STSBAFGG :: Volume #19

#1827: Crown Princess method, play of directing and perform

Well, unexpectedly cultivator, moreover is a child?” “咦,竟然还有一位修士,而且还是个小孩?” Saw that the stone struck to kill robbers and bandits. 看到石头击杀了一位盗匪。 Three manage a household some expert, the look slightly changes. 三当家身边的一些强者,神色微微一变。 Stone, you come back to do, walks quickly!” “石头,你回来干什么,快走啊!” The senior village head is shouting, shouts oneself hoarse. 老村长扯着嗓子,声嘶力竭。 The stone is in their village only cultivator, only hope. 石头可是他们村子里唯一的修士,唯一的希望。 Young brat, dares to kill the person who my demon wind robs unexpectedly!” “小兔崽子,竟然敢杀我魔风盗的人!” Some other robbers and bandits also besieged. 其余一些盗匪也是围攻了上去。 And has Sage, Great Sage wait/etc. existed. 其中有圣人,大圣等存在。 However, stone take action, is kills it instantaneously! 然而,石头出手,皆是瞬间将其击毙! Un, young Heaven's Chosen?” “嗯,一位年轻天骄?” Side three manage a household, expert take action of Heavenly Venerable rank, is killing directly to the stone. 三当家身边,一位天尊级别的强者出手,直接对着石头杀去。 However stone at this moment, like bedeviled generally. 然而此刻的石头,如同入魔了一般。 In the mind, as if appeared an incomparably fuzzy great form. 其脑海中,仿佛浮现出了一道无比模糊伟岸的身影。 The world ten thousand spirits, are revolving him to revolve probably. 天地万灵,都像是在围绕着他运转。 The one by one ancient Chinese characters of ten thousand spirit genuine solutions, from flows, as if changed into the torrential river. 万灵真解的一个个古字,从其中流淌而出,仿佛化为了滔滔长河。 Stone strength at this moment, rises suddenly. 石头此刻的实力,也是暴涨。 Titter! 噗嗤! Some blood are splashing. 有鲜血在飞溅。 expert of that Heavenly Venerable rank, fought with the fists to explode the half body by the stone unexpectedly! 那一位天尊级别的强者,竟然被石头一拳打爆了半边身子! How...... what's the matter, this small evil livestock......” “怎……怎么回事,这小孽畜……” Has the expert changes countenance. 强者变色。 This made people very panic-stricken. 这就令人十分惊骇了。 Snort......” “哼……” Three of that Creation God Venerable rank manage a household, the eye pupil brings a profoundness, direct take action. 那位造化神尊级别的三当家,眼眸带着一丝深邃,直接出手 Bang! 砰! The stone was struck to fly finally, in the mouth puts out wipes the blood. 石头终于被击飞了,口中吐出一抹鲜血。 His strength indeed defying heavens, does not tally with his age, looks like a anomaly. 他的实力的确逆天,和他的年龄根本不相符,就像是一个怪胎。 Even so, has the upper limit. 但即便如此,也是有上限的。 Who is not, is hack of Jun Xiaoyao that unique common sense. 又不是谁,都是君逍遥那种超脱常理的挂逼 Therefore, facing expert of Creation God Venerable rank, the stone as before is beyond one's reach. 所以,面对造化神尊级别的强者,石头依旧是力有未逮。 Stone, walks quickly, so long as you are living, ray of hope.” “石头,快走,只要你活着,就还有一线希望。” Otherwise, anything did not have!” “不然,就什么都没有了!” The village head loudly shouted. 村长大喝道。 Old thing......” “老东西……” Robbers and bandits take action, the village head will strike to kill directly, blood splash. 一位盗匪出手,直接将村长击杀,鲜血飞溅。 Village head......” “村长……” The stone jaw must bite, but he is one moves sideways, dashes to go. 石头牙关都要咬碎了,但他还是一个闪身,飞奔而去。 „To run?” “想跑?” Three manage a household to see that takes a step with one crowd of expert, chases down to go. 三当家见状,和一群强者迈步,追杀而去。 All the way. 一路上。 The stone is surrounded by perils. 石头险象环生。 He flees toward the remote mountain in intentionally, there is dormant some powerful monster beasts. 他故意往深山里窜,那里蛰伏着一些强大的妖兽。 Can help delay the stop demon wind robber. 可以帮助拖延阻拦魔风盗。 Village head, Uncle, Aunt, little flower, all villagers......” “村长,大叔,大婶,小花,还有所有村里人……” In Shitouju overflows the blood, in the eye is the deeply ingrained hatred. 石头嘴中溢出鲜血,眼中是刻骨的恨意。 If I suffice to be strong......” “如果我够强的话……” The stone is clenching teeth stubbornly. 石头死死咬着牙。 His indeed natural talent evildoer/monstrous talent. 他的确天资妖孽。 But he is weak. 但他还是不够强。 After a period of time. 过了一段时间后。 even/including Shitou, do not know oneself arrived there. 