Ten thousandzhang (3.33 m)Spiritual GodDharma Body, stands erectinJun Xiaoyaobehind.
万丈神灵法身,矗立于君逍遥身后。All over the body the strength of winding aroundgoldenbelief.
通体缭绕金色的信仰之力。Probablytrillionall living things, regardingthatgoldenDharma Body, are extolling, pays homage, pray!
像是有亿万众生,围绕着那尊金色法身,在赞颂,膜拜,祈祷!Boundlessfearsome, sufficientlyshock and aweuniverseboundlessstrength, proliferation.
一股无边可怖,足以震慑乾坤苍茫的力量,扩散而出。Hereis the Li peopleancestortomb, the worldruleis special.
要不是这里是黎族祖陵,天地规则特殊。Thatwisp of aura, crashesten thousandli (0.5 km)mountains and riverssufficiently.
那一缕气息,就足以压垮万里山河。Jun XiaoyaoSpiritual GodDharma Body!
正是君逍遥的神灵法身!„You are......”
“你这是……”Li Saintat this moment, the eye pupilis shiveringslightly.黎圣此刻,眼瞳都是在微微颤抖。ThatvastgoldenDharma Body, is bornjust likeDivinity.
那浩瀚的金色法身,宛如神祇降世。Is winding around the fuzzygoldenfog.
缭绕着模糊的金色雾霭。Butcanseeitsfacial featuresvaguely, is just the sameasJun Xiaoyao!
但依稀可以看出其面容,和君逍遥一模一样!Thiswhat's the matter?
这到底是怎么回事?Li Saintis completely ignorant.黎圣完全是懵的。HowJun Xiaoyaowill havesopowerfulDharma Body.君逍遥怎么会有如此强悍的法身。Let aloneLi Saintis dumbstruck.
别说黎圣发懵。Dongfang Aoyue, the Li Xianyaotwofemales, sawten thousandzhang (3.33 m)goldenDharma Body that Jun Xiaoyaostands erectbehind.东方傲月,黎仙瑶两女,看到君逍遥身后矗立的万丈金色法身。Alsoisgrins with ear to earsurprised.
亦是吃惊地合不拢嘴。They are Jun Xiaoyaorelate the closewoman, knows that hehas the card in a hand that manyhave not appeared.
她们都是和君逍遥关系密切的女人,知道他有着诸多未曾显现的底牌。Butthiscard in a hand, was a little rather unexpected.
但这底牌,未免有点出乎预料了。May be calledkingZha!
堪称王炸!Jun Xiaoyao, the complexionis light.君逍遥,面色淡淡。Generally speaking, hewill not useSpiritual GodDharma Body.
一般来说,他不会动用神灵法身。First, because, saved the strength of beliefbefore, was not quick, butuseSpiritual GodDharma Body, the strength of consumptionare too many, cannoteasilywaste.
一是因为,之前积攒信仰之力,本就不快,而动用神灵法身,耗费的力量太多,不能轻易浪费。Second, because, Jun Xiaoyaodoes not wantto form the dependencyonSpiritual GodDharma Body.
二是因为,君逍遥不想形成对神灵法身的依赖。Therefore, only ifmustoffer a sacrifice, otherwiseJun Xiaoyaowill not use.
From end the lawimmortalboat, after obtaining the strength of magnanimousbelief .
在从末法仙舟之中,得到了海量的信仰之力后。Will not have the situation that the strength of beliefis insufficientactually.
倒是不会出现信仰之力不足的情况。Even, but can also assistSpiritual GodDharma Body to further strengthen the transformation.
甚至,还可以辅助神灵法身进一步强化蜕变。Now the timeis too short, thereforeSpiritual GodDharma Body still had not transformedcompletely.
只是现在时间太短,所以神灵法身尚没有完全蜕变。Howeverevenso, stillenoughterrifying.
不过就算如此,也足够恐怖了。Copes withseverely woundedLi Saint, absolutelydoes not have the issue.
“身外之物而已。”Li Saintcoldsnort/hum, buteyegroundwipesdignifiedly, actuallybetrayedhim.黎圣一声冷哼,但眼底的一抹凝重,却出卖了他。„Right?”
