STH :: Volume #12

#1170: Goal Big Dipper

Obstructs day 1168, obstructs day of main text Chapter 1168 goal Big Dipper 遮天1168,遮天正文第1168章目标北斗 Everlasting Main Star noisy, the undercurrent surges today, all parties could not calm down, greatly developed Desolate Era to arrive, the unprecedented opportunity puts at present. 永恒主星一片嘈杂,今日来暗流涌动,各方都沉不住气了,大拓荒时代到了,前所未有的机遇摆在眼前。 As long as is the large clans is recruiting soldiers, so long as the strength is enough, by the info clerk, is wanted to occupy in the future turf war absolutely offensive. 但凡是大族都在招兵,只要实力足够,绝对会被收纳,都想在日后的地盘争夺战中占据先手。 Absolute Beginning Ancient Mine, really makes one anticipate, really has such a place, believes that certainly can dig out certain amount Absolute Beginning Life Stone. Since there is this type of divine nature main material, perhaps then other can also seek, is really thrilling. Can refine Stage 5, even Stage 6 evolution immortal fluid also perhaps!” 太初古矿,真是让人期待,竟然有这样一个地方,相信一定能挖出一定量的太初命石来。既然有这种神性主料,那么也许其他也都能寻到,真是让人激动。可以提炼第五阶段、甚至第六阶段的进化仙液也说不定!” The good prospect, the great blueprint, many large clans are excited, to them there will perhaps become Divine Soil of Zhongxing, reappearing Everlasting Country's was magnificent in the past. 美好的前景,宏大的蓝图,诸多大族兴奋,对于他们来说那里也许会成为中兴的神土,再现当年永恒国度的辉煌。 Only has Ye Fan to frown, these people must dig Absolute Beginning Ancient Mine, tired of living, this Ancient Star has how many Quasi-Emperor, will go depending on machine armor that the ancient gods will leave behind? 唯有叶凡蹙眉,这些人要挖太初古矿,活腻歪了吗,难道这颗古星有几位准帝,将挟古代神明遗留的机甲前往吗? This will spark a big transformation, in the past we then seek such a similar resources star, making our civilizations be ahead of time all of a sudden for 50,000 years!” “这将会引发一场大变革,当年我们便是寻到了这样一颗类似的资源星,让我们的文明进程一下子提前了五万年!” This time perhaps is 100,000 years, is long-term? Wait! 这一次也许是十万年,还是更是长远?拭目以待! Ye Fan is rushing about, comes and goes out various recruits the foothold greatly, he is choosing major powers, wants to seek for a strength to be enough, can join royal families in ten clan. 叶凡在奔波,出入各大招募据点,他在选择大势力,想寻找一个实力足够,能加入十族内的王族。 Actually, various clans are recruiting, but the advance army add on Raanto clan to only have 11 clans, after others must wait for the proving, can start off, Ye Fan is not willing to wait for a long time. 其实,各族都在招募,但是先遣军加上兰托族自己才只有十一族,其他人要等探明后才能上路,叶凡不愿久等。 The entire galaxy is recruiting soldiers, mercenaries unprecedented scarce, was recruited by the large clan, all human seem like must conduct the big migration. 整个星系都在招兵,雇佣军前所未有的紧俏了起来,被大族招募,所有人类像是要进行大迁移般。 Starry Sky net boiling, every day some people in discussion and dispute. Throughout regarding this topic, naturally some people accuses, this is the aggression, protested that this is in humiliation small and weak native. 星空沸腾,每天都是有人在讨论、争执。始终围绕着这一话题,自然有人指责,这是侵略,抗议这是在欺凌弱小的土著 However, without major powers is serious these, in their eyes only has the benefit, any resources do not allow to let off. 但是,没有大势力将这些当一回事,在他们的眼中只有利益,任何资源都不容放过。 