SMIJ :: Volume #38

#3756: Change

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Mr. Yin Hu served the purpose, satisfaction left Taiyi Sect. 银壶老人达到了目的,满意的离开了太乙门 A Meng Zhang person sits alone, in heart unceasing thinking. 孟章一个人独坐,心中不断的思索。 Regarding Exalted Venerate Heavenly Thunder, in the Meng Zhang heart is respectful, thought of gratefully the opposite party initially to own help. 对于天雷上尊,孟章心中充满敬意,也感念对方当初对自己的帮助。 But wants him after this on being dead set on giving loyalty to Exalted Venerate Heavenly Thunder, what is wholehearted is the opposite party devotes life, in his heart is somewhat hesitant. 可是要他从此之后就死心塌地的效忠天雷上尊,一心一意的为对方效命,他心中还是有些犹豫的。 cultivation base to Meng Zhang this level, already bargained back and forth with the qualifications and Exalted Venerate Heavenly Thunder. 修为到了孟章这个层次,已经和资格和天雷上尊讨价还价了。 Exalted Venerate Heavenly Thunder wants him to devote life to honestly, perhaps needs to put out more advantage, he will not work oneself to death for the opposite party in vain. 天雷上尊要他老实效命,恐怕需要拿出更多的好处了,他可不会白白为对方卖命。 The most important thing is, Meng Zhang is completely independent cultivator, is not the Exalted Venerate Heavenly Thunder dependency. 最为重要的是,孟章是一名完全独立的修士,不是天雷上尊的附庸。 He has oneself interest demand. 他有着自己的利益诉求。 Every so often, the idea of his interest demand and Exalted Venerate Heavenly Thunder not necessarily tallies. 很多时候,他的利益诉求和天雷上尊的想法不一定相符。 Regarding Exalted Venerate Heavenly Thunder this person, a Meng Zhang point could not completely understand, thought the thoughts of opposite party cover in dense fog, has not appeared externally. 对于天雷上尊这个人,孟章一点都看不透,觉得对方的心思笼罩在一层迷雾之中,一点都没有外露。 The Grand Dust World big change nears, almost all Return to Emptiness great power have oneself standpoint, needs to make the choice. 钧尘界大变在即,几乎所有的返虚大能都有着自己的立场,需要作出选择。 Meng Zhang uttered fine words although before Mr. Yin Hu, but really joins the Exalted Venerate Heavenly Thunder camp, but must look that the situation decides. 孟章尽管在银壶老人面前说得好听,但是不是真的加入天雷上尊的阵营,还要看情况而定。 If the situation changes, had a better choice, Meng Zhang may not hang to death on Exalted Venerate Heavenly Thunder this tree. 如果局势变化,有了更好的选择,孟章不一定会在天雷上尊这棵树上面吊死。 In the following time, few need Meng Zhang personally acted the visitor who received. 在接下来的时间里面,就没有几个需要孟章亲自出面接待的访客了。 By Niu Dawei current cultivation base, receives overwhelming majority visitors, will not be disrespectful. 牛大为目前的修为,接待绝大部分访客,都不会失礼。 Meng Zhang in gate, besides maintaining daily cultivation, but also finds the time specially, directed in a gate practicing of disciple. 孟章在门中的时候,除了保持日常修炼之外,还专门抽出时间,指点了一下门中弟子的修行。 Naturally, can have the qualifications to be instructed by Meng Zhang personally, at least is cultivator of Primordial Spirit rank. 当然,能够有资格被孟章亲自指导的,起码都是元神级别的修士 Before Meng Zhang two disciple An Xiaoran, within a long time, assumes personal command that side West Sea, refines furnace special compounded drug using the volcano of seabed. 孟章的二弟子安小冉之前很长一段时间之内,都在西海那边坐镇,利用海底的一处火山炼制一炉特殊的丹药。 Completes the compounded drug to refine later her, at the maximum speed hurried back to the gate. 完成丹药炼制之后的她,以最快的速度赶回了门中。 An Xiaoran has been same as in three disciple An Moran in gate, is Primordial Spirit late stage big cultivator. 安小冉和一直在门中的三弟子安默然一样,都已经是元神后期的大修士了。 By An Xiaoran and An Moran foundation, entering step Yang God Stage is only a time issue. 安小冉安默然的根基,进阶阳神期只是一个时间问题。 Own disciple displays so outstandingly, Meng Zhang is very certainly gratified. 自家的弟子表现如此优异,孟章当然很是欣慰。 