STSBAFGG :: Volume #19

#1829: Princess elder sister is a good person, mixes the stability,...

Chapter 1829 princess elder sister is a good person, mixes the stability, Emperor Clan marches 第1829章公主姐姐是个善良的人,混界稳定,帝族进军 Full moon dynasty, in deep palace. 望月皇朝,深宫之中。 Crown Princess sits on the throne, is thinking. 长公主坐在王座上,在思索。 Mysterious demon take action, sword witch and the others fell from the sky.” “神秘魔头出手,剑灵子等人陨落。” Is he?” “难道是他?” The Crown Princess look is spooky. 长公主神色幽幽。 If the life of ancestor spirit territory, will not suspect Jun Xiaoyao body. 如果说祖灵域的生灵,都不会怀疑到君逍遥身上 That knows that the details Crown Princess, naturally can suspect on Jun Xiaoyao. 那知道底细的长公主,自然会怀疑到君逍遥头上。 After all his real status, is in Profound Yellow Universe, quite famous that outside deicide, Emperor Clan Young Lord. 毕竟他的真实身份,可是玄黄宇宙中,颇为有名的那位界外杀神,帝族少主 He is the demon Monarch source owner, but, I had not detected his slight aura before “难道他是魔君本源拥有者,但是,我之前并没有察觉到他的丝毫气息” Crown Princess is lost in thought. 长公主陷入沉思。 Properly speaking, if with meets for the demon Monarch source owner, more or less will detect. 按理说,如果同为魔君本源拥有者遇见,或多或少会有所察觉。 But she had not actually detected slightly. 但她却是丝毫没有发觉。 She is not naturally clear, if Jun Xiaoyao wants to hide the own aura, even if Great Emperor is hard to see what clue for a while. 她自然不明白,君逍遥若是想掩藏自己的气息,哪怕大帝一时都难以看出什么端倪。 If he is really the demon Monarch source owner, perhaps that biography, will shock entire Realm Sea.” “不过如果他真的是魔君本源拥有者的话,那传出去,恐怕将会震惊整个界海。” Although was unable to determine now, but in any event, he is the biggest suspect , I want finally “虽然现在还无法确定,但不论如何,他的嫌疑最大,难道说,我最后还是要” The Crown Princess beautiful pupil is profound. 长公主美眸幽深。 Captures the complete demon Monarch source, similarly is one of her goals. 夺取全部的魔君本源,同样是她的目的之一。 But as the matter stands, unavoidable, is going to be in a state of hostility with Jun Xiaoyao. 但这样一来,无法避免的,将要和君逍遥处于敌对状态。 Because no one wants, surrenders something submissively the demon Monarch source. 因为没有人愿意,把魔君本源拱手让人。 Crown Princess discovered, oneself hesitated unexpectedly. 长公主发现,自己竟然犹疑了。 This is she very rare condition. 这是她很少有的状态。 But at this time, the black robe female came to say. 而这时,黑袍女子现身道。 Young lady, the boy awoke.” “小姐,那男童醒了。” Crown Princess shakes the head, the disorderly state of mind will depress, first focuses on the matter of present. 长公主摇了摇头,将杂乱的心绪压下,还是先着重于眼下之事。 In a side hall. 一处偏殿之内。 Stone dull sitting on bed. 石头呆呆的坐在床榻上。 In the mind, various chaotic scenes flash before. 脑海中,各种纷乱的景象闪现而过。 Combustion village, villagers of dying. 燃烧的村落,死去的村民们。 The stone tooth fastens to nip, in the eye appears the blood threads. 石头牙关紧咬,眼中浮现出血丝。 At this time, Crown Princess appeared. 这时,长公主出现。 Was princess elder sister saved me.” “是公主姐姐救了我。” The stone looks to Crown Princess. 石头看向长公主 Although at this moment, the stone is somewhat thin and pale, but as before is a porcelain doll boy. 虽然此刻,石头有些憔悴,但依旧是个瓷娃娃般的男童。 Let the person look, the heart will pity. 让人看了,会更加心怜。 Even some females, in the heart also possibly emerge the motherhood. 甚至一些女子,心中还可能涌现出母性。 However Crown Princess, the look under mask is secluded and lonely, if deep Tan. 但是长公主,面具下的神色幽寂,若深谭。 She said lightly: Here was the full moon dynasty, no one will harm you, you healed from a wound here well.” 她淡淡道:“这里是望月皇朝,没有人会伤害你,你就在这里好好养伤吧。” These robbers and bandits “那些盗匪” The stone clenches jaws. 石头咬牙切齿。 Demon wind robber, had been sent people to extinguish by me, these robbers and bandits, indeed does all kinds of evil.” “魔风盗,已经被我派人灭了,那些盗匪,也的确作恶多端。” Crown Princess said. 长公主道。 „Did they, extinguish?” “他们,都灭了?” Stone scared. 石头一阵丧魂落魄。 Originally, he also has the goal, must kill these robbers and bandits personally. 原本,他心里还有目标,要亲手杀了那些盗匪。 