SR :: Volume #3

#297: Big brother, does the important person accompany? ( Part 3 )

Is well-dressed, Chu Rui was looking to mirror, leaned the head to think, had long not so proper dressing probably, generally was the vest adds the sand beach trousers native of Canada character to tow again. Does not have the means that welcomed a system 24 hours of renewal with great difficulty, has dull at home bored a day, after the supplement of near half-day twelve hour, Chu Rui also by Su Meimei from bed drawing. In the heart pledged does not accompany him who the woman window-shops, really cannot bear using both hard and soft tactics of Su Meimei this girl, the sound that whined made him simply not have the slight resistivity to hand over the arms. 穿戴整齐,楚锐对着镜子看了一番,侧着脑袋想了一下,好像自己有很久没有这般正经的穿戴了吧,一般都是背心加沙滩裤再加人字拖。没办法啊,好不容易迎来了系统24小时的更新,呆在家里有无聊的一天,经过将近半天十二小时的补充,楚锐也是被苏美美从床上给拉了起来。本来已经在心中发誓不陪女人逛街的他,实在是受不了苏美美这小妮子的软磨硬泡,那嗲嗲的声音让他根本没有丝毫抵抗力就缴械投降了。 Goes out, sees already several females who puts on is beautifully attired, the Chu Rui suddenly forced smile. 出门,看着已经穿得花枝招展的几女,楚锐顿时苦笑。 The original three females are inborn the beauty, one is petite adorable, small LOLI of golden hair great breast, one is gentle elegant, has the shy color Little Mei/Little Beauty female, one is the stature perfect S shape, graces all has attracting color mature big beauty(-ies). Although three people put on are not outstanding, but that small fresh Status/Situation coordinates own charm, that definitely is turning head leads in a big way, only the man among them, Chu Rui with the toe wants to know one will suffer many look Attack. 本来三女都天生丽质,一个是娇小可爱,金发巨乳的小LOLI,一个是文静秀美,有着羞怯之色的小美女,一个是身材完美S形,举手投足皆有魅惑之色的成熟大美女。虽然三人穿得不是很出众,可是那小清新的状态配合自身的魅力,那肯定是回头率大大的,作为她们之间唯一的男人,楚锐用脚趾头想都知道自己会遭受多少眼神攻击 However, Chu Rui will not flinch because of this minor matter. Your mother's is cut-throat than the look, his sincerity thought very much many people have not had him to be fierce. Refusing to accept of your younger sister? Has to plant you also to lead three best quality goods women to come out to window-shop. 不过,楚锐可不会因为这点小事而退缩。尼玛的比眼神凶狠,他很真心觉得没多少人有他厉害。你妹的不服?有种你也带三个极品女人出来逛街啊。 Although the business street is very near, not good is about ten minutes matters, but Chu Rui very had driving of foreknowledge. damn, god knows these women will buy many things, when the time comes he moves, even if his such Assassins abnormal Vitality cannot shoulder absolutely, draws by car. 虽然商业街很近,不行不过十分钟左右的事情,可是楚锐还是十分有先见之明的开车。尼玛,天知道这些女人会买多少东西,到时候就他一个人搬,即便他这样的杀手变态体质也绝对扛不住,还是用车拉好一点。 Is opening BMW X5 slowly, Chu Rui one line of goes toward the walk business street. 开着宝马X5,楚锐一行人缓缓的朝着步行商业街而去。 Regarding Su Meimei such status, such traffic enormous business street is not very suitable, but Chu Rui regarding own strength that is quite self-confident, moreover behind also has the bodyguard to protect in secret, although cannot say is absolutely safe, but the personal safety, Chu Rui can safeguard. 对于苏美美这样的身份,这样人流量极大的商业街十分不适合,可楚锐对于自己的实力那是相当的自信,况且后面还有保镖暗中保护,虽然不能说是万无一失,不过人身安全,楚锐能够保障。 After the garage stops the car(riage), Chu Rui is accompanying Su Meimei, Cheng Xiaofei and Qin Yue three females window-shops, the fruit does not get up called has realized innumerably. And despises the look regarding the envy that these harbor evil intentions, Chu Rui sticks out chest confidently by it. damn, your this is envies brother, the brother understands! 