SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#230: Fights the demon clan again

Chapter 230 fights the demon clan again 第230章再战魔族 Heaves in sight, is a dim world, the land presents for the gray-black, not far away has splitting cracks to seep out the dark-red ray outward, is these weak rays, can make them see clearly the surrounding scenery reluctantly. 映入眼帘的,是一片昏暗的世界,大地呈献为灰黑色,不远处有一条条裂开的地缝向外渗出暗红色的光芒,也就是这些微弱的光芒,能够让他们勉强看清楚周围的景物。 Brother, how I thought that this scene is somewhat familiar? Do you have this feeling?” Saying of Long Kongkong doubts. “老哥,我怎么觉得这场景有些熟悉啊?你有没有这种感觉?”龙空空疑惑的说道。 Long Dangdang light say/way: Naturally was familiar, when the spirit furnace school, we have experienced such scene. Forgot these demon clans?” 龙当当淡淡的道:“当然熟悉了,在灵炉学院的时候,我们就经历过这样的场面。忘了那些魔族了么?” Long Kongkong then awakens, yeah? The place that at present presents, they had faced impressively initially the place of demon clan test. At that time to resist the demon clan, did not have really little with effort. Demon clan powerful also made the profound impression on them, ten thousand years ago, human in facing the situation of this powerful race seeks livehood, finally routed the demon clan under the first-generation president adolf's leadership, making human control the Saint demon mainland. Later used for several thousand years, is drives out demon race's negative impact on the Saint demon mainland, had the later several thousand years of peace. 龙空空这才醒悟过来,可不是么?眼前出现的这个地方,赫然正是当初他们曾经面对过的魔族考验之地。当时为了对抗魔族,着实是没少费力。魔族的强悍也给他们留下了深刻的印象,万年前,人类就是在面对这种强大种族的情况下求生,最终在第一代联邦主席的带领下击溃了魔族,让人类重新掌控圣魔大陆。之后又用了数千年的时间,才算是将魔族对圣魔大陆的负面影响驱除,才有了之后数千年的和平。 Brother, you may probably protect me!” Long Kongkong hides toward Long Dangdang immediately behind. “老哥,你可要保护我啊!”龙空空立刻就往龙当当身后躲藏。 Long Dangdang ill-humored say/way: Multi- Sirs? You now were also fifth-order, moreover there is a mount, with can be the same initially?” 龙当当没好气的道:“多大人了?你现在也是五阶了,而且还有了坐骑,和当初能一样吗?” Long Kongkong blinks, right, I was the fifth-order powerhouse the fifth-order land knight! The inside and outside spirit strength is fifth-order one generation of powerhouses, the trivial demon clan is nothing.” At the same time saying, his throwing out the chest chest cavity. 龙空空眨了眨眼睛,“对哦,我是五阶强者了五阶大地骑士!内外灵力都是五阶的一代强者,区区魔族算个屁。”一边说着,他就挺起了胸膛。 Un, fifth-order mouse knight, good.” The Long Dangdang smile said. “嗯,五阶鼠骑士,不错的。”龙当当微笑道。 Heard mouse knight these characters, the Long Kongkong complexion broke down immediately. Yeah? He is the mouse knight, moreover that big mouse has not listened very much his. 听到鼠骑士这几个字,龙空空的脸色顿时垮了下来。可不是嘛?他就是鼠骑士,而且那大老鼠还不是很听他的。 In the time that the two brothers spoke, the distant place, a dense and numerous form has surged in their directions. 就在兄弟两人说话的工夫,远处,一片密密麻麻的身影已经朝着他们的方向涌动而来。 Had faced the demon clan, saw these fellows again, the Long Dangdang even a little kind feeling, recalled that the first anxiety, with initially, is no comparison between them now obviously. 曾经面对过魔族,再看到这些家伙,龙当当甚至有点亲切的感觉,回想起第一次的紧张,现在与当初,显然不可同日而语了。 Do not kill is too quick, maintains the rhythm, controls our restoration with the you Yuan whorl spirit furnace. Throughout makes us maintain at the optimum condition.” “不要杀的太快,保持好节奏,用伱的元涡灵炉控制好我们的恢复。