SMIJ :: Volume #38

#3787: Reenforcement

cloud Xinda the Bodhisattva as the secret weapon of Cloud Gate sect, has performed the illustrious merit for sect gate. 云心大菩萨作为云门宗的秘密武器,为宗门立下过赫赫功劳。 Especially he did many shameful deals for the Cloud Gate sects secretly, therefore antagonizes people numerously. 尤其是他暗地里为云门宗做了许多见不得人的勾当,因此树敌众多。 Even in the Buddhism, many eminent monks is hostile to him. 即便是在佛门内部,都有不少高僧敌视他。 However, because he is very big to the Cloud Gate sect function, he has obtained the asylum of Cloud Gate sect. 不过,因为他对云门宗作用很大,他一直得到了云门宗的庇护。 After founding that Buddha of Cloud Gate sect falls from the sky, cloud Xinda the Bodhisattva became is not obedient. 在开创云门宗的那位佛陀陨落之后,云心大菩萨就变得不大听话了。 Although he does not dare the open betrayal Cloud Gate sect, may start becomes listens to move does not listen to proclaim, complies in public but opposes in private regarding the Cloud Gate ancestor's high-level order frequently. 他虽然不敢公然背叛云门宗,可开始变得听调不听宣,对于云门宗高层的命令经常是阳奉阴违。 Lost the Cloud Gate sect of Buddha, without before was so strong, the inside and outside had/left many problems. 失去了佛陀的云门宗,也没有以前那么强势,内外都出了不少的问题。 Taiyi World and Cloud Gate sects have the bitter hatred, makes a move to plot against Tai Miao as a Cloud Gate sect cloud heart big Bodhisattva, pours also has no extraordinary place. 太乙界和云门宗有着深仇大恨,作为云门宗一员的云心大菩萨出手暗算太妙,倒也没有什么出奇之处。 The Buddhism as a result of existence of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, is very big in the ghostdom influence, has the Buddhism eminent monk of method to come and go out the ghostdom quite convenience. 佛门由于地藏王菩萨的存在,在冥界势力很大,有门路的佛门高僧出入冥界还是比较方便的。 Moreover, so long as these fellows asked to shelter the treasure from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva there, can resist the repel and weakening from ghostdom effectively. 而且,这些家伙只要从地藏王菩萨那里求来庇护宝物,就可以有效的抵抗来自冥界的排斥和削弱。 From Tai Miao and cloud Xinda Bodhisattva war, this fellow can still show very strong combat capability in the ghostdom. 太妙和云心大菩萨这一战来看,这个家伙在冥界仍然能够展现出很强的战斗力。 After Tai Miao obtains territory in addition holds, to he does not occupy what winning side. 太妙得到领地加持之后,对上他也占不到什么上风。 cloud Xinda the Bodhisattva has obviously also retained in the fight. 云心大菩萨在战斗中明显还有所保留。 If not Meng Zhang arrives promptly, he is also not necessarily able to retreat on own initiative. 如果不是孟章及时降临,他还未必会主动退走。 Although he arrived from the hidden place in public, the threat changed small. 虽然他从暗处来到了明处,威胁变小了许多。 But the Tai Miao hatred, is out of the goal of stamping out the source of trouble, will make Meng Zhang easily not let off him. 可无论是太妙的恨意,还是出于斩草除根的目的,都让孟章不会轻易放过他。 How as for must completely solve this trouble, but also needs Meng Zhang and Tai Miao careful consideration. 至于要如何彻底解决这个麻烦,还需孟章太妙细细思量。 The noise that Tai Miao and cloud Xinda Bodhisattva war makes is very big, may be called earth-shaking. 太妙和云心大菩萨这一战闹出来的动静很大,堪称惊天动地。 The peripheral these feudal lords have been very vigilant to Tai Miao, long-term closely monitors various trends of its territory. 周边那些领主一直对太妙很警惕,长期严密监视其领地的各种动向。 Possibly this fought had not ended, the peripheral feudal lords know news that Tai Miao and powerful enemy fought. 可能这一战还没有结束,周边的领主们就知道了太妙和强敌交手的消息。 Tai Miao has not concealed the account meaning, instead lets publicize hand/subordinate on own initiative. 太妙也没有隐瞒事情经过的意思,反而让手下主动宣扬。 The approximate content and fact difference are not big, Tai Miao encounters plotting of cloud Xinda Bodhisattva only, both sides erupt the life and death war and so on. 