SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#177: Does not install, laid cards on the table!

Chapter 177 does not install, laid cards on the table! 第177章不装了,摊牌了! Strikes facing throwing of bright lion vulture mother, the first matter that Long Dangdang does was releases own Saint to direct the spirit furnace, a ray hauling on it, avoided it attacking other partners. Meanwhile, the hand China , Saint Lucia swords are both hands grasp to hold as before, wield. 面对光明狮鹫妈妈的扑击,龙当当做的第一件事是释放出了自己的圣引灵炉,将一道光芒牵引在它身上,避免它攻击其他伙伴。与此同时,手中圣剑依旧是双手握持,挥动。 The Saint sword luminary day cut! 圣剑曜日斩! He actually now very important issues, although the god Qi Cangyue angel is seven step strengths, skill that but in fact, the Long Dangdang anything seven step powerhouses cannot use. After all, he himself is fifth-order. The Saint swords of six steps are jump the ranks the learn/study. Sea Ji Feng when taught him, will not teach him the ultra two-level skill, because had no way to use. 他其实现在有一个非常重要的问题,虽然神祈沧月天使是七阶战力,但实际上,龙当当并不会什么七阶强者才能使用的技能。毕竟,他自己才是五阶。六阶的圣剑都已经算是越级学习了。海纪枫在教导他的时候,也不会教他超两级的技能,因为根本就没法使用。 Therefore, now he can use stimulated luminary day to cut by the Saint sword, as far as possible erupted the enough powerful strength own spirit strength. 所以,他现在能够使用的就是凭借圣剑来激发曜日斩,尽可能的将自己的灵力爆发出足够强大的力量。 He has to think rely on the Saint to direct the hauling of spirit furnace, in addition the flying ability of dark blue moon/month angel directs the bright lion vulture mother, but, useful? Answer inevitably negative. First did not say oneself do not have the means in being far away from the cousin and in younger brother's situation uses the dark blue moon/month angel, even Ok, others have the lion vulture father. Although that sly lion vulture father will not begin directly, but the following people can always achieve, waited for the lion vulture mother to solve itself, will come again the convergence, the result will not change. 他不是没想过自己凭借圣引灵炉的牵引,加上沧月天使的飞行能力将光明狮鹫妈妈引走,但是,有用吗?答案必然是否定的。先不说自己没办法在远离表姐和弟弟的情况下使用沧月天使,就算可以,人家还有个狮鹫爸爸呢。那位狡猾的狮鹫爸爸虽然不会直接动手,但跟着众人总做得到,等狮鹫妈妈解决了自己,再过来汇合,结局并不会改变。 Therefore, the present means spell hardly. Can have an opportunity. 所以,现在的办法只有硬拼。才能有一线机会。 Had not been counting on seeks the rescue, that three teachers had said explicitly, this training is the hell pattern, moreover there is a casualties quota. As for other teams. Facing eight step bright lion vultures, moreover is two heads, making others bring death? The lion vulture father is only the pledge does not begin to them, had not said does not begin to others. 并没有指望着寻求救援,那三位教官已经明确说了,这次培训是地狱模式,而且有伤亡名额。至于其他队伍。面对八阶光明狮鹫,而且还是两头,让人家来送死吗?狮鹫爸爸只是誓约不对他们动手,可没说不对别人动手。 Therefore, under the short balance, the Long Dangdang eyeground has started to burn intense war intent. Without the escape route, only has, is headstrong! 所以,在短暂的权衡之下,龙当当眼底就已经开始燃烧起了强烈的战意。没有退路,就唯有,莽起来! Bang-” “轰-” The god Qi Cangyue angel was rumbled to fly again, this time, is lion vulture mother that strong incomparable wing, leading spirit astral in the true sense to pull out disperses his luminary day to cut, his whole person was pulling out to fly. If not mail-armor and helmet defensive power is powerful enough, is only this, he wanted to be greatly troublesome. 