SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#198: Two person lives

Chapter 198 two person lives 第198章两个人一条命 The diving started. 潜水开始了。 After three days, Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and woof Changxin followed the ocean nighttide to pass through several canals. And tries in not illumination to pass. Basically has found out to the situation of canal. The people also attempted to have three legal system occupations to conduct the underwater practice. The overall situation is less optimistic. 经过了三天的时间,龙当当龙空空和汪常欣都跟随着溟汐走过了几遍水道。并且尝试过不照明情况下通过。基本上对水道的情况已经摸清楚了。众人也尝试过了带着三位法系职业进行水下练习。整体情况不容乐观。 Even if without belt/bring person, in does not use the spirit strength, is only by the outside spirit strength, Long Dangdang their four people ties up in the same place, adopts the time of entire canal is ten minutes. Yes, takes ten minutes. Mainly is because everyone is linked to each other, when some winding canals make a turn will waste a lot of time. Once is connecting the person turns into seven, this time will become will be only longer. 哪怕是在不带人的情况下,不用内灵力,只是凭借外灵力,龙当当他们四个人拴在一起,通过整个水道的时间是十分钟。是的,足足需要十分钟。主要是因为大家连在一起的时候,在一些蜿蜒水道转弯的时候会浪费不少时间。而一旦连接着的人变成七个,这个时间只会变得更长。 But after undergoing the exercise, in the situation of even if in the whole body relaxing, in does not use the spirit strength adjustment, in the ice Monroe three people, ice Monroe is better, can compare for about six minutes. The lunar motion and peach numerous actually is also five minutes. In other words, underwater this time, likely is they can over one time of obturation time. 而经过了锻炼之后,哪怕是在全身放松的情况下,不使用内灵力调节,凌梦露三人之中,凌梦露好一些,能够比起六分钟左右。月离和桃林林却也就是五分多钟而已。也就是说,水下这个时间,很可能是他们能够闭气时间的一倍以上。 But this time, likely is fatal! 而这个时间,很可能是致命的啊! Four days have passed by. Leaves everyone's time is not many. The obturation practice, just started the achievement is most remarkable, but more arrives at behind, wanted to continue to promote is not an easy matter. 四天已经过去了。留给大家的时间不多了。闭气练习,刚开始的时候成果是最为显著的,但越到后面,想要继续提升就不是一件容易的事情了。 Other teams have also conducted various attempts, at least so far, but also no team can through the inspection. 其他团队也已经进行了各种尝试,至少到目前为止,还没有一支团队能够通过考核的。 After the unceasing attempt, other teams also conducted found out the canal, tried the close combat occupation auxiliary legal system occupation. But has no team to be successful. The canal was too long, the underwater pressure was also too big. The obturation time is the major problem. 经过不断的尝试,其他团队也进行了摸清水道,尝试近战职业辅助法系职业。但却没有任何团队能够成功。水道太长了,水下的压力也太大了。闭气时间是大问题。 If we cannot cross, other teams cannot cross.” Long Kongkong said. “如果我们都过不了,其他团队就更过不了了吧。”龙空空说道。 Long Dangdang said: Yesterday I heard to have the team to question the teacher, said that this was an impossible mission. Teacher's reply is, the potential of human body is infinite, does not put together the limit truly, how also possibly to know what degree can oneself be?” 龙当当道:“昨天我听到有团队质疑教官,说这是一个不可能完成的任务。教官的回答是,人体的潜能是无限的,不真正拼到极限,又怎么可能知道自己能够达到什么程度呢?” To us, puzzles now our mainly has two aspects. One is the pass time passage period is too long, one is the obturation time is insufficient. Therefore, before wanted to tie up everyone in the way of same place is perhaps invalid. I currently have another idea.” “对于我们来说,现在困扰我们的主要有两方面。