铮! Then the Ye Fan opens the mouth puts out ancient mirror, Dao Runes interweaves, the plain atmosphere, above inscribes Sun and Moon Star River, universe Primal Chaos, explains the Void mystery. 接着叶凡张口吐出一枚古镜,道纹交织,古朴大气,上面刻有日月星河,宇宙混沌,阐释虚空奥秘。 This is King Weapon, is Ji Haoyue keeps Everlasting Country's, person by heaven obtained, falls into his hand, has not thought to become the maintaining life symbol at this time. 这是一件王兵,是姬皓月留在永恒国度的,被天堂的人所得,落入他的手中,不曾想此时成为了保命符。 This mirror, that ignorant Void Great Dao had the state of mind probably, resurrected just like a person, seed it protects. 此镜一出,那懵懂的虚空大道像是有了神志,宛若一个人复活了,籽其护住。 ! 噜! The Void Mirror replica smashing, ten thousand runic patterns of internal brand mark become together ray of light, submerges in the universe, by that Great Dao absorption. 虚空镜仿品粉碎,内部烙印的万条纹络成为了一道道光,没入宇宙中,被那大道吸收。 Ye Fan is startled, this ancient mirror is not powerful, even he can crush, but actually seems like a bow, lets that deep sleep hundreds of thousands years of Void Great Dao resurrecting. 叶凡吃惊,这枚古镜并不强大,连他都能粉碎,但却像是一个弓子,让那沉睡十几万年的虚空大道复活。 Bang! 轰隆! The central place of spirit ship, Deity Nine-layered Coffin sends out rosy cloud continuously, that is immortal light, interweaves piece of runic patterns. 幽灵船的中心地,神灵九重棺散发出一缕缕的霞,那是仙光,交织成一片纹络 Dark Void gradually transforms to the light, all before Coffin can see, another two mysterious fluctuations were suppressed, the destructive strength is flinching. 黑暗的虚空逐渐向光明转化,棺椁前的一切都可以见到,另外两种神秘的波动被压制,毁灭性的力量在退缩。 A primitive Great Emperor level fluctuation is striving for hegemony, the mutual entanglement, each other obliterates, complex inexplicable, the seemingly unusual monster is evil. 一种原始的大帝级波动在争雄,相互纠缠,彼此磨灭,复杂莫名,看起来异常妖邪。 Why can like this?” “为什么会这样?” Ye Fan almost never looks like so has shocked today, did not say that Great Emperor is hard to meet, cannot fight with the world, but actually saw three emperor marks at this time. 叶凡几乎从未像今天这般震撼过,不是说大帝难以相遇,不可同世而战吗,可此时却见到了三种帝纹。 Void Great Dao by an enemy two, in the silent resistance, universe Starry Sky vibrated, everywhere Star River must crash. 虚空大道以一敌二,在无声的对抗,宇宙星空都抖动了起来,漫天星河都要坠落了。 „!” “哧!” Three ray of light from ancient coffin to, submerge above boundless Star Sea, turned into eternal, becomes Heavenly Dao, melts for the source of the world. 道光古棺中冲起,没入苍茫星海上方,化成了永恒,成为了天道,融为世界的本源。 They twist, pester and interweave, probably gods at the Life and Death fierce fight! 他们扭曲、纠缠、交织,像是神明在生死剧战! This...... extensions of hundreds of thousands years ago fights, are ending of Ancient Great Emperor showdown!” The Ye Fan sound shivered. “这起......十几万年前战斗的延续,是古之大帝对决的落幕!”叶凡声音都颤抖了。 Really is inconceivable, actually had this matter, in this universe deep place, saw aftermath of Great Emperor Void strength in infinite Star Sea. 实在难以想象,竟然发生了这种事情,在这宇宙深处,在无穷的星海中见到了虚空大帝力量的余波 Who are that two people? 那两个人是谁? Ye Fan knows, this is not the true Great Emperor showdown, because of the litigants died during meditation, the time is remote, this is only extensions and going on a punitive expedition against of their say/way. 