SSIDWTWH :: Volume #3

#280: Saintess Luo Qinghan: The artistic picture itself/Ben, where has the real person to be attractive?

In dark deep bronze palace. 幽暗深沉的青铜殿堂内。 Before that strange ruby altar, the deep purple space tunnel that the diameter two zhang (3.33 m) and auspicious light cover together appears quietly, went out of the form one after another from inside, the aura of each form is tyrannical deep, is better than Zi Huang(purple bright) and Ling Xi two females. 那座诡异的红玉祭坛前,一道直径两丈、祥光笼罩的深紫色空间隧道悄然浮现,从里面走出了一道接一道的身影,每道身影的气息都是强横深沉,远胜过紫煌灵曦两女。 The ruby altar main body, and space tunnel is shivering slightly, whenever a new form when inside appears, the ray of tunnel will be dim a point, the tremor scope even more will also be fierce, will obviously be consumes big. 红玉祭坛本体、以及空间隧道都在微微颤动着,每当一道新的身影自里面出现时,隧道的光芒就黯淡一分,颤动幅度也会愈发剧烈,显然是消耗不小。 For serveral days human race expert everybody all had, each one serious-looking, unemotional, after coming out, stood entire one side is lining up in formation and waiting for silently. 这些天人族高手男女老少皆有,个个神色冷峻、面无表情,出来后就站全一旁列队、默默等待着。 " Good, had such many Supreme Unity Golden Immortal, to have greatly Luo level elder unexpectedly...... " 「太好了,居然有这样多的太乙金仙、还有大罗级长老......」 Nearby Zi Huang(purple bright) is estimating the excess energies of ruby altar intensely, also for the quantity more and more day human race powerhouse, had such a number of high-end strengths joyfully in the hand, oneself will be more relaxed here action, does not fear impeding of Fortune Stealing Palace aspect. 一旁的紫煌紧张地估算着红玉祭坛的剩余能量,同时又为数量越来越多的天人族强者欣喜不已,有了这样一批高端战力在手,自己在这边的行动将会轻松许多,再也不惧劫运宫方面的掣肘了。 When the radiance bright resentment wax of space tunnel, opens suddenly creakies, has the entire several hundred forms to appear in the bronze palace, the big Luo level powerhouse accounts for about 30%, this has gone far beyond the Zi Huang(purple bright) beforehand expected value, being true was a unexpected happiness. 当空间隧道的光华忽明怨蜡、开开摇摇欲坠时,已经有整整数百道身影出现在青铜殿堂中,其中大罗级强者占30%左右,这已远远超过紫煌事先的期望值,属实是意外之喜了。 However, in an instant, a boundless copious mighty force that the space tunnel will soon be closed floods into suddenly, made the tunnel expand several times to have instantaneously, dazzled color eye-catching radiance to jump to shoot from inside, the terrifying pressure made Zi Huang(purple bright) Ling Xi suffocate. 然而,就在空间隧道即将关闭的刹那间,一股磅礴沛然的伟力突然涌入,瞬间让隧道扩大了数倍有余,炫彩夺目的光华自里面迸射出来,恐怖的威压令紫煌灵曦都为之窒息。 The palatial form that two, drift from place to place indistinctly appears from the tunnel end, toward other carries step by step, the step slow reality is quick, few breath arrived front. 两道影影绰绰、飘忽不定的巍峨身影自隧道尽头浮现,一步步向着彼端走过来,步履似慢实快,没几个呼吸就到了面前。 When their footsteps step forward the space tunnel, Ling Xi and Zi Huang(purple bright) two female facial colors change suddenly, bends down, in the big ritual by the clan to pay respect silently. 当他们的脚步跨出空间隧道时,灵曦紫煌两女面色骤变,默默俯身、以族中大礼参拜。 These two that because just arrived, is not the common big Luo level powerhouse, but is guaranteeing exchange if not genuine Quasi-Saint Emperor, has been close to fearful existence of Grand Dao principle peak level. 因为刚刚降临的这两位,并非寻常的大罗级强者、而是如假包换的准圣帝君,已然接近大道法则巅峰层次的可怕存在。 