Finally, had been extinguished unexpectedly. 结果,竟然已经被灭了。 But later, the stone looked that said to Crown Princess: Elder Sister many thanks princess saved me, extinguished these robbers and bandits.” 但之后,石头看向长公主道:“多谢公主姐姐救了我,灭了那些盗匪。” Is only I, nothing can return the princess elder sister.” “只是我,没什么能回报公主姐姐。” Does not need, your well cultivation, to become stronger, was the returns to these dead villagers.” “不必了,你好好修炼,变得更强,就是对那些死去村民的回报。” Crown Princess indifferent say/way. 长公主淡然道。 „Becoming stronger “变得更强” In stone mind , before reappearing, a mirage that he sees indistinctly. 石头脑海中,又浮现出之前,他隐约所看到的一幕幻景。 In an incomparably palatial mausoleum, that say/way fuzzy form. 在一处无比巍峨的帝陵之中,那道模糊的身影。 Is that the turning point that he grows stronger? 那难道是他变强的契机吗? Ok, you recuperated well, I first walked.” “好了,你好好休养,我先走了。” Crown Princess crosses the hands behind the back, turns around to depart. 长公主负手,转身就要离去。 Princess elder sister the obligation, the stone not thinks the report.” “公主姐姐大恩,石头无以为报。” The stone gratitude said. 石头感激道。 Crown Princess has not paid attention, goes out of outside the palace, under the golden mask, the delicate pink lip angle outlined the curve that wiped coldly. 长公主没有理会,走出殿外,金色面具下,嫩红的唇角勾勒出一抹冷冷的弧度。 Looks back that Crown Princess departs. 看着长公主离去的背影。 The stone muttered. 石头喃喃道。 Although before when to seal/confer Shenbei, saw that princess elder sister kills people resolute like that callous.” “虽然之前在封神碑时,看到公主姐姐杀人那般果决冷酷。” But actually, she is also a good person, but has not displayed.” “但其实,她也是一个善良的人啊,只是没有表现出来而已。” The stone thinks of here, pinched tightly the fist, in the big eye of being in sharp contrast, 石头想到这里,捏紧了拳头,黑白分明的大眼中, Gradually emerges the color of resolution. Villagers who for these died, to have life-saving efforts Crown Princess to him. 逐渐涌现出坚定之色。不论是为了那些死去的村民,还是为了对他有救命之恩的长公主 If he wants completely all means that to become stronger! 他都要想尽一切办法,变得更强! The ancestor spirit territory, because of sword witch and the others the matter of falling from the sky, makes the repeated difficulties. 祖灵域,因剑灵子等人陨落之事,闹得风风雨雨。 But this already with Jun Xiaoyao irrelevant. 但这已经和君逍遥无关了。 He returned the azure moon/month territory. 他回到了青月域。 As for Crown Princess that side, Jun Xiaoyao was not worried. 至于长公主那边,君逍遥并不担心。 That Crown Princess, is not the reluctant to part this pure girl. 那位长公主,可不是依依这种单纯的女孩。 She regardless of the plans, the wrist/skill, the city mansion, plans. 她不论心机,手腕,城府,算计。 Even Jun Xiaoyao surprise. 君逍遥都诧异。 This can be said as he has met in the female, most special. 这可以说是他所遇见过的女子之中,最为特殊的一位了。 Therefore is also very difficult to do. 所以也很难搞。 But therefore, Jun Xiaoyao does not need to divert attention to take care or protect her. 但也正是因此,君逍遥不必分心去照顾或者保护她。 She is not the woman who that need man protects. 她不是那种需要男人保护的女人。 But after returning to Moon God Saint Clan, Jun Xiaoyao idle being all right does not do. 而回到月神圣族后,君逍遥也不是闲的没事做。 He from dao enlightenment to seal/confer Shenbei there, obtained a world fragment, just can find time refine. 他从悟道封神碑那里,又得到了一块世界碎片,刚好可以抽空炼化 Moreover, he also felt, change that within the body primary demon planted. 另外,他也感觉到了,体内原初魔种的变化。 In universe the sea of golden belief, has the strength of many belief to start to gather. 还有内宇宙的金色信仰之海中,也是有更多的信仰之力开始汇聚。 Is that side Huo Feng, good of development. 想必是霍峰那边,发展的不错。 The northern wild territory, almost fell into during the limitless city's control. 北荒域,几乎是落入了无极城的掌控之中。 But many all living things in northern wild territory, starts under doing missionary work that in Huo Feng and the others spared no effort, starts to believe in the destiny with creating the god of the world. 而北荒域的诸多众生,也是开始在霍峰等人不遗余力的传教下,开始信奉命运与创世之神。 Although this is the reputation that Jun Xiaoyao tricks. 