SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#186: huge harvest

Chapter 186 huge harvest 第186章大丰收 The same rank demon beast also divides the strength strong and weak. It looks like different is also like the occupation strength of step. 同等级魔兽也分实力强弱。就像是同阶的职业者实力也不同一样。 Similarly is six steps, compared with goddess Monroe and ordinary six step occupation, strength energy balance how many? 同样是六阶,神女梦露和普通的六阶职业者相比,实力能差多少? The level disparity between steel demon bears and red armor rice earthworms is not big, what the disparity is big is the bloodlines. The most important thing is, their fundamental attributes are the same type, for the demon beast that defending and strength is famous. 钢铁魔熊和赤甲地龙之间的位阶差距并不大,差距大的是血脉。最重要的是,它们的根本属性是同一类型的,都是以防御和力量著称的魔兽。 If the steel demon bear is the initial stages of eight levels of demon beasts, that red armor rice Land Dragon could be absolutely high-level. Similarly defends and strength, the steel demon bear, if with the red armor rice Land Dragon in the same place, that is the little brother rank. 如果说钢铁魔熊是八级魔兽的初级阶段,那赤甲地龙绝对算得上是高级了。同样是防御和力量,钢铁魔熊如果和赤甲地龙在一起,那就是小弟级别的。 Therefore, when that first eight levels of steel demon bears aggressive to/clashes, first sees is the whole body burns the exuberant vitality to fluctuate, the look is gazing at own colossus bad. 所以,当那头八级的钢铁魔熊凶悍的冲出来时,首先看到的就是全身燃烧着旺盛气血波动,眼神不善注视着自己的庞然大物。 The height exceeds eight meters, even if four landings stand there the back of red armor rice Land Dragon highest place puncture have four meters high red armor rice Land Dragon, was great the bear is too more than steel in a big way. After seeing this, the first response of steel great bear is the bloodlines suppresses, the bloodthirsty condition was pressed not to have, after all the bloodthirsty was not its ability. 身长超过八米,哪怕四只落地站在那里的赤甲地龙最高处的背刺也有四米高的赤甲地龙,比钢铁巨熊大了太多。在看到这位之后,钢铁巨熊的第一反应就是血脉压制,就连嗜血状态都被压没了,毕竟嗜血本来也不是属于它的能力。 The steel demon bear speed of brake quickly wanes forcefully, aggressive aura drops at the visible speed, that slurp the appearance of saliva somewhat to be even funny. 强行刹车的钢铁魔熊速度骤减,身上的凶悍气息以肉眼可见的速度下降,那吸溜回口涎的样子甚至有些滑稽。 Two figure huge demon beasts are dumbfounded. That feeling looks like, the red armor rice Land Dragon asked one, what made? The steel demon bear hurries, Elder Brother, I was wrong. 两只身形庞大的魔兽大眼瞪小眼。那感觉就像是,赤甲地龙问一句,弄啥嘞?钢铁魔熊赶忙回一句,哥,我错了。 Then the steel demon bear starts to retrocede, wants to walk! 然后钢铁魔熊就开始后退,想走! However, without enough time. 但是,来不及了。 The blazing red light erupts from the red armor rice Land Dragon, this is it signs the first war after contract, that must make the impression on that benefactor! Perhaps has the reward. 炽烈的红光从赤甲地龙身上爆发开来,这还是它签订契约之后的第一战,那必须要给那位恩主留下好印象啊!说不定就有奖赏。 The next quarter, under the gaze that the people shock, the body of red armor rice Land Dragon had turned into the glittering and translucent carving red, on it each dragon scale becomes just like the rubases to be generally insightful, the blazing hot element erupts , its huge body was similar to the attacking a city car(riage) to hit generally outrageously to the steel demon bear. 下一刻,在众人震撼的注视下,赤甲地龙的身体就已经变成了晶莹剔透的红色,它身上的每一块龙鳞都变得犹如红水晶一般通透起来,炽烈的火元素爆发,紧接着,它那庞大的身躯就如同攻城车一般悍然撞向了钢铁魔熊。 