SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#255: Strange spirit furnace

Chapter 255 strange spirit furnace 第255章诡异的灵炉 The glittering and translucent carving red lotus flower shape spirit furnace circles above the Long Dangdang palm slowly, it seems like so gorgeous, the aura that but itself lends actually just like must select the ominous beast that the person bites to be common momentarily. 晶莹剔透的红色莲花状灵炉在龙当当掌心之上徐徐盘旋,它看上去是如此的绚丽多彩,但本身散发出的气息却宛如随时都要择人而噬的凶兽一般。 As Long Dangdang connects in it the hand, the spirit furnace that even if these have not retroceded responded that also obviously became bigger several points, the ray that sent out respectively also became intense. 随着龙当当将它接入手中,那些哪怕没有后退的灵炉反应也明显变得更大了几分,各自散发出的光芒都随之变得强烈了。 Asura red lotus is sending out suddenly suddenly the weak red light, as if looks like the king to carefully examine own territory to be the same. 修罗红莲散发着忽强忽弱的红光,仿佛就像是君王在审视着自己的领地一般。 Clang!” Suddenly, a metal sonorous sound bursts out from Asura red lotus. Next flickers, wipes the bright red light is bursts out, the red instantaneously becomes profound, that dark-red brilliance covered on Long Dangdang directly, Long Dangdang only felt own bloodlines became boil instantaneously, unprecedented wild broke in within the body, he only thought that his all were exaggerated the dark-red in this moment, his subconscious uphold right hand, the Saint shining heart ray jumped shoots, Saint sword release. But that Saint sword actually no longer is the holy white, even a white shadow does not have, presents for the dark-red completely, has compared with the former Saint sword wants the ominous severe innumerable time of aura eruption. “铿!”突然间,一声金属铿锵般的声音从修罗红莲上迸发而出。下一瞬,一抹灿烂的红光已是迸发而出,红色瞬间变得深邃,那暗红色的光彩直接笼罩在了龙当当身上,龙当当只觉得自身血脉瞬间就变得沸腾起来,一种前所未有的狂暴冲入体内,他只觉得自身的一切都在这一刻被渲染成了暗红色,他下意识的抬起右手,圣耀之心光芒迸射,圣剑释放。但那圣剑却不再是圣洁的白色,甚至连一点白色的影子都没有,完全呈献为暗红色,却有着比之前圣剑要凶厉无数倍的气息爆发。 Then by Asura red lotus spirit furnace inspiring, was urged the Saint sword that sends out to be separated from the control of Long Dangdang unexpectedly, the direct sword divided to cut in the slanting front direction. The dark-red sword glow brings incomparably ominous severe sword air/Qi to delimit together the dark red colored light arc, the instantaneous flash, but. 紧接着,那被修罗红莲灵炉引动,自行催发出的圣剑竟是自行脱离了龙当当的掌控,直接一剑朝着斜前方的方向劈斩了过去。暗红色的剑芒带着无比凶厉的剑气划出一道暗红色光弧,瞬闪而至。 In Long Dangdang is shocking inexplicable, suddenly, lazy sound actually towering resounding, do not be noisy......, what kind of you are......” this sound sounded leisure, is unable to distinguish the men and women, but sounds makes one have to plant the feeling of goosebumps, the end tones of that some enchanting flavors made the mood of person as if slow. 就在龙当当震惊莫名之时,突然间,一个慵懒的声音却突兀的响起,“别闹……,你这是咋的了……”这声音听起来慢慢悠悠的,无法辨别出男女,但听起来却让人有种起鸡皮疙瘩的感觉,那有些妖娆味道的尾音让人的心情仿佛都变得迟缓起来了似的。 A gentle white halo ripples, only listens to buzz, then a vicious sword chops, cut into one group of white halos unexpectedly directly, then that melted slowly. 一层柔和的白色光晕荡漾,只听“嗡”的一声,那么凶狠的一剑劈过去,竟是直接斩入了一团白色光晕之中,然后就那么缓缓的消融了。 But heard the Asura red lotus spirit furnace of that lazy sound actually as if to receive exciting as, the spirit furnace inspired suddenly, flew to shoot instantaneously, red lotus flower petals bloomed suddenly, each flower petal just like together incomparably sharp sword glow, directly soared that group gentle white ray racing to launch to go. 而听到了那个慵懒声音的修罗红莲灵炉却仿佛受了刺激似的,灵炉猛然一振,瞬间飞射而出,一朵朵红莲花瓣骤然绽放而出,每一片花瓣都犹如一道无比锋利的剑芒,直奔那团柔和的白色光芒奔射而去。 