The firststand in gingerhidden dragon, is the fiftyimmortaltoward.
姜卧龙的第一站,是大衍仙朝。Because of the fiftyimmortaltoward, is the dayedictimmortaltoward, in view.
因为大衍仙朝,乃是和天谕仙朝,最为针对的。Spreads out the sovereign, after the incarnationwas extinguished, notdirectly to gingerhidden dragon.
衍皇,在化身被灭后,并没有直接对上姜卧龙。Hecould not have reachedgingerhidden dragonthatlevel, can only the supreme headquartersinfiftyimmortaltowardsassume personal command.
他还达不到姜卧龙那个层级,只能在大衍仙朝的大本营坐镇。However the strength of gingerhidden dragonis how terrifying.
然而姜卧龙的实力何其恐怖。However when are many, he is arrives at the fiftyimmortaltoward the area that is , the trimbiguniverseas ifbecause ofhisarrivalthunders.
不过多时,他便是降临大衍仙朝所在的疆域,整片大宇宙仿佛都因为他的到来而轰鸣。„Gingerhidden dragon, thistimeindeedismyfiftyimmortaltowardsomewhatcrude.”
“姜卧龙,这次的确是我大衍仙朝有些鲁莽。”„Butdoes not represent, myfiftyimmortaltoward, can only let the personto humiliate.”
“但并不代表,我大衍仙朝,只能任人欺凌。”Spreads out the figure of sovereignto reappear, thistimeis not the incarnation, butis the true body.
衍皇的身形浮现,这次并非是化身,而是真身。Wears the emperor's crown, wears the emperorrobe, shouldbe the grand appearanceunparalleledcharacter.
头戴帝冠,身着帝袍,本该是雄姿盖世的人物。Butthishad the frontingingerhidden dragon, hisemperorsaid the brilliancedimlyprobablymany.
但在姜卧龙这等存在面前,其帝道光辉好像都黯淡了不少。Jianghidden dragondid not say a word, heldcoverpress/pressureto go.
The worlduniversecrashes, the surroundingsinnumerablestarsextinguishbroken, was shakenbythatmighty wavesfor the fragmentpowder.
天地宇宙都为之崩塌,周围无数星辰碎灭,被那股波澜震为齑粉。Spreads out the sovereignto see that transfers the strength of trimuniverse.
衍皇见状,调动整片宇宙之力。Hereafter all is the domain in fiftyimmortaltowards, the operationfor a long time, proliferatesmanyancientterrifying the formationgodmarks.
At this momentallspread outsovereigntransfers, innumerableformationare pasting, the aurais shocking, mustcontendwithgingerhidden dragon.
此刻尽数被衍皇调动,无数阵法在流转,气息惊世,要与姜卧龙抗衡。However, is only a palm.
然而,只是一掌而已。Coverstrillionli (0.5 km)formationto destroyinstantaneously, avalanche.
覆盖亿万里的阵法都在瞬间溃灭,崩塌。Spreads out the figure of sovereignalsoto be rumbledto draw backdirectly, cracked-upmanystarsalong the way.
衍皇的身形亦是直接被轰退,沿途撞碎了诸多星辰。Good, spreads out the strength of sovereign is very indeed strong.
不错,衍皇的实力的确很强。Butalsoas in Emperor Realm.
但也依旧在帝境之中。Butgingerhidden dragon, mustgo a step furthercompared withitneargodlevel.
而姜卧龙,比之近神级都要更进一步。Spreads out the sovereignevendraws support from the placeto benefit, cannot block a gingerhidden dragonpalm.
衍皇即便借助地利,也挡不住姜卧龙一掌。At this moment.
就在这时。Fiftyimmortaltowardcoredeep place, suddenly, vastauraascension.
大衍仙朝核心深处,忽然,有一股浩瀚的气息升腾而起。Butthisaura, has the faint traceto be oldanddecayed.
A being on the verge of deathold man, spookyreappearingdeep place.
一位行将就木的老者,幽幽浮现深处。Thatold man, is extremely old, as ifbighalfbodygot buried into the loessgeneral.
那位老者,太过苍老,仿佛大半截身子埋进了黄土中一般。Butthataura, as strongtremblesas the universeas before!
但那股气息,依旧强到乾坤战栗!„The hidden dragonfellow daoist, can youachievethis?”
The old manopens the mouth, the voice is also incomparablyold.
The gingerhidden dragoncomplexionhas not changed.