连石头自己,都不知道自己来到了那里。 Threw away?” “甩脱了吗?” The stone deeply is gasping for breath. 石头深深喘着气。 But at this moment. 而就在这时。 Huge magic power is in charge, falls from the space. 一道巨大的法力掌印,从天上落下。 The stone figure quickly flashes, take action resistance, but received affect. 石头身形急忙一闪,出手抵抗,但还是受到了波及。 Titter! 噗嗤! The stone put out a big blood again, the body beast leather clothing was been incarnadine. 石头再度吐出了一大口鲜血,身上兽皮衣都被染红了。 Really is a hard to deal with little rascal.” “果然是一个难缠的小鬼。” The demon wind robs three to manage a household to tread to stand in void, looks at the stone indifferently. 魔风盗三当家踏立在虚空之中,冷眼看着石头。 „Do I today, really want dead here?” “难道我今天,真的要死在这里了吗?” The stone feeling mind is murky, is seriously battered deeply, exhausted. 石头感觉脑海昏昏沉沉,深受重创,精疲力尽。 He experienced chased down, even also instead killed several demon winds to rob expert. 他经历了一路追杀,甚至还反杀了几位魔风盗强者 At this moment has compelled to the limit. 此刻早已逼至极限。 The next quarter, the demon wind robs three to manage a household to lift the palm, must kill to Shitou Town. 下一刻,魔风盗三当家抬掌,就要对着石头镇杀而来。 But at this time. 而这时。 The stone saw. 石头看到了。 Silver-white Divine Phoenix, flutters from the distant place across the sky. 一头银白色的神凰,从远处振翅横空。 The stone recognized, that is anything. 石头认出了,那是什么。 Rescues...... to save me!” “救……救救我!” The stone exhausts the final strength, 石头耗尽最后的力气, Shouted one. 大喊了一声。 At once loses the consciousness, falls down on the ground. 旋即失去了意识,一头栽倒在地上。 Far spatial, full moon Divine Phoenix flutters. 远空,望月神凰振翅而来。 Above has two form. 上面有两道身影 Naturally is Crown Princess and black robe female. 自然是长公主和身边的黑袍女子。 Sees that already the stupor, stone that loses the consciousness. 看到那已经昏迷,失去意识的石头。 The facial expression under Crown Princess mask is light. 长公主面具下的神情淡淡。 However next quarter. 然而下一刻。 Of being unexpected happened. 出人预料的一幕发生了。 But sees that just now also facial expression ice-cold, brings the demon wind that kills intent robs three to manage a household. 但见那位,方才还神情冰冷,带着杀意的魔风盗三当家。 Sees Crown Princess, the facial expression becomes dreads immediately is respectful and prudent. 看到长公主,神情立刻变得忌惮恭谨起来。 He to Crown Princess, is bowing 90 degrees say/way. 他对着长公主,躬身九十度道。 Long Princess, the good fortune does not fail in one's mission.” “长公主殿下,幸不辱命。” This just now also fiendish qi full day three manage a household, at this moment seemed like the mouse to see the cat to be the same simply. 这位方才还煞气盈天的三当家,此刻简直像是老鼠见了猫一般。 In look, even also has the faint trace to fear. 眼神中,甚至还带着丝丝恐惧。 Right, their demon wind robber, the method is cruel, the murder is excessive. 没错,他们魔风盗,手段残忍,杀人无度。 However this full moon dynasty mysterious Crown Princess, absolutely is not the good player. 但是这位望月皇朝神秘的长公主,也绝对不是什么善角儿。 A female can have this disposition and method, making three manage a household is the admiration dreaded. 一位女子能有这心性和手段,令三当家都是敬佩且忌惮。 Done good.” “做的不错。” Crown Princess tone indifferently non-inductive. 长公主语气漠然无感。 Works for long Princess, is being honored that our demon wind robs.” “为长公主殿下做事,是我们魔风盗的荣幸。” The demon wind robs three to manage a household breathes a sigh of relief lightly, shows a faint smile to say. 魔风盗三当家轻舒了一口气,微微一笑道。 Their demon wind robs, although ominous outside, but also after all is a second-class influence. 他们魔风盗虽然凶名在外,但也终归是个二流势力。 If can result in the support of full moon dynasty Crown Princess, their futures will also be naturally better. 若是能得望月皇朝长公主的支持,他们的前途自然也会更好。 The Crown Princess slight nod said: Since the duty were accomplished, you can.” 长公主微微点头道:“既然任务完成了,你们可以去了。” The Crown Princess voice falls. 长公主话音落下。 Black robe female, is such as black lightning general take action, in the hand presents a sickle directly, cuts down robs three to manage a household to the demon wind. 