SSIDWTWH :: Volume #3

#284: Tong Ying Emperor Monarch: Can it be that wants to make the this/Ben palace serve you?

In the mysterious magnificent palace, everywhere gentle star splendor sprinkles, such as cage fine gauze. 神秘瑰丽的殿堂里,漫天柔和星辉洒落下来,如笼轻纱。 Four fall beautiful to excel by far the outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman , the makings character and style varies to gather round middle one handsomely, the beautiful youngster of Yushu high virtue, the pupil light is looking steadily at him bad, as if the elders saw that makes mistakes child who and kills does not acknowledge. 四位跌丽冠绝、气质风情各异的绝色美人围着中间一位唇红齿白、玉树兰芝的美少年,眸光不善地盯视着他,仿佛长辈们见到犯了错且打死不承认的孩子。 " What's wrong? Isn't glad? " 「怎么?不乐意?」 The Mu Yinghua complexion sank, was really angry: " Same accident, don't you want to experience one time? Next time may not be possible three Emperor Monarch to protect you in your side, once were seized by these bastards, you think that you can also have the good result? This is can work as the child's play? " 牧盈华脸色沉了下来,真的生气了:「同样的变故,你不会还想经历一次吧?下次可不一定会有三位帝君在你身边护着你了,一旦被那些混蛋抓走,你以为你还能有好结果?这是可以当儿戏的吗?」 " You, if dares not to coordinate, after you and you, do not call my teacher again! " 「你要是敢不配合,你、你以后就别再叫我师尊!」 Qin Muling: " ...... " 秦沐凌:「......」 Since seemingly oneself have arrived at this side space and time, first sees Mu Yinghua to get angry, how regardless of before handled the excessive matter to her, although she resists, how does not have itself, but this is obviously different. 貌似自己降临此方时空以来,还是头一回看见牧盈华发怒,以前无论对她做了怎样过分的事情,她虽然抗拒,却也没有真个把自己怎么样,但这回显然是不同的。 Qing Huan Emperor Monarch white Mu Yinghua, slows down the language gas channel/angrily said: 清寰帝君白了牧盈华一眼,放缓语气道: " Muling, this matter is not jokes, your safety is not only your matter, but also the life and death about Sect, and entire female will cultivate the future of alliance, will unable to complain absolutely lightly, hidden danger disappearing danger that dangerous big R may have, later only feared that also clouds similar crisis will happen. " 沐凌,这事情可不是闹着玩的,你的安危不仅仅是你自身的事情,还关于宗门的生死存亡,以及整个女修联盟的未来,绝对轻怨不得,个险大R可能存在的隐患消险,以后只怕还云有类似的危机发生。」 Qin Muling sighed, weak said/tunnel: " I do not have the meaning of disobedient teacher and Emperor Monarch, but ..... these things really do not suit the female to look, you should understand " 秦沐凌叹了口气,弱弱地道:「我没有忤逆师尊和各位帝君的意思,只是.....这些东西实在不适合女子看,你们应该懂的」 He felt oneself have explained was very clear, teachers as well as three Quasi-Saint Emperor, although cultivate/repair to unparalleled, has not had dao companion and without human affairs the big miss, wants to come to have a taboo to certain things is. 他觉得自己已经解释的很清楚了,师尊以及三位准圣帝君,尽管修为盖世,却都是不曾有过道侣、未经人事的大姑娘,想来对某些事情应该有所避讳才是。 The Mu Yinghua look is startled, the shiny smooth scallion white beautiful face shamed instantaneously red, understood what is heard obviously the meaning of Qin Muling, this disciple was always the rash and bold conduct, from his previous time dares this teacher to deliver, to oneself to the pinnacle private clothing that unexpectedly recklessly immorally cannot be described, it can be imagined his collection was any at sixes and sevens gadget. 牧盈华神色微怔,莹润葱白的丽颜瞬间羞得通红,显然是听明白了秦沐凌的意思,这个徒儿向来都是胆大妄为、色胆包天的做派,从他上次居然敢不知死活地给自己这个师尊送不可描述的、伤风败俗到了极致的私密衣物,可想而知他的收藏都是些什么乱七八糟的玩意儿。 If so, that was really not suitable to make three female Emperor Monarch see, in order to avoid blasphemed their eyes, can only, inspect encouragingly alone by oneself this teacher. 