STSBAFGG :: Volume #19

#1823: The Jiang Shengyi divine soul aura, grows leads to have especially...

Sees Jun Xiaoyao to go forward. 看到君逍遥上前。 Presenting all Heaven's Chosen is incomparably stunned. 在场所有天骄都是无比错愕。 Had not seen that flame country Crown Prince this does learn from another's mistakes here? 没看到炎国大皇子这个前车之鉴在这里吗? Also dares unexpectedly on? 竟然还敢上? Although the gentle and graceful girl, the gentleman quite gathers together. 虽说窈窕淑女,君子好逑。 But this is must lose one's life! 但这可是要送命的! The wind witch sees that shakes the head to say slightly: Also thinks that is a character, has not thought that is also one sex maniac capacity for clear thinking generation of unfaithful/stamen.” 风灵子见状,微微摇头道:“还以为是个人物,没想到也是一个色迷心窍的花心之辈。” Before Profound Yellow Ancient Road, she saw Jun Xiaoyao and Yi Cangyue walked was very near. 之前在玄黄古路,她看到君逍遥伊沧月走的很近。 Finally now, provokes this Crown Princess. 结果现在,又来撩拨这位长公主 In the wind witch heart, had gotten the dregs male label of unfaithful/stamen to Jun Xiaoyao. 在风灵子心中,已经给君逍遥打上了花心的渣男标签。 However Jun Xiaoyao, has not cared about any outside world vision. 然而君逍遥,没有在意任何外界的目光。 He is smiling, looks at front this face gold/metal mask, the peerless grace and elegance female. 他只是微笑着,看着面前这位脸戴金面具,风华绝代的女子。 Jun Xiaoyao, although to the beautiful female, takes the attitude of appreciation. 君逍遥,虽然对美丽女子,抱有欣赏的态度。 But is also insufficient to see one love one. 但还不至于见一个爱一个。 Just the opposite. 恰恰相反。 Can make the female who he appreciates many. 能让他欣赏的女子不少。 But can let the female who he talked on own initiative, in ten thousand did not have one. 但能让他主动搭话的女子,却万中无一。 Jun Xiaoyao approaches, is not because of this Crown Princess, how peerless grace and elegance. 君逍遥之所以主动上前,并不是因为这位长公主,何其风华绝代 But yes...... 而是…… He in this Crown Princess body, detected that vague, familiar soul aura. 他在这位长公主身上,察觉到了那一丝若有若无的,熟悉的灵魂气息。 Is the Jiang Shengyi divine soul aura! 是属于姜圣依神魂气息! Although he now, is unable to determine temporarily completely, the front female is Jiang Shengyi one of the four souls. 虽然他现在,暂时无法完全确定,面前女子就是姜圣依的四魂之一。 But that wisp of aura, is solid. 但那缕气息,却是实实在在的。 Audience all Heaven's Chosen, hold the breath. 全场所有天骄,都是屏息。 As if waiting, sees that moment of blood. 似乎在等待着,见血的那一刻。 However. 但是。 Those who make people stunned is. 让人愕然的是。 This just now also method resolute callous Crown Princess, unexpectedly is not immediately take action. 这位方才还手段果决冷酷的长公主,竟是并没有在第一时间出手 At this moment, under the golden mask, the Crown Princess facial expression, has absent-minded slightly. 此刻,金色面具下,长公主的神情,略微有一丝恍惚。 Naturally is not because, the front white clothing Young Master appearance makings are how outstanding. 自然不是因为,面前白衣公子的容貌气质如何出众。 Among world, any female, possibly because of the Jun Xiaoyao appearance makings, but the mind vacillates. 天下间,任何女子,都可能因为君逍遥的容貌气质,而心神动摇。 But she cannot only. 但唯独她不会。 Her not that type, does not have the brain starry eyed female. 她也绝不是那种,无脑花痴的女子。 ...... 只是…… Is seeing Jun Xiaoyao first, she felt that the mind slightly has absent-minded. 在看到君逍遥的第一眼,她感觉脑海略有恍惚。 An extremely inexplicable mood, appears slowly. 一种极为莫名的情绪,缓缓浮现。 Even lets her own, the heart has big being startled. 甚至让她自己,心底都是有着不小的吃惊。 Then, her light start/open Chun asked: „Do we know?” 而后,她淡淡启唇问道:“我们认识吗?” Front man said that for a long time does not see, is it possible that had they seen before? 面前男子说好久不见,莫非他们以前见过? If I did say our previous generation acquaintance?” “如果我说我们前世相识呢?” Jun Xiaoyao smiles. 君逍遥笑笑。 It can be said that this is most convention, climbs the words technique of relations with the opposite sex. 可以说,这是最俗套的,和异性攀关系的话术。 But the Jun Xiaoyao look, pure brightness is incomparable, simply looks like real. 