SG4 :: Volume #4

#397: In battlefield most lasting man

In Chapter 397 battlefield most lasting man 第397章战场上最持久的男人 Previously also enormous and powerful dashed about wildly toward them hundreds of thousands of dragon tide who came. 此前还浩浩荡荡朝他们狂奔而来的数十万龙潮。 Was stimulated probably suddenly was the same, turns the head to dash about wildly to go toward Chen Ping. 突然间像是受刺激了一样,转头又朝陈平狂奔而去。 Several thousand officers looked at dumbfounded, them who prepared to travel, suddenly was also stiff on the spot. 数千将士都看傻眼了,正在准备跑路的他们,突然又僵在原地。 That law is......” “那法相是……” Good intense soul fluctuation, felt that my soul must be cancelled!” “好强烈的灵魂波动,感觉我的灵魂都要被勾走了!” „The law of what rank is this?” “这到底是什么级别的法相?” Has powerful awakening to look to shock. 有强大的觉醒者面露震撼。 King Isidore looks at that golden light shining law dull, the release shines the god splendor of the world. 伊西多国王呆呆地看着那金光灿灿的法相,释放普照世界的神辉。 Can make 1 million regiments crazy.” “一出便可让百万军团疯狂。” This is the law of gods rank......” “这是神明级别的法相啊……” The appraisal of king, lets the people are the heart shakes. 国王的评价,让众人又是心头一震。 The law of gods rank...... should say that really worthily is the youngster half god, the graces are the strength of gods rank, no wonder hundreds of thousands of dragon tide planned that forgave him to continue to go forward, he can also come a wave of audience to taunt to all enemies: Hits me! 神明级别的法相……该说真不愧是少年半神吗,举手投足又是神明级别的力量,怪不得数十万龙潮都打算饶过他继续前进了,他还能对所有敌人来一波全场嘲讽:来打我啊! They see have taunted dozens, several hundred. 他们见过嘲讽数十个,数百个的。 But taunted to hundreds of thousands of dragon beasts simultaneously, they have seen only youngster! 但对数十万个龙兽同时嘲讽的,他们只见过少年这一个! The crazy dragon beast plunges Chen Ping again, but Chen Ping displays King's Battle Technique , to continue to shuttle back and forth in the dragon beast group back and forth, the dragon beast one after another was broken by youngster that easily accomplished fist, the blood, the skeleton, flows the entire mountains and plains, incomparable bloodiness and frigidity. 疯狂的龙兽再度扑向陈平,而陈平施展王之战法,继续在龙兽群中来回穿梭,一群又一群的龙兽被少年那摧枯拉朽的拳头震碎,鲜血,尸骨,流遍整个山野,无比的血腥和惨烈。 Chen Ping such as the King sweeps away the four directions generally. 陈平如王者一般横扫四方。 The powerful invincible strength, toward the lasting high-intensity combat capability, who as well as super goes against heaven's will attracts the strange level strangely, making him be at the absolute non-solution in the entire fight the condition. 强悍无敌的实力,朝持久的高强度战斗能力,以及超级逆天的拉怪吸怪水准,让他在整场战斗中处于绝对无解的状态。 The dragon beast falls from the sky one after another. 大片大片的龙兽接连陨落。 Fought this situation, the entire dragon moist regiment has over 200,000 to be killed violently. 战斗到了这种情况,整个龙潮军团已经有超过二十万头毙命。 Hills avalanche, rivers of blood. 群山崩塌,血流成河。 Five Dragon King the distant place is roaring extremely angrily. 五尊龙王在极远处愤怒地咆哮着。 They regarding Chen Ping that incense and candle law the soul impact also has very strong resistivity, but the little brother is not all obedient, as if plans unable to continue to conduct to be the same, can only in one side anger tall howl. 