SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#136: Three king roared

Chapter 136 three king roared 第136章三王咆哮 Compares in the knight, the soldier pays great attention to fight the technique with own eruption, but the knight pays great attention to oneself union with the mount, most knights are draw support from the bright attribute auxiliary magic to play the combined action, particularly protects the knight, that is existence of mainstay, the collection defense, controls, assists inevitably and restore as one. 相比于骑士,战士更加注重战技与自身的爆发,而骑士则是注重自身与坐骑的结合,绝大多数骑士都是自身借助光明属性辅助魔法起到综合作用,尤其是守护骑士,那必然是中流砥柱的存在,集防御、控制、辅助、恢复于一体。 The soldier temple ranks in six big temples has gone lower, even is in the last position frequently, but occupation in soldier temple is also most, because the admittance threshold is on the other hand lower. To emerge in many soldiers, enters to the temple main hospital, and graduated finally also passed the preliminary contest stage of hunting for the demon group trials, obviously this Zou Liang out of the ordinary, sounded, in the shield with his hand could not separate. 战士圣殿在六大圣殿之中排名一直靠后,甚至经常是处于最后一位的位置上,但战士圣殿的职业者也是最多的,因为相对来说准入门槛更低。在众多战士中想要脱颖而出,进入到圣殿总院并且最终毕业还通过了猎魔团选拔赛的初赛阶段,可见这邹靓的非同凡响,听起来,和他手中的这面盾牌是分不开的。 Competition starts!” “比赛开始!” Announced along with referee one, Zou Liang with most close combat occupations, when chooses to be the same facing the magician, forwards in big strides, in the hand that giant tower shield almost covers completely, charges into the lunar motion with stride the direction. 伴随着裁判一声宣布,邹靓和绝大多数近战职业在面对魔法师的时候选择一样,大踏步向前,手中那巨大的塔盾几乎将自身全部遮挡,大步冲向月离的方向。 His line of sight was clearly covered by the tower shield, but the three king shield surface of that magnificent level, three eye parts of beast head designs become bright. When Zou Liang broke through dead ahead the Long Dangdang field of vision, from one side can see indistinctly, the rear area looked three king Dunjing who is transparent, does not affect Zou Liang to observe the opponent. Although this is not the strong ability, but actually practical, made up for the drawback of three king shield volume oversized blocking line of sight extremely enormously. 他的视线分明被塔盾遮挡了,但那辉煌级的三王盾表面,三个兽首图案的眼睛部分都变得明亮起来。当邹靓冲过龙当当视野正前方的时候,从侧面隐约能够看到,后方看去的三王盾竟是透明的,丝毫不影响邹靓观察对手。这虽然不是什么强大的能力,但却极其实用,极大的弥补了三王盾体积过大遮挡视线的弊端。 Facing the Zou pretty charge, the lunar motion is actually confident, the hand during technique sticks from the sky drew an arc, in the mouth was recites the incantation that started to mutter, was entirely different facing the choice of Long Dangdang time with yesterday. 面对邹靓的冲锋,月离却是不疾不徐,手中法杖在空中划了一道弧线,口中则是开始喃喃的吟唱起了咒语,与昨天面对龙当当时候的选择截然不同。 Zou Liang speed does not calculate quickly after all, three king shield that big volume, the weight is definitely heavy, even if the war sect of this six step , can only be advance in big strides. 邹靓的速度不算很快毕竟,三王盾那么大的体积,重量肯定不轻,哪怕是这位六阶的战宗,也只能是大踏步的前进。 Light mist from lunar motion side dispersing, but seems like also and has no the ability of attack or defense, in her mouth the incantation is unceasing, in the hand the ordinary standard law stick peak sends out the light red light, but that red, is becoming more and more profound. 一层淡淡的水雾从月离身边散开,但看上去也并没有什么攻击或者防御的能力,她口中咒语不断,手中普通的制式法杖顶端散发出淡淡的红光,而那红色,正在变得越来越深邃。 Although Zou Liang is not too quick, but the sports field is so big, after several seconds, he had also approached the lunar motion. 