“是吗?”Jun Xiaoyaooffers a sacrifice toonethingagain.君逍遥再度祭出一样东西。Thatis the sword that a overflowsradiantly, is sending outprestige of the share of gorgeouslyunsurpassedsovereign.
那是一柄璀璨流溢的剑,散发着一股巍然无上的皇者之威。Carves the stars, carves the mountainsvegetation.
一面刻日月星辰,一面刻山川草木。On the sword hiltinscribes the emperorto say the writing, as ifholdsthisSwordsman, thengrasped the worldauthority.
剑柄上刻有帝道文字,仿佛掌此剑者,便是掌握了天地权柄。Human Sovereign Sword!
正是人皇剑!GoldenSpiritual GodDharma Body, graspsgoldenHuman Sovereign Sword.
金色的神灵法身,手持金色的人皇剑。Thataura, was more terrifying, is gorgeously unsurpassed, sends outeven the heavenfor the powerfulaura that ittrembles!
那股气息,更加恐怖了,巍然无上,散发出连苍天都为之震颤的强悍气息!At this moment, the bonusisEmperor Realm, mustsubmit to hisJun Xiaoyaounder foot!
The corner of the eye of Li Sainttwitchedruthlessly.黎圣的眼角狠狠抽搐了一下。Jun Xiaoyaonaturallycannotdelayagain, the figureandSpiritual GodDharma Bodyfusion, thensaidtoDongfang Aoyue.君逍遥自然不会再拖延,身形与神灵法身相合,而后对东方傲月道。„proudmoon/month, I have said that mustaccompanyyouto take the road of thisfinalrevenge, together.”
“傲月,我说过,要陪你走完这最后的复仇之路,一起吧。”Dongfang Aoyuehearsword, the eyepupilalsotouches.东方傲月闻言,眼眸也是触动。Shemustwithhermantogether, end the passingallenmities!
轰!Theirtake action.
他们出手了。GoldenSpiritual GodDharma Body, palmHuman Sovereign Sword, reallyseems likeHuman SovereignXuanyuan Great Emperorto reappearworld.
金色的神灵法身,手掌人皇剑,真的像是人皇轩辕大帝再现世间。Thatauramighty waves, makingonetremble.
那股气息波澜,令人震颤。Human Sovereign Sword, bloomsgoldensword qi, if the vastnessrushesgenerally.人皇剑,绽放出金色的剑气,若汪洋一般澎湃。
Before Jun Xiaoyao, Human Sovereign Sword , the brand markaboutChu Xiao, has erasedall.君逍遥之前,已经将人皇剑中,关于楚萧的烙印,尽数抹除。Thereforethisswordnow, is the thing of without owner, canbe utilizedbyhim.
所以此剑现在,是无主之物,能被他所运用。Jun Xiaoyao, althoughis unable to display the Human Sovereign Swordprestigeenergy.君逍遥自身,虽然无法发挥出人皇剑的威能。HoweverSpiritual GodDharma Body.
但是神灵法身可以。Another side, Dongfang Aoyuealsostimulates to movement the emperorbody, even ifauranotcompared withSpiritual GodDharma Body, but also is the power and influencerushes.
另一边,东方傲月也是催动帝身,纵使气息不比神灵法身,但亦是威势澎湃。Two peoplecollaborate, killtoLi Saint.
“可笑!”Li Saintangrily roars.黎圣一声怒吼。Hebytwoyoung manjuniors, will be compelledso the situation.
没有想到,他会被两个后生小辈,逼到这般地步。Li Saintused the bigtechnique of Li people, the universeseemed likemustinvert, the emperorsaid that principleturbulently, was found in the world.黎圣施展出了黎族的大术,乾坤都像是要颠倒,帝道法则汹涌而出,遍布天地间。Howeveris useless.
然而都无用。Spiritual GodDharma Body, stimulates to movementHuman Sovereign Sword, a swordcutsto fall, as ifcut a bigworld.
The goldensay/waygodmarkflows, fills the entire world.
