God Conferring Stele, is not no need saying that examines the Realm SeaHeaven's Chosentouchstone.封神碑,自不必多说,是检测界海天骄的试金石。Nine, stressed the abilityattributes of differentaspectrespectively.
共有九块,分别侧重不同方面的能力属性。But the time of arriving is random, is not fixed.
而降临的时间是随机的,也是不固定的。Before, had presentedfive.
之前,就已经出现了五块。Butat present, everyonehas not thought.
而眼下,所有人都没有想到。God Conferring Stelewill arriveatthis time.封神碑会在这个时候降临。Threelive the emperor's childrento stop the movementsuddenly, lookstothatGod Conferring Stele, the eyegroundhas a wisp of inexplicableprofound meaning.
三生帝子忽然止住动作,看向那封神碑,眼底带着一缕莫名深意。But when is at the peoplesurprise.
而就在众人诧异之际。Suddenly, during thatis void , the steleappears.
突然,那虚空之中,又有一块石碑浮现。„IstogetherGod Conferring Stele?”
The peopleon the sceneare more surprised.
在场众人更加惊疑。Howeveralthoughso, butalsooncehadmatter that twoGod Conferring Stelehave arrived atsimultaneouslybefore.
但更让人目瞪口呆的还在后面。Void, third, fourthGod Conferring Stele, appearsindistinctlyfromvoid the shadow.
虚空之中,第三块,第四块封神碑,从虚空中隐约浮现出影子。Everyone, isholds breathcold air.
所有人,都是倒吸一口凉气。FourGod Conferring Stelealsoarrive!
四块封神碑同时降临!Thiswassince ancient times the rarescene!
这可是古来难得一见的景象!„Howlike this, four will God Conferring Stelealso arrive?”
“怎么会这样,四块封神碑同时降临?”„Can it be thatto detect, laterRealm Sea may have the bigaccident, thereforealsoarrived?”
“莫不是察觉到了,之后界海可能会出大变故,所以同时降临?”„Right, do not forget, beforeYun XiaoYoung Lord, reachedfiveGod Conferring Stelefirst places.”
“对了,你们别忘了,之前云逍少主,登顶了五块封神碑榜首。”„Howeverhas the hearsay, ifthere is a person, canreachsimultaneouslynineGod Conferring Stelefirst places, will then have the situation that is unable to expect happened.”
“而具传闻,若有人,能同时登顶九块封神碑榜首,则会有无法料想的情况发生。”„Orobtainssomestartleddaymost precious object, eitherobtainswhatdefying heavenschance.”
“或者是得到某种惊天至宝,或者是得到什么逆天机缘。”„Pitifully, Yun XiaoYoung Lordinseclusion, has not known that nowcancatch up......”
“可惜了,云逍少主现在还在闭关,不知道能不能赶上啊……”FourGod Conferring Stelealsoarrives, it can be said thatcame as a surprise toeveryone.
四块封神碑的同时降临,可以说是出乎了所有人的预料。Even, even if most noticeablethreelives the war of emperor's children and Ye Junlin, was won the crest of wave.
甚至,哪怕是最为引人注目的三生帝子与夜君临之战,都是被夺走了风头。Threelive the emperor's childrenfigureto stop, lookstothatvoidfourGod Conferring Stele.
三生帝子身形止住,看向那虚空中的四块封神碑。Then, heshakes the headto saylightly: „Thiswar, stopstemporarily.”
而后,他淡淡摇头道:“这一战,暂时止住。”Threelive the words of emperor's children, lets the audiencesurprise.
Doesn't thishit?
这就不打了?„Youmadeonefeel disappointedactually.”Ye Junlinfaintsay/way.
“你倒是令人扫兴。”夜君临淡漠道。„Perhapslater, candisputeinanotherbattlefield.”
“或许之后,可以在另一个战场上较量一下。”Threelive the emperor's childrento look that ups and downsinvoidto that God Conferring Stele that has not arrived atthoroughly, lightsay/way.
三生帝子看向那在虚空中沉浮,还未彻底降临的封神碑,淡淡道。Obviously, threeliveanotherbattlefield that the emperor's children said that isGod Conferring Stele!
显然,三生帝子所说的另一个战场,就是封神碑!„Whichbattlefieldregardless in, Iwill not defeat.”
“不论在哪个战场,我都不会败。”Ye Junlinreceives the spear/gun.夜君临收枪。
A war, endsin the soabsurdsituation.
