SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#211: The gentleman level hunts for the demon group

Chapter 211 gentleman level hunts for the demon group 第211章士级猎魔团 Contemplates the time always to cross quickly, three days disappear. In three days, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong during sensibility that in changes to oneself. When contemplates finished, they most obvious feeling is the body and mind is insightful, comfortable that the whole body could not say. 冥想中时间总是过得很快,三天转瞬即逝。三天内,龙当当龙空空都在对自身变化的感悟之中。当冥想结束时,他们最明显的感觉就是身心通透,全身说不出的舒服。 Ice Monroe has been waiting for them, after they finished contemplates, matter that these nine months have to them told. 凌梦露一直在等待着他们,等他们结束冥想之后,才将这九个月来发生的事情给他们讲述了一遍。 Initially after the mind in the right way started, in their team, first completed the mind in the right way impressively was the ocean nighttide. The mind in the right way of ocean nighttide created the mind in the right way palace in history quickest speed, three days, only used for three days. Her answer is to protect the justice, moreover incomparable firmness and firmness. Obtained the attention of assassin temple. 当初在正心开始之后,他们团队中,第一个完成了正心的赫然是溟汐。溟汐的正心更是创造了正心殿有史以来最快的速度,三天,只用了三天。她的答案是守护正义,而且无比的坚定、坚决。得到了刺客圣殿的关注。 Several other people of mind in the right way processes were quite normal, the peach numerous used for 21 days, the lunar motion to use for 28 days, the woof often/common joyful 31 days. Ice Monroe used for 45 days, is in the mind in the right way very long time. 其他几人的正心过程就都比较正常了,桃林林用了二十一天,月离用了二十八天,汪常欣三十一天。凌梦露自己用了四十五天,已经算是正心中非常长的时间了。 But what no one has thought that Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong mind in the right way actually used is so long. 但谁也没想到的是,龙当当龙空空的正心却用了这么久。 But several other team minds in the right way are quite smooth, the Zisang colored glaze glimmer they also used more than for a month a point to complete the mind in the right way on the whole staff. Team that completes the mind in the right way, can become hunts for the demon group officially. They also adopted all tests. Only 19,115,897 preparations hunt for the demon group, because of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong reason, cannot the agglomerate. 而其他几个团队正心都比较顺利,子桑琉荧他们也只是用了一个月多一点就全员完成正心了。完成正心的团队,就可以正式成为猎魔团。他们也算是通过了所有的考验。唯有一九一一五八九七预备猎魔团,因为龙当当龙空空的原因,始终都没能成团。 But, ice Monroe can only make everyone first go back to cultivate respectively, waits for Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong completes the mind in the right way. The team members are uneven, is unable the official agglomerate. Even they had not even provided on that hunting for the demon group trials was rewarded initially. Once Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are unable through the mind in the right way, even hunts for the child spirit crystal that the demon group previously sent to be taken back. 无奈之下,凌梦露只能让大家先各自回去修炼,等待龙当当龙空空完成正心。团队成员不齐,是无法正式成团的。甚至于连他们当初在猎魔团选拔赛上获得的奖励都还没有发放呢。一旦龙当当龙空空无法通过正心,甚至连猎魔团先前发的子灵晶都要被收回。 Now how do you feel? Also never has portrait/people looks like your such minds in the right way is so long.” Ling Menglu asked. “你们现在感觉怎么样?还从未有人像你们这样正心这么久呢。”凌梦露问道。 Long Kongkong ill-humored say/way: Not much. Can nine months have not promoted to cultivate/repair are ? Psychic force actually also good , to promote, moreover probably stabilized compared with before.” 