STSBAFGG :: Volume #16

#1511: Who is innate Primal Chaos Physique, derives the non- day to mix...

The Primal Chaos Physique non- day, the figure backs up continuously. 混沌体非天,身形连续倒退。 From the chaos bell, transmitted strength of the incomparably terrifying counter- shaking, even the space may shake annihilates. 从混沌钟上,传来了一股无比恐怖的反震之力,连空间都可震地湮灭。 But those who most make the non- day with amazement is. 而最让非天骇然的是。 On his chaos bell, presented the silk threads crack unexpectedly! 他的混沌钟上,竟然出现了丝丝缕缕的裂纹! This chaos bell, although imitates. 要知道,这混沌钟,虽然只是仿品。 But also mixed in immortal metal, firm incomparable, general Emperor Weapon is impossible easily its crushing. 但也掺入了仙金,坚固无比,一般的帝兵都不可能轻易将其击碎。 The Jun Xiaoyao chaos body, leverages, has not given the non- day respite slightly the opportunity. 君逍遥混沌身,乘势而上,丝毫没有给非天喘息的机会。 The non- day likes jumping so much, he must unable to jump the non- day suppression. 非天这么喜欢跳,那他就要把非天镇压地跳不起来。 The Jun Xiaoyao chaos body, offered a sacrifice to phenomenon of chaos body. 君逍遥混沌身,祭出了混沌身的异象 The endless chaos air/Qi soars to the heavens, in him behind, forms a nihility the chaos, as if at the beginning of returned to the universe to open. 无尽混沌气冲霄而起,在他身后,形成一片虚无的混沌,仿佛回到了宇宙开辟之初。 In this chaos, is huger than the great great antiquity Divinity great shadow the universe galaxy, appears.. 在这混沌之中,一尊比宇宙星河更加庞大伟岸的洪荒神祇巨影,浮现而出。。 As if the most ancient Hong Huangshen demon recovers, must open this side world, breaks out the primitive chaos. 仿佛是最古老的洪荒神魔复苏,要撑开这方天地,劈开原始混沌。 That fluctuation, strong to jolts certainly, making the person palpitation, the soul shiver! 那种波动,强到绝颠,令人心悸,灵魂都在颤抖! Primal Chaos Physique phenomenon. 混沌体异象 The chaos open the day! 混沌开天! This terrifying strength, is smuggling the Cauldron of Maternal Qi of All Beings terrifying weight, suppresses again under. 这一股恐怖的力量,夹带着万物母气鼎的恐怖重量,再度镇压而下。 Depresses extremely powerfully, must shake simply extinguishes all! 万钧之力压下,简直是要震灭一切! Do not think, only then you have!” “别以为只有你有!” A Primal Chaos Physique non- day long and loud cry, displayed Primal Chaos Physique phenomenon, the chaos opened the day! 混沌体非天一声长啸,同样施展出了混沌体异象,混沌开天! This lets several hundred more than ten million guests on the scene, is stunned incomparable, dumbfounded, the chin fell the ground quickly. 这让在场数百上千万的宾客,都是错愕无比,目瞪口呆,下巴都快掉到了地上。 Two big Primal Chaos Physique, two big same phenomenon, display simultaneously, launches the collision. 两大混沌体,两大相同的异象,同时施展而出,展开碰撞。 Is this strange scene? 这是何等奇异的景象? Primal Chaos Physique this physique, was rare since ancient times, sometimes several eras, may not have one. 混沌体这种体质,古来罕见,有时候数个纪元,都不一定能出一位。 So long as has one, is absolute only, can cover press/pressure years. 只要出一位,就是绝对的唯一,能盖压一个时代。 Who can think, in this golden big world, they can actually see with one's own eyes, two Primal Chaos Physique to war, moreover displays same phenomenon. 谁能想到,在这个黄金大世,他们竟然能够亲眼看到,两个混沌体在对战,而且施展出同样的异象 This simply is the unusual scene that many eras cannot see. 这简直是多少纪元都看不到的奇特景象。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The Jun Xiaoyao chaos body and Primal Chaos Physique non- day, probably two big Hong Huangshen demon is colliding simply. 君逍遥混沌身和混沌体非天,简直像是两大洪荒神魔在碰撞。 However in so collision. 不过在这般碰撞当中。 On chaos bell that the non- day institute offers a sacrifice , the crack are getting more and more. 非天所祭出的混沌钟上,裂纹越来越多。 His chaos bell, although the doping has immortal metal, but is imitates after all, even accurate immortal tool is not. 