In them behind, the space tunnel glitters finally several, finally changes to the glistening flowing light to scatter in all directions to vanish, at the same time, on the ruby altar main body also presented certain not the crack that is easy to detect, obviously was arrival and was extremely a moment ago exaggerating to its consumption harm of many powerhouse. 在他们身后,空间隧道最后闪烁数下,终于化作莹莹流光四散消失,与此同时,红玉祭坛本体上也出现了某些不易察觉的裂纹,显然是刚才众多强者的降临、对它的消耗损害极其夸张。 " Younger generation has seen Bai Yuan Emperor Monarch, Yuan Xi Emperor Monarch. " 「晚辈见过白鸢帝君,元玺帝君。」 In the Zi Huang(purple bright) gently beautiful voice brings to shiver indistinctly, two Quasi-Saint Emperor for a man and a woman, that beautiful females who wear nine color auspicious clouds star light magnificent robe ceremonial garments, is Bai Yuan Emperor Monarch. Also is Zi Huang(purple bright) and Ancestor of Ling Xi this clan. 紫煌柔美的嗓音里带着隐约地颤抖,两位准圣帝君为一男一女,其中那位身穿九彩祥云星光华袍冕服的绝美女子,就是白鸢帝君。也是紫煌灵曦这一族的老祖 But that tall and strong overwhelming power, does not get angry from the profound clothes Daoist garments middle-aged man of prestige, is Yuan Xi Emperor Monarch. 而那位魁梧威猛、不怒自威的玄衣道装中年男子,就是元玺帝君 Day human race on nine Quasi-Saint Emperor, these two belong now outwardly is quite young, is quite active existences, is quite careful regarding the processing trivial matters, does not live simply like the Emperor Monarch disposition of that several veteran, year to year the close-door anchorite, without the important matter will not easily appear. 人族如今明面上的九位准圣帝君,这两位属于比较年轻、也是比较活跃的存在,对于处理俗务比较上心,不像那几位老资格的帝君心性淡泊,常年闭门隐修,没有大事不会轻易出现。 Two Emperor Monarch nod the head indifferently, vision glance four directions. 两位帝君淡然颔首,目光扫视四方。 " Gets up! " 「起来吧!」 Bai Yuan Emperor Monarch voice chilly like jade: " Universe starry sky, although already decline ruined long years, however certain aspects cannot be underestimated as before, now has the destiny to thrive the sign that the world inspiration recovers, treat by cannot the commonplace. After Emperor Monarch deliberate together, had decided that arrives at this side space and time by this palace and Yuan Xi Emperor Monarch together, manages the general situation! " 白鸢帝君嗓音清冷如玉:「太虚星空虽已衰落破败漫长岁月,然而某些方面依旧不容小觑,如今更是有气运勃发、天地灵机复苏的迹象,是以不能等闲对待。经过帝君们共议之后,已决定由本宫和元玺帝君一同降临这方时空,主持大局!」 " Younger generation respectfully follows Emperor Monarch to command. " 「晚辈谨遵帝君谕令。」 Zi Huang(purple bright) and Ling Xi respond respectful and prudent, a big stone falls to the ground at heart finally. 紫煌灵曦恭谨地应着,心里一块大石头终于落了地。 Originally here only then their two people, all around is having ulterior motives human race cultivator, simply does not have the trustworthy subordinate available, is all hard to start everywhere, now can relax finally. 原本这里只有她们两人,四周全都是心怀叵测的人族修士,根本没有值得信赖的属下可用,处处皆是举步维艰,如今总算是能松一口气了。 Two strengths tyrannical, are in the peak Quasi-Saint Emperor, let alone traces these things, is the direct pressing, and even controls Fortune Stealing Palace to be sufficient, what but also there is good to be worried? 两位战力强横、正处于巅峰期的准圣帝君,别说追查那些事情、就是直接压制、乃至掌控劫运宫都已够用,还有什么好担心的? Zi Huang(purple bright) set out gracefully, receives that ruby altar, then please two Emperor Monarch seats of honor, oneself and Ling Xi be standing in the one side. 紫煌盈盈起身,收起了那座红玉祭坛,然后又请两位帝君上座,自己和灵曦在一旁侍立着。 " Now in the universe starry sky is what situation, said in detail with us! " 「如今太虚星空中是个什么情况,和我们详细说说吧!」 