SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3817: Running away

After Xu Kongzi surrounds the fishbone, does not have the waste time in vain. He starts various space Divine Ability that displays itself to excel at similarly, the strength of consumption fishbone slowly. 虚空子困住鱼刺之后,也没有白白的浪费时间。他同样开始施展自家擅长的各种空间神通,慢慢的消耗鱼刺的力量。 The fishbone discovered that periphery had massive space cracks, just like sharp blade, cuts to kill toward own body. 鱼刺发现周围出现了大量的空间裂缝,如同一道道利刃一样,不停的向着自家的身体斩杀过来。 His body surrounding space, tightened probably all of a sudden. 他身体周围的空间,更是好像一下子收紧了。 The almost inexhaustible pressure, fetter ruthlessly his body, making him be hard to move did not say, but must his appearance of body thorough steamroll smashing. 几乎无穷无尽的压力,狠狠的束缚住了他的身体,让他难以动弹不说,还一副要将他的身体彻底碾压粉碎的样子。 Xu Kongzi even in Yang God Stage cultivator weak a point, but essentially, can still be Yang God Stage cultivator one. 虚空子就算在阳神期修士之中弱了一点,可好歹从本质上来说,也算得上阳神期修士的一员。 Yang God Stage cultivator should have the ability that this/should Divine Ability Dao Technique of grasping, he almost does not lack. 阳神期修士该有的能力,该掌握的神通道术,他几乎是一点都不缺。 Begins truly, is decent, is not that mere show. 真正动起手来,也是有模有样,不是那种空架子。 Facing Xu Kongzi such same step powerhouse, the fishbone does not dare saying that ignores completely. 面对虚空子这样的同阶强者,鱼刺可不敢说完全置之不理。 He must consume very big strength similarly, resists the attack of Xu Kongzi. 他同样要消耗很大的力气,去抵挡虚空子的进攻。 Sun Moon Treasure Pearl of Meng Zhang top of the head flew in the air, then falling slowly approached the Genki old ancestor. 孟章头顶的日月宝珠飞到了空中,然后慢慢的落向了玄龟老祖。 Sun Moon Treasure Pearl this Fourth Rank magic tool appears a point during the fight of this level at present weakly, but is not an function does not have. 日月宝珠这件四阶法器在目前这种层次的战斗之中显得弱了一点,可也不是一点作用都没有。 Meng Zhang back natal magic tool Yin Yang Spirit Gourd follows to fly, with the Sun Moon Treasure Pearl same place, flew Genki old ancestor top of the head. 孟章背后的本命法器阴阳灵葫跟着飞起,和日月宝珠一起,飞到了玄龟老祖头顶。 Two Fourth Rank magic tool a little affect somewhat. 两件四阶法器多多少少还是有点作用的。 Under the control of Meng Zhang, two Fourth Rank magic tool strengthened the suppression to Genki old ancestor. 孟章的操控之下,两件四阶法器加强了对玄龟老祖的镇压。 At this time, three fish Human Clan powerhouses sacrificed the life one after another, gave that incense burner shape the magic tool strength, finally started to dissipate. 这个时候,三名鱼人族强者相继献出生命,给予那件香炉形态的法器的力量,终于开始消散了。 The giant fish person powerhouse not only the aura starts to drop fast, but also starts weakening slowly. 巨大的鱼人强者不但气息开始快速回落,而且开始慢慢的变弱。 Assassinates after the Taiyi Splitting Light Sword relapse repeatedly, that giant fish person powerhouse, started becomes feeble. 经过太乙分光剑的反复多次刺杀,那具巨大的鱼人强者,开始变得衰弱了。 To stimulate to movement that incense burner appearance magic tool, at least must have the Primordial Spirit late stage cultivation base strength. 要想催动那件香炉模样的法器,起码都要有元神后期修为的实力。 In present fish Human Clan, already not the powerhouse of such strength. 现在的鱼人族之中,已经没有这样实力的强者了。 Without the powerhouse stimulation of movement, that giant fish person powerhouse, that strength of storage, could not insist that was too long. 没有了强者催动,那具巨大的鱼人强者,原本储存的那点力量,根本就坚持不了太久。 In a while, this giant fish person powerhouse, under the steamroll of Yin-Yang grinding pan, thorough dissipation cloud leisurely/scatter. 没过多久,这具巨大的鱼人强者,就在阴阳磨盘的碾压之下,彻底的消散云散了。 