它们对于陈平那香火法相的灵魂冲击还有很强大的抵抗力,但是小弟全都不听话,似乎计划无法持续进行一样,只能在一旁愤怒地高吼着。 Chen Pingcai being disinclined manages them, just like the deicide to kill generally continually strangely. 陈平才懒得管他们,犹如杀神一般持续地杀怪。 Kills from the east side west side. 从东边杀到西边。 Kills from south north! 从南又杀到北! Five Dragon King was completely angry and dreaded that looks at the youngster. 五尊龙王满是愤怒和忌惮地看着少年。 Actually does not dare to begin. 却迟迟不敢动手。 This is the deterrent force that half god level has. 这就是半神级存在的威慑力。 This crowd of Dragon King only want to consume the dead youngster through the magnanimous dragon tide. 这群龙王只想通过海量的龙潮耗死少年。 But the youngster actually as if never will know exhaustedly, can never use up the strength of his within the body! 但少年却仿佛永远也不知道疲惫,永远也用不完他体内的力量! Priceless high rank dragon Xuedan who Chen Ping eats up already over hundred. 陈平吃下的价值连城的高阶龙血丹已经超过百枚了。 This is a compounded drug background of S level unrestricted. 这已经是一个S级超限者的丹药底蕴。 But Chen Ping does not matter. 但陈平无所谓。 He also has over a thousand! 他还有上千枚! On the consumption, by the wealth background, no one compares to result in him! 论消耗,论财富底蕴,没有谁比得过他! The bear tyrant gauntlet/glove in Chen Ping hand, the antique god mark sparkle flows, the heads of disintegration strong big dragon beasts, the mark on gauntlet/glove winds even more surges profoundly, is swallowing a life essence of another dragon beast. 陈平手中的熊霸拳套,太古神纹闪耀流淌,一次次崩碎强大龙兽的脑袋,拳套上的纹络愈发的涌动深邃,吞噬着一头又一头龙兽的生命精华。 The bear tyrant gauntlet/glove the birth spirits, can kill dragon beast through fists, its imposing manner and background are also keeping growing, from eight star peaks, has to plant to break through faintly in nine star Spirit Tool directions. 熊霸拳套已经诞灵,可以通过一次次拳杀龙兽,它的气势与底蕴也在不停地增长,从八星巅峰,隐隐有种要朝九星灵器的方向突破。 The whole body is deep green, life internal energy boundless forest Dragon King, with purgatory Dragon King, steel Dragon King, thunder Dragon King, as well as mountain Dragon King looks at each other one mutually. 浑身碧绿,生命气机磅礴的森林龙王,跟炼狱龙王,钢铁龙王,雷霆龙王,以及高山龙王互相对视一眼。 They send out a strange dragon to recite simultaneously. 它们同时发出一阵奇异的龙吟。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 Chen Ping felt the different kind crisis. 陈平感受到了别样的危机。 Several first eight star-level dragons are strange, simultaneously throws toward him! 十几头八星级的龙怪,同时朝他扑来! Eight star-level dragon strange/monster, have been able to draw in the terrifying of disaster to exist Fangcheng. 八星级龙怪,已经是可以将一方城市拖入灾难的恐怖存在了。 Has the big dragon to nip the great sword, chops ruthlessly in Chen Ping's back. 有巨龙咬着巨剑,狠狠地劈在陈平的后背。 Bang! 砰! The sound that the metal collides is earth-shaking. 金属碰撞的声音惊天动地。 The great swords of eight star dragon strange/monster mouths crack suddenly. 八星龙怪嘴里的巨剑突然崩裂。 Chen Ping turns the head is a fist. 陈平转头就是一拳。 Bang! 轰! As if the bear god arrives, hits to explode the dragon strange head. 仿佛熊神降临,将龙怪的头颅打爆。 