The form of Jun Xiaoyaoandsunsetappears.君逍遥和桑榆的身影浮现而出。
The visionsized upYuanblack inkonelightly.
目光淡淡打量了元墨一眼。Jun Xiaoyaosaidlightly: „Mixes a day of clan?”君逍遥平淡道:“混天族?”Nearbysunsethearsword, smallfaceswiftlyslightlyonewhite.
一旁桑榆闻言,小脸倏然微微一白。Sheunderstandsimmediately, thisgroup of people, shouldbebefore, buries the starin the bloodriver, urges the lotus flowerviewLordand the otherssecretlyperson.
她立刻明白了,这群人,应该就是之前,在血河葬星,驱使莲花观主等人的幕后之人。„Good, mixes a day of clan below, Yuanblack ink.”
“不错,在下混天族,元墨。”„It seems likeyour excellency is really Jun XiaoyaoYoung Master Jun that the presentprominence, was the Xiaoyaoking in day of edictimmortaltowards.”
The Yuanblack ink, pouringis notthattypedoes not have the person of brain.
元墨,倒也不是那种无脑之人。Nocomes uponvariousprovocation.
没有一上来就各种挑衅。Naturally, hedoes not comeandJun Xiaoyaochats.
当然,他也不是来和君逍遥聊天的。„Sinceknowsmystatus, your actwhatintent?”
The Jun Xiaoyaotonebringsto wipesluggishly.君逍遥语气带着一抹懒散。Seesthisattitude, the lords of nearbytwobiginfluence, are secretare surprised.
看到这态度,一旁的两位大势力之主,都是暗暗一诧。Mixing a day of clanis the top 100racesexiststop ten.
要知道,混天族可是百强种族排名前十的存在。Evenis calledcertainlyTyrantclan.
甚至被称为准霸族。Facing the character of thisinfluence, Jun Xiaoyaounexpectedlyisso the attitude.
面对这一势力的人物,君逍遥竟然还是如此态度。Onlycansay that was really supercilious.
The Yuanblack inkeyealsonarrows the eyesslightly.
元墨眼睛也是微微一眯。Hesaid with a smile: „Actually, has nothing, does not know whether Young Master Jundoes knowto bury a starplacenamedbloodriver?”
他呵地一笑道:“其实,也没什么,就是不知,君公子是否知晓一处名叫血河葬星的地方?”Hespeaking ofthis, the visionsuddenlybecomesswift and fierce, looks straight aheadJun Xiaoyao.
The Yuanblack inkfelt,Jun Xiaoyaomayargue, explainedanything.
元墨觉得,君逍遥或许会辩解,解释一些什么。Words that howeverJun Xiaoyao said that wasmakes the Yuanblack inkbe shocked.
然而君逍遥说出的话,却是让元墨都愣住了。„Right, the chaoticcrystal stonemineral lode, Itook, how do youwant?”
“没错,浑沌晶石矿脉,我拿了,你想如何?”Simple, directly, simply, has not beaten around the bush.
简单,直接,干脆,没有丝毫拐弯抹角。Jun Xiaoyaosaidis very confident, does not care at all.君逍遥说的很坦然,毫不在意。
The Yuanblack inkexpressionconcentrates, cannot bearsay: „Youshouldknow, the truth of first come first served, thatmineral lode, isIfirstdiscovers.”
元墨表情都是一凝,忍不住道:“那你应该知晓,先来后到的道理,那处矿脉,是我先发现的。”Jun Xiaoyaois disinclinedto look atYuanblack inkone.君逍遥都懒得看元墨一眼。„ToJun, withoutfirst come first served, ismy, ismy, is notmy, ismy.”
“对君某来说,没有先来后到,是我的,就是我的,不是我的,也是我的。”„Withoutothermatters, youcanroll.”
“如果没其他事,你可以滚了。”Alsoisoptionalwords, making the expression of Yuanblack inksomewhat unable to stretchslightly.
The lord of nearbybiginfluence, cannot bearsay.
一旁的一位大势力之主,更是忍不住道。„Sufficed, althoughyouare the day of edictimmortaltoward the Xiaoyaoking, butYuanblack inkYoung Master, mixes the eminent of day of clan, howyoumay......”
The lord of thisbiginfluence, the wordshas not said.
这位大势力之主,话还没有说完。Jun Xiaoyaolookslightly.君逍遥一眼淡淡看去。Shortly, thisexpert, then the feelingsuch as the fallingice cave, as ifhas a chill in the air, from a vertebracuns (2.5 cm)spreadon.