大致内容和事实区别不大,不外乎太妙遭到云心大菩萨的暗算,双方爆发生死大战之类。 The peripheral these feudal lords received the message quickly. 周边那些领主们很快就收到了消息。 In many hearts sighed secretly, this region was? 不少人心中暗暗感叹,这片区域到底是怎么了? Here is only a piece of does not have any resources remote place, the ghostdom true top powerhouse usually in cannot have a liking for here obviously. 这里明明只是一片没有什么资源的穷乡僻壤,冥界真正的顶级强者平日里根本看不上这里。 But recently, here welcomed two top powerhouses one after another. 可是最近,这里却接连迎来了两位顶级强者。 Tai Miao is the foreign family, but also promoted deity late stage here. 太妙本来就是外来户,还在这里晋升了天神后期 The Ghost Deity sea roaming rushes to here to found the base industry, cloud Xinda the Bodhisattva sneaks secretly, this region all of a sudden becomes lively. 鬼神海游跑到这里想要开创基业,云心大菩萨偷偷潜入,这片区域一下子就变得热闹起来。 Some feudal lords had the thoughts of seeking an impossibility, pondered whether to use cloud Xinda the Bodhisattva, keeps in balance Tai Miao and Ghost Deity sea roaming. 更有一些领主起了与虎谋皮的心思,思考能否利用云心大菩萨,制衡太妙鬼神海游。 After the Ghost Deity sea roaming since previous time defeats Tai Miao, did not have the unnecessary movement, but waits for the trusted subordinate to arrive hand/subordinate. 鬼神海游自从上次击败太妙之后,就一直没有多余的动作,只是等待自家亲信手下的到来。 cloud Xinda the Bodhisattva appear here region, and news affirmation that attacks brutally with Tai Miao had passed to his ear. 云心大菩萨出现在这片区域,并且和太妙大打出手的消息肯定早就传到了他的耳中。 How to think as for his heart in how next step acts, that no one knew temporarily. 至于他心中怎么想,下一步怎么动作,那就暂时没有人知道了。 But after cloud Xinda the Bodhisattva leaves the Tai Miao territory, is the whereabouts has been unclear. 而云心大菩萨离开太妙的领地之后,则是一直行迹不明。 Tai Miao exhausts the full power, can only guarantee reluctantly he has not hidden now on oneself territory. 太妙用尽全力,都只能勉强确保他现在没有躲藏在自己的领地上面。 As for discovering the whereabout of this fellow, chases down it, that had more desire than energy. 至于找出这个家伙的下落,对其进行追杀,那就是心有余而力不足了。 Tai Miao now has treated above own territory, has not easily gone out. 太妙现在一直待在自家领地之上,没有轻易外出。 He adjusts his condition at the same time, prepares the following war ; At the same time the reorganization territory, strengthens the defense. 他一边调整自家的状态,准备接下来的大战;一边整顿领地,加强防御。 His situation is also quite difficult. 他的处境也比较艰难。 The Ghost Deity sea roaming is not very good to cope. 鬼神海游很不好对付。 His previous time is repulsed, although has the ingredient of acting in a play, may also explain opposite party are not only weak. 他上次败退虽然有做戏的成分,可也说明了对方比自己只强不弱。 If battles near the territory, after he obtains strength of in addition territory holds, should be able to block the opposite party. 如果在领地附近作战,他获得领地之力加持之后,应该能够挡住对方。 If leaves the territory is too far, he not necessarily was the opponent of opposite party. 如果离开领地太远,他就未必是对方的对手了。 As for the missing cloud heart big Bodhisattva, that has been harder to deal with. 至于一直下落不明的云心大菩萨,那就更是难缠了。 Now during situation in this region is in temporarily is quiet, perhaps but the next quarter, will welcome the difficult situation, has the tremendous changes. 现在这片区域的局势暂时处于平静之中,可也许下一刻,就会迎来惊涛骇浪,出现天翻地覆的变化。 In Meng Zhang of Taiyi World world of the living understood very much the Tai Miao situation , the positive thinking means help. 太乙界阳世的孟章很理解太妙的处境,也积极的想办法帮忙。 The ghostdom after all is not his home game, even if he restores to the most flourishing condition, obtains the asylum of Tai Miao, enters in the ghostdom, was still hard to display completely the battle efficiency. 冥界毕竟不是他的主场,就算他恢复到全盛状态,得到太妙的庇护,进入冥界之中,仍然难以发挥出全部战斗力来。 