在停车库停好车后,楚锐陪着苏美美,程小菲秦月三女逛街,果不起来的召来了无数实现。对于那些不怀好意的妒忌和鄙视眼神,楚锐挺起胸膛坦然受之。尼玛,你们这是羡慕哥是吧,哥懂! Meimei, do you go?” 美美,你们去哪?” Looks that Su Meimei holds the hand of Cheng Xiaofei to jump toward a large-scale commercial city, Chu Rui looked up by the commercial complex, the whole face was stunned. 看着苏美美拉着程小菲的手就朝着一个大型商城蹦去,楚锐抬头看了一眼自己旁边的这个商业大楼,满脸愕然。 Hee hee, Elder Brother Chu, do not ask that came with me!” “嘻嘻,楚哥哥,别问了,跟我来吧!” Su Meimei turned head Tiantian to smile, the pretty appearance, the golden hair appears that dazzling under the sunlight. 苏美美回过头来甜甜一笑,俏丽的容颜,金色的头发在阳光下显得那么耀眼。 Walks, these two small girl do not know that uses any trick.” “走吧,这两个小丫头不知道耍什么花招呢。” Qin Yue smiles, walked with Chu Rui in behind. 秦月抿嘴一笑,和楚锐走在了后面。 Sister Qin, we have one week not to have probably... Tonight, I go to your.” 秦姐,我们好像有一周没有…今晚,我去你那吧。” Looks to imitate, if spirit general Qin Yue, the perfect S stature, standing tall and erect 34 D almost must that light T-shirt breaking open gigantically, was slightly somewhat exposed to the sun on the ruddy face by the sunlight, ruddy small mouth sip, the appearance of chuckle, making the surrounding old young masters work as the machine completely, was passed instantaneously kills, knows that her flavor Chu Rui is suddenly thought the heart is hard to take itchy, cannot help but put out a hand a link to live in her snake waist, incomparable ambiguous said by her ear. This affectionate appearance, making the surrounding temperature rise suddenly instantaneously, a man is the eye of dew ominous light, the look extremely bad looks at Chu Rui. Regarding these sharp looks, Chu Rui that is happy does not fear, demonstration tightened the waist of Qin Yue, by victor the glance of stance Provoke. 看着仿若妖精一般的秦月,完美至极的S型身材,高耸的34D硕大几乎要将那件薄薄的T恤给撑破了,那被阳光晒得微微有些红润的脸庞上,一张红润的小嘴正抿着,轻笑的模样,让周围的老少爷们全部当机,瞬间被通杀,知道她味道的楚锐更是顿时觉得心痒难耐,不由得伸出手一把环住了她的蛇腰,无比暧昧的在她的耳旁说道。这亲昵的模样,使得周围的温度瞬间暴涨,一众男人皆是目露凶光,眼神极其不善的看着楚锐。对于这些犀利的眼神,楚锐那是怡然不惧,示威性的紧了紧秦月的腰身,以胜利者的姿态挑衅的扫视了一圈。 No, no, on avenue.” “别,别,在大街上呢。” By the Chu Rui affectionate movement was made a body stiff, clear jade ear by his such speech, scalding hot aura suddenly was made her ear become tender, listening to that meat words, Qin Yue cannot help but to think night that is overwhelmed with emotion, several years have not contaminated the rain water, in this ages, once were brought back, that is once started , it can hardly stop. 楚锐亲昵的动作弄得身体一僵,晶莹的玉耳被他那么一说话,灼热的气息顿时让她的耳根子发软,听着那荤话,秦月不由得想到了那销魂的夜晚,十几年没有沾染雨水,在这个年龄段一旦被勾起,那是一发不可收拾的。 Tonight, waits for me!” “今晚,等我!” Qin Yue has not rejected, but charmingly angry looked at Chu Rui one, making him somewhat dull, then instantaneous great happiness. Qin Yue is his woman, a heart places his body, this, Chu Rui already knew. But, has Cheng Xiaofei, and because of the disparity of age and rank, making Qin Yue somewhat conservative. But perhaps this once, in her heart wants, but in the surface has not resisted unexpectedly, this makes Chu Rui delighted. It seems like that this week, is not only he painstakingly, she also painstakingly. 