He spent a lot of time to instruct two people practicing, was makes up the more than 400 years is not in, in defect that this aspect created. 他花费了不少时间指导两人的修行,算是补上自己四百多年不在门中,在这方面造成的缺失。 After Yang Xueyi successfully crossed the Yang God thunder tribulation, in Wen Qiansun this gate the elder also starts to close up, prepares to try to catch up, crossed the tribulation to start the preparation for oneself. 杨雪怡成功渡过阳神雷劫之后,文千算这位门中长老也开始闭关,准备迎头赶上,为自己渡劫做起了准备。 Jin Qiao'er not seen in several years, in entered step Primordial Spirit late stage a short time ago, cultivation base caught up with her master Jin Li True Monarch. 多年不见的金巧儿,在前不久才进阶元神后期,修为赶上了她的师傅金丽真君 Jin Li True Monarch accumulated was similar, exchanged from Taiyi Sect the mystique of crossing Yang God thunder tribulation. 金丽真君积累本来差不多了,又从太乙门中兑换了渡过阳神雷劫的秘法。 But in her heart does not have the sufficient assurance, the dragging, does not dare to cross the tribulation. 可是她心中没有充足的把握,一直拖延,迟迟不敢渡劫。 Meng Zhang old friend Luo Ye True Monarch and Jue Ying True Monarch two people, previously because of internal fight of Dark Alliance, have to escape to Taiyi Sect seek asylum. 孟章的老朋友落叶真君绝影真君两人,此前因为暗盟的内斗,不得不逃到太乙门避难。 More than 300 years ago, Dark Alliance that side situation changes, they gained many advantage in the faction. 在三百多年以前,暗盟那边的局势发生变化,他们所在派系获得了不少的好处。 Their priest and disciple also leave Taiyi Sect, returned to Dark Alliance. 她们师徒两人也就离开太乙门,返回了暗盟 Although returned to Dark Alliance, they have not cut off with the relation of Taiyi Sect, through various ways, has exchanged the news with Taiyi Sect. 虽然回到了暗盟,她们并没有就此断绝和太乙门的联系,一直通过各种途径,和太乙门这边互通消息。 Be responsible for Taiyi Sect Secret Hall elder An Moran, spent many energy specially on this matter. 负责太乙门暗堂的长老安默然,专门花费了不少精力在这件事情上面。 Dark Alliance as the Grand Dust World first intelligence agency, the qualifications is extremely old, the channel is widespread, has precious informed sources. 暗盟作为钧尘界第一情报机构,资历极老,渠道广泛,拥有许多珍贵的消息来源。 Although Dark Alliance can never clashes with the frontages and major Holy Land Sect, but Dark Alliance can under the eyes of major Holy Land Sect hide survive so many years, thus it can be seen its uncommon place. 暗盟虽然从来不会和正面和各大圣地宗门发生冲突,可是暗盟能够在各大圣地宗门的眼皮子底下生存这么多年,由此可见其不凡之处。 Keeps in touch with Dark Alliance, exchanges the news, is good to Taiyi Sect very much. 暗盟保持联系,互通消息,对太乙门很有好处。 Previously Taiyi Sect and Dark Alliance have had many conflicts. 此前太乙门暗盟有过不少的冲突。 Afterward with the effort of Luo Ye True Monarch masters and disciples, relations of both sides obtained very big relaxing. 后来在落叶真君师徒的努力之下,双方的关系得到了很大的缓和。 Branch of Dark Alliance on Taiyi Sect territory, is responsible for by Book Mountain True Monarch now completely. 暗盟太乙门领地上面的分部,现在全部由书山真君负责。 Meng Zhang this old friend, crossed Yang God thunder tribulation more than 200 years ago, entered the step Yang God Stage. 孟章这个老朋友,也在两百多年前渡过阳神雷劫,进阶了阳神期 Entered step Yang God Stage Book Mountain True Monarch to return to Dark Alliance headquarters, stayed for more than 100 years there, returned to above the Taiyi Sect territory again, continued to manage here Dark Alliance branch. 进阶阳神期书山真君回了暗盟总部一趟,在那里呆了一百多年,就再次回到了太乙门领地之上,继续主持这里的暗盟分部。 Meng Zhang returns to shortly after Taiyi Sect, Book Mountain True Monarch also comes to pay a visit him specially. 孟章回到太乙门不久,书山真君还专门上门拜见过他。 Meng Zhang has not put on airs, very polite interview this old friend, and with its discussed really happy. 孟章没有摆架子,很是客气的接见了这位老朋友,并且和其相谈甚欢。 During the talk, Book Mountain True Monarch expressed the Dark Alliance high level, regarded as important to Meng Zhang very much, intends to be on good terms with Meng Zhang. 