The Li Saintmethod, was torninstantaneously.黎圣的手段,瞬间就被撕裂了。
The swordglowturnover, resemblesmustletthisLi peopleancestordisintegration.
剑芒吞吐,似是要让这片黎族祖地都崩碎。Butat this time, thisancestorimperial mausoleum, suddenlyhad the inexplicablestrengthto emerge, enforcementinLi Saintbody.
而这时,这片祖地陵寝,忽然有莫名的力量涌现,加持在黎圣身上。„Did ancestorread the strength?”
The Jun Xiaoyaolookis light.君逍遥神色淡淡。Hereis the buryingplace of Li peopleancestors, during is dark, will have the so-calledhopingstrengthwithreading the strength, enforcementinLi Saintbody.
这里是黎族先人的葬地,冥冥之中,也会有所谓的愿力与念力,加持在黎圣身上。Butwhat's the big deal?
但那又如何?Jun Xiaoyaoat this moment, the goddemonis difficultto keep off!
此刻的君逍遥,神魔难挡!Thenis these ancestors of Li people are resurrectingat this moment.
便是黎族的这些先人都在此刻复活。Jun Xiaoyao must killto put onall!君逍遥也要杀穿一切!Spiritual GodDharma Bodyrushesbrilliance, every action and every movement, the universetrembles.
神灵法身光辉澎湃,一举一动,乾坤震颤。Li Saintis woundedagain, evenhad the meaning of running awayat heart.黎圣再度受创,心里甚至有了逃遁之意。Althoughthisis the absoluteshame.
虽然这是绝对的耻辱。ButLi Saint, after all is also a being adaptable to the situationcharacter.
但黎圣,毕竟也是一个能屈能伸的人物。Only thenliving, has the scrubbingshamepossibility.
But how Jun Xiaoyao may givehimthisopportunity.
但君逍遥怎么可能会给他这个机会。HeandDongfang Aoyuecollaborates, is of one mind.
The Spiritual GodDharma Bodylordmurders, butDongfang Aoyue, thencontrols the emperorbody, detains the Li Saintescape route.
神灵法身主杀伐,而东方傲月,则操控帝身,拦阻黎圣退路。Arrivedfinally, Li Saintwhole bodybloodstained.
到最后,黎圣浑身染血。Human Sovereign Swordcutsto fallacross the sky, cuts the Li Sainthalfbodydirectlybroken!人皇剑横空斩落而下,直接将黎圣半边身子都斩碎!It can be said that even if the Li Saintpeak, cannot shoulderfacingJun XiaoyaoSpiritual GodDharma Body.
可以说,哪怕是黎圣巅峰时期,面对君逍遥的神灵法身都扛不住。Let alonecauses heavy losses to the condition.
更别说是重创状态。ThereforeLi Sainthas not supportedseveralmoves, the whole personwas cutdirectlybrokenbyHuman Sovereign Sword, a little bitemperorbloodpoundsto fall, buriesto pound the innumerableholesthispiece.
所以黎圣没撑过几招,整个人直接被人皇剑斩碎,一滴滴帝血砸落而下,将这片葬地砸出无数窟窿。But, Li SaintNascent Spiritescapes, wantsto run away.
而其中,黎圣的元神遁出,想要逃遁。Spiritual GodDharma Bodyfinds out the goldenpalm, blocks the sky, if a sidevastgolden colorvault of heaven, isoneis graspingdirectlytoLi SaintNascent Spirit.
轰!Li SaintNascent Spirit, caused heavy lossesagain, auradispirited!黎圣元神,再度遭到重创,气息萎靡!ButJun Xiaoyao, has not chosenextinguishesdirectlykills.
但君逍遥,并没有选择直接灭杀。Because, hemustLi SaintNascent Spirit, giveDongfang Aoyue.
因为,他要将黎圣元神,交给东方傲月。„Givesyou.”Jun Xiaoyaosaid.
“给你。”君逍遥道。Dongfang Aoyue, Nascent Spirit of Li Saintdispirited, seals into the soulvessel.东方傲月,将黎圣萎靡的元神,封入灵魂容器之中。Li SaintNascent Spiritis still strugglingfiercely, butobviously, does not have the turnaround poweragain.黎圣元神依然在剧烈挣扎,但显然,再无回天之力。Meanwhile, inthatvessel, anotherNascent Spirit.
