Thisprobablyis the life......
这大概就是命吧……These wordsprobablywere the mostunreasonablewords.
这句话大概是最没有道理的话了。Ifwhatmatter, canexplainwith the life, theneveryonedoes not needto struggle, whatpeopledo not needto spell, the level, meets one's fate with resignationcompletelywell.
But when, these wordsreverberationin the numeroustemples, reverberatesnear an ear of powerhouse.
The powerhousesfelt, these wordsthatreal, thatreasonable.
众强者却觉得,这句话是那么的真实,那么的合理。Theyspellcompletelyallgrow stronger.
他们拼尽一切去变强。Theyspellcompletelyallavoid the disaster.
他们拼尽一切去躲避灾祸。Theyevenalsoopened a differentworld, but alsoheldall sorts ofexcellentcovertstrategies, hides the internal combustion engines of numeroustemple. When an endcatastropheappearance, theyhave even run awayto the extremelyremoteocean.
他们甚至还开辟了一个异世界,还加持了种种高超的隐蔽阵法,隐蔽众神殿的气机。在末日浩劫一出现的时候,他们甚至都已经逃到极为偏僻的大洋中。Clarifieddid not interfere, clarifiesmustsubmit, clarifiesonlywantsto go on living.
摆明了不干涉,摆明了要屈服,摆明了只想活下去。But the endcatastrophewalked.
The end of thisworld, is not willingto let offthem!
这个世界的末日,根本不愿意放过他们!Besidesaccepting fate, what can theyalsomake?
除了认命,他们还能做什么?„Therefore...... Ithought why you are very who laughable the object...... youarewewant the keyeliminationobviously...... youto thinkyoucanescape?”
The middle-aged mansmilesveryjoyfully, pulls out an apple, is eating, whilegraduallymoves towardgod throne of numeroustemple, walks, whileis chewing.
中年男人笑得很愉悦,掏出一枚苹果,一边吃着,一边一步步走向众神殿的神座,一边走,一边在嘴嚼。Shewalksin the powerhousefloating about like cloudsnumeroustemples, self-possessed, evenhasseveralpoints of overlookingflavor. Thesecanlet the powerhouses who the worldis panic at the newsin the outside world, evendoes not matchto makeherlook atone.
The godkingis pinchinggod throne'shandstubbornly: „Therefore...... wereallydon't have the possibility of peaceful coexistence?”
神王死死地捏着神座的把手:“所以……我们真的没有和平共处的可能?”„Peaceful coexistence?” The middle-aged manwas shocked, as without thinking ofgodkingwill proposeunexpectedlythatstupidissue, is out of controlto laugh, „canpressyouwith ease, whywants the peaceful coexistence?”
“和平共存?”中年男子愣住了,似乎没想到神王居然会提出那么愚蠢的问题,禁不住大笑,“能够轻松摁死你们,为什么要和平共处?”„Hahaha...... stupididea.”
“哈哈哈……愚蠢的想法。”„YouparasiteIlord the insect that hemophagiaedto grow...... your to be separated frommeto advocate, whatwas not did the insect...... alsoallotmeto lecture the peaceful coexistence?”
The middle-aged manhandgrasps the halfapple, keptlaughing, smiles the tearsto come out.
The powerhouse in numeroustempleis the complexionis red, somecould not helpget hold of the fist, almostcould not control the anger in heart.
羞辱!Thisis the nakedshame!
轰!Suddenlyhas the boundlessgoldencourage vigorto shoot up to the sky.
突然有磅礴的金色血气冲天而起。„Whom are youspecialscolding?!”
„ Whogivesyourcourageto be dissolutein the numeroustemples?!
Of war-godsfiveLord Godcould not bear, the handgrasps the wilddeityhalberd, the stridetreads, cutsto gotoward the head of middle-aged mancourageous.
五大主神之一的战神受不了了,手握荒天神戟,大步一踏,勐地朝中年男子的头颅噼砍而去。Ininstance of making a move, a bigcorpse mountain blood sea after behindreappearing of war-god, thatiscutsto kill the god who the innumerablepowerhouseshave been ableto unifyto kill the potential.
在出手的瞬间,一大片的尸山血海从战神的身后浮现,那是斩杀过无数强者才能凝聚的神杀势。Meanwhile the godhalberdcuts the instance that falls, a bigbuddhist monkgodcountryemergesone after another, as ifhas a strength of bigworldto suppressto gotoward the middle-aged man!
The war-godisinnumeroustemplefiveLord Godstrengthstrongestexistence.
战神是众神殿五大主神中战力最强的存在。Alsomostbloodthirstyis addicted to the peakhalfgod who fights.
同时也是最为嗜血嗜战的巅峰半神。At presentthismiddle-aged man, fires the mapartillery, thisextremelypowerfulextremelyproudhalfgod, censuringjust like the insectto be the same, thishalfgodreallycould not bear, even if the opposite partyis the endsequence, mustlive off one's parents a halberd.
The middle-aged manwas still eating the apple, smilinglylooks at the war-god, anotherstretched outtwofingersslowly, towar-godgentlystroke.
中年男子仍在吃着苹果,笑眯眯地看着战神,另外一手缓缓伸出了两根手指,对着战神轻轻一划拉。At this moment, after the war-godas ifseeswas epoch-makingtwobunches of light.
这一刻,战神仿佛看见了开天辟地后的两束光。Divided the Yin-Yang, evolvedfivelines, finallychanges touniverseall phenomena on earthto appearat present.
The war-godby a buddhist monkworldsuppressionman, the manactuallydelimited the entireuniversetoher!