如果是这样的话,那还真是不适合让三位女帝君看见了,以免亵渎了她们的眼睛,只能由自己这位师尊、勉为其难地单独检查一番。 Where waiting...... seems is not right? 等等......好像哪里不对? But oneself does the teacher of this fellow, want to accompany him to look at these immoral gadget unexpectedly? What appearance spreads to look like? Even did the face of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace all previous generations founder lose completely? 自己可是这家伙的师尊呢,居然要陪着他看这些伤风败俗的玩意儿?传扬出去像什么样子?岂不是连云梦天宫历代祖师的脸面都丢光了? Depressed Mu Yinghua that and chokes with rage has not thought how was good to cancel the Emperor Monarch thought that Tong Ying Emperor Monarch has been smiling the opens the mouth: 郁闷且窝火的牧盈华还没想好如何打消帝君们的念头,彤樱帝君已经微笑着开口了: " Might as well, by the youngster disposition of your little fellow, the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures is exuberantly normal, therefore you like collecting anything, we generally can also guess correctly several points, by all means with! We ensure is not angry and does not taunt scolds in you, was this always OK? " 「无妨,以你这小家伙的少年心性,七情六欲旺盛是正常的,所以你喜欢收藏些什么东西,我们大抵也能猜到几分,只管拿出来好了!我们保证不生气、也不嘲讽责难于你,这样总可以了吧?」 " Good! " 「好吧!」 The words spoke in this, how can Qin Muling also? Only can goods each article and piles of places in within the body space take out all, making them glance carefully. 话都说到这份上了,秦沐凌还能如何?只能将体内空间里的物品一件件、一堆堆地尽数取出,让她们仔细过目。 And accounts for many, is came from the day material treasure and rare and precious resources in Mist Fantasy Secret Realm and so on, particularly various efficacious medicine spirit grass are most. 其中占多数的,都是来自雾幻秘境中的天材地宝、珍稀资源之类,尤其是各种灵药灵草最多。 After all the Qin Muling essential talent lies in this, any medicinal herbs to his hand, so long as there is an enough time, can expedite the wonder drug and even the top grade day medicine, even if brings, when between -meal snack eats, can still make cultivator obtain benefits greatly. 毕竟秦沐凌的关键天赋就在于此,任何药草到了他的手里,只要有足够的时间,都可以催生成神药乃至极品天药,即便是拿来当零食吃,也能让修士获益巨大。 Then including Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, five females cultivates the Confucian orthodoxy influence on give Qin Muling various rare and precious cultivation resources, from compounded drug to higher food, from rune/symbol Zhuanzhen to spirit stones spirit crystal wait/etc, certain top luxury goods, complete magic weapon and Acquired Spiritual Treasure and so on. 然后就是包括云梦天宫在内,五家女修道统势力送给秦沐凌的各种珍稀修炼资源,从丹药到高等食材,从符篆阵图到灵石灵晶等等,还有某些顶级奢侈品,成套的法宝与后天灵宝之类。 These actually had no issue, Emperor Monarch carefully examine one, then no longer to pay attention simply, actually finally the remaining these things, were the Qin Muling tightest gadget. 这些其实都没什么问题,帝君们简单审视了一遍、便不再关注,倒是最后剩下的那些物件,才是秦沐凌最紧张的玩意儿。 Colorful ***, various types of bold bold private clothing, what cheetah stripe, lace transparent, department belt type, fervor open the door, hollows out...... to mention just a few, is the material quality is in any case frail and insightful, the cotton material are much less, how exposes how 五颜六色的***,各种豪放大胆的私密衣物,什么猎豹条纹的、蕾丝透明的、系带式的、激情开中门的、镂空的......不一而足,反正就是材质单薄且通透,布料还少得丧心病狂,怎么暴露怎么 Come, that anything cannot cover up! 来,什么都遮掩不住的那种! Naturally, but also there is a toy big pile that what collar, what blood pendant and what bell chain and so on cannot be described, simply indecently! 当然了,还有什么项圈、什么血滴子、什么铃铛链子之类不可描述的玩具一大堆,简直是不堪入目! Finally, was various colored drawing on pottery art pictures originally, the plot was full of twists and turns, the illustration fine exquisite in every way possible, character was lifelike, naturally was also undisguised and boldness that becomes famous. 