叶凡知道,这不是真正的大帝对决,因为当事人都早已坐化,时间过于久远,这只是他们的道的延续、征伐。 Eternal distinguished people, bury in Starry Sky, is only aftermath also makes four Great Saint cherish hatred, lets dozens Ancient Saint die, forms the terrifying spirit ship. 万古风流人物,葬于星空,仅是余波亦让四位大圣饮恨,让数十古圣殒落,形成恐怖的幽灵船。 This is the secret of ghost ship, is three supreme existence creates, at the present their aftermath have not extinguished. 这就是鬼船的秘密,是三位无上存在造成的,而今他们的余波还没有熄灭。 Is they...... surely is they!” “是他们......定是他们!” Ye Fan feels all over the body icy coldly, he understood clearly other two's origin, certainly came from Undying Mountain! 叶凡觉得通体冰凉,他洞悉了另外两人的来历,一定是来自不死山! In the past, first had Saint Body great accomplishment, latter had Great Emperor Void, exerted two lives divine might suppress the dark turmoil, subsided the Undying Mountain barking tribulation. 当年,先有大成圣体,后有虚空大帝,奋两世神威镇压了黑暗动乱,平息了不死山吠劫。 It is well known, Saint Body great accomplishment is finally frail, the old age in Saint Cliff die, was struck to kill. 世人皆知,大成圣体最后年老体衰,晚年于圣崖殒落,被人击杀。 Great Emperor Void replaced, resists all, finally also died of old age slowly, when merit to become Shou hand also to the later years, returning to the family soon to bury into the boundless Void turbulent flow. 虚空大帝接替,抗住了一切,最后也慢慢老去,功成收手之际亦到了暮年,回到家族中不久就将自己葬入了无垠的虚空乱流中。 That Era was too difficult, Undying Mountain supreme existence, Great Emperor Void once killed one to intrude incessantly afterward solitarily, with the heart and to their showdown to destroy indiscriminately!” “那个时代太艰难了,不死山不止一位无上存在,虚空大帝曾杀过一位后来又只身闯入进去,怀着玉石俱焚之心与对他们对决!” It can be said that that is Human Race most difficult years, Human Race's Great Emperor goes on a punitive expedition against and socializes with several supreme existence, can subside was too difficult, but other life-forbidden zone that seems real also has the movement. 可以说那是人族最为艰难的一段岁月,一位人族大帝与数位无上存在征伐与周旋,能够平息动乱真的太难了,而别的生命禁区也有动作。 It is difficult to imagine, actually past Great Emperor Void faced what kind of difficult position. 很难想象,当年的虚空大帝究竟面对了怎样的困境。 descendant from the Ancient Desolate literature of dissipation has obtained the odds and ends, returned to original state some facts of past years, Great Emperor Void Era Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones had once enlivened! 后人从消逝的荒古文献中得到过一鳞半爪,还原出了当年的一些事实,虚空大帝时代七大生命禁区都曾活跃过! This has not written down secret in historical records is descendant gathers inference that the infinite hearsay can make is a dark big world, in Ancient Great Emperor, Great Emperor Void is possibly most bitter the difficulty that because he faces were too many. 这是没有载入史籍中的秘辛后人汇聚无穷传闻才能做出的推断那是一个黑暗的大世,在古之大帝中,虚空大帝可能最苦因为他面对的困难太多了。 Actually did he bear what kind of pressure? Unimaginable, what because he possibly faces is incessantly chaotic of forbidden area. 他一个人究竟承受了怎样的压力?不可想象,因为他可能面对的是不止一处禁区之乱。 How no one can know him successfully to subside all chaos, no one knows, what kind of price he paid. 无人能知他是怎样成功平息所有大乱的,更没有人知晓,他到底付出了怎样的代价。 All these, at the present world few people can know, Ye Fan also hears some hearsay that's all, afterward saw him to tacitly approve to the Ji Zi proof believes firmly. 