始终让我们保持在最佳状态。” Imitates Lingbao to receive.” Long Kongkong grinning saying, has then turned around immediately, turns away from Long Dangdang, the two brothers back is pasting, the Long Kongkong chest front ray surges, the Yuan whorl spirit furnace appears, the halo of swirl immediately presents. “充灵宝收到。”龙空空笑嘻嘻的说道,然后立刻转过身,背对着龙当当,兄弟俩后背相贴,龙空空胸前光芒涌动,元涡灵炉浮现而出,旋涡状的光晕顿时呈现出来。 Then he stimulated the Yuan whorl spirit furnace double, swallows the domain release. 然后他就激发了元涡灵炉的第二重,吞噬领域释放。 Long Kongkong feels, came from the dark element in air starts to come toward own direction gathering rapidly, these dark elements after filtration rapid integration of Yuan whorl spirit furnace to oneself body, change into a part of spirit strength. 龙空空感觉到,来自于空气中的暗元素开始飞速朝着自己的方向汇聚而来,这些暗元素经过元涡灵炉的过滤飞速的融入到自己的身体之中,化为灵力的一部分。 Also his psychic force when faced initially the evil eye tyrant controls was increased, has not been the past years may compare regarding the control of spirit furnace, at this time swallows the domain to launch, he widens the domain range slowly, the spirit strength that the absorption comes supplements own at the same time, pours into to Long Dangdang. 他的精神力在当初面对邪眼暴君主宰的时候也是提升了许多的,对于灵炉的控制早已不是当年可比,此时吞噬领域展开,他将领域的范围缓缓扩大,吸收而来的灵力补充自身的同时,也向龙当当注入。 The dark element of this place is quite rich, this also makes Long Kongkong swallow the energy that the filtration must come is quite rich, Long Dangdang absorbs the spirit strength that he transmits, revolves the spirit strength to supplement when one, obviously can feel here spirit strength density even to use to gather the spirit cultivation time them the effect on probably be better. 这个地方的暗元素极为浓郁,这也就让龙空空吞噬过滤得来的能量相当浓郁,龙当当吸收到他传递来的灵力,运转灵力补充自身时,明显能够感受到这里的灵力浓度甚至比他们用聚灵阵修炼时候的效果都要更好。 He naturally could not absorb so many spirit strength, but these pure spirit strength can actually pour into to moon/month bright sea spirit furnace part. Although this is not the spirit strength that he cultivates to come, but these spirit strength very pure, is the moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace can absorb, then transforms as the energy that it need, this process will waste many, but is actually beyond the Long Dangdang cultivation can give the supplement of sea. 他自身当然吸收不了这么多灵力,但这些纯净的灵力却可以注入给月明沧海灵炉一部分。虽然这并不是他自身修炼而来的灵力,可这些灵力本身非常的纯净,也是月明沧海灵炉能够吸收的,然后再转化为它自身所需要的能量,这个过程会浪费许多,但却是龙当当修炼之外能够给沧海的补充。 Usually when he and Long Kongkong cultivation also has done that. According to the sea said that as the matter stands, its restoration speed big increase. Concrete supplements for the sea now many spirit strength, Long Dangdang does not know, had not asked. After all, 200,000 quantities are astronomical figures. Moreover is also sea estimate, when can complete specifically, that must look when the moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace can restore to complete is good. 平日里他和龙空空修炼时也一直都是这么做的。按照沧海所说,这样一来,它的恢复速度会大大的提升。具体现在为沧海补充了多少灵力,龙当当也不知道,也没问。毕竟,二十万的数量是一个天文数字。而且也是沧海估计的一个数字,具体什么时候能够完成,那要看月明沧海灵炉什么时候能够将自身修复完成才行。 Dark element in air rapid was swallowed by the Yuan whorl spirit furnace, another side, Long Dangdang has prepared to release the magic. At the beginning of silver wave magic after damaging, he also has no suitable magic stick now, without the supplement, can only bare-handed use the magic with enough time. 空气中的暗元素飞速的被元涡灵炉所吞噬,另一边,龙当当已经准备释放魔法了。银浪魔法之初破损了之后,他现在也没有什么适合的魔法杖,没来得及补充呢,就只能徒手施展魔法。 