Ye Fan chooses and paces back and forth in the mercenaries and major powers, by his strength. Arrives there to be popular absolutely, but he remembers to be not limited to this, he thinks the high-rank, when the time comes can grab Mother Ship. 叶凡在雇佣军、大势力间选择、徘徊,以他的实力来说。绝对走到那里都会受欢迎,可是他志不止于此,他想上位,到时候能够劫掠一艘母船 When various large clan take action, only has a Netherworld King clan to be very calm. Has not started preparing, throughout watching critically, but reminded one to several being better large clans, the word said that place is hard to seek mostly. 在各大族出手之际,唯有冥王一族很冷静。并未着手准备,始终的冷眼旁观,只是对几个要好的大族提醒了一声,言称那个地方多半难以寻到。 In the past, their ancestors came out from that place, at the present few person knows, even their ancestors have not sought the return avenue, they thought that the Raanto clan not necessarily can succeed. 当年,他们的祖先就是自那个地方出来的,而今少有人知道,连他们的祖上都没有寻到归路,他们觉得兰托族不见得能成功。 The Raanto clan learned. The director shook the head to smile, said that Monster God was not very ordinary, grasped Monster Race's, with record the Starry Sky Coordinate, paid great attention to measure along the way. 兰托族得悉。主事者摇头笑了,称妖神很不一般,掌握有妖族的古法,用以记载星空坐标,沿途非常注重计量。 But the Raanto clan acts according to these to nearly plain Coordinate primitively, can deduce and calculate gradually, can go against the flow to trace, seeks that piece of mysterious Star Domain. 兰托族依据这些原始到近乎古朴的坐标,能够逐步推演与计算,可以逆行而追溯回去,寻到那片神秘的星域 A Netherworld King clan learned that also starts to get ready. But the real idea actually does not plan to participate, because they are indistinct remember that ancestor's teachings of the deceased, Big Dip­per Star Domain had Immortal Ascension Road, Ancient Great Emperor tracks down that place, was not simple. 冥王一族得悉也开始准备。可真实的想法却是不打算参与进去,因为他们隐约间记得祖先的遗训,北斗星域成仙路,古之大帝都追寻到了那个地方,绝不简单。 However, all these they buried in the heart, has not said. Superficial preparation, then in secret is watching changes quietly. 不过,这一切他们都埋在了心底,并没有讲出来。表面准备,暗中则是在静观其变。 Beyond an abatement Netherworld King clan, Immortal Feather Qi Clan also has the plan, because old Saint Qi Yaoguang consulted Ye Fan personally, the word said that will obey his advice. 除却冥王一族外,仙羽齐族也另有打算,因为老圣人齐耀光亲自请教了叶凡,言称将听从他的建议。 Do not go. Goes to there looting not to have the good end.” Ye Fan only said such a few words, have not said the Big Dipper situation. “你们不要去。去那里洗劫没有好下场。”叶凡只说了这样一句话,并未说北斗的情况。 Qi Clan ceases all activities immediately, very discrete, does not think that this turbid water, felt murderous intention from the Ye Fan calm words. 齐族立刻偃旗息鼓,非常的谨慎,不想趟这浑水了,从叶凡淡定的话语中感受到了一种杀机 You do not prepare is not good, some people are staring at you, knows that you had helped one another I, but some large clans had speculated that I come from Big Dip­per Star Domain, for example that Zhao Qingchuan thoughts are very close, certainly is observing your sounds.” “你们不准备也不行,有人在盯着你们呢,都知道你们曾经相助过我,而有的大族已推测我来自北斗星域,比如那个赵晴川心思就很细密,一定在观察你们的动静。” Boy can you really unscrupulous, this not be cheat?” Qi Yaoguang said. “小子你可真不地道,这不是坑人吗?”齐耀光道。 The Ye Fan look is serious, said: They must invade Big Dip­per Star Domain, will conduct cross Star Domain great war, who lives who died is really difficult saying that I did not think you to be individualistic, but triggered the attention of others.” 