神祈沧月天使再次被轰飞了出去,这一次,是狮鹫妈妈那强劲无比的羽翼,带着真正意义上的灵罡抽散了他的曜日斩,连带着他整个人都被抽飞了出去。如果不是身上的甲胄防御力足够强悍,只是这一下,他就要有大麻烦了。 But also at this moment, supported arrives finally. 而也就在这时,支援终于到了。 A blue-purple ice lance blocked the lion vulture mother to pursue the Long Dangdang way. 一柄蓝紫色的冰矛挡住了狮鹫妈妈追击龙当当的去路。 The lion vulture mother similarly is a wing racket, the plan routs it. However, that ice lance, although broke, but, the interior actually erupted the dazzling thunder ray. The purple thunder resounds fierce thundering, explodes the lion vulture mother actually stops in in the air, but also continued because in a flash the strength of that thunder cannot break the spirit astral's defense. 狮鹫妈妈同样是翅膀一拍,就打算将其击溃。但是,那冰矛虽然破碎了,但是,内部却爆发出了刺目的雷霆光芒。紫色的雷霆响起剧烈的轰鸣,硬是将狮鹫妈妈炸停在空中,但也只是持续了一瞬间因为那雷霆之力根本就破不了灵罡的防御。 The lion vulture mother turns head to look that to just completed the water and fire common origin and lunar motion of ice thunder fusion magic, but the person continues to pursue toward Long Dangdang. Without the means that the characteristics that the Saint directs the spirit furnace is so. 狮鹫妈妈扭头看向刚刚完成水火同源、冰雷融合魔法的月离,但人还是继续朝着龙当当追去。没办法,圣引灵炉的特性就是如此。 But also at this moment, giant branches sweep across from , a strange soul shock and awe also bursts out, has the light dark golden halo, covers to the lion vulture mother. 而也就在这时,一根根巨大的枝条从下方席卷而起,一种奇异的灵魂震慑随之迸发而出,带着淡淡的暗金色光晕,笼罩向狮鹫妈妈。 In an instant, lion vulture mother pair of wings big, the golden light of wing surface turned suddenly just like pure gold general existence. Or its wing has become in this moment is common like the pure gold, is released externally the point. 刹那间,狮鹫妈妈双翼大张,翅膀表面的金光突然变成了宛如纯金一般的存在。或者说,它的翅膀在这一刻都已经变得如同纯金一般,外放锋芒。 But that winding on town/subdues demon tree branch unexpectedly is 11 shatter, simply does not have one to twine on its body truly. This is the prestige of spirit astral! 那一根根缠绕而上的镇魔树枝条竟是一一破碎,根本没有一根能够真正的缠绕上它的身体。这就是灵罡之威! But also at this moment together form suddenly from slanting thorn suddenly/violently to launch, but, both hands grasps the great mallet to raise, making the whole person look has presented the counter- bow general shape. Unequalled overbearing aura bursts out from her within the body crazily. Initially Long Kongkong had met in the competition, mallet Tyrant heaven! 而也就在这时一道身影突然从斜刺里暴射而至,双手握着巨槌扬起,令整个人看上去都已经呈现出反弓一般的形态。一股无与伦比的霸道气息从她体内疯狂迸发。正是当初龙空空曾经在比赛中遇到过的,大槌霸天! This strikes needs to gather the strength. woof Changxin was previously driven the bang to fly by the Saint optical elastic, but the lion vulture mother does not seem to probably cause heavy losses to her meaning, is injured not heavily. Don't forget, in the team may have younger generation strongest pastor goddess Monroe! The angel blessing first fell on her, helping her treat the injury, adjustment and increase! 这一击是需要蓄力的。汪常欣先前被圣光弹带动轰飞,但狮鹫妈妈似乎并没有要重创她的意思,受伤不重。别忘了,团队中可有年轻一代最强牧师神女梦露啊!天使祝福第一时间就落在了她身上,帮她治疗伤势、调整、增幅! woof Changxin grasped Tyrant Tianchui to gather the potential to wait, saw Long Dangdang the dark blue moon/month angel was rumbled to fly, immediately first flying on, full power eruption attack. 汪常欣手持霸天槌早就已经蓄势以待,眼看龙当当所化的沧月天使被轰飞,立刻第一时间飞身而上,全力爆发攻击。 The lion vulture mother seemed like feels the threat, the figure half revolution, before the right, claw struck outrageously, the upfront shook Tyrant Tianchui hardly. Even if the Long Dangdang Saint directs the spirit furnace unable to prevent its defensive counter-attack. 