Elder Brother, you and other, this low double blade demon I have a feeling, probably I directly.” Long Kongkong says suddenly. “哥,你等一下,这种低等的双刀魔我有种感觉,好像我直接就可以的。”龙空空突然开口说道。 The next quarter, the Long Kongkong chest front halo surges, the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace was stimulated by him on own initiative, the Yuan whorl spirit furnace evolves immediately, swallows the domain to change into the day of deep pool domain. 下一刻,龙空空胸前光晕涌动,神祈屿桐灵炉被他主动激发,元涡灵炉顿时进化,吞噬领域化为天渊领域。 Giant black bands of light sweep away, is centered on the body of Long Kongkong like the tentacle generally circles and surrounds. 一条条巨大的黑色光带横扫而出,如同触手一般以龙空空的身体为中心盘旋、环绕。 Some speed quick double blade demons had rushed to their body first hundred meters range, at this moment, that invisible black band of light sweeps away, when the band of light contacts these pair of blade demons, the body demonstration of double blade demon stiff , the color of body surface starts to remove, changed into the iron grey rapidly, then the body that collapsed unexpectedly. 一些速度较快的双刀魔已经冲到了他们身前百米范围了,就在这时,那无形的黑色光带横扫而过,当光带接触到这些双刀魔的时候,双刀魔的身体显示僵硬了一下,紧接着,身体表面的颜色开始褪去,迅速化为了灰白色,然后身体竟然就那么崩溃了。 Long Dangdang is backing on Long Kongkong, he obviously feels, Long Kongkong swallowed the energy of transforming one changes, huge energy unceasing poured into to his body. 龙当当背靠着龙空空,他明显感觉到,龙空空吞噬转化来的能量一下就变多了,庞大的能量不断的向他身体注入而来。 At this time appeared the going out spirit strength powerful advantage, before trading the cultivation blood refine the golden body , the external energy is too many, he absorbed radically without enough time, because the body cannot withstand too huge demand for energy to fall in torrents immediately outward, fought the technique through the magic or the knight, must these unnecessary energy liberations. This is also why originally when absorbs these energies he does not have the means transformation to give moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace too many reasons. 此时就显现出外灵力强悍的好处了,换了修炼血炼金身之前外来的能量太多,他根本就来不及吸收,身体会因为承受不住太庞大的能量需要在第一时间向外倾泻,无论是通过魔法还是骑士战技,都要把这些多余的能量释放出去。这也是为什么原本在吸收这些能量的时候他没办法转化给月明沧海灵炉太多的原因。 These external energy absorptions, regarding normal occupation, are equivalent usually absorb the world spiritual energy, through the cultivation, the spirit strength that will absorb transforms to own within the body, becomes a part of oneself spirit strength. This needs a process, but if the external energy is extremely huge, absolutely does not have the time to complete this process, can only diverge these external spirit strength, in order to avoid own body cannot withstand. 这些外来的能量吸收,对于正常的职业者来说,就相当于平时吸收天地灵气,通过修炼,将吸收来的灵力转化到自己体内,成为自己灵力的一部分。这是需要一个过程的,但如果外来的能量太过庞大,根本就没有时间完成这个过程的话,就只能将这些外来的灵力散去,以免自己的身体承受不住。 Long Dangdang to the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace supplemented that the spirit strength is also same, needs the external spirit strength first through own body operation, to revolve to the chest hole hole pours into again to the sea. But in this process, the spirit strength that if swamps into are too much, he can control only then few, but must divert attention unnecessarily quickly releases, avoids the body not being able to withstand, in situation that this diverts attention, can guide to the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace were less. 龙当当给月明沧海灵炉补充灵力也是一样,也需要将外来的灵力先通过自己的身体运行,运转到胸口窍穴再注入给沧海。