“还剩一人。”Dongfang Aoyuesaid.东方傲月道。Whydoes not know, sheat this momentat heart, unexpectedly not realfeelings.
不知为何,她此刻心里,竟是有一种不真实的感觉。Probablydreamfor a long time, soonmustregain consciousnessgeneral.
就好像长久以来的梦,即将要苏醒一般。Thatisblood-color, dream of revenge.
那是一个血色的,复仇的梦。„flourishingYurongthiswoman, I have sent the person in hear of snowbuildingsto capture alivein secret.”
“殷玉蓉这个女人,我已经暗中派听雪楼的人去活捉了。”„When the time comes, letstheirfamily reunion.”Jun Xiaoyaosaid.
“到时候,让他们一家团圆。”君逍遥道。Dongfang Aoyuenods.东方傲月点点头。At this time, Li Xianyaoalsowalked.
The sisters of thesetwolifedisputes, look at each otherat this momentspeechless.
The Li Xianyaocomplexion, brings the paleness of pinnacleas before.黎仙瑶的面色,依旧带着极致的苍白。Jun Xiaoyaosees that said: „ImmortalYao, the yousoulcame undersomeinfluences, butunobstructive.”君逍遥见状,道:“仙瑶,伱的灵魂受到了些许影响,不过无碍。”„Ifall the soul of spiritancestorsto smeltthatLi people, change intopuresoul power, supplements the strength of yoursoul.”
“我将那黎族降灵的先人之魂熔炼,化为精纯的魂力,补充你的灵魂之力。”„Moreover, herealsohas the soulcrystal, canhelpyouthoroughlyrestore.”
“另外,我这里还有魂晶,可以助你彻底恢复。”HearsJun Xiaoyaothesewords.
听到君逍遥的这些话。Li Xianyaois looking athimwithclearsuch as the eyepupil of jade.黎仙瑶只是用澄澈如玉的眼眸望着他。„Xiaoyao, youcaredlike this, actuallyforme, or...... she?”
“逍遥,你这样的关心,究竟是为了我,亦或是……她?”Jun Xiaoyaohearsword, is slightly silent.君逍遥闻言,微微沉默。„She?”
“她?”Nearby, does not know that the situationDongfang Aoyue, in the eyeflashes throughdoubts.
一旁,不知情况的东方傲月,眼中闪过一丝疑惑。SeesJun Xiaoyaolike this, Li Xianyaothrowssuddenly, showed a palesmile.
看到君逍遥这样子,黎仙瑶忽然扑哧一下,露出了一个苍白的微笑。ThisisreservedLi Xianyao, until nowshows, liveliestgentlehappy expression.
这是性格内敛的黎仙瑶,迄今为止所露出的,最活泼温柔的笑意。Shelifts the white hands, strokes the Jun Xiaoyaoprettyprofile.
她抬起玉手,抚摸君逍遥俊秀的侧脸。„Xiaoyao, Ihave wantedto understand, intertwinesthese, haswhatsignificance?”
“逍遥,我已经想明白了,纠结这些,有何意义呢?”„Icare aboutyou, caresyou, recognized that youareonly that my this lifetimemeets.”
“我在意你,把你放在心上,认定你是我这辈子遇到的唯一。”„Hasthese, was then enough.”
没错。Li Xianyaowantsto understand.黎仙瑶想明白了。Inshemost desperatemoment.
在她最绝望的关头。StillisJun Xiaoyaoappears, comesto saveher.
依然是君逍遥出现,前来拯救她。Shehas been content.
她已经知足了。WhatJun Xiaoyaoloveisshe, status that alsoorherJiang Shengyiis reincarnated, probablyis unimportant.君逍遥爱的是她,亦或是她姜圣依转世的身份,好像都不重要了。Li Xianyaocares, isat this moment, Jun Xiaoyaolooks that herwipesgently.黎仙瑶在意的,是此时此刻,君逍遥看着她的一抹温柔。SomeMonarchso, foot!
( This chapterends)
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