STH :: Volume #1

#1: Bronze Giant Coffin in Starry Sky

Chapter 1 Bronze Giant Coffin in Starry Sky 第一章星空中的青铜巨棺 The life is the world greatest miracle. 生命是世间最伟大的奇迹。 The four directions said the space up and down. Although the space has solid, but the indefinite place may ask. Said the eon through the ages. Although the eon has the growth, does not know its beginning. 四方上下曰宇。宇虽有实,而无定处可求。往古来今曰宙。宙虽有增长,不知其始之所至。 The vast universe, boundless Starry Sky, many scientists speculated, Earth possibly is the only life source area. 浩瀚的宇宙,无垠的星空,许多科学家推测,地球可能是唯一的生命源地。 Human is actually very lonely. In boundless universe, although trillion stars, but is very difficult to seek the second life source star. 人类其实很孤独。在苍茫的天宇中,虽然有亿万星辰,但是却很难寻到第二颗生命源星。 However human has not given up the exploration, has launched many deep space probes since last century. 不过人类从来没有放弃过探索,自上世纪以来已经发射诸多太空探测器。 The travellers 2nd are an unmanned outer space detector, lifted off in Kennedy Space Center in 1977. 旅行者二号是一艘无人外太空探测器,于一九七七年在美国肯尼迪航天中心发射升空。 On it carries a subject is being to the universe expressed best wishes the gold-plated recording, inside contained some popular music and with Earth 55 language records regards, in order to one day possibly existed extraterrestrial civilization interception and receiving. 它上面携带着一张主题为“向宇宙致意”的镀金唱片,里面包含一些流行音乐和用地球五十五种语言录制的问候辞,以冀有一天被可能存在的外星文明拦截和收到。 From the 1970s to the present, traveller on the 2nd continuously in lonely travel, in boundless universe it such as grain of dust is tiny. 从上世纪七十年代到现在,旅行者二号一直在孤独的旅行,在茫茫宇宙中它如一粒尘埃般渺小。 With the Era outer space detector, mostly or has broken down, either has interrupted the signal relation, forever disappearance in dry lonesome universe. 时代的外太空探测器,大多或已经发生故障,或已经中断讯号联系,永远的消失在了枯寂的宇宙中。 Thirty years passed by, the science and technology is developing unceasingly, human has developed more advanced outer space detector, perhaps in the near future the exploration to Starry Sky can make more further progress. 三十几年过去了,科技在不断发展,人类已经研制出更加先进的外太空探测器,也许不久的将来对星空的探索会取得更进一步的发展。 But even so, in a long time, the new outer space detector is still not able to catch up with the traveller 2nd step. 但纵然如此,在相当长的时间内,新型外太空探测器依然无法追上旅行者二号的步伐。 33 years passed by, traveller No. 2 is 14 billion kilometers from Earth. 三十三年过去了,旅行者二号距离地球已经有一百四十亿公里。 At this moment, it has reached the third cosmic velocity, the track cannot guide it to fly back to the Sun department, becomes an interstellar space ship. 此时此刻,它已经达到第三宇宙速度,轨道再也不能引导其飞返太阳系,成为了一艘星际太空船。 In the dark and ice-cold universe, stars, just like clear diamond crustifications in the behind-the-scenes plotting. 黑暗与冰冷的宇宙中,星辰点点,犹如一颗颗晶莹的钻石镶嵌在黑幕上。 Although the traveller No. 2 deep space probe in the extremely fast flight, however is actually seeming like a small ant insect to crawl in the dark land in the quiet cold and boundless universe slowly. 旅行者二号太空探测器虽然正在极速飞行,但是在幽冷与无垠的宇宙中却像是一只小小的蚁虫在黑暗的大地上缓缓爬行。 More than 30 years of after past, in today's this moment, the traveller had the fantastic discovery on the 2nd! 三十多年过去后,就在今日这一刻,旅行者二号有了惊人的发现! In dry lonesome universe, nine huge corpses static horizontally there...... 