所有这些,而今的世间没有几人能知,叶凡也是听到一些传闻而已,后来向姬子求证见他默认才确信。 Some world also hearsay said that Great Xia Dynasty Supreme Sovereign is the Great Emperor Void's second body, Ye Fan also has possibly asked Ji Zi for this reason, he actually shakes the head low-spirited. 世间也有传闻说大夏皇朝太皇可能是虚空大帝的二世身,叶凡为此也问过姬子,他却黯然摇头。 Ancient Desolate secret only several spread, says most, can subside turmoil who poverty-stricken Great Emperor Void faces also to pay the price that was inconceivable, he has fought the old age from the birth, until frail. 荒古秘辛仅有几则流传下来,言虚空大帝面对的困苦最多,能够平息动乱自身也付出了难以想象的代价,他自出生一直战斗到晚年,直至年老体衰。 How many big forbidden areas did a person facing, put down the chaos he to pay what kind of price eventually? Ye Fan obtains a truth from the Ji Zi mouth, Great Emperor Void had undying medicine also only to live spatially first! 一个人面对几大禁区,终究是平了大乱他付出了怎样的代价?叶凡姬子口中得到一则真相,虚空大帝空有不死药也只活了一世! Does not need to think that is also an elegy. 不用想那也是一曲悲歌。 He the fight in Great Emperor is most, the faced enemy are most, the paid price is biggest! 他在大帝中的战斗最多,面对的敌人最多,付出的代价最大! The Human Race prosperous times that behind presents have the greatest responsibility with his foundation laying, when he is living the seed rival projects on coldly, various enemy does not dare to consume facing Human Race's Great Emperor of later generation again. 后面出现的人族盛世与他的奠基有莫大干系,他活着时籽敌手打到寒冷,诸敌面对后世的人族大帝不敢再耗到底了。 „When Great Emperor Void old age, frail, when is going to die in meditation seed buried in boundless Void, the world does not know, his fight had not ended,...... Ye Fan talked to oneself to Starry Sky in two supreme existence games”. 虚空大帝晚年时,年老体衰,将要坐化之际籽自己葬在了无垠的虚空中,世人不知,他的战斗并未结束,与两位无上存在到了星空中......”叶凡自语。 At this time, everyone active, Void Great Dao, suppressed another two destructive strengths, if the people brought forth the pardon, extremely fast backed up. 这时,所有人都能动了,虚空大道一出,压制另外两种毁灭性的力量,众人如逢大赦,极速倒退。 Hundreds of thousands years ago emperors fought to drop the curtain, sent out the ultimate brilliance to this time aftermath, had the result. 十几万年前的帝战落下了帷幕,到了此时余波也发出了终极光辉,有了结果。 Vomits to work as!” “呕当!” Mythological Era Nine-layered Coffin, the final level opened unexpectedly! 神话时代九重棺,最后一层竟然打开了! Ye Fan opens the Heavenly Eye in the remote place to the utmost, puts together completely cultivation to go to the view, must look to put on an outcome. 叶凡在极尽遥远处睁开天目,拼尽一身的道行去观,要望穿个究竟。 The Ancient Great Emperor's aura spreads, even the great distance is inexhaustible, all depot ships still shivered, all lives knelt to bend down 古之大帝的气息扩散,即便相隔无尽远,所有母舰也都颤抖了,所有生灵都跪伏了下来 By this moment, the green copper illumination, until facing world most fearful aura it recovered, consolidates the Ye Fan's body, this piece of Starry Sky only then he has not knelt. 到了这一刻,绿铜发光,直到面对世间最可怕的气机它才复苏,稳固住了叶凡的躯体,这片星空只有他没有跪下去。 Buries ancient coffin on Nine Heavens to open, a grand body crashes, in the hand has a shatter weapon, is Eternal Blue Gold casts unexpectedly, is dyeing Emperor blood. 葬于九天上的古棺打开,一具雄伟的躯体坠落,手中持有一件破碎的兵器,竟是永恒蓝金铸成,染着帝血 Bang! 