Do not be noisy......, what kind of this is......” lazy sound resounds again. Then Long Dangdang saw that stretched out a pair of fair palm from that white light unexpectedly, that palm striking gently in in the air, laying out white ripples that white ripples is similar to the spider web to be the same piece by piece, stucks that red lotus sword glow, it does not seem able to destroy this sword glow, but the sword glow is unable to continue again thoroughly. “你别闹么……,咋的了这是……”慵懒的声音再次响起。然后龙当当就看到从那白光之中竟是伸出了一双白皙的手掌,那手掌轻轻的拍击在空中,拍出一片片白色涟漪那白色涟漪就那么如同蛛网一般,将那一道道红莲剑芒黏住,它似乎无法摧毁这剑芒,但剑芒也无法再继续深入。 Long Dangdang and Asura red lotus spirit furnace has the contract, he can the clear feeling, oneself this spirit furnace release a strange mood at this moment unexpectedly. That is the intense repel feeling and intense angry feeling, even little fear and trembling feeling. 龙当当与修罗红莲灵炉有契约在,他此时此刻能够清晰的感受到,自己这灵炉竟然在释放出一种奇怪的情绪。那是强烈的排斥感、强烈的愤怒感,甚至还有一点点的恐惧和颤栗感。 I said how...... this is......, yo yo...... yo,...... my...... Elder Brother Asura...... really had...... the person...... Do not be noisy......,...... makes me...... have a look at...... your host...... That sound is sluggish, listened Long Dangdang also felt in own heart an discomfort, wants to bellow you to be able quickly. “我说……这是咋……的了呢,呦呦……呦,……我的……修罗哥哥……竟然有……主儿了呢……。别闹……么,……让我……看看……你的宿主……喔。”那声音慢吞吞的,听的龙当当也觉得自己心中一阵难受,很想大吼一声伱能不能快一点。 But nearby witch actually looks the strange color attentively, that at present presents, is he is unable to understand. Because, that spirit furnace he knew, but actually does not remember that any powerful existence, before had not made the sound. In the record in magic temple, this is itself will release the slow halo the spirit furnace, so long as close to it, the speed as if becomes slow, no one can agree with it. Because you in its range, because all are extremely slow, has no way to start the contract, has not actually thought, this spirit furnace unexpectedly is a wisdom spirit furnace, unexpectedly made the sound at this time. 而一旁的巫谛却是面露奇异之色,眼前所出现的一幕,是他所无法理解的。因为,那尊灵炉他认识,但却绝不是记忆中任何一种强大的存在,以前也从来都没有发出过声音。在魔法圣殿的记载中,这是一尊本身会释放出迟缓光环的灵炉,只要靠近它,速度似乎就会变得慢起来,也没有人能与它契合。因为你在它的范围内,因为一切都太过迟缓,根本就没法发动契约,却万万没想到,这灵炉竟然是一尊智慧灵炉,居然在这个时候发出了声音。 Buzz humming sound!” The Asura red lotus spirit furnace seemed like stimulated was more intense, desperate is struggling, wanted to launch the attack. However, the white halo that strange spirit furnace sends out is actually similar to overlapping, thorough, does not make it erupt. “嗡嗡嗡!”修罗红莲灵炉似乎是受刺激更加强烈了,拼命的挣扎着,想要发起进攻。但是,那奇异的灵炉散发出的白色光晕却如同层层叠叠,绵绵密密,根本就不让它爆发出来。 Don't...... noisy......, initially you...... also took...... me...... no...... the means that...... you said...... your...... is.................., non-...... can repel...... others...... to do?...... Others............ do not stir up trouble...... ............, Others............ have actually liked you very much............ firm...... air/Qi....... Elder Brother Asura......” “别……闹么……,当初你……也拿……我……没什么……办法,……你说……你们这……是……咋……的了……,非……要排斥……人家……干什么?……人家……又不……惹事……。……其实……,人家……一直很……喜欢你……的……阳刚……气呢。……修罗哥哥……” The sound of this wisdom spirit furnace sounded is was too uncomfortable, Long Dangdang only felt at this time own whole body had a not being able to say irritable feeling. If this is an real person, he a little wanted to choke to death the opposite party. Also the Asura red lotus spirit furnace will have the intense repel feeling to the opposite party no wonder. 这智慧灵炉的声音听起来实在是太让人难受了,龙当当此时只觉得自己全身都有种说不出的别扭感。如果这是个真人,他都有点想要掐死对方了似的。也难怪修罗红莲灵炉会对对方产生强烈的排斥感。 Teacher, this spirit furnace is......” Long Dangdang looked that asked to the witch attentively. “老师,这尊灵炉是……”龙当当看向巫谛问道。 I don't know either. Since the record in temple, it has been one is unable the contract, but can release the slow halo the spirit furnace. But actually does not know, it can be a wisdom spirit furnace unexpectedly.” “我也不知道。在圣殿的记载以来,它是一个无法契约,但能释放出迟缓光环的灵炉。