一个是通过时间太长,还有一个是闭气时间不够。所以,之前想要把大家都拴在一起的方式恐怕是行不通的。我现在有另一个想法。” The people spirit inspires, looks to Long Dangdang. 众人精神一振,看向龙当当 Long Dangdang said: Obturation time is very difficult to enhance. Then, we now if wants the means to promote our pass time passage periods. Before I also had an erroneous zone. That is needs everyone pass together. But in fact, so-called together through referring to our whole staff can pass through, but actually does not need to pass through at the same time. The following canal narrowest place can also simultaneously two to pass through. If I and woof Xuejie carry a person one time, divides several times, the pass time passage period can inevitably big reduction. Does not use the reduction of speed that receives the string connection to make a turn.” 龙当当道:“闭气时间已经很难提高了。那么,我们现在就要想办法提升我们的通过时间。之前我也有了一个误区。那就是必须要大家一起通过。但实际上,所谓一起通过指的是我们全员都能过关,但却并不需要在同一时间过关。下面的水道最窄的地方也能够同时让两个人通行。如果我和汪学姐一次背一个人,分几次的话,通过时间必然能够大大的缩短。不用受到绳子连接转弯的降速。” woof Changxin thinks saying: Even this, leads a person, still takes eight minutes at least. Compared with their obturation time, there is a disparity.” 汪常欣想了想道:“就算是这样,带一个人,也需要八分钟至少。和他们的闭气时间相比,还是有差距。” The Long Dangdang vision shifts to the legal system three people, this needed you to use the willpower to withstand/top. It is not able to breathe two to three minutes, regarding our such body and spirit, will not be fatal. But definitely unusual pain.” 龙当当的目光转向法系的三人,“这就需要你们自己用意志力顶一下了。只是无法呼吸两到三分钟,对于我们这样的体魄来说,不会致命。但肯定会非常的痛苦。” The complexions of three legal system occupations seem somewhat pale. Pain that type stops air the pinnacle, they are the deep feeling. That is not the comfortable feeling! 三位法系职业的脸色都显得有些苍白。那种闭气到极致的痛苦,他们是深深的感受过的。那可不是舒服的感觉啊! Good, we try. Ding-dong, you first lead me to pass when the time comes. When I after that side restores should be able to solve the going out of mourning strength to prohibit. After everyone water leakage, first rescues.” The ice Monroe silver tooth bites, said to Long Dangdang. “好,那我们就试试。当当,到时候你先带我过去。等我在那边恢复之后应该就可以解除灵力封禁了。等大家出水之后,第一时间进行救援。”凌梦露银牙一咬,向龙当当说道。 Un. Did the peach school leader, the lunar motion, how you say?” Long Dangdang looks to two people. “嗯。桃学长,月离,你们怎么说?”龙当当看向二人。 The peach numerous clenches teeth, said: Ok.” 桃林林一咬牙,道:“行。” Although the lunar motion is somewhat disturbed, nod of but makes an effort. 月离虽然有些忐忑,但还是用力的点了点头。 Long Dangdang looks at the people, said: Fades three to use up in one vigorous effort again. Decided we flushed full power. woof Xuejie, the you belt/bring lunar motion, your speed should be faster than me. I first led the cousin then to come back the belt/bring peach school leader in the past.” 龙当当看着众人,道:“一鼓作气再而衰三而竭。决定了我们就全力冲了。汪学姐,伱带月离,你速度应该比我更快。我先带表姐过去然后再回来带桃学长。” The people decided the idea, Long Dangdang look for the female monster teacher. In applied to restore the spirit strength after canal another end water leakage to the opposite party. The people started to act the beforehand final preparation. 众人定计,龙当当重新找上了女妖教官。在向对方申请了在水道另一端出水之后可以恢复灵力之后。众人就开始了行动之前的最后准备。 The ice Monroe's auxiliary magic was absolutely strong enough, helping the people adjust best the condition. 