在枯寂的宇宙中,九具庞大的尸体静静的横在那里…… On May 22 , 2010, NASA received one group of mysterious data messages that the traveller transmitted on the 2nd, after difficult deciphering and return to original state, they saw an inconceivable picture. 2010年五月22日,美国宇航局接收到旅行者二号传送回的一组神秘的数据信息,经过艰难的破译与还原,他们看到了一幅不可思议的画面。 Also changes color in this moment Space Agency main monitoring indoor everyone, finally is motionless like wood or clay figure, they shocked the situation in the extreme! 在这一刻宇航局主监控室内所有人同时变色,最后如木雕泥塑般一动不动,他们震惊到了无以复加的地步! Until very long people had recovered, then lord indoor the monitoring all of a sudden boiling. 直至过了很久众人才回过神来,而后主监控室内一下子沸腾了。 God, what did I see?” “上帝,我看到了什么?” This is how possible, is unable to believe!” “这怎么可能,无法相信!” ...... …… Traveller 2nd is not guided, can only go forward solely, after transmitting this group of mysterious data messages, in that jet black space in a hurry, has moveed to darker and profound Star Domain. 旅行者二号早已不受引导,只能单一的前进,传送回这组神秘的数据信息后,在那片漆黑的宇宙空间匆匆而过,驶向更加幽暗与深远的星域 Because that piece of Starry Sky is too remote, even if some major discovery, caught a picture shocking, human at present also helpless. 由于那片星空太遥远,纵然有了重大发现,捕捉到了一幅震撼性的画面,人类目前也无能为力。 This group of mysterious information have not announced to the public. But shortly , the traveller broke down on the 2nd, interrupted with the signal transmission of Earth. 这组神秘信息并没有对外公布。而不久后,旅行者二号发生了故障,中断了与地球的讯号传送。 Perhaps hence can mark a period, but the matter often will be sometimes not as people expected. 也许至此可以画上一个句号了,不过有时候事情往往会出乎人们的预料。 Observation and exploration of whether it is to Starry Sky, conducts the scientific study of life and physics, the space station has the blessed by heaven superior environment. 无论是星空的观测与探索,还是进行生命与物理的科学研究,空间站都具有得天独厚的优越环境。 Soviet Union first launched the manned space station to be successful from 1971, so far the entire world has launched nine space stations. 从一九七一年苏联首先发射载人空间站成功,到目前为止全世界已发射了九个空间站。 On June 11 , 2010, at this moment, circled, but in good international space station, several astronauts changed the color simultaneously, the pupil rapid contraction. 2010年六月11日,此时此刻,绕地而行的国际空间站内,几名宇航员同时变了颜色,瞳孔急骤收缩。 Until now, existence of god, had been denied. If also some people continue to believe that that also seeks for one to repose that's all because of the mind void. 时至今日,神的存在,早已被否定。如果还有人继续信仰,那也只是因心灵空虚而寻找一份寄托而已 However in this moment, the thought of several aerospace elites was under the powerful impact, they saw an inconceivable picture. 但是就在这一刻,几名宇航精英的思想受到了强烈的的冲击,他们看到了一幅不可思议的画面。 Outside the international space station, in the universe that ice-cold and coexists dark, nine colossi are motionless, as if through ancient times horizontally there, having made people feel that endless desolate and remote, that unexpectedly is nine dragon corpse! 在国际空间站外,冰冷与黑暗并存的宇宙中,九条庞然大物一动不动,仿佛亘古就已横在那里,让人感觉到无尽的苍凉与久远,那竟然是九具龙尸 In the dragon with ancient legend not the slightest difference. 与古代神话传说中的龙一般无二。 Each dragon corpse is hundred meters, just like the molten iron casting, felt the strength feeling shocking. 每具龙尸都长达百米,犹如铁水浇铸而成,充满了震撼性的力感。 