最后,就是各种彩绘艺术画本了,故事情节曲折离奇,插画精致细腻入微、人物栩栩如生,当然也是出了名的露骨且大胆。 Bountiful has the preparation early, these things make three female Emperor Monarch look as before are quite red in the face and have a shameful feeling. 饶是早有心理准备,这些东西依旧让三位女帝君看得面红耳赤、颇有种无地自容的感觉。 " Muling, you went too far! How can blaspheme Emperor Monarch with these utterly filthy things? " 沐凌,你太过份了!怎么能用这些污秽不堪的东西来亵渎帝君?」 The Mu Yinghua good and evil had been damaged incessantly by this fellow, the adaptiveness, therefore first responded, the elegant face is reproving including the frost. 牧盈华好歹已经被这家伙祸害过不止一回,适应能力更强一些,因此最先反应过来,俏脸含霜地训斥着。 Qin Muling shrugged, is innocent: " Everyone a little likes personally? The disciples I am only collect the appreciation, if not this accident/surprise, three Emperor Monarch feared that will never see, as if...... this does not calculate offended the sect rule? " 秦沐凌摊了摊手,一脸无辜:「谁都有点个人喜好的吧?弟子我只是自己收藏起来欣赏而已,如果不是这次意外,三位帝君怕是永远都不会看到,似乎......这也不算触犯了门规吧?」 Mu Yinghua: " ...... " 牧盈华:「......」 Should, probably and indeed be this, in the passing numerous article of law sect rule, without limiting the hanger-on disciple cannot watch and collect these things, after all entire Sect is the female cultivates, has never had the official male disciple disciple, therefore absolutely would have no similar situation to appear. 应该、好像、的确是这样的,过往的众多律条门规里面,并没有限制门下弟子不许观看、收藏这些东西,毕竟整个宗门上上下下都是女修,从未有过正式的男性门人弟子,所以根本就没有过类似的情况出现。 Now are many Qin Muling this only male disciple, before certain things, truly become, was somewhat different. 现在多了秦沐凌这唯一的男弟子,某些事情、确实变得和以前有些不一样了。 Emperor Xin Yu shows a faint smile: " , Muling you said right, after all is only your point likes, is not obstructing others anything matter. Since these things do not have the issue, you are receiving well. " 歆语帝君微微一笑:「罢了,沐凌你说得没错,毕竟只是你个人的一点喜好而已,并不碍着旁人什么事。既然这些东西没有问题,你就好好收着吧。」 Qing Huan Emperor Monarch looking pensive: " This palace once listened to dragon meter that girl to mention few words, now sees, actually imagination is more exaggerating than! Your this fellow, will very play actually! " 清寰帝君若有所思:「本宫曾听龙仪那丫头提及过只言片语,如今一见,倒是比想象中的还要夸张呢!你这家伙,倒是挺会玩的!」 Qin Muling touches the nose, somewhat smiles awkwardly, the big piece clear splendor has stroked, took in these things within the body space. 秦沐凌摸了摸鼻子,有些尴尬地笑笑,大片清辉拂过,将这些东西重新收进了体内空间里。 The Tong Ying Emperor Monarch clear clear beautiful pupil narrows the eyes slightly, deeply stared at Qin Muling several, the faint smile was asking: 彤樱帝君晶莹圆润的美眸微微眯起,深深地盯了秦沐凌几眼,似笑非笑地问着: " Qing Chan that girl, wants to come to accompany you to play like this has not known how many returned, but by your personality, will not satisfy this obviously, should not think one day, making the this/Ben palace also put on these things to serve you? Even is ....... lets our three same places, doesn't your teacher fall? " 青蝉那丫头、想来已经这样陪你玩过不知多少回了,不过以你的性情,显然是不会满足于此的,该不会想着有一天,让本宫也穿上这些东西来侍候你吧?甚至是.......让我们三位一起,连带你的师尊都不落下?」 Qin Muling has a scare, hurries to clarify: " Without, the younger generation dares to pledge and absolutely not have this intent to the day! " 秦沐凌吓了一跳,赶紧澄清:「没有没有,晚辈敢对天发誓、绝对没有此意!」 Covets the Quasi-Saint Emperor beauty, this charge did not joke, dealt may be beaten dead carelessly and at the scene, the Qin Muling seeking livehood desire was very strong. 觊觎准圣帝君的美色,这罪名可不是闹着玩的,一个应对不慎、就有可能被当场捶死,秦沐凌的求生欲还是挺强的。 " Snort! Who knows how your heart does think? Your this fellow must badly very! " 「哼!谁知道你心底怎么想的?你这家伙坏得很!」 Tong Ying Emperor Monarch look charmingly horizontal his eyes, has scruples own status, not to continue to Qin Muling to pursue to the end and hit hard eventually. 彤樱帝君神色妩媚地横了他一眼,终究是顾忌到自己的身份、没有继续对秦沐凌穷追猛打。 The Emperor Xin Yu black eyebrow pressed, looked at the Tong Ying Emperor Monarch look lightly meaningfully, this temptress spoke the probe, only to fear that intentionally is saving the thoughts early. 歆语帝君黛眉轻蹙,意味深长地看了看彤樱帝君的神色,这狐媚子故意出言试探、只怕早存着心思了。 Also is cultivates for the disparity is oversized, therefore is only restricted in the spoken language to sexually harass now, but in the future Qin Muling will cultivate to promote to the Golden Immortal level, only feared that she can seek the opportunity to start? Inspirational dao rhyme of innate primordial chaos good fortune blue lotus, who doesn't want? 也就是彼此之间修为差距过大,所以现在仅限于言语调戏,不过日后等到秦沐凌修为提升到金仙层次,只怕她就要寻着机会下手了?先天鸿蒙造化青莲的灵机道韵,谁不想要? But my Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace Qilin did, when turn to obtain your bystander to think of a way? This palace has not taken a stand, you dare to pick the peach unexpectedly, who gives your self-confidence? The Emperor Xin Yu heart is sneering secretly. 可是我云梦天宫的麒麟子,何时轮得到你这个外人打主意了?本宫都还没表态呢,你居然就敢来摘桃子,谁给你的自信?歆语帝君心底暗暗冷笑着。 Qing Huan Emperor Monarch has not made noise at this time actually, hidden the facial features under multi-colored sunlight class/flow splendor cannot see clearly the expression, but, devotes to more further Quasi-Saint Emperor as the right prime of life, must say that does not have the idea, that is radically is not possible. 清寰帝君此时倒是没有出声,隐在霞光流辉下的面容看不清表情,不过作为正当盛年、有志于更进一步的准圣帝君,要说没有想法、那是根本是不可能的。 Originally everyone is the similar condition, passing cannot see the road ahead , a Quasi-Saint Emperor fruit, can let their immortal immortalities and free and unrestrained extremely long time similarly, so long as does not encounter outside tribulations, would hardly fall from the sky. 本来大家都是差不多的条件,过往看不到前路也就罢了,准圣帝君道果、同样可以让她们长生久视、逍遥自在极其漫长的时光,只要不遭遇外劫,几乎不会陨落。 Now, met the innate primordial chaos good fortune blue lotus with great difficulty the body of shape, going against heaven's will the chance is close, where has the truth that does not scurry to please firmly to hold? 只是现在,好不容易遇到了先天鸿蒙造化青莲的化形之身,逆天机缘近在咫尺,哪有不上赶着牢牢抓住的道理? Otherwise missed this 否则错过了这回 , Only feared that the lifetime was impossible to have the second card opportunity again! ,只怕有生之年都不可能再有第二次证道的机会了! Nearby Mu Yinghua sized up Qin Muling, has a look at three female Emperor Monarch, with her Supreme Sect Master mind vision, how can think that doesn't understand a reasoning? The heart only has the sigh. 旁边的牧盈华打量了一下秦沐凌,又看看三位女帝君,以她掌教至尊的头脑眼光,岂会想不明白个中缘由?心底唯有叹息而已。 However......, since they are such plan, then oneself want, when Great Principle Golden Immortal, even is expected a Quasi-Saint Emperor fruit, as if also does not have any should not? But one Qin Muling teacher, he is how impossible to disappoint itself. 不过......既然她们都是这样的打算,那么自己想要当大罗金仙,甚至是期望准圣帝君道果,似乎也没有什么不应该的吧?自己可是秦沐凌的师尊,他怎么都不可能让自己失望的。 Read and this, thinks again Feng Ge Emperor Monarch to own expostulation, Mu Yinghua sets firm resolve finally. 一念及此,再想想凤歌帝君对自己的劝诫,牧盈华终于下定了决心。 " Ok, goes back to accompany them now well! 「行啦,现在回去好好陪她们吧! Emperor Xin Yu is saying to Qin Muling: " From now on, any unauthentic thing cannot bump! Stemming from the security in order, you best to let all things that we inspect on you to carry regularly, in order to avoid has this kind of accident again, clear? " 歆语帝君秦沐凌说着:「从今往后,任何来路不明的东西都不许碰!