SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#213: Coverall, Saint shining heart

Chapter 213 coverall, Saint shining heart 第213章套装,圣耀之心 Demon wolf crazy claw magnificent level equipment, reason that can attract the attention of Long Dangdang, the most important point is its broken demon characteristics. Long Dangdang knows, has the broken demon attribute equipment is actually very scarce. Is the divine tool of close combat occupation resistance legal system occupation. 魔狼狂爪这件辉煌级装备,之所以能够吸引龙当当的注意,最重要的一点就是其破魔特性。龙当当知道,拥有破魔属性的装备其实是非常稀少的。是近战职业对抗法系职业的神器。 The broken demon attribute, in the magnificent level equipment absolutely is the best quality goods attribute. Especially the assassin most needs. Because the assassin is the difficult adversary of legal system occupation, if the broken demons equip that again absolutely are even more powerful. 破魔属性,在辉煌级装备中绝对是极品属性。尤其是刺客是最为需要的。因为刺客本来就是法系职业的克星,如果再有一件破魔装备那绝对是如虎添翼。 This demon wolf crazy claw is an assassin occupation equipment, Long Dangdang naturally is not suitable, but if to the ocean nighttide, is actually very appropriate. His silently this equipment memory in the heart, can consider for the ocean nighttide purchase in the future. 这魔狼狂爪本身也是一件刺客职业装备,龙当当当然不适合,但如果给溟汐,却是非常合适的。他默默的将这件装备记忆在心中,未来可以考虑为溟汐购买。 Continues to walk forward, more looked, Long Dangdang more thought has a dazzling feeling, that is really dazzling! The good thing was really many, some equipment had over three attributes, although some equipment were expert in species, but has enhancement of enormous degree. Which really looked at to want! 继续向前走,越是看,龙当当越是觉得有种眼花缭乱的感觉,那真的是琳琅满目啊!好东西实在是太多了,有些装备拥有三条以上的属性,有些装备虽然专精于一种属性,但却有着极大程度的加强。真是看了哪件都想要啊! Long Dangdang after all youngster disposition, at once, even some pinkeye. 龙当当毕竟还是少年心性,一时之间,甚至都有些挑花眼了。 At this moment, the Long Dangdang heart suddenly resounds a sound, elects left side of you to forward the fourth row of that equipment.” 就在这时,龙当当心头突然响起一个声音,“选你左侧向前第四排那件装备。” Hears this sound, Long Dangdang stares slightly, but the next quarter actually awakens suddenly, yes! Perhaps oneself will not necessarily choose, but this is what kind of experience, his choice will not be definitely wrong. 听到这个声音,龙当当微微一愣,但下一刻却突然惊醒,是啊!或许自己不见得会选择,但这位是何等的见多识广,他的选择肯定不会错的。 Rushed to forward several steps, arrived at that sound direction the position. When he sees this equipment, stares slightly, this and he imagines truly has the disparity that and preparation chooses and different. 赶忙向前走了几步,来到那声音指引的位置。当他看到这件装备的时候,不禁微微一愣,这和他想象中和预备选择的确实是有着差距和不同的。 The right hand according to above, is the introduction of this equipment to appear in the Long Dangdang heart immediately. 右手按在其上,属于这件装备的介绍顿时出现在龙当当心头。 Saint shining heart. Magnificent level, right hand glove, attribute one, the shining of Saint light. When condenses the spirit strength, its purification for the strength of sacred light, excludes all impurities instantaneously. When cultivation, the supplementary defends the heart characteristics sacredly. 圣耀之心。辉煌级,右手手套,属性一,圣光之耀。凝聚灵力时,瞬间将其纯化为神圣光明之力,剔除一切杂质。修炼时,附带神圣守心特性。 The attribute two, the supplementary skill, the palm Saint sword, stimulates by the spirit strength, the palm is a sword. May promote. One of heart shining coveralls. 