SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3822: Evolution

Actually, Meng Zhang this time lends a hand to help Tai Miao share the pressure, regarding the Tai Miao future, will not be a good deed. 其实,孟章这次出手帮助太妙分担压力,对于太妙的未来,并不是一件好事。 Regarding Tai Miao, preferably, depends upon own strength, crossed this test alone, future practicing will be more promising, going smoothly. 对于太妙来说,最好的情况,是依靠自己的力量,独自渡过这次考验,日后的修行才会更有前途,更加的顺遂。 But does not have the means that by his strength, is unable to cross this test only absolutely. 可是没有办法,单靠他的力量,是万万无法渡过这次考验的。 Sees with own eyes must the severe wound and even falling from the sky during the test, that will also be able to discuss anything in the future. 眼见着就要在考验之中重伤乃至陨落,那还谈得上什么未来。 Once Tai Miao falls from the sky, will implicate main body Meng Zhang. 太妙一旦陨落,会连累到本尊孟章 Meng Zhang will be wounded mostly did not say, but also lost the most reliable helper. 孟章多半会负伤不说,还失去了最为可靠的帮手。 When Tai Miao suffers the crisis, Meng Zhang thinks slightly, makes the decision immediately, starts to intend to help. 太妙遭遇危机的时候,孟章不过是稍加思索,就立即做出决定,开始出手帮忙。 He is not willing to lose this external avatar, by the Taiyi World current situation, he cannot leave such easy-to-use helper. 他不愿意失去这具身外化身,以太乙界目前的情况,他离不开这么好用的帮手。 Then to hunts for the star to rob the group to launch the general attack crazily, the Tai Miao battle efficiency is indispensable. 接下来对狂猎星盗团展开总攻,太妙的战斗力是不可或缺的。 In Meng Zhang of Taiyi World world of the living, starts to read rather the calm air/Qi, to drive out the Taoism scrip­tures of heart demon. 太乙界阳世的孟章,开始念动宁心静气、驱除心魔的道家经文。 By the special ties between main body and external avatar, the Meng Zhang strength transmits on Tai Miao of ghostdom, helping him stand firm the mind of creakying. 凭借本尊和身外化身之间的特殊联系,孟章的力量传递到冥界的太妙身上,帮助其稳住了摇摇欲坠的心神。 Tai Miao quickly restored the pure brightness, the present fantasy did not have the slight effect on him again. 太妙迅速恢复了清明,眼前的幻想对他再也没有了丝毫的影响。 An intermittent Yin fire that in his Soul ignites, is extinguished by the supernatural power pouring that he transfers. 神魂之中燃起的一阵阵阴火,被他调动的神力浇灭。 Hides in his Soul deep place the poison of incense and candle belief, just started to manifest suddenly, was suppressed by him, and starts to eliminate it. 潜藏在他神魂深处的香火信仰之毒,刚刚开始发作,就被他压制下去,并且开始对其进行清除。 With the aid of this time the opportunity of building up the Qian Ye golden lotus , he although cannot achieve the poison of radical elimination incense and candle belief, may reduce its harm greatly, can suppress firmly it, making within its a long time harmless. 借助这次炼化千叶金莲的机会,他虽然不能做到彻底清除香火信仰之毒,可大大减轻了其危害,能够将其牢牢压制住,让其在很长一段时间之内都变得无害。 ...... …… After experiencing a long test, the strength of Qian Ye golden lotus almost infiltrated in his Soul each corner, his Soul obtained the unprecedented purification, became more powerful. 在经历一阵漫长的考验之后,千叶金莲的力量几乎渗透到了他的神魂中每一个角落,他的神魂得到了前所未有的净化,变得更为强大。 Soul has been purified, some innate shackles in god body untied. 神魂得到净化,神躯之中的一些先天桎梏被解开。 The god body started transformations, started the brand-new evolution. 神躯开始了一场场蜕变,开始了全新的进化。 This transformation and evolution took to the Tai Miao huge pain, he actually endures gladly. 这场蜕变和进化带给了太妙巨大的痛苦,他却甘之如饴。 He does not need Meng Zhang to help him share these pain, he insisted alone. 他不需要孟章帮助他分担这些痛苦,他独自坚持了下来。 After the transformation is completed, his god body evolved a brand-new level. 当蜕变完成之后,他的神躯进化到了一个全新的层次。 His time cultivation base boundary has not been promoted directly, obtained the innumerable advantage, for future practice to build the solid foundation. 