The fight of strength demon beast, is such wild. The red armor rice explodes to/clashes. 力量型魔兽的战斗,就是这么狂暴。赤甲爆冲。 Steel and iron demon bear Xiangpao without enough time, the red armor rice Land Dragon in the eruption element later charge, is the talent skill. Can run out is equivalent to the height ten times of distances, the rapidness of speed, just like with lightning speed. That scarlet red huge body just like pastes the meteorite to fly to hit generally. 钢铁魔熊想跑是已经来不及了,赤甲地龙在爆发元素化之后的冲锋,是天赋技能。能够冲出相当于自己身长十倍的距离,速度之快,犹如风驰电掣。那赤红色的庞大身躯犹如贴地陨石一般飞撞而来。 Steel and iron demon bear rave, foreleg numerous stepping on the ground, along with low and deep thundering, the land shake. The talent skill tramples! 钢铁魔熊狂吼一声,前肢重重的踩踏在地面上,伴随着一声低沉的轰鸣,大地震荡。天赋技能践踏! The speed of red armor rice Land Dragon charge came under the influence that trampled slightly to be slow a point, but the next quarter, two giant beasts have hit outrageously in one. 赤甲地龙冲锋的速度受到践踏的影响略微慢了一分,但下一刻,两头巨兽就已经悍然撞击在了一起。 No suspense, the steel demon Xiong Ying sound rather, in the bellow, hits above a tree trunk of great tree, massive leaves drop from the clouds. 没有任何悬念的,钢铁魔熊应声而非,轰鸣声中,撞击在一株巨树的树干之上,大量的树叶从天而降。 The following fight had no suspense, let alone the red armor rice Land Dragon strength above the steel demon bear, was not such even, side also full Bian hunting for demon group squad. 接下来的战斗就没有任何悬念了,别说赤甲地龙本身实力就在钢铁魔熊之上,就算并非如此,旁边还有一支满编的猎魔团小队呢。 After two minutes, the steel demon bear has crawled in the place, was stepping on before by the red armor rice Land Dragon right, claw. A spirit strength by Long Kongkong unceasing is swallowing, transmits is used to cultivate to the partners. Long Dangdang and ocean nighttide has bustled about in that is starting to give this eight levels of demon beast bloodletting. 两分钟后,钢铁魔熊已经匍匐在地,被赤甲地龙右前爪踩踏着。一身灵力被龙空空不断的吞噬着,传递给伙伴们用来修炼。龙当当、溟汐已经在那忙碌着开始给这位八级魔兽放血了。 Somewhat proficiently underwent the experiences of beforehand these demon beasts, the bloodletting flow now already. The steel demon bear struggles radically continually cannot achieve. 经过了之前那些魔兽的经验,放血的流程现在已经有些熟练。钢铁魔熊根本连挣扎都做不到。 A spirit strength of first eight levels of demon beasts is really many, the people want to absorb to transform surely do not have the means to absorb completely, but wealthy are not related! Peach numerous so many contract demon beasts, naturally, they must arrange at behind some. Long Dangdang small eight and small evil, the Long Kongkong mouse king as well as peach numerous own town/subdues demon tree definitely placed front. 一头八级魔兽的灵力着实是不少,众人想要吸收转化肯定是没办法全部吸收的,但富裕的也没关系啊!还有桃林林那么多契约魔兽呢,当然,它们都要排在后面一些。龙当当的小八和小邪,龙空空的鼠大王以及桃林林自己的镇魔树肯定是排在前面的。 The spirit strength of demon beast, regarding the demon beast is the best tonic. Moreover, demon beast will depute in the process of digestion absorption. 魔兽的灵力,对于魔兽来说是最好的补品。而且,魔兽自身就会在消化吸收的过程中进行提纯。 Small eight and small evil present equivalent is not high, absorbs spirit strength of eight levels of demon beasts should not be too comfortable. Enters demon beast forest these more than ten days, they have promoted first-level. The small evil eye has reached the degrees of four levels of demon beasts now, small eight also just entered four levels. Can be equivalent to third-order occupation. But definitely is not ordinary third-order occupation can compare. 