STSBAFGG :: Volume #16

#1505: „Poor” the gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family, the audience is shocked, the immortal courtyard comes the person

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This moment atmosphere, static. 69网69,最快更新开局签到荒古圣体!这一刻的气氛,静止。 This moment clamoring, loses one's voice... 这一刻的喧哗,失声。。。 Jun Xiaoyao cannot see anybody. 君逍遥看不到其他任何人。 Only can see to wear the two females of red skirt, beautiful unparalleled, smiles to him gracefully, promises beautifully, firmest loyal pledge. 只能看到身着红裙的两女,美艳无双,对他盈盈一笑,许下最美,最坚定的忠贞誓言。 At this moment, any words, obviously unnecessary. 这一刻,任何话语,都显多余。 Jun Xiaoyao, does not need to say what promise again. 君逍遥,也无需再说什么诺言。 Because of acting, is the best pledge. 因为行动,才是最好的誓言。 Two females are smiling, sheds happy tears, moves toward Jun Xiaoyao. 两女微笑着,落下幸福的泪,走向君逍遥 Jun Xiaoyao, not slightly hesitant, embraces into the bosom two females. 君逍遥,也是没有丝毫犹豫,将两女揽入怀。 Presents some family members, such as Jiang Rou and the others, have been cries to get angry. 在场一些亲人,如姜柔等人,早已是哭红了眼。 Even if Old Master Jun Zhantian, is getting angry circle. 哪怕是君战天老爷子,也是红了眼圈。 Jun Xiaoyao grandfather Jiang Daoxu. 还有君逍遥的外公姜道虚 These Jun Xiaoyao family members, the friend, the clansman, all sigh with emotion. 那些君逍遥身边的亲人,朋友,族人,无一不感慨。 Even these beautiful woman, this moment mood, although bitter complex, but also gets angry, in blessed them at this moment sincerely. 即使是那些红颜,此刻心情虽酸涩复杂,但亦是红了眼,在此刻真心祝福他们。 The so warm scene, lets the guest on the scene, shows the understanding smile. 这般温馨的场景,让在场宾客,都是露出会心的微笑。 This sugar, sweetly to losing teeth. 这糖,甜到掉牙。 The good wine delicacies had not finished eating, the dog grain was eats to the full. 美酒佳肴还没吃完,狗粮算是吃饱了。 Wū wū, the young master I also wants such sweet love.” Shangdong riches and honor fatty also cries with emotion. “呜呜,小爷我也想要这样甜甜的爱情。”鲁富贵这胖子也是感动地嗷嗷直哭。 Dead fatty, your hundred wife and concubines, but also puts this attire innocent?” “死胖子,你都百个妻妾了,还搁这装纯情呢?” Nearby, black ink swallow jade is rubbing the tooth, steps on. 一旁,墨燕玉磨着牙,一脚踩过去。 Females on the scene, probably to look for an exit|to speak that vented the grieved mood, is beating Lu Fugui, one punched fat. 在场众女,也像是为了找一个发泄酸楚心情的出口,对着鲁富贵拳打脚踢,一顿胖揍。 fuck, whom the young master I incur to annoy, why meter/rice each time injured is I!” 卧槽,小爷我又招谁惹谁了,为啥米每次受伤的都是我!” Oh, do not hit my handsome commander face who is next to Monarch elder brother!” Lu Fugui is covering the own face, said. “哎哟,别打我这张仅次于君哥的英俊帅脸!”鲁富贵捂着自己的脸,嗷嗷直叫。 Presenting some people are laughs. 在场一些人都是哄笑起来。 Jun Xiaoyao cannot bear smiles. 君逍遥也是忍不住一笑。 A warmth, lively , the happy atmosphere, covers the audience. 一股温馨,热闹,又愉快的氛围,笼罩全场。 Jun Xiaoyao remembered anything to resemble probably, to two female say/way: Almost forgot the gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family, possibly is somewhat poor, hopes that two madames do not mind.” 君逍遥像是想起了什么似的,对两女道:“差点忘了聘礼,可能有些寒酸,希望两位夫人别介意。” Madame's name, let Jiang Shengyi and Jiang Luoli is red the jade face. 夫人的称呼,让姜圣依姜洛璃都是红了玉脸。 Although does not get married truly, but calls now like this, probably does not have the problem. 虽然并非真正完婚,但现在这样称呼,好像也没毛病。 Jun Xiaoyao along with flings. 君逍遥随一甩。 Immediately, this place immortal qi rushes, Hao light/only ten thousand zhang (3.33 m). 顿时,此地仙气澎湃,昊光万丈。 If two ten thousand li (0.5 km) Jade Dragon immortal lineage/vein, appear above the vault of heaven. 两条若万里玉龙般的仙脉,浮现于天穹之上。 The day wells up the auspicious omen, splits the golden lotus. 天涌祥瑞,地绽金莲。 This...... this is what aura!” “这……这是什么气息!” God, I smelled, has the feeling that plants to fly upwards!” “天啊,我只是闻到了一下,就有种要飞升的感觉!” Immortal Territory cultivator on the scene, basically does not know the Immortal Dao material. 在场的仙域修士,基本上都不知道仙道物质。 But some expert, know indistinctly, at this moment also reveals the astonished color. 