但却从来都不知道,它竟然会是一尊智慧灵炉。” Static...... said that...... the words! You...... had not asked that...... I......, left...... noisily, small dark...... dark......” that spirit furnace made a movement of thrown kiss in witch direction attentively, can only see two hands, the main body was actually only one group of white lights. “静……说那……话!你们也……没问……我……么,别……闹,小暗……暗……”那灵炉朝着巫谛的方向做出了一个飞吻的动作,偏偏只能看到两只手,本体却只是一团白光而已。 The witch corners of the mouth pull out the sound of that spirit furnace to seem like it to have an extremely strong exciting feeling attentively, he listened also only to feel the whole body incomparable irritability, even including own spirit strength a little or was controlled. 巫谛嘴角一抽那灵炉的声音似乎本身就有一种极强的刺激感,他听了也只觉得全身无比的别扭,甚至连自身的灵力都有点要不受控制了似的。 Senior, does not know you are the wisdom spirit furnace. If our magic temple has anything to offend, but also please forgive.” The witches suppress the uncomfortable feeling to say attentively. “前辈,一直不知您是智慧灵炉。如果我们魔法圣殿有什么得罪的,还请您原谅。”巫谛强忍着难受感说道。 These wisdom spirit furnaces do not know that had how remote years, asking a senior also should be. 这些智慧灵炉都不知道存在了多么久远的岁月,叫一声前辈也是应该的。 Don't...... noisy, you...... very...... good............! I............ here...... also very...... good............ Here...... these...... little fellows...... very...... good............, all day long...... feeds me...... the element...... to eat very happily............ ...... But, after......, I...... have well............ ate......,............ did not play with you...... Asura...... the Elder Brother,...... the later younger sister may............ follow you...... “别……闹,你们……挺……好的……啊……!我……在……这里……也挺……好……的……。这里……这些……小家伙们……都很……好……呢……,成天……喂我……元素……吃……美滋滋……的。……不过,……以后我……有更……好……的吃……了,不……跟你们……玩……了。修罗……哥哥,……以后妹妹可……就……跟着你……了呢。” When Long Dangdang did not realize suddenly wonderfully, next one flickers, previously also the incomparably slow white light shook suddenly fiercely, all flung to fly that numerous red lotus sword glow unexpectedly , directly soared the Long Dangdang direction to fly to shoot. 就在龙当当突然意识到不妙的时候,下一瞬,先前还无比迟缓的白光突然猛地一抖,竟是将那众多的红莲剑芒全都甩飞了出去,紧接着,就直奔龙当当的方向飞射而来。 It seems like its speed does not seem quick, witch Digeng moved sideways to keep off before the Long Dangdang body. But when he blocks Long Dangdang, that group of white lights have arrived at him unexpectedly behind, had drilled into the Long Dangdang dantian directly. 看起来它的速度似乎不快,巫谛更是一闪身就挡在了龙当当身前。可就在他挡住龙当当的时候,那团白光竟然已经来到了他身后,更是直接钻入了龙当当的丹田之中。 At this moment, the Long Dangdang chest place blue light flashes, a powerful blue light instantaneous under to/clashes, forcefully will just sneak in that group of white rays of Long Dangdang within the body pushing. 就在这时,龙当当胸口处蓝光一闪,一股强盛的蓝光瞬间下冲,硬生生的将刚刚钻进龙当当体内的那团白色光芒给挤了出来。 Well, dark blue...... sea Elder Brother...... unexpectedly also...... in......, Lantian...... Elder Brother............?...... Don't...... noisy......?...... Do you............ also...... bully...... the younger sister......?...... Repugnant............ “咦,沧……海哥哥……竟然也……在……,蓝田……哥哥……呢……?……别……闹么……?……你……怎么……也……欺负……妹妹……呀?……讨厌……呢……。” The moon/month bright sea spirit furnace drilled from the Long Dangdang chest place, but listened to that unable to distinguish the voice of men and women actually to rock sluggishly slightly, splashed several drops of lunar coronas from inside. 月明沧海灵炉从龙当当胸口处钻了出来,但听着那慢吞吞分辨不出男女的声音却是略微晃动了一下,从里面溅出几滴月华。 Is slightly slow you should not be noisy, here does not suit you.” The voice of sea brings several points of slight shivering. “小慢你不要闹,我们这里不适合你。”沧海的声音带着几分轻微的颤抖。 „Do sea elder brothers......,...... you...... also bully...... others............?...... The past years was...... you...... did not want...... others............,............ had...... others......, perhaps.................. will not have the matter............!...... You...... don't...... noisy............ to............ ...... Really...... repugnant......,...... you............ abandon me again......,...... others.................. fought...... you...... “沧海哥哥……,……你……也欺负……人家……嘛……?……当年就是……你们……不要……人家……的……,……本来……有……人家……在,……说不定……不会……有事……啊……!……你……别……闹……才……对……呢……。……真……讨厌……,……你们……再……抛弃我……,……人家……就……跟……你们……拼……了。” Heard the sound of this wisdom spirit furnace, Long Dangdang somewhat unable to bear, the sound that this sluggish speed, that female and male was difficult to distinguish was so irritable. His subconscious steps back, moves sideways behind the sea. 听着这智慧灵炉的声音,龙当当都有些受不了了,这慢吞吞的速度,还有那雌雄难辨的声音是如此别扭。他下意识的退后一步,闪身在沧海背后。 The sea smiles bitterly saying: You are youngest, is part that this potential surface time composes, if you fell from the sky, will make the entire potential surface greatly be affected. We to protect you.” 沧海苦笑道:“你年纪最小,又是这个位面时间组成的一部分,如果你陨落了,会让整个位面都受到巨大的影响。我们是为了保护你。” Spoke...... that words unexpectedly......!...... Is......,...... you...... distinct...... were...... have a liking for...... the star light...... that...... the monster...... colorfully...... cheap...... the goods to live attractively.................. do not want...... me...... ...... Snort......!...... Repugnant......!” “竟说……那话……!才……不……是……呢,……你们……分明……是……看上了……星光……那个……妖……艳……贱……货生……得……漂亮……才不要……我……的。……哼……!……讨厌……!” Hears here, Long Dangdang was somewhat understood what is heard faintly, at present this spirit furnace likely was also of wisdom spirit furnaces initial 12 towermen, because afterward joining of star light radiant spirit furnace, was squeezed out 12 towermen? 听到这里,龙当当算是隐隐有些听明白了,眼前这灵炉很可能也是当初的十二守望者之一的智慧灵炉,后来因为星光璀璨灵炉的加入,被挤出了十二守望者? He still remembers indistinctly, the star light radiant spirit furnace also has the strength of space and time, moreover Long Kongkong, when releases its true strength, the surrounding all are also becoming slow. In other words, at present this spirit furnace and do the star light radiant spirit furnace belong same type? 他还隐约记得,星光璀璨灵炉本身也是有时空之力的,而且龙空空在释放出它真正力量的时候,周围的一切也在变得迟缓。那就是说,眼前这灵炉与星光璀璨灵炉属于同一类型的? The bright red glow condenses side the sea, is Asura red lotus, the partly visible red light is glittering, the ominous severe air/Qi is released externally unceasingly, but why does not know, Long Dangdang thought that it seems like that the a little outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted feeling. 灿烂的红芒在沧海身边凝聚,正是修罗红莲,若隐若现的红光不停的闪烁着,凶厉之气不断外放,但不知道为什么,龙当当却觉得它似乎是有点色厉内荏的感觉。 The sea or Asura, as if present to this at present are spirit furnaces of one group of white light appearances, as if some fear. 无论是沧海还是修罗,似乎对眼前这个只是呈献为一团白光模样的灵炉,仿佛都有些恐惧似的。 Small slow, everyone really loves dearly you, for the potential surface, has not allowed you to participate in that action. Since you stay here to be very comfortable, that has stayed here, this place is also very suitable your, not?” “小慢,大家真的是心疼你,也是为了位面,才没有让你参与那次行动的。既然你留在这里很舒服,那就一直留在这里吧,这个地方也挺适合你的,不是吗?” „...... Does not want, others...... want...... to go out............. Sees...... me with great difficulty............ Asura...... Elder Brother............,...... I...... again also...... and he...... separated............ ...... Asura...... the Elder Brother...... ............ lost...... .................. me to help...... him intelligent ............ patching...... So long as...... has...... me...... in ............, who............ cannot ............ the injury...... I...... Asura...... the Elder Brother...... “不……要,人家……要……出去。……好不容易……见到……我……的……修罗……哥哥……了……,……我……再也……不……和他……分开……了……。……修罗……哥哥……都…………失去……智慧了………………我帮……他…………修补……。