小八和小邪现在等阶都还不高,吸收起八级魔兽的灵力那不要太舒服。进入魔兽森林这十几天的时间,它们都已经晋升了一级。小邪眼现在已经达到了四级魔兽的程度,小八也是刚刚进入四级。都能相当于三阶职业者了。但肯定不是普通三阶职业者所能相比。 Even if the element saintess Zisang colored glaze glimmer team, is impossible in such a short time to solve eight levels of demon beasts, after all, regarding the summon master, wanting a difficulty of contract first eight levels of demon beasts to be enormous, this is not the simple jumping the ranks contract. The demon beast from seven levels to eight levels, like human occupation from six steps to seven steps, is a very important checkpoint, the demon beast wants to break through this checkpoint many that human is more difficult. Therefore over eight levels demon beast quantities are so scarce, do not have the destiny of powerful bloodlines and considerable degree, wants to complete such breakthrough is almost not possible. 哪怕是元素圣女子桑琉荧的队伍,也不可能在这么短的时间内解决一只八级魔兽,毕竟,对于召唤师来说,想要契约一头八级魔兽的难度是极大的,这并不是简单的越级契约。魔兽从七级到八级,就像人类职业者从六阶到七阶一样,是一个非常重要的关卡,魔兽想要突破这个关卡更是比人类艰难的多。所以八级以上的魔兽数量才那么稀少,没有强大的血脉和相当程度的气运,想要完成这样的突破几乎是不可能的。 Therefore, the summon master wants the contract to eight levels of demon beasts, needs seven step strengths normally, after oneself first are this degree, eight levels of demon beasts that but must the contract in certain luck situation to agree with the attribute. Generally speaking, more summon masters after achieving this rank, first goes to promote own life summon beast diligently, then has a look at an opportunity contract same rank summon beast to take one of the own key forces. 所以,召唤师想要契约到八级魔兽,正常怎么也需要七阶实力,自身先达到这个程度之后,还要在一定运气的情况下契约到与自身属性契合的八级魔兽。一般来说,更多的召唤师在达到这个级别之后,都是优先去努力提升自己的本命召唤兽,然后再看看有没有机会契约一只同级别召唤兽作为自己的核心力量之一。 The luck of peach numerous without doubt excellent, Huang Jinlong's existence, making him realize ahead of time summoned the beast qualitative leap, the time of although each time summoning only then a half hour, moreover a day also can only summon one time, but this also let his strength large scale rise sufficiently, arrived at the front row of team, particularly when the confrontation demon beast, the red armor rice Land Dragon took mainstay general existence, making the strength of their entire team have the huge leap. 桃林林的运气无疑是绝佳的,黄金龙的存在,让他提前实现了召唤兽质的飞跃,虽然每次召唤的时间只有半个小时,而且一天也只能召唤一次,但这也足以让他的实力大幅度提升,来到了团队的前列,尤其是在对阵魔兽的时候,赤甲地龙作为中流砥柱一般的存在,让他们整个团队的实力有了巨大的飞跃。 To steel demon bear bloodletting, Long Dangdang while is thinking. The sudden eight levels of demon beasts, definitely are not even white appeared so simple. This is obviously related with the in the air halo changes countenance, the simplest guess is, difficulty increase. 一边给钢铁魔熊放血,龙当当一边思索着。突如其来的八级魔兽,肯定不是平白出现那么简单。这显然是与空中的光环变色有关,最简单的猜测就是,难度提升了。 Although each hunts for the demon group after the elite who the trials choose, but is not easy to contend facing eight levels of demon beasts. Demon beast that this is equivalent to seven step occupation, talent skill body intensity, is very difficult to deal with. The ranking quite hunting for demon group near the top possibly copes to be better, hunting for demon group near the bottom, resisting is quite perhaps difficult. That hunts for the demon group like they had previously rescued, now is the lineup not entire, was almost not possible to complete to contend. What is more important, was unable to strike to kill. Strikes to kill to buckle the meritorious service. 