在谈话之中,书山真君表示暗盟高层,对孟章很是看重,有意和孟章交好。 At an appropriate time, the Dark Alliance high-level hope and Meng Zhang meet to speak in detail. 在合适的时候,暗盟高层希望和孟章见面详谈。 Meng Zhang readily agrees, and makes Book Mountain True Monarch arrange to meet as soon as possible. 孟章一口答应下来,并且让书山真君尽快安排见面。 Pays a visit to the Meng Zhang guest, turns to Taiyi Sect the leader of alien race. 来拜见孟章的客人之中,还有投靠太乙门的异族的头领。 The leader of Jiuqu River water clan, merpeople king Yu Boli ; barbarian clan several Barbarian King...... 九曲河水族的首领,人鱼王鱼波丽;蛮族的几位蛮王…… After these alien races since turn to Taiyi Sect, has displayed loyally and devotedly, plays very major role in many aspects. 这些异族自从投靠太乙门之后,一直表现得忠心耿耿,在很多方面都起到了很大的作用。 Meng Zhang found the time to receive the leaders of these alien races specially, comforted their peacefully. 孟章专门抽出时间接见了这些异族的首领,安生安慰了他们一番。 In the Taiyi Sect territory the water course is rich, the rivers lake is numerous. 太乙门领地上水脉丰富,河流湖泊众多。 If Meng Zhang will really have these water clan that the ability confers the Spiritual God also to have big using in the future. 如果孟章日后真的有能力册封神灵的这些水族还有大用。 Except that others pay a visit Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang also has the person who oneself want to see. 除了别人拜见孟章,孟章也有自己想见的人。 Long ago turned to Meng Zhang, established lofty aspirations and high ideals, wanting to become Taiyi Sect to seek Lord Sun Pengzhi, in these years supplied ideas in the gate, made very big contribution. 早年投靠孟章,立下雄心壮志,想要成为太乙门谋主的孙鹏志,这些年里面在门中出谋划策,做出了很大的贡献。 Meng Zhang wants to see one side him, actually does not realize to recompense. 孟章想要见他一面,却未能如愿以偿。 Sun Pengzhi after entering the step Primordial Spirit period, responded recruiting of Heavenly Palace on own initiative, left Taiyi Sect, went to Nine Heavens guarding. 孙鹏志在进阶元神期之后,就主动响应天宫的征召,离开了太乙门,前往九天驻守。 Although Sun Pengzhi cultivation base is ordinary, was the wicked idea are many, found out many means that let be recruited to guard Nine Heavens Taiyi Sect cultivator, the day passes with ease much. 孙鹏志虽然修为一般,可是鬼点子不少,想出了许多办法,让被征召驻守九天太乙门修士,日子过得轻松不少。 By the present, he had almost become captain who Taiyi Sect cultivator that guards Nine Heavens. 到了现在,他几乎已经成为了驻守九天太乙门修士们的指挥者。 Yang Xueyi guarded Nine Heavens initially time, almost always follows to him. 就连杨雪怡当初驻守九天的时候,对他几乎都是言听计从。 Meng Zhang prepares to find an opportunity to go to Nine Heavens, or recalls sect gate him simply. 孟章准备找个机会前往九天,或者干脆将他召回宗门。 On something, Meng Zhang needs to look for the strategy uncommon fellow, provides some opinions for oneself. 在一些事情上面,孟章需要找个智谋不凡的家伙,为自己提供一些意见。 Meng Zhang another old friend, Gu Yue Family Gu Yue Huaidie, after the step Primordial Spirit period, the secret technique made the huge breakthrough. 孟章的另外一个老朋友,古月家族古月怀蝶,在进阶元神期之后,天机术更是取得了巨大的突破。 Regarding an sect gate, consecrates Diviner, has very big significance. 对于一家宗门来说,供奉一位天机师,有着很大的意义。 Meng Zhang not , Niu Dawei comes to visit personally, inviting Gu Yue Huaidie becomes the Taiyi Sect guest official elder, after letting her, is based in Taiyi Sect. 孟章不在的时候,牛大为亲自上门拜访,邀请古月怀蝶成为太乙门的客卿长老,让她以后常驻太乙门 Niu Dawei manages the Taiyi Sect many years, has enough dignity, the shock and awe and command Vast Sea Dao Alliance high and low. 牛大为管理太乙门多年,早就有了足够的威严,震慑和号令瀚海道盟上下。 Gu Yue Huaidie is unable to reject his invitation, complied with his request. 古月怀蝶无法拒绝他的邀请,答应了他的请求。 Meng Zhang, summoned Gu Yue Huaidie several times these days on own initiative, exchanged a secret technique with her well. 孟章在这段时间里面,主动召见了古月怀蝶几次,和她好好的交流了一下天机术。 7017 k 7017k
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