On the Bai Yuan Emperor Monarch chilly arrogant and mysterious quiet colorful beautiful face appears the light happy expression, is asking to Zi Huang(purple bright): 白鸢帝君清冷高傲、神秘幽艳的丽颜上浮现出淡淡笑意,对紫煌问着: " I 「吾 The day material treasures and many rare and precious resources in clan territory massive stolen, did the chief criminal of this matter find? This not obedient can Fortune Stealing Palace, come a large-scale clean simply? Massacres the fellow who these comply in public but oppose in private all? " 族领地上的天材地宝、诸多珍稀资源大量失窃,这事情的罪魁祸首找到了吗?还有这不听话的劫运宫,要不要干脆来一次大规模的清洗?将那些阳奉阴违的家伙尽数杀掉?」 Nearby Yuan Xi Emperor Monarch inserts said: " Your previous time said reply, universe starry sky a female named Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace cultivates in the Confucian orthodoxy influence, there is up-and-coming rising star Qin Muling, has the inconceivable destiny luck reason since birth, if captured him, will have the unreplaceable help to the important matter of my clan, if really has its matter, that cannot delay again, must result is put into action immediately. " 旁边的元玺帝君插言道:「还有你上次回禀说,太虚星空一家名叫云梦天宫的女修道统势力里,有个后起新秀秦沐凌,生来就坐拥不可思议之气运福缘,如果抓获了他,对吾族的大计会有不可替代的帮助,如果确有其事,那也不能再拖延下去了,必须得立即付诸行动。」 Zi Huang(purple bright) nods, saying: " Two Emperor Monarch, matter is such ..... " 紫煌点点头,说着:「两位帝君,事情是这样的.....」 The situation that shortly after the time, she will keep abreast of all informs, particularly complying in public but opposing in private of Fortune Stealing Palace, as well as Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace internal situation, but she I know not many to Qin Muling, was really the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace high level protects him too closely. 没多久功夫,她就将自己掌握的情况悉数告知,尤其是劫运宫的阳奉阴违,以及云梦天宫内部的情形,但她对秦沐凌本人所知不多,实在是云梦天宫高层将他保护得太严密了。 Yuan Xi Emperor Monarch hesitates slightly: " If Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, only then Quasi-Saint Emperor assumes personal command, so long as both of us walk personally, should be able to grasp him? " 元玺帝君微微沉吟:「如果云梦天宫只有一位准圣帝君坐镇的话,我们两人只要亲自走一趟,应该就可以将他抓回来了吧?」 Zi Huang(purple bright) discrete said/tunnel: " At present is indefinite, at least according to the younger generation knows, Fortune Stealing Palace previous plundering action setback , because encountered the reasons of opposite party two Emperor Monarch interception, words that now acts ..... " 紫煌谨慎地道:「目前还不确定,至少据晚辈所知,劫运宫上次的掳掠行动失利,就是因为遭到了对方两位帝君拦截的缘故,现在行动的话.....」 Should universal be stronger than a section universe starry sky human race cultivator on the Quasi-Saint Emperor individual strength and day human race, but Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace has the home advantage, moreover had enough alert in this aspect, can therefore at one fell swoop the accomplishment, the Zi Huang(purple bright) heart not full assurance. 准圣帝君的个体实力、天人族应该比太虚星空的人族修士普遍强出一截,不过云梦天宫有主场优势,而且在这方面有了足够的戒备,所以能不能一举建功,紫煌心底并无十足把握。 Let alone Qin Muling no still the destiny suppressed is not cracks a joke, even if Quasi-Saint Emperor does not have the advantage in this aspect, will fly back without any results carelessly. 何况秦沐凌的无尚气运压制不是开玩笑的,纵然是准圣帝君在这方面都没有优势可言,一个不慎就会无功而返。 Bai Yuan Emperor Monarch said with a smile: " Such being the case, we might as well first process Fortune Stealing Palace, so long as first tidies up docile them, their strengths naturally can use for us. " 白鸢帝君笑道:「既然如此,那我们不如就先处理一下劫运宫,只要先将他们收拾得服服帖帖的,他们的力量自然就可以为我们所用了。」 " Right, " 「没错,」 Yuan Xi Emperor Monarch expressed the support: " When the time comes all transfers their people, loses, when the cannon fodder diverts Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, we can while make a move randomly, after holding that Qin Muling, instantly evacuates, is- lifts two. " 元玺帝君表示赞同:「到时候将他们的人全部调动起来,丢出去当炮灰牵制云梦天宫,我们就可以趁乱出手,抓住那个秦沐凌之后即刻撤离,算是—举两得。」 ...... …… Bright Moon Immortal Territory, Bright Moon Sword School Chief Platform. 皓月仙域,皓月剑派总坛 Outside Sect mountain-protecting great array, the number from Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace cultivates to form big by 100,000 high rank female of ideas, is launching the gust of wind offensive brashly to below big light screen. 宗门护山大阵外,数以十万计来自云梦天宫的高阶女修结成大阵,正对下方的大阵光幕发起疾风骤雨般的攻势。 The meteor and giant tree of birthplace of celestial pole place high over 100,000 li (0.5 km) mountain peak and flaming combustion, full is the ice hockey of sharp thorn in killing concentrates fast, if at once the raindrop above the extreme speed from the high vault of heaven pounds to fall, hits on the thick incomparable light screen, surges layer upon layer the milky white air wave in the earth-shaking explosive sound, howls to is proliferating in all directions. 一座座高逾十万里的山峰、熊熊燃烧的陨星、贯天极地的巨木、满是尖刺的冰球在杀阵中飞快凝成,旋即如雨点般自高高的天穹之上极速砸落,撞击在厚实无比的光幕上,在惊天动地的爆炸声中激荡出层层乳白色的气浪,呼啸着向四面八方扩散。 Also there is a Daoist priest together to reach more than ten thousand li (0.5 km) and shapes such as the thunder of antique demon dragon such as the rain to get in the Japanese banana, tens of thousands of falls, the belt/bring the dense destruction is killing the terrifying sword air/Qi of intent, all kinds of big might magical powers magic arts, are pound to fall continuous, seems never-ending. 又有一道道长达万余里、形如太古魔龙的雷霆如雨打芭蕉,成千上万地落下,还有带着森森毁灭杀意的恐怖剑气,各种各样的大威力神通法术,同样是连绵不绝地砸落下来,仿佛永无休止。 The unprecedented fierce attack has continued several double-hour, in that female cultivates greatly kills sky over that composes, above Sect treasure Phoenix Nebula Pagoda hangs, the star rainbow winds around all over the body magnificently, exceptionally. 前所未有的猛烈攻势已经持续数个时辰,在那女修组成的巨大杀阵上空,宗门重器离凰星云塔高悬其上,通体星虹缭绕、瑰丽异常。 Under its positioned between coordinated control, killed the attack prestige to promote about three times fully, hit below mountain-protecting great array light screen to creaky, the ray was dim. 在它的居中协调掌控下,杀阵的攻击威能整整提升了三倍左右,直打得下方的护山大阵光幕摇摇欲坠,光芒黯淡。 At first, the Bright Moon Sword School aspect has to try the counter-attack. 起初,皓月剑派方面不是没有尝试过反击。 After railing the threat was invalid, the remained high-level elders in abundance tie to kill, tried to wash out the female in Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace aspect to cultivate/repair the lineup, had the time restoration by own mountain-protecting great array. 当谩骂威胁无效之后,留守的高层长老们纷纷结阵杀出,试图冲散云梦天宫方面的女修阵容,让自家的护山大阵有时间恢复。 However in admiring language and in front of Tong Ying two Quasi-Saint Emperor offensive jointly, few rounds easily crushed their counter-attack, more than ten Luo level elder was struck to kill or cause heavy losses greatly at the scene, the opportunity that the elder of Supreme Unity Golden Immortal level even escapes does not have. 然而在歆语、彤樱两位准圣帝君的联手攻势面前,没几个回合就轻易粉碎了他们的反击,十余位大罗级长老被当场击杀或重创,太乙金仙级的长老更是连逃命的机会都没有。 After eating has owed one time greatly, the remaining elders can only reluctantly choose to draw back into, to defend stubbornly to treat the help. 