龙空空没好气的道:“不怎么样。九个月都没提升修为,能好吗?精神力倒是还行,提升了点,而且好像比以前稳定了许多。” Long Dangdang said: Do not listen his. The advantage is many, the psychic force has to plant is polished the circle friendly feeling, own mental manipulation strength also considerably strengthened. Repairs, although fell, but our later cultivation speeds should increase much.” 龙当当道:“你别听他的。好处还是不少的,精神力有种被打磨圆融的感觉,自身的精神控制力也大大加强了。修为虽然落下了但我们之后的修炼速度应该会增加不少。” Ling Menglu relaxes, said: Cultivation misses for nine months is not anything, originally we cultivation the speed to be quicker than others, so long as the you person is all right well. Walks , you go back to rest, Kong Kong also see his goddess. Tomorrow we will gather, official agglomerate. Previously trained luckily time we accumulated many meritorious services, now is not also fallen too. However, heard that Zisang they must prepare to be promoted to the general officer level to hunt for the demon to roll.” 凌梦露松了口气,道:“修炼差九个月不算什么,本来我们修炼速度就比别人要快,只要伱们人没事就好。走吧,,你们就回去休息一下,空空也去见见他的女神。明天咱们就集合,正式成团。幸好先前培训的时候我们积累了不少功勋,现在还不算被落下太多。不过,听说子桑他们已经要准备升将级猎魔团了。” Long Dangdang surprised say/way: Is so quick? Did not say the meritorious service is not good to accumulate?” 龙当当吃惊的道:“这么快吗?不是说功勋没那么好积累的么?” Ling Menglu said: They completed a big task probably, obtained many meritorious rewards. Promotes to hunt for the advantage of demon group to be many to the general officer level. The equipment that can exchange are also many. Therefore the choice first raises the team rank.” 凌梦露道:“他们好像是完成了一个大任务,获得了不少功勋奖励。提升到将级猎魔团的好处不少。能够兑换的装备也多起来。所以选择优先提升团队等级。” The Long Dangdang eyes narrow the eyes, said: We cannot fall behind.” 龙当当双眼微眯,道:“我们也不能落后啊。” Returns the dormitory of spirit furnace school, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong actually not too many feelings, after all previously as if passed to them for several days in the process of mind in the right way palace. But they were also quick must leave here, officially after becoming hunted for demon, they naturally can have own place housing. 重新回到灵炉学院的宿舍,龙当当龙空空自己其实并没有太多的感觉,毕竟先前在正心殿的过程对他们来说仿佛只是过去了几天而已。但他们也很快就要离开这里了,正式成为猎魔者之后,他们自然会有属于自己的地方居住。 Ice Monroe makes them first rest well, oneself left. 凌梦露让他们先好好休息,自己离开了。 Long Kongkong impatient must toward leaving runs, was held by Long Dangdang. drawing he is coming to the cultivation room in oneself dormitory. 龙空空迫不及待的就要往出跑,却被龙当当一把抓住了。拉着他来到自己宿舍的修炼室。 When Long Dangdang closes the cultivation room door, Long Kongkong instead peaceful, realized anything. 龙当当关上修炼室门的时候,龙空空反而安静了下来,也意识到了一些什么。 Elder Brother, thank you.” Long Kongkong said suddenly in a soft voice. “哥,谢谢你。”龙空空突然轻声说道。 Long Dangdang gawked, but the next quarter is actually practicing immediately indoor opened the acoustic shield. 龙当当愣了一下但下一刻却立刻在修炼室内开启了隔音屏障。 What did you feel? At that time.” Long Dangdang asked. “你感受到了什么?那个时候。”龙当当问道。 Long Kongkong said: Was our past all sorts, but, after the circulation were many, and finally, some probably specially uncomfortable feelings, I seemed to see oneself changed, turned into the purple, then specially desperate, then, had wish to destroy all impulsive as again. But also at that time, I saw you, heard your voice. You told me, must love itself well! Then my mood was probably calm, then came out again.” 