叶凡神色郑重,道:“他们要入侵北斗星域,将进行一场跨星域大战,谁生谁死还真难说,我只是不想你们特立独行,而引发其他人的关注。” This is prolonged preparation, because the expedition is not the child's play, will frequently have to lose Foreign Domain's to be possible, the Everlasting Main Star person is not arrogantly blind, but there understood enough information from Monster God. 这是一场旷日持久的备战,因为远征不是儿戏,动辄会有折戟域外的可能,永恒主星的人并非盲目自大,而是从“妖神”那里了解到了足够的信息。 Recruits Powerhouse, the casting battleship, training Mother Ship, all these aggressive conducts, but various expedition plans are also deliberating. 招募强者,铸造战舰,修养母船,所有这一切都在紧锣密鼓的进行,而各种远征方案也都在研讨中。 During this period, Ye Fan except for was pondering over that actually to join which major powers, but also actively is preparing, he is doing the schoolwork, discriminates and studies various types of minerals. 在此期间,叶凡除了在思忖究竟加入哪一个大势力,还在积极准备,他在做功课,辨析与研究各种矿物。 He understood that various divine nature main materials that refine the strongest evolution fluid, really eternal rare, only happens by happy circumstance, but could in the Big Dipper discovery part. 他了解到了提炼最强进化液的各种神性主料,真可谓万古罕见,可遇不可求,但也许能在北斗发现部分。 At the present, he wants to promote Realm, that ancient mirror that Ji Haoyue leaves behind to record the crisis of road ahead urgently, nine information let his state of mind uneasy, wants to go forward, needs Sanctification, otherwise the road ahead ominous tribulation, pursues to meet die like this mostly, is difficult the achievement. 而今,他迫切想提升境界,姬皓月留下的那枚古镜记载了前路的危机,九则信息让他心绪不宁,想要前进,必须要成圣,不然前路多凶劫,这样追下去多半会殒落,难有作为。 This type of eternal present divine nature mineral is- Fortuitous Source Eye?!” “这种万古一现的神性矿物是--造化源眼?!” Ye Fan is startled, no wonder evolution fluid priceless, needs same has not been mediocre, is peerless rare treasure, particularly nine types of main materials are one by one precious. 叶凡吃惊,难怪进化液无价,所需没有一样是凡俗,都为绝世稀珍,尤其是九种主料一种比一种珍贵。 Which the destiny rock, Fortuitous Source Eye, Great Catching Immortal Vine, Absolute Beginning Life Stone and aren't Core of Death World...... same the heaven defying things?! 天命岩石、造化源眼大罗仙藤太初命石死界之心......哪一样不是逆天的东西?! In some sense, so long as there is a divine nature main material mineral, can refine the first level section evolution fluid, other main materials can look for the substitute, then in addition dozens types of auxiliary rare minerals, almost can succeed. 从某种意义上来说,只要有一种神性主料矿物,就可以提炼第一阶段的进化液,其他主料可以寻找替代品,然后加上数十种辅助性稀有的矿物,差不多就能成功了。 In fact yes, the divine nature main material has several types, can refine Stage several evolution fluid. 事实上是,神性主料有几种,就可以提炼出第几阶段的进化液。 On such as previous time heaven Pure Land, they do not have Great Catching Immortal Vine, replaces by Withered Meteorite Vine Core, only then the destiny rock, Absolute Beginning Life Stone as well as scrap Core of Death World, then refined successfully Stage 3 evolution fluid. 就如上次的天堂净土,他们没有大罗仙藤,以陨星枯藤心代替,只有天命岩石、太初命石以及一小块死界之心,便提炼成功了第三阶段的进化液。 Naturally, their preparations are very sufficient, various auxiliary rare minerals collections entire, moreover is the high-grade, some mother stock good substitutes of defect. 