属性二,附带技能,掌心圣剑,以灵力激发,掌即是剑。可晋升。心耀套装之一。 Two attributes, are not many in the magnificent level equipment, after all many magnificent level equipment are three attribute. 两条属性,在辉煌级装备中不算多,毕竟有不少辉煌级装备都是三条属性的。 However, when Long Dangdang carefully looks at these two attribute, is pleasantly surprised. The shining of Saint light was without a doubt, this is one can by the skill of own light attribute large scale enhancement . Moreover, as glove, when the cultivation, fights and uses the optical system magic, this skill will have very good function. 但是,当龙当当仔细去看这两条属性的时候,不禁为之惊喜。圣光之耀毋庸置疑了,这是一个能够让自己的光属性大幅度增强的技能,而且,作为手套,无论是修炼、战斗、施展光系魔法时,这个技能都会产生很好的作用。 Palm Saint sword skill was unusual, although did not have to attempt, but this was one can without doubt the instantaneous Saint sword, moreover took the hand as the ability of sword, was equivalent to an equipment? Brings this glove, if using the knight sword again, how can? 掌心圣剑这个技能就更是奇特了,虽然还没进行尝试,但这无疑是一个能够瞬发圣剑,而且以手为剑的能力,相当于多了一件装备?带着这只手套,如果再加使用骑士剑,会怎样呢? This is an opponent wrap/sets. Can make you use to eight steps not to need to replace. Let alone, you must stay a long time in six step peaks. His cultivation to the you, enhancing the spirit strength also to be good very much.” The sound in heart resounds again, but the origin without doubt moon/month bright sea spirit furnace of this sound. “这是一对手套。能够让你用到八阶都不用更换。更何况,你在六阶巅峰要停留很长一段时间。他对伱的修炼,提升灵力也会很有好处。”心中的声音再次响起,而这声音的来源无疑正是月明沧海灵炉了。 Long Dangdang said: Another of coverall, is the same glove?” 龙当当道:“套装的另一件,也是同样手套吗?” Moon/Month bright sea spirit furnace say/way: This is the Saint shining heart, another glove is the magnificent heart. In the future you can purchase with the meritorious service. Collects this opponent wrap/sets, will be very big to your help. After collecting, they will be promoted, becomes the legend level equipment. Another glove also here, you continue to walk ten forward, the upper left.” 月明沧海灵炉道:“这是圣耀之心,另一只手套是辉煌之心。未来你可以用功勋购买。凑齐这一对手套,对你的帮助会很大。凑齐之后,它们都将晋级,成为传奇级装备。另一只手套也在这里,你继续向前走十步,左上方。” Long Dangdang impatient stand forth, arrived at the corresponding position. Really, has the glove of another named magnificent heart there. 龙当当迫不及待的向前走去,来到了相应的位置。果然,在那里还有另外一只名为辉煌之心的手套。 The magnificent heart, the glistening level, the attribute one, blooms magnificently, in use, can bloom the hauling absorption of brilliant, large scale enhancement to light element, body short light element. 辉煌之心,辉耀级,属性一,辉煌绽放,使用时,能绽放出夺目光彩,大幅度的增强对光元素的牵引吸收,身体短暂光元素化。 The attribute two, the magnificent protection, condenses at the same time the magnificent shield, defends itself. 属性二,辉煌守护,凝聚出一面辉煌之盾,防御自身。 Saw that these two attribute Long Dangdang one understood, this clearly is one set of equipment that protects the knight. Moreover is very rare glove equipment. The two put together if can be promoted to the legend level, that was existence of suitable best quality goods. In the future Kong Kong, can use. But the sea makes him choose right hand this only obviously is because he can be useful now. 看到这两条属性龙当当一下就明白了,这分明是一套守护骑士的装备。而且是很罕见的手套装备。二者放在一起如果能够晋升为传奇级,那就是相当极品的存在了。未来无论是自己还是空空,都能够使用。而沧海让他选右手这只显然是因为现在他就能够用得上。 