SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#193: Stage 1 conclusion

Chapter 193's Stage 1 conclusion 第193章第一阶段结束 On the same day the palm of going crazy ape held that flash of thunder Jiangbing lance, the time as if had stopped, in that solidification flickered, some pupil obvious contractions of day going crazy ape. Because, in this moment, it felt the danger. 当天风魔猿的手掌抓住雷浆冰矛的那一瞬间,时间仿佛都已经停止了似的,在那凝固的一瞬,天风魔猿的瞳孔明显有些收缩。因为,在这一刻,它感受到了危险。 The dazzling azure yellow miraculous glow bursts out from day going crazy ape within the body instantaneously, in flash that spirit astral erupts, its whole body also turned into the insightful azure yellow, as if entire body has become a spirit astral's part. 刺目的青黄色灵光瞬间从天风魔猿体内迸发,在灵罡爆发的一瞬间,它的全身也随之变成了通透的青黄色,仿佛整个身体都已经成为了灵罡的一部分。 But thunder Jiangbing the lance also in that flickered the eruption. The single body attack magic of this terrifying in the flash of blast, is the ice explodes with the thunder explodes also blooms, is unable to grasp it at the great power of day going crazy ape unexpectedly again. But in that flash that it explodes, the strength of terrifying element was divided into two parts unexpectedly, part explodes outward, another part actually compressed internal thunder paste, one group of dazzling blue-purple almost replaced the brilliance of Sun instantaneously, the terrifying globe lightning ball lightning blasts out before the day going crazy ape body instantaneously. 而雷浆冰矛也就在那一瞬爆发了。这恐怖的单体攻击魔法在炸开的一瞬间,是冰爆与雷爆同时绽放,以天风魔猿的强大力量竟然也无法再将其掌握。而在它爆开的那一刹那,恐怖的元素之力竟然分成了两部分,一部分向外爆炸,另一部分却压缩了内部的雷浆,一团耀眼的蓝紫色几乎是瞬间代替了太阳的光辉,恐怖的球状闪电瞬间在天风魔猿身前炸开。 Without a doubt, this is the lunar motion cultivation until now strongest strikes, reaches six step peaks the mix magics to appear in the single body attack form sufficiently, its prestige can powerful, even surpassed the lunar motion own sentences in advance. 毫无疑问,这是月离修炼至今的最强一击,足以达到六阶巅峰的混合魔法还是以单体攻击形式出现,其威能之强悍,甚至超出了月离自己的预判。 Even during the spirit astral's protection, day going crazy ape grandiose body also exploded flying upside down, the body covered entirely the electric light, the series thunders with his spirit astral sends out „”. 哪怕是在灵罡的守护之中,天风魔猿壮硕的身躯也被炸的倒飞而出,身上更是布满了电光,与他自身的灵罡发出“噼里啪啦”的连串轰鸣。 Two forms also almost arrive at the same time. Drops from the clouds, to/clashes like lightning from the side. 两道身影也几乎是在同一时间抵达。一个从天而降,一个从侧后方闪电般冲来。 Mallet Tyrant heaven. 大槌霸天。 Saint sword! 圣剑! Exploded seven meat eight vegetarian day going crazy ape protects body spirit astral to contract inward, in these two strike the arrival bursts out instantaneously outward, two form balls fly accordingly. But in giant bellow, fell day going crazy ape pounding ruthlessly in the ground. The half body fell into, azure yellow spirit astral was obviously feeble. In hand long stick in this struck to be blown off. 被炸的七荤八素的天风魔猿护体灵罡向内收缩,在这两击到来的瞬间向外迸发,两道身影应声弹飞而出。但巨大的轰鸣声中,也将天风魔猿狠狠的砸落在了地面上。半截身体都陷入了进去,身上的青黄色灵罡明显衰弱了下来。手中长棍都在这一击之间被炸飞了出去。 The distant place just restored part of strengths was rescued to hunt for the demon group to look at this time dull. Is this prepares to hunt for the demon group to achieve? Similarly facing the day going crazy ape, why seemed like them actually to get the winning side now probably? 