凌梦露的辅助魔法绝对足够强劲,帮众人都将状态调整到了最佳。 Seven people all arrived at the lakeside, the female monster teacher conducted in prohibiting of spirit strength to them. Seven people start to sit are adjusting oneself breath same place, to maintain by oneself the optimum condition, lets body relaxation as far as possible. 七个人全都来到了湖畔,女妖教官对他们进行了内灵力的封禁。七人开始坐在原地调节自己的呼吸,以让自己保持在最佳状态,让身体尽可能的放松。 Other teams saw that they gather at the lakeside at this time, naturally understands that they must start to attempt. Moreover evidently is very official attempt that type. Also cast the vision. 其他团队看到他们此时都聚集在湖畔,自然明白他们要开始尝试了。而且看样子还是非常正式的尝试那种。也不禁都将目光投了过来。 In Stage 1 training, Long Dangdang and his partners are the performance are best, everyone also wants to have a look, how they are through this Stage 2 inspection. 在第一阶段的集训中,龙当当和他的伙伴们是表现最佳的,大家也都想看看,他们是如何通过这第二阶段考核的。 Has attempted truly, knows that crosses the water this to close to be difficult. 只有真正尝试过,才知道渡水这一关有多么艰难。 Controlled one's breathing the quarter of an hour. The condition of people maintains is basically best. Long Dangdang selected to woof Changxin under. 足足调息了一刻钟。众人的状态基本保持在最佳。龙当当向汪常欣点了下头。 woof Changxin looks to the ocean nighttide and Long Kongkong, two people also nod. 汪常欣看向溟汐和龙空空,二人也同时点头。 The next quarter, three people have jumped simultaneously jump, grips to the water. The standard canard shape enters the diamond drill bit to enter in the water, vanishes in a flash does not see. 下一刻,三人已经同时腾身跃起,向水中扎去。标准的鸭式入水钻入水中,转瞬间消失不见。 After being prohibited in the spirit strength, cannot control one's breathing. Therefore, even if outside the spirit strength is powerful, the physical ability is also limited. Therefore, in the assignment of Long Dangdang, is he and woof often/common runs joyful respectively two. woof Changxin this first is accompanying the ocean nighttide and Long Kongkong in the past. their two people are not 100% can certainly pass, the time that after all requires to stop air is too long, woof often/common is quite therefore escorting for them joyful. When ensure they passed, woof Changxin comes back to meet the person again. 在被封禁了内灵力之后,不能自我调息。所以,哪怕是外灵力强大,体能也是有限的。所以,龙当当的分配中,是他和汪常欣各自跑两趟。汪常欣的这第一趟是陪着溟汐和龙空空过去。他们二人也不是百分之百就一定能够通过的,毕竟需要闭气的时间太长,汪常欣相当于是在为他们保驾护航。等确保他们两人过去了,汪常欣再回来接人。 The waiting is the suffering, but is shocking but not dangerous simply. After 20 minutes, on the water surface exudes the ripples, woof often/common drills from the water joyful, the breath of big mouth and big mouth. Meanwhile gave a successful hand signal to Long Dangdang. 等待是煎熬的,但索性有惊无险。二十分钟后,水面上泛起涟漪,汪常欣从水中钻出,大口、大口的呼吸着。同时向龙当当比了一个成功的手势。 Long Dangdang returns by the thumb, the good start is successful half. Especially the younger brother has passed. This was the best condition. 龙当当回以大拇指,好的开始是成功的一半。尤其是弟弟已经过去了。这就是最好的状况了。 Studies the elder sister first to rest, we started.” At the same time saying, Long Dangdang is turning around to look to ice Monroe, the ice Monroe elegant face slightly one red, but arrives at side him. “学姐先休息,我们开始了。”一边说着,龙当当转身看向凌梦露,凌梦露俏脸微微一红,但还是走到他身边。 Long Dangdang ties up the ice Monroe's tender body with a string behind oneself. Make two people bodies close. 龙当当用一根绳子将凌梦露的娇躯绑在自己背后。让两人的身体紧密相连。 