SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#195: Stage 2 will soon start

Chapter 195 Stage 2 will soon start 第195章第二阶段即将开始 Returned to the dormitory to take a bath, changed clothes, slightly after making the recuperation, Long Dangdang arrived at the temple headquarters, he first looked for oneself two teachers, finally they in the headquarters, had not said that went out. 回宿舍洗了个澡,换了身衣服,略作休整之后,龙当当才来到圣殿总部,他先去找了自己的两位老师,结果他们都没在总部,说是外出了。 Is relying on the status of preparing sacred hall, he arrived at the knight temple to study the skill smoothly specially the inheritance palace. 凭借着预备圣堂的身份,他顺利来到了骑士圣殿专门学习技能的传承殿。 The knight who enters the step normally, wants to study the skill to need to consume massive meritorious services here. The ordinary skill was OK in the minute/share palace learn/study. Can place that in inheritance palace is the secrets and some high-end skills. 正常进阶的骑士,想要在这里学习技能是需要消耗大量功勋的。普通技能在分殿学习就可以了。能够放在传承殿中的那都是秘技和一些高端技巧。 Long Dangdang had come one time, that time feeling was dazzling, even some do not know how should choose. At that time his cultivating to was unable compared with the present, not to need to study too many skills. 龙当当曾经来过一次,那时的感觉是琳琅满目,甚至都有些不知道该如何挑选。那时候他的修为还远不能和现在相比,没有必要学习太多的技能。 But now is different, along with facing the test are more, and has become the team leader, his deep felt oneself need more skills to supplement itself, particularly in dark blue moon/month angel condition, must be have is the skills of seven steps to be used to erupt. 但现在却不一样了,伴随着面对的考验更多,而且又已经成为了团队领袖,他深深的觉得自己需要更多的技能来补充自己,尤其是在沧月天使的状态下,也要能拥有一些属于七阶的技能用来爆发。 Inherits in the palace, the surroundings are presenting the light golden color, the gentle golden halo glitters in the air, a very strange feeling. This palace is not too big, about 12 meters in height, assumes the circular, the interior is also 50 meters in diameter, this and temple headquarters that type broad compared with, appeared fine. 传承殿内,周围都呈现着淡淡的金色,柔和的金色光晕在空气中闪烁,给人一种非常奇异的感觉。这座殿堂并不算太大,高约12米左右,呈圆形,内部也就是直径50米,这和圣殿总部那种恢宏相比,就显得精致了许多。 On the wall, is golden block splicing, in each different block, has the different designs. 墙壁上,是一块块金色的方块拼接而成,每一个不同的方块内,都有着不同的图案。 The Long Dangdang in spirit strength has been close to 4000 now, from six steps is more and more near. Looks at these designs again time, when with previous time comes has the entirely different feeling. 龙当当的内灵力现在已经接近四千,距离六阶已经是越来越近了。再看这些图案的时候,和上次来时就有着截然不同的感觉。 These designs as if have own life, when his vision falls in these designs, indistinct can feel anything. 这些图案仿佛都有着属于自己的生命似的,当他的目光落在这些图案上的时候,隐约就能感受到一些什么。 Long Dangdang knows that each design here represents the skill that an once older generation knight is inheriting. Toward the high place, the skill might of inheritance is powerful. But can enter these skills of inheritance palace, least is also the fifth-order start. This is the homemade skill of all previous knight older generation. 龙当当知道在这里的每一幅图案都代表着一个曾经的先辈骑士传承下来的技能。越是往高处,传承的技能威力就越是强大。而能够进入传承殿的这些技能,最少也是五阶起步。这都是历代骑士先辈的自创技能。 