终终……Making funeral arrangementsfinally......
送终的终……Words that the peoplehear the child, is the heartshakes.
众人听到小孩的话语,都是心头一震。Althoughfelt that thisnameis not very aggressive, butfeelsinexplicablecredible.
虽然感觉这个名字不够霸气,但又感觉莫名的靠谱。Has a lookall that childmakes, doesn't make funeral arrangementsto the myriad things?
The fissure that voidthatare unable to patch, was still wreaking havoc the chaosenergy.
A leadermonstertriesto plunge the child, butclose to the child, had not been ground the granule of being able to seeby the invisibleenergyfield.
一头头怪物试图扑向小孩,但还没靠近小孩,就被无形的能量场碾碎成了看不见的粒子。Whatis most shockingisshesaidunexpectedlyis the dog of god?
最让人震惊的是她居然自称是神主的狗?Said that was the childeven, unexpectedly can also say that as the dog of god, thislicked, cannaturallysaythese wordsbase and low?
说是孩子就算了,居然还能自称为神主的狗,这得多舔,多卑微才能如此自然地说出这句话啊?Peoplerevolvingfearsextremely, to the background of god, had the furthercognitionagain.
众人细思极恐,再度对神主的底蕴,有了进一步的认知。„Making funeral arrangementsfinally? Hehe...... resembles...... mealso to be good atgivingall living thingswithmeactuallyvery muchto make funeral arrangementsvery much.” The foreheadhas„m” the yama of godmark, the toneis smilingdensely.
The childrenlooked atyamaoneeyessimple-hearted, thenshakes the head: „Different, I can also make funeral arrangementstoyou.”
The smile of yamadisappearedgradually.
阎王的笑容渐渐消失了。Sheoutlined the appearance of childin the life and deathbooksilently.
她默默在生死簿上勾勒出了小孩的模样。Almostis the flash.
The childbodywas impacted byextremelyterrifyingtearing, bleeds profusely from the headinstantaneously.
The childrenfrown, is referring to thatlife and deathBuGekong.
The speed of yamais faster, changes totogether the remnantshadowavoidance of distortioninstantaneously.
The entirecitywas passed throughby the strength of bigterrifyingagain, the pitch-darkenergyalmostmustextinguish the worldto be the same, transverse cracktohorizonend.
整个城池再度被大恐怖的力量贯穿,黑漆漆的能量几乎要灭世一般,横裂至天际的尽头。Ifsomesatelliteswill discover, the entireEarthwas poked a blackmarkby the child.
The attack of childis very courageous, but the yamaactuallyhid.
小孩的进攻很勐,但阎王却躲了过去。Moreover, yamaduringavoidance, opens the life and deathbook, outlined the appearance of childagain, later during was dark the terrifying power, fellon the body of childagain.
噗!Alsois the bloodfogblasts outtogether.
The face of childwrinklesslightly, someas ifvitality/angry.
小孩的脸微微皱起,似乎有些生气了。Sheto a yamacourageousracket.
The frontblew the jet blackdragonvolumesuddenly, thatdragonvolumecrushed the innumerablemonstersinstantaneously, evenground the innumerablestrategies of city, blotted out the skyspouttoward the yama.
前方突然刮起了漆黑的龙卷,那龙卷瞬间粉碎了无数怪物,甚至碾碎了城池的无数阵法,铺天盖地朝阎王喷涌而来。Thisstrikes the yamato evadenot to be possibleto evade, by a childpalm of the handracket , the armor that the deepfirecastsis crackedinstantaneously, figureafterflies upside down, was tornblood-stained mouthsby the dragonvolume.
这一击阎王避无可避,被小孩一巴掌拍中,冥火铸就的铠甲瞬间崩裂,身形朝后倒飞,然后被龙卷撕裂出一道道的血口。Childrenthestrikes, hitnot to have the south of newgodcitymost probably.
小孩的这一击,将新神城的南方都打没了大半。„The attack of goodterrifying......”
“好恐怖的攻击……”„How not right...... shecansofight, thatplace, obviously the soldiers in oursealcountry's!”
“不对劲……她怎么能如此战斗,那个地方,明明还有我们印国的战士啊!”„Goodexcessively! Shelinkedoursoldiersto eraseunexpectedlytogether!”
“好过分!她居然连我们的战士一同抹除了!”NumeroussealGuoqiangopens the mouthexcitedly.
众印国强者激动地开口。But the childdoes not pay attention tothesecompletely, but the whole faceangeris staring the yama, shediscovered that the yamastartedto drawherpainted a portrait, moreoverpaintedat the extremelyquickspeed, an extremelyterrifyingstrength, arrivedagainonherbody.