邹靓虽然不算太快,但比赛场地就那么大,数秒之后,他也已经靠近了月离。 They come from the temple main hospital, is familiar, before also to fighting, each other vision has been staring at the opposite party at this time. In Zou Liang heart somewhat is actually strange, by him understanding of lunar motion, this magician who excels at the water and fire common origin, almost comes up to cover on the firepower in the ordinary day fight, making the opponent run about to deal with, yesterday does not know that what's the matter, the probably spirit furnace has problems, then lost, but today her how revolution of nature? Doesn't need itself the magic to keep off outside? She is knows own three king shield affects! 他们都来自于圣殿总院,彼此之间算是熟悉,以前也曾经对战过,此时彼此的目光都凝视着对方。邹靓其实心中有些奇怪,以他对月离的理解,这位擅长水火同源的魔法师,在平日的战斗中几乎都是一上来就火力覆盖,让对手疲于应付,昨天不知道怎么回事儿,好像是灵炉出了问题,然后就输了,但今天她怎么转性了?不用魔法把自己挡在外面?她是知道自己三王盾作用的啊! Although in the heart has doubts, but can emerge from the temple main hospital, Zou Liang is also the will firm and resolute generation, the eyes narrows the eyes absolutely, the spirit strength pours into, in three king shield surface three beast head, left side leopard suddenly becomes bright, one group of yellow rays also cover this tower shield and Zou's pretty body completely. 虽然心中疑惑,但能够从圣殿总院之中脱颖而出,邹靓也绝对是心志坚毅之辈,双眼微眯,灵力注入,三王盾表面三个兽首之中,左侧的豹首突然变得明亮起来,一团黄色光芒也随之将这塔盾和邹靓的身体完全笼罩在内。 Previous flickers to seem like also somewhat unwieldy Zou Liang, in this flickers sticks out suddenly suddenly, the speed that erupts instantaneously, continued compared with previously at least quick three times! In the hand the heavy/thick tower shield directly soared the lunar motion to hit. This imposing manner extremely Xuan, the eruption speed is also extremely quick, by the frailty of magician, if ran upon, that must certainly end the competition. 前一瞬看上去还有些笨重的邹靓,在这一瞬突然暴起,那瞬间爆发出的速度,比先前至少快了三倍不止!手中厚重的塔盾直奔月离就撞了上去。这一下气势极为煊赫,爆发速度也是极快,以魔法师的脆弱,如果被撞上,那肯定就要结束比赛了。 „The speed of leopard! One of three king shield three big skills.” Saying that Long Dangdang soldier thought aloud. “豹的速度!三王盾三大技能之一。”龙当当身边的战士自言自语的说道。 Strange also in this flickered to perform, when three king shield was away from oneself were also less than three meters, the lunar motion suddenly moved, one group of red light flowed from her, was the resistance hot link, although next flickered this to resist the hot link to be cracked-up by three king shield, but her whole person actually suddenly rapid rearward movement, looking like the terrain flight was ordinary, speed wonderful quick incomparable, made Zou Liang this knock down in the vacancy. Before Zou Liang rushes to the lunar motion, in position, the body in a flash, nearly throws down suddenly unexpectedly. He lowers the head looked, this discovered, in the ground does not know when froze, the lunar motion also used this ice surface to resist the thrust force that the hot annulus came to slide in addition rapidly. 奇异的一幕也就在这一瞬上演了,就在三王盾距离自己还有不到三米的时候,月离突然动了,一团红光从她身上奔涌而出,正是抗拒火环,虽然下一瞬这抗拒火环就被三王盾撞碎了,但她整个人却突然飞速的向后方移动,就像是贴地飞行一般,速度奇快无比,也让邹靓这一撞落在了空处。而当邹靓冲到月离之前所在位置的时候,身体突然一晃,竟是险些摔倒。他低头一看,这才发现,地面上不知道什么时候结了一层薄冰,月离也正是利用这冰面加上抗拒火环带来的推力迅速滑行开来的。 Zou Liang controls the body, although only used for one second, but he knows, oneself takes the initiative to lose, but the incantation of lunar motion has not stopped unexpectedly, but also is reciting. The sense of crisis of innermost feelings becomes more intense immediately! 