woof Changxin had walked from the lake water at this time, arrives in front of Long Dangdang, said: Come on.” 汪常欣此时已经从湖水之中走了出来,来到龙当当面前,道:“加油。” Long Dangdang nods, said: Relax.” 龙当当点了点头,道:“放心。” woof often/common no longer said joyful, sits in the one side directly starts to rest. So long as the inspection starts, before has not passed in cannot relieve the spirit strength to prohibit. 汪常欣不再多说,直接坐在一旁开始休息。只要考核开始,在没有通过之前是不能解除内灵力封禁的。 But sees Long Dangdang at the back of ice Monroe this, immediately made other teams have the color of intent moving. 而看到龙当当背着凌梦露这一幕,顿时让其他各支团队有了意动之色。 They realized, this is means! But the premise must be capable of belt/bring person being good. 他们都意识到,这是个办法啊!但前提是要有带人的能力才行。 Zisang colored glaze glimmer also in vision brilliant looks here, Tang Leiguang, met with Cai Caijuan initially they is also same. The look is various. But obviously some strange colors. 子桑琉荧也在目光灼灼的看着这边,唐雷光、初遇和蔡彩娟他们也是一样。神色各不相同。但明显都有一些奇异之色。 woof Changxin controls one's breathing same place, she passed through beforehand comes, although outside spirit strength, but this matter of feeling suffocated not only must look outside the spirit strength, at this time also needs the recuperation. 汪常欣原地调息,她经过了之前的一来一回,虽然外灵力了得,但这憋气之事也不只是要看外灵力的,此时也需休整。 Cousin.” Long Dangdang calls one lightly. “表姐。”龙当当轻唤一声。 Un, I was good.” Ling Menglu bends down oneself body in Long Dangdang conducts the back, both hands surround from behind to his chest front, two people bodies inevitable contacted in together, but at this time, she has not actually revealed too many charming, does not know whether have made full convincing to oneself. “嗯,我好了。”凌梦露将自己的身体伏在龙当当背上,双手从后面环抱到他胸前,两人的身体不可避免的接触在一起,但在这个时候,她却并没有流露出太多的娇羞,不知是否自己对自己已经做了充分的说服。 Preparation.” Long Dangdang is also steady own condition, he must as far as possible stay quiet by himself, only by doing so, can maintain by own condition at best, simultaneously reduces the consumption in diving, and at the maximum speed passes through. “准备了。”龙当当同样平稳着自己的状态,他要让自己尽可能的保持平静,唯有如此,才能让自己的状态保持在最佳,同时减少在潜水中的消耗,并且以最快速度通行。 Ice Monroe was relaxed by oneself body as far as possible, she also knows, is anxious, the body consumption is bigger, more cannot hold in the air/Qi. 凌梦露尽量让自己的身体放松一些,她也知道,越是紧张,身体消耗就越大,也就越是憋不住气。 After two people control one's breathing simultaneously for about two minutes, Long Dangdang gave a hand signal, back ice Monroe's long inspiration, Long Dangdang can feel behind soft as if also inflated for several points, he also deeply inspires, jumps jumps, the person in in the air has turned around the figure, the right fist rumbles to the water surface, a strong fist wind bombardment on the water surface, the hit water surface collapse, leads ice Monroe to jump into the water, penetrates in the lake surface directly. 两人同时调息大约两分钟之后,龙当当比了个手势,背后的凌梦露长长的吸了一口气,龙当当都能感受到背后的柔软仿佛也随之膨胀了几分似的,他同样是深吸口气,腾身跃起,人在空中就已经掉转身形,右拳向水面轰出,一股强劲的拳风轰击在水面上,打的水面塌陷,同时却已是带着凌梦露纵身入水,直接穿入湖面之中。 Until their form completely disappears, the mighty waves raise. 直到他们身影完全消失,波涛才重新掀起。 Three teachers noticed that in this heart moves slightly. Outside this spirit strength, is not weak! 三位教官看到这一幕都不禁心中微动。