远处刚刚恢复了一部分力量的被救援猎魔团此时都已经看得呆了。这是预备猎魔团能达到的?同样是面对天风魔猿,为什么看上去他们现在竟然像是占据了上风? Because had faced the day going crazy ape previously, they know that this demon beast is fearful! 正因为先前面对过天风魔猿,他们才更知道这魔兽有多么可怕啊! Long Dangdang flutters the wing to live in own body in the midair stably, just this struck, is completely their initiative attack, has not been under the too strong impact. But another form actually does not know where from drilled, pasted on his body from behind, both hands according to above his vest, the large share and large share spirit strength goes to Long Dangdang within the body racing wells up rapidly. 龙当当在半空中拍动翅膀稳定住自己的身体,刚刚这一击,完全是他们主动攻击,并没有受到太强的冲击。而另一道身影却不知道从什么地方钻了过来,从后面贴上了他的身体,双手按在他背心之上,大股、大股的灵力飞速向龙当当体内奔涌而去。 Meanwhile, a azure black halo drops from the clouds, just fell on the day going crazy ape of downcast ground, making this be just about the powerful nine levels of demon beast bodies that came out from the place facing set one stiff, cannot work loose unexpectedly immediately. 与此同时,一圈青黑色的光环从天而降,刚好落在了陷落地面的天风魔猿身上,让这头正要从地面钻出来的强大九级魔兽身体一僵,竟是没能在第一时间挣脱出来。 Subdue demon tree, talent skill, shock and awe! 镇魔树,天赋技能,震慑! This is the life skill of town/subdues demon tree, is it most powerful skill, has the awesome effect on all things. If cultivates for the opponent who to compare it is low, so long as the resistance is insufficient, shocks, the courage of even again fighting will lose. 这是镇魔树的本命技能,也是它最强大的技能,对万事万物都有震慑作用。如果是修为比它低的对手,只要抗性不足,一个震慑下去,甚至连再战的勇气都会丧失。 At this time, takes root in the place, and completed the body-fusion town/subdues demon tree with the peach numerous, under starts full power, controls day going crazy ape one second that the aura weakened. 此时,扎根在地,并且与桃林林完成了合体的镇魔树,全力发动之下,足足控制了气息减弱的天风魔猿一秒之多。 Also while this time, the fiery-red huge form has dashed together but. 也趁着这个时间,一道火红色的庞大身影已经冲撞而至。 Normally, is not possible to be hit by this unwieldy dashing at the speed of day going crazy ape absolutely. But does to its present body also to fall into the land, fell into the short dizziness under the function of shock and awe. When that build grandiose figure to near it restored the ability of action. 正常情况下,以天风魔猿的速度是绝对不可能被这种笨重的冲撞撞到的。但奈何它现在身体还陷入大地,更是在震慑的作用下陷入了短暂的晕眩。那体型壮硕的身形到了近前时它才恢复了行动的能力。 This a series of eruptions is too sudden, was extremely crowded, this time nine levels of demon beasts seem somewhat distressed. Lost it of long stick, can only be the both arms intersects before own, in the mouth sends out a sonic boom roar. 这一连串的爆发来的太突然,也太过密集了,以至于此时的九级魔兽都显得有些狼狈。失去了长棍的它,只能是双臂交叉在自己身前,口中发出一声爆吼。 In an instant only the double pupil of going crazy ape turned into the scarlet every day/sees the sky suddenly. The red armor rice Land Dragon that dashing comes, its scarlet eye pupil to even stagnated stagnation, this is the demon beast of dragon system bloodlines has the domineering on bloodlines inborn, traded other races, perhaps the fighting spirit must also weaken. 刹那间只见天风魔猿的双眸骤然变成了猩红色。冲撞而来的赤甲地龙,对上它那猩红色的眼眸甚至都滞了滞,这还是龙系血脉的魔兽天生就有血脉上的强势,换了其他种族,恐怕斗志都要随之衰减。 The next quarter, the pair of palm of day going crazy ape has collided with the red armor rice Land Dragon in one. 下一刻,天风魔猿的一双手掌就已经与赤甲地龙碰撞在了一起。 