But these two gloves can get together in the future, enhances the spirit strength to be of great advantage to him obviously. 而这两只手套未来能够齐聚,对他提升内灵力显然是大有好处的。 Nothing hesitant, returns previous Saint shining the place of heart, the spirit strength pours into, the next quarter, a ray passes, the next quarter, in the Long Dangdang hand were many a equipment. 没有任何犹豫,重新回到先前圣耀之心的地方,灵力注入,下一刻,一道光芒流转,下一刻,龙当当手中就多了一件装备。 The Saint shining heart is a silver glove, starts very frivolously, does not know with what material quality knitting, what strange is, above has one to just like the dark mark of stellar scintillation layer upon layer, what is most unusual is the palm position, had approximately occupied the bulge circular gems of half of palm together. But this gem is not hard, instead probably gum formation. Puts on it, does not affect to grasp grasps, instead just like the skin to be generally compatible. 圣耀之心是一只银色的手套,入手十分轻薄,不知道是用什么材质编织而成,但奇异的是,上面有着一层层犹如星光闪烁的暗纹,最奇特的还是掌心位置,有一块大约占据了一半掌心的凸起圆形宝石。但这宝石却并不是坚硬的,反而像是胶质形成。将其戴上,不影响抓握,反而犹如皮肤一般亲和。 Indistinct, Long Dangdang can feel the element fluctuation in air to come under some influences, his subconscious injects in the spirit strength the right hand. 隐约之间,龙当当能够感受到空气中的元素波动受到些许影响,他下意识的将灵力注入右手之中。 Suddenly, a right hand palm heat, the powerful sword glow almost bursts out together instantaneously. The spirit strength in within the body screened out one section swiftly, but a is four feet just like the essence common Saint sword to appear in his right palm. 骤然间,右手掌心一热,一道强盛的剑芒几乎是瞬间迸发而出。体内的灵力倏然被抽走一截,但一柄长达四尺犹如实质一般的圣剑已经出现在他右手掌中。 The emergence of this Saint sword, does not need to collect the spirit strength, to light the spirit strength like the actual combat skill, controls the spirit strength depuration and eruption again. Is only pure injects the spirit strength, the Saint shining heart naturally completed condensation of Saint sword. Moreover when this Saint sword obviously be more normal than him displays must the congealing reality. Perhaps after only then cultivate/repair to be six steps, the stimulation of movement may complete such Saint sword. 这圣剑的出现,根本不需要像实战技能那样自己收束灵力、点燃灵力,再控制灵力提纯、爆发。就只是单纯的注入灵力,圣耀之心自然而然的就完成了圣剑的凝聚。而且这圣剑明显要比他正常施展时要更加凝实。恐怕只有自身修为达到六阶之后,自行催动才有可能完成这样的圣剑。 Really is, good thing! 真的是,好东西啊! He attempts to take out a ordinary knight sword, the hand grasps the knight sword, stimulates the skill on glove again. Suddenly, the Saint sword covers, is centered on the knight sword completes to bloom, sword glow turnover, longer several points. 他又尝试着取出一柄普通的骑士剑,手握骑士剑,再激发手套上的技能。骤然间,圣剑覆盖,以骑士剑为中心完成绽放,剑芒吞吐,更长几分。 Long Dangdang tries to control again is displaying the Saint sword, this time, the Saint sword sword glow rises sharply, are many one foot sword glow. The sword glow overall length exceeded about five chi (0.33 m), the prestige can the far ultra ordinary Saint sword. 龙当当又尝试着自己再控制着施展圣剑,这一次,圣剑剑芒大涨,足足又多出一尺剑芒。剑芒整体长度足足超过了五尺开外,威能远超普通圣剑。 Good to equip. In Long Dangdang heart great happiness. In the restraining hand the sword glow, expresses gratitude to the sea, this selective transmission returns. 好装备。龙当当心中大喜。收敛手中剑芒,向沧海道了声谢,这才选择传送回归。 