The most above three meters regions, seem somewhat illusory, above by the Long Dangdang present psychic force, cannot see clearly is anything. But he actually knows, remains there, once the god printed the inheritance skill of knight, is the peak of true knight temple fights the technique. But wants to inherit these skills, not only status qualifications, but must undergo the test to be good. Each inheritance skill has a special test. Is next to six big gods to print the test of throne. 最上方三米的区域,看起来是有些虚幻的,以龙当当现在的精神力,根本看不清上面是什么。但他却知道,在那里留下来的,都是曾经神印骑士的传承技能,是真正骑士圣殿的巅峰战技。但想要传承那些技能,不只是身份的资格,还要经过考验才行。每一个传承技能都有着一份特殊的考验。仅次于六大神印王座的考验。 Deeply inspired Long Dangdang first to return to normal an own mood, was sitting same place, contemplated silently. He must first adjust oneself condition, then starts to choose itself the skill that wants to study. 深吸口气龙当当先平复了一下自己的心情,然后在原地坐了下来,默默冥想。他要先调整好自己的状态,然后再开始选择自己想要学习的技能。 Reason that chooses the knight temple rather than the magic temple, after is he decision after careful ponder, as the strength promotion of regimental commander individual must place after the help of team. Those who let him be somewhat a pity, own spirit strength cannot break through to six steps. In fact, by the dark blue moon/month angel auxiliary cultivation, at their cultivation speeds, he should break through. Because the depuration filtration of moon/month bright sea spirit furnace, in addition the spirit furnace absorbed part, and absorption of that two demon beast partners, causing his spirit strength promotion speed to become slow, even did not have the rapidness that Long Kongkong promoted. Long Kongkong now immediately fifth-order. Passed transformed liquid spirit strength that pass/test, can officially become the fifth-order land knight. But regarding Long Kongkong, several big wisdom spirit furnaces adds on the Saint to direct the assistance of spirit furnace, this hardly is what issue. 之所以选择骑士圣殿而不是魔法圣殿,是他经过仔细思考后的决定,身为团长个体的实力提升要放在对团队的帮助之后。让他有些可惜的是,自己的灵力还是没能突破到六阶。实际上,以沧月天使辅助修炼,以他们的修炼速度,他早就应该突破了。但因为月明沧海灵炉的提纯过滤,再加上灵炉吸收走了一部分,以及自己那两个魔兽伙伴的吸收,导致他的灵力提升速度就变得慢了下来,甚至还没有龙空空提升的快。龙空空现在已经马上就要五阶了。过了转化液态灵力那一关,就能正式成为五阶大地骑士。而对于龙空空来说,有几大智慧灵炉加上自身圣引灵炉的辅助,这几乎不是什么问题。 ...... …… The hot water is washing out the body, that happy feeling is really one of the human world most wonderful experiences. Feeling that but Long Kongkong at this moment, has not actually enjoyed slightly. He is anxious. 热水冲刷着身体,那种舒畅的感觉着实是人间最美妙的经历之一。但此时此刻的龙空空,却丝毫没有享受的感觉。他只是紧张。 Hofn makes him take a bath, he nearly entered Hofn's boudoir directly, was caught up with the guest room. But even so, his heart maintains during the high-speed beat. 赫本让他去洗澡,他险些直接走进了赫本的闺房,然后被赶来了客房这边。可就算如此,他的心脏还是一直保持在高速的跳动之中。 Bang bang bang knock resounds outside, although is away from the bathroom gate, clarity that but Long Kongkong can listen. Then he heard the gate to open, Hofn's sound of footsteps transmitted outside. “砰砰砰”敲门声在外面响起,虽然隔着浴室门,但龙空空还是能够听的清楚。然后他就听到门开了,赫本的脚步声在外面传来。 Subconscious, the Long Kongkong both arms surround the chest front, is goddess this, this is must do? 