龙空空道:“就是我们过去的种种,但是,当循环多了之后,到了最后,好像有种特别难受的感觉,我好像看到自己变了,变成了紫色,然后就特别的绝望,再然后,就有种想要毁灭一切的冲动似的。但也就在那个时候,我看到了你,听到了你的声音。你跟我说,要好好爱自己啊!然后我的情绪好像就平静下来了,再然后就出来了。” Long Dangdang gawked staring, he has not truly thought that younger brother's situation unexpectedly is this, is not same as. Has not thought that is because came under own influence, the younger brother can finish then difficulty. But without a doubt, they do not adopt the mind in the right way normally. 龙当当愣了愣,他确实没想到弟弟的情况竟然是这样的,和自己并不相同。更没想到是因为受到了自己的影响,弟弟才能结束了当时的困难。但毫无疑问,他们都不是正常通过正心的。 My feeling and you are different, what I feel the intense sadness, the sadness of bewilderedly coming. Whenever circulated the final time, this type sad on racing wells up, but, let the feeling that I had to plant unable to withstand. Then I also heard a sound probably, told me to love itself well, I repeated those words. What if you hear is my voice, I hear sound that came from where?” “我的感受和你不一样,我感受到的是强烈的悲伤,莫名其妙而来的悲伤。每当循环到了最后的时候,这种悲伤就奔涌而至,让我有种无法承受的感觉。然后我好像也听到了一个声音,告诉我要好好爱自己,我就重复了那句话。如果你听到的是我的声音,那我听到的又是从何而来的声音呢?” Long Kongkong stares, can be I?” 龙空空一愣,“会不会是我?” Long Dangdang shakes the head, said: Definitely is not you. Your sound I can also not recognize?” 龙当当摇摇头,道:“肯定不是你。你的声音我还能不认的吗?” Long Kongkong was silent, said a moment later: Brother, we really unusual! This mind in the right way has almost problems probably.” 龙空空沉默了,足足片刻之后才道:“老哥,我们是不是真的与众不同啊!这正心好像就差点出问题似的。” Long Dangdang said: „After we become hunts for demon, must find the opportunity to go home to ask the mother.” 龙当当道:“等我们成为猎魔者之后,一定要找机会回家问问老妈了。” Long Kongkong nods, said: Good. However, Brother, you have thought does not have. We before knight Holy Mountain, these high rank demon beasts felt anything to resemble from us probably. It looks like dragon sovereign slightly eight to you contract, as if there is relations with this.” 龙空空点点头,道:“好。不过,老哥,你想过没有。我们之前在骑士圣山的时候,那些高阶的魔兽好像从我们身上感受到了什么似的。就像是龙皇把小八给你契约,似乎就和这有关系。” In the Long Dangdang heart moves, nods, said: I have thought. Probably has the relations. But the dragon sovereign obviously does not have the meaning of explanation.” 龙当当心中一动,点了点头,道:“我想过。好像是有关系的。但龙皇却明显没有解释的意思。” Long Kongkong said: That turn head goes back to ask that the mother said again.” 龙空空道:“那就回头回去问问老妈再说吧。” Long Dangdang said: This matter do not mention to anyone.” 龙当当道:“这件事对谁都不要说起。” Long Kongkong said: Knows. Previously you when the mind in the right way palace rushed to reply soon is suggesting me? Amn't I intelligent?” 龙空空道:“知道的。先前你在正心殿抢着回答的时候不久在暗示我了吗?我聪明不?” Long Dangdang shot a look at his one eyes, said: Only can say, is not too silly.” 龙当当瞥了他一眼,道:“只能说,还不算太傻。” You cannot praise boasts me. Didn't have other matter? It is not good, I must look for Hofn elder sister quickly, does not know that she lives me air/Qi does not have. I walked!” Then, his hurriedly runs outward. Long Dangdang this time has not been blocking him again. “你就不能夸夸我。没别的事儿了吧?不行了,我要赶快去找赫本姐,也不知道她生我气没有。我走了哈!”说完,他风风火火的就往外跑。龙当当这次没有再拦着他。 Oneself thought deeply about the moment in the cultivation room, is representing that the child spirit crystal that hunts for the demon status took. 自己在修炼室思索了片刻,才将那块代表着猎魔者身份的子灵晶重新拿了出来。 