The silver glittering, he returned the exchange place onstage. But next quarter he gawked, because he discovered that the partners are encircling in the same place, seems like looking at anything. Can see the Long Kongkong look from his angle, in the surprise has several points to have doubts, even the expression somewhat is strange. 银光闪烁,他重新回到了兑换处前台。但下一刻他就愣了一下,因为他发现伙伴们正都围在一起,似乎是在看着什么。从他这个角度能够看到龙空空的眼神,诧异中带着几分疑惑,甚至表情还有些古怪。 What's wrong?” Long Dangdang rushes to ask. “怎么了?”龙当当赶忙问道。 People subconscious turning around of, looks simultaneously to him. 众人下意识的转过身来,同时看向他。 Ice Monroe resigned-looking say/way: What to do is waiting for you to come back to discuss should. You come to see quickly.” 凌梦露一脸无奈的道:“正等你回来商量该怎么办呢。你快来看看吧。” Long Dangdang rushes to go forward several steps, arrives at side the people, then his one eyes saw people regarding in goods. Said accurately, should be an equipment? 龙当当赶忙上前几步,来到众人身边,然后他就一眼看到了一个众人围绕之中的物品。准确的说,应该是一件装备? That is a gigantic golden spheroid, is sending out resplendent golden ray all over the body, the diameter of this gadget is one meter fully. If solid, this weight feared that do not have over a thousand jin (0.5 kg)? 那是一个硕大的金色球体,通体散发着灿金色的光芒,这玩意儿的直径足有一米。如果是实心儿的,这重量怕不是要有上千斤? In is also connecting a thick chains with the metal ball on. Can from partly visible feeling some fluctuations of energy, even also has several points of wild flavor. 在和金属球上面还连接着一条粗大的锁链。能够从其中若隐若现的感受到一些能量波动,甚至还带着几分狂暴的味道。 What ghost is this?” Long Dangdang curious looks to ice Monroe. “这是什么鬼?”龙当当好奇的看向凌梦露。 Ling Menglu ill-humored say/way: Is such that you think, this is the equipment that I extract.” 凌梦露没好气的道:“就是你想的那样,这就是我抽取到的装备。” Long Dangdang looks to exchange place that middle-aged person, senior, you determined that this is the equipment of pastor?” 龙当当看向兑换处那位中年人,“前辈,您确定这是牧师的装备吗?” The middle-aged people similarly are the ill-humored say/way: You cheap did not show off cleverness fine. This is not only the pastor equips, but, it once even was an epic level equipment, because afterward was demolished part, therefore fell the level to the legend level. But so, is still the best quality goods in legend level exists even. Moreover, he has famous historical legend. Just, because of its particularity, was truly used afterward.” 中年人同样是没好气的道:“你们就不要得了便宜还卖乖了。这不但是牧师装备,而且,它曾经甚至还是一件史诗级装备,只不过后来因为被拆除了一部分,所以掉级到了传奇级。可就算如此,也是传奇级中的极品存在。而且,他有着非常著名的历史传说。只不过,因为它的特殊性,确实是后来没有被使用而已。” Long Dangdang vacant looks to ice Monroe, „is this law sticks of your pastor?” 龙当当茫然的看向凌梦露,“这难道是你们牧师的法杖?” Ling Menglu stared his one eyes, „, this is the weapon of discipline pastor. But even if the discipline pastor. This also......” 凌梦露瞪了他一眼,“呸,这是戒律牧师的武器。但哪怕是戒律牧师。这个也……” Very rare and beautiful flowers.” Long Kongkong the connection says immediately. “很奇葩。”龙空空立刻接口说道。 Without a doubt, ice Monroe surely does not have the means to use this pastor to equip. By the ice Monroe's outside spirit strength, even in stimulation of movement spirit strength, wants to take this gadget to use energy. 毫无疑问,凌梦露是肯定没办法使用这件牧师装备的。以凌梦露的外灵力,就算是催动内灵力,想要把这玩意儿拿起来都费劲。 Senior, what are the characteristics of that this equipment?” Long Dangdang asked. “前辈,那这件装备的特性是什么?”龙当当问道。 Middle-aged humanity: Broken demon, smashing and explosion.” 中年人道:“破魔、粉碎、爆炸。” Ling Menglu looks to Long Dangdang, said: Really the incorrect words, did I attain the auction to auction? Perhaps do some people want?” 