吃过一次大亏之后,剩下的长老们只能无奈地选择退入阵中、固守待援。 In fact is impossible to support, after all this moment Sect Master Lin Xuanyuan is leading the majority high rank powerhouse in Sect, expedite Origin Star Palace in the company of the Fortune Stealing Palace aspect not to turn over, was supposing has been annihilated mostly, therefore facing Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace 事实上已经不可能有支援了,毕竟此刻掌教林玄渊带着宗门里的过半数高阶强者、偕同劫运宫方面远征始源星宫未归,估摸着多半已是全军覆没,因此面对云梦天宫 The full power attacks, how finally basic not to have the suspense. 的全力来攻,结果如何基本已无悬念。 Distant place, thousands of floats the spatial great ship to form the battle formation, calmly is waiting. 远处,数以千计的浮空巨舰结成阵势,静静地等待着。 " How long...... also needs probably? " 「......大概还需要多久?」 Flagship magnificent palace Queli, the Qin Muling mild gentle sound resounds. 旗舰内部的华丽宫阙里,秦沐凌温润平和的声音响起。 " It is not long, most 2-3 days! " 「不算久,最多2-3天吧!」 The body side, bright-colored is passing the charming Qing Chan fairy maiden feeds him to eat the soft hail, the winning smile explained sweet: " This is two Emperor Monarch not in the situation that lashes out, otherwise this big possible, so long as several double-hour broke through! Bright Moon Sword School may not have the nice expert to assume personal command now! " 身侧,明艳中透着妩媚的青蝉仙子一面喂他吃雪子,一面巧笑嫣然地解释道:「这还是两位帝君不曾出手攻击的情况下,否则这座大阵可能只要数个时辰就攻破了!皓月剑派现在可没有像样的高手坐镇了呢!」 " I also thought that is this. " 「我也觉得是这样。」 Qin Muling nods, news that the previous time after learning Origin Star Palace wins total victories, the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace high-level process discussed repeatedly, thought cannot miss like this good opportunity, must dispatch troops to extinguish this foe as soon as possible, before snow, shame! 秦沐凌点了点头,上次在获悉始源星宫大获全胜的消息之后,云梦天宫高层经过反复商议,觉得还是不能错过这样的好机会,必须尽快出兵灭了这家仇敌,藉此一雪前耻! If towed the long time, might first be started by Origin Star Palace. 如果拖久了的话,就有可能被始源星宫先下手了。 Revenges, naturally begins personally is most appropriate, making the bystander extinguish them, although final result same, but always thought that some were not complete. 报仇嘛,当然还是得亲自动手才是最合适的,让外人来灭了他们,最终的结果虽然一样、但总觉得有些不圆满。 Therefore after the discussion, remains behind Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace Sect Chief Platform by Qing Huan Emperor Monarch, but Lan Hua and Jing Lan two Emperor Monarch, because must return to Sect to assemble the staff resource, therefore at this moment not. 于是经过商议,由清寰帝君留守云梦天宫宗门总坛,而岚华景澜两位帝君因为要回宗门调集人手资源,所以此刻不在。 Emperor Xin Yu and Tong Ying Emperor Monarch leads to go to battle, and carried Sect treasure Phoenix Nebula Pagoda, Qin Muling also accompanies the armed forces. 歆语帝君彤樱帝君领军出征,并携带了宗门重器离凰星云塔,还有秦沐凌同样随军。 This is completely the disposition of killing a chicken with an ox cleaver, after all Bright Moon Sword School absolutely does not have the nice expert now, resists two Quasi-Saint Emperor in peak condition with what? Let alone unsurpassed destiny suppression of Qin Muling. 这完全是杀鸡用牛刀的配置,毕竟皓月剑派如今根本就没有像样的高手了,拿什么抵御两位巅峰状态的准圣帝君?何况还有秦沐凌的无上气运压制。 Even if the Bright Moon Sword School heyday, is like this helpless facing the superluxurious lineup, let alone is now? 