当然,他们的准备很充足,各种辅助性的稀有矿物都集全了,而且是上品,缺失的主料都有一些不俗的替代品。 Ye Fan understood in detail the latter thinking, wants to refine Stage 9 the Great Perfection immortal level evolution fluid, that is impossible to realize! 叶凡详细了解后一阵思索,想要提炼第九阶段的大圆满仙级进化液,那根本不可能实现! Do not say that the ninth step, is the eighth step, seven steps is hard to refine. Big event some people who for 50,000 years Everlasting Main Star most causes a stir in refine the sixth stage reluctantly the evolution fluid. 不要说第九阶,就是第八阶第、七阶都难以炼成。五万年来永恒主星最轰动的一次大事件是有人勉强提炼出第六段阶段的进化液。 I after Undying Mountain takes by force the purple pupil female, the destiny rock initially dissolves, just extracted first level section evolution fluid that's all, was lost in Village of Celestial Court, wants to come also to have the big use, in addition can ask Saint Sovereign's Son to invite Victorious Battle Buddha, could cause from Absolute Beginning Ancient Mine Absolute Beginning Life Stone to come together, as for Core of Death World. On me as if has!” “我在不死山打劫紫瞳女子后,天命岩石不过是初溶,刚萃取出第一阶段的进化液而已,被丢在了天之村,想来还有大用处,此外可以拜托圣皇子去请斗战胜佛,也许能从太初古矿弄出一块太初命石来,至于死界之心。我身上似乎就有!” He steps in the Ancient Starry Sky Road's process, once full was the withered bone stars stayed in one some time, once saw the Saint-level bone life and golden Saint ship great war, finally he went down to the center of the earth, took mineral that filled death aura. At the present learned to here finally, unexpectedly is Core of Death World. 他踏上星空古路的过程中,曾在一颗满是枯骨的星辰呆了一段时间,曾见到圣级骨生灵与金色的圣船大战,最终他深入地心,取走了一块充满死气的矿物。而今到了这里终于得悉,竟然是死界之心 This type of mineral only has extremely the place of dying 1/100010000 may be born, the black mineral embodiment not dead miracle, is rare treasure! 这种矿物唯有在极死之地才有亿万分之一的可能会诞生出,黑色的矿物内蕴不死奇迹,最是稀珍! Ye Fan reads earnestly, the detailed understanding, learned finally many valuable things, this time can return to Big Dipper by some chance, he will pay attention and collect emphatically. 叶凡认真研读,详细了解,终于是得悉了不少有价值的东西,这次万一能回北斗,他将着重注意与收集。 Like this makes whether it is he. The old friend will obtain the greatest advantage, may have the qualitative to transform, every time goes forward the time that one step will lead a pious life to reduce for hundred years, the significance was too big! 这样做无论是他。还是故人都会得到莫大的好处,可有质的蜕变,每前进一步都将修行的时间缩短百年,意义太大了! In an instant passed four months, various Everlasting Main Star clans aggressively, the preparation had arrived at the last act, can see them earnestly with regarding as important the trip. 转眼过去了四个月之久,永恒主星各族紧锣密鼓,准备已经到了尾声,看得出他们非常的认真与看重此行。 The Ye Fan choice joins one to be known as super nobilities great clan that the day did not fall, like this ancient family. In history has presented Great Saint, special some have Saint King keeping watch at the present, therefore is honored as side nobilities. 叶凡选择加入一个号称日不落的超级王侯巨族,这样的古老家族。史上都出现过大圣,特别的一些而今还有圣人王坐镇,故此被誉为一方王侯。 Zhao Family and Infallible Sun Royal Family that Cao Family and Immortal Feather Star Sea Fan Clan and Mohist school and Zhao of Qingchuan Primordial Demon Star Sea is at...... are counted Raanto clan, there are 11 large clans. 