狮鹫妈妈似乎是感受到了威胁,身形半转,右前爪悍然拍击而出,正面硬撼霸天槌。哪怕是龙当当的圣引灵炉也无法阻止它的防守反击。 Bang-” the might that this strikes, obviously surpassed unexpected of lion vulture mother. Tremendous strength unexpectedly its huge body bombardment falls to withdraw from several meters to the side. However, woof often/common joyful that does not have in the contemporaries toward, but disadvantageous mallet Tyrant heaven her own body was also being struck against by this claw flies horizontally. “轰-”这一击的威力,显然是超出了狮鹫妈妈的意料之外。巨大的力量竟是将它那庞大的身躯轰击的向侧面跌退出数米。但是,汪常欣那在同龄人中无往而不利的大槌霸天也连带着她自己的身体被这一爪拍击的横飞而出。 Ding!” A series of stormy clangours get up in lion vulture mother rear side sound, that is the attack of ocean nighttide. But her quick such as the lightning common thorn sword falls on the lion vulture mother is similar to scratches an itch in the boot general, even made this not turn head, but spirit astral inflated outward, the ocean nighttide had been shaken to fly. “叮叮叮叮叮叮叮!”一连串密集的铿锵声在狮鹫妈妈侧后方响起,那是溟汐的攻击。但她那快如闪电一般的刺剑落在狮鹫妈妈身上就如同隔靴搔痒一般,甚至令这位都没有回头,只是身上灵罡向外膨胀了一下,溟汐就已经被震飞了出去。 Next flickers, when the lion vulture mother proliferates the spirit astral's pair of wings flaps again, again no hindrance, directly pursues to Long Dangdang. 下一瞬,狮鹫妈妈遍布灵罡的双翼再次拍动时,再无任何阻碍,直接追向了龙当当 The strong oppression strength made Long Dangdang that slow the one breath had just come have the feeling of scant of breath. Is intimate friends cannot help but raises several points of despair. 强大的压迫力令刚缓过一口气来的龙当当有种呼吸困难的感觉。就连心中都不由得升起几分绝望。 When facing seven step powerhouses, they even have the opportunity to win, but the present eight step bright lion vultures, make him have a weak feeling. Regardless how oneself erupt, is actually not able to shake the opposite party slightest. Is this vast gap between equivalents? 面对七阶强者时,他们甚至有机会战而胜之,而眼前的八阶光明狮鹫,却让他有种无力的感觉。无论自己如何爆发,却根本无法撼动对方分毫。这就是等阶之间的巨大差距吗? However, he is unwilling! 但是,他不甘心! Since the bright red light is instantaneously bright from the eye pupil. Long Dangdang both hands are grasping the Saint sword, own aura starts to select for promotion crazily! Sacrifice! 灿烂的红光瞬间从眼眸之中亮起。龙当当双手握着圣剑,自身的气息开始疯狂拔升!牺牲! In the lion vulture mother eyes the golden light twinkle, the Saint optical elastic swiftly condensed the forming in the short distance, the main body, had not previously shelled compared with more powerful Saint optical elastic. 狮鹫妈妈眼中金光闪烁,圣光弹在近距离迅速凝聚成形,本体未至,比先前更加强盛的圣光弹就已经轰击而来。 Long Dangdang explodes drinks one, the Saint sword cuts to fall, the strength of dark blue moon/month angel fully erupts, the Saint light flashes to pass, the brilliance of Saint sword dug the Saint optical elastic reluctantly, but the huge spirit strength of internal implication, actually flew his body secondary earthquake as before again. 龙当当爆喝一声,圣剑斩落,沧月天使的力量全面爆发,圣光一闪而逝,圣剑的光辉勉强刨开了圣光弹,但内部蕴含的庞大灵力,却依旧将他的身体再次震飞。 Also at this time, in the ground, the form leapt together suddenly, blocked the body of Long Dangdang from behind. Both hands grasp him, blocked for him with own body brunted. But was also a blood spurts in the Long Dangdang nape of the neck. 也就在这个时候,地面上,一道身影骤然腾起,从后面挡住了龙当当的身体。双手抱住他,用自己的身体为他挡住了一些冲势。但也是一口鲜血喷在了龙当当脖颈。 