Nine dragon corpse all are five claw Black Dragon, abatement dragon horn glittering and translucent and purple light sparkles outside, the dragon body is the black all over the body, black light is sparkling, the scale is glittering mysterious magnificent light in the darkness. 九具龙尸皆是五爪黑龙,除却龙角晶莹剔透、紫光闪闪外,龙身通体呈黑色,乌光烁烁,鳞片在黑暗中闪烁着点点神秘的光华 The dragon, existence in legend, exists side by side with the god, dominates above the natural law. However, scientific development now, but also who believes that the dragon really does exist? 龙,传说中的存在,与神并立,凌驾于自然规律之上。但是,科学发展到现在,还有谁会相信龙真的存在? Several astronauts in international space station, the thought were under the powerful impact, at present seeing makes them feel inconceivable! 国际空间站内的几名宇航员,思想受到了强烈的冲击,眼前所见让他们感觉不可思议! Unconquerable force that in the dry lonesome universe, ice-cold dragon corpse cannot be destroyed, even can feel the terrifying power in the corpse containing. 枯寂的宇宙中,冰冷的龙尸似不可摧毁的钢铁长城,甚至能够感觉到尸身中所蕴含的恐怖力量。 They had lost the vitality/angry, forever resting in quiet cold space. 只是,它们已经失去了生气,永远的安息在了幽冷的宇宙空间中。 That is......” “那是……” After deeply shocks, the pupils of several aerospace elites again rapidly contract, they saw a more shocking picture. 被深深震撼过后,几名宇航精英的瞳孔再次急骤收缩,他们看到了更为让人震惊的画面。 Nine dragon corpse is hundred meters, are all binding bowl mouth thick black iron chain in end, including to nine dragon corpse behind that dark space, there static is hanging 20-meter bronze Coffin. 九具龙尸都长达百米,在尾端皆绑缚着碗口粗的黑色铁索,连向九具龙尸身后那片黑暗的宇宙空间,在那里静静的悬着一口长达20米的青铜棺椁 Great rope thoroughly tempered, is thickly long and firm, selecting point black light made it appear the chill/yin cold to be incomparable. 巨索千锤百炼,粗长而又坚固,点点乌光令它显得阴寒无比。 Bronze Giant Coffin is plain, some above fuzzy ancient designs, felt the great changes feeling of years, did not know in the universe floats many years. 青铜巨棺古朴无华,上面有一些模糊的古老图案,充满了岁月的沧桑感,也不知道在宇宙中漂浮多少年了。 nine dragons pulling a coffin! 九龙拉棺 In this jet black and ice-cold universe, nine dragon corpse and Bronze Giant Coffin by thick long black iron chain were linked to each other, appears shocks extremely. 在这漆黑而又冰冷的宇宙中,九具龙尸青铜巨棺被粗长的黑色铁索连在一起,显得极其震撼。 After facing that inconceivable monitoring picture one absent-minded, several aerospace elites first sent the call signal. 在面对那不可思议的监控画面一阵失神后,几名宇航精英第一时间发出了呼叫讯号。 Called Earth......” “呼叫地球……” * * * * * ※※※※※ Truly exists about the traveller on the 2nd, in the 1970s lifted off in the US, in 2010 four in May and Earth will lose the contact. 关于旅行者二号确实存在,上世纪七十年代在美国发射升空,2010年四五月份与地球失去联系。 The Chen Dong new book starts to upload, has a quite long blank period from this/Ben old book conclusion, now came back, invited under book friend generous support, thanked! 辰东的新书开始上传,距离上本老书结束已经有了一段相当长的空白期,现在回来了,请各位书友多多支持下,感谢! Now needs to log in the beginning account number, the click is effective, otherwise the click does not calculate, to brothers and sisters laborious under. 现在需要登录起点帐号,点击才有效,不然点击不计算在内,请给位兄弟姐妹们辛苦下。 The new book needs to click on, collect and recommends the ticket, under asking the book friends to support the new book. 新书需要点击、收藏、推荐票,请书友们支持下新书。 In the evening will then renew. 晚上会接着更新的。
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