而在这个过程中,如果涌入的灵力过多,他能控制的就只有很少一部分,还要分心把多余的赶快释放出去,避免身体承受不住,在这分心的情况下,能够引导到月明沧海灵炉的就更少了。 As his outside spirit strength strengthen has reached over 6000 degrees now, making his body be able the ability of extra carrying/sustaining spirit strength on big increase. Even if the tenacious meridians are supported big one time not to have the risk of breakage temporarily. Let him be able to guide these energies calmly, even is the temporary storage, to be used eruption of following fight. 而随着他的外灵力变强现在更是已经达到了超过六千的程度,让他的身体能够额外承载外界灵力的能力就大大的增加了。坚韧的经脉就算临时被撑大一倍也不会有破裂的风险。让他能够从容的引导这些能量,甚至是临时储存,以用来接下来战斗的爆发。 Long Dangdang after small eight evolve to become three Golden Dragon, the body strength enhancing, this is the first time felt this marvelous feeling. The spirit strength that Long Kongkong transmits although is quick, but after filtering the later spirit strength is pure, the impurity was reduced and solved by the Yuan whorl spirit furnace, making him absorb is comfortable. Long Dangdang temporary storage, spirit strength that while these self-absorption as soon as possible conducts to the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace, although in the process will waste, moon/month bright sea spirit furnace also need to transform and absorb, is unable to obtain completely. But this pouring into way does not need to consume Long Dangdang own spirit strength, does not affect him to cultivate! 龙当当伴随着小八进化成为三头黄金龙之后,身体强度增强,这还是第一次感受到了这种奇妙的感觉。龙空空传递来的灵力虽然很快,但经过过滤之后的灵力非常纯粹,杂质都被元涡灵炉化解了,让他吸收的就非常舒服。龙当当一边临时储存,一边将这些自己吸收不了的灵力尽快的向月明沧海灵炉去传导,虽然过程中会浪费,月明沧海灵炉自身也需要去转化、吸收,无法获得全部。但这种注入的方式不需要消耗龙当当自身的灵力,也不影响他修炼啊! An only double blade demon, under coverage of day deep pool domain, so long as enters in hundred meters range, the body will break up slowly. Own swallowed clean, Long Dangdang does not need to begin, Long Kongkong has completed all these. 一只只双刀魔,在天渊领域的覆盖下,只要进入百米范围内,身躯就会缓缓崩解。自身被吞噬的一干二净,龙当当根本就不需要动手,龙空空就已经完成这一切了。 Long Kongkong stared in a big way the eye to look the double blade demon that welled up in all directions disappeared under own day deep pool domain unceasingly, cannot bear stare in a big way the eye, in the heart was full of the self-satisfied feeling gradually, mused: Am I so powerful? 龙空空瞪大了眼睛看着四面八方涌来的双刀魔在自己的天渊领域下不断泯灭,忍不住瞪大了眼睛,心中渐渐充满了得意的感觉,暗想:我已经这么强大了吗? He was not worried the spirit strength that swallows are too many, his own outside spirit strength has also achieved over 2000, entered the fifth-order category, the carrying capacity compared with before mostly, let alone also has the brother, in his feeling, Long Dangdang looks like a bottomless pit, the unnecessary spirit strength transmitted to him directly was good, did not need to be worried that he did not absorb. 他一点都不担心吞噬来的灵力太多,他自己的外灵力也已经达到了两千以上,进入了五阶范畴,承受力比以前大多了,何况身后还有老哥,在他的感觉中,龙当当就像是个无底洞,自己多余的灵力直接传递给他就行了,根本不用担心他吸收不了。 Several hundred pairs of blade demons, advance uninterruptedly, only used for several minutes, has dropped the dust. 数百双刀魔,前赴后继,只用了几分钟的时间,就都已经跌落尘埃了。 Brother, amn't I strong?” Long Kongkong complacent saying. “老哥,我强不强?”龙空空洋洋得意的说道。 Long Dangdang has not actually paid attention to him, he is injecting to the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace these external spirit strength full power. Here dark element is quite rich, in addition swallows the spirit strength that these demon clans bring, when this is not the daily cultivation extra energy that can obtain. Many transforms some to the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace these energies, later can save some time! 