姜卧龙脸色没有变化。„Iam givingyoureasonable the fiftyimmortaltoward.”
The old menpulloneto smile, hesaid.
老者扯出一丝笑,他道。„A move.”
“一招。”Jianghidden dragonlooked atold manoneeyes.
“可。”Immediately, gingerhidden dragon and old man, the footstepsalltread, the figurevanishesinstantaneouslyon the spot.
“太祖……”Spreads out the sovereignto seethis, deeply frowned.
衍皇看到这一幕,眉头紧锁。Thisold man, is the background of fiftyimmortaltowardsis.
这一位老者,乃是大衍仙朝的底蕴所在。Is the foundinggreat ancestor.
更是开国太祖。Whenis extremely early, is nearDeity.
在极早时,便已经是近神人物。What a pity, whenattackingmyth, finallyfailure.
可惜,在冲击神话时,最后失败。Not onlyhas not broken through, insteadlost the life source, day after daydecrepit.
不仅没有突破,反而损失了生命本源,日渐衰朽。Almostis at the seclusionconditionyear to year, did not ask the human affairs, hung the one breath.
几乎常年处于闭关状态,不问世事,吊住一口气。Therefore, even ifwere strandedinJianghidden dragon, when the dayedictimmortaltowardis no longer magnificent.
正是因此,哪怕在姜卧龙被困,天谕仙朝不复辉煌时。Thisfiftygreat ancestor, does not have the presentworld.
这位大衍太祖,也没有现世过。Howeverin a minute.
不过片刻。Gingerhidden dragon and fiftygreat ancestor'sfigurealsoappears.
姜卧龙与大衍太祖的身形同时浮现。Two peopleseem like that withhas not just now distinguished.
两人看似和方才没有丝毫区别。Butsees the fiftygreat ancestor, as can be seen, itwas old decayedfigure, as if were also many a richerdecayedaura.
但看大衍太祖,可以看到,其原本苍老腐朽的身形,似乎又多了更加浓郁的腐朽气息。Evenis winding aroundfaintlydeadair/Qi.
甚至隐隐缭绕着一股死气。„The hidden dragonfellow daoist, I have known.” The fiftygreat ancestorsighed, said.
“知晓便可。”Gingerhidden dragonlightsay/way.
姜卧龙淡淡道。Then the footstepstread, vanish in same place, left the fiftyimmortaltoward the universe that is.
然后脚步一踏,消失在原地,离开了大衍仙朝所在的宇宙。„Great-grandfathergreat-grandmother, this......”
After gingerhidden dragonwalks, spreads out the sovereignto start to speak but hesitate.
待姜卧龙走后,衍皇欲言又止。„Yourthischess, went astray......”fiftygreat ancestorto sigh.
“你这一步棋,走错了啊……”大衍太祖叹道。„But...... is it possible that has myfiftyimmortaltoward, resided under the person?”Spreads outin the sovereigneyes the belt/bring is still unwilling.
“可是……莫非我大衍仙朝,就得一直居于人下?”衍皇眼中犹带不甘。Asonegeneration of Sovereign, to the strongcharacter, whois glad to occupyunder the person?
The fiftygreat ancestorshakes the head.
大衍太祖摇头。„Having the ambitionis the good deed.”
“有野心是好事。”„But the ambition, matcheswith the strength, otherwise is a tragedy.”
“但野心,得与实力相匹配,不然便是一出悲剧。”„Youthink, dayedictimmortaltoward, only thengingerhidden dragon?”
“你以为,天谕仙朝,只有姜卧龙?”„Actuallyalsosomepeople, althoughhere, actuallydoes not pay attentionin the darkness.” The fiftygreat ancestorsaid.
“其实还有人,虽不在此,却在冥冥中关注。”大衍太祖道。Spreads outsovereignintentiononerevolution, thinks a person, the facial featuresconcentrateaustere.
衍皇心念一转,想到了一个人,面容凝肃。„Heavenly MysteryGreat Emperor!”
The fiftygreat ancestorsighed, thenvomitedfiercely a blood.
大衍太祖一叹,然后猛地呕出了一口血。„Great-grandfathergreat-grandmother......”spreads out the sovereignto change colorsslightly.
“太祖……”衍皇微微失色。„Unobstructive, I have the one breath.”
“无碍,吾还有一口气。”„Laterannouncedto the outside, myfiftyimmortaltoward, to seal/confertowards/dynasty!”
“什么?”Spreading out the sovereignstate of mindis unassuageable.
