SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3803: Inheritance

Immortal Dao many Golden Immortal respective factions are different, usually in possibly is also the battle continuous. 仙道诸多金仙所属派系不同,平日里可能也是争斗不休。 Facing foreign enemy time, they have in a big way may join up. 面对外敌的时候,他们有很大的可能会联合起来。 Immortal Dao and Shintoism/Divine Dao, even among battles including void major influences, some unspoken rules. 仙道和神道,甚至包括虚空各大势力之间的争斗,都是有一些潜规则的。 If Shintoism/Divine Dao Lord God really dared to go bad the custom, Immortal Dao Golden Immortal will not look on absolutely. 如果神道主神真的敢于坏了规矩,仙道金仙们绝对不会坐视。 Meng Zhang guessed, even if the deity covered soil back Lord God to stare at oneself such small True Immortal, will not act directly, will only use the indirect method, such as urged some True God to visit. 孟章猜测,就算天神盖壤背后的主神盯上了自己这么一名小小真仙,也不会直接出手,只会用间接的手段,如驱使一些真神上门。 Regarding this situation, Meng Zhang does not dread. 对于这种情况,孟章根本毫不畏惧。 The advantage that heavens Immortal Venerable gives, being worth Meng Zhang taking risk. 乾元仙尊给出的好处,值得孟章去冒险。 Moreover, Meng Zhang from accepting the inheritance of Golden Immortal Taiyi on that day, had been involved in the enormous causes and effects. 而且,孟章从接受了太一金仙的传承那天起,就已经卷入了极大的因果之中。 Golden Immortal Taiyi with several Golden Immortal battle unfavorable situations, got up by the seal. 太一金仙可是和几位金仙争斗失利,才被封印起来的。 Meng Zhang as the Golden Immortal Taiyi successor, can in the future unavoidably with these Golden Immortal to. 孟章作为太一金仙的传人,日后难免会和这几位金仙对上。 Under the contrast, trivial Shintoism/Divine Dao Lord God is really not anything. 对比之下,区区神道主神真的不算什么。 Meng Zhang with its worried that the future trouble, might as well grasp the present, the promotion strength well, will have ability that in the future responds to various challenges. 孟章与其担忧日后的麻烦,不如把握现在,好好的提升实力,日后才有应对各种挑战的能力。 Meng Zhang thinks very clearly these things, quick agreed with the heavens Immortal Venerable condition. 孟章将这些事情想得很清楚,很快就同意了乾元仙尊的条件。 He the request of information leaves behind according to heavens Immortal Venerable, was swearing to heavens tablet immortal item greatly, certainly will fulfill the commitment, destroys deity cover Rang to have a new lease of life thoroughly the possibility...... 他按照乾元仙尊留下的信息的要求,对着大哉乾元碑这件仙器立誓,一定会履行承诺,彻底毁灭天神盖壤重获新生的可能…… After Meng Zhang swore, felt during oneself consciousness had/left some inexplicable things, and consciousness and relation of mortal body along oneself, transmitted in own mortal body. 孟章立誓完毕之后,感觉自己意识之中多出了一些莫名的东西,并且沿着自家意识和肉身的联系,传递到了自家的肉身之中。 Quick, the consciousness of Meng Zhang and Xu Mengying was separated from this mysterious space, returned to own mortal body. 很快,孟章徐梦莹的意识就脱离了这处神秘空间,返回了自己的肉身之内。 Loses the consciousness in the body of Meng Zhang, the consciousness enters that mysterious space the time, Tai Miao continuously cautious protection in his side. 孟章的身体失去意识,意识进入那个神秘空间的时候,太妙一直小心翼翼的守护在他的身旁。 Because two people mind is connected, and this relation has not interrupted, therefore Tai Miao generally knows his situation, can feel at ease waits for outside. 由于两人心神相连,并且这种联系并没有中断,所以太妙大致知道他的情况,能够安心的在外边守候。 Meng Zhang sat cross-legged to stand in the body of place all of a sudden. 孟章原本盘坐在地的身体一下子站了起来。 He moved a hands and feet, inspected a mortal body and Soul, discovered that has no difference. 他活动了一下手脚,检查了一下肉身和神魂,发现没有任何的异样。 He spreads out oneself palm, has a golden mark in the palm, the contour reduced innumerable times impressively big heavens tablet. 他摊开自己的手掌,在掌心有一个金色的印记,外形赫然是缩小了无数倍的大哉乾元碑。 