这外灵力,不弱啊! Such outside spirit strength appears in seven close combat occupation of steps and on eight steps they will not be surprised, because with the promotion in spirit strength, outside oneself the spirit strength will also return nurturing to parents, the body intensity is also strengthened. But Long Dangdang in their mind should not arrive at six steps, but he just that fist, by the situation of outside spirit strength control, blasted out the lake surface completely unexpectedly has four and five meters depth fully. Over 2000 outside spirit strength could not definitely have achieved. Did he specialize outside the spirit strength? 这样的外灵力出现在七阶、八阶的近战职业者身上他们不会感到意外,因为随着内灵力的提升,自身外灵力也会受到反哺,身体强度随之增强。但龙当当在他们的印象中应该还没到六阶,而他刚刚那一拳,在完全由外灵力驾驭的情况下,竟是将湖面炸开足有四、五米深。没有两千以上的外灵力肯定是做不到的。他是专修了外灵力的? The blood refining up the golden body powerhouses to know, but chooses the cultivation truly is actually very few, before most cultivates reluctantly, no longer continues. Because not only fears the pain, because this gadget lost the time. 血炼金身强者们都知道,但真正选择修炼的却是少之又少,最多勉强修炼到以前就不再继续。不只是因为惧怕痛苦,还是因为这玩意儿太耽误时间了。 The body enters the lake water, seeps the cool feeling also to raid. Outside Long Dangdang the spirit strength powerful feeling is not obvious, but regarding Ling Menglu, actually hit to tremble, in the spirit strength has not protected the body, was the legal system occupation, her body truly compared with Long Dangdang emaciated many. 身入湖水,沁凉的感觉随之袭来。龙当当自身外灵力强大感受并不明显,但对于凌梦露来说,却不禁打了个寒颤,没有内灵力护体,身为法系职业,她的身体确实是要比龙当当孱弱的多。 But her next quarter has felt, the body of Long Dangdang has been similar to arrow Yaichi to grip to the lake bottom, speed wonderful quick incomparable, compared with they usually train time wants quick many. She rushes to control the eardrum, lets the ear pressure balance, relaxes itself as far as possible, relaxes the mind, anything does not go to think, whatever Long Dangdang leads to go through in the lake water. 但她下一刻就已经感受到,龙当当的身体已经如同箭矢一般向湖底扎去,速度奇快无比,比他们平时训练的时候更要快的多。她赶忙控制耳膜,让耳朵压力平衡,尽可能的放松自身,放松心神,什么都不去想,就任由龙当当带着自己在湖水中穿行。 The Long Dangdang four limbs make an effort to skid, quick submerged 30 meters depth, successfully found the canal entrance, he in an entrance brace, leading ice Monroe to drill into the canal. 龙当当四肢用力滑动,很快就潜入到了三十米的深度,顺利的找到了水道入口,他在入口处一撑,带着凌梦露钻入水道之中。 Has one person with that is being entirely different. Long Dangdang must consider in process that oneself are travelling forward, can knock against ice Monroe above the canal. Because in the event of the clash, will certainly cause her to stop air is more difficult, will present the danger directly. Moreover, more is the thorough canal center more does not have the escape route. 带着一人和自己那是截然不同的。龙当当必须要考虑到自己在向前潜游的过程中,会不会将凌梦露磕碰在水道之上。因为一旦出现磕碰,必定会导致她闭气更加艰难,直接就会出现危险。而且,越是深入水道中央就越是没有退路。 Was prohibited in the spirit strength, the psychic force unable to transfer, he can only rely on oneself memory as well as is as far as possible more strenuous is close by oneself body and canal bottom, thus avoids the ice Monroe body being hit. 被封禁了内灵力,精神力都无法调动,他只能凭借着自己的记忆以及尽可能多费力一些让自己的身体与水道底部接近,从而避免凌梦露身体被撞击。 The strong in spirit strength makes him every row the water to be able one time to drive two people body fast vanguards. In this and is 500 meters winds up in the winding canal. 