他这口混沌钟,虽然掺杂有仙金,但毕竟是仿品,甚至连准仙器都不是。 But Cauldron of Maternal Qi of All Beings, although now is not Emperor Weapon, but its strength and firm degree, even must surpass general Emperor Weapon. 万物母气鼎,虽然现在也不是帝兵,但其力量和坚固程度,甚至还要超过一般帝兵 After all is the thing that sign-in must come, the quality definitely has the safeguard, possibly is not the counterfeit and shoddy products. 毕竟是签到得来的东西,质量绝对有保障,不可能是假冒伪劣产品。 Let alone Jun Xiaoyao also integrated many immortal metal wonder stones, even many Sacred Spirit clan was thrown into Cauldron of Maternal Qi of All Beings by him refine. 更别说君逍遥还融入了诸多仙金奇石,甚至不少圣灵一族都被他投进了万物母气鼎炼化 Thump! Thump! Thump! 咚!咚!咚! The stormy collision sound spreads. 密集的碰撞声传出。 In short in an instant, the Jun Xiaoyao chaos body and Primal Chaos Physique non- day, collided hundreds and thousands of times. 在短短刹那间,君逍遥混沌身和混沌体非天,就碰撞了成百上千次。 Finally, along with one clear sound. 终于,伴随着一声清脆的咔嚓声。 The non- day chaos bell, was broken unexpectedly directly! 非天的混沌钟,竟是直接被震碎了! The shatter metal fragment, pierces void, explodes the shoots towards in all directions. 破碎的金属残片,洞穿虚空,爆射向四面八方。 Non- day figure suddenly/violently to retreat, the chest shakes, a blood almost puts out. 非天身形暴退,胸口一震,一口血差点吐出。 Jun Xiaoyao is in power unforgiving, takes a step, displayed Primal Chaos Physique second phenomenon again. 君逍遥得势不饶人,迈步而出,再度施展出了混沌体第二异象 Immediately, the void chaos air/Qi fills the air like the thick fog, forming many immortals worked. 顿时,虚空中混沌气如大雾般弥漫,形成了诸多仙灵。 Azure Dragon, white tiger, the vermilion bird, Black Tortoise, melts the snake, Qilin, Kunpeng...... 青龙,白虎,朱雀,玄武,化蛇,麒麟,鲲鹏…… The chaos derive ten thousand. 混沌衍生万道。 At present, each immortal spirits, seems Grand Dao. 眼下,每一头仙灵,都仿佛是一条大道 Before this is the Jun Xiaoyao chaos body, seclusion comprehended Primal Chaos Physique second phenomenon. 这正是君逍遥混沌身之前闭关所领悟出了的混沌体第二异象 Ten thousand buddhist monk! 万道浮屠! This phenomenon, the world trembles! 异象一出,天地震颤! Jun Xiaoyao chaos body, if receives ten thousand to surround and protect spirit, is situated in the clouds, if a chaos immortal emperor, to non- day steamroll under. 君逍遥混沌身,如受到万灵拱卫,立于云端,若一尊混沌仙帝,对着非天碾压而下。 That power and influence, making the will of the people tremble! 那股威势,令人心颤! How possibly, this phenomenon you also met!” “怎么可能,这一异象你也会了!” The non- day trembles with fear. 非天惊颤。 He is also the footsteps stamps, similarly displayed ten thousand buddhist monk phenomenon. 他也是脚步一跺,同样施展出了万道浮屠异象 Although is also quite terrifying, 虽然也极为恐怖, The immortal spirit quantity that but that chaos air/Qi evolves, how sees does not have many of Jun Xiaoyao. This proved that his phenomenon, by level of expertise, perhaps might as well chaos body of Jun Xiaoyao. 但那混沌气所衍化出的仙灵数量,怎么看都没有君逍遥的多。这就证明了,他的这一异象,论熟练程度,或许还不如君逍遥的混沌身。 This...... who is authentic innate Primal Chaos Physique?” “这……到底谁才是正宗的先天混沌体?” Numerous cultivator on the scene, put in order cannot. 在场众修士,都被整不会了。 Purest primitive Primal Chaos Physique, how felt that didn't have Jun Xiaoyao chaos blue lotus body? 最纯正原始的混沌体,怎么感觉还没有君逍遥的混沌青莲体强? Although two physicals, the nature is basically same. 虽说两种体质,基本上性质一样。 After all the azure emperor as a blue lotus in chaos, with Primal Chaos Physique, is almost the same nature. 毕竟青帝身为混沌中的一朵青莲,和混沌体,几乎是一样的性质。 But again how, innate Primal Chaos Physique is innate Primal Chaos Physique, should strong be right. 但再怎么样,先天混沌体就是先天混沌体,也应该强一丝才对。 But now, they felt, Jun Xiaoyao is authentic Primal Chaos Physique. 