In spirit strength, 3990, outside spirit strength, 3780. From six steps, separation. So long as outside in spirit strength promotion say/way the intensity of spirit strength, to him, rising into six steps is the instantaneous matter. 内灵力,三千九百九十,外灵力,三千七百八十。距离六阶,一线之隔。只要外灵力提升道内灵力的强度,对他来说,升入六阶就是瞬间的事。 Bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang: We came back. Tomorrow is hunting for the demon group headquarters set.” 皓月当空,龙当当:“我们回来了。明天在猎魔团总部集合。” Bright moon in the sky, ice Monroe: Welcome returns.” 皓月当空,凌梦露:“欢迎回归。” The bright moon in the sky, the ocean nighttide, „, the regimental commander you may come back finally! Used is so long unexpectedly. Reported the regimental commander, my six steps.” 皓月当空,溟汐,“哇,团长你们可终于回来了啊!竟然用了这么久。报告团长,我六阶了。” The bright moon in the sky, the lunar motion, came back finally, we were worried.” 皓月当空,月离,“总算回来了,我们都担心死了。” The bright moon in the sky, the peach numerous, regimental commander, you may calculate. We can become hunt for finally demon officially, but we take off.” 皓月当空,桃林林,“团长,你可算回来了。我们终于可以成为正式猎魔者了,但我们起飞吧。” The bright moon in the sky, woof Changxin, comes back well.” 皓月当空,汪常欣,“回来就好。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang, tomorrow sees.” 皓月当空,龙当当,“明天见。” After a half hour, Long Dangdang saw Long Kongkong, but, this time younger brother seems dejected. 半个小时后,龙当当又见到了龙空空,只不过,此时的弟弟显得垂头丧气的。 What's wrong? Isn't Hofn willing to see you?” Long Dangdang sees the younger brother to ask. “怎么?赫本不肯见你吗?”龙当当看着弟弟问道。 Long Kongkong shakes the head, said: Father said that Hofn elder sister graduated to travel. Their school organization. Must go for a month. Just walked for a week, three weeks came back.” 龙空空摇摇头,道:“赫爸爸说赫本姐去毕业旅行了。他们学院组织的。要去一个月。刚走了一周,还有三周才回来呢。” The Long Dangdang comfort said: That was also quick. Has the belt/bring spareribs food to come back? I was hungry.” 龙当当安慰道:“那也很快了。有没有带点排骨饭回来?我饿了。” Long Kongkong first stares, felt the sense of hunger in abdomen in a flash similarly, „, I have not attended. Walks, in our shop eats.” 龙空空先是一愣,转瞬间也同样感受到了腹中的饥饿感,“咳咳,我没顾上。走,咱们店里吃去。” Theoretically, they were nine months have not eaten the thing! 从理论上来说,他们可是九个月没吃东西了啊! In the morning, hunts for the demon headquarters. 清晨,猎魔者总部。 As hunting for the concentration area of demon, is issued that the duty the place, hunts for the demon headquarters to be situated in the temple headquarters. Own independent regions. Big of this region, even more than any temple in the range of temple headquarters. Thus it can be seen hunts for demon in the federation, particularly importances in six big temple. 作为猎魔者的集结地,也是发布任务的地方,猎魔者总部坐落于圣殿总部之中。有一片属于自己的单独区域。这片区域之大,甚至不下余任何一座圣殿在圣殿总部的范围。由此可见猎魔者在联邦,尤其是在六大圣殿中的重要性。 Hunting for demon is not belongs to six big temples to have jurisdiction purely, is also under the federal government. Is allocated funds to support by the federal government specially. But six big temples have an unwritten rule, wants to become sacred hall, must have experience that hunts for demon. And must in be hunts for demon to achieve the considerable achievement to be good in this period. 猎魔者并不是单纯属于六大圣殿管辖的,同时也隶属于联邦政府。由联邦政府专门拨款支持。而六大圣殿有一条不成文的规则,想要成为圣堂,必须要有过猎魔者的经历。并且要在身为猎魔者期间取得相当的成就才行。 Hunts for the history of demon group almost to be equal to the history of six big temples, ordinary occupation wants to become the difficulty of hunting for demon is huge. Besides the trials of highest school, six big temples will have some selections. But finally can the agglomerate is actually very few., not only hunts for strength that demon looks, but also talented, potential, disposition wait/etc aspects. 