SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#232: So good cultivation time

Chapter 232 so good cultivation time 第232章如此美好的修炼时光 During small eye gazing of mouse king to that flash of scarlet blood crazy demon, is dark, the scarlet blood crazy demon as if also felt its full evil intention, in the mouth sent out a rave, the figure speeds up suddenly, the whole body burst out the scalding hot dark-red ray, the entire body looked like the dark-red iron to be together common, directly soared Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong them to clash. 鼠大王的小眼睛盯视向赤血狂魔的那一瞬间,冥冥之中,赤血狂魔似乎也感受到了它那满满的恶意,口中发出一声狂吼,身形骤然加快,全身迸发出灼热的暗红色光芒,整个身体就像是一块暗红色烙铁一般,直奔龙当当龙空空他们这边冲了过来。 The Long Dangdang main body sits cross-legged to sit in as in same place, Long Kongkong is turning away from him, displays the day of deep pool domain full power. Receives the evil eye tyrant energetic shock effect as well as numerous ordinary crazy demons under gravity control influence, the body has started to be weak in swallowing of day deep pool domain, is unable to continue to resist again. Although the bloodthirsty crazy demon can also crawl, but greets their is actually the gravity control and spiritual impact of next round. 龙当当本体依旧盘膝坐在原地,龙空空背对着他,全力施展天渊领域。受到邪眼暴君精神冲击影响以及重力控制影响之下的一众普通狂魔,身体已经开始在天渊领域的吞噬中瘫软下来,无法再继续抵御。嗜血狂魔虽然还能爬起,但迎接它们的却是下一轮的重力掌控和精神冲击。 Long Dangdang divides two to use by the law of heart imaginary heart losing concentration, the main body is practicing as before, earth Long Dangdang clone actually to pay attention to the mouse king and surrounding bloodthirsty crazy demon in distant place. 龙当当以幻心分神之法心分二用,本体依旧在修炼,土龙当当分身却在关注着远处的鼠大王以及周围的嗜血狂魔。 Facing the scarlet blood crazy demon that to/clashes high-speed, behind the mouse king a long big tail fierce racket, the body had leapt up suddenly, do not look that its figure is plump, but the speed is actually wonderful quick incomparable, the instance that leaps up, even had the remnant shadow in the air. 面对高速冲过来的赤血狂魔,鼠大王背后长长的大尾巴猛的一拍,身体就已经骤然蹿了出去,别看它身形肥硕,但速度却是奇快无比,蹿出的瞬间,在空气中甚至都带起了残影。 The scarlet blood crazy demon both arms open, the sharp thorn surface exudes the transparent blood red, from the sky brandishes suddenly, interweaves blood red rays, strangles to death to go to the mouse king. It is hot and dark double attribute, the attack not only supplementary has the dark attribute intense corrosiveness, has the fire attribute blazing ignition. In seven step demon clans, although is not very strong, may most excel is the positive/direct storm, under the bloodthirsty condition is famous for the fight crazily. 赤血狂魔双臂张开,尖刺表面泛起透明的血红色,猛然在空中挥舞,交织出一道道血红色的光线,向鼠大王绞杀而去。它是火与黑暗双属性的,攻击不但附带有黑暗属性的强烈腐蚀性,同时也具备着火属性炽烈灼烧。在七阶魔族中虽然不算很强,可最擅长的就是正面强攻,嗜血状态下更是以战斗疯狂而著称。 However, in that just like death cutting general ray eruption next one flickers, the mouse king actually disappeared suddenly. 但是,就在那一道道宛如死亡切割一般的光芒爆发的下一瞬,鼠大王却突然消失了。 Airborne has the dark golden ray to flash, next one flickers, mouse king that plump body has vanished baseless, when appears again, unexpectedly is in the back dead angle place of scarlet blood crazy demon. 空中只是有暗金色的光芒一闪,下一瞬,鼠大王那肥硕的身躯就已是凭空消失,再次出现时,竟是正好在赤血狂魔的背后死角处。 