虽然每一支猎魔团都是经过选拔赛挑选出来的精英,但面对八级魔兽却也不是那么容易抗衡的。这相当于七阶职业者的魔兽,无论是天赋技能还是本身的身体强度,都很难对付。排名较为靠前的猎魔团可能对付起来还好一些,靠后一些的猎魔团,对抗起来恐怕就比较困难了。就像先前他们曾经救援过的那个猎魔团,现在已经是阵容不全,几乎就不可能完成抗衡了。更重要的是,还不能击杀。击杀扣功勋的。 The reason of this judgment also has another, the steel demon Kumamoto body is not the demon beast of bloodthirsty, suddenly attacks them, this was a problem. But wants to come carefully, such change prepares to hunt for the demon group regarding their these, truly is a very good test. Before having, these more than ten days of wearing , the team definitely promoted tacitly much. In this case suddenly faces the powerful demon beast, can definitely stimulate their potential, increases the coordination. After all, will not die diligently! At present at least looks, meaning that three teachers have not rescued slightly. 这个判断的原因还有另外一个,钢铁魔熊本身并不是嗜杀的魔兽,突然攻击他们,这本来就成问题。但细细想来,这样的变化对于他们这些预备猎魔团来说,确实是一个很好的考验。有了之前这十几天的磨合,团队默契肯定是提升了不少的。在这种情况下突然面对强大的魔兽,肯定是更能激发他们潜能,增加配合的。毕竟,不努力会死啊!至少目前看,那三位教官丝毫没有救援的意思。 However, this after all is the training, do not kill them. Therefore, in a short time should not have such strong demon beast to launch two attacks again. 不过,这毕竟是集训,不是要杀了他们。所以,短时间内应该不会再有如此之强的魔兽发起二次袭击了。 Long Dangdang said own judgment, obtained the consistent affirmation of people. 龙当当将自己的判断说了出来,得到了众人的一致肯定。 This is also good! If such eight levels of demon beasts make us let blood every day, waits, that definitely sent. Hehehe.” Long Kongkong in high spirits saying. “这样也挺好啊!要是每天来这么一只八级魔兽让我们放血,等出去的时候,那肯定是发了。嘿嘿嘿。”龙空空兴高采烈的说道。 The peach numerous is the pupil is also brilliant, „, if meets dragon Ximo the beast, that was better.” Red armor rice Land Dragon makes his mood quite happy intrepidly, will the demon beast of this level, who dislike many? With to nine steps can! If can contract eight levels of demon beasts, he be able to break in six steps again directly, had the spirit wing. The self-preservation ability the big promotion, the town/subdues demon tree will also be evolving. 桃林林也是眸光大亮,“要是遇到龙系魔兽,那就更好了。”赤甲地龙的强悍让他心情极为美好,这种层次的魔兽,谁会嫌多呢?用到九阶都可以的啊!要是能再契约一只八级魔兽,他直接就能冲入六阶,拥有灵翼了。自保能力也将大大的提升,连带着镇魔树也会有所进化。 In the Long Dangdang eye ray twinkle I feel us also to be able again diligently.” 龙当当眼中光芒闪烁“我觉得我们还可以再努力一下。” At the same time saying, the ray twinkle of Long Dangdang contract space, slightly evil from facing set. 一边说着,龙当当身边契约空间的光芒闪烁,小邪从里面钻了出来。 Promotes to four levels of demon beasts small evil, the body has grown up to have diameter one foot degree, the turning round big eye, around the body is waving four tentacles, if sees suddenly, is really the somewhat frightened feeling. 晋升到四级魔兽的小邪,身体已经长大到有直径一尺的程度了,滴溜溜的大眼睛,还有身体周围舞动着的四只触手,如果是猛然看到,着实是有些惊悚的感觉。 Saw that was being let blood the steel demon bear that and been swallowing the spirit strength, small evil narrows the eye immediately, one type in feeling of smiling. Wants before shares other demon beast spirit strength such collects. Was actually blocked by Long Dangdang. 