SMIJ :: Volume #38

#3789: Troublesome

The Sanyang immortal sect is Purple Yang Heaven Immortal, Qingyang Heaven Immortal and white Yang Heaven Immortal establishes jointly, in entire Spirit Space Immortal Realm is known. 三阳仙宗是紫阳天仙、青阳天仙和白阳天仙联手创立,在整个灵空仙界都是小有名气。 The Sanyang immortal sect and Grand Dust Immortal Venerable have a grudge, afterward caused and conflict of Meng Zhang. 三阳仙宗和钧尘仙尊有仇,后来导致了和孟章的冲突。 Conflict of both sides gets stronger and stronger, the hatred is getting deeper and deeper. 双方的冲突越演越烈,仇恨越来越深。 Qingyang Heaven Immortal and white Yang Heaven Immortal in Sanyang immortal sect founder, are chasing down in the Meng Zhang process to be exterminated by it in turn. 三阳仙宗创始人中的青阳天仙和白阳天仙,都在追杀孟章的过程之中被其反过来诛灭。 Right now, both sides had the intense and deep-seated hatred. 这下子,双方更是结下了血海深仇。 Purple Yang Heaven Immortal takes in three founders the only survivor, avenges a grievance for the same side, is the perfectly justified matter. 紫阳天仙作为三位创始人中惟一的幸存者,为同门报仇雪恨,是天经地义的事情。 According to Meng Zhang knows, Purple Yang Heaven Immortal is in three people cultivation base most profound, the battle efficiency is strongest. 孟章所知,紫阳天仙是三人之中修为最为高深、战斗力最强的。 He hears latest news about Purple Yang Heaven Immortal, is this person is closing up attacks the Immortal Venerable boundary. 他听到的关于紫阳天仙的最新消息,是此人正在闭关冲击仙尊境界。 Although separates spatially peeps at distantly, is the glance, Meng Zhang to a Purple Yang Heaven Immortal less thorough understanding. 尽管只是隔空遥遥窥视,算是惊鸿一瞥,孟章紫阳天仙没有更为深入的了解。 But Meng Zhang has induced faintly, Purple Yang Heaven Immortal is very strong, is powerful compared with overwhelming majority same rank Heaven Immortal. 可是孟章已经隐隐感应到,紫阳天仙很强,比起绝大部分同级别天仙都要强大。 Naturally, Purple Yang Heaven Immortal has not promoted Immortal Venerable, was still Heaven Immortal of second boundary. 当然,紫阳天仙并没有晋升仙尊,仍然是第二境的天仙 Evidently, he closed up attacks the Immortal Venerable effort to be defeated. 看样子,他闭关冲击仙尊的努力失败了。 Such matter is also very normal, Immortal Venerable is not that easy achievement. 这样的事情也很正常,仙尊不是那么容易成就的。 So long as he is also not Immortal Venerable, Meng Zhang will not dread him. 只要他还不是仙尊,孟章就不会畏惧他。 He should be incapable of looking for Taiyi World to avenge a grievance, but is unwilling. 他本人应该无力找上太乙界报仇雪恨,可又不甘心。 He asked that fellow named Wu to display witch saying that the secret technique plotted against Meng Zhang. 他请那名叫做吴老的家伙施展巫道秘术暗算孟章 After Meng Zhang discovers, immediately hit back. 孟章发现之后,立即进行了反击。 Had this experience, similar method was very difficult to become effective to Meng Zhang again. 有了这次的经验,类似的手段很难再次对孟章生效了。 Purple Yang Heaven Immortal has strong resistance regarding the secret technique. 紫阳天仙对于天机术有着很强的抵抗能力。 He isolated Meng Zhang through peeping at that the secret technique conducts , interrupted the counter-attack of Meng Zhang. 他隔绝了孟章通过天机术进行的窥视,也中断了孟章的反击。 Meng Zhang has not continued to use the secret technique to calculate, thoughts that has not continued to counter-attack. 孟章没有继续施展天机术推算,更没有继续反击的心思。 Has the protection of Purple Yang Heaven Immortal, he is hard to continue to that fellow named Wu to exert the injury. 有着紫阳天仙的保护,他难以继续对那名叫做吴老的家伙施加伤害。 In fact, that fellow, so long as responded, Meng Zhang was hard to continue to separate harms him spatially. 实际上,那个家伙只要反应过来,孟章就难以继续隔空伤害他了。 Since has known is Purple Yang Heaven Immortal is playing dirty tricks from behind the scenes, did not have necessity that continues calculated. 既然已经知道了是紫阳天仙在背后捣鬼,也就没有了继续推衍的必要。 