邹靓控制住自己身体虽然只用了一秒的时间,但他知道,自己先机已失,而月离的咒语竟然还没有停止,还在吟唱着。内心的危机感顿时变得更加强烈起来! Not hesitant, Zou Liang takes the bull by the horns, in shield surface also shone likely, moreover simultaneously three king shield who a leopard ray still, shines two heads the ray puts immediately greatly, Zou Liang body surface is also shining wave circulation common golden light, this is the liquid spirit strength in the symbol of comprehensive stimulation. 没有犹豫,邹靓当机立断,盾牌表面上的象头也亮了起来,而且豹头光芒还在,同时亮起两个头的三王盾顿时光芒大放,连带着邹靓身体表面也亮起一层水波流转一般的金光,这是液态灵力在全面激发的象征。 Simultaneously stimulates the double king, that is the double consumptions. Zou Liang this was must spell.” Long Dangdang soldier opened the mouth, let alone, the person of familiar equipment explained that but also was really good, guessing of province. Obviously, that three king shield three abilities should be three were related, can the independent employment, can such many kings in, but consumes actually must dramatically increase, truly is an interesting powerful equipment. “同时激发双王,那就是双倍消耗。邹靓这是要拼了。”龙当当身边的战士又开口了,别说,有一个熟悉装备的人讲解一下,还真挺好,省的猜了。很显然,那三王盾的三种能力应该就是和三个头相关了,可以单独使用,也可以这样多王同在,但消耗却是要大幅度增加,确实是一件有意思的强大装备。 Like the function of king is the strength?” Long Dangdang asked. “象王的作用是力量?”龙当当问道。 The soldier said: Continuing, is very strong like the king, strengths and defense dual increases,......” 那战士道:“不止,象王很强,力量、防御双重增幅,还有……” He, Long Dangdang saw at this point that also has the representative anything, three king shield surface, shines springs a ray likely suddenly, looked like that to look like the nose to fling, directly soared the lunar motion to take away as many things as possible. This ability, is a bit like the Saint directing the hauling of spirit furnace unexpectedly, but the distance is shorter. 他才说到这里,龙当当就看到了那还有代表着什么,三王盾表面,亮起的象头突然弹出一道光芒,就像是那象鼻子甩出去了似的,直奔月离席卷而去。这能力,竟是有点像圣引灵炉的牵引,只不过距离更短一些。 The lunar motion clearly has the protection early, she has been retroceding before, at this time has spread out more than ten meters, saw that the trunk flings to oneself, her suddenly changes, shifts toward the side, at the same time, resists the hot link to bloom together, collides in that trunk together, although the magic was broken again, but resisted the thrust force function of hot link to appear, gave her to accelerate again, but distance that trunk can hope to attain also only then about 15 meters, cannot hold him eventually. 月离显然是早有防备的,她之前一直就在后退,此时已经拉开了十几米的距离,眼看象鼻甩向自己,她骤然一个变向,朝着侧面横移,与此同时,又是一道抗拒火环绽放开来,与那象鼻碰撞在一起,虽然魔法再次被破,但抗拒火环的推力作用还是显现了出来,再次给她加速,而那象鼻能够企及的距离也就只有十五米左右,终究还是没能抓得住他。 Such look, the hauling of trunk can only be able to play to entrain in the short distance affects, but should also the supplementary have the fetter function. Some aspects were inferior that the Saint directs the spirit furnace second-order characteristics, having no way to, the fetter that but supplements was also very strong. Let alone, this is also only one of the magnificent level shield skills! Obviously the value of this shield, in the magnificent level equipment, should can also be the best quality goods. 这么看,象鼻的牵引只能在较近距离才能起到拉拽作用,但应该还附带有束缚作用。有些方面不如圣引灵炉二阶的特性,没法必中,但附带的束缚也是很强了。更何况,这还只是这面辉煌级盾牌的技能之一啊!可见这面盾牌的价值,在辉煌级装备中,应该也算得上是极品了吧。 