At this time, eight star dragons have treadonned the ground strangely, emitted the innumerable sharp thorns, stabbed Chen Ping's body. 这个时候,已经有八星龙怪脚踏地面,冒出无数尖刺,刺中陈平的身体。 Simultaneously the thunder falls, non-stop dividing on Chen Ping's body. 同时大片大片的雷霆落下,不停劈在陈平的身上。 The blazing flame instantaneous melt puts on the land, that is roaring of flame dragon. 炽烈的火焰瞬间熔穿大地,那是炎龙的咆哮。 Has the soul body condition dragon to be strange, seizes the chance to sweep away to come, to nip to Chen Ping's head. 有灵魂体状态的龙怪,趁机横扫而来,咬向陈平的头颅。 Dragon with Shi Hanbing, the release icicle, blocks Chen Ping's action. The spoiled poisonous big dragon extension pair of wings, a lot of toxic liquids well up crazily, lets Chen Ping each breath expiration and inspiration, will absorb that violently poisonous aura...... 同时寒冰之龙,释放冰柱,封锁陈平的行动。腐毒巨龙伸展双翼,大量有毒液体狂涌而出,让陈平每一次呼吸吐纳,都会吸收那剧毒的气息…… Several first eight star dragon strange/monster show special prowess, release the powerful offensive makes the world change color sufficiently, annihilates all around mountain instantaneously! 十几头八星龙怪各显神通,释放出的强大攻势足以让天地变色,瞬间湮灭四周的山岳! But stands in the energy center youngster, the mortal body diamond is still immortal, is resisting impacts hardly, bare-handed ripped open the body of spoiled poisonous big dragon, single fist shook, dragon of Hongcheng ice sludge dregs cold ice. 但立在能量中心的少年,肉身依旧金刚不朽,硬抗着一次次冲击,徒手撕开了腐毒巨龙的身体,单拳一震,将寒冰之龙轰成碎冰渣。 The numerous dragons also want to continue to besiege. 众龙还欲继续围攻。 Chen Ping's behind Shintoism/Divine Dao law erupts a pinnacle soul strength suddenly. 陈平身后的神道法相突然爆发出一股极致的灵魂力量。 Whish! 哗哗哗! The innumerable state of mind chains explode to shoot, changes to the dense and numerous golden chains, unexpectedly leader's powerful eight star monster winding fetters. 无数神魂锁链爆射而出,化作密密麻麻的金色锁链,竟是将一头头强大的八星怪物缠绕束缚。 It was previously wild the powerful dragon beasts, acted suddenly stagnates. 此前还无比狂暴强大的龙兽们,突然间行动一滞。 Once nun settled, her incense and candle law has also displayed this move, might be called one move of dimensionality reduction attack. 曾经的修女安,她的香火法相同样施展过这一招,堪称降维打击的一招。 Shintoism/Divine Dao suppression! 神道镇压! Several first eight star dragons were fettered strangely entirely. 十几头八星龙怪统统被束缚。 Chen Ping in next quarter, if the thunder, changes to together the thunder form of brilliant yao world in the battlefield, every place visited, leader eight star dragon strange/monster became the flesh of splash by the disintegration. 陈平在下一刻动若雷霆,在战场上化作一道绚烂矅世的雷霆身影,凡是所过之处,一头头八星龙怪被崩碎成飞溅的血肉。 Flickers to kill more than ten first eight star dragon strange/monster! 瞬杀十几头八星龙怪! ...... 呼…… Chen Ping panted for breath slightly. 陈平微微喘息了一下。 When his heart loosen. 就在他心头一松的时候。 Titter! 噗嗤! The sharp ice-cold steel thorn, stabbed together his back. 一道尖锐冰冷的钢刺,刺中了他的后背。 The energy of wild terrifying erupts in this flash, splutters ten thousand radiance, along with the blood splash of twinkle star. 狂暴恐怖的能量在这一瞬间爆发,溅射出万道光华,伴随着星星点点的血液飞溅而出。 Chen Ping's body in a flash, the back presented the tear pain. 陈平的身体一晃,背后出现了撕裂般的痛感。 Was broken against! 