凌梦露看向龙当当,道:“实在不行的话,我拿到拍卖会去拍卖了?说不定就有人要呢?” Long Dangdang brow slightly pressed say/way: Can pat the price?” 龙当当眉头微蹙道:“能拍上价吗?” Ling Menglu is smiling bitterly shaking the head, said: Did not say. Now had almost no pastor to choose discipline pastor road. That might as well goes to work as the soldier. This equipment definitely is very good, is only also is too special, is really not easy-to-use.” 凌梦露苦笑着摇摇头,道:“不好说。现在几乎没有什么牧师选择走戒律牧师这条路了。那还不如去当战士呢。这件装备本身肯定是很好的,只是却又太特殊,实在是不好用。” Long Dangdang turns around to look that is strongest to the team China-foreign spirit strength, and woof Changxin does who is famous at the strength, woof Xuejie, this equip you to use?” 龙当当转身看向团队中外灵力最强,并且也是以力量著称的汪常欣,“汪学姐,这件装备你能用么?” woof Changxin hesitant, nods, said: With can use. However, was too a little unwieldy. Moreover, I used the mallet is also used. Changes this chain hammer, a little uses energy. Although its rank is higher. But possibly does not have my tyrant day mallet to be convenient.” 汪常欣犹豫了一下,点点头,道:“用是可以用的。但是,有点太笨重了。而且,我用大槌也习惯了。换这链子锤,有点费劲。虽然它的级别更高。但可能没有我的霸天槌顺手。” Long Dangdang understood her meaning immediately. 龙当当顿时明白了她的意思。 Cannot trade.” He now really some headaches. “不能换是吧。”他现在是真的有些头疼了。 The middle-aged people had not replied that this obviously has the issue of answer. 中年人没有回答这个明显有答案的问题。 Long Dangdang expression strange looks to ice Monroe, cousin! It seems like that this can only be you uses.” 龙当当表情古怪的看向凌梦露,“表姐啊!看来,这就只能是你来用了。” Ling Menglu blinks, raised the hand is pointing at the beautiful tender face, I? My girl, with such thing?” 凌梦露眨了眨眼睛,抬手指着自己绝美的娇颜,“我?我一个女孩子,用这么个东西?” Long Dangdang could not bear smile, but thinks, thought the picture was too beautiful. 龙当当忍不住笑了出来,只是想想,都觉得画面太美。 What do you smile? This equipment is good. Moreover, wants to re-enter the epic level, is not too difficult.” At this moment, the Long Dangdang chest place voice resounds. The next quarter, the sea changed into the ray to appear side him. “你们笑什么?这件装备非常好。而且,想要重回史诗级,并不算太困难。”就在这时,龙当当胸口处声音响起。下一刻,沧海就化为光芒出现在了他身边。 Long Dangdang believes certainly to his words, but said: Equipment definitely is very good, but seems like actually some not to suit us.” 龙当当对他的话当然是十分信服的,但还是说道:“装备肯定是很好的,但看起来却有些不适合我们。” Dark blue sea route: That is uncertain. If this equipment I have not remembered incorrectly, should be called Daliwan of light. In your human six big temple history the most powerful discipline pastor. Your temple federation's first person of president should be calls dragon Hao early morning. At that time, he is also is one to hunt for the demon group, the dawn of title light. This discipline pastor is his team member. Can do eternal with the Lord weapon of teammate the god of creation prints the throne owner, you think its prestige energy. During let alone, is dark has the divine intervention. Ice Monroe, releases your light element angel.” 沧海道:“那不一定。这件装备如果我没记错的话,应该叫做光之大力丸。乃是你们人类六大圣殿历史上最强大的一位戒律牧师。你们圣殿联邦第一人主席应该是叫龙皓晨吧。当时,他也是属于一只猎魔团的,封号光之晨曦。这位戒律牧师就是他的团队成员。能够做永恒与创造之神印王座拥有者的队友的主武器,你们想想它的威能。更何况,冥冥之中自有天意。