衍皇心绪难以平静。Theirfiftyimmortaltoward, mustbe compelledto seal/confertowards/dynastyunexpectedly.
他们大衍仙朝,竟然要被逼地封朝。What does thisandlower the headto kneel downbendscrouches/submits to distinguish?
在离开大衍仙朝后。Jianghidden dragonwent toanotherplaceagain, bluedemonvalley.
姜卧龙再度来到了另一个地方,蓝魔谷。Thisis the domain of bluedemonclan.
这是蓝魔族的地盘。Ifgingerhidden dragonDivinityarrival, does not have anyunnecessaryspoken language.
A palmpressure , the large expanse ofuniverseis voidis collapsing.
一掌威压而下,成片成片的宇宙虚空在坍塌。That side the bluedemonvalley, there is a vastformationascension, the resultis then hitto collapseinstantaneously.
蓝魔谷那边,有浩瀚的阵法升腾,结果瞬间便被打崩。„Gingerhidden dragon, youcan't be that bad, wecanchat......”
The severalkings of bluedemonclanappear, looks that just likegingerhidden dragon that extinguishing the worldgodsis born, scared.
“现在吾就在与你们讲道理。”Jianghidden dragon the wordsare light, continuetake action, the strength of sidereal revolutionas ifalong withitsrevolution.
姜卧龙话语淡淡,继续出手,周天之力都仿佛随其运转。Was reasonable?
讲道理?Looks that everywhereruineduniverseis void.
看着那漫天破败的宇宙虚空。Yourthistruth, is a little terrifying......
The severalkings of bluedemonclan, have a wanting to cry but have no tearsfeelingimmediately.
他们蓝魔族是很凶狂。Finallytoday, actuallybumped into a more ominousruthlessperson.
Were youandgingerhidden dragonreasonable?
好啊。Hewas also reasonablewithyou.
他也和你讲道理。Butwith the way of physics.
The kings of severalbluedemonclans, were killedby the gingerhidden dragondomineeringbang.
几尊蓝魔族的王,被姜卧龙强势轰杀。In addition, evenineven/includingQizu, swallowed the innumerablelifelifeandsoul the tree of bluedemon, was eradicatedbygingerhidden dragon.
The bonusisbackgroundtake action of bluedemonclan, is unable to detain.
The strength of gingerhidden dragon, is notneargodlevel.
姜卧龙的实力,已经不是近神级了。Butwas a footentered into the boundary of myth.
而是一只脚迈入了神话之境。Later, except forfiftyimmortaltowardandbluedemonclan.
之后,除了大衍仙朝和蓝魔族。Jianghidden dragonwent to several other clans.
The gold/metalcorner/hornking of spiritcorner/hornclan, bygingerhidden dragon, ifsteps on the antto be run over and die!
The severalkings of purpleelectricityclanfall from the sky, the emperorblooddyes the heaven!
紫电族的几位王陨落,帝血染苍天!ancientBarbarian Clanancestor, was hitto collapseby a gingerhidden dragonpalm, entireclanexpertalmostallextinguishes!
The one by onenewscomes, almost east made the boundlessallinfluenceisfearful and apprehensive.一个个消息传来,几乎令东苍茫各方势力都是心惊胆寒。Manypeoplewere even guessing,gingerhidden dragonhid one's incompetence by remaining silent.
很多人甚至在猜测,姜卧龙是不是藏拙了。Is it possible thathealreadyachievementmyth?
莫非他已然成就了神话?Butno oneknows.
但没人知道。No one, daresinthistime, to investigate the actual situation of gingerhidden dragon.
更没有人,敢在这个时间段,去探查姜卧龙的虚实。Arrivedfinally, gingerhidden dragonalmostmadeeasthalfboundlesslose one's voice.
The innumerableinfluencesshock, strongclanscared.
无数势力震撼,强族胆寒不已。Someonceanddayedictimmortaltowardhavingconflictedinfluence, istrembling, in constant anxiety.
一些曾经和天谕仙朝有所冲突的势力,更是战战兢兢,惶惶不可终日。Gingerhidden dragon, was strandedis reborn in paradise the holegloriousyears.
姜卧龙,被困往生洞悠久岁月。Somemanypeople, almost forgothisname.
有许多人,都快忘了他的名。Butnow, returnedagain, vibratedentireeastboundless.
而如今,再度回归,震动了整个东苍茫。Everyoneas ifsaw, the prosperousdayedictimmortaltoward, seems once goingto reappear!( This chapterends)
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