强劲的内灵力让他每一次划水都能带动两人的身体快速前行。在这长达500米并且蜿蜒曲折的水道之中前行。 Ling Menglu stops air diligently, although she clearly knows oneself should relaxation as far as possible, is, really after start, the heart should still have not voluntarily some anxious. But similarly, in her heart also strange feelings. From infancy to maturity, this is the first time that she held own safety complete junction with another person of hand. 凌梦露努力的闭气,虽然她明知道自己应该尽量的放松,可是,真的开始之后,心头却仍然会有不自觉的些许紧张。但同样的,在她心头还有一种奇异的感觉。从小到大,这还是她第一次将自己的生命安全完全交托与另一人之手。 The back of Long Dangdang is not very broad, but actually tall and straight solid, fitting on him, to reduce the resistance, she must hug tight is good. She can feel the Long Dangdang heavy powerful heartbeat, the heat of even from Long Dangdang transmitting is also helping her scatter the chill in the air in within the body. But for all this, lengthens along with the obturation time, the oppression of hydraulic pressure, she felt gradually oneself four limbs start to be somewhat numb, the scalp also starts to tingle with numbness. The chest place gradually just like burns down is exuding generally intermittently scalding hot. 龙当当的背脊不算特别宽阔,但却挺拔结实,贴合在他身上,为了减少阻力,她必须要抱的紧紧的才行。她能够感受到龙当当沉重有力的心跳声,甚至从龙当当身上传来的热量也在帮她驱散着体内的寒意。但尽管如此,伴随着闭气时间变长,水压的压迫,她渐渐感觉到自己的四肢开始有些麻木起来,头皮也开始发麻。胸口处逐渐犹如火烧一般泛着阵阵灼热。 She practiced for several days to stop air, understands that this was must touch most painful one. The obturation when just started, the average person achieves about one minute time will have such feeling. Has occupation of certain outside spirit strength like them, two minutes will have this response. Passed this response, the body relatively will be more comfortable, but will also be getting more and more dangerous, the intense oxygen deficit continually will promote. 她练习了几天闭气,明白这是要触碰到最痛苦的一段了。闭气在刚开始的时候,普通人达到一分钟左右的时候就会有这样的感受。像他们这样有着一定外灵力的职业者,两分钟也会有这种反应。度过这种反应,身体就会相对舒适一些,但也会越来越危险,强烈的缺氧会不断的提升。 Ice Monroe's will always not deficient firm, her as far as possible was relaxed by oneself, but at this time, travelling Long Dangdang actually touched her right hand gently. 凌梦露的心志从来都不缺乏坚定,她尽可能的让自己放松,而此时,正在潜游的龙当当却轻轻的碰了碰她的右手。 Ling Menglu the right hand index finger shoots gently. This is they agrees the good signal, showed that she is all right. Once in a while, Long Dangdang will confirm her condition through such way. 凌梦露右手食指轻轻弹起。这是他们约定好的信号,证明她没事。每隔一段时间,龙当当就会通过这样的方式来确认她的状态。 Long Dangdang does not pay attention to own consumption, his outside spirit strength, absorbed dragon Leimo the beast blood after the two days cultivation, has promoted to arrive at over 2500. After 2000, the speed of improvement obviously was much slow, but also compared with cultivation quick many normally. Reaches as high as 2500 outside spirit strength, in the underwater propelling force is quite astonishing. This time he, unprecedented dedication, can feel behind that slight heartbeat, this time they, two people, a life. 龙当当对自己的消耗并不关注,他的外灵力经过这两天的修炼、吸收龙类魔兽血液,已经提升到超过两千五百了。两千之后,提升的速度明显慢了不少,但也要比正常修炼快的多了。高达两千五百的外灵力,在水下的推动力还是相当惊人的。此时的他,前所未有的专注,更能感受到背后那轻微的心跳声,此时的他们,两个人,一条命。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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