The Yuanblack inkknits the browsslightly: „Jun Xiaoyao, has saying that you are a character, butImix a day of clan, non-is the generalinfluence.”
The Yuanblack inkeyegroundflashes throughwipes the differentglow, said.
元墨眼底闪过一抹异芒,道。„, The bloodriverburies the matter of star, for the time beingdoes not raise, Ihopeactually,youcango tometo mixday of clan.”
“哦?”Jun Xiaoyaorevealswipesto smile.君逍遥露出一抹笑。„Has saying that youare brave.”
The Yuanblack inkshakes the head saying: „Youconsidered thoroughly, Iwantto askyouto mix a day of clanto be a guest.”
元墨摇了摇头道:“你多虑了,我只是想要请你去混天族做客而已。”„IfIdid say no?”
“如果我说不呢?”„, Provokes the top 100racesfirstten, is not a wisechoice.”
The look of Yuanblack ink was also cold.
The Jun Xiaoyaoattitude, makeshimquiteuncomfortable.君逍遥的态度,着实让他极为不爽。Asmixingday of clanelite, wherehearrives, was not flatteredvenerates, even the Emperor Realmcharactersmustwithitbeing on good terms.
身为混天族精英,他走到哪里,不是受人吹捧尊崇,连帝境人物都要与之交好。ButJun Xiaoyao, is actually the oilsaltdoes not enter.
而君逍遥,却是油盐不进。Even, has not placedinhim the eyeslightly.
甚至,丝毫没有把他放在眼中。„Are youthreateningme?”
“你在威胁我?”Jun Xiaoyao is still an appearance of lightnowave.君逍遥依然是一副平淡无波的样子。Corners of the mouthwipes the smile, bringssometo ponder.
这是一个很熟悉的笑。Musthave bad luckon behalf ofsomepeople.
代表又有人要倒霉了。„Thatthenmountaindoes not transfer the waterrevolutions.”
“那便山不转水转。”Yuanblack inkcoldsnort/hum.
元墨冷哼一声。Heis not silly, knowsJun Xiaoyaocan.
他也不傻,知道君逍遥的能为。Even ifheadds on the rare treasure, twoGreat Emperorcharacters, it is estimated thatare still hardto cope withJun Xiaoyao.
就算他加上秘宝,还有两位大帝人物,估计也难以对付君逍遥。Thisappearance, butwantsto have a look, whether to be able to mix the background of day of clan, shocksJun Xiaoyao.
这次现身,不过是想看看,能否以混天族的背景,震慑君逍遥。Factsshowed,Jun Xiaoyaodoes not fearanythreatcompletely.
事实证明,君逍遥完全不惧任何威胁。Therefore a Yuanblack inkalso can only give uptemporarily, waitsto mixthat side a day of clanto make the arrangement.
所以元墨也只能暂时罢休,等混天族那边做安排。Yuanblack inkand the othersmustdepart.
元墨等人就要离去。However, the lightsoundresoundstogether.
然而,一道淡淡声音响起。„Comesin front ofJun, after puttingtwoaggressive statementsto threaten, wantsto leavesafely?”
The Jun Xiaoyaolookis faint.君逍遥眼神淡漠。„Althoughyouare the Xiaoyaoking in day of edictimmortaltowards, the statusis uncommon, butImix a day of clan, isno onemayprovoke.” The Yuanblack inkknits the brows, coldsay/way.
“虽然你是天谕仙朝的逍遥王,身份不凡,但我混天族,也不是谁都可招惹的。”元墨皱眉,冷道。Jun Xiaoyaowithout delay, palmcoverpress/pressuregoesdirectly!君逍遥二话不说,一掌直接盖压而去!On this daynextwithin, without the personor the influence that hisJun Xiaoyaodoes not dareto provoke!
这天下间,没有他君逍遥不敢招惹的人或者势力!„Jun Xiaoyao, youdare!”
The Yuanblack inkcomplexionsuddenlychanges, quicklyoffers a sacrifice to the guardmethod.
元墨脸色骤然一变,急忙祭出护身手段。Has the ancientswordacross the sky, incompletebronzeancientshield, blooms the deterrentaura.
有古剑横空,还有残缺的青铜古盾,绽放出威慑气息。Jun Xiaoyaothispalm , several other people, coversincludingtwoEmperor Realmexpertsimilarly.君逍遥这一掌,也同样将其余几人,包括两位帝境强者笼罩在内。They are also instincttake action, the emperorsaid that the brilliancesurges.