Moreover, even if he arrives at the ghostdom, he and Tai Miao collaborates, but the enemy of same step still has two Ghost Deity sea roaming Heyun heart big Bodhisattva. 而且,就算他降临冥界,他和太妙联起手来,可是同阶的敌人也有两位-鬼神海游和云心大菩萨。 Can they arrive at the same place, colludes, no one can reach an agreement. 他们会不会走到一起,勾结起来,谁也说不好。 Moreover, Tai Miao subordinate strength, was far less than that the peripheral feudal lords collaborate. 另外,太妙麾下的力量,也远不如周边的领主们联手。 A while ago, Tai Miao to integrate in that city ruins the territory, invested the huge resources, consumed many strengths. 前段时间,太妙为了将那座城市废墟纳入自家领地之中,投入了大量资源,消耗了许多力量。 Dramatic expansion as a result of territory, to tighten the new territory's control, took too many manpower. 由于领地的急剧扩张,为了加强新领地的控制,占用了太多的人手。 Tai Miao puts in order after that the army prepare, cannot gather too many troops. 太妙此后整军备战的时候,都没有能够聚集太多的人马。 In order to strengthen the Tai Miao subordinate strength, Meng Zhang makes Taiyi World reenforce full power. 为了加强太妙麾下的力量,孟章太乙界全力进行增援。 Before Tai Miao that side problem solve, Meng Zhang drops out other things for the time being, making Taiyi World continue the stay to occupy in star district spirit. 太妙那边的问题解决之前,孟章将其他事情暂且抛下,让太乙界继续停留在灵居星区之中。 The Taiyi World condition is stable, can keep the stability contact with ghostdom. 太乙界状态稳定,才能保持和冥界的稳定联系。 Taiyi World many cultivator entered the ghostdom. 太乙界不少修士都进入了冥界。 These from ghostdom cultivator, even if obtains the hierograph guard who Tai Miao bestowed, is still very limited in the battle efficiency of ghostdom. 这些来自冥界的修士就算得到了太妙赐下的神符护身,在冥界的战斗力依然很有限。 They must take the administrators in deep World Lord, conducts various production and operating activities , helping the Tai Miao management territory. 他们在冥界主要作为管理人员,进行各种生产经营活动,帮助太妙管理领地等。 Actually Taiyi World to many mechanical creations, special dao soldier that Tai Miao provides wait/etc., can play a big role in the battlefield. 倒是太乙界太妙这边提供的许多机关造物、特殊道兵等,在战场上能够发挥不小的作用。 It is noteworthy that the spirit occupies star district Spirit Clan as the endless alliance young blood, what is also positive is Taiyi World helps people overcome their difficulties. 尤其值得一提的是,灵居星区灵族作为无尽联盟新成员,也积极的为太乙界排忧解难。 In knowing Taiyi World has the big movement after the ghostdom, in Spirit Clan special- dark spirit, sending out many elite members to dispatch for the Taiyi World high level. 在得知太乙界在冥界有大动作之后,灵族之中特殊的一支-暗灵,派出了不少精锐成员供太乙界高层调遣。 Has many ghost characteristics secretly spirit, after entering the ghostdom, will not receive what repel and suppression, almost can display all battle efficiencies. 暗灵有着许多鬼物的特性,进入冥界之后,不会受到什么排斥和压制,几乎可以发挥出所有的战斗力来。 Dark spirit enough smart, is sane, is easier-to-use than these stupid and savage ghost. 暗灵足够机灵,非常理智,远比那些愚笨、凶残的鬼物更为好用。 Even in these dark spirits strongest is the True God rank, but they were still quick under Tai Miao found oneself position. 即便这些暗灵之中最强的不过是真神级别,可他们仍然很快在太妙麾下找到了自己的位置。 In them many members joined the Tai Miao subordinate army, becomes the military officers at all levels. 他们中的许多成员加入了太妙麾下的大军,成为了各级军官。 Many members obtained regarding as important of Tai Miao, was cultivated with emphasis. 还有不少成员得到了太妙的看重,被重点栽培。 ...... …… ghost of ghostdom are innumerable, Ghost Deity is numerous, but overwhelming majority are unable to get rid of oneself instinct. 冥界的鬼物无数,鬼神众多,可绝大部分都无法摆脱自己的天性。 Intelligent reason, obedient strong dark spirit seems like pure running water to be the same simply, was under Tai Miao brought the new vigor. 聪明理智,服从性强的暗灵简直就好像是一股清流一般,为太妙麾下带来了新的活力。
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