但小孩完全不理会这些,只是满脸怒意地瞪着阎王,她发现阎王又开始画她的画像了,而且是以极快的速度作画,紧接着一股极度恐怖的力量,再度降临在她的身上。Pūpū pū!
The body of childshiversfiercely, was keptattackingby the terrifyingenergy.
小孩的身体剧烈颤抖,被恐怖的能量不停冲击。„Cluck-cluck...... evidentlyisIregardingmaking funeral arrangements the comparisonexcels.”
The yamasexude the helllaughter.
阎王发出地狱般的笑声。Sheoutlined the life and deathbooksingle-handedly, keptpulling the spaceto conduct the high-speedmovementsingle-handedly.
The children do not seem ableto keep up withherspeedtruly.
The mighty force in life and deathbook, non-stopfallingon the body of child.
生死簿中的伟力,不停落在小孩的身上。Childtimescounter-attackwith the finger, placestampstoyama.
The crackdeep pools of jet blackterrifyingstriketo the yama.
一道道漆黑恐怖的裂渊击向阎王。Eachcrackdeep poolterrifyingis boundless, but the accurate aimis extremely bad, the yama of being able to hit a targethigh-speedmovement, can only timescut the world, shoots the pulp the entirecity.
每一道裂渊都恐怖无边,但准头极差,根本射不中高速移动的阎王,只能一次次将天地切割,将整个城池射得稀巴烂。Manysealcountrysoldiersstartto be foul-mouthed, evengiving scoldingchild.
不少印国战士开始骂骂咧咧,甚至痛骂小孩。Toomanyinnocentpeople, were affectedby the strength of child.
太多无辜的人,被小孩的力量所波及了。Thischildwhereis a liberator, isonekills the starobviously!
这小孩哪里是救星,明明就是一尊杀星!Candraw in the killingstar of helleveryone!
The strength of life and deathbookstillkeptarriving.
The strangestrength, the percentagehundredhits, and writing offtechniques of percentagehundreddirect linksources, thisishanging of yama, canhanging that all living thingsbury.
诡异的力量,百分百的命中,以及百分百直达本源的抹杀技,这就是阎王的挂,可以将众生埋葬的挂。So long asshewants, sheevencanenter the life and deathbookthisnewgodcityto the picturedirectly, thenborrows the life and deathbook the mighty force, erasesthiscity.
】Naturally, the time and strength that thisrequiresto costwill be huger, at presentshehas not neededto killthistypegreatlyusesinthiscity.
当然了,这样需要耗费的时间和力量会更加庞大,目前她还没必要将这种大杀器用在这座城市上。More powerfulkillingincurs, shoulduseinsummerGuo.
更强大的杀招,应该用在夏国。Yamasavoids the attack of child, whileis observing the battlefield.
The monsteragainwreaking havocbattlefields of threebigSlevelforbidden areas, althoughwas killedmuchby the child, howeverremainingmonsters, does not have the pressuretearing into shredsto swallowhundreds of thousands ofawaken of newgodcitysufficiently, thesewasteare notsheshouldpay attention......
三大s级禁区的怪物再度肆虐战场,虽然被小孩杀了不少,但是剩下的怪物,也足以无压力地将新神城的数十万觉醒者给撕碎吞噬,那些废物根本就不是她该注意的……In other words.
换句话说。So long asshekillsthisfinallyfinallythoroughly, thenallwill then finish.
The yamashave the advantagenow.
阎王如今占据了优势。Butwhatshehas not realizedis.
但她没意识到的是。Inchildthatexpression, the innocentgeneralpurity, had the strangechangegradually, startsbecomesangry, startsbecomes......
小孩那表情中,天真烂漫一般的纯真,渐渐有了诡异的变化,开始变得愤怒,开始变得……Graduallyloses the reason.
逐渐失去理智。Eye that blackcooks, just like the abyssto swallow the myriad thingsinstantaneously.
“嘿啊!”Shebare-handedpatscourageousin the direction of yama.
The worldtwinklingchanges into the long nightblackness.
天地瞬息化为永夜般的漆黑。Perfectbigterrifying, whatfollowedis the pinnaclestrength.
极致的大恐怖,伴随的是极致的力量。Alsoismyriad thingsannihilates.
The frontconstruction, the land, the city wall, and even the blue sky, vanished.
前方的建筑,大地,城墙,乃至蓝天白云,都消失了。Does not know that many monstermanyawaken, vanishsimultaneously the nihility.
