SYITHW :: Volume #3 山野闲人

#677 Part 2: A little thing

Actually this is they visits the Mulberry Net Dynasty real reason as Dragon Country, after all the calamity of this national foreign land civilization has eliminated, they cannot help completely useless necessity this on a grand scale, but Mulberry Net post-disaster restored the strategy to have too multiple-valued the learn/study place, even if these strategies took away Dragon Country to have the great implementation significance. 其实这才是他们以龙国使节身份拜访桑罗王朝的真正原因,毕竟这个国家异域文明之祸已经消除,他们帮不上忙完全没用必要这样大张旗鼓,但桑罗的灾后恢复策略有太多值得学习的地方了,哪怕这些策略带去龙国都有着重大的实施意义。 Has not thought that your country people will be interested in these, the concrete aspects is a long story, did not immediately arrive carefully , if interested, how from now on We will arrange the person to reorganize a material to give everyone?” Wu Qingmei tranquil say/way. “未曾想贵国众人会对这些感兴趣,具体方方面面说来话长,当下就不细细到来了,诸位若有兴趣,过后朕安排人整理一份资料给各位如何?”武轻眉平静道。 Did not say that immediately the detail arranges separately, at that time the feasibility was big, after all various aspect strategies are countless people implement to summarize to come, can't give to them in vain? Although is not the secret, but some keys , if not undergo the practice to use rashly, not only might detour even may also attempt something beyond one's ability and fail. 不当下说细节另行安排,那个时候可操作性就大了,毕竟各方面策略都是无数人实施总结而来,总不能白白送给他们吧?虽然不是什么秘密,可有些关键之处若不经过实践就贸然采用,不但有可能走弯路甚至还有可能会画虎不成反类犬。 Does not need the opposite party opens the mouth, the heart to have energy Wu Qingmei to occupy the initiative , to continue saying: Stems from where as for these experience strategies, some are it practice the summary, some are learn/study to come from elsewhere, not stems from somebody purely hand 不待对方开口,心有底气的武轻眉一直都占据主动权,继续道:“至于这些经验策略出自何处,一些是本国实践总结,一些是从别处学习而来,并非单纯的出自某个人之手” When said these with Bai Wenhao, Wu Qingmei is actually keeping one eye on secretly and Yun Jing passes message the exchange, the bonus is on the scene has two myth boundaries, but under acting of Yun Jing, they also only knows two people in the exchange, but was not clear exchanged anything specifically. 在和白文浩说这些的时候,武轻眉却是在一心二用暗自和云景传音交流,饶是在场有两个神话境,但在云景的施为下,他们也只知道两人在交流而不清楚具体交流了什么。 This lets Hong Ya and Elderly Tang somewhat is accidental/surprised, how do they achieve to shield oneself? 这让洪崖唐老都有些意外,他们是如何做到屏蔽自己的? Little Jing, these strategies are to stem from your suggestion much, he inquired about in this, wants to come to understand probably these strategies were related with you, therefore needs to help you conceal?” Wu Qingmei asked. 小景,那些策略多是出自你的建议,他问及于此,想来应该是大概了解这些策略与你有关的,所以需要帮你隐瞒一下吗?”武轻眉问。 Yun Jing responded: „It is not the shameful matter, does not need intentionally to conceal, how should how then 云景回应道:“又不是什么见不得人的事情,无需刻意隐瞒,该怎么样就怎么样即可” I knew......” “我知道了……” From beginning to end Yun Jing is only an attending guest, is equivalent to the background board, here after all is the Wu Qingmei home game, he does not need to compete. 自始至终云景都只是一个陪客,相当于背景板,这里毕竟是武轻眉的主场,他没必要喧宾夺主。 However looks at present this trend, obvious under must involve itself, Yun Jing is actually indifferent, the exchange, he also wants to understand that these Dragon Country guests have what forte. 不过看眼下这个趋势,明显等下要牵扯自身,云景倒是无所谓,交流而已,他还想了解一下这些龙国来客有什么过人之处呢。 