The spirit strength of surge transmits from the back, pours into to Long Dangdang within the body. Jet black bands of light also stretch from Long Dangdang, is swallowing the spirit strength in air, postponed the Saint to direct the ray of spirit furnace to transmit on the lion vulture mother. 彭湃的灵力从背后传来,注入向龙当当体内。一条条漆黑的光带随之从龙当当背后舒展开来,吞噬着空气中的灵力,也顺延着圣引灵炉的光芒传递到了狮鹫妈妈身上。 Roar!” The lion vulture mother exudes one to be similar to the surprised low roar. The speed of first flushing stopped flickered. “吼!”狮鹫妈妈发出一声类似于惊讶般的低吼。前冲的速度停顿了一瞬。 Kong Kong!” Feels the younger brother to spit blood, the red light in Long Dangdang eye rises dramatically instantaneously. He can feel to come from the spirit strength of Long Kongkong transmission, even because of two people fitting, Long Dangdang Yuan whorl spirit furnace certain extent also obtained the increase of god Qi Yutong spirit furnace, lets swallow the domain to affect on the lion vulture mother, absorbs the spirit strength to return nurturing to parents Long Dangdang from that spirit astral. 空空!”感受到弟弟吐血,龙当当眼中的红光瞬间暴增。他能感受到来自于龙空空传递的灵力,甚至因为两人的贴合,龙当当的元涡灵炉一定程度的也获得了神祈屿桐灵炉的增幅,让吞噬领域能够作用在狮鹫妈妈身上,从那灵罡中汲取灵力反哺龙当当 However, Long Kongkong eventually was too frail! Even if his present outside spirit strength has over 900, but he eventually fourth-order, the liquid spirit strength had not had. Just was only complementary waves shakes the wound him as before. This is not the fight that his such rank can participate. 但是,龙空空终究还是太脆弱了啊!哪怕他现在的外灵力已经有九百以上,但他终究还是四阶,连液态灵力都还未曾拥有。刚刚只是一点余波依旧将他震伤了。这根本就不是他这样的等级能够参与的战斗。 Gets down quickly!” Long Dangdang urgent exclaiming. “快下去!”龙当当急迫的吼道。 You died I unable to live! I get down anything. You kill it quickly.” Long Kongkong ill-humored saying. “你死了我也活不了啊!我下去什么。你赶快弄死它。”龙空空没好气的说道。 Long Dangdang somewhat helpless sigh, fool, I have the means!” 龙当当有些无奈的叹息一声,“笨蛋,我有办法的啊!” Saw that the lion vulture mother must clash again, before Long Dangdang body , the sudden ray twinkle, a strange golden halo shines. When this round of golden halo sparkle instantly, the lion vulture mother one side plundered the lion vulture father in this to flicker the body to stagnate the flash. The powerful imposing manner also restrained. The lion vulture mother even stopped the attack. 眼看着狮鹫妈妈就要再次冲来,龙当当身前突然光芒闪烁,一圈奇异的金色光晕亮起。当这一轮金色光晕闪耀的刹那,无论是狮鹫妈妈还是一旁掠阵的狮鹫爸爸在这一瞬身体都凝滞了一瞬间。原本强大的气势也随之收敛了许多。狮鹫妈妈甚至连攻击都停了下来。 In their eye pupils, clearly glitters is shocking with frightened, yes, frightened. 在它们的眼瞳之中,分明闪烁着震撼和恐惧,是的,恐惧。 The golden light shadow drills from that light gate together quietly, falls on right arm that in Long Dangdang lifted. That is a height has about one meter impressively five, seems like the figure somewhat slender golden color dragonet. The underbelly five claws, the whole body scale is sending out the shining brilliance. Even if faces nine levels of demon beasts, it also is still soaring the head, not slightly timid. 一道金色光影从那光门之中悄然钻出,落在了龙当当抬起的右臂上。那赫然是一条身长大约只有一米五,看上去身形有些纤细的金色小龙。腹下五爪,全身鳞片都散发着金灿灿的光彩。哪怕是面对九级魔兽,它也依旧高昂着头颅,没有丝毫怯懦。 Áng-” somewhat immature dragon recited the sound to get up to make the surrounding all also become silent. “昂-”有些稚嫩的龙吟声响起令周围的一切都随之变得寂静了下来。 All lines of sight centralized, in that seemed like even on the somewhat delicate body. In a lion vulture mother's big eye pupil gathers, even somewhat wanted cross-eye, in the look filled does not dare to believe the color. 