君逍遥的眼神,却清明无比,简直就像是真的。 „, I want to know but actually, what kind of woman my previous generation is?” “哦,那我倒想知道,我前世是个怎样的女人?” Crown Princess asked. 长公主反问道。 Gentle intellectuality, holy attractive, not dropping bustling place exiles the fairy maiden.” “温柔知性,圣洁灵秀,不堕红尘谪仙子。” The Jun Xiaoyao smile said. 君逍遥微笑道。 „...... That Young Master perhaps was the admitting mistakes person, this princess absolutely was not such person.” “呵……那公子恐怕是认错人了,本公主绝对不是这样的人。” Crown Princess smiles, resembles brings to wipe light self-ridiculing. 长公主呵地一笑,似是带着一抹淡淡的自嘲。 Although she also thinks, she can be such female. 虽然她也以为,她会是那样的女子。 But the fact, made her move toward another road. 但事实,却让她走向了另一条路。 The Jun Xiaoyao look collects. 君逍遥眼神微敛。 It seems like this Crown Princess, with clever reluctant to part different. 看来这位长公主,和乖巧的依依不同。 Reluctant to part although also once experienced a lot of ups and downs and laborious, struggles in most low level. 依依虽然也曾经历经坎坷和辛苦,挣扎在最底层 But the disposition is still pure plain. 但心性依然算是单纯质朴。 But this Crown Princess, cuts to kill that flame country Crown Prince from her conveniently looks like, is not a simple role. 而这位长公主,从她随手斩杀那位炎国大皇子看来,就不是个简单的角色。 Moreover, seemingly has the story very much. 而且,貌似很有故事。 Jun Xiaoyao also not eagerly for a while. 君逍遥也并不急于一时。 He must do now, is ravels this Crown Princess true status. 他现在所要做的,是弄明白这长公主的真正身份。 Not only she absolutely so-called full moon dynasty Crown Princess was so simple. 她绝对不只是所谓的望月皇朝长公主那么简单。 Saw that Jun Xiaoyao actually does not have the step that flame country Crown Prince footsteps. 看到君逍遥竟然没有步那炎国大皇子的后尘。 Everyone is the accident/surprise. 所有人都是意外。 Is it possible that really can look at the face? 莫非真的是要看脸的? This rather was also too realistic. 这也未免太现实了。 Grows leads to have the privilege? 长得帅就能有特权吗? Naturally, 当然, They are not clear, this Crown Princess, with Jun Xiaoyao, in the heart has the respective suspicion. At this moment. 他们并不清楚,这位长公主,和君逍遥,心中都有各自的猜想。就在这时。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Void shake! 虚空震荡! Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ancient stele, manifest from void arrives together. 一块万丈古老石碑,从虚空之中显化降临。 Above has the innumerable radiant luminous spots, is representing the peerless talents of shocking past and present. 上面有着无数璀璨的光点,代表着一位位惊艳古今的绝世天才。 dao enlightenment to seal/confer Shenbei, arrives! 悟道封神碑,降临! After dao enlightenment to seal/confer Shenbei arrives. 悟道封神碑降临后。 Some Heaven's Chosen on the scene cannot repress, starts to enter in abundance. 在场的一些天骄也是按捺不住,开始纷纷进入其中。 dao enlightenment to seal/confer Shenbei, what test is the perception. 悟道封神碑,考验的是悟性。 Therefore even if cultivation base realm quite high Heaven's Chosen, may not profit in the perception. 所以哪怕是修为境界比较高的天骄,也不一定能在悟性上占便宜。 After all cultivation base realm, can through various compounded drug treasure, and even doing abhiseka wait/etc obtained. 毕竟修为境界,也可以通过各种丹药宝贝,乃至灌顶等等获得。 Although such realm is very impractical. 虽然那样的境界十分虚浮。 Therefore Cultivation Realm of person, is unable to weigh its perception. 所以一个人的修炼境界,无法衡量其悟性。 As numerous Heaven's Chosen enters. 而随着一众天骄进入。 Naturally, in a short time, and no one can leave a good name above. 理所当然的,短时间内,并没有人能在上面留名。 Finally, some moment, that northern deep rockery of northern Nethergod mountain takes a step, enters in dao enlightenment to seal/confer Shenbei. 终于,某一刻,北冥神山的那位北冥山子迈步而出,进入悟道封神碑中。 He was ancestor spirit territory being able to stand in line number Heaven's Chosen. 他算是祖灵域排得上号的天骄了。 However, after he enters, to seal/confer Shenbei still has no response, above has not had the new name to remain. 然而,在他进入之后,封神碑依然没有什么反应,未曾有新的名字留在其上。 