下意识的,龙空空双臂环抱胸前,女神这是、这是要干什么? Kong Kong, I took my father's clean clothes to put outside to you. Your clothes I took away to wash to you. Later you comes out oneself to exchange.” 空空,我给你拿了一身我爸的干净衣服放外面了。你的衣服我给你拿去洗了。待会儿伱出来自己换上。” „? Good and good......” Long Kongkong only to think that now own society cow sickness had been cured. “啊?哦,好、好……”龙空空现在只觉得自己的社牛症已经被治愈了。 When he washes to come out to change the clothes, this relaxes, feels the whole body after taking a bath to be neat. 等他洗完出来换上衣服,这才松了口气,也才感受到洗澡后的全身清爽。 Arrives in the courtyard, he noticed immediately Hofn is doing laundry for him by that well, she sits on a small stool, from one side can see the young girl graceful curve, Hofn is a little thin, is not the specially plentiful that girl, but the stature actually unusual coordination, as if all are just right. At least in the Long Kongkong eye that perfect. 重新来到院子里,他顿时看到赫本正在那水井旁给他洗衣服,她坐在一个小凳子上,从侧面能够看到少女曼妙的曲线,赫本有点瘦,不是特别丰满的那种女孩儿,但身材却非常的协调,仿佛一切都是恰到好处。至少在龙空空眼中就是那么的完美。 „Does Hofn elder sister, I wash?” Long Kongkong said one toward her. “赫本姐,我自己洗吧?”龙空空朝着她说了一句。 Hofn turned head to look at his one eyes, her tip of the nose place does not know when fell drop of water drop, when turned head threw off gently, her moving nose gently, „weren't you rest little while, tired? Today the sunlight foot, should be able to air dry your clothes in the afternoon. In the evening must go to the shop to help the father.” 赫本扭头看了他一眼,她的鼻尖处不知什么时候落了一滴水珠,扭头时轻轻甩掉,她轻轻的动了动鼻子,“你去休息会儿吧,不是累了吗?今天阳光足,下午应该就能把你的衣服晾干了。晚上还要去店里帮爸爸呢。” „, Good.” On the Long Kongkong mouth is complying, actually the room, sits on the deck chair that a bamboo under eave forms, looks that Hofn does laundry in that. Her each movement in his eyes that pleasant. In this moment, he only thought when all sorts of thrilling, particularly the brother who in the demon beast forest encounters nearly encounters the danger moves restlessly his is levelled gradually, all that happy, not? “哦哦,好的。”龙空空嘴上答应着,却并不进屋,就坐在房檐下的一张竹子编成的躺椅上,看着赫本在那洗衣服。她的每个动作在他眼中都是那么的赏心悦目。在这一刻,他只觉得在魔兽森林中所遭遇的种种惊险,尤其是老哥险些遇到生命危险时他内心的躁动都在被渐渐抹平,一切都是那么的美好,不是吗? When does not know, the eyelid fights again, he supported several times, cannot resist that intense sleepiness eventually. Only has before the eyelid completely closed, that happy form brand mark as far as possible in own eye pupil, in mind. 不知道什么时候,眼皮再次打架起来,他强撑了几次,终究还是对抗不住那强烈的睡意。唯有在眼皮完全闭合之前,将那美好的身影尽可能的烙印在自己的眼瞳内,脑海中。 Hofn dries in the sun the Long Kongkong clothes, when this sets out, turns head, just saw that lay down Long Kongkong in deck chair has slept soundly. 赫本将龙空空的衣服晾好,这才重新起身,扭头时,刚好看到躺在躺椅中的龙空空已经睡熟了。 This time he seemed very peaceful, the sunlight illuminated his lower jaw place, took away the feeling of several points of light shadow for his handsome face. 这时候的他显得很安静,阳光照他的下颌处,为他那英俊的面庞带去几分光影的感觉。 Hofn arrives at side him quietly, looks at his appearance of this time deep sleep, purses the lips to show a faint smile. 赫本悄悄的来到他身边,看着他此时沉睡的样子,不禁抿嘴微微一笑。 