曹家仙羽星海梵族始魔星海的墨家、赵晴川所在的赵家日不落王族......算上兰托族自己,共有十一个大族。 The pre-war preparation, soon will have almost started to assemble to step the road of expedition, one great war that spans Star Domain is going to launch. 战前准备已经差不多,即将开始集结而踏上远征之路,一场跨越星域大战将要展开。 Ye Fan was not that optimistic, this piece of Star Domain really had expert. Is is not so simple, if there is Great Saint that he thinks to control gods machine armor to start off, that can be a disaster mostly. 叶凡不是那么乐观了,这片星域真的有高手。并非他想的那么简单,若是有大圣驾驭神明机甲上路,那多半会是一场灾难。 Naturally, he is not pessimistic, since is unable to prevent. Only can follow, when the time comes ahead of time informs Big Dipper Saints, perhaps will have the Ancient Great Emperor's weapon to shake in the ancient times the machine armor grand occasion of gods hardly. 当然,他并不悲观,既然无法阻止。只能跟随,到时候提前去告知北斗诸圣,也许会发生古之大帝的兵器硬撼古代神明的机甲盛况。 I should prepare some gift for them, for example delivers some schematic diagrams to 11 big royal families, had better be able course Absolute Beginning Ancient Mine and Ancient Race agglomeration these places them.” “我应该为他们准备一些大礼,比如说送一些草图给十一大王族,最好能将他们引向太初古矿古族聚集地这些地方。” Like this but makes very big difficulty, who can believe him, if offers the chart, is observed closely mostly immediately, thus clutches. 可是这样做有很大的难度,谁会信他,若是献图,多半会立刻被人盯住,从而揪出来。 Finally, the opportunity came, a following matter stirred a great unrest. 最终,机会来了,接下来的一件事引发了一场轩然大波。 A Purple Cloud clan pair lost many years of brother and sister in the universe returns, brought the astonishing news, they said Big Dip­per Star Domain, has crashed near a named Undying Mountain's unusual region( high-quality writing first round, performed in %). 紫云族一对迷失在宇宙中多年的兄妹回返,带来了惊人的消息,他们言称去过北斗星域,坠落在一个名为不死山的奇特地域附近(高质量文字首发,尽在%)。 They were dormant for many years there, but the final result actually had the accident/surprise, the evolution fluid of refinement was taken away by native. 他们在那里蛰伏了多年,可最终的结果却是发生了意外,提炼的进化液被一个土著夺去了。 That may really be treasured land, through Purple Cloud clan this to brother and sister's description, determined the words of Raanto clan are credible, that native is one in universe strongest physique, perhaps on that lands really has many powerful bloodlines to exist.” “那可真是一个宝地,通过紫云族这对兄妹的描述,确定了兰托族的话语可信,那个土著是宇宙最强体质中的一种,那片土地上也许真的有不少强大的血脉存在。” Purple beautiful Miss came back finally, she is the pride of Purple Cloud royal family, enters Starry Sky so many year of refinement evolution fluids with his elder brother alone, is really praiseworthy, she is the Everlasting Main Star most beautiful elf, may compare favorably with Immortal Feather Star Domain Qi Meng and Fan Xian.” “紫嫣小姐终于回来了,她可是紫云王族的骄傲,与其兄长独自进入星空这么多年提炼进化液,真是让人钦佩,她是永恒主星最美丽的精灵,可与仙羽星域齐萌梵仙媲美。” When Ye Fan obtains the news stares blankly, then brother and sister escaped to alien, once was his captive, at the present returns to mother star. 叶凡得到消息时一阵发怔,那对“外星人”兄妹逃回来了,曾经是他的俘虏,而今才返回到母星 If the elf beautiful young girl is purple, Their group suffers loss, Mother Ship was seized, is only left over the embodiment gold machine armor Divinity, continuously conducts Space Jump, lose more than ten times in the ice-cold and dark universe, nearly dies outside, a narrow escape returns. 