虽然这是君逍遥忽悠出的名头。 So long as sounded on big on the line. 但只要听上去高大上就行了。 Perhaps in the remote future, he also really can become such existence. 说不定在久远的未来,他还真能成为这样的存在。 With the lapse of time. 随着时间的推移。 Outside Profound Yellow Universe entrance. 玄黄宇宙入口外。 Originally space incomparably chaotic mixes, tends to the stability finally. 原本空间无比混乱的混界,也是终于趋于稳定。 Some Emperor Clan expert, is starts to gather, is ready and waiting. 一些帝族强者,也已经是开始汇聚,整装待发。 Although in the past, Profound Yellow Universe and outside, has had the vast war. 虽然在以往,玄黄宇宙和界外,也发生过浩大的大战。 But more often, both sides are to have a tacitly consenting attitude. 但更多的时候,两方都是采取一种默许的态度。 The Profound Yellow Universe influence, permits outside eight big Emperor Clan, plunders some resources. 玄黄宇宙势力,允许界外八大帝族,掠夺一些资源。 But eight big Emperor Clan, are unable to find before, occupies the Profound Yellow Universe means thoroughly. 而八大帝族,之前也无法找到,彻底占据玄黄宇宙的办法。 In addition also has the restriction of the world rule, will therefore not launch the thorough war. 加上还有天地规则的制约,所以也不会发动彻底的战争。 Therefore two sides, maintained a subtle balance actually. 所以两方,倒是保持了一种微妙的平衡。 But at this moment, in mixing. 而此刻,在混界之中。 Has warship building up of Emperor Clan. As eight big Emperor Clan, existence that is the acknowledged leader faintly. 已经有帝族的战船集结。身为八大帝族中,隐隐执牛耳的存在。 Yun Emperor Clan, naturally is the first batch enters Profound Yellow Universe. 云氏帝族,自然是第一批进入玄黄宇宙的。 At this moment, on a warship, Jun Xiaoyao crosses the hands behind the back to stand. 此刻,在一艘战船上,君逍遥负手而立。 The side follows Yun Yusheng, Yun Qinglin, Gu Qingtian and the others. 身旁跟着云玉笙,云青临,古擎天等人。 Yun Xuanxu, as well as reluctant to part, came. 还有云玄虚,以及依依,也是来了。 Mixes stills finally, then, can go to Profound Yellow Universe to have a look.” “混界终于平定,接下来,也可以去玄黄宇宙看看了。” If can found the chance, perhaps our family younger generation, the overall strength may be increased.” “若是能在其中找到机缘,或许我们家族年轻一代,整体的实力都可提升。” In the Yun Xuanxu eye has to fight intent. 云玄虚眼中有着战意。 He is good fortune Sacred Body, if Dust Particle World in within the body, can transform. 他乃是造化圣体,若是体内的微尘世界,能够蜕变的话。 cultivation base realm is competent, will rise suddenly. 修为境界还有实力,也会暴涨。 But perhaps Profound Yellow Universe, has such chance. 玄黄宇宙,或许就有这样的机缘。 That is natural.” “那是自然。” Jun Xiaoyao slight nod. 君逍遥微微点头。 He poured had not said, this moment Jun Xiaoyao main body, in Profound Yellow Universe, has been shifty in secret. 他倒也没有说,此刻君逍遥本尊,早已在玄黄宇宙,暗中翻云覆雨了。 But at this time, other Emperor Clan warships, is starts to assemble. 而这时,其他一些帝族的战船,也是开始集结。 That side Dongfang Emperor Clan. 东方帝族那边。 Dongfang Qingwu, flatters the pupil to look to Jun Xiaoyao, physique graceful like fire, attractive daydream. 东方轻舞,媚眸一直看向君逍遥这边,身姿曼妙如火,诱人遐思。 Yun Xiao Young Lord, previous discuss dao, such as lingers in the room, making the light dance taste.” 云逍少主,上次论道,如余音绕梁,令轻舞回味。” If in the future has the opportunity, but also hopes that can have a more thorough exchange with Young Lord.” “日后若有机会,还希望能和少主有更深入的交流。” This is natural.” “这是当然。” Jun Xiaoyao also nods slightly. 君逍遥也是微微颔首。 His vision, then looked at to Dongfang Qingwu not far away another young girl. 他的目光,转而看向了东方轻舞不远处的另一位少女。 That young girl, a powder clothes, the five senses are simple and beautiful, the flesh has no time, seems very moving. 那位少女,一袭粉衣,五官清丽,肌肤无暇,显得十分动人。 That should be the Dongfang Emperor Clan three young ladies, Dongfang Xinqing.” “那应该就是东方帝族三小姐,东方心晴了。” Jun Xiaoyao thinks to say. 君逍遥心想道。 Seemed like notices the vision of Jun Xiaoyao gaze. 似乎是注意到了君逍遥注视的目光。 Dongfang Xinqing such as frightened rabbit common dangling head. 东方心晴如受惊的兔子一般垂下脑袋。 It is at heart flurried like the hemp. 心里却很是慌乱如麻。
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