The red armor rice Land Dragon that is famous for the strength and defense in eight levels of demon beasts, the build and day going crazy ape also differs so much as to be beyond comparison completely, these hits, was even hot element uses. 赤甲地龙在八级魔兽之中那是以力量和防御著称的,体型和天风魔猿也完全不成比例,这一下撞击,更是连火元素化都用上了。 However...... 但是…… Bang-” “轰-” The red armor rice Land Dragon huge body was raised to fly unexpectedly accordingly, the body of day going crazy ape in this flash, rose suddenly unexpectedly one time, in the look is glittering the crazy ray. The air current in air is erupting the terrifying flavor. 赤甲地龙庞大的身躯竟是被应声掀飞了出去,天风魔猿的身躯在这一瞬间,竟是暴涨了一倍之多,眼神中更闪烁着疯狂的光芒。空气中的气流都爆发着恐怖的味道。 Yes, this its strongest condition as nine levels of demon beasts, the bloodthirsty is wild. 是的,这才是身为九级魔兽的它最强状态,嗜血狂暴。 Terrifying oppression strength crazy erupts to four sides, makes two feelings on the scene hunting for some demon group all member scants of breath, in the look also reveal color with amazement all. 恐怖的压迫力疯狂的向四面爆发,令在场两支猎魔团所有成员都有种呼吸困难的感觉,眼神中也无不流露出骇然之色。 Is sticking to the brother behind, supplements the spirit strength for him the Long Kongkong dumbfounded say/way: What hell pattern is this? Is this misery that our ages should withstand?” 正紧贴在老哥身后,为他补充灵力的龙空空目瞪口呆的道:“这是什么地狱模式?这是我们这个年纪应该承受的苦难吗?” Make way!” The Long Dangdang back wing inspires suddenly, will still fling to fly in complaining Long Kongkong instantaneously, at the same time, his both hands grip the sacred hammer, made a movement of bow step. “闪开!”龙当当背部翅膀猛然一振,瞬间就将还在吐槽的龙空空甩飞了出去,与此同时,他双手握住神圣之锤,作出了一个弓步的动作。 The god governing standard keeps off, the god governing standard under dark blue moon/month angel condition keeps off. Don't forget, on the day going crazy ape also connects his Saint to direct the spirit furnace. 神御格挡,沧月天使状态下的神御格挡。别忘了,天风魔猿身上还连接着他的圣引灵炉呢。 Next flickers, bang-” 下一瞬,“砰-” On the Long Dangdang whole person glittered the bright golden light to be rumbled to fly, was in in the air, three big wisdom spirit furnace ray twinkles, were almost drifted about from him simultaneously, dark blue moon/month angel condition by relieving of bombardment forcefully. 龙当当整个人身上闪烁着灿烂的金光就被轰飞了出去,身在空中,三大智慧灵炉光芒闪烁,几乎是同时从他身上漂荡了出来,沧月天使状态被硬生生的轰击的解除了。 Wild below day going crazy ape, is not they can resist. 狂暴下的天风魔猿,根本不是他们所能抵挡的。 Has prepared to release slightly in Long Dangdang eight, look can a little deterrent force time. Suddenly, a gentle female voice resounds, enough.” 就在龙当当已经准备释放出小八,看看能不能有点威慑力的时候。突然之间,一个柔和的女声响起,“够了。” The bright golden form keeps off day going crazy ape body that impressively before was preparing to pursue, is glittering the light golden ray, seemed like the finger of does not have any threat, above the forehead of day of going crazy ape. 灿烂的金色身影赫然挡在了正准备追击的天风魔猿身前,一根闪烁着淡淡金色光芒,看起来没有任何威胁力的手指,点在了天风魔猿的额头之上。 The day going crazy ape inflated a time of figure, in that seems like that in front of strengthless finger, stops unexpectedly instantaneously, what stranger is, on it the fierce and brutal aura drops at the visible speed unexpectedly, also rapidly recovers the original size, the look of wild bloodthirsty also becomes the pure brightness to get up. 天风魔猿足足膨胀了一倍的身形,在那看似毫无力量的手指面前,竟然就是那么瞬间停顿下来,更为奇异的是,它身上的凶暴气息竟是以肉眼可见的速度下降,随之身体也快速恢复原本的大小,狂暴嗜血的眼神随之重新变得清明起来。 