一场战局,就在这般荒谬的情况下落幕。Arrivals of fourGod Conferring Stele, interruptedthiswar.
四块封神碑的降临,打断了这场大战。Somepeoplebelieve,threelive the emperor's children to prepareto mountGod Conferring Stele, thereforestops the war.
一些人认为,三生帝子是要准备登上封神碑,所以才止住大战的。Therefore, thiswar, althoughdoes not have the result, butalsono onetauntedthreeto live the emperor's children.
所以,这场大战虽然并没有结果,但也没有人嘲讽三生帝子。Threelive the terrifyingstrength that the emperor's childrenshow, showedsufficiently,heis one of the present agepeakseveralpeople, thiswill not have the slightquestion.
三生帝子所展现出的恐怖实力,足以证明,他是当世最顶尖的几人之一,这不会有丝毫疑问。Onlythose whomake the peoplebe a pity, withoutwitnessingvictory and defeat of thisfight.
唯一让众人可惜的是,没有见证这场战斗的胜负。Moreover, performance of Ye Junlin, isimpressive.
When hecomparedbefore and Jun Xiaoyaoshowdown, was more powerful.
他比之前和君逍遥对决时,更加强大了。Even iffacingthreelives the emperor's childrensoimmeasurably deepopponent, has not revealedwhatdeclining tendency.
即便是面对三生帝子这般深不可测的对手,亦是没有露出什么颓势。Alsowasrecalled, before the Disaster Clanthreebigevildoer/monstrous talentwere cutto kill the broughtinfluence.
也算是挽回了一些,之前厄族三大妖孽被斩杀所带来的影响。Thiswar, ends.
这场战局,就此落幕。It can be said that somewhathas a strong beginning but a weak ending.
可以说,有些虎头蛇尾。Howeveractually the people, lookwith great interest.
不过众人,倒是看的津津有味。Someespeciallyyounggeneration of Heaven's Chosen.
After someevenlook, goes backto have a sudden enlightenment, obtained a bigharvest.
有些甚至看完后,回去有所顿悟,获得了不小的收获。Naturally, most noticeable, fourGod Conferring Stelealsoappear.
当然,最让人瞩目的,还是四块封神碑同时出现。Althoughat presentmanifest, but the distancearrivestruly, but alsoneedssome time.
虽然眼下显化而出,不过距离真正降临,还需要一段时间。It can be imagined, when the time comes, permanentLuobattlefield, becomesincomparablylively.
可想而知,到时候,恒罗战场,又会变得无比热闹。Even, threelive the emperor's children, Ye Junlinthisexisted, will appearagain, each othercontest.
The peopleanticipated that anotherpoint, isJun Xiaoyao.
众人期待的,还有另一点,就是君逍遥。Don't forget, before Jun Xiaoyao, has reachedfiveGod Conferring Stele, may be called the Overlord Listlevelexist.
别忘了,君逍遥之前可是登顶过五块封神碑的,堪称霸榜级存在。IfthesefourGod Conferring Stele, Jun Xiaoyao can also reach.
若是这四块封神碑,君逍遥还能登顶。Then, heisRealm Seain history, first, reachessimultaneouslynineGod Conferring Stelefirst placeslegendary characters.
那么,他将是界海有史以来,第一个,同时登顶九块封神碑榜首的传奇人物。May be calledunprecedented, latterdoes not have the future.
堪称前无古人,后无来者。Whatis more curious, after the hearsayreachesnineGod Conferring Stele, extremelyspecialchancereward.
更让人好奇的是,传闻登顶九块封神碑后,还有极为特殊的机缘奖励。Because no one has achieved.
因为从来都没有人达到过。Thereforedoes not know that isanything.
所以都不知道是什么。Somepeoplethink that possiblyis the shockinginheritance, somepeoplebelieve,canbewhatworlddivine object, unsurpassedmost precious object.
有人认为可能是惊世传承,有人认为,会是什么天地神物,无上至宝。Butin any event, the life of this, is likelyto witnessthispossiblemiracle.
但不论如何,这一世的生灵,都是有望见证这可能出现的奇迹。However, is only indefinite, isJun Xiaoyaoowncondition.
不过,唯一不确定的,就是君逍遥自身的状态。Hehas closedseclusionin the town/subduesdemonfor a long time.
Others do not know,actuallyJun Xiaoyaocanuntieto fold the immortalincantation.