This fellow, was clever at this time!” “这个家伙,只有这个时候才乖一点啊!” She bends the waist, touches his head gently, the smile of corners of the mouth place was richer several points, sets out again, the vision observes the situation the yard, really good, as if all had the vitality.” 她弯下腰,轻轻的摸了摸他的头,嘴角处的笑容更浓郁了几分,再重新起身,目光环视小院,“真好呢,似乎一切都有了生机。” Long Kongkong wakes up, the weather is black, he does not know when now is, first stayed, then sat fiercely. 龙空空醒来的时候,天色已经黑了,他也不知道现在是什么时间,先是呆了呆,然后才猛的坐了起来。 Is close to the fifth-order strength by him, but induced slightly, feels in this yard only to be left over him, but he exchanged one subconsciously, Hofn elder sister.” 以他接近五阶的实力,只是略微感应了一下,就感受到这小院内就只剩下他一个人,但他还是下意识的互换了一声,“赫本姐。” Has not naturally responded. 自然是没有回应的。 Somewhat hurried stands up from the deck chair place, Long Kongkong sees immediately neat that on small table folds had air dried clothes, above also has a paper. 有些匆忙的从躺椅处站起身,龙空空立刻就看到了身边小桌上叠的整整齐齐已经晾干了的衣服,上面还有一张纸条。 I went to the shop. You awoke the words, come.” “我去店里了。你醒了的话,就也过来吧。” Originally was goes to the shop. 原来是去店里了。 Long Kongkong fast changes the clothes, rushed to type spareribs shop directly. Then he saw that familiar form again. When he stands in out of the door, sees her flash, in an instant, he only thought that oneself heart as if had been filled, that is the feeling of satisfaction of flood. 龙空空飞快的换好衣服,直接跑到了赫式排骨店。然后他就再次看到了那熟悉的身影。当他站在门外,看到她的那一瞬间,刹那间,他只觉得自己的心仿佛已经被充满了似的,那是满溢的满足感。 Quick that the happy day always crosses, two days rapid and passes. That moment that even until must go back to embark, Long Kongkong sees own brother. 幸福的日子总是过的很快,两天飞速而逝。甚至是直到必须要回去出发的那一刻,龙空空才见到自己的老哥。 Over the two days he passed in type spareribs shop, but the good and evil also returned to the spirit furnace school to live in the evening, before officially became hunted for demon, the school do not expel their meanings. 这两天他都是在赫式排骨店度过的,但好歹晚上还回灵炉学院这边住,在没有正式成为猎魔者之前,学院也没有要赶走他们的意思。 But Long Dangdang may be booing, two days of time, the person's shadow has not even seen one, even in the evening has not come back. 龙当当可倒好,两天时间,根本连人影都没见到一个,连晚上都没有回来。 Elder Brother, your dark pouche what's the matter? Over the two days were you do do?” Long Kongkong whole face doubts looks at Long Dangdang. “哥,你这黑眼圈是怎么回事儿?这两天你是去干嘛了?”龙空空满脸疑惑的看着龙当当 Long Dangdang ill-humored say/way: You think that looked like you really to rest? I inherited the palace study skill.” 龙当当没好气的道:“你以为都像你真的就休息了吗?我去传承殿学技能了。” Long Kongkong curious asking: „Did you study several skills?” 龙空空好奇的问道:“那你学了几个技能?” Long Dangdang said: Only has two days of time, can study several, studied one. Can use reluctantly.” 龙当当道:“就只有两天时间,能学几个,就学了一个而已。勉强能用了吧。” Long Kongkong blinks, teaches me?” 龙空空眨了眨眼睛,“教我?” Long Dangdang light say/way: „The skills of seven steps, you do not match.” 龙当当淡淡的道:“七阶的技能,你不配。” Say/Way that Long Kongkong some are not convinced: Dark blue moon/month angel changes the body to fall on me, perhaps I am also good.” 龙空空有些不服气的道:“沧月天使变身落在我身上,说不定我也行。” Long Dangdang said: Your earnest?” 