只要……有……我……在…………,谁……也……不能…………伤害……我……修罗……哥哥……。” „It is not good!” The sea almost blurted out. “不行!”沧海几乎是脱口而出。 But that white light group seems firm, flashes suddenly, flushes away toward the Long Dangdang dantian place again. Meanwhile, two fair palms find out from that white light suddenly, grasps respectively to the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace and Asura red lotus spirit furnace. Meanwhile, a powerful white light blooms suddenly outward, lets also become close to the witch attentively body that preparing to act extremely slow, cannot the earliest possible time complete to act unexpectedly. 但那白色光团似乎十分坚决,骤然闪动,再次朝着龙当当丹田处冲去。与此同时,两只白皙的手掌骤然从那白光之中探出,分别抓向月明沧海灵炉和修罗红莲灵炉。同时,一层强盛的白光骤然向外绽放,让临近准备出手的巫谛身体也变得极为缓慢,竟然没能第一时间完成出手。 It can be said that this strange spirit furnace is resisting two big towermen to add on a senior law god by one's effort simultaneously again. 可以说,这尊奇异的灵炉凭借一己之力同时在对抗两大守望者再加上一名资深法神。 But even they do not have the means that Long Dangdang naturally was anything cannot do. Only can look helplessly that white light drills into own dantian. 而连他们都毫无办法,龙当当自然就更是什么都做不了了。只能眼睁睁的看着那白光钻入自己的丹田之中。 No!” At this time, a thought of powerful burst out suddenly. When that white light has drilled into the Long Dangdang dantian, in his heart had the intense repelling force, forms such a character in the heart. “不!”就在这个时候,一股强力的意念骤然迸发而出。就在那白光已经钻入龙当当丹田的时候,他的心中产生了强烈的排斥力,在心中形成这样一个字。 Had started with his group of white lights of body fusion, immediately was sluggish, although it drilled into the Long Dangdang dantian forcefully, but actually cannot dissolve with him as one completely. 原本已经开始与他身体融合的那团白光,顿时迟滞了一下,虽然它还是强行钻入了龙当当的丹田,但却没能与他完全溶为一体。 The contract between human and spirit furnaces needs to approve mutually. Long Dangdang can feel Asura and sea so fears this, where he dares to make this fuse with the body! 人类和灵炉之间的契约是需要相互认可的。龙当当能感受到修罗和沧海都如此惧怕这位,他哪敢让这位与自己身体融合啊! But this also truly was, even if were in this case, actually had also resided temporarily in his dantian. 但这位也确实是了得,哪怕是在这种情况下,竟然也已经在他的丹田之中寄居了下来。 But the sea and Asura also return instantaneously, the strengths of two big spirit furnaces flush away to the dantian. But in this moment, that white spirit furnace actually seemed like the sticky candy to stick generally completely in the Long Dangdang dantian, two big spirit furnaces flushed, immediately the Long Dangdang dantian is transmitting the severe pain, a blood spurted. But the time speed of flow had returned to normal in this moment. 而沧海和修罗也是瞬间回归,两大灵炉的力量都向丹田内冲去。但在这一刻,那白色灵炉却像是牛皮糖一般完全黏在了龙当当丹田之中,两大灵炉一冲,顿时连带着龙当当的丹田都传来剧痛,一口鲜血就喷了出来。而外界的时间流速在这一刻已经恢复了正常。 Don't...... noisy,...... you...... are...... with my...... the means............,...... I...... said...... walks......,...... is...... walks...... Small slow sound such uncomfortable. “别……闹,……你们……是……拿我……没……办法……的……,……我……说了……不……走……,……就是……不……走……。”小慢的声音还是那么的令人难受。 You-” the voice of sea were many several points of breathless. “你-”沧海的声音多了几分气急败坏。 The strength of Asura red lotus spirit furnace is not fluctuating extremely stably. If were not dreading perhaps in the Long Dangdang body that strange energy, it wants the complete explosion now. 修罗红莲灵炉的力量极不稳定的波动着。如果不是忌惮着龙当当身体里那股奇异能量,恐怕现在它就要完全爆发了。 Asura is calm, I have the means!” The voice of sea becomes serious, the next quarter, the strength of sky-blue moonlight has swept across the Long Dangdang whole body, prohibits in which his whole person. Long Dangdang a flower, discovers at present immediately, oneself entered in a golden world unexpectedly. “修罗冷静,我有办法!”沧海的声音变得郑重起来,下一刻,蔚蓝色的月华之力已经席卷龙当当全身,将他整个人都封禁其中。龙当当眼前一花,顿时发现,自己竟然进入到了一片金色的世界之中。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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