出于安全起见,你最好是定期让我们检查你身上携带的所有物件,以免再度发生此类变故,明白吗?」 " Yes, Emperor Monarch! " 「是,帝君!」 Qin Muling is complying, the heart complained silently, what matter did this call? The wife checks husband's pin money not to bring such? 秦沐凌答应着,心底却默默吐槽,这叫什么事?老婆查老公的私房钱都不带这样的吧? ...... …… Fortune Stealing Palace Chief Platform, in the dark bronze palace, the atmosphere is sad and depressing. 劫运宫总坛,幽暗的青铜殿堂里,气氛沉闷而压抑。 Bai Yuan and Yuan Xi two Emperor Monarch sit well on the throne, the look is gloomy, the whole body aura dispirited deteriorated the extreme. 白鸢元玺两位帝君端坐在宝座上,神色晦暗,浑身气息萎靡衰败到了极点。 Zi Huang(purple bright) and Ling Xi sisters, a large number of big Luo level powerhouse stand by, each one facial colors tie tight, the casting down one's eyes nose view heart, the atmosphere do not dare to leave. 紫煌灵曦姐妹,还有数量众多的大罗级强者侍立在下方两侧,个个面色紧绷、眼观鼻鼻观心,大气都不敢出。 Although acts with all might and main, even does not hesitate to lose the essence and blood and life massively, but this time envied the righteousness out of the ordinary action, to be defeated finally! The opportunity of even saving does not have. 尽管竭尽全力地出手,甚至不惜大量损耗自身精血与寿元,可这次忌义非比寻常的行动、最终还是失败了!连挽救的机会都没有。 Regarding Quasi-Saint Emperor, the life span losses of four Yuan meetings, although is serious, but must restore also to open not possibly, closing up training certain age limit is the mouth, but the loss of this face was difficult to make up. 对于准圣帝君而言,四个元会的寿命损失虽然严重,不过要恢复过来也开非不可能,闭关修养一定年限即口,只是这脸面的损失就难弥补了。 Then, the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace high level had prepared Yin, to most closely the most perfect method protect the Qin Muling security surely, even if were again many two Quasi-Saint Emperor, was impossible to scheme him. 接下来,云梦天宫高层有了阴备,必定会以最严密最完善的手段来保护秦沐凌的安全,纵然是再多两位准圣帝君,都不可能图谋得了他了。 Only if...... day human race nine Quasi-Saint Emperor- gets up, rushes to Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace Chief Platform, can abduct Qin Muling? 除非......天人族的九位准圣帝君—起过来,强闯云梦天宫总坛,才有可能掳走秦沐凌? This Yuan however may not nurture the energy, Mist Fantasy Secret Realm is the big human race foundation heavy, in any event must leave behind the sufficient strength to look after the house, is impossible to send out. 这元然是不可育能的,雾幻秘境是大人族的根基重地,无论如何都得留下足够的力量看家,不可能全部出动的。 Furthermore, universe starry sky here Quasi-Saint Emperor quantity adds also to have many, although usually does things their own way, well water not interfering with river water, but once encounters the powerful foreign invasion, joining up altogether the anti- foreign enemy is not not possible. 再者,太虚星空这边的准圣帝君数量加起来也有不少,尽管平时各自为政、井水不犯河水,可一旦遭遇强大的外敌入侵,联合起来共抗外敌也不是不可能。 " Two should Emperor Monarch, now what to do? " 「两位帝君,现在该怎么办?」 Long time, Zi Huang(purple bright) has the courage to ask finally. 良久,紫煌终于鼓起勇气问着。 Yuan Xi Emperor Monarch has not made noise, Bai Yuan Emperor Monarch thinks, saying: " At present first holds troops, when Mist Fantasy Secret Realm and channel closure of universe starry sky, then discussed other. " 元玺帝君没有出声,白鸢帝君想了想,说着:「目前先按兵不动吧,等到雾幻秘境与太虚星空的通道关闭,再谈其他。」 Ling Xi winked the beautiful pupil, Mist Fantasy Secret Realm, once closes, they can also continue to stay in the universe starry sky? Also or, does the day human race high level have new plan? 灵曦眨了眨美眸,雾幻秘境一旦关闭,那她们还能继续停留在太虚星空吗?又或者、天人族高层已经有了新的谋划?
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