Meng Zhang hesitant, is the persimmon first picks soft pinching, first takes Genki old ancestor weak chicken thoroughly, first tidies up that assassin. 孟章犹豫了一下,是柿子先捡软的捏,先将玄龟老祖这个弱鸡彻底拿下,还是先收拾那名刺客。 The assassins certainly want difficult to deal with, moreover assassin all along skidding. If incautiously, making the opposite party escape, that unavoidably will be much many in the future troublesome. 刺客肯定要难对付一点,而且刺客一贯滑溜。如果一不小心,让对方逃掉了,那日后免不了多出不少麻烦。 Best to take this assassin, such can have with the qualification that Dark Alliance bargained back and forth. 最好是能够将这名刺客拿下,那样才能有和暗盟讨价还价的本钱。 Meng Zhang thinks of here, directly tool spirit to Yin Yang Spirit Gourd and Sun Moon Treasure Pearl ordered. 孟章想到这里,就直接对阴阳灵葫日月宝珠器灵下命令了。 Two Fourth Rank magic tool tool spirit starts to stimulate the potential, being at cost of the life was ordinary, suppresses the Genki old ancestor full power. 两件四阶法器器灵开始激发潜力,拼了老命一般,全力镇压玄龟老祖。 Even if Meng Zhang branched out many strengths to assist them, when Meng Zhang fell into after the dogfight of that assassin, by two Fourth Rank magic tool, was still hard to suppress the Genki old ancestor only. 即便孟章分出了不少力量协助他们,可是等到孟章陷入和那名刺客的缠斗之后,单靠两件四阶法器,仍然难以镇压玄龟老祖。 When the time comes, perhaps two Fourth Rank magic tool must pay some prices. 到时候,两件四阶法器恐怕就要付出一些代价了。 Fishbone experience rich incomparable assassin, what believed is cannot hit and escapes ten thousand li (0.5 km). 鱼刺这种经验丰富无比的刺客,信奉的是一击不中、远遁万里。 Since this has been he many years, repeatedly the secret of various dangerous environments escaping. 这是他多年以来,屡次从各种险恶环境之中逃生的秘诀。 After was surrounded by Xu Kongzi, the fishbone on has been pondering the plan of withdrawing. 在被虚空子困住之后,鱼刺就一直在思考脱身之策。 After that giant fish person powerhouse disappears thoroughly, he knows that leaves own time is not many. 在那具巨大的鱼人强者彻底消失之后,他知道留给自己的时间不多了。 Catches up before Meng Zhang acts, he started to go all out. 赶在孟章出手之前,他开始拼命了。 The fishbone offers a sacrifice to that gold/metal needle, desperate toward a space weakness ruthlessly thorn. 鱼刺祭起那根金针,拼命的向着空间薄弱之处狠狠一刺。 Just presented together the narrow space gap, Xu Kongzi on the body of strength of unceasing extrusion fishbone control space. 刚刚出现一道狭窄的空间间隙,虚空子就操控空间之力不断的挤压鱼刺的身体。 The fishbone met hardly this struck, in the mouth could not bear spout a blood. 鱼刺硬接了这一击,口中忍不住喷出一口鲜血。 He takes the initiative loss vitality as the price, finally surrounded in own space to withdraw from this. 他以主动损耗元气为代价,终于从这处困住自己的空间之中脱身了。 The body of fishbone changes to a shadow, must escape. 鱼刺的身体化作一道阴影,就要远遁。 Had responded Meng Zhang both hands that move gently, thunderous resounds loudly. 已经反应过来的孟章双手轻轻一动,一声雷鸣轰然响起。 Before the thunderous sound gets up, the thunder has divided together to the fishbone. 在雷鸣声响起之前,一道雷霆已经劈向了鱼刺。 The Yin Yang God thunder in all sort , the might is among the best, may be called sharp. 阳神雷在诸般雷法之中,威力都是名列前茅,堪称犀利。 Under evades not to be possible to evade, the fishbone first throws the gold/metal needle in hand, tries to resist 12. 避无可避之下,鱼刺先是将手中的金针扔出,试图抵挡一二。 This was placed the great expectations by the fishbone demonic path magic tool, just by the Yin Yang God thunder waves, was exploded the fragment powder thoroughly. 这件被鱼刺寄予厚望的魔道法器,刚刚被阴阳神雷波及,就被彻底炸成了齑粉。 This was effective, has demonic path magic tool of enormous lethality, but also without the opportunity of display, this was finished thoroughly. 这件原本威力不凡,有着极大杀伤力的魔道法器,还没有发挥的机会,就这样彻底完蛋了。 The fishbone regretted without enough time, the Yin Yang God thunder has almost not received any hindrance, this divided directly to his body. 