而只有少部分强者,才隐约知晓,此刻也是露出惊异之色。 I...... I broke through unexpectedly!” “我……我竟然突破了!” Suddenly, has the sound to transmit. 忽然,有声音传来。 cultivator, sits cross-legged on the ground, because smelled aura of Immortal Dao material. 一位修士,盘坐在地上,因为闻到了一点仙道物质的气息。 That reliable bottleneck, became less crowded unexpectedly, he takes advantage of opportunity the breakthrough. 那牢固的瓶颈,竟然是松动了,他顺势突破。 I also broke through!” “我也突破了!” Also there is cultivator to shout pleasantly surprised. 又有修士惊喜叫了起来。 This is the Immortal Dao material of legend, can supply the immortal cultivation energy.” “这难道就是传说的仙道物质,能够供仙人修炼的能量。” Some Quasi-Emperor also reveals the shock, cannot bear say. 一些准帝也是露出震惊,忍不住道。 What, Immortal Dao material!” “什么,仙道物质!” „Did Sir Divine Child, put out the Immortal Dao material to treat as the gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family unexpectedly?” 神子大人,竟然拿出了仙道物质当做聘礼?” Moreover actually said that is a little poor?” “而且竟然说有点寒酸?” „Do I go, want such Versailles?” “我去,要不要这么凡尔赛?” The people on the scene, the one by one expression is quite splendid. 在场众人,一个个表情都极为精彩。 Unexpectedly is so rich Immortal Dao material!” “竟然是如此浓郁的仙道物质!” Even if some Imperishable Influence expert on the scene, is eyes red incomparably. 哪怕是在场的一些不朽势力强者,都是眼红无比。 Each cell in their body, seems urging them, captures the Immortal Dao material. 他们身体里的每一个细胞,仿佛都在催促着他们,去夺取仙道物质。 However, only if was brain short circuit, otherwise was absolutely impossible really to rob. 不过,除非是脑子秀逗了,不然绝对不可能真的出抢夺。 Sir Divine Child, do you also lack the wife?” 神子大人,您还缺老婆吗?” „Does Sir Divine Child, lack the warm bed girl?” 神子大人,缺暖床丫头吗?” Pet that I want to be Sir Divine Child......” “我想当神子大人的宠物……” One crowd envied envy incomparable Princess, Princess, Saintess, day female wait/etc. 原本一群羡慕嫉妒无比的皇女,公主,圣女,天女等等。 At this moment was similar to the high tide generally, screamed, the throat shouted mutely, wished one could to replace Jiang Shengyi and the others, became the Jun Xiaoyao wife. 此刻更是如同高潮了一般,尖叫起来,嗓子都喊哑了,恨不得取代姜圣依等人,成为君逍遥的老婆。 And what is more, really had the man to stand. 更有甚者,竟然有男子站了出来。 Sir Divine Child, you looks at my line, although body were many components, but I can cut.” 神子大人,您看我行吗,虽然身上多了点零件,但我可以剁掉。” I go, is a ruthless person!” Many cultivator shake the sides. “我去,是个狠人!”许多修士绝倒。 However said, does not have any cultivator, can resist the Immortal Dao material the attraction. 不过说真的,没有任何修士,可以抗拒仙道物质的吸引力。 Even if Jiang Shengyi, the beautiful pupil also reveals the vibration, knows that this is the extremely rare thing. 哪怕是姜圣依,美眸也露出震动,知道这是极为稀有的东西。 Moreover should have the function to Jun Xiaoyao. 而且对君逍遥应该也有作用。 Her instinct wants to reject, but sees Jun Xiaoyao look with a smile, her slight nod. 她本能想要拒绝,但看到君逍遥含笑的眼神,她还是微微点头。 This is the Jun Xiaoyao intention, she must accept. 这是君逍遥的心意,她要收下。 Thanks Elder Brother Xiaoyao!” Jiang Luoli actually unrestrained/no trace of politeness. “谢谢逍遥哥哥!”姜洛璃倒是毫不客气。 This name?” Jun Xiaoyao selects the eyebrow. “还是这称呼吗?”君逍遥挑眉。 Hehe, I want waits to get married truly to change a statement again, that is more meaningful.” Jiang Luoli smiles, to pay great attention to the ceremony feeling very much. “嘿嘿,我想等真正成婚的时候再改口,那更有意义。”姜洛璃嘿嘿一笑,很注重仪式感。 Jun Xiaoyao smiles, and 君逍遥只是一笑,也并 Kiss, this chapter has not ended, the next page 0 did not mind. 亲,本章未完,还有下一页哦0不介意。 People on the scene, because of Jun Xiaoyao shocks. 在场众人,都是因君逍遥的而震撼。 But since Jun Xiaoyao can put out the Immortal Dao thing collateral gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family, showed that he definitely does not lack the Immortal Dao material. 君逍遥既然能拿出仙道物质当聘礼,就证明他肯定不缺仙道物质。 This strengthened the determination that they and Jun Family were on good terms. 这更加坚定了他们与君家交好的决心。 The Jiang Family people are also grinning with ear to ear that smiles. 姜家众人也是笑的合不拢嘴。 