SMIJ :: Volume #28

#2759: Situation

The indigenous gods formed the indigenous gods who the unrest that turns to Taiyi World, turns to are numerous, even also has the indigenous True God. 土著神明们形成了投靠太乙界的风潮,投靠过来的土著神明众多,其中甚至还有土著真神。 Meng Zhang was also thinking that one's own side lacks the True God rank the strength, had the good news to transmit like this, but also was really timely rain. 孟章还正觉得己方缺乏真神级别的战力,就有了这样的好消息传来,还真是一场及时雨。 Just, before these indigenous gods win the trust of Meng Zhang thoroughly, Meng Zhang does not dare them rashly to deliver the battlefield. 只不过,在这些土著神明彻底取得孟章的信任之前,孟章可不敢将他们冒然送上战场。 To make Meng Zhang trust them thoroughly, is very simple. 要想让孟章彻底信任他们,也很简单。 So long as they accept conferring rank and title of Meng Zhang, leaves a good name above the jade book, joins the Taiyi World gods system, that Meng Zhang can trust them completely. 只要他们接受孟章的册封,在玉册之上留名,加入太乙界神明体系,那孟章就可以完全信任他们了。 What a pity, these indigenous gods turn to Taiyi World, under various threats, has to keep an escape route for oneself, naturally is far from loyally any to Taiyi World and Meng Zhang. 可惜,这些土著神明之所以投靠太乙界,也是迫于各种威胁,不得不为自己留一条退路,对太乙界孟章自然谈不上任何忠诚可言。 Like their trimming one's sails fellows, is impossible to give loyalty to a short time completely, naturally cannot be willing to be under the control of others. 像他们这种见风使舵的家伙,根本不可能在短时间内就完全效忠,自然不会愿意受制于人。 Under the present situation, Meng Zhang and Taiyi World high level not good to force to these fellows in excess. 在目前的情况下,孟章太乙界高层都不好对这些家伙逼迫过甚。 Although the strength of Divine Prosperity Realm indigenous gods is not worth mentioning, but the indigenous gods number is big, the good and evil is also a strength, really does not need to advance the opposite to go them. 虽然神昌界土著神明的战力不值一提,可土著神明数量众多,好歹也是一支力量,实在没有必要将他们推到对立面去。 Has a lot of time for that in any case, in the future some will be the time processes them slowly. 反正来日方长,日后有的是时间慢慢处理他们。 No matter how said, so many indigenous gods turn on own initiative, truly the greatly strong momentum , helping Taiyi World and dragon clan seizes Divine Prosperity Realm thoroughly. 不管怎么说,这么多土著神明主动投靠,确实大壮声势,有益于太乙界和龙族彻底占领神昌界 Since these indigenous gods cannot apply temporarily, that must cope with Famine Demon God by Meng Zhang. 既然这些土著神明暂时派不上用场,那就还是要靠孟章去对付灾荒魔神 The great shark god leads the army to send out, picks up the marching speed as soon as possible repeatedly, but is not after all near from the south islands, some issues that in addition the recent disaster causes, need to spend can arrive at the southern islands some time. 巨鲨神率领大军出动,尽快一再加快行军速度,可毕竟距离南部群岛不近,加上最近的天灾导致的一些问题,需要花费一段时间才能到达南部群岛。 Meng Zhang starts off alone, arrived at the southern islands actually quickly. 孟章独自上路,倒是很快就来到了南部群岛。 He stands near the south islands, carefully observes that side situation. 他站在南部群岛附近,仔细观察那边的情况。 The being possessed by a demon of cloud sky is billowing, the demon air/Qi connection agglomerate of shooting up to the sky, absorbs the imposing manner of person to make Meng Zhang not dare to be negligent. 天空之中魔云滚滚,冲天而起的魔气连接成团,摄人的气势让孟章都不敢大意。 The strong demon gasification made intermittent mist, almost covers thoroughly the south islands. 浓厚的魔气化作了一阵阵雾气,几乎将南部群岛彻底笼罩起来。 In the southern islands, is almost dark, does not have any light. 在南部群岛内部,几乎是漆黑一片,没有任何的光明。 In the mist, spreads an intermittent ghost crying god howling voice of frequently, making one hear trembling with fear. 在雾气之中,经常传出一阵阵鬼哭神嚎的声音,让人闻之丧胆。 In the mist, indistinctly, can see the specters to flash before once for a while. 雾气之中,影影绰绰,时不时就能看见魔影闪现。 Evidently, the Famine Demon God full display demonic path advantage, changed to the south islands existence that is similar to the demon territory. 