Actually can see, these people who Dragon Country comes, Elderly Tang has the later generation to be informed and experienced purely, therefore the words are not many, hardly meddles, but that four young people, Bai Wenhao pay great attention to the knowledge compared with several other, therefore are most on his words. 其实可以看出,龙国来的这几个人,唐老纯粹是带着后辈历练,所以话不多,几乎不插手,而那四个年轻人,白文浩比其他几个更注重学问,所以就他话最多。 After the Wu Qingmei words fall, he said: „The Mulberry Net Emperor, I said before come to your country to make my surprise have two ; first, the calamity of your country still foreign land civilization ; second, restores the strategy after the disaster, but from us the unascertainable understanding, these two aspects was previously related with a person named Yun Jing, rumor person is the person of Great Li, stirs up courage below in this, this person whether on the scene?” 武轻眉话语落下后,他说:“桑罗帝君,之前我言来贵国境内令我意外之处有二,其一是贵国平定异域文明之祸,其二是灾后恢复策略,但从我们此前不能确定的了解来看,这两方面都和一个叫云景的人有关,传言此人原本是大离之人,在此在下抖胆,请问此人可否在场?” The Yun Jing heart said sure enough...... 云景心说果不其然…… Both things are related with Yun Jing, this is Dragon Country several people inquires, no matter Yun Jing helps the calamity of supplying ideas post-disaster restoration Mulberry Net putting down a rebellion foreign land civilization, indicates Yun Jing, therefore Yun Jing brought back their interest actually, wants to experience to have what forte. 两件事情都和云景有关,这是龙国几人打听到的,不管是云景桑罗平叛异域文明之祸还是出谋划策灾后恢复,都足见云景的了得,所以云景倒是勾起了他们的兴趣,想见识一下到底有什么过人之处。 Speech time, the Bai Wenhao vision looks to the surroundings, is obviously searching the Yun Jing form, but he does not know Yun Jing, whom is analyzing to be possible be. 说话的时候,白文浩目光看向周围,明显在寻觅云景的身影,但他不认识云景,在分析谁有可能是。 Not is only he, several other people inspect in the vision, originally their trip most is interested was Yun Jing this person. 不但是他,其余几人都在目光巡视,本来他们此行最感兴趣的就是云景这个人了。 The quick everyone's vision locked in Yun Jing above oneself, after all Mulberry Net many people were know his, the Mulberry Net official vision was centralized, Dragon Country several people also determined following the vision. 很快所有人的目光都锁定在了云景本人之上,毕竟桑罗很多人都是认识他的,桑罗官员目光集中,龙国几人顺着目光也就确定了。 Is he?”, Ning Bing'er is secretly accidental, is really she has been paying attention to Yun Jing this mildew to transport the dreadful person. “是他?”,宁冰儿暗自意外,实在是她一直都在留意云景这个霉运滔天的人。 Bai Wenhao somewhat is also accidental, although had guessed before, but is accidental/surprised, after all Yun Jing seemed like too young, was very difficult to let the person that each article relations on Yun Jing such young people. 白文浩也有些意外,虽然之前就有所猜测了,但还是意外,毕竟云景看上去太年轻了,很难让人将那一桩桩一件件联系在云景这样的年轻人身上。 In the people on the scene, Yun Jing was young too excessive. 在场众人里面,云景年轻得太过分了。 Before had the communication, Wu Qingmei has looked to Yun Jing: Young Master Yun just right on the scene 之前就有过沟通,武轻眉看向云景到:“云公子正好在场” Has seen everyone, no talent trivial below, this white brother loved a moment ago, below is not person of high skill, under is in the glare of the public eye, Yun Jing sets out to say with a smile at the right moment neither arrogant nor servile. “见过各位,不才正是区区在下,刚才这位白兄太爱,在下可不是什么高人”,众目睽睽下,云景适时起身不卑不亢笑道。 When Yun Jing stands, met with the latter straight talk not many Lu Wu vision to look at Wu Qingmei one, at this time looked that had a hostility to the Yun Jing heart bewilderedly, was simply bewildered. 云景站起来的时候,会晤后一直话都不多的卢伍目光看了武轻眉一眼,此时看向云景心头莫名其妙生出了一丝敌意,简直莫名其妙。 ...... …… 7017 k 7017k Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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