The frontturned intopitch-darkonepiece.
前方变成了黑漆漆的一片。When the worldpresents the lightagain.
当世界再度出现光明的时候。Previouslycontinuouslyyama of perfectavoidancefinallyfinallyattack, bodydisintegration a bulk.
The body of yamawas patteddid not have the half, has the viscousbloodto keepdropping, on the dignifiedfearsomefaceappearsto wipe the beyond controlfearfinally.
阎王的身体被拍没了半边,有粘稠的血液不停地滴落,威严可怖的脸上终于浮现出一抹无法控制的恐惧。Herbody and spiritin the godistop, cannot shoulder the palm of the hand of childunexpectedly.
她的体魄在神祗中都算是顶尖,竟然扛不住小孩的一巴掌。Orifheravoidanceagainlateeven ifsuchflash, shewill be erasedby the palm of the hand of childforever.
The newgodcitywas levelled a bigpiece.
新神城被抹平了一大片。In the frontcannot see the monster, cannot see the city, pitch-darkchaos.
在前方看不见怪物,看不见城池,只有黑漆漆的混沌。A lot ofmonstersvanished.
大量的怪物都消失了。Withdisappearancealso many awaken.
“怪物……”„Sheis a monster!”
The sealcountrysoldierswere frightenedfinally.
他们亡命奔逃。Escapingappears the yamais quicker.
逃得比阎王出现的时候还要快。Thischildcalledfinallyfinally, not onlymade funeral arrangementsto the forbidden areamonster, especially is also making funeral arrangementstothem!
如今印国觉醒者是能逃多远就逃多远。Ratherescapesto the direction of hellspecters, is not willingin the direction of child.
宁愿逃到地狱魔影的方向,都不愿意在小孩的方向。„What's the matter...... herstrength......”
“怎么回事……她的力量……”„Howto grow stronger?”
The yamaslook at the childcompletelywith amazement, in the life and deathbookflowpuresources, infast mending her destroyedhalfbody.
The life and deathbookcanwritedeadall living things.
生死簿可以写死众生。Similarly, canwriteto live!
同样的,也能够将自己写活!But the yamagraspsnowexternal, the facial expression is actually not ableto decidepeacefully.
但阎王如今手握外挂,神情却丝毫无法澹定。Shediscovered that child of thatfloatsky overnewgodcity, the white and tenderfleshsurface, startsto reappearone after another blackincantation of distortion, simultaneouslylike the abyssdoublechild, is releasing the worldto drag into the terrifyingenergy of endlessabyss.
她发现那漂浮在新神城上空的孩子,白嫩的肌肤表面,开始浮现一道又一道扭曲的黑色咒文,同时如深渊般的双童,正释放着一股可以将世界都拉入无尽深渊的恐怖能量。Numeroussealcountryawaken, as ifsaw the lifetimemost terrifyingthing, mindfall into enemy hands, if the shapeis foolish, somefeces and urine/size thenincontinence, sitfallto the ground.
一众印国觉醒者,仿佛看见了毕生最为恐怖的东西,一个个心神失守,状若痴傻,有的大小便失禁,坐倒在地。Othermonstersare more frigid.
其余怪物更加惨烈。Flows the soul that the place of soulcomesto be strange, suddenlygoes crazydemented, as ifcannot withstandsomebigterrifying, startsfromexploding!
流魂之地而来的魂怪,突然发疯癫狂,仿佛承受不住某种大恐怖,一个个开始自爆!Asurastrangewarintentallloses, the whole bodybecomes tender, falls down.
The lotus flowerholy spirittrembles, does not dareto look straight ahead the child.
It is not ableto describe the bigterrifying, startsto cover the entirebattlefield.
无法形容大恐怖,开始笼罩整个战场。Comes from the gate of hellspecters, the figurestagnates, seems somewhat alarmed and afraid.
The child of floatinsky, the smallmouthsplitsslowly, the abyss of doublechildis getting bigger and bigger, the eyeballwas getting bigger and bigger, occupied the smallfacegeneralregion, the smilewasevildifferentto the pinnacle, as ifreleasedsomeinstinctto be the same, is gazing atall between worldgreedily.
漂浮在天空中的孩子,小嘴缓缓裂开,双童的深渊越来越大,眼珠子越来越大,占据了小脸一般的区域,笑容更是邪异到了极致,仿佛释放了某种天性一般,正贪婪地注视着天地间的一切。Seizes the personsoul the sound, startsto reverberatein the world.
夺人心魂的声音,开始在天地回响。Hee hee......
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