龙当当道:“你认真的吗?” „......, You, when I had not said.” Remembered the pain that Long Dangdang first dark blue moon/month angel changed bore initially behind, Long Kongkong hits to tremble. The good day, why looks for the crime to receive to oneself. He shifts the topic immediately: „Stage 1 training was completed, Stage 2 will make us do?” “呃……,你当我没说。”一想起当初龙当当第一次沧月天使变身后所承受的痛苦,龙空空就不禁打了个寒颤。挺好的日子,干嘛给自己找罪受。他立刻转移话题道:“第一阶段的集训算是完成了,第二阶段会让咱们干嘛啊?” Long Dangdang shakes the head, said: „Stage 1 is very unexpected. Stage 2, will not be it is estimated that relaxed. Properly speaking, this training should be will be more difficult in the future.” 龙当当摇摇头,道:“第一阶段就挺出人意料的。第二阶段,估计也不会轻松。按道理说,这种集训应该是越往后越难吧。” What? Also can be more difficult? Stage 1 finally faced nine levels of demon beasts. Stage 2 does need to kill us?” “啥?还要更难?第一阶段最后都面对九级魔兽了。难道第二阶段要弄死我们?” Two brothers is saying, while went to the square in temple school main hospital. 哥俩一边说着,一边重新来到了圣殿学院总院的广场上。 When they arrive, immediately sees many familiar faces, the partners of oneself team were needless saying that in other teams that Stage 1 they once faced. 当他们到来的时候,立刻就看到了不少熟悉的面孔,自己团队的伙伴就不用说了,还有在第一阶段他们曾经所面对的其他团队。 That because of seizing the demon wind monkey young child the chased down team has not appeared in two sets, Long Dangdang still remembers that the name of that regimental commander was the river autumn, after that time, probably this preparation hunted for the demon group to be really eliminated. But he feels faintly, the eliminated reason is very possible is not because of the strength, because of its actions. 那个因为抓走魔风猴幼崽而被追杀的团队并没有出现在二次集合中,龙当当还记得那个团长的名字叫江清秋,那次之后,好像这支预备猎魔团是真的被淘汰了。但他隐隐感觉到,其被淘汰的原因很可能并不是因为实力,而是因为其所作所为。 In addition, they have rescued the heavy shield knight is cold to north and team that the team member, as well as last war that magician white Du leads has come. They see Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong this twin two brothers time, reveals the well-meaning smile immediately, to northern coldly and crosses white/in vain nods to them on own initiative. Whom does not open the mouth they unable to distinguish is Elder Brother Long Dangdang. 除此之外,他们救援过的重盾骑士向北寒及其团队成员,以及最后一战那位魔法师白渡率领的团队都已经来了。他们看到龙当当龙空空这双胞胎兄弟俩的时候,都立刻流露出了善意的笑容,向北寒和白渡主动向他们点头致意。不开口他们也分辨不出谁才是哥哥龙当当 But at this time the Long Dangdang many attention actually fell on another familiar face, element saintess Zisang colored glaze glimmer. 而此时龙当当更多的注意力却是落在了另一张熟悉的面庞上,元素圣女子桑琉荧。 Final champion who this hunts for the demon group trials, this time complexion seems very pale, even the whole person seemed like became emaciated for several points, was obviously in poor health. Not only she, they hunts for several people in demon group, seeming like the situation is not very good. 这位猎魔团选拔赛的最终冠军,此时的脸色显得十分苍白,甚至整个人看上去都消瘦了几分似的,明显身体状况不佳。不只是她,他们猎魔团之中的几人,看起来情况都不是很好。 The Tang Leiguang some right arm obvious non- natures, the child of samsara meets initially is the complexion is also ugly, even the lip seems a little pale. Only then Cai Caijuan seems like the situation to be good. The knight and pastor in situation team is the complexion is not quite also good. 