These changes is sudden, the scarlet blood crazy demon has extremely strong fight instinct, subconscious dark-red ray also erupts, the whole person bursts out the blazing dark-red ray just like the lava generally, the mouse king before behind it actually wielded its sharp incomparable dark golden color rapidly the claw, conducts the back to delimit after the scarlet blood crazy demon instantaneously, simultaneously the long tail impact ground, the body soars toward the sweptback of scarlet blood crazy demon above. 这一下变化非常突然,赤血狂魔有着极强的战斗本能,下意识的身上暗红色光芒就随之爆发,整个人宛如熔岩一般迸发出炽烈的暗红色光芒,鼠大王在它背后却是飞速的挥动了它那锋锐无比的暗金色前爪,瞬间在赤血狂魔后背上划过,同时长长的尾巴冲击地面,身体朝着赤血狂魔的后斜上方飞腾而起。 Roar-” scarlet blood crazy demon explodes roars, has turned round suddenly, in the hand a two-prong punctures brandishes crazily, was death cutting sweeps across to the mouse king. But the speed of mouse king is actually wonderful quick incomparable, in the process of body rapid retreat, plump such as it skidding exceptionally, has actually drilled from these slits, had not been attacked to hit. “吼-”赤血狂魔爆吼一声,猛然回过身去,手中一双尖刺疯狂挥舞,又是一片死亡切割席卷向鼠大王。但鼠大王的速度却是奇快无比,身体飞速后退的过程中,肥硕如它却滑溜异常,就是从那些缝隙中钻过,没有被攻击命中。 What earth Long Dangdang this angle can see, behind the scarlet blood crazy demon were many several deep bloodstains, has liked to flow with the magma common blood. 龙当当这个角度能够看到的是,赤血狂魔背后多了数道深深的血痕,已经有如同岩浆一般的血液流淌而出。 On cultivating is, the mouse king under the scarlet blood crazy demon, may miss first-order cultivated/repaired for in the situation, it not only does not have the half a point to fear the opposite party, even in the small eye also full is the stimulated color. At this time licked own former claw, ran toward the side rapidly, walks randomly! 论修为,鼠大王是在赤血狂魔之下的,可差了一阶修为的情况下,它不但没有半分惧怕对方,甚至小眼睛中还满是亢奋之色。此时舔了舔自己的前爪,飞速朝着侧面奔跑了起来,游走! This fellow, was feigning before radically the hidden strength! Perhaps the mouse kings of six steps, this battle efficiency, is not the general seven levels of demon beasts can compare favorably. 这家伙,以前根本就是在装傻充愣隐藏实力啊!六阶的鼠大王,这战斗力,恐怕绝不是一般七级魔兽所能媲美的。 Saw that the mouse king pestered the scarlet blood crazy demon, the Long Dangdang main body naturally also under the heart on treading continued the pure energy that swallowed the Long Kongkong transmission to come, continued to pour into for the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace. 眼看鼠大王纠缠住了赤血狂魔,龙当当本体自然也就踏下心来继续吞噬龙空空传递而来的精纯能量,继续为月明沧海灵炉注入。 The day deep pool domain along with cultivating of Long Kongkong is the promotion, the effect has been also being strengthened, fifth-order Long Kongkong, relies on the strength of swallowing the syntheses of two big spirit furnaces are erupting to face six step powerhouses even, the opposite party, if the time long point cannot bear. Let alone these crazy demons are only the body intensity are higher at present, the spiritual level is weak, wants to get rid cannot achieve. 天渊领域伴随着龙空空的修为提升,效果也一直都在增强,五阶的龙空空,凭借着两大灵炉的合体爆发出的吞噬之力就算是面对六阶强者,对方如果时间长一点都受不了。更何况眼前这些狂魔只是身体强度高,精神层面弱,想要摆脱根本就做不到。 Small evil often comes a spiritual impact of range, keeping these bloodthirsty crazy demons from entering the bloodthirsty condition, can only there incompetent wild with rage struggling. But, the time is longer, the energy that their today deep pool domain swallows are more, own strength also weakened is fierce. 