所有的视线都集中在了那看上去甚至有些娇弱的身体上。狮鹫妈妈的一双大眼睛瞳孔内合,甚至都有些要对眼儿了,眼神之中更是充满了不敢置信之色。 Also is a huge form soars, arrives at side the lion vulture mother, this lion vulture father cross-eye is more serious, even also lowers the head, careful and earnest looks on the Long Dangdang arm to twine the small body. 又是一具庞大的身影腾空而起,来到狮鹫妈妈身边,这位狮鹫爸爸对眼的更加严重,甚至还低下头,仔细、认真的看着龙当当手臂上缠绕着的小小身体。 Roar-” “吼-” The Long Dangdang heart resounded one to be full of the surprised vigorous sound, or was the thought that you, did you possibly have the Five Claws Golden Dragon? It is not right, your is not the Five Claws Golden Dragon! The Five Claws Golden Dragon hatches normally at least is also seven levels, this is because it needs to purify itself in the development process. This seems like the little fellow of Five Claws Golden Dragon to feel that only has the third-level, most four levels. But, this aura......” 龙当当心头响起一个充满了惊讶的浑厚声音,或者说是意念,“你、伱怎么可能有五爪金龙?不对,你这不是五爪金龙啊!五爪金龙正常孵化出来至少也是七级,这还是因为它在成长过程中需要纯化自身。这像是五爪金龙的小家伙感觉上只有三级,最多不过四级。可是,这气息……” Long Dangdang has known the high-level demon beast has high wisdom, therefore this can he communicates through the spirit does not find it strange. Before did not communicate, that obviously is also intentional. 龙当当一直都知道高级魔兽是有很高智慧的,所以这位能够通过精神和他沟通一点都不觉得奇怪。之前不沟通,那显然也是故意的了。 Senior, I pondered like this you can hear?” Long Dangdang is thinking in the heart. “前辈,我这样思考您能听到吗?”龙当当在心中想着。 Ok.” The lion vulture father's thought appears again. “可以。”狮鹫爸爸的意念再次出现。 Senior, this truly is the Five Claws Golden Dragon right, is the descendant of present age dragon sovereign senior. Because it is my blood agreement hatches. Therefore, now will be quite small and weak. Is raising gradually to grow in my accumulated.” “前辈,这确实是五爪金龙没错,是当代龙皇前辈的后代。因为它是我用血契孵化出来的。所以,现在才会比较弱小。正在我的蕴养下逐渐成长。” What? Did you steal the child of dragon sovereign? Gave back to the blood agreement? This is impossible. How haven't you died?” The lion vulture father fills the shocking say/way. “什么?你把龙皇的孩子偷出来了?还给血契了?这不可能。你怎么还没死?”狮鹫爸爸充满震惊的道。 Why can't be the dragon sovereign senior lets my contract his child on own initiative?” Long Dangdang somewhat helpless say/way. “为什么就不能是龙皇前辈主动让我契约他的孩子呢?”龙当当有些无奈的道。 Fart. Your human several years of lives, the words of blood agreement, you die, it must die. Only if were dragon Huangfeng, how otherwise to be possible?” At this point, the lion vulture father stopped suddenly. Because of its clear seeing, Golden Dragon small eight has been turning round, walks randomly by the Long Dangdang cheek, somewhat curious is rubbing Long Dangdang that belt/bring with own head the head of helmet. Obviously under Long Dangdang to dark blue moon/month angel condition is somewhat curious. “放屁。你们人类才有几年寿命,血契的话,你死,它就要死。除非是龙皇疯了,否则怎么可能?”说到这里,狮鹫爸爸突然停顿了下来。因为它清楚的看到,黄金龙小八正回过身,游走到了龙当当面颊旁边,有些好奇的用自己的头蹭着龙当当那带着头盔的头。显然对沧月天使状态下的龙当当有些好奇。 The bright lion vulture father was silent, but another sound actually also resounds, manages a household. Probably, probably this boy said may be real! An Five Claws Golden Dragon lineage/vein inheritance what kind of difficulty. Several thousand over ten thousand years even may be born a time descendant. Had the descendant inheritance with great difficulty, the dragon sovereign or under the empress crown, is impossible to leave the dragon egg moment. He is so small and weak, even if or the most powerhouse of human goes, not possible to come out dragon Dantou, they absolutely do not have such strength.” 