纵然是皓月剑派的全盛时期,面对这样的超豪华阵容都无能为力,何况是现在? In this period, the Bright Moon Sword School remaining elders sent in the news repeatedly, from starting the outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted threat, to the submissive request, finally was end of hills and rivers imploring urgently, so long as Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace stopped the offensive, anything was open to discuss. 期间,皓月剑派的留守长老们多次发来讯息,从开始色厉内荏的威胁,到低眉顺眼的请求,最后是山穷水尽般的苦苦哀求,只要云梦天宫停止攻势,什么事情都好商量。 However Emperor Xin Yu only has a few words: Except that closes big, to leave collectively falls, Bright Moon Sword School has no alternative. 不过歆语帝君只有一句话:除了关闭大阵、集体出降,皓月剑派别无选择。 Therefore, the Bright Moon Sword School high level fell into the vigorous argument, approved surrendered with stubborn was divided into two schools, quarrelled delighted. 于是,皓月剑派高层陷入到了激烈的争论中,赞成投降的与死硬到底的分成两派,吵得不亦乐乎。 Although these fellows were clear, Sect Master Lin Xuanyuan is not possible has the opportunity to come back, the powerful foreign aid is to not think about it, Fortune Stealing Palace could not have taken care of oneself now, whom but can also count on? 尽管这些家伙都清楚,掌教林玄渊是不可能有机会回来的了,强大的外援更是想都别想,劫运宫如今已是自顾不暇,还能指望得了谁? Gives up resisting like this, will inherit the excellent base industry of several hundred ten thousand years to offer submissively? Whatever the passing sworn enemy does make a decision own life and death honor or disgrace? This decision is really difficult under. 只是就这样放弃抵抗,将传承数百万载的大好基业拱手奉上?任由过往的死对头来决断自己的生死荣辱?这个决定实在是太难下。 " I do not hope they surrender, " 「我个人是不希望他们投降的,」 Qin Muling glanced through front exquisite, the writing technique exquisite exquisite art picture itself/Ben gently, the mouth is saying: " Best is they resists stubbornly, us can kill off them like this logically, otherwise really must fall, that was not quite instead easy to process. " 秦沐凌轻轻翻阅着面前做工精致、笔法优美细腻的艺术画本,嘴里说着:「最好是他们顽抗到底,这样我们才能够顺理成章地将他们杀光,否则真要降了,那反而不太好处理了。」 " That's true. " 「确实如此。」 The surrounding Senior Sisters approve, even considered for the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace reputation, must leave a loophole regarding the influence of initiative surrender, cannot be ruthless, this was the past universe starry sky for trillion years the tradition made it so. 周围的师姐们纷纷赞同,即便只是为了云梦天宫的名声考虑,对于主动投降的势力都要网开一面,不能赶尽杀绝,这是过去太虚星空亿万年来的传统使然。 Now like this best, but, breaks through mountain-protecting great array, kills off Bright Moon Sword School all official disciple disciples, making this Supreme Daoist Lineage remove from the universe starry sky in thoroughly, reported the past big enmity. 如今这样子最好不过,攻破护山大阵,杀光皓月剑派所有正式的门人弟子,让这家至尊道统自太虚星空中彻底除名,才算是报了当年的大仇。 " Little Junior Brother, how do you like looking at these things? " 小师弟啊,你怎么喜欢看这些东西?」 Side, the looks are quiet and refined, in the autumn waters bright eyes passed Mu Yinshuang of ancient spirit demon to stare at artistic picture itself/Ben in his hand, the jade face slightly was saying red. 旁边,姿容娴静、秋水明眸中透着古灵精怪的穆吟霜盯了一眼他手中的艺术画本,玉颜微红地说着。 On Qin Muling front table, but also is piling thick one pile of treasured possessions, needless saying that was this fellow the series that liked appreciating, each issue has not fallen. 秦沐凌面前的桌案上,还堆着厚厚的一摞珍藏品,不消说,都是这家伙最喜欢欣赏的系列,每一期都不曾落下。 Especially Qin Muling also tries to create, the work that puts in order, let alone the bystander, these had the Senior Sisters of intimate dao companion relations to look after him, thought that was red in the face shamefully . 尤其是秦沐凌还尝试着自己创作,整出来的作品,甭说外人了,就连这些与他有了亲密道侣关系的师姐们看过之后,都觉得面红耳赤、无地自容。 