鱼刺来不及惋惜,阴阳神雷几乎没有受到任何阻碍,就这样直接劈向了他的身体。 The body of fishbone vanished in the thunder light like this, seemed recorded Yin Yang God thunder living dividing dead by this. 鱼刺的身体就这样在雷光之中消失了,似乎被这记阴阳神雷活生生的劈死了。 The Meng Zhang complexion is very unattractive. 孟章的脸色很不好看。 This assassin displayed unexpectedly at crucial moments for the dead secret technique, evaded this struck. 这名刺客居然在关键时刻施展了替死秘术,躲过了这一击。 Similar for the dead secret technique in many in cultivation world spreading, has respectively mysteriously different. 类似的替死秘术在修真界之中流传的不少,各有玄妙不同。 But must display such for the dead secret technique, needs to pay the price. 可要施展这样的替死秘术,都是需要付出代价的。 Meng Zhang believes that even if that assassin escapes assigns/life, now will not feel better. 孟章相信,那名刺客就算是逃得一命,现在也不会好过。 Meng Zhang is not skilled in causes and effects Grand Dao, looks for book park to be hard the direction that discovers that assassin main body to run away. 孟章并不精通因果大道,找书苑www.zhaoshuyan.com难以找出那名刺客本体逃遁的方向。 Must display the secret technique calculation the words, Meng Zhang is not willing to pay the corresponding price greatly. 要施展天机术推算的话,孟章又不大愿意付出相应的代价。 Only Yang God Stage assassin, is not worth the Heavenly Dao merit that consumes him to save with great difficulty. 区区一名阳神期刺客,不值得耗费他好不容易积攒下来的天道功德。 Xu Kongzi spent time, probably found the space trajectory that assassin fled. 虚空子花了一点时间,好像找到了那名刺客遁走的空间轨迹。 He wants to follow the space trajectory to pursue, was stopped by Meng Zhang. 他想要循着空间轨迹追过去,被孟章制止了。 At the Yang God Stage cultivator speed, this time, enough opposite party escaped a moment ago is very far. Now pursues, could not have caught up with the opposite party mostly. 阳神期修士的速度,就刚才这点时间,足够对方逃出很远了。现在追过去,多半已经追不上对方了。 Wastes the time with it in vain, might as well first deal with the present issue. 与其白白浪费时间,不如先处理眼前的问题。 Meng Zhang flew sky over the Genki old ancestor, starts slowly concocts this big turtle. 孟章飞到了玄龟老祖上空,开始慢慢的炮制这头大乌龟。 Xu Kongzi this time has acted, later thinks that was also hard to hide. 虚空子这次都已经出手了,以后想必也难以隐藏起来了。 As the Dark Alliance assassin of enemy, not for the Taiyi Sect security. 作为敌人的暗盟刺客,可不会替太乙门保密。 Saw with own eyes that Meng Zhang copes with the Genki old ancestor, received the order Xu Kongzi to act to the Tonghai fort. 眼见孟章去对付玄龟老祖,收到命令的虚空子对着通海要塞出手了。 Sees only around the Tonghai fort space to start vibration gently. 只见通海要塞周围的空间开始轻轻的震动起来。 After several vibrate, outside Tonghai fort protection great formation splits several big slits like this, big city wall after swaying several next, started to collapse fast. 几下震动之后,通海要塞外面的防护大阵就这样裂开几道大大的缝隙,高大的城墙在摇晃了几下之后,就开始快速坍塌了。 The Tonghai fort also has big using regarding the Jiuqu River water clan, therefore Xu Kongzi shows mercy, but broke its defense, has not destroyed to it wantonly, its thorough destruction. 通海要塞对于九曲河水族还有着大用,所以虚空子手下留情,只是打破了其防御,没有对其大肆破坏,将其彻底毁灭。 Saw with own eyes that the puzzle long time Tonghai fort was broken like this, has put in order the Yu Boli not slight hesitation that the army prepare, led the water clan armies hand/subordinate to kill like this. 眼见困扰多日的通海要塞就这样被打破,早就整军备战的鱼波丽没有丝毫的犹豫,就这样率领手下的水族大军杀了过去。 Intended Xu Kongzi interest in come rarely a time, acted several times, that group of powerhouses in fort, tidied up well, was reduces the pressure for Yu Boli. 难得出手一次的虚空子兴致来了,又出手了几次,将要塞之中的那帮强者,好好的收拾了一番,算是为鱼波丽减轻压力。
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