猎魔团的历史几乎等同于六大圣殿的历史,普通职业者想要成为猎魔者的难度是巨大的。除了最高学府的选拔赛之外,六大圣殿内部也会有一些选拔。但最终能够成团的却是少之又少。猎魔者看的不只是实力,还有天赋、潜能、心性等等方面。 Today, this very early in the morning, several young people have arrived hunted for the demon headquarters. 今天,这才一大早,就已经有几名年轻人来到了猎魔者总部。 Is the head impressively is pair of look exactly the same twin brothers. 为首的赫然是一对相貌一模一样的孪生兄弟。 Well, you two grew much! This over one meter 85.” The peach numerous looks at front Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, the surprised color of whole face. “咦,你们两个又长高了不少啊!这都超过一米八五了吧。”桃林林看着面前的龙当当龙空空,满脸的惊奇之色。 Long Dangdang previously also had no discovery with Long Kongkong, after all their two looked like, even grew the height is still same, looks that the opposite party looked like looks in a mirror. At this time listened to a peach numerous such saying, was really felt that oneself seemed like grew, because the body weight had no change, even compared with previously appeared several points thin. But this time they have also been transforming to the youth from the youngster. 龙当当龙空空先前自己还没什么发现,毕竟他们两个太像了,就算是长了身高也都是一样的,看着对方就像是照镜子似的。此时听桃林林这么一说,才真是感觉到自己似乎是长高了,因为体重没什么变化,甚至比先前显得瘦削了几分。而此时的他们也已经从少年向青年在转变着。 After all nine months. Has not delayed grows this is the good deed.” The lunar motion smiles was saying. “毕竟九个月呢。没耽误长高这是好事。”月离微笑着说道。 People again all assembled, actually does not have any too big feeling regarding Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, the time of after all in their sensation spending is very short. But regarding others, was actually full of the happiness. 众人重新聚齐,对于龙当当龙空空来说倒是没有什么太大的感觉,毕竟他们感知中度过的时间很短。而对于其他人来说,却都充满了欣喜之情。 Long Dangdang is observing the partners, everyone also had certain change, after all is the puberty, quick of growth. The peach numerous also grew, the ocean nighttide is also. The lunar motion seems like changes slightly. Not only woof Changxin was high, moreover as if slenderly was also healthier, the look concentrates to be solid and calm, she took slightly three years old compared with the lunar motion obviously, but seemed like actually appears also wants mature calm as compared with the lunar motion. Does not need to ask, Long Dangdang can guess to obtain, she should refine golden body to have a big progress in the blood. 龙当当观察着伙伴们,大家也都发生了一定的变化,毕竟都是青春期,成长的都很快。桃林林也长高了一些,溟汐也是。月离看上去是变化最小的。汪常欣不只是高了,而且似乎也更加修长康健了,眼神凝实而沉稳,她明明比月离要小了三岁,但看上去却显得比月离还要成熟沉稳似的。不用问,龙当当都能猜得到,她应该是在血炼金身方面有了不小的进步。 Ling Menglu also grew, now the height has exceeded one meter over seven, is flooding richer youth. When makes their seven stand, as before this goddess brightest eye, most noticeable. 凌梦露也长高了,现在身高已经超过了一米七以上,充斥着更加浓郁的青春气息。当让他们七个站在一起的时候,依旧还是这位神女最为亮眼,最引人瞩目。 Today we must do two matters, the establishment hunt for the demon group, then before receiving, hunts for the reward of demon group trials.” Ice Monroe said to Long Dangdang. “今天我们要做两件事,成立猎魔团,然后领取之前猎魔团选拔赛的奖励。”凌梦露向龙当当说道。 Good. Walks, everyone has waited is too long.” “好。走吧,大家都已经等太久了。” Long Dangdang leads the partners to arrive at the headquarters onstage, showed own hunting for demon badge, and explained the purpose in coming. 