Jiang Shengyi and Jiang Luoli obtain the immortal lineage/vein, entire Jiang Family can occupy up. 姜圣依姜洛璃得到仙脉,整个姜家都能占光。 The atmosphere, the harmony happiness, is very harmonious. 气氛,其乐融融,无比和谐。 But works as in this harmony. 而就在这种和谐当。 The light sound from far conveys together suddenly spatially. 一道淡淡的声音忽然从远空传来。 Your brother doesn't the engagement feast, how have to invite this few sovereign today?” “君兄今日订婚宴,怎么没有邀请本少皇?” As this sound spreads, distant place Hao light/only ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), form, came by walking through the air. 随着这声音传出,远处昊光万丈,一道身影,踏空而来 The golden long hair scatters, the silver double pupil is profound, the physique is tall and straight, has the posture of dragon tiger, imposing manner myriad, the pressure is unparalleled. 金色长发飘散,银色双眸深邃,身姿挺拔,有龙虎之姿,气象万千,威压盖世。 It is not the emperor sky, is who! 不是帝昊天,还是何人! Is the emperor sky!” “是帝昊天!” Immortal courtyard really came the person!” “仙庭果然来人了!” What emperor sky makes, is wrecks the event?” “帝昊天来做什么,是来砸场子的吗?” How I felt, the aura of emperor sky, beforehand powerful were too more, is simply ordinary like the god demon.” “不过我怎么感觉,帝昊天的气息,比以前强大太多了,简直如同神魔一般。” Appearance of emperor sky, is to make the audience startled without doubt whish. 帝昊天的现身,无疑是令全场惊哗。 But also works as in the expectations of some people. 但也在一些人的预料当。 Wants initially, outside the forgotten state, Jun Xiaoyao and an emperor sky war, might be considered as present age Immortal Territory young Heaven's Chosen the war of peak. 想当初,在被遗忘的国度外,君逍遥与帝昊天一战,堪称是当世仙域年轻天骄的巅峰之战。 However that time, ends by the emperor sky disastrous defeat. 不过那次,以帝昊天惨败落幕。 Many people felt, the emperor sky comes this, before is snow, shame. 很多人觉得,帝昊天来此,是一雪前耻的。 Invited you? Sorry, forgot.” Jun Xiaoyao said at will. “邀请你?抱歉,忘了。”君逍遥随意道。 He regarding below defeated general, will not always care. 他对于下败将,向来不会太在意。 The emperor sky has not revealed the meaning of what anger, but shakes the head to say lightly. 帝昊天倒也没有露出什么愤怒之意,只是淡淡摇头道。 That was a pity actually, you forgot me, but I, have actually remembered you.” “那倒是可惜了,你忘了我,但我,却一直记得你啊。” This few sovereign will not forget, in forgot outside the state, loses to under you shame.” “本少皇不会忘记,在被遗忘国度外,败于你下的耻辱。” The emperor sky said in the tranquil tone. 帝昊天以平静的语气说道。 Therefore, you are wreck the event?” One side of Jun Xiaoyao. “所以,你是来砸场子的?”君逍遥头一侧。 Wrecks the event before the Jun Family entrance, even if he were the immortal courtyard in the ancient times few sovereigns, some short circuit? 君家的山门前砸场子,哪怕他是仙庭古代少皇,也有些秀逗了吧? I just think, before the result approaches, contend with you.” “我只不过是想,在终局来临之前,和你一较高下。” Perhaps because...... will not have met from now on again. The emperor sky lost/carrying stands, tone calm say/way. “因为今后……恐怕再也没有会了。帝昊天负而立,语气从容道。 „?” “哦?” The Jun Xiaoyao vision is profound. 君逍遥目光深邃。 Before, was snowing white/in vain also once dark message transmission, emperor sky, seemingly already completely collect slate of fragment that immortal. 之前,白落雪也曾暗传讯过,帝昊天,貌似已经集齐了那仙之石盘碎片。 But the emperor sky aura realm also grows stronger now, should not can be inseparable from his grandfather along. 而帝昊天现在气息境界也都变强了,应该和他的随身老爷爷脱不了干系。 It seems like the emperor sky, fully restored self-confidently. 看来帝昊天,是完全恢复了自信。 But at this moment, the delightful elusive wonderful sound resounds together suddenly. 但就在这时,一道悦耳空灵的妙音忽然响起。 Emperor sky, this princess does not allow you to destroy the Xiaoyao engagement feast.” “帝昊天,本公主不允许你破坏逍遥的订婚宴。” Far spatial, a crystal carriage car(riage) comes across the sky. 远空,一座水晶辇车横空而来。 Two appearances have eight points of similar peerless beautiful woman, appears. 两位容颜有八分相似的绝代佳人,同时出现。 Kite clear and Ling Yuan! 正是鸢澈和泠鸢 Kiss, this chapter has ended, wish you to read happily! 0 亲,本章已完,祝您阅读愉快!0
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