The trunk has not held the lunar motion, Zou Liang has not actually stopped the footsteps, fast to/clashes in the lunar motion direction, every step treads, erupts one to thunder in the ground, the glazed frost was stepped on directly broken by the serious strength, but his speed has not reduced many. Meanwhile, the golden light on his body suddenly became more powerful. Three king shield surface the sign that assumes the central lion's head also to shine unexpectedly. 象鼻没有抓住月离,邹靓却并没有停下脚步,速度飞快的朝着月离的方向冲来,每一步踏出,都在地面上爆发出一声轰鸣,薄冰直接被沉重的力量踩碎,而他的速度也没有降低多少。与此同时,他身体上的金光骤然变得更加强盛了。三王盾表面坐镇中央的狮头竟然也又要亮起来的迹象。 Was this takes three king simultaneous/uniform to leave? 这是要三王齐出了? But at this moment, the incantation of lunar motion recited to stop finally, will soon all present the beforehand instance in three kings, ended the incantation. But the red that on her hand during technique sticks condenses had turned into the deep purple at this time, the interior also has the ray to glitter faintly, law eighty years old a Zou Liang direction finger/refers, one group dull purple light/only rolled to fly to shoot. 而就在这时,月离的咒语吟唱终于停了下来,就在三王即将全部出现之前的瞬间,结束了咒语。而她手中法杖上凝聚的红色此时已经变成了深紫色,内部隐隐还有光芒在闪烁,法杖朝着邹靓的方向一指,一团暗紫色的光团就飞射了出去。 That light/only group flies to shoot in the midair, rises suddenly against the wind, turned into a diameter to surpass three meters brilliant violet colored light group unexpectedly in a flash, the light group surface, but also has the electricity glow twinkle, the aura of that terrifying also had thunder low and deep thundering, shocked the audience all. 那光团飞射在半空之中,迎风暴涨,竟是转瞬间就变成了一个直径超过三米的亮紫色光团,光团表面,还有着道道电芒闪烁,那恐怖的气息还有雷霆低沉的轰鸣,无不震撼全场。 Before Long Dangdang recalls her, suddenly to the words that oneself spoke, the livelihood same splendor spirit furnace in first-order can let the ice hot common origin, but second-order, her hot attribute can evolve the thunder attribute, but at present, this seems like, yes! 龙当当突然回想起她之前对自己说的话,日月同辉灵炉在一阶能够让冰火同源,而二阶,她的火属性就可以进化出雷属性,而眼前,这似乎,就是啊! Zou Liang pupil shrinks suddenly, in hand shield rapid keeping off before own. Next flickers, fierce thundering crack, the terrifying explosion has bloomed in the shield surface directly. 邹靓瞳孔骤然一缩,手中盾牌飞速的挡在自己身前。下一瞬,剧烈的轰鸣已经炸响,恐怖的爆炸直接在盾牌表面绽放。 Rumble!” The entire sports field is shivering at this terrifying bellow. What is more fearful, along with the emergence of this explosion, previously had the place that the ice fog fills, in the ground presented many electricity glow in broken bits, these electricity glow from gather to come in all directions, seems like towed by that giant thunder ball generally, from is firing into Zou Liang unexpectedly in all directions. “轰隆隆!”整个比赛场地都在这一声恐怖的轰鸣声颤抖着。更可怕的是,伴随着这爆炸的出现,先前有冰雾弥漫的地方,地面上都出现了许多细碎的电芒,这些电芒从四面八方汇聚而来,就像是被那巨大的雷球牵引着一般,竟是从四面八方冲向邹靓。 Zou Liangzhi thought that a whole body paralysis, three king shield has blocked that thunder ball positive/direct bombardment obviously, he of effect actually electricity paralysis but that supplementary comes wants to live to want! The spirit strength must interrupt. 邹靓只觉得全身一阵麻痹,明明三王盾已经挡住了那雷球的正面轰击,但那附带而来的麻痹效果却电的他欲生欲死!就连灵力都要中断了。 He clenches teeth fiercely! The spirit strength of six step levels fully erupt, in the double pupil wiped the blood red instantaneously, the white spirit strength of body surface were many wiped the red light, scattered the flash paralysis forcefully, and huge spirit strength will pour into to three king shield. 他猛地一咬牙!六阶层次的灵力全面爆发,双眸之中瞬间多了一抹血红色,就连体表的白色灵力都多了一抹红光,强行驱散了自身麻痹一瞬间,并且将庞大的灵力注入向三王盾。 The soldiers erupt the secret skill, wild! 