龙当当却没理会他,他正在将这些外来的灵力全力向月明沧海灵炉注入呢。这里的暗元素极为浓郁,加上吞噬那些魔族带来的灵力,这都不是日常修炼时所能获得的额外能量。把这些能量多给月明沧海灵炉转化一些,以后自己就能节省一些时间啊! Immediately four deep green double blade demons arrive, turned over to you.” The Long Dangdang psychic force has swept, immediately feels four directions four forms in rapidly to clash toward them. “马上有四只碧绿双刀魔到来,都归你了。”龙当当精神力扫过,立刻就感受到四个方向又四道身影正在飞速朝着他们这边冲过来。 That does not have the issue, looks at me to attract them.” Long Kongkong stands up, the day deep pool domain opens continually, grasps a rise spirit shield, does not take the weapon, the vision glance, had seen that four deep green double blade demons are flushing to them in rapid dashing about wildly. “那没问题,看我吸死他们。”龙空空站起身,天渊领域持续开启,手持升灵盾,连武器都不拿,目光扫视,已经看到四只碧绿双刀魔正在飞速狂奔中向他们这边冲过来。 The deep green double blade demon is much bigger than the common double blade demon, presents for the aquamarine all over the body, one pair just like the sickle common foreleg is they most powerful weapon. The speed, strength and eruption are extremely strong, especially excels at the close combat. 碧绿双刀魔比一般双刀魔要大得多,通体呈献为碧绿色,一双宛如镰刀一般的前肢就是它们最强有力的武器。速度、力量、爆发都极强,尤其擅长近战。 Long Kongkong faces four deep green double blade demons alone, is somewhat anxious. The spirit strength that rushes to swallow to come pours into to the day deep pool domain in reverse massively, the black band of light in domain immediately became richer. 龙空空独自面对四头碧绿双刀魔,还是有些紧张的。赶忙将自己吞噬而来的灵力反向大量注入到天渊领域之中,领域中的黑色光带顿时变得更加浓郁了。 Marches of four deep green double blade demons have the rhythm, they almost break in the day of deep pool domain category at the same time. 四头碧绿双刀魔的行进非常有节奏,它们几乎是在同一时间冲入天渊领域范畴的。 Deep green double blade demon's battle efficiency has the fifth-order fully, they and compared with human , the body intensity is higher, the shortcoming has not equipped, fights by the instinct, is the union of speed and strength, does not have other too many skills. 碧绿双刀魔本身的战斗力足有五阶,他们和人类相比,身体强度更高,缺点是没有装备,战斗凭借本能,就是速度与力量的结合,没有太多其他技巧。 When they since day deep pool domain instantly, four deep green double blade demon fierce brunting immediately one slow, in their feelings, looked like broke in piece of mire. They wield to be similar to the sickle common foreleg to break out these viscous strengths, is not easy, the speed at least reduced half. 当它们进入天渊领域的刹那,四头碧绿双刀魔凶猛的冲势顿时一缓,在它们的感觉中,就像是冲入了一片泥潭似的。它们挥动着自己如同镰刀一般的前肢想要将这些粘稠的力量劈开,却并没有那么容易,速度至少降低了一半。 Meanwhile, their their energies also start to fall in torrents in that black band of light encirclement. 与此同时,它们自身的能量也开始在那黑色的光带环绕中倾泻而出。 Four deep green double blade demons almost look up simultaneously to Long Kongkong, instigator who looks at this domain, they no longer try to cut the leaving blank belt/bring, but was directly flushed toward Long Kongkong. Although speed slow many, but filled the ferocious air/Qi, brings the bloodthirsty and crazy, wielded the sickle to Long Kongkong. 四头碧绿双刀魔几乎是同时抬头看向龙空空,看着这领域的始作俑者,它们不再试图斩开光带,而是直接朝着龙空空冲了过来。虽然速度慢了不少,但还是充满了狞恶之气,带着嗜血与疯狂,向龙空空挥起了镰刀。 