Islet tung oil tree......” looks at this, the Long Kongkong inconceivable surprised summon said. “屿桐……”看着这一幕,龙空空不可思议的惊讶呼唤道。 Yes, this kept off in front of the day of going crazy ape, and relieved its crazy condition, impressively god Qi Yutong spirit furnace. 是的,这挡在了天风魔猿面前,并且将它狂化状态解除了的,赫然正是神祈屿桐灵炉。 This time she is sending out the gentle golden halo all over the body, cannot see clearly her appearance, but in that moment that she presents, the atmosphere in entire forest as if had some changes. Previously because day going crazy ape became the manic air wild, in this flickered unexpectedly is gentle, looked like has an invisible strength to comfort being damaged big forest. 此时的她通体散发着柔和的金色光晕,看不清她的样貌,但在她出现的那一刻,整个森林中的气氛似乎都发生了一些改变。先前因为天风魔猿的狂暴而变得狂躁的空气,在这一瞬竟是柔和了下来,就像是有一种无形的力量在安抚着受创的大森林似的。 Is this also good? 这也行? Can the islet tung oil tree suppress nine levels of demon beasts unexpectedly? Before us, is doing? Long Kongkong felt immediately oneself a little absent-minded...... 屿桐竟然能压制九级魔兽?那我们之前都在干什么?龙空空顿时觉得自己有点恍恍惚惚…… Devil teacher who not far away, in the forest is catching up with steps out rapidly, while grows the tone. 不远处,森林中正在赶来的魔鬼教官一边飞速加快脚步,一边长出口气。 Almost had an accident! He wiped head cold sweat. If this prepares to hunt for the demon group really to have the team except for the issue, his responsibility may be big. But, who can think, prepares to hunt for the strength of demon group actually by these to initiate nine levels of demon beasts to lose the sane eruption? 差点就出事了啊!他抹了一把头上的冷汗。这要是预备猎魔团真的有团队除了问题,他的责任可就大了。可是,谁能想到,以这些预备猎魔团的实力竟然能够引发九级魔兽失去理智的爆发呢? The compass surface in his hand, the ray is gradually gloomy. When nine levels of day going crazy ape erupts, on his compass obviously is glittering the scarlet ray, this means very dangerously. 他手中的罗盘表面,光芒渐渐暗淡下来。在九级天风魔猿爆发的时候,他的罗盘上明显闪烁着猩红色的光芒,这意味着非常危险。 Had previously had very special situation, nine levels of thunder clap birds unexpectedly in oppressing in a process that hunted for the demon group ran suddenly, moreover does not have any dangerous omen, he does not know that what happened. Now this presents the day of going crazy ape eruption unexpectedly, moreover in that hunts for the demon group to send out the requesting reinforcements signal in the situation. According to previously with the confession of these four nine levels of demon beasts, once hunts for the demon group to send out the requesting reinforcements signal, they will receive the hand! How after receiving the hand the sudden bloodthirsty was wild? 先前就已经出现过很特殊的情况了,九级雷震鸟竟然在压迫一支猎魔团的过程中突然跑了,而且没有任何危险预兆,他都不知道发生了什么事。现在这竟然又出现了天风魔猿爆发,而且还是在那支猎魔团已经发出求援信号的情况下。按照先前与这四位九级魔兽的交代,一旦猎魔团发出求援信号,它们就会收手的啊!怎么会在收手之后又突然嗜血狂暴了? Finally, the front all have been in sight. 终于,前方的一切已然在望。 Devil teacher eyes saw has restored the tranquil day going crazy ape, not far away two member who hunts for the demon group. Whom from glitters the red ray to be able to see is a rescuer who is by the rescuer. He suddenly, why the day going crazy ape will also have the eruption. But, is this really the present prepares to hunt for the demon group to achieve? Even if, is this goddess Monroe's hunting for demon group? 魔鬼教官一眼就看到了已经恢复平静的天风魔猿,还有不远处两支猎魔团的成员。从身上闪烁着的红色光芒就能看得出谁是救援者谁是被救援者。他也随之恍然,为什么天风魔猿会有爆发了。可是,这真的是现在预备猎魔团能做到的?