他这次的修为境界没有得到直接提升,却得到了无数的好处,为日后的修行打下了坚实的基础。 His Soul becomes purer thorough, the god body is more indestructible. 他的神魂变得更加纯净透彻,神躯更加坚不可摧。 He had more mysterious abilities, becoming Divine Ability are more general. 他拥有了更多神奇的能力,变得更加神通广大。 By building up this Qian Ye golden lotus, he made up for many deficiencies, had by oneself the opportunity of catching up with these special Lord God seeds. 凭借炼化这朵千叶金莲,他弥补了许多不足之处,让自己有了赶上那些出身不凡的主神种子的机会。 After refining up thoroughly melted that Qian Ye golden lotus, he does not have anxiously going out, was still continue close up practices. 在彻底炼化了那朵千叶金莲之后,他没有急着出关,仍然在继续闭关修行。 He enjoys the present condition very much, fully feels, oneself as if obtained new student/life general. 他很享受现在的状态,充分感受到,自己仿佛获得了新生一般。 Soul after purification, the god body after transformation, but also makes his practicing speed quickly. 净化后的神魂,蜕变后的神躯,还让他的修行速度变得更快。 In Meng Zhang captures hunts for the star to rob in the processes of various group outstations crazily, in the middle period of his deity practice thorough completion. 孟章追捕狂猎星盗团各支分团的过程之中,他天神中期的修行彻底的圆满了。 His present range breaks through to the deity late stage boundary, only has a step difference, when can perhaps break through smoothly. 他现在距离突破到天神后期的境界,只有一步之差,说不定什么时候就能顺利突破。 The battle efficiency discussed that he almost arrived at the deity intermediate apex. 以战斗力而论,他几乎到达了天神中期的顶点。 Tai Miao cannot promote deity late stage, powerhouse who is unable to resist the Immortal Venerable rank, this disappoints Meng Zhang slightly a little. 太妙没有能够晋升天神后期,就无法对抗仙尊级别的强者,这让孟章稍微有点失望。 However, he considered, at present expert who Taiyi World is short of the Heaven Immortal second boundary, Tai Miao also made up for the flaw of this aspect. 不过,他考虑到,太乙界目前欠缺天仙第二境的高手,太妙也算是弥补了这方面的缺陷。 Powerhouse who only a Tai Miao person, can resist many second boundary Heaven Immortal ranks. 单是太妙一个人,就能对抗多位第二境天仙级别的强者。 Taiyi World still searches for in void, hunts for the star to rob the outstation of group crazily was caught and destroyed. 太乙界还在虚空之中搜寻,狂猎星盗团的分团一支又一支的被捕获、被毁灭。 Four plundered void, lets hunt for the star that the person is panic at the news to rob the group crazily, facing the alliance headed by Taiyi World, is almost at wit's end, has come under attack passively. 原本肆掠虚空,让人闻风丧胆的狂猎星盗团,面对以太乙界为首的联盟,几乎是无计可施,一直被动挨打。 Hunts for the star to rob the member of group crazily, has become the goal that countless people capture. 狂猎星盗团的成员,更是早就成为了无数人追捕的目标。 More and more practicing influences join this alliance, before these, hunted for the star to rob the group daunted the practicing influence crazily, rouses the courage, stepped onto the path of resistance and retaliation. 越来越多的修行势力加入这个联盟,就连那些以前被狂猎星盗团吓住了的修行势力,都鼓起来勇气,走上了反抗和报复的道路。 The alliance of Meng Zhang organization is growing, the momentum is unmatched. 孟章组织的这个联盟日益壮大,声势一时无两。 Naturally, strength of this alliance has the limit. 当然,这个联盟的壮大是有着极限的。 After all, leader Taiyi World of alliance was a history is not very long young influence, Taiyi World lord Meng Zhang is new promote Immortal Venerable. 毕竟,联盟的首领太乙界是一家历史不是很长的年轻势力,太乙界之主孟章不过是一名新晋仙尊 In addition, in the alliance did not have the strength of other Immortal Venerable rank. 除此之外,联盟之中就没有别的仙尊级别的战力了。 Coalizes the member, is distributed in various void places. 加入联盟的成员,分布在虚空各处。 Majority is hunts for the star to rob the group to have a grudge crazily, part hopes coalizes to obtain the asylum. 