身旁的黑袍女子,直接是如黑色闪电一般出手,手中出现一柄弯刀,劈杀向魔风盗三当家。 Sickle horizontal, blood directing current! 弯刀横过,鲜血直流! This three manage a household, the body divides into two! 这位三当家,身躯一分为二! Nascent Spirit cut off the vitality. 元神都是被断绝了生机。 Why......” “为什么……” Three managing a household are incredible. 三当家不可置信。 They have completed the task obviously, moreover pledged that is loyal and devoted to Crown Princess. 他们明明已经完成了任务,而且发誓对长公主忠心耿耿。 Deceased person is most obedient.” “死人才是最听话的。” Crown Princess crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the black hair is floating. 长公主负手而立,青丝飘飘。 Beautifully to the pinnacle, this moment words, is obviously indifferent like the fiendish person. 明明美到极致,此刻话语,却如魔王般冷漠。 Three manage a household to stare the big eye, at once dies a violent death. 三当家瞪大眼睛,旋即暴毙。 Originally, their results, have been doomed. 原来,他们的结局,早已经注定了。 Goes to rob the demon wind exterminates completely, does not remain.” “去把魔风盗全部剿灭,一个不留。” Crown Princess light say/way. 长公主淡淡道。 The demon wind robber, the good and evil is also a medium influence, is equivalent to a medium school. 魔风盗,好歹也是一个中型势力,相当于一个中型门派。 But in the Crown Princess eye, dust forget it/that's all. 但在长公主眼中,也不过尘埃罢了 Regarded the mortals in small mountain village to be the same like the former demon wind robber. 就如同之前魔风盗看待小山村里的凡人一样。 Yes, Young lady.” “是,小姐。” That black robe female moves sideways, as if changed to a phantom, vanished in instantaneously same place. UU reads 那黑袍女子一个闪身,仿佛化作了一道魅影般,瞬间消失在了原地。UU看书 Crown Princess, drops, side the stone that arrives at that stupor from full moon Divine Phoenix. 长公主,从望月神凰上落下,走到那昏迷的石头身边。 In her palm has a ring, at this moment is pasting warm Ying the light. 她手心里有一枚戒指,此刻流转着温莹的光。 As if with front stone, producing some resonance was ordinary. 仿佛和面前的石头,产生了某种共鸣一般。 Really is he, but he can bring what chance to me, some actually anticipations.” “果然是他,不过他能给我带来什么机缘呢,倒是有些期待了。” In the Crown Princess heart muttered. 长公主心中喃喃。 Then, she seems like detected suddenly anything resembles, receives the ring, light say/way. 而后,她像是忽然察觉到什么似的,收起戒指,淡淡道。 Why not does your excellency come?” “阁下何不现身?” !!! 啪!啪!啪! Has the sound of applause to transmit. 有鼓掌的声音传来。 Void , a white clothing wins the snow Young Master to go out, spatial bright out of this world, has no time delicately and prettily. 虚空之中,一位白衣胜雪的公子走出,空明出尘,俊美无暇。 Crown Princess this directing and perform play, made one admire actually.” 长公主这一出自导自演的戏剧,倒是令人佩服。” The person of appearance, naturally is Jun Xiaoyao. 现身之人,自然是君逍遥 But comes in Jun Xiaoyao in an instant. 但就在君逍遥现身的刹那间。 Handle magic power congeals the sword that becomes, the lie in the Jun Xiaoyao forehead. 一柄法力凝结而成的剑,停驻在君逍遥眉心间。 The Crown Princess jade grasps the sword, the black hair graceful dance, the golden mask, making her have several points of mysterious beauty. 长公主玉手持剑,青丝曼舞,金色面具,让她多出了几分神秘的美。 Crown Princess also wants under the killer to me, to be similar to strikes to kill just now robbers and bandits.” 长公主难道也想对我下杀手,就如同击杀方才的盗匪。” The Jun Xiaoyao look is motionless, even aura steady incomparable. 君逍遥神色不动,甚至连气息都平稳无比。 You know were too many.” “你知道的太多了。” Crown Princess said. 长公主道。 Jun Xiaoyao said with a smile: Relax, I will not spoil your plan.” 君逍遥一笑道:“放心,我不会破坏你的计划。” Prey that even, this had a liking for by me, can give you.” “甚至,原本这被我看上的猎物,也可以让给你。” Why?” “为什么?” Crown Princess asked. 长公主问道。 Her saying, is asking Jun Xiaoyao, is asking her own. 她这话,是在问君逍遥,也是在问她自己。 Because, according to the past her character. 因为,按照以往她的性格。 Trades to be others, this sword, has cut to fall, will not have hesitant, will not speak the idle talk slightly. 换做其他人,这一剑,早就已经斩落而下,不会有丝毫犹豫,更不会多说废话。 Possibly how to set the example? 怎么可能只是做做样子?
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