砰! Eternal Blue Gold broke to pieces dozens pieces in hundreds of thousands years ago, at this time this Sovereign Weapon turned into stream of light to fly together to all around, vanished in the universe. 永恒蓝金早在十几万年前就碎成了数十片,此时这件皇兵化成一道道流光飞向四面八方,消失在了宇宙中。 This is the ultimate Dao weapon of enemy Great Emperor Void ruined in years past! 这是虚空大帝昔年毁掉的敌人的极道兵器! At the same time, another great body crashes from ancient coffin, the Ancient Great Emperor aura fills the air, vibrates Six Directions and Eight Desolates. 同一时间,又一具伟岸的躯体从古棺中坠落,古之大帝气息弥漫,震动六合八荒 Void you fought the life, at the point of death also draws in us, although hates also to respect...... this but actually is grand silhouette hundreds of thousands years ago read remnantly. 虚空你战斗了一生,临死也拉上我们,虽恨倒也敬......”这是一个雄伟身影十几万年前的残念。 Calculates that we will come, to feign death in the coffin, although is frail, but played a trick to defeat us, being unwilling...... only this was another body sends out read remnantly. “算到我们会来,诈死于棺中,虽年老体衰,但到底还是设局拼掉了我们,不甘......只这是另一具躯体发出的残念。 They in hundreds of thousands years ago on die, the body should disintegrate at that time, aftermath that past left behind did not read remnantly loose, retains now, at the present an cuns (2.5 cm) break, changed into two eternal immortal splendors, melted in the universe. 他们在十几万年前殒落了,那时身体就该瓦解了,昔日留下的余波残念不散,保留到现在,而今寸寸断裂,化为两道永恒的仙辉,融在了宇宙中。 Bang! 轰! The large expanse of ship group is disintegrating, the spirit ship will not exist! 成片的舰群在瓦解,幽灵船将不复存在! Only ancient coffin, alone, aimless, breaks iron chain, floats to the dark universe deep place, lonely starting off. 唯有一口古棺,孤零零,漫无目的,震碎铁索,漂向黑暗的宇宙深处,孤独的上路。 Quickly, the start transmits magic formation, captures spirit ship Divine Depository!” Many nobilities yelled. “快,启动传送法阵,夺取幽灵船神藏!”许多王侯大叫。 Ye Fan is motionless, static looks at that to go far away ancient coffin that he has moved, is Great Emperor Void injures. 叶凡却一动不动,静静的看着那远去的古棺,他有一种伤感,为虚空大帝而伤。 Fought the life, the miserable evening scene, a last person coffin, goes far away in the universe lonely, ends like this. 战斗了一生,凄凉的晚景,最后一个人一口棺,孤独在宇宙中远去,就这样落幕。 He remembered Sovereign Black to say the words, the heart had the feelings. 他想起了黑皇说过的话,心有感触。 True Human Race's Great Emperor is invincible!” “真正的人族大帝是无敌的!” True Human Race's Great Emperor died......” “真正的人族大帝都死了......” Void started from the birth, has fought dead of old age, even before seed died during meditation, frail, in universe that but also knew in no one lonely met head-on two supreme existence. 虚空自出生开始,一直战到老去,即便籽坐化前,年老体衰,还在没有人知道的宇宙中孤独的迎战两位无上存在 He has undying medicine, actually only lived first. 他有不死药,却只活了一世。 Ye Fan talked to oneself: True...... Human Race's Great Emperor...... died.” 叶凡自语:“真正的......人族大帝......都死了。” That plain Coffin, went far away alone, enters in the darkness, until not being able to see. 那口古朴的棺椁,孤零零的远去了,进入黑暗中,直至看不见。 Here asked the monthly ticket, offered a sacrifice to Great Emperor Void, nothing more to be said that the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket needed. 在这里求月票,祭虚空大帝,没啥好说的了,月票与推荐票都需要。
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