The Long Kongkong chest front ray twinkle, the Saint directs the spirit furnace to start, tows directly on being away from Long Dangdang recent that deep green double blade demon. After he felt that these enemies receive the day of deep pool domain affects, various aspect abilities also drop, probably is not fearful, on was naturally big courage to come. Humiliation small and weak this matter, he self-examines no issue. 龙空空胸前光芒闪烁,圣引灵炉发动,直接牵引在距离龙当当最近的那头碧绿双刀魔身上。当他感觉到这些敌人受到天渊领域影响之后,各方面能力都随之下降,好像也没那么可怕,自然也就大起胆子来了。欺凌“弱小”这种事儿,他自问还是没啥问题的。 Simultaneously an under foot slippery step, the slippery step meets the knight charge skill, charged into suddenly was away from a oneself recent deep green double blade demon. 同时脚下一个滑步,滑步接骑士冲锋技能,骤然冲向了距离自己最近的一头碧绿双刀魔。 That deep green double blade demon wields a pair of foreleg to divide to cut immediately to Long Kongkong, in the Long Kongkong hand rises the spirit shield to lift hits outrageously. 那碧绿双刀魔立刻就挥动一双前肢劈斩向龙空空,龙空空手中升灵盾抬起悍然撞击。 Bang, that deep green double blade demon is flown directly, moreover one flew dozens meters that he hit, skeleton faintly somewhat shatter sound. “砰”的一声,那碧绿双刀魔直接被他撞击的飞了出去,而且一下就飞出去数十米,就连骨骼都隐隐有些破碎的声音。 Long Dangdang stares slightly, was I so fierce? Right! My in spirit strength, outside the spirit strength over 2000, always the spirit strength can actually compare favorably with six steps. But these deep green double blade demons are most are also equivalent fifth-order, but also was weakened by own day deep pool domain, is nothing! 龙当当微微一愣,我这么猛了嘛?对啊!我的内灵力、外灵力都超过两千,总灵力其实是可以媲美六阶了。而这些碧绿双刀魔最多也就相当于五阶,还被自己的天渊领域削弱了,算个屁啊! Thinks of here, he naturally is the confidence increases, a tip of the toe place soars to jump, the next quarter body vanished in the distant place, when appears again, happen to behind another deep green double blade demon, in the hand rose the spirit shield to cut horizontally, takes the shield as the blade, luminary day cuts! 想到这里,他自然是信心大增,脚尖点地腾空跃起,下一刻身体就在远处消失了,再出现时,正好是在另一头碧绿双刀魔背后,手中升灵盾横斩,以盾为刀,曜日斩! In the bright brilliance, that deep green double blade demon was divided to fly directly, the half body break, lost the combat capability shortly. Long Kongkong does not pay attention to that because the Saint directs the spirit furnace hauling to charge into own deep green double blade demon, the figure half revolution, in the hand rises the spirit shield to throw to fly, rises the spirit shield to draw an elegant arc, the accurate hit the third deep green double blade demon, struck to fly it, simultaneously his slippery step, avoided attacked own hauling deep green double blade demon, moving sideways to be opponent's back's, jet black such as band of light massive windings of black ink on, swallowed its energy crazily. 灿烂的光辉中,那碧绿双刀魔直接被劈飞了出去,半截身体断裂,眼看是失去了战斗能力。龙空空不理会那头因为圣引灵炉牵引而冲向自己的碧绿双刀魔,身形半转,手中升灵盾抛飞而出,升灵盾划出一道优美的弧线,精准的命中了第三只碧绿双刀魔,将其击飞,同时他脚下一个滑步,避开了攻击自己的牵引碧绿双刀魔,闪身到对方身后,一条条漆黑如墨的光带大量缠绕而上,疯狂吞噬其能量。 Immediately, Long Kongkong only thought that the spirit strength of own within the body rises suddenly again, somewhat could not support by his outside spirit range. 顿时,龙空空只觉得自己的体内的灵力再次暴涨,以他的外灵力程度都有些支撑不住了。 The Saint directs the spirit furnace ray to fling, this time actually fell on Long Dangdang, through the hauling of spirit furnace, to the brother pours into to go the spirit strength that oneself could not withstand directly. 圣引灵炉光芒甩出,这次却是落在了龙当当身上,通过灵炉的牵引,直接把自己承受不住的灵力向老哥灌注而去。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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