小邪不时就来一个范围的精神冲击,让那些嗜血狂魔根本无法进入嗜血状态,只能在那里无能狂怒的挣扎。可是,时间越长,它们本天渊领域吞噬的能量越多,自身的实力也就被削弱的越是厉害。 Let alone also has earth Long Dangdang , a swallowing energy are too many, Long Kongkong transforms to Long Dangdang, Long Dangdang could not digest, gave earth Long Dangdang the energy that these are unable to digest simply. The soil series magics display, the dirt wall isolation and place puncture the impact suddenly, in addition swamp technique and gravity control. It seems like threatens the border the general crazy demon just like the army, is unable to approach. 更何况还有土龙当当在,一下吞噬的能量太多,龙空空转化给龙当当,龙当当这边也消化不了,索性就将这些无法消化的能量给了土龙当当。一个个土系魔法施展开来,土墙隔绝、地突刺冲击,再加上沼泽术、重力控制。看上去宛如大军压境一般的狂魔,根本就无法靠近。 earth Long Dangdang also often loses a control magic toward the scarlet blood crazy demon of distant place, the auxiliary mouse king, making it accomplish a task with ease. The time of such a while, on the scarlet blood crazy demon are also many more than ten scars, it is crazy, actually more cannot trace the mouse king side. 龙当当还不时朝着远处的赤血狂魔丢出一个控制魔法,辅助鼠大王,让它更加游刃有余。就这么一会儿的工夫,赤血狂魔身上就已经又多了十几道伤痕了,它越是疯狂,却越是摸不到鼠大王的边。 You swallow slow, they have had no way to revolt, gives me to select the time of digestion.” Long Dangdang reminded Long Kongkong to say. “你吞噬的慢一点,它们已经没法反抗了,给我点消化的时间。”龙当当提醒龙空空说道。 Long Kongkong smiles, said: This simplicity, it restrains the day of deep pool domain swallowing effect slightly, in the enemy had lost in the situation of attack capability, so long as stayed the opposite party present condition to be enough.” 龙空空嘿嘿一笑,道:“这个简单,它略微收敛天渊领域的吞噬效果,在敌人已经失去了攻击能力的情况下,只要保持对方眼前的状态就足够了。” Time one minute/share one second of past, Long Kongkong also sat behind the brother simply, is backing on the back with him, was also all right to do in any case, oneself simply also on is maintaining the domain, energy that while the reassignment absorption came toward the direction transformation of spirit strength. 时间一分一秒的过去,龙空空也索性坐在老哥背后,和他背靠着背,反正也没事儿干,自己索性也就一边保持着领域,一边调动吸收而来的能量朝着灵力的方向转化。 The effect of let alone, under this condition cultivating to him is best, must be quicker than in the condition next in spirit strength promotion speed of god Qi Cangyue angel. After all, has the external massive energies as the supplement! This may be richer than the world spiritual energy, not only there is an energy of demon clan self cultivation, their life energies, usually where has this type the thing. 别说,这种状态下修炼的效果对他来说是最好的,比在神祈沧月天使的状态下内灵力提升速度都要更快。毕竟,有外来的大量能量作为补充啊!这比天地灵气可浓郁多了,不只是有魔族自身修炼的能量,还有它们的生命能量,平时哪有这种好东西。 The two brothers a little have even forgotten this are one tested, during the encirclements of numerous crazy demon, cultivates continually. 兄弟俩甚至都已经有点忘了这是一场测试了,就在众多狂魔的环绕之中,持续修炼起来。 Enough after one hour, the low rank crazy demon had perished, the scarlet blood crazy demon also suffocates. Long Dangdang also branched out part of energies to give slightly evil. The two brothers attracted full. 足足一个小时后,低阶狂魔都已经殒灭了,赤血狂魔也是奄奄一息。龙当当还分出一部分能量给了小邪。兄弟俩着实是吸了个饱。 Brother, the effect of such cultivation is really good! Such a while in me the spirit strength grew had similarly is close to 100 points. This was also too quick. Delicious!” Long Kongkong in high spirits saying. “老哥,这么修炼的效果真好啊!就这么一会儿我内灵力长了有差不多接近一百点。这也太快了吧。