战士爆发秘技,狂暴! Under the wild condition, the soldier can immunity most control class magics and skills, the short time lets the spirit strength ebullition, the increase over 30%, but very intensive eruption can make the spirit strength spending rate double, in the meantime, will affect the judgment to a certain extent. 狂暴状态下,战士能够免疫大多数控制类魔法和技能,短时间让灵力沸腾,增幅百分之三十以上,但高强度的爆发会让灵力消耗速度增加一倍,同时,会在一定程度上影响判断力。 Wild is almost the secret skill that the soldier must study, obtains the skill of meritorious service's first receiving in exchange. At crucial moments enhances 30% battle efficiencies suddenly, was too important. The effect and conflagration are similar, what conflagration consumption is the source, will use to be weak, what wild consumption will be the spirit strength, after using, will dry up. Has the advantages respectively. 狂暴几乎是战士必学的秘技,获得功勋第一个换取的技能。在关键时刻骤然提升百分之三十的战斗力,太重要了。其效果和爆燃类似,但爆燃消耗的是本源,用过会虚弱,狂暴消耗的是灵力,用后会枯竭。各有利弊。 At this time, Zou Liang knows, if oneself were controlled by the opposite party, that did not have the opportunity again, therefore, he did not have the half a point to use hesitant directly wild, in the meantime, three king simultaneous/uniform left! 此时,邹靓知道,自己如果被对方控制了,那就再也没有机会了,所以,他没有半分犹豫就直接用出了狂暴,同时,三王齐出! Under the condition that in three king simultaneous/uniform has his spirit strength consumption uses three times of shield normally, one time that in addition consumes wild. Even if cultivating of his six step levels is, now also can only continue to start two to three skills again. This is full power the price of eruption. 在三王齐出的状态下他的灵力消耗是正常使用盾牌的三倍,再加上狂暴消耗的一倍。哪怕是他六阶层次的修为,现在也只能再持续发动两到三个技能而已了。这就是全力爆发的代价。 But while him erupts, another side, the lunar motion chest front, the livelihood same splendor spirit furnace, compared with yesterday, the volume of this spirit furnace big had one time floating, no longer is the circular golden spirit furnace outer ring around the silver first quarter moon appearance, but turned into half gold/metal half silver to inscribe the magnificent appearance of Riyue sea. 而就在他这边爆发的同时,另一边,月离胸前,日月同辉灵炉飘然而出,和昨天相比,这尊灵炉的体积足足大了有一倍,不再是圆形的金色灵炉外环绕着银色的上弦月模样,而是变成了半金半银上铭刻着日月山海的瑰丽模样。 The spirit furnace presents at the same time, lunar motion law stick peak, is giant thunder Qiubao shoots, the volume also wanted on the big three points compared with previously that this looks like the rupturing fireball, but the prestige can actually compared with the rupturing fireball not know that in a big way many time of terrifying thunder balls directly soared Zou Liangfei to go. 灵炉出现的同时,月离法杖顶端,又是一枚巨大的雷球爆射而出,体积比先前那颗还要大上三分,这看上去如同爆裂火球,但威能却比爆裂火球不知道大了多少倍的恐怖雷球直奔邹靓飞去。 Zou Liang has relieved the paralysis at this time, in the hand three king shield inserts to the ground suddenly, three king shield surface had turned into the radiant golden color, the central lion's head opens the double pupil suddenly, sends out fierce roaring! 邹靓此时已经解除麻痹,手中三王盾猛然向地面一插,三王盾表面已经变成了璀璨的金色,中央狮头骤然睁开双眸,发出一声剧烈的咆哮! The low and deep roaring sound, erupts along with the golden ray of surge, just like the golden vortex common light wave to collide with purple thunder ball who flying to shoot to come outrageously together. 低沉的咆哮声,伴随着彭湃的金色光芒爆发而出,犹如金色旋涡一般的光波与飞射而来的紫色雷球悍然碰撞在一起。 Rumble!” In fierce bellow, thunderstorm ball surface thunder, in that Lion King roared strips and is defeated and dispersed, in the meantime, was centered on Zou Liang body, beyond the intense impact wave direction burst out, will preserve the dissociation electricity glow in air to suppress completely. “轰隆隆!”