After all, uses the secret technique to conduct calculated each time, Meng Zhang must pay not the poor price. 毕竟,每次施展天机术进行推衍,孟章都要付出不菲的代价。 The gentlemen revenge, ten years are not late. 君子报仇,十年不晚。 Meng Zhang will look for Purple Yang Heaven Immortal in the future, thorough extermination Sanyang immortal sect. 孟章日后自会找上紫阳天仙,彻底的灭绝三阳仙宗。 He looks after himself, own destiny has stopped passing, and during rapid restoration. 他关照自身,自己的气运已经停止流逝,并且在迅速的恢复之中。 This problem solve, then, Taiyi World cultivator should not be hapless. 这个问题解决了,接下来,太乙界修士应该不会那么倒霉了吧。 After this time fights, Meng Zhang and that old man named Wu, within the short time should not continue to contest. 这次交手之后,孟章和那名叫做吴老的老者,短时间之内应该不会继续过招了。 Has a that great cauldron of Meng Zhang wisp of aura to be destroyed, the opposite party lost the medium, was hard to start to Meng Zhang again. 藏有孟章一缕气息的那个巨鼎被毁,对方失去了媒介,难以再次对孟章下手了。 Meng Zhang tidies up the altar, after being damaged extinguishing to transport the copper coin to receive slowly warm support. 孟章将法坛收拾好,将受创后的灭运铜钱收起来慢慢温养。 Originally, he very long has not used this immortal item. 原本,他已经很久没有使用过这件仙器了。 Now looks like, this immortal item is not completely useless. 现在看来,这件仙器不是完全无用。 Sometimes, can play some roles. 在某些时候,还是能够发挥一些作用的。 This time Taiyi World, had recalled all going out cultivator, conducted the thorough seal. 此时的太乙界,已经召回了所有外出的修士,进行了彻底封闭。 Such condition is impossible to continue forever. 这样的状态不可能永远持续下去。 Taiyi World has sealed up, the loss was really big. 太乙界一直封闭,损失实在是太大了。 The Taiyi World cultivator quantity increases day by day, almost must consume the magnanimous resources every day. 太乙界修士数量与日俱增,几乎每天都要消耗海量的资源。 By Taiyi World own producing, that will only sit idle and eat only. 单靠太乙界自身的出产,那只会坐吃山空。 Taiyi World must continuously capture the resources, can develop. 太乙界必须不断的夺取外界的资源,才能一直发展下去。 Meng Zhang thought, own destiny starts to restore, Taiyi World should not be in the new trouble. 孟章心想,自家的气运开始恢复,太乙界应该不会遇上新的麻烦了吧。 Best to solve as soon as possible the problem that previously encountered, quite lets the Taiyi World unblocking, lets all return stock rails. 最好是将此前遇到的麻烦尽快解决掉,好让太乙界解除封锁,让一切回归正轨。 The Taiyi World present trouble has two, one is the Buddhism big sect Cloud Gate sect, another is say/way thief Sikong wing(s) of running away. 太乙界现在的麻烦有两个,一个是佛门大宗派云门宗,另外一个是逃走的道贼司空翼。 Exposes after the Taiyi World whereabouts, can welcome all sorts of troublesome has not arrived temporarily. 至于太乙界行迹暴露之后,会迎来的种种麻烦暂时还没有降临。 The information transmit requires the time, these chase down Taiyi World cultivator to rush to here, similarly requires the time. 消息传递需要时间,那些追杀太乙界修士赶到这里,同样需要时间。 Without the accident happened, Taiyi World should not welcome within the short time chases down the team. 如果没有意外发生的话,太乙界在短时间之内应该不会迎来追杀队伍。 Meng Zhang also has enough time, first solves the current trouble. 孟章还有足够的时间,先解决目前的麻烦。 The Cloud Gate sects and Taiyi World and have no bitter hatred, should not set out the strength directly, continued to oppose with Taiyi World. 云门宗和太乙界并没有什么深仇大恨,应该不会直接出动力量,继续和太乙界作对了。 both sides have the conflict and even the fight even, should be very long later matter. 双方就算是发生冲突乃至战斗,都应该是很久以后的事情了。 Say/Way thief Sikong wing(s) of running away is not only the Daoism public enemy, is the Taiyi World imminent threat. 逃走的道贼司空翼不但是道门公敌,也是太乙界迫在眉睫的威胁。 The say/way thief of only Heaven Immortal first boundary, regards Taiyi World unexpectedly high and low , if no thing, went into the Taiyi World livelihood paradise. 区区一名天仙第一境的道贼,居然视太乙界上下如无物,闯入了太乙界的日月福地。 