看样子,灾荒魔神充分发挥魔道优势,将南部群岛化作了类似于魔域的存在。 Famine Demon God in the demon territory, has the home-game advantage, but also has subordinate demon army as the cannon fodder. 灾荒魔神在魔域之中,有着主场之利,还有着麾下的魔物大军作为炮灰。 Meng Zhang has not intruded rashly. 孟章没有贸然闯入其中。 He has many exorcize demons methods although, if falls into the demon territory besieges, should still have the danger. 他尽管有着诸多降魔手段,可是如果在魔域之中陷入围攻,仍然会发生危险。 Periphery Meng Zhang careful observation. 孟章仔细观察周围。 In the southern islands northwest edge, several big islands, above is covering a golden god light/only. 在南部群岛西北边缘,有几座大岛,上面笼罩着一层金黄色的神光。 The demon air/Qi battle that the god light/only unceasing twinkle, and attacks, prevents its permeating diligently. 神光不断的闪烁,正在和侵袭过来的魔气争斗,努力阻止其渗入内部。 It seems like that Meng Zhang comes is not too late, the south islands have not fallen to the enemy thoroughly, a small number of indigenous gods are resisting stubbornly. 看来,孟章来的还不算太晚,南部群岛还没有彻底沦陷,还有少数土著神明在负隅顽抗。 That several big islands are still standing out, can be the pivot that will counter-attack in the future. 那几座大岛还在坚持抵抗,就可以作为日后反攻的支点。 Meng Zhang sees the direction, flew directly. 孟章看准方向,就直接飞了过去。 When Meng Zhang rushes to the southern islands, eastern land that side situation also in unceasing change. 孟章奔赴南部群岛的时候,东陆那边的局势也在不断的变化。 The Ghost Deity army continuous growth from Netherworld, marching the speed is extremely quick. 来自阴间鬼神大军不断壮大,进军速度极快。 After losing passed the broad river gods, gathered at passing the indigenous gods a group of people without a leader near broad river, the interior cannot withstand chaotically. 在失去了通广江神之后,原本聚集在通广江附近的土著神明群龙无首,内部纷乱不堪。 Ten thousand ghost country marriage go-betweens from leading the army started to attack one time, routs the army who this indigenous gods composed. 万鬼国主亲自率领大军发动了一次突击,就将这支土著神明组成的大军击溃了。 The Ghost Deity army easily crossed passed the broad river, the defense line that the indigenous gods established laboriously has almost not played any role. 鬼神大军轻易就越过了通广江,土著神明们辛辛苦苦建立的防线几乎没有发挥任何作用。 Indigenous gods such quick defeat, the reason has. 土著神明们如此之快的战败,原因有很多。 The overall strength is inferior to the Ghost Deity army, the despondency, the fighting spirit is insufficient...... 总体实力不如鬼神大军,士气低落,斗志不足…… Naturally, the most important point, is in the indigenous gods lacks the top True God, the sufficient strength cannot block ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereigns. 当然,其中最为重要的一点,就是土著神明之中缺乏顶级真神,没有足够的力量可以挡住万鬼国主。 When ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereigns take the lead attacks reactionary, several try to resist his indigenous True God, was easily defeated by him. 在万鬼国主身先士卒的反动突击的时候,几名试图抵挡他的土著真神,轻易就被他击败。 Ghost Deity army who ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereigns lead after beating this indigenous gods army, fast expands toward all around, tries to occupy the broad river basin thoroughly. 万鬼国主率领的鬼神大军在击败了这支土著神明大军之后,飞快的向着四周扩张,试图彻底占据通广江流域。 Yin nine are deep ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereigns to trust, has followed him to act. 阴九深得万鬼国主信任,一直跟随他行动。 He is impossible to make ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereigns stop invading the world of the living, even slows its step is very difficult. 他不可能让万鬼国主停止入侵阳世,甚至拖慢其步伐都很难。 He can only affect ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereigns ideas from one side, they win more time for Moon God that actively prepares. 他只能从侧面影响万鬼国主的想法,为积极备战的月神他们争取更多的时间。 After the war, ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereign subordinate Ghost Deity armies are busy seizing the domain in broad river. 大战之后,万鬼国主麾下的鬼神大军忙着抢占通广江的地盘。 