光明狮鹫爸爸沉默了,而另一个声音却随之响起,“当家的。好像,好像这小子说的有可能是真的啊!五爪金龙一脉传承何等困难。数千上万年甚至才有可能诞生一次后代。好不容易有了后代传承,无论是龙皇还是皇后冕下,都不可能离开龙蛋须臾的。他如此弱小,或者说,就算是人类的最强者前往,也不可能将龙蛋偷出来,他们根本就没有这样的实力。” Speech naturally is the bright lion vulture mother. 说话的自然是光明狮鹫妈妈。 But the bright lion vulture father as if also realized anything, swallowed saliva, looks that the Long Dangdang vision obviously had some changes. 而光明狮鹫爸爸似乎也意识到了什么,吞咽了一口唾液,看着龙当当的目光明显发生了一些变化。 In other words, he is the person who under dragon Huangmian selects, moreover let young your highness and he completed the fusion of blood agreement. This and this I really cannot think that holds true by letting under the crown does that!” “也就是说,他是龙皇冕下选中的人,而且还让小殿下与他完成了血契的融合。这、这我实在是想不出来是有什么理由让冕下这么做啊!” Long Dangdang does not open the mouth simply, because he does not know similarly why dragon sovereign so approves to oneself, but, the fact puts at present. 龙当当索性不开口了,因为他同样也不知道为什么龙皇对自己如此的认可,可是,事实摆在眼前。 The bright lion vulture father and bright lion vulture mother look at each other one, some feelings of scalp tingles. Because they realized at this moment, the present young people are absolutely unusual. Let alone, on him this armor comprised of several powerful spirit furnaces is powerful. 光明狮鹫爸爸和光明狮鹫妈妈对视一眼,都有些头皮发麻的感觉。因为它们此时此刻都意识到了,眼前的年轻人绝对非同一般。更何况,他身上这由几个强大灵炉组成的铠甲就已经非常强悍了。 „, What to do?” The bright lion vulture mother asked. “当家的,怎么办?”光明狮鹫妈妈问道。 Before the bright lion vulture father lifts the claw, stretched out second to refer to toward the ground, „that young fellow! Did we say?” 光明狮鹫爸爸抬起前爪,伸出第二根朝着地面指了指,“那个,那个小伙子啊!我们下去说?” Good.” Long Dangdang nods. Hugs slightly eight is dropping from the clouds, at the same time, he relieved simply directly dark blue moon/month angel condition. “好的。”龙当当点了点头。抱着小八从天而降,与此同时,他索性就直接解除了身上的沧月天使状态。 Maintained is changing the body to his consumption is really big. His figure starts to reduce, the aura also starts also to weaken. 维持着变身对他的消耗实在是太大了。他的身形开始缩小,气息也开始随之变弱。 Lies must fall in his back Long Kongkong aiyu, turned round to hold by Long Dangdang. 趴在他背后的龙空空“哎呦”一声就要滑落,被龙当当回身一把抓住。 The cure technique has fallen on Long Kongkong together, helping him treat the injury. 一道治愈术已经落在了龙空空身上,帮他治疗着伤势。 19,115,897 hunt for the people of demon group, at this time the vision is centralized in the Long Dangdang hand small on eight. 一九一一五八九七猎魔团的众人,此时目光又何尝不是都集中在龙当当手中的小八身上。 The ocean nighttide by the peach numerous, said in a low voice: That and that is not, is not the dragon. But, how not to have the wing?” 溟汐挨着桃林林,低声道:“那个、那个不会是、不会是龙吧。可是,怎么没有翅膀啊?” The peach numerous just drilled from the town/subdues demon tree, looks at eight slightly, his body somewhat shivers. This does not shiver from his, but in small eight appear, under that aura influence, shivering of town/subdues demon tree. 桃林林刚刚从镇魔树中钻出来,看着小八,他的身体有些颤抖。这份颤抖不是来自于他本身的,而是在小八出现时,那份气息影响下,镇魔树的颤抖。 That, probably, possibility, is not the common dragon.” “那、好像、可能,不是一般的龙。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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