哪怕,这是神女梦露的猎魔团? That golden form is...... 那金色的身影是…… The day going crazy ape retrocedes two steps, nods to the islet tung oil tree, in the look has several points of respectful and prudent color, then took a fast look around many youngster on the scene to hunt for demon, this jumped, broke in the woods in a direction, did not have the trace in a flash. 天风魔猿后退两步,向屿桐点了点头,眼神中带着几分恭谨之色,然后又扫视了一眼在场众多少年猎魔者,这才腾身而起,朝着一个方向冲入了树林,转瞬无踪。 Islet tung oil tree, can you actually make the day going crazy ape not attack? How didn't you make a move a moment ago?” Long Kongkong curious runs goes to ask. “屿桐,你竟然能够让天风魔猿不攻击吗?那你刚才怎么不出手?”龙空空好奇的跑上前去问道。 The islet tung oil tree shot a look at his one eyes, said: This is your inspections, what do I make a move rashly am? Moreover, I have not made it not attack, but reduced and solved its crazy condition. I can the increase, naturally also be able the range of fall. Relieved its bloodthirsty, it naturally sobered. Each spirit furnace is in the world the purest spiritual energy converges, the demon beast is also the inborn day raises, certain aspects reach the same goal or conclusion from different approaches with us, gives me a face. It under bloodthirsty condition, to you is not the test.” 屿桐瞥了他一眼,道:“这是你们的考核,我冒然出手算什么?而且,我没有让它不攻击,只是化解了它的狂化状态。我可以增幅,自然也可以降幅。解除了它的嗜血,它自然就清醒过来了。每一尊灵炉都是天地之间最纯粹的灵气所会聚,魔兽也是天生天养,某些方面与我们殊途同归,算是给我个面子吧。嗜血状态下的它,对伱们来说已经不是考验了。” Listens to the words of islet tung oil tree, Long Kongkong then to awaken, purses the lips saying: Islet tung oil tree you have other skills, actually had not told me.” 听着屿桐的话语,龙空空这才醒悟过来,不禁噘嘴道:“屿桐你有其他技能,竟然都没跟我说。” The islet tung oil tree smiles, you have not asked me.” In this flickers, she even had several points of smart-alecky feeling. The next quarter, she has changed into together the golden light, integrates Long Kongkong within the body to vanish does not see. 屿桐莞尔一笑,“你也没问过我呀。”在这一瞬,她甚至有了几分俏皮般的感觉。下一刻,她已经化为一道金光,重新融入到龙空空体内消失不见。 white Du and his team members have somewhat looked stupidly. Is that the spirit furnace? 白渡和他的团队成员们都已经有些看傻了。那是灵炉? Before was that on the back grows four wings just like the angel common powerful soldier, unexpectedly the skill that the spirit furnace combined? Three? That seems like three spirit furnaces. 之前那个背生四翼宛如天使一般的强大战士,竟然是灵炉组合出来的技能吗?三尊吧?那好像是三尊灵炉。 Also, is the golden form that this can speak also the spirit furnace? Will speak......, wisdom spirit furnace? 还有,这个会说话的金色身影也是灵炉?会说话……,智慧灵炉? white Du as a magician, has naturally had a lot of research regarding the spirit furnace, but, he has not actually thought, in the contemporaries, actually some people could have the wisdom spirit furnace. Moreover seems like so powerful. 白渡身为魔法师,对于灵炉自然有过很多的研究,但是,他却万万没想到,在同龄人中,竟然已经有人能够拥有智慧灵炉了。而且看上去还是如此的强大。 Similarly hunts for the demon group! 同样是猎魔团啊! Was at this time together the form from the woods. 正在这时一道身影从树林中走了过来。 white Du, you and your team have used the requesting reinforcements signal, later needs you to spend 1000 meritorious services to make up. Use requesting reinforcements signal, means your final inspection end. The meritorious service link can act according to your performance to settle accounts your final result.” “白渡,你和你的团队已经使用了求援信号,之后需你们自行花费一千功勋补足。使用求援信号,也意味着你们的最终考核结束了。