看到正在被放血和吞噬灵力的钢铁魔熊,小邪顿时眯起眼睛,给人一种在笑的感觉。就想要和之前分享其他魔兽灵力时那样凑过去。却被龙当当拦住了。 Long Dangdang through the spiritual transmission, transmits to its some news. Small evil brandished an own tentacle immediately, the next quarter, its was not only the eye is also the big eye pupil of body shone immediately, the light golden brilliance release, the double pupil of Long Dangdang also turned into the golden color. The small evil two tentacles drift about, built by the temples of Long Dangdang, immediately, the next quarter tentacle turned into the golden color. 龙当当通过精神传递,传递给它一些讯息。小邪顿时挥舞了一下自己的触手,下一刻,它那既是眼睛也是身体的大眼瞳顿时亮了起来,淡淡的金色光辉释放,龙当当的双眸也随之变成了金色。小邪的两条触手漂荡而起,搭在了龙当当的太阳穴两侧,顿时,下一刻触手就变成了金色。 Evil eye tyrant talent skill, spiritual sharing. 邪眼暴君天赋技能,精神共享。 This time it is small and weak, naturally is Long Dangdang gives it own psychic force sharing. 此时的它还弱小,当然是龙当当将自身的精神力共享给它。 The next quarter, slightly turns around the figure evilly, the gigantic eye looks in a direction, the people in the surroundings, in that moment, they obviously feel an intense spiritual fluctuation, in the small evil eye projects the light golden brilliance, the invisible spiritual fluctuation spreads in a direction. 下一刻,小邪掉转身形,硕大的眼睛朝着一个方向看去,众人就在周围,在那一刻,他们都明显感受到一股强烈的精神波动本身而出,小邪眼中射出淡淡的金色光辉,无形的精神波动只是朝着一个方向蔓延开来。 Long Dangdang turned into the golden double pupil to be many several points of spatial deep color, along with small evil looked in a direction, after several seconds, slightly started to rotate the body evilly, the gigantic eye pupil started to sweep. 龙当当变成金色的双眸中多了几分空冥之色,伴随着小邪朝着一个方向看去,数秒后,小邪开始转动身体,硕大的眼瞳开始扫动。 The body of person was swept by its vision in the presence of everyone obsolete, will immediately have to plant not to hide, as if the whole person was completely understood general feeling, subconscious will fend one side. 当众人的身体被它的目光扫过时,顿时就会有种无所遁形,仿佛整个人都被看透了一般的感觉,下意识的就会闪避到一旁。 Evil eye tyrant talent skill, spiritual survey. 邪眼暴君天赋技能,精神探测。 The spiritual survey or the spirit share, this is the core skill of evil eye tyrant lineage/vein demon beast. As one of the highest level powerful demon beasts, its investigation ability is extremely powerful. Naturally, this is because small evil present rank quite low reason. After waiting for it to grow truly, its psychic force intensity will be the extremely terrifying degree, at that time will be the nightmares of all enemies. 无论是精神探测还是精神共享,这都是邪眼暴君这一脉魔兽的核心技能。作为最顶级的强大魔兽之一,它的探察能力是极为强大的。当然,这还是因为小邪现在的等级比较低的原因。等它真正成长起来之后,它的精神力强度就会达到极其恐怖的程度,那时候将会是一切敌人的梦魇。 Four levels of small evil eyes are equivalent to third-order occupation, but its present psychic force could actually with fourth-order even be fifth-order primary occupation compares favorably. This is the talent of top demon beast, after all, evil eye demon beast other is the dregs, only has the psychic force, that is the unequalled great strength. Long Dangdang gives it own psychic force sharing, its spiritual survey might naturally also large scale enhancement . Moreover, it can also receive the psychic force to nourish to grow. 四级的小邪眼只是相当于三阶职业者,但它现在的精神力却已经能够与四阶甚至是五阶初级的职业者媲美了。这就是顶级魔兽的天赋,毕竟,邪眼这种魔兽的其他一切都是渣,唯有精神力,那是无与伦比的强大。龙当当将自己的精神力共享给它,它的精神探测威力自然就随之大幅度的增强,而且,它本身还能够收到精神力滋养而成长。 