剧烈的轰鸣声中,雷暴球表面雷霆在那狮王咆哮中剥离、溃散,同时,以邹靓身体为中心,强烈的冲击波向外迸发,将留存于空气中的游离电芒全部扑灭。 Zou Liang has not stopped he in the wild condition also only then started full power strength of the striking again, the success or failure depended on this. Three king shield surface three beast head the opens the mouth angrily roars simultaneously, was bigger than previously a time of light wave eruption, directly soars the lunar motion the direction to cover to go. 邹靓没有停顿他在狂暴状态下也只有再发动全力一击之力了,成败在此一举。三王盾表面三大兽首同时张口怒吼,比先前更大一倍的光波爆发而出,直奔月离的方向覆盖而去。 The referee when the both sides first collision had entered the stadium, defends side the lunar motion, if the lunar motion is unable to resist him to terminate the competition immediately. 裁判在双方第一次碰撞的时候就已经入场了,守在月离身边,如果月离无法抵挡他就会立刻终止比赛。 However, at this moment, the people pupil cannot help but contracts, because they see impressively, that gigantic thunder ball, after the superficial thunder was previously stripped, the interior presented an ice hockey unexpectedly, is covered with ice hockey that the ice punctured, is the ice the magic frozen ball? 但是,也就在这时,众人瞳孔都不由得为之收缩,因为他们赫然看到,先前那硕大的雷球,表面雷霆被剥离之后,内部竟然又出现了一个冰球,长满了冰刺的冰球,冰系魔法冰封球? But next flickers, roared the giant light wave that appears when along with three king, that frozen ball unexpectedly explodes, internal thunder Jiangben welled up, erupts the extremely terrifying explosive force. 而下一瞬,伴随着三王咆哮的巨大光波出现时,那冰封球竟是自行爆炸开来,内部雷浆奔涌,爆发出极其恐怖的爆炸力。 The giant light wave that three king roared covered an enough several hundred square meters range, but the lunar motion center this range, actually consistently stood there, front ice shield unceasing reappearing, unceasing was broken. 三王咆哮的巨大光波覆盖了足足数百平方米的范围,而就是在这个范围正中的月离,却始终站在那里,面前一面面冰盾不断的浮现而出,又不断的被震碎。 The explosion of thunder thick liquid frozen ball, prevented three king roaring positive/direct most impacts, but that ice shields under the detonation of thunder, reduced and solved the complementary waves. 雷浆冰封球的爆炸,阻挡住了三王咆哮正面的大部分冲击,而那一面面冰盾则是在雷霆的引爆之下,化解了余波。 On three king shield ray restrains gradually, the surfaces of three beast head are gradually gloomy, is gloomy, liquid spirit strength brilliance that Zou Liang whole body blooms. His full power eruption is nothing less, but, has prepared for the lunar motion, is actually relying on the strong explosive force of livelihood same splendor spirit furnace, continued actually. 三王盾上的光芒渐渐收敛,三大兽首的表面渐渐暗淡下来,随之暗淡的,还有邹靓全身绽放的液态灵力光彩。他的全力爆发不可谓不强,但是,早就已经做好了准备的月离,却凭借着日月同辉灵炉的强大爆发力,硬是承接了下来。 Before trading, she with Zou Liang to the war, from the beginning, she will not continue with very intensive magic attack opponent like this, keeping the opponent from completing three king roaring this degree of eruptions. But today is different, she is to make Zou Liang erupt the full power, beats him again, making that person of observing have a look at her to enter the livelihood same splendor spirit furnace after step strong. Although is not skilled, but by the strength of spirit furnace, actually resisted Zou Liang attack completely. 换了以前,她绝不会这样和邹靓对战,从一开始,她就会持续用高强度的魔法攻击对手,让对手根本无法完成三王咆哮这种程度的爆发。但今天不一样,她就是要让邹靓爆发出全力,再击败他,让观战的那个人看看她进阶后的日月同辉灵炉有多强。尽管还不熟练,但凭借灵炉之力,却完全抵挡住了邹靓的攻击。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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