若精灵般美丽的少女紫嫣,他们一行人吃尽了苦头,母船被夺,只剩下内蕴的黄金机甲神祇,不断进行空间跳跃,十几次迷失在冰冷与黑暗的宇宙中,险些死在外面,九死一生才归来。 Some soldiers who accompany them to come back, immediately is given to carve up by the major royal families secretly, tempts at the large sum of money, only to understand that Ancient Star. 随同他们回来的一些战士,立刻被各大王族暗自给瓜分了,以重金相诱,只为了了解那颗古星 What a pity, these people know limitedly, because for many years has been refining the evolution fluid earnestly, did not understand how true Big Dip­per Star Domain is piece of Divine Soil. They also talked about some important matters, when says will leave, once caught many strange races, the strength of bloodlines is indeed extraordinary, this makes the Everlasting Main Star person more inspired. 可惜,这些人所知有限,因为多年来一直在埋头提炼进化液,根本就不了解真正的北斗星域是怎样一片神土。他们也谈到了一些要事,说将离开时,曾经抓到不少奇异的种族,血脉之力的确非凡,这不禁让永恒主星的人更加振奋。 Ye Fan starts to send out, to disperse various secret Tu, misleading the person into thinking that is secret that the people of these returns disclosed. 叶凡开始出动,散出各种版本的秘图,让人误以为是这些归来的人透露出的秘密。 Completes these, he only had a matter not to process, that rescues Southern Monster, these months he has been trying hard, wants to determine its status, was inaccessible throughout, the Raanto clan guarded was too strict. 做完这些,他只剩下了一件事还没有处理好,那就是解救南妖,这几个月来他一直在努力,想确定其身份,可是始终难以接近,兰托族防范的太严了。 Finally, before starting off, Ancient Saint Qi Yaoguang brought an important news to him, recently the rumor all over the sky, various types of Big Dip­per Star Domain's maps danced in the air all over the sky, making the major royal families lack self-confidence, forced the Raanto clan together, making them announce all secrets that Monster God knew. 终于,在上路前,古圣齐耀光给他带来了一则重要的消息,近日来谣言满天,各种北斗星域的地图满天飞舞,让各大王族没底了,一同逼迫兰托族,让他们公布妖神所知道的一切秘密。 Finally, the royal family who ten senior generals expedite exerts pressure, the Raanto clan was helpless, said the fact, making them observe Monster God's Sea of Consciousness, all were not the secrets. 最后,十大将远征的王族施压,兰托族无奈,道出了事实,让他们观妖神的识海,一切都不在是秘密。 What, Monster God is the replica, not his oneself?” Ye Fan slightly has the surprise, but being startled how, some of his early suspicions, that mostly is not true Southern Monster. “什么,妖神是复制体,并非其本人?”叶凡略有诧异,但也不是多么的吃惊,他早有怀疑,那多半不是真正的南妖 Good, in its Sea of Consciousness has a Southern Monster wisp of brand mark, majority is primarily a half Saint of Raanto clan( the high-quality writing first round, performs in % %. “不错,其识海内有南妖的一缕烙印,大部分则以兰托族的一位半圣为主(高质量文字首发,尽在%%道。 Southern Monster once with Raanto clan great war, to rescue his younger sister Qi Huoshui almost die, sprinkles many monster Divine Blood, the Raanto clan cast that monster Divine Physique according to this. 南妖曾与兰托大战,为了救其妹妹齐祸水差点殒落,洒落不少妖神血,兰托族依此铸成了那具妖神体 Qi Yaoguang said: Several years later, that Monster God fearful man killed, cut Raanto clan many expert, but under an intervention of Ancient Saint, he discards an incarnation, the severe wound dying goes.” 