被破防了! Since this has been Chen Ping makes war, first injury. 这是陈平开战以来,第一次受伤。 Not far away presented steel Dragon King that ice-cold, and fills to kill the eye pupil of intent. 不远处出现了钢铁龙王那冰冷且充满杀意的眼眸。 Dragon King is out personally! 龙王亲自下场! Several first eight star dragon strange/monster, to give Dragon King create this flash the opportunity! 十几头八星龙怪,就是为了给龙王创造这一瞬间的机会! Chen Ping figure goes toward the front ejection fiercely. 陈平身形猛地朝前方弹射而去。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The ground sticks out suddenly the innumerable sharp steel thorns suddenly, simultaneously thorn to Chen Ping. 地面突然暴起无数尖锐的钢刺,同时刺向陈平。 Chen Ping bare-handed chops above the steel thorn, immediately was instead shaken by the terrifying strength. 陈平徒手劈在钢刺之上,当即被恐怖的力量反震。 These steel thorns are not the ordinary steel, but is the steel of dragon source! 这些钢刺并不是普通的钢,而是龙源之钢! One of this world's hardest materials! 这个世界上最坚硬的材料之一! Dense and numerous steel thorns, from all directions toward Chen Ping crazy thorn. 密密麻麻的钢刺,从四面八方朝陈平狂刺而来。 Chen Ping shoots up to the sky without hesitation. 陈平毫不犹豫冲天而起。 The vault of heaven has thunder Dragon King to overlook him, suddenly the pair of wings inspired, lowered big piece of! 天穹有雷霆龙王俯瞰着他,突然双翼一振,降下了一大片的雷海! Rumble! 轰隆隆! 1 million thunder are one explode toward Chen Ping's body shoot. 百万道雷霆朝着陈平的身体就是一顿爆射。 The attack of S level to Chen Ping, is threatening. S级的攻击对陈平来说,还是有威胁的。 The body of his diamond non-stop the ray flashing, the little burned black trace appears on the shining mortal body, the body vibration tingles with numbness, the energy of thunder following the wound of his back, swamps into his body, wreaks havoc everywhere, wants to destroy his internal organs. 他的金刚之躯不停有光芒闪动,一点点焦黑的痕迹在金光灿灿的肉身上出现,身躯震动发麻之间,雷霆的能量顺着他后背的伤口,涌入他的身体,四处肆虐,想要摧毁他的脏器。 The forest Dragon King pair of wings racket falls the ground. 森林龙王双翼拍落地面。 The ground starts to emit a lot of dragon vines, twines his waist and both feet, does not make him fly. 地面开始冒出大量的龙藤,缠绕住他的腰部和双脚,根本不让他飞起。 At this time, purgatory Dragon King released his strength, changed to one magma purgatories below land. 这个时候,炼狱龙王释放出他的力量,将下方的大地化作一片岩浆炼狱。 The pinnacle high temperature, twisted a surrounding area more than ten li (0.5 km) air. 极致的高温,将方圆十几里的空气都扭曲了起来。 The body of mountain Dragon King emits the vast golden light, has the giant golden mountain to have the boundless pressure on appear in Chen Ping's top of the head, is coercing hundred million extremely heavy mighty force, falls the magma Chen Ping's body pressure. 高山龙王的身体冒出浩瀚金光,有巨大的金色山岳带着磅礴的威压出现在陈平的头顶,裹挟着亿万钧的伟力,将陈平的身体压落岩浆。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! gold mountain is pressing the figure crash ground of youngster. 金山压着少年的身形坠落地面。 Probably suppresses various God the Divine Mountain. 就好像镇压诸神的神山。 Bang! 轰! Land vibration. 大地震动。 The magma wells up crazily! 岩浆狂涌! Chen Ping was suppressed by five Dragon King jointly under the ground! 陈平被五大龙王联手镇压在地面之下!
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