This to seal/confer Shenbei such difficult?” “这封神碑这么困难的吗?” Numerous Heaven's Chosen of ancestor spirit territory was surprised. 祖灵域的一众天骄都是惊讶了。 Perhaps is because to seal/confer Shenbei rarely appears in Profound Yellow Universe, therefore they underestimated to seal/confer Shenbei the gold content. 或许是因为封神碑很少出现在玄黄宇宙,所以他们低估了封神碑的含金量。 But at this time, the Ancestral Spirit Saint Clan wind witch took a step finally. 而这时,祖灵圣族的风灵子终于迈步而出。 She is Chosen Daughter of ancestor spirit territory, once had participated in Profound Yellow Ancient Road, is quite well-known female Heaven's Chosen. 她是祖灵域的骄女,曾参加过玄黄古路,算是颇为知名的一位女天骄 But with her entry. 而随着她的进入。 That did not have too to seal/confer Shenbei of response, started to shiver unexpectedly slightly. 那原本没有太多反应的封神碑,竟是开始微微颤动了起来。 Success?” “成功了吗?” Sees this, some Heaven's Chosen not extremely accidental/surprised. 看到这一幕,一些天骄并没有太过意外。 However, then, what stunned is. 然而,接下来,让人错愕的是。 On to seal/confer Shenbei, as if there is ray to shine, but finally, was weak. 封神碑上,似乎有光芒亮起,但最后,还是弱了下去。 The wind witch goes out, the facial expression brings to wipe palely, is nipping the lip, maintains total silence. 风灵子走出,神情带着一抹苍白,咬着唇,一语不发。 Even were the wind witches failed?” “连风灵子都失败了?” This, some Heaven's Chosen were the real surprise. 这回,一些天骄是真的诧异了。 But wind witch Ancestral Spirit Saint Clan Chosen Daughter. 风灵子可是祖灵圣族骄女 But the Ancestral Spirit Saint Clan life, is the spirit kind of life, is existence that raises inborn, compatible Grand Dao. 祖灵圣族的生灵,都是灵类生命,乃是天生地养的存在,亲和大道 Finally, is still unable to leave a good name in to seal/confer Shenbei. 结果,依然无法在封神碑留名。 I come.” “我来吧。” The sword witch crosses the hands behind the back, enters into dao enlightenment to seal/confer Shenbei directly. 剑灵子负手,直接迈入悟道封神碑中。 But with his entry, to seal/confer Shenbei shivered finally again. 而随着他的进入,封神碑终于再度颤动了起来。 Finally, radiance gathered, congeals the sword witch three characters. 最后,光华汇聚,凝结成了剑灵子三个字。 The sword witch, left a good name in to seal/confer Shenbei! 剑灵子,在封神碑留名了! Finally some people left a good name, my ancestor spirit territory, only then sword witch can leave a good name?” “终于有人留名了,难道我祖灵域,只有剑灵子一人能留名吗?” Some Heaven's Chosen sighed. 一些天骄叹道。 The sword witch as the Ancestral Spirit Saint Clan strongest evildoer/monstrous talent, can say, is the top in ancestor spirit territory Heaven's Chosen. 剑灵子身为祖灵圣族的最强妖孽,可以说,已经是祖灵域天骄中的顶级了。 To discover him again is stronger, is very difficult. 想再找出比他更强的,很难。 Un?” “嗯?” However, the sword witch who walks, is actually frowning, is unsatisfied about this situation. 然而,走出来的剑灵子,却是皱着眉头,对这一情况并不满意。 Although he left a good name on to seal/confer Shenbei. 他虽然在封神碑上留名了。 But ranking extremely goes lower. 但排名太过靠后。 No, even cannot calculate that was in ranking. 不,甚至都不能算挤进了排名中。 Can stay behind a name. 只是能留下一个名字而已。 But on to seal/confer Shenbei, radiant name myriad, but name that he keeps, really not eye. 而封神碑上,璀璨的名字万千,而他所留的名,实在是不算起眼。 Thinks when the people, this dao enlightenment to seal/confer Shenbei, will finish like this. 就在众人以为,这次悟道封神碑,就将这样结束时。 Suddenly...... 忽然…… Rumble! 轰隆隆! Entire to seal/confer Shenbei, sent out the fierce vibration suddenly, has radiant radiance to condense. 整座封神碑,忽然发出了剧烈的震动,有璀璨的光华在凝聚。 Finally, the people only see, an incomparably dazzling name, appears on to seal/confer Shenbei. 最后,众人只看到,一个无比耀眼的名字,出现在封神碑上。 Moreover ranks quite near the top. 而且排名颇为靠前。 Everyone, concentrates the eye to look, muttered to read that name. 所有人,凝目看去,喃喃念出那个名字。 Stone?” “石头?” 7017 k 7017k Read the sign-in Desolate Antiquity Sacred Physique latest chapter to invite to pay attention() 阅读开局签到荒古圣体最新章节请关注()
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