The thief cultivated many to restrain the Daoism cultivator method specially, harmed to cultivator very in a big way. 道贼修炼了许多专门克制道门修真者的手段,对修真者危害很大。 Naturally, the Daoism person of high skill knows after clever existence, similarly researched and developed some to restrain a clever method specially. 当然,道门高人知道道贼的存在后,同样研发了一些专门克制道贼的手段。 In ancient book that Golden Immortal Taiyi leaves behind, has many this kind of records. 太一金仙留下的典籍之中,就有不少这类记载。 The restraint and counterattacking struggle between Daoism expert and say/way thieves, have almost not stopped. 道门高人和道贼之间的克制和反制斗争,几乎从来没有停止过。 The thief Sikong wing previous time can run away from Taiyi World safely, besides oneself secretive Divine Ability method, there is a factor that Meng Zhang turns on the water. 道贼司空翼上次能够从太乙界安全逃走,除了自家诡秘的神通手段之外,也有孟章放水的因素。 During fight, he secretly in thief Sikong Yishen high and low some secret methods. 在战斗之中,他偷偷在道贼司空翼身上下了一些隐秘的手段。 Now, he must through these methods, find Sikong wing(s). 现在,他就要通过这些手段,去找到司空翼。 Best to find its temporary foothold, discovers his companion. 最好是能够找到其临时落脚点,发现其同伴。 Meng Zhang and Taiyi World do not have the strength to solve Shindouyama and say/way evil land Yu, but can solve thief Sikong wing(s) and companion. 孟章太乙界没有实力去解决真道山和道孽陆宇,可能够解决道贼司空翼及其同伴。 Meng Zhang explained Taiyi World high-level quite, wants them to strengthen the protection, defends strictly the gateway. 孟章好生交待了太乙界高层一番,要他们加强防备,紧守门户。 Tai Miao does not have sharply to return to the ghostdom, but has assumed personal command in Taiyi World. 太妙都没有急着返回冥界,而是一直在太乙界坐镇。 Although is Ghost Deity, but he in the Taiyi World world of the living, can still display the complete strength. 尽管是一尊鬼神,可他在太乙界阳世,仍然可以发挥全部实力。 After being far away from Taiyi World, will receive weakens. 只是在远离太乙界之后,会受到一些削弱。 Moon God and Guyue Lingqing are critical situation general, exhibits stance that prepared for full power. 月神古月凌青更是如临大敌一般,摆出了一副全力备战的姿态来。 Meng Zhang left Taiyi World quickly. 孟章很快就离开太乙界了。 Because in the dancing sea has had a special fluctuation, affected various long-distance communication secret techniques enormously, created the enormous hindrance to the transmission of information. 由于婆娑海之中一直存在一种特殊的波动,极大的影响了各种远距离通讯秘术,对信息的传递造成了极大的阻碍。 Has not related like Guyue Lingqing on is located in the Spirit Space Immortal Realm family headquarters. 古月凌青至今都没有联系上位于灵空仙界的家族总部。 Meng Zhang in the method on thief Sikong Yishen leaving behind, enough hiding, after the special strengthening, takes to the induction of Meng Zhang to be very strong. 孟章在道贼司空翼身上留下的手段,足够隐蔽,经过特殊的强化,带给孟章的感应很强。 Said that thief Sikong wing(s) temporarily has not left the dancing sea the thoughts, has spun here. 道贼司空翼暂时没有离开婆娑海的心思,一直在这里打转。 Previous time sneaks the Taiyi World failure, he not extremely depressed. 上次潜入太乙界失败,他并没有太过沮丧。 Are many in Daoism cultivator that in the dancing sea explores, he can definitely the choice next goal. 在婆娑海之中探索的道门修真者不少,他完全可以选择下一个目标。 Makes him very unwilling at the Taiyi World action failure. 太乙界行动失败让他很是不甘心。 He hopes that has the opportunity to stage a comeback, sneaks Taiyi World again. 他希望有机会卷土重来,再次潜入太乙界 The disturbance that because in the dancing sea has, said in addition thief Sikong wing(s) the rapid traverse, Meng Zhang does not seem able to induce to its exact location. 由于婆娑海之中存在的干扰,加上道贼司空翼似乎一直在快速移动,孟章一直无法感应到其具体位置。 He through keeping the opposite party method , the conducted induction is off and on, moreover is not very clear.( This chapter ends) 他通过留在对方身上的手段,进行的感应断断续续,而且很不清晰。(本章完)
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