但现在,他们却觉得,君逍遥才是正宗的混沌体 Do not crack a joke, how possibly!” “别开玩笑,怎么可能!” The non- day displays ten thousand buddhist monk, collides with Jun Xiaoyao. 非天施展万道浮屠,与君逍遥碰撞。 He comes to rectify names for himself. 他是来为自己正名的。 It is not helps Jun Xiaoyao rectify names. 不是来帮君逍遥正名的。 He is only Primal Chaos Physique of this big world! 他才是这个大世的唯一混沌体 It seems like you could not have clearly recognized the reality, such being the case, that hits to awake you.” “看来你还认不清现实,既然如此,那就打醒你。” In the Jun Xiaoyao chaos body, the cell is shivering, the recovery, the strength of incomparable terrifying spreads from his fleshly body. 君逍遥混沌身体内,细胞在颤动,复苏,无比恐怖的力量从他的肉身中传出。 Not just the strength of chaos body, the strengths of 10,000 Xumi world! 并非只有混沌身的力量,还有一万个须弥世界的力量! Shortly, his void caved in probably a section, because cannot withstand Jun Xiaoyao strength at this moment. 顷刻间,他脚下的虚空都像是塌陷了一截,因为承受不起君逍遥此刻的力量。 He rumbles to strike the chaos big hand imprint, such as a side vast vault of heaven camouflage goes to the silk threads the lines on the hand to be clearly discernible, like god's hand. 他轰出一击混沌大手印,如一方浩瀚的苍穹遮蔽而去丝丝缕缕的掌纹都清晰可见,如同神之手。 The most important thing is, this was enforcement the chaos big hand imprints of 10,000 Xumi world. 最重要的是,这是加持了一万个须弥世界的混沌大手印。 10,000 world are going to the non- day extrusion probably simply simultaneously! 简直像是一万个世界同时对着非天挤压而去! Good terrifying strength!” “好恐怖的力量!” Guest on the scene, even if observes, as if can feel that terrifying strength, probably overlapping world steamroll under. 在场宾客,哪怕只是观战,都仿佛能亲身感觉到那种恐怖的力量,像是层层叠叠的世界碾压而下。 Said, with mew mew has really pursued recently, traded the source switch over, reading aloud the timbre were many, the Android apple may.】 【讲真,最近一直用咪咪追更,换源切换,朗读音色多,安卓苹果均可。】 A non- day anger howls, even emitted big Primal Chaos Physique quintessence, his blood is burning, the stimulation of movement squeezed the Primal Chaos Physique potential. 非天一声怒啸,甚至喷吐出了一大口混沌体精华,他血液在燃烧,催动压榨混沌体的潜力。 But was too terrifying. 但太恐怖了。 Jun Xiaoyao strength at this moment, was really powerful. 君逍遥此刻的力量,实在是太强大了。 His chaos body, counter-balances the non- day sufficiently the Primal Chaos Physique strength. 他的混沌身,足以抵消非天的混沌体力量。 But his 10,000 Xumi power of world, the non- day are unable to counter-balance. 但他的一万个须弥世界之力,非天无法抵消。 Titter! 噗嗤! The blood that is smuggling the silk threads chaos essence, emits from the non- day mouth. 一口夹带着丝丝缕缕混沌精气的鲜血,从非天的口中喷吐而出。 His figure was shaken flies, the skeleton in ka makes noise, probably by innumerable macrocosm steamroll. 他身形被震飞,骨骼都在咔哧作响,像是被无数大世界碾压。 It can be said that fortunately the non- day is Primal Chaos Physique, the itself physique is powerful. 可以说,还好非天是混沌体,本身体质强大。 Trades to make other to exist, even if Creation God Venerable, fleshly body must be ground the muddy flesh is not possible. 换做其他存在,哪怕是造化神尊,肉身也得被碾成肉泥不可。 In an instant. 在刹那间。 The Jun Xiaoyao chaos body flashed before unexpectedly suddenly in the face of the non- day. 君逍遥混沌身竟是突然闪现在了非天面前。 Lifts the palm, miniature only black hole, appears in his palm, then direct racket to non- day. 抬起手掌,一个微型的唯一黑洞,出现在他的掌心,然后直接拍向非天。 Jun Xiaoyao, you dare!” 君逍遥,你敢!” On the non- day face reveals the anger, even has a panic-stricken color. 非天脸上露出愤怒,甚至带着一丝惊恐之色。 He knows that Jun Xiaoyao must make anything. 他知道君逍遥要做什么。 You, since comes to provoke, that naturally must prepare for paying a price.” “你既然上门挑衅,那自然也要做好付出代价的准备。” A Jun Xiaoyao palm bang in the non- day chest, the crazy fierce suction burst out! 君逍遥一掌轰在了非天胸口,狂猛的吸力迸发而出!
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