龙当当带着伙伴们来到总部前台,出示了自己的猎魔者徽章,并说明来意。 The onstage first completed the status checking, then immediately starts to handle to hunt for the procedure of demon group official agglomerate for them. 前台先完成了身份核实,然后立刻就开始为他们办理猎魔团正式成团的手续。 Serial number previous 19,115,897. Rank: Gentleman level. 编号还是先前的一九一一五八九七。级别:士级。 Regimental commander: Long Dangdang, Assistant regimental commander, ice Monroe. Team member: Lunar motion and woof Changxin, peach numerous, ocean nighttide and Long Kongkong. 团长:龙当当,副团长,凌梦露。团队成员:月离、汪常欣、桃林林、溟汐、龙空空 And Long Kongkong becomes the team members as the aide knight. This point has indicated. 其中龙空空是作为侍从骑士成为团队成员的。这一点有所注明。 Their badge jurisdiction child spirit crystal jurisdiction upgraded, after the promotion, actually not too big change, but confirmed they hunt for the status of demon group officially. 他们的徽章权限子灵晶权限进行了升级,升级之后其实并没有太大的变化,但却确认了他们正式猎魔团的身份。 Starting from this moment, they can meet the selecting scholars for public office level to hunt for the duty of demon group by the regimental commander. 从这一刻开始,他们就可以由团长来接取士级猎魔团的任务了。 The onstage staff inform them something needing attention, the gentleman level will hunt for the demon group to have three times to force the duty every year, other duties will receive. In five years must accumulate enough meritorious service to be promoted to into the general officer level to hunt for the demon group, will otherwise be dismissed the team. 前台工作人员将一些注意事项告知他们,士级猎魔团每年会有三次强制任务,其他任务自行接取。五年内必须要积累足够功勋升入将级猎魔团,否则将被解散团队。 The meritorious service of accumulation can exchange the headquarters, the concrete exchangeable goods they need to exchange the place to examine. 积累的功勋可以在总部这边进行兑换,具体的可兑换物品他们需要去兑换处查看。 Hunts for the demon group headquarters most important two departments is the duty section and exchange place. As will hunt for the promotion of demon group rank in the future, they will obtain more jurisdictions. Later they received previously hunted for that the demon group trials were rewarded, needs to exchange the place to obtain. 猎魔团总部最重要的两个部门就是任务部和兑换处。随着未来猎魔团等级的提升,他们将会获得更多的权限。之后他们领取先前猎魔团选拔赛所获得的奖励,就需要去兑换处获得。 In the team, Ling Menglu, Long Dangdang, woof Changxin and lunar motion have the reward to receive. 团队之中,凌梦露、龙当当、汪常欣和月离都是有奖励可以领取的。 When they are the general officer level hunts for the demon group the time, the headquarters will assign them, according to their situations decided that which city assigns to conducts the value to defend and carry out the duty. The time that every assigns one time can be three years. Three years later adjusts according to the meritorious service and performance. But wants to be promoted, that can only depend upon to complete the task to accumulate the meritorious service. Hunts for demon the rank, only then the meritorious service promotes a road. 等他们达到将级猎魔团的时候,总部将会对他们进行分配,根据他们的情况来决定分配到哪座城市进行值守和执行任务。每一次分配的时间会是三年。三年后将会根据功勋和表现进行调整。但想要晋级,那就只能依靠完成任务来积累功勋了。猎魔者的等级,只有功勋晋升一条路。 Is bringing the partners to exchange the place in the Long Dangdang preparation first reward received the time, the group walked from outside. Walks in the forefront, impressively element saintess Zisang colored glaze glimmer. 正在龙当当准备带着伙伴们去兑换处先把奖励领取了的时候,一行人从外面走了进来。走在最前面的,赫然正是元素圣女子桑琉荧。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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