Many does not form groups by Ghost Deity that ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereigns direct, starts to turn toward the eastern land final resistance region, the True God Rising Sun territory killed. 许多不受万鬼国主指挥的鬼神成群结队,开始向着东陆最后的抵抗区域,原本升阳真神的领地杀去。 The True God Rising Sun territory length and breadth, has many indigenous gods. 升阳真神领地广袤,原本有着众多的土著神明。 After passing through many toss about, here indigenous gods vitality damages severely, the strength drops sharply, the interior has not united very much. 只是经过多番折腾之后,这里的土著神明们元气大伤,实力大跌,内部还很不团结。 Moon God and Yue'e fairy maiden spent very big strength, controls the stretch of core region of True God Rising Sun territory. 月神和月娥仙子花费了很大的力气,控制住升阳真神领地的一片核心地带。 Under pressing on step by step of Ghost Deity army, more and more indigenous gods have to turn to them. 迫于鬼神大军的步步紧逼,越来越多的土著神明不得不投靠她们。 Moon God organizes an indigenous gods army, starts the positive structure defense. 月神组织起一支土著神明大军,开始积极的构造防御。 Ghost Deity basically does not need the logistics supply. 鬼神基本上不需要后勤补给。 Some powerful, temper irritable Ghost Deity, drops out the large unit, entered the True God Rising Sun territory rapidly. 一些实力强大、性子火爆的鬼神,抛下大部队,迅速的杀入了升阳真神领地。 Although Yue'e fairy maiden in True Immortal this level, cultivation base and battle efficiency is not outstanding. 月娥仙子虽然在真仙这一层次之中,修为和战斗力都不算出众。 But she is established True Immortal, experienced, the method is numerous. 可她好歹是一名老牌真仙,见多识广,手段众多。 In cultivation world, urges and enslaves the ghost method is not rare, copes with the ghost means is very many. 修真界之中,驱使和奴役鬼物的手段并不罕见,对付鬼物的办法更是非常多。 Even if Yue'e fairy maiden has not practiced specially technique that copes with Ghost Deity, may rely on cultivation world some common methods, to Divine Prosperity Realm Ghost Deity, still very big advantage. 月娥仙子就算没有专门修炼过对付鬼神功法,可凭借修真界的一些常见手段,对上神昌界鬼神,仍然很大的优势。 The Divine Prosperity Realm indigenous gods and outside world lack the contact, the parochial arrogance, ignorant and inexperienced, is the out-and-out hick gods. 神昌界的土著神明和外界缺乏接触,夜郎自大,孤陋寡闻,是不折不扣的土包子神明。 Divine Prosperity Realm Netherworld Ghost Deity, in this aspect similarly very many. 神昌界阴间鬼神,在这方面同样好不了多少。 These come from Netherworld Ghost Deity to cope with the experience of indigenous gods to be rich, actually never with experience of cultivator fight. 这些来自阴间鬼神对付土著神明的经验丰富,却从来没有和修真者战斗的经验。 Yue'e fairy maiden initiates an attack, quick eliminated Ghost Deity that penetrates the True God Rising Sun territory much. 月娥仙子主动出击,很快就消灭了不少突入升阳真神领地的鬼神 Ghost Deity of two True God ranks and she fights, was easily defeated by her, has to be wounded to run away. 有两名真神级别的鬼神和她交手,都被她轻易击败,不得不负伤逃走。 The victory that Yue'e fairy maiden obtains, making on the True God Rising Sun territory indigenous gods morale rise sharply, more and more indigenous gods turn. 月娥仙子取得的战果,让升阳真神领地上面的土著神明士气大涨,越来越多的土著神明投靠过来。 But that side the Ghost Deity army, most Ghost Deity absorb the strong battle efficiency that in Yuee the fairy maiden displays, they have to halt outside the True God Rising Sun territory temporarily, gave up fighting a battle to force a quick decision and seizing here idea as soon as possible. 鬼神大军那边,大部分鬼神摄于月娥仙子表现出来的强大战斗力,他们不得不暂时止步于升阳真神领地之外,放弃了速战速决、尽快占领这里的想法。 Naturally, still had much is unwilling, Ghost Deity that or acts recklessly, goes into the True God Rising Sun territory by the pattern that the small scale attacks. 当然,仍然有不少不甘心,或者不知死活的鬼神,以小规模出击的模式闯入升阳真神领地。 Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said the fragrant book novel gave the perfect score finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给香书小说打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! 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