战神以一个浮屠世界镇压男子,男子却给她划出了整个宇宙!Twocolordivisionuniverses the light of genesisappearstogether.
The wilddeityhalberd of war-godbreakstwosections, the light beamunder the war-godpanic-strickenvision, has delimitedhernape of the neck, thenpassed over gently and swiftlybehind, the entirenumeroustempleswill pare the half.
The numeroustemplesare stave.
众神殿破碎。Withneighing of war-god, under a numerouspowerhousepanic-strickenvision , the head of war-godbreaksslowlyfalls the ground, brings in a panic-strickenscream.
The war-godisamongthemmostpowerhousebesidesgodking.
战神可是他们当中除了神王之外的最强者。Nowfalling from the sky of war-god, cansayto an audience'sexceptionalpowerhouseextremelystrongimpact, peoplewhilealarmed and afraid, does not have the reasonto emerge an anger!
The godkingseesthis, god thronedisruptsloudly.
The supernatural power of herwhole bodyspewed out, penetrated the vaults in numeroustemple, covered the entiresky, gushed out the inexhaustiblepressure.
“欺吾等太甚!”„The gods in numeroustemple...... theseendsequencesperishourheartsto be unceasing, wedo not have the escape route, weonly thendyingwar!”
„ Makesherexperience, strength that wewrestleat risk of life!
”Roaring of godking, letseveryone in fieldis the mindshakes.
„ War!
! ”
The powerhouses in numeroustemple, erupted the powerfulincomparablepressuresimultaneously!
The godkinglooks at the gods in numeroustemple, in the hopeless situationtime, erupteddreadfulwarintent, the innermost feelingspressedseveralpointsanxiously.
神王看着众神殿的一个个神祗,都在绝境的时刻,爆发出了滔天战意,内心的不安压下去了几分。In fact, shejusthad the opportunityto intendto rescue the war-god.
事实上,她刚刚是有机会出手救下战神的。Butshedoes not have.
但她没有。Becausesheneeded the death of thisrepresentativecharacter, arousedeveryone'scourage and uprightness. Letthemunderstand, the terrifyingandcruelty of endsequence. Letthemunderstand,ownsituationhas arrivedhas drawn backdoes not haveposition that maydraw back.
Only the bloodyscenewill be placedintheirfront, theycan the dyingwar!
The body of warhalberdandbreak of war-godthatbreak, poursin the pool of blood.
战神那断裂的战戟和断裂的身体,都倒在血泊中。Just likeonebarrel of gasolines, liteveryone'swarintent.
宛如一桶汽油,点燃了所有人的战意。At this time, the godkingZhenzhengpressurestartedto erupt.
The dreadfulsupernatural powerspreads, making the oceanturnto well up, making the worldnot haveup.
滔天神力蔓延,让大洋翻涌,让世界无光。Ongodkingpowerfulprinciples, change togreatgods, standsaroundvoid, just like the godsto arrivegeneral.
The middle-aged maneyespupilnarrows the eyes: „The True Godboundary...... is really the extremelyrarebigfish, it seems likeIcome tohere, is correct, youindeed is a hidden danger.”
The godkingShuangtongbloominggod, is only staring at the middle-aged man, the soundgodsoundis billowing: „Reallythinks that mynumeroustemplesdo have no preparation? Wecompleted the plan of refusing battle. Alsocompleted the worstplan!”
神王双童绽放神光,凝视着中年男人,声音化神音滚滚:“真以为我众神殿没有任何准备吗?我们做好了避战的打算。同时也做好了最坏的打算!”Then, godkingShuangshoupinchlostseal.
说完,神王双手捏出神印。„Godbig, open!”
The numeroustemplesstartto meltsuddenlyscatter in all directions, thencongealedto turn intostrangeidols, the idolaccording to the specialpathdistribution, outlined a hugeincomparablestrategy.
众神殿突然间开始融化四散,然后凝化成了一个个古怪的神像,神像按照特殊的轨迹分布,勾勒出了一道庞大无比的阵法。„Variousgodsleave ranks!”
“诸神出列!”Withshouting angrily of godking.
A powerhouse in numeroustemplechanges tobrilliantflowing lightsimultaneously, establishes separately the strategyall around, the supernatural power of spewing out, making a chart the markwindto sparkle the pinnaclebrilliance!
众神殿中的一众强者同时化作一道道绚烂的流光,分立阵法的四周,喷涌而出的神力,让阵图的纹络闪耀出极致的光辉!Several hundredAlevellimitawaken.
数十尊s级超限者。Andfour -and-a-half gods, a True God.
以及四尊半神,一尊真神。Theyestablish separately the strategyall around, ejectseach articlegodleveltaboowithout hesitation, simultaneously the powerfulincomparablestrength, usesallin additionto holdabovethisstrategy, makes the strategyinflateover a thousandli (0.5 km)instantaneously, changes tooneroundpeerlessgod.
The godpressureworld, making the oceanturnwells up, making the livelihoodchange color.
神阵压世,让大洋翻涌,让日月变色。Hugegodshades, stand erectabovegod, just likedraws in the time that variousgodsarrive atthe whole world, is feeling the constriction of pinnacle.
一道道庞大的神影,屹立在神阵之上,犹如将整个世界拖入诸神降临的时代,充满着极致的压迫感。GodkingYiliin a godcenter, stares is coveredby the strategyin that form of center, the undulatingopens the mouth saying: „Weare not willingto fight, butyou, sinceis determinedto fight...... uswhatto fearto fight!”
神王屹立在神阵的中心,凝望着被阵法笼罩在中心的那道身影,澹澹开口道:“吾等是不愿战,但你们既然执意要战……吾辈又何惧一战!”„This, isfor you preparation......”
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