Was...... is too simply immoral! 简直是......太伤风败俗了! " Un, is likes! " 「嗯,就是喜欢啊!」 The Qin Muling look is confident: " I am the body and mind normal man, having this hobby is not very normal? " 秦沐凌神色坦然:「我是身心正常的男人,有这爱好不是挺正常的吗?」 Few Toshiro admires the beauty, the itself/Ben is the perfectly justified matter, does not like not normal. 少年郎爱慕美色,本就是天经地义的事情,不喜欢才是不正常。 " But, but...... " 「可、可是……」 Mu Yinshuang does not know suddenly should say what good, others , but Little Junior Brother you are Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace Dao Heir, in the future must become the Quasi-Saint Emperor man, the position venerates expensively not, but also looks at these vulgar things, rather lost face too. 穆吟霜一时间不知该说什么好,旁人也就罢了,可小师弟你是云梦天宫道储,将来要成为准圣帝君的男人,地位尊崇贵不可言,还看这些难登大雅之堂的东西,未免太跌份了些。 If spreads, the bystander has not known how to discuss him. 若是传扬出去,外人还不知怎么议论他呢。 Qin Muling actually thinks otherwise, own person supposes is like this, did not plan to change, what significance did the view of bystander, have oneself? 秦沐凌却不以为然,自己的人设就是这样子,也不打算改变了,外人的看法于自己而言、有什么意义吗? Opposite, pretty and coquettish gentle, exquisite silk magnificent Luhua Palace saintess Luo Qinghan depended gently, bewitches to seize the peach blossom beautiful pupil of mortal form to observe closely the present beautiful youngster, supple said/tunnel: " Reads these picture books with it, might as well looks at the real person! Little Junior Brother, since you so like the Yin-Yang and gathering say/way, was inferior how...... the Senior Sister does accompany you to exchange to discuss well? " 对面,艳冶柔媚、锦绣辉煌的露华宫圣女洛清涵轻轻靠了过来,勾魂夺魄的桃花美眸盯住眼前的美少年,柔柔地道:「与其看这些画本,还不如看真人呢!小师弟啊,既然你如此喜好阴阳和合之道,不如......师姐陪你好好交流探讨一下如何?」 Simply put, these artistic color drawing this/Ben characters are lifelike, is impossible to compare favorably with the true beautiful woman, let alone the Senior Sisters all are in ten thousand do not have a leaning world beautiful color, only looked that the picture did not look at the person, isn't this attend to trifles to the neglect of essentials? 言下之意,这些艺术彩绘画本里的人物再逼真,都不可能比得上真正的美人,何况师姐们个个都是万中无一的倾世丽色,只看画本不看人,这不是舍本求末吗? Qin Muling hesitates, hesitating definitely is not typical: " But outside is going to war, our not on battlefield, but must close absurdly, felt that could not be justified. " 秦沐凌沉吟一阵,迟疑不决地道:「可是外面正在打仗呢,我们不上战场也就罢了,还要关起门来荒唐,感觉太说不过去了。」 " Originally does not need Little Junior Brother on you battlefield! " 「本来就不需要小师弟你上战场啊!」 A gentle persuasive sound resounds from the table , is finding out to reach the head for Su Yuanzhen that he pounds the legs, extracted snow white silk handkerchief to scratch the gloss to flatter Li's sandalwood mouth from the front of reaching to the sky a, wave light rate/lead colorful beautiful pupil must drop the water leakage, set out to sit by him, the gentle voice is saying: 一个柔媚婉转的声音自桌案底下响起,正在替他捶腿的苏元臻探出臻首,自高耸入云的前襟抽出一方雪白丝巾擦了擦光泽媚丽的檀口,波光率艳的美眸似要滴出水来,起身坐在他旁边,柔声说着: " So long as Little Junior Brother you here, to the Bright Moon Sword School destiny suppression effect continually effective, this was you biggest contributed, side matter, did not need you to worry! " 「只要小师弟你人在这里,对皓月剑派的气运压制效果就持续有效,这就是你最大的贡献了,旁的事情,根本不需要你操心呢!」 " Also is this truth. " 「也是这个道理。」 The Qin Muling slight nod, approved the viewpoint of Su Yuanzhen. 秦沐凌微微点头,对苏元臻的观点表示认可。
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