凌梦露,把你的光元素天使释放出来。” The ice Monroe heart moves slightly, rushes to stimulate the bright angel spirit furnace. Flaps the cherub of wing to flutter, when it sees the sea, obviously adopts the respectful stance. Similarly is the wisdom spirit furnace, but the level has the difference. In some sense, initially in spirit furnace school nine big wisdom spirit furnaces, qualifications lowest was the bright angel spirit furnace. But sea time-honored existence in the rank does not know that compared it to be high many. 凌梦露心头微动,赶忙将光明天使灵炉激发。拍动着翅膀的小天使飘飞而出,当它看到沧海的时候,明显摆出恭敬的姿态。同样是智慧灵炉,但层次却是有差别的。从某种意义上来说,当初灵炉学院九大智慧灵炉之中,资历最低的就是光明天使灵炉了。而沧海这种历史悠久的存在在辈分上不知道比它高了多少。 The sea referred to toward Daliwan this legend level equipment light/only, the next quarter, the bright angel fluttered, falls on above. 沧海朝着光之大力丸这件传奇级装备指了指,下一刻,光明天使就飘飞了过去,落在其上。 In an instant, the Daliwan of instantaneous ray light blooms, blooms to just like solar generally radiant golden color ray. The people even saw, bright angel light element is transmitting in its direction rapidly, making its ray is even more powerful. 刹那间,光之大力丸瞬间光芒绽放,绽放出犹如太阳一般璀璨的金色光芒。众人甚至看到,就连光明天使身上的光元素都在朝着它的方向在飞速传递,让它的光芒变得越发强盛起来。 The sea swings the body in a flash, arrives its above, changes into the appearance of moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace, lateral falls, the strength of gentle moon/month spirit falls in torrents, falls on the Daliwan of surface light. 沧海摇身一晃,来到其上方,重新化为月明沧海灵炉的模样,侧向倾倒,柔和的月灵之力倾泻而出,落在光之大力丸表面。 Immediately, the Daliwan of above ray light blazing suddenly greatly, but starts to restrain fast. In the surface starts to reappear the light demon mark. The thick light element fluctuates, making it just like the entity general, the ray is radiant. 顿时,光之大力丸上面的光芒骤然大炽,但又快速开始收敛起来。表面上开始浮现出淡淡的魔纹。浓浓的光元素波动,让它宛如实体一般,光芒璀璨。 Sacred hammer spirit furnace.” The sea sinking sound shouted. “神圣之锤灵炉。”沧海沉声喝道。 Ling Menglu rushed the sacred hammer spirit furnace to release. The sacred hammer flies directly to the direction of Daliwan of light. 凌梦露赶忙又将神圣之锤灵炉释放了出来。神圣之锤直接飞向光之大力丸的方向。 Islet tung oil tree, led a cheer.” The sea shouted again. “屿桐,助阵。”沧海再次喝道。 Does not need Long Kongkong to make anything, the next quarter, the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace has also departed baseless, the islet tung oil tree both hands front, the gentle halo covers, fell on the sacred hammer surface directly. Immediately, sacred hammer the volume or the aura rise suddenly baseless. Own sacred aura fluctuates becomes getting more and more powerful immediately. 不用龙空空做什么,下一刻,神祈屿桐灵炉也已经凭空飞出,屿桐双手前排,柔和的光晕覆盖,直接落在了神圣之锤表面。顿时,神圣之锤无论是体积还是气息都是凭空暴涨。自身的神圣气息波动顿时变得越来越强盛起来。 The angel led a cheer, the islet tung oil tree increase, the sea directed. 天使助阵,屿桐增幅,沧海指引。 Next quarter that Daliwan light/only unexpectedly is turning round revolving, the ray in surface is partly visible, very strange. 下一刻那光之大力丸竟是滴溜溜的旋转起来,表面上的光芒若隐若现,十分奇异。 During its unceasing super revolving, center Daliwan of light was start gradually presented vortex general existence unexpectedly. The vortex center presented black hole gradually. It as if there is mysterious attraction, next quarter, whiz, unexpectedly sacred hammer attracting. 在它的不断高速旋转之中,光之大力丸正中竟是渐渐的开始出现了一个旋涡一般的存在。旋涡中心渐渐出现了一个黑洞。它似乎有着神奇的吸引力,下一刻,“嗖”的一下,竟是将神圣之锤给吸了进去。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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