美滋滋啊!”龙空空兴高采烈的说道。 His original in spirit strength is also more than 2200, this is as of late cultivates diligently. But such a hour, now in spirit strength already 2300. 他原本的内灵力也就是两千二百多,这还是最近这段时间修炼勤奋。但就这么一个多小时,现在内灵力就已经两千三了。 Makes your house mouse king make the torso of scarlet blood crazy demon, ate it to take a beating again.” Long Dangdang said. “让你家鼠大王把赤血狂魔的躯干弄过来,再吃它就要挨揍了。”龙当当说道。 The distant place, the scarlet blood crazy demon of that first seven step has fallen down, the body actually still has disappeared in the unceasing struggling but four limbs. Which as for going, to look at the dark-red ray that on the mouse king braves unceasingly to know. 远处,那头七阶的赤血狂魔早就已经倒在地上,身体还在不断的挣扎但四肢却都已经不见了。至于去哪了,看鼠大王身上不断冒起的暗红色光芒就能知道。 If not earth Long Dangdang in looks, perhaps the torso of scarlet blood crazy demon the one side eyes covetously could not have preserved. 如果不是土龙当当在一旁虎视眈眈的看着,恐怕赤血狂魔的躯干也早就保不住了。 Regarding the mouse kings of six steps, the scarlet blood crazy demon is somewhat unpalatable, but also truly makes up greatly. In this life skill swallows under the function of the world, its body naked eye obvious was also fat. 对于六阶的鼠大王来说,赤血狂魔着实是有些难吃,但也确实是大补。在本命技能吞食天地的作用下,它的身体肉眼可见的又胖了一圈。 Reluctant twined the body of scarlet blood crazy demon to entrain to with the tail, but also some unsatisfied called two. 不情不愿的用尾巴缠绕着赤血狂魔的身躯给拉拽了过来,还有些不满意的叫了两声。 Do not call, you looked at you fat to become ball. Behind also had eats. Works well, later gives back to you to eat.” Long Kongkong ill-humored saying. “别叫了,你看伱都胖成球了。后面又不是没得吃了。好好干活儿,待会儿还给你吃。”龙空空没好气的说道。 The mouse king small eyes turning round chaotic revolutions, fully appeared the meaning of shifty-eyed this word, in the Long Kongkong heart was also resounding its sound. 鼠大王小眼睛滴溜溜乱转,充分显现着贼眉鼠眼这个词的含义,龙空空心中也随之响起了它的声音。 „To eat the spareribs? I also want to eat. But my goddess not in! Oh, is good to think of Hofn elder sister! Also does not know when she comes back. Brother, or turn head yourself go home to consider as finished, I come back here and other Hofn elder sisters.” “想吃排骨了?我还想吃呢。可我女神没在啊!唉,好想念赫本姐啊!也不知道她什么时候回来。老哥,要不回头你自己回家算了,我在这边等赫本姐回来。” Long Dangdang ill-humored say/way: „Does your boy, have the goddess not to want the mother? Un, ok, I told her.” 龙当当没好气的道:“你这小子,有了女神连老妈都不要了吗?嗯,行,我就这么告诉她。” „, When you I had not said.” “咳咳,你当我没说。” Swallows to continue, although was made not to have the four limbs, the energy of but on seven step demon clans containing is different. Let Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong attracted full. Also swallowed to absorb for nearly one hour, beforehand all conversions of energy of absorptions was similar. 吞噬继续,虽然被弄没了四肢,但七阶魔族身上所蕴含的能量就是不一样。让龙当当龙空空又吸了个饱。又吞噬吸收了近一个小时,才将之前所有吸收的能量转化的差不多了。 The harvest of moon/month bright sea spirit furnace definitely is biggest, is in the contract space small eight and small evil. Long Dangdang have not absorbed many actually, helped them transform. 月明沧海灵炉的收获肯定是最大的,然后是契约空间中的小八和小邪。龙当当自己倒是没有吸收多少,都帮它们转化了。 Long Kongkong cultivated for oneself, rises sharply a wave in spirit strength, even he started to be full of the favorable impression to this dark depressing world. Who made this have the shortcut? 龙空空这边就是为了自己修炼了,大涨一波的内灵力,连他都对这个原本黑暗压抑的世界开始充满好感了。