By this mark, Meng Zhang can the limited stimulation of movement be big heavens tablet immortal item. 凭借这个印记,孟章可以有限度的催动大哉乾元碑这件仙器 While the consciousness of Meng Zhang returns to the mortal body, Xu Mengying also restored similarly. 孟章的意识回到肉身的同时,徐梦莹也同样恢复了过来。 Her consciousness and Meng Zhang consciousness same place, was inhaled greatly in the attached space of heavens tablet. 她的意识和孟章的意识一起,被吸入了大哉乾元碑的附属空间之内。 Her cultivation base level is inferior to Meng Zhang, should be regarded as the Meng Zhang subordinate. 她的修为层次不如孟章,应该被视为了孟章的手下。 Their consciousness enter puts out the mysterious space the time very is not long, obtained certain temperance, became expanded much. 他们的意识进入拿出神秘空间的时间不是很长,却得到了一定的锤炼,变得壮大了不少。 Meng Zhang now all that starts the duplicate/restores plate to have a moment ago. 孟章现在开始复盘刚才发生的一切。 Heavens Immortal Venerable used the imaginary technique method, coordinates the heavens tablet in a big way, arranged the test on the successor. 乾元仙尊施展了幻术手段,配合大哉乾元碑,安排了对后来者的考验。 After Xu Mengying obtains Taiyi World strength of in addition world holds, the strength increases, discovered not the right place by the imaginary technique talent faintly. 徐梦莹得到太乙界的天地之力加持之后,实力大增,凭借幻术天赋隐隐发现了不对劲儿的地方。 Meng Zhang Divine Sense has swept, depends on the little luck, discovered heavens Immortal Venerable has displayed the trace of imaginary technique, adopted the test of heavens Immortal Venerable. 孟章神念扫过,靠着一点点运气,发现了乾元仙尊施展过幻术的痕迹,通过了乾元仙尊的考验。 Moon God also offered many strengths. 这其中,月神也出了不少力气。 Just, she is not an immortal, not only has not benefitted, instead was injured by the strength of imaginary technique. 只不过,她并非仙人,不但没有得到好处,反而被幻术的力量所伤。 Meng Zhang adopted the test of heavens Immortal Venerable, swore that accepted his condition, the arrangement that heavens Immortal Venerable leaves behind, opened to him thoroughly. 孟章通过了乾元仙尊的考验,又立誓接受了他的条件,那乾元仙尊所留下的布置,就彻底对他开放了。 He in that mark by hand, can in a big way be induced the heavens tablet that and actuates hidden. 他凭借手上的那个印记,可以感应和驱动被隐藏起来的大哉乾元碑。 Under big help of heavens tablet, he can discover that the hidden is covering the special strength of soil mainland deep place, and uses the heavens tablet to wear down it in a big way. 在大哉乾元碑的帮助之下,他可以发现隐藏在盖壤大陆深处的特殊力量,并且利用大哉乾元碑对其进行消磨。 Meng Zhang told Guyue Lingqing and Moon God own discovery they. 孟章将自己的发现告诉了古月凌青月神他们。 Then, the attention of Taiyi World True God, did not need the time to place to build on the soil mainland. 接下来,太乙界诸位真神的注意力,就不用时刻放在盖壤大陆上面了。 The Taiyi World high level did not need the continuous sending out team to search the Saugues soil mainland. 太乙界高层也不用源源不断的派出队伍探索盖壤大陆了。 After Meng Zhang and everyone exchanged, was separated from the mortal body by own consciousness on own initiative, entered greatly in the attached space of heavens tablet. 孟章和大家交流了之后,主动让自己的意识脱离肉身,进入了大哉乾元碑的附属空间之内。 He continually deepens with the contact of heavens tablet in a big way, obtained many information. 他不断加深和大哉乾元碑的接触,从中获得了更多的信息。 Heavens Immortal Venerable in big heavens tablet, left behind some wise inheritance. 乾元仙尊在大哉乾元碑之内,留下了一些非常高明的传承。 Although Meng Zhang inherited some inheritance of Golden Immortal Taiyi, but has not obtained its core inheritance. 孟章虽然继承了太一金仙的部分传承,但是并没有得到其核心传承。 The inheritance that heavens Immortal Venerable leaves behind contrasts with it, and not necessarily bad many. 乾元仙尊留下的传承与之对比,并不见得差了多少。 In comparison, is not very possibly comprehensive and systematic. 只是相比之下,可能不够全面和系统。 And, two parts of inheritance are most precious. 其中,有两部分传承最为珍贵。 Part content about imaginary technique. 一部分是关于幻术的内容。 