Descendant who if because of the influence of blood agreement, does not control as the evil eye tyrant, its newly-born time strength be stronger than the present. Because fuses with the Long Dangdang bloodlines, beginning reduced, but its carrying capacity still is very powerful. 如果不是因为血契的影响,作为邪眼暴君主宰的后代,它刚出生的时候实力就要比现在更强。但因为与龙当当血脉融合,本身的起点降低了,但它的承受力却依旧十分强悍。 Approximately took a fast look around about the half-turn, the small evil pupil light stays in a direction, but the Long Dangdang look also had some changes. He shifts to the peach numerous immediately, said: Walks, us. Kong Kong and ocean nighttide and lunar motion, you stay here, the cousin and woof Xuejie, the peach school leader comes with me.” 大约扫视了半圈左右,小邪的眸光停留在一个方向,而龙当当的神色也出现了些许变化。他立刻转向桃林林,道:“走,我们出发。空空、溟汐、月离,你们留在这里,表姐、汪学姐,桃学长跟我来。” At the same time saying, Long Dangdang is jumping, has fallen on conducting the back of red armor rice Land Dragon, simultaneously took back the small evil eye. Although the people have not understood his meaning, and trust that but came to a consensus for several days make them not have the half a point to hesitate, immediately starts to go into action. 一边说着,龙当当腾身而起,就已经落在了赤甲地龙的背上,同时收回了小邪眼。众人虽然还没有明白他的意思,但这些天形成的默契和信任让他们没有半分犹豫,立刻开始行动起来。 Leaves behind three people, other four people all got up the back of red armor rice Land Dragon, the red armor rice Land Dragon according to the direction of Long Dangdang, ran in a direction. 留下三人,其他四人全都上了赤甲地龙的背,赤甲地龙按照龙当当的指引,朝着一个方向就奔跑了起来。 Its speed truly is not in the same rank demon beast quick, but, is relying on the powerful defensive power and huge body, the shrubberies and most terrains in forest it can disregard, the feeling of greatly somewhat battering. 它的速度确实不是同级别魔兽中快的,但是,凭借着强悍的防御力和庞大的身躯,森林中的灌木丛和大多数地形它都可以无视,大有几分横冲直撞的感觉。 Long Dangdang then explained to the partners: Tested, not only we, other teams are also same, rather than each team can contend with eight levels of demon beasts. We rescue.” 龙当当这才向伙伴们解释道:“受到考验的不只是我们,其他团队也是一样,而不是每支团队都能抗衡八级魔兽的。我们去救援。” Listened to his words, the people understand immediately, previously with the spiritual survey of small evil eye in pathfinding! 听了他的话,众人顿时明白过来,先前用小邪眼的精神探测就是在寻找目标啊! Rescue robe Ze should do , helping the partner in the able situation, this is each responsibility that hunts for demon is. 救援袍泽本来就是应该做的,在有能力的情况下帮助伙伴,这是每一名猎魔者的责任所在。 In the eye pupil of peach numerous is the extraordinary splendor again and again, dragon system?” 桃林林的眼眸中异彩连连,“是龙系吗?” Long Dangdang turned round to look at his one eyes, then gently selected under. 龙当当回身看了他一眼,然后轻轻的点了下头。 Good!” The peach numerous some high-spirited feelings, then sits cross-legged to conduct the back to contemplate in the red armor rice Land Dragon immediately immediately. The endurance and his spirit strength of summon beast are proportional. Also has consumed his psychic force. The condition that he stays is better, the summon beast can continue some time. Without doubt, not only this rescue, similarly is also a harvest! “太好了!”桃林林顿时有种意气风发的感觉,然后立刻盘膝在赤甲地龙背上冥想起来。召唤兽的持续性和他的灵力成正比。也会一直消耗他的精神力。他保持的状态越好,召唤兽就能多持续一段时间。无疑,这不只是一场救援,同样也将是一场丰收! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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