谁让这有了捷径呢? This is also his Yuan whorl spirit furnace fierce place, along with cultivating for the promotion, the Yuan whorl spirit furnace influences subtly to enhance his in spirit strength, in the meantime, with the coordination of god Qi Yutong spirit furnace, own prestige can, function also start become more and more prominent. 这也是他那元涡灵炉厉害的地方,伴随着修为的提升,元涡灵炉潜移默化提升着他的内灵力,同时,在神祈屿桐灵炉的配合下,自身的威能、作用也开始越来越显现出来了。 When the scarlet blood crazy demon swallowed the final one breath finally, Long Dangdang also confirmed own idea. Demon clan that this test faces although with before, when the spirit furnace school the order and quantity are different, but the rule is the same, after that is strikes to kill one batch, will have the next batch of appearances. 当赤血狂魔终于咽下了最后一口气时,龙当当也验证了自己的想法。这次测试所面对的魔族虽然和之前在灵炉学院的时候次序以及数量有所不同,但规则却是一样的,那就是击杀一批之后,才会有下一批出现。 The scarlet blood crazy demon just died, in the distant place sky, started to present a piece of small sunspot. That is heights exceeds four meters, the whole body covers the black cutin and wingspan to achieve about six meters giant demon clan, the darkness and a wind pair of department, the beta flying demon. 赤血狂魔这边刚一死,远处天空之中,就开始出现了一片小黑点。那是一只只身长超过四米,全身覆盖着黑色角质、翼展达到六米开外的巨大魔族,黑暗、风双系,贝塔飞魔。 The beta flying demon is the fifth-order demon clan, is not only the flight demon clan, but also its double set attribute, the strength is extremely strong. The flight in the frontline, four build is fully huger, the height surpasses six meters beta flying demon, is the powerhouse in beta flying demon, the bloodthirsty beta, the strength Gundam/reaches as high as seven steps. 贝塔飞魔是五阶魔族,不但是飞行魔族,而且本身还是双系属性,实力极强。飞行在最前方的,足有四头体型更加巨大,身长超过六米的贝塔飞魔,正是贝塔飞魔中的强者,嗜血贝塔,实力高达七阶。 Four first seven steps, in addition over 30 fifth-order beta flying demons. A dense piece, comes toward Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong direction rapidly. 四头七阶,加上超过三十头五阶贝塔飞魔。黑压压的一片,朝着龙当当龙空空的方向飞速而来。 My goodness, this intensity may be higher than in the school.” Long Kongkong cannot bear say. “好家伙,这强度可比在学院的时候高多了。”龙空空忍不住说道。 Long Dangdang has not gone to pay attention to say the younger brother of idle talk, what in his time heart calculates, how can like before, in solving the situations of these enemies, but can also continue to swallow the spirit strength from his body, to achieve own goal. 龙当当没有去理会说着废话的弟弟,他此时心中盘算的是,如何能够像之前那样,在解决了这些敌人的情况下,还能从其身上持续吞噬灵力,以达到自己的目的。 Previous seven steps only then, but also is easy to do, now one reaches four much, that is not easy to do. Especially spatial being possessed by a demon clan that the opposite party meets the magic, is nastier. 先前的七阶只有一个,还好办,现在一下多达四个,那就没那么好办了。尤其对方还是会魔法的空中魔族,就更加难以对付。 What to do?” Long Kongkong eager looks at Long Dangdang. “咋办?”龙空空眼巴巴的看着龙当当 Long Dangdang smiled suddenly, „does elder brother interpret a dream to be good to you?” 龙当当突然笑了,“哥给你圆梦好不好?” Long Kongkong stares, circle what dream?” 龙空空一愣,“圆啥梦?” The Long Dangdang right hand one wields to the side, the golden light gate also opens, in the contract space, the gigantic form drilled together directly. 龙当当右手向身边一挥,金色光门随之开启,契约空间中,一道硕大的身影直接钻了出来。 Before saw the small eight evolutions, only then ice Monroe, others , although also listened to Long Dangdang saying that small eight evolved, after has not actually seen the evolution actually small eight were what. 