他们亦是本能出手,帝道光辉涌动。Howeverall these, look likeinJun Xiaoyao, isa mantis trying to obstruct a chariot.
His palmhorizontal, refers to the winding aroundchaosaura, as ifsideancientchaosdayheavenspressto go.
他一掌横过,指间缭绕混沌气息,仿佛一方古老的混沌天穹盖压而去。Alsosuch asWutzushan, suppressesall, even the lines on the handis clearly discernible, Yuanblack inkand the otherswill wrap upis one of them.
又如五指山,镇压一切,连掌纹都清晰可见,将元墨等人包拢在其中。ThattwoGreat Emperormethod, was shatteredby a Jun Xiaoyaopalminstantaneously, the entireemperorbodyis shivering, was collapsedby the chaosair pressure, bloodrainsplash.
那两位大帝的手段,瞬间被君逍遥一掌破灭,整个帝躯都在颤抖,被混沌气压崩,血雨飞溅。But a Yuanblack ink, isstartled and anger.
而元墨,亦是又惊又怒。In the eyealsobringsto wipe the faintregret.
眼中还带着一抹隐隐的悔意。Mixes the status of day of clansmanbyhim, wherearrives, was awed, whois apprehensive.
以他混天族人的身份,走到哪里,都受人敬畏,谁都忌惮三分。FinallyJun Xiaoyao, is really the lord who is not afraid of getting into trouble, does not care aboutanythingto mix a day of clan.
结果君逍遥,真是一个不怕事的主,根本不在乎什么混天族。Variousguardmethods that the Yuanblack inkoffers a sacrifice, looks likeinJun Xiaoyao, exists in name only.
元墨所祭出的各种护身手段,在君逍遥看来,也是形同虚设。He can also detect, although a Yuanblack inkcanmixes the elite of day of clan.
他也能察觉到,元墨虽然可以算是混天族的精英。Butobviously, shouldnot be the character of mostcore.
但显然,应该不是最为核心的人物。„Youmix a day of clan, poses as the chaosbloodlines.”
“你们混天族,以混沌血脉自居。”„Ithenmakeyouexperience, whattruechaos.”
“那我便让你见识见识,何谓真正的混沌。”Jun Xiaoyaostimulates to movement the energy of Primal Chaos Physique, in an instant, the worldrushes, the chaosfogfills the air.君逍遥催动混沌体之能,刹那间,天地澎湃,混沌雾霭弥漫。Jun Xiaoyao, white clothingflap flap, Divine King that ifwalksin the chaos, the graces, the pressurecollapses the worldstrongly, the internal energytremblesto the universe.君逍遥,白衣猎猎,若一尊在混沌之中行走的神王,举手投足,压崩天地,气机强到乾坤震颤。ThattwoGreat Emperor, absolutelydo not have the slightresistivity, changes into the bloodfrothdirectly.
Some other people are also so.
其余一些人亦是如此。„Damn, Jun Xiaoyao!”
The Yuanblack ink is also exudesoneto drinkseverely, stimulates to movement the chaosbloodlines.
元墨也是发出一声厉喝,催动自身混沌血脉。Hischaosbloodlines, in front ofJun XiaoyaolegitimatePrimal Chaos Physique.
只是,他的混沌血脉,在君逍遥正统的混沌体面前。Looked like the grandsonto seeGrandpaancestorsimply, was suppressed the extreme.
简直就像是孙子见了祖爷爷,被压制到了极点。„Possibly, evenPrimal Chaos Physique, is how impossibleto restrain the chaosbloodlinescompletely!”
The Yuanblack inkhas a big shock.
元墨大惊失色。Theymix the chaosbloodlines of day of clan, inheritsfromancestorpeerlessPrimal Chaos Physique.
他们混天族的混沌血脉,继承自祖上一尊绝世混沌体。Even ifmettruePrimal Chaos Physique, is not the extent that unable to withstand.
就算是遇到了真正的混沌体,也不至于如此不堪。Butinstantaneously, a Yuanblack inkthinksprobablyanythingresembles, looksto the pupil of Jun Xiaoyao, shrinksto the needle eyesizesuddenly.
但瞬间,元墨像是想到什么似的,看向君逍遥的瞳孔,也是骤然缩至针眼大小。„Is it possible that aren't youalsogeneralPrimal Chaos Physique?”
“莫非,你还不是一般的混沌体?”Heis fearful and apprehensive, loses the sound said.( This chapterends)
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