唐雷光的右臂明显有些不自然,轮回之子初遇也是脸色难看,连嘴唇都显得有点苍白。只有蔡彩娟看起来情况还不错。团队中的骑士和牧师情况也都是脸色不太好。 Regimental commander.” The delightful sound resounds, lunar motion winning smile sweet walked. 19,115,897 hunted for the partners of demon group to gather. “团长。”悦耳的声音响起,月离巧笑嫣然的走了过来。紧接着,一九一一五八九七猎魔团的伙伴们就都聚集了过来。 Besides ice Monroe has not come, others have arrived in full. 除了凌梦露还没有来之外,其他人都已经到齐了。 „Is cousin this is late?” Long Kongkong curious saying. “表姐这是要迟到吗?”龙空空好奇的说道。 Said that who is late?” In this time, the ice Monroe's voice is conveying from behind. In final time that the collection time will soon arrive , the goddess harnesses. “说谁迟到呢?”正在这时,凌梦露的声音从后面传来。在集合时间即将到达的最后时刻,神女驾到。 Three teachers move toward the people from the direction of classroom building leisurely, other nine hunted for the demon group, the mood obviously tied tight. 三名教官从教学楼的方向优哉游哉的走向众人,剩余的九支猎魔团,情绪明显紧绷了起来。 Experienced Stage 1 training, but they deep experience the terrifying of these three teachers. Especially finally that stage. Obviously, even the Zisang colored glaze glimmer they suffer a loss. Also does not know that fell in the bright lion vulture hand met the evil eye tyrant. 经历了第一阶段的集训,他们可是深深的体会过了这三位教官的恐怖。尤其是最后那个阶段。很显然,连子桑琉荧他们都吃了大亏。也不知道是落在了光明狮鹫手中还是遇上了邪眼暴君。 The devil teacher looks nine that lines up in formation rapidly hunt for the demon group, satisfied nod, on the face is revealing the genial smile, first, I must congratulate you to pass Stage 1 training. At least, your nine teams have the qualifications to continue. You should also know, because completes the first stage training to be disadvantageous, 19,115,903 hunt for the demon group to withdraw. They have lost this time became the qualifications of hunting for demon, previously provided all hunts for the demon equipment also to take back completely. Hopes in the training of following two stage, you again some people of arrange/cloth its footsteps.” 魔鬼教官看着迅速列队完毕的九支猎魔团,满意的点了点头,脸上流露着和煦的微笑,“首先,我要恭喜你们度过了第一阶段的集训。最起码,你们这九支团队还有资格继续下去。你们应该也知道了,因为完成第一阶段集训不利,一九一一五九零三猎魔团已经退出。他们已经失去了这次成为猎魔者的资格,先前发放的所有猎魔者装备也已经全部收回。希望在后面两个阶段的集训中,你们不要再有人布其后尘。” At this point, his vision following the crowd person has swept, although he has been maintaining the smile, but everyone actually obviously felt that own back is cool. 说到这里,他的目光从众人身上扫过,虽然他一直在保持着微笑,但每个人却都明显感觉到自己的背脊凉飕飕的。 First makes to summarize. Stage 1 the training ended, various teams have the different performance. Believes in your hearts also to have several. Everyone's performance, the meritorious service link can give the fair judgment, therefore, your respective meritorious services had actually changed. After waiting for the complete training to end, can examine. What below I must announce is the meritorious change outside hand link. 19,115,897 hunt for the demon group regimental commanders to leave ranks.” “首先做一下总结吧。第一阶段集训结束,各支团队都有着不同的表现。相信你们自己心中也有数。所有人的表现,功勋手环都会给予公正的评判,所以,你们各自身上的功勋其实早就已经发生了变化。等全部集训结束之后可以自行查看。下面我要公布的是手环之外的功勋变化。一九一一五八九七猎魔团团长出列。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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