大部分都是和狂猎星盗团有仇的,还有一部分是希望加入联盟获得庇护的。 The alliance member distribution is too broad, seeming like the momentum is very big, the influence is almost found in various void places, but the strength is actually scattered, is very difficult to form the joint effort. 联盟成员分布太广,看上去声势很大,势力几乎遍布虚空各处,可其实力量分散,很难形成合力。 If some member of alliance were under the attack, spreads other members in other void places, is very difficult to be prompt supports. 如果联盟的某个成员遭遇了攻击,散布在虚空其他地方的其他成员,很难及时进行支援。 Meng Zhang knows, the main purpose that the alliance has, besides eliminating hunts for the star to rob group big personal enemy crazily, looking for book park www.zoshuyucom is everyone wants to obtain the asylum, can help each other. 孟章知道,联盟存在的主要目的,除了消灭狂猎星盗团这个大仇人之外,找书苑www.zoshuyucom就是大家希望获得庇护,能够互相帮助。 To solve these problems is not easy. 要想解决这些问题并不容易。 Meng Zhang can do, solves as soon as possible hunts for the star to rob the group crazily, stable will of the people. 孟章能做的,就是尽快解决狂猎星盗团,安定人心。 Later, can find the way to strengthen relations among various members slowly, consolidates this alliance. 之后,才能想办法慢慢加强各成员之间的联系,巩固这个联盟。 In his heart also had an approximate mentality. 他心中对此也有了一个大致的思路。 So long as has enough immortal gate, constructs networks that is found in various void places, can closely contact with all alliance members. 只要拥有足够的仙门,构造出一个遍布虚空各处的网络,就能将所有的联盟成员紧密的联系起来。 Refines the difficulty of immortal gate to be extremely high, the material treasures, current Taiyi World does not have condition that refines the immortal gate. 炼制仙门的难度极高,材料十分珍惜,目前的太乙界并不具备炼制仙门的条件。 In fact, during is void can refine the practicing influence of immortal gate or similar treasure is almost few. 实际上,虚空之中能够炼制仙门或者类似宝物的修行势力几乎是屈指可数。 Very scarce in the immortal gate number in void spreading. 在虚空之中流传的仙门数量十分稀少。 The treasure that this type has the important strategy function each time appears, will bring in fight of all influence. 每次这种具有重大战略作用的宝物出现,都会引来各方势力的争抢。 Initially Tai Miao also prepared to trade this kind of treasure in the ghostdom. 当初太妙还准备在冥界交易到这类宝物。 Afterward, after he was familiar with the situation, discovered oneself thought was too simple. 后来,他熟悉了情况之后,才发现自己想的太简单了。 By him previously in the position of ghostdom, the grasped resources, was almost impossible obtains the immortal gate and so on treasure. 以他此前在冥界的地位,掌握的资源,几乎不可能获得仙门之类的宝物。 The immortal gate that side Gu Yue Family has is also have several, can give Taiyi World one pair, is not very easy. 古月家族那边拥有的仙门也是有数的,能够送给太乙界一对,已经是很不容易了。 If Meng Zhang wants to obtain more palace doors, only will then try to find the solution in the future slowly. 孟章要想获得更多的仙门,只有日后慢慢想办法了。 He has transferred the Taiyi World business team, these ally sect gate, think the means purchase or the exchange as far as possible the treasure of similar immortal gate, for this reason he is willing to pay the enough significant price. 他已经交待太乙界的商贸队伍,还有那些盟友宗门,尽量想办法购买或者交换到类似仙门的宝物,为此他愿意付出足够重大的代价。 Gains the things of more immortal gate also to have no feature temporarily, he is searching for hunts for the star to rob group headquarters crazily, finally had some harvests. 获取更多仙门的事情暂时还没有什么眉目,他在搜寻狂猎星盗团总部方面,总算有了一些收获。 In this process, hunts for the star to rob the group to proliferate the numerous outstations of various void places crazily, is caught in abundance, was almost captured and killed completely. 在这个过程之中,狂猎星盗团原本遍布虚空各处的众多分团,纷纷落网,几乎被捕杀殆尽。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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