秦月没有拒绝,只是娇嗔的看了楚锐一眼,让他有些呆,然后瞬间大喜。秦月是他的女人,一颗心放在他的身上,这点,楚锐早就知道了。可是,有着程小菲在,而且因为年龄和辈分的差距,使得秦月一直有些保守。而这一次,她或许心中愿意,但是表面上也竟然没有推拒,这让楚锐喜出望外。看来,这一周,不仅是他苦,她也苦啊。 „...” Was listening to the Chu Rui's words white, Qin Yue cannot help but his eyes, to walk quickly pursued toward Su Meimei and Cheng Xiaofei. “…”听着楚锐的话,秦月不由得白了他一眼,快步的朝着苏美美程小菲追了过去。 Chu Rui finds the clue make, disregards the terrifying look that peripheral all person that glower, smiling of obscene dang, pursued. 楚锐摸了摸头,无视周边所有人那怒目而视的恐怖眼神,淫dang的笑了笑,亦是追了过去。 Yohoo, Meimei, you are quite slow.” “yohoo,美美,你们好慢呀。” Arrives in front of the commercial building, Chu Rui saw three women who the appearance must be beautifully attired, the suddenly corners of the mouth start to twitch. This Your mother's Sasha, Tian'er and did Lingluo Huayu come? 走到商厦面前,楚锐一眼就看到了打扮得花枝招展的三个女人,顿时嘴角开始抽搐。这尼玛的飒飒,甜儿零落花雨怎么来了? Looks that met Su Meimei Tian'er that mutually pinched, Chu Rui complexion suddenly black several points, these three astute young girls, how long formerly borrowed the cover estimate of Wei Shuo unable to conceal the truth, the contact was longer, reveals the secret is also quicker. 看着一见面就互掐的苏美美甜儿,楚锐脸色顿时黑了几分,就这三个精明的小妞在,先前借韦烁的掩盖估计也瞒不了多久了,接触越久,露馅也就越快。 „Did you come?” Looks that with Chu Rui that Qin Yue walks together, Sasha look somewhat complex greeting said. “你们来了?”看着与秦月一起走过来的楚锐,飒飒神色有些复杂的招呼道。 Hehe, did you also come? Good, do not say, outside is very hot.” Somewhat awkward smiling, Chu Rui is stiff the face to say. 呵呵,你们也来了?好了,都不要说了,外面挺热的。”有些尴尬的笑了笑,楚锐僵硬着脸庞说道。 What's wrong, the Chu big handsome fellows do not want to see probably our.” Lingluo Huayu seizes blinking of clever suddenly, said. “怎么,楚大帅哥好像一点都不想看到我们的似地。”零落花雨忽然捉黠的眨了眨眼睛,道。 What's wrong... How can. Can see several beauty(-ies) that is suitable being honored.” The Chu Rui frontal eminence trickles drop of cold sweat, although the contact are not many, but Lingluo Huayu found that this little girl is that female Zhuge Leixing, calm, but the atmosphere, is intelligent and cunning. “怎么…怎么会。能够看到几个美女那是相当的荣幸啊。”楚锐额角滴下一滴冷汗,虽然接触不多,不过对于零落花雨还是蛮了解的,这妞就是那种女诸葛类型的,沉稳而大气,聪慧而狡黠。 Was good, do not tease others Elder Brother Chu, looked the appearance that Meimei that loves dearly, was careful she gets angry.” Tian'er in smiling of one side spirit demon, a face hee hee appearance. “好了,别逗人家的楚哥哥了,看美美那心疼的样子,小心她翻脸哦。”甜儿在一旁古灵精怪的笑着,一脸嘻嘻的样子。 "Ah... Must die, your dead Tian'er, looked that I do not tear to pieces your mouth. ” Was said cheek suddenly red Su Meimei secretly to look at Chu Rui one by Tian'er, looked that Chu Rui's realizes is visiting her, suddenly blushes to come to one's ear, throws mutually to pinch with Tian'er. “啊…要死啦,你个死甜儿,看我不撕烂你的嘴。”被甜儿说得脸蛋顿时通红的苏美美偷偷的看了楚锐一眼,看楚锐的实现正看着她,顿时脸红过耳,扑上去就跟甜儿互掐起来。 Cannot look, the Chu big handsome fellows also really had one set, Meimei recently open many.” The Lingluo Huayu look has the profound meaning looked at Chu Rui one, then restrains the vision, puts out a hand, said: Effectively knows. I called Luo Huayu, calling me Huayu to be good, game ID was Lingluo Huayu, Schoolmate Yamette, hello!” “看不出来,楚大帅哥还真有一套,美美最近可是开朗了不少哦。”零落花雨眼神颇有深意的看了楚锐一眼,然后收敛目光,伸出手来,道:“真正认识一下吧。我叫罗花雨,叫我花雨就好,游戏ID是零落花雨,亚麻跌同学,你好!” Chu Rui: „...” 楚锐:“…”
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