其他人也不知道,君逍遥究竟能不能解开折仙咒。„Has toacknowledge,Yun XiaoYoung Lord, indeedisone, has the character of capital of having god-given wisdom.”
“不得不承认,云逍少主,的确是一位,拥有天纵之资的人物。”„But, thatis the Disaster Clanbookletimmortalincantation, eveninGreat Emperormustbody dies and dao disappears, badlyalso be completely again waste.”
“但是,那可是厄族的折仙咒啊,连大帝中了都得身死道消,再不济也会尽废。”„ThatYun XiaoYoung Lordcansupportis so long, is a miracle.”
“那云逍少主能支撑这么久,已经是个奇迹了。”„Onlycanwantto present the miracle, if?”
“只能希望出现奇迹了,万一呢?”„But, was the Yun XiaoYoung Lordcultivationdoublebody, light/only the chaosbodystands erectsufficiently the summit of present age?”
“不过,云逍少主修炼双身,光是混沌身就足以屹立当世之巅了吧?”„But, the doublebodyunites, shouldbe more terrifying, if the realbuckleInnate Sacred Dao Body, thatsomewhatwere rather a pity.”
“但是,双身合一,应该更加恐怖,若真折损了先天圣体道胎,那未免有些可惜。”After this, entirethreesovereignbarriernine, discuss spiritedly.
在这之后,整个三皇壁垒九大关,都是议论纷纷。Allinfluence, is paying attention.
各方势力,也是都在关注。Naturallyhopes that Jun Xiaoyaocancreate the miracle.
绝大部分,自然是希望君逍遥能创造奇迹的。Alsothere is such a smallpart, does not hope that Jun XiaoyaoInnate Sacred Dao Bodycanrestore.
也有那么一小部分,不希望君逍遥的先天圣体道胎能恢复过来。BecauseJun XiaoyaoPrimal Chaos Physiqueenoughterrifying, has pushed the originuniversehorizontally.
因为君逍遥的混沌体就已经足够恐怖了,横推起源宇宙。Three that except that the showdownhas not passedliveoutside the emperor's children, almostpushedhorizontally.
除了还未对决过的三生帝子外,几乎就横推了。Ifadds onInnate Sacred Dao Bodyagain, thatalso?
若是再加上一个先天圣体道胎,那还了得?Threelive the emperor's childrento be ableanti-to liveis an issue.
After some time .
一段时间后。PermanentLuobattlefield, thatfourmanifest, butGod Conferring Stele, arrivedfinallythoroughly.
During stands erectto be void, as iffourImmortalmilestonesare ordinary.
矗立虚空之中,仿佛四块不朽丰碑一般。Threesovereignbarriers, nineHeaven's Chosen, allinfluence, is the gatheringgoes.
三皇壁垒这边,九大关的天骄,各方势力,皆是汇聚而去。That sideblackcalamityethnic group, isjoins in the funto catch up.
黑祸族群那边,也是凑热闹赶来。BeforeGod Conferring Stelearrivedin the Realm Seadifferentworld.
This is the first time that arrivedbetweentwobattlefields, the blackcalamityethnic groupnaturallymustcollect a liveliness.
这还是第一次降临在两界的战场中间,黑祸族群自然是要凑一番热闹。However, incrowd that catches up with, does not have the person who the town/subduesdemonclosesonly.
然而,赶来的人群中,唯独没有镇魔关的人。Person who because the town/subduesdemoncloses, mostlyisJun Xiaoyaofollower, person, orhand/subordinateinfluence.
因为镇魔关的人,大多都是君逍遥的追随者,身边的人,或者手下势力。Theyare protectingJun Xiaoyaoseclusion, thereforehas not come.
“还是迟了吗?”HasRealm Seacultivator, lookedcloses the direction that to the town/subduesdemon, sighedslightly.
若是错过了这次机会。Later, even ifJun Xiaoyaorestored, wantsto reachagainfourGod Conferring Stele, notnecessarilyhasthatopportunity.
之后,即便君逍遥恢复了,再想要登顶四块封神碑,也不一定有那个机会。After all, fourGod Conferring Stele, arrive, since ancient timesalso such a time.
毕竟,四块封神碑,同时降临,古来也就这么一次。Almostcansay,thisisJun Xiaoyao, canreach the Overlord ListnineGod Conferring Stelelast chances!
( This chapterends)
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