齐耀光道:“几年后,那个妖神般的可怕男子又杀了回来,斩了兰托族很多高手,但在一位古圣的干预下,他丢掉一具化身,重伤垂死而去。” Ye Fan is startled, Southern Monster may not be really simple, can escape from Ancient Saint, is not the preparation is sufficient, was powerful to inconceivable Realm. 叶凡吃惊,南妖可真不简单,能从古圣手下逃命,不是准备充足,就是强大到了不可思议的境界 Then, at the present monster Divine Consciousness Sea held the brand mark of Southern Monster that incarnation?” “这么说来,而今的妖神识海中容纳了南妖那具化身的烙印?” Good.” Qi Yaoguang nods. “不错。”齐耀光点头。 Since the Raanto clan publicized the secret, makes one look at Divine Consciousness of that incarnation?” Ye Fan asked. “既然兰托族公开了秘密,是否让人看过那具化身的神识?”叶凡问道。 I looked personally.” Qi Yaoguang demonstrated to him. “我亲自看了。”齐耀光向他展示。 Finally, a Ye Fan dumbfoundedness, Southern Monster may be really ruthless enough, discards the incarnation, almost bleeds die, absolutely is intentionally for it. 最终,叶凡一阵目瞪口呆,南妖可真够狠的,丢掉化身,差点喋血殒落,绝对都是故意为之。 Because, these brand marks are the fearful murder ideas, Big Dipper in Monster God mind seems like few Ancient Saint, on Sea of Consciousness map clear indicated Ancient Race some important location, think there has Divine Depository. 因为,这些烙印都是可怕的杀人计,妖神脑海中的北斗似乎没有几位古圣,识海地图上清晰的表明了古族的一些重地,认为那里有神藏 That incarnation was fudged by Southern Monster absolutely, stays behind intentionally! 那具化身绝对被南妖动了手脚,是故意留下的! This...... kills the tribulation in view of one that Ancient Race launches, driving the tiger to swallow the wolf, lets the Everlasting Main Star person and Ancient Race kills mutually!” “这......是针对古族而展开的一场杀劫,驱虎吞狼,让永恒主星的人与古族互杀!” When Southern Monster leaves, Big Dip­per Star Domain is in abyss of suffering, the threats of various Immemorial clans were too big, will sweep away the world momentarily, the skeleton trillion. 南妖离开时,北斗星域正处在水深火热中,太古各族的威胁太大了,随时会横扫天下,尸骨亿万。 In some sense, Southern Monster was compelled to leave! 从某种意义上来说,南妖就是被逼离开的! Ye Fan sending out map, wants to do that but is very imperfect, because he has not fallen to Southern Monster that position, is hard to use at the present situation. 叶凡散发地图,也想这么做,不过却很不完善,因为他没有落到南妖那种境地中,难以利用而今的局势。 The arrangement of Southern Monster is very perfect, him the intention that to make showed that two people happen to hold the same view. 南妖的布置很完善,将他要想做的意图都展现了出来,两人不谋而合。 Suffices to be ruthless!” Ye Fan hehe smiled, Southern Monster. “够狠!”叶凡嘿嘿的笑了起来,南妖果然了得。 The war bugle that „......” Ancient Great Saint leaves behind sounded, Mother Ship soaring of one after another Everlasting Main Star, moved to opened Star Portal. “呜......”上古大圣遗留下来的战争号角吹响了,永恒主星母船一艘接着一艘的腾空而起,驶向早已打开的星门 The Purple Cloud royal family also joined, 12 big nobilities clans start off, each bunch set out at least four Mother Ship, as for the Ancient Saint machine first-class is sufficient, Saint King and other powerful exists to bring up the rear! ( to be continued ) 紫云王族也加入了进来,共有十二大王侯族上路,每一簇都出动了最少四艘母船,至于古圣机甲等更是充足,还有圣人王等强大的存在压阵!(未完待续) Obstructs day 1168, obstructs day of main text Chapter 1168 goal Big Dipper to renew! 遮天1168,遮天正文第1168章目标北斗更新完毕! ( Home station group id: 95512049) (本站群号:95512049)
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