The heavens Immortal Venerable imaginary technique method is to become famous being as deep as a well. 乾元仙尊的幻术手段是出了名的高深莫测。 Did not say obtained its legacy inheritance, is casual studies on several from his there, was the serious harvests. 不说得到其衣钵传承,就是随便从他那里学上几手,都是不得了的收获了。 Meng Zhang oneself am not interested in the imaginary technique very much, in the imaginary technique above attainments is also average not wonderful. 孟章本人对幻术不是很感兴趣,在幻术上面的造诣也是平平无奇。 However, in Taiyi World cultivator, having plenty of such people of practicing imaginary technique. 不过,太乙界修士之中,修行幻术的大有人在。 If nothing else, Xu Mengying is imaginary technique Grand Dao that majors. 别的不说,徐梦莹就是主修的幻术大道 Xu Mengying is the Yellow Lotus Sect saintess. 徐梦莹黄莲教圣女。 When north Grand Dust World, Yellow Lotus Sect is side hero. 钧尘界北方的时候,黄莲教算是一方豪雄。 Put entire Grand Dust World, Yellow Lotus Sect insufficiently looks completely. Looks for book park 放到整个钧尘界,黄莲教就完全不够看了。找书苑 Xu Mengying can cultivation the Return to Emptiness period by the Yellow Lotus Sect inheritance, is the limit. 徐梦莹凭借黄莲教传承能够修炼到返虚期,就已经是极限了。 She can also continue to progress in the Return to Emptiness period, besides the itself talent uncommon, but also obtained the help of Meng Zhang, by the Taiyi Sect good merit of accumulation, enters Taiyi Sect Hidden Scripture Pavillion to pursue advanced studies. 她在返虚期还能继续进步,除了本身天赋不凡之外,还得到了孟章的帮助,凭借积累的太乙门善功,进入太乙门藏经阁深造过。 The friendship is the friendship, the custom is the custom. 交情是交情,规矩是规矩。 Meng Zhang and her friendship are good, not the core inheritance of Taiyi Sect to her such non- direct descendant cultivator opening. 孟章和她交情再好,也不会将太乙门的核心传承向她这样的非嫡系修士开放。 Let alone, during the Taiyi Sect inheritance, does not have the extremely splendid place in imaginary technique. 更何况,太乙门传承之中,在幻术方面也没有太过出色的地方。 After Xu Mengying enters step Void Immortal, to continue to attack True Immortal, the faced difficulty is very big. 徐梦莹进阶虚仙之后,要想继续冲击真仙,面对的困难很大。 Meng Zhang obtains the inheritance from heavens Immortal Venerable now. 孟章现在得到了来自乾元仙尊的传承。 Besides being used to deepen the accumulation of Taiyi Sect, can have the instruction of condition to Xu Mengying such ally. 除了用于加深太乙门的积累之外,也可以有条件的传授给徐梦莹这样的盟友。 The imaginary technique inheritance that if Xu Mengying can heavens Immortal Venerable leave behind, attacks the success of True Immortal to grasp will increase. 如果徐梦莹能够得到乾元仙尊留下的幻术传承,冲击真仙的成功把握将会大增。 Besides imaginary technique part, what is more precious is the content of part about secret technique. 除了幻术部分之外,更为珍贵的是一部分关于天机术的内容。 In Grand Dust World, is in Spirit Space Immortal Realm, the inheritance about secret technique is most mystical and one of the highest-end inheritance. 无论是在钧尘界,还是在灵空仙界,关于天机术的传承都是最为神秘、最为高端的传承之一。 Meng Zhang can grow into the secret immortal master, may be called a different number. 孟章能够一路成长为天机仙师,堪称一桩异数。 His unexpectedly, heavens Immortal Venerable can leave behind the inheritance about secret technique unexpectedly. 他都没有想到,乾元仙尊居然能够留下关于天机术的传承。 Heavens Immortal Venerable natural was excessive. 乾元仙尊大方的过分了。 Meng Zhang guessed, heavens Immortal Venerable mostly is also Diviner. 孟章猜测,乾元仙尊多半也是一名天机师 Perhaps, he conducts the secret deduction through the secret technique, has calculated today's all. 说不定,他通过天机术进行天机推演,已经推算出了今日的一切。 Choice that oneself actions, oneself make, is it possible that during the computation of heavens Immortal Venerable? 自己的所作所为,自己所做的选择,莫非都在乾元仙尊的计算之中? Meng Zhang could not bear have such doubts at heart. 孟章心里忍不住生出了这样的疑惑来。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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