功勋手环会根据你们的表现结算你们的最终成绩。” Sees the sudden devil teacher, white Du and his team members complexion some are not immediately good. Obviously, used the requesting reinforcements signal, first did not say the result, 1000 meritorious services did not have! This meritorious service gains to start from the number in the units place, this does not have is actually four figures, how can not grieved such as twist. 看到突然出现的魔鬼教官,白渡和他的团队成员们顿时脸色都有些不好了。很显然,使用了求援信号,先不说成绩,一千功勋没了啊!这功勋赚起来都是从个位数开始,这没起来却是四位数,怎能不心痛如绞。 Long Dangdang is actually the complexion tranquil very much, his here teammates even reveal the color of several points of admiration. In their opinion, the devil teacher previously should in the , the preparation rescue momentarily, this and situation of Long Dangdang guess tallies completely. 龙当当却是面色平静的很,他这边的队友们甚至都流露出几分钦佩之色。在他们看来,魔鬼教官先前应该就在附近,准备随时救援,这和龙当当猜测的情况完全吻合。 The devil teacher this time vision of also happen to fell on Long Dangdang, Long Dangdang, you confronted the thunder clap bird and day going crazy ape continuously, even repelled it respectively, your inspections had also ended, was outstanding, rewarded the later settlement. Can return together.” 魔鬼教官此时的目光也正好落在了龙当当身上,“龙当当,你们连续对阵雷震鸟、天风魔猿,甚至将其分别击退,你们的考核也已经结束了,表现优秀,奖励之后结算。可以共同回归。” Finished up? Ahead of time ended the inspection. 完事儿了?提前结束了考核。 The devil teacher does not certainly show the kindness of heart greatly, because, Long Dangdang their team repelled nine levels of demon beasts two times, in fact has affected the overall inspection. Is, just the emergence of that spirit furnace made his heart a little chaotic. He has seen that spirit furnace probably, when the past years entered a school. Yes, he is also the students of spirit furnace school! 魔鬼教官当然不是大发善心,而是因为,龙当当他们团队先后两次击退九级魔兽,实际上已经影响了整体考核。还有就是,刚刚那个灵炉的出现让他的心有点乱。他好像见过那尊灵炉,就在当年入学的时候。是的,他也是灵炉学院的学员啊! After ten minutes, Long Dangdang and his teammates, as well as white Du and his teammate stepped devil teacher's under magic with transmission equipment arrangement, the transmission returned. 十分钟后,龙当当和他的队友们,以及白渡和他的队友先后踏上了魔鬼教官用传送装备布置下的魔法阵,传送返回。 The one who lets Long Kongkong be wild with joy, because finished ahead of schedule Stage 1 training. They were many two days of relaxation times, can freely arrange. Two days later, returns to gathers. 龙空空欣喜若狂的是,因为提前完成了第一阶段的集训。他们多了两天的休息时间,可以自由安排。两天后,重新返回集合。 Is gazing after like Long Kongkong that the rabbit runs away generally, Long Dangdang is also a helplessness of face, he turns to the partners saying: Everyone was unable to rest, we go to the auction market together, the demon beast blood sale on commission part of not needing. Must keep part after everyone the cultivation blood refining up the golden body use. Also, we must discuss the interests that these sells get how should assign. Is the unified distribution, assigns each time respectively.” 目送着如同兔子一般跑掉的龙空空,龙当当也是一脸的无奈,他转向伙伴们道:“大家还不能休息,我们一起去一下拍卖场吧,将不需要的魔兽血液寄卖一部分。还有要留一部分供大家之后修炼血炼金身使用。还有,我们要讨论一下这些出售获得的利益该如何分配。是统一分配,还是每次分别分配。” Ling Menglu has not spoken, at this time, her silence was to the Long Dangdang best support. 凌梦露没有吭声,这种时候,她的沉默就是对龙当当最好的支持。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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