之前看到了小八进化的只有凌梦露一人,其他人虽然也听龙当当说小八进化了,却并没有看到进化后的小八究竟是什么样的。 At this moment small eight that over ten meters huge body has drilled from the contract space, when has three gigantic heads, the eye of Long Kongkong is straight. 此时此刻当小八那已经超过十米长的庞大身躯从契约空间钻出来,更是有着三个硕大的头颅时,龙空空的眼睛都直了。 Even if golden scale in this dim world as before splendid, that flash when it presents, the surrounding dark element was dispelled, the rich bright aura thrives, tyrannical incomparable imposing manner an incomparably overbearing feeling. 金色的鳞片哪怕是在这昏暗的世界中依旧熠熠生辉,当它出现的那一瞬间,周围的暗元素被自行排开,浓郁的光明气息勃发,强横无匹的气势更是给人一种无比霸道的感觉。 The small 83 big ends lowered toward Long Dangdang simultaneously. Long Dangdang beckons to Long Kongkong, takes the lead to jump, fell behind the small eight napes of the neck. 小八三个大头同时朝着龙当当低了下来。龙当当龙空空一招手,率先腾身而起,落在了小八脖颈后方。 Small eight do not have the wing, but the underbelly five gigantic dragon claws grasp steadily in the ground, because originally just just swallowed the scarlet blood crazy demon also very happy mouse king, whiz one returned to the Long Kongkong contract space. Because it has felt the evil intention that small eight transmit. When the lower primary school eight are small, it wants to eat eight too small. 小八并没有翅膀,但腹下五只硕大的龙爪稳稳抓在地面的时候,原本正因为刚吞噬了赤血狂魔还美滋滋的鼠大王,“嗖”的一下就回了龙空空的契约空间。因为它已经感受到小八传来的恶意了。当初小八还小的时候,它可是想要吃过小八的。 This and did this also dazzle cool? Brother, do I trade to be good with you? Strongly requests to change the mount!” Long Kongkong stimulated jumping, took a seat behind Long Dangdang. “这、这也太炫酷了吧?老哥,我跟你换行不行?强烈要求换坐骑!”龙空空亢奋的腾身而起,就坐到了龙当当背后。 Three Golden Dragon, this is three Golden Dragon! 三头黄金龙,这可是三头黄金龙啊! Long Dangdang and small eight intentions are interlinked, under the mind fine motion, small eight jump over suddenly, the huge body charges into directly in the air, welcomed the direction of beta flying demon to fly. 龙当当与小八心念相通,心神微动之下,小八猛然腾越而起,庞大的身躯直接冲向空中,迎着贝塔飞魔的方向就飞了起来。 Áng is high-spirited-” three gigantic dragon's head, sent out a long and aggressive dragon toward the beta flying demon of big piece simultaneously recite. “昂昂昂-”三个硕大的龙头,同时朝着大片的贝塔飞魔发出了一声悠长而凶悍的龙吟。 Small eight, when sends out dragon cry, golden scale bursts out the dazzling golden light, on Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong that conducts the back were exaggerated on golden color. 小八在发出龙吟的时候,身上的金色鳞片迸发出更加刺目的金光,以至于背上的龙当当龙空空身上都被渲染上了一层金色。 Makes one that one shocks appear, the beta flying demon of distant place, including four first seven steps bloodthirsty beta, seemed forgetting instantaneously should the flight be how ordinary, the body uncontrolled from in the air crashes unexpectedly downward. They how whipping wing diligently, is unable to be continued to fly by oneself again. 令人震撼的一幕出现了,远处的贝塔飞魔,包括四头七阶的嗜血贝塔在内,仿佛都在瞬间忘记了应该怎么飞行一般,身体居然不受控制的从空中向下坠落。无论是它们怎么努力的拍打翅膀,也都无法让自己再继续飞行。 Small on eight has the bloodlines of Long Dangdang incessantly, has in the entire Saint demon mainland the most powerful dragon sovereign bloodlines. 小八身上不止是有龙当当的血脉,更有着整个圣魔大陆上最强大的龙皇血脉。 The bloodlines talent, bans spatially! 血脉天赋,禁空! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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