STSBAFGG :: Volume #14

#1378: Samsara sea 3 Young Lord not, the provocation finds fault unreliably, finds fault...

In Samseon-dong, is piece of extremely broad small world. 三仙洞内,乃是一片极为广阔的小世界 spiritual medicine everywhere, the auspicious plant spits the rosy cloud. 灵药遍地,瑞草吐霞。 Naturally, is flooding many bad risks. 当然,也充斥着诸多凶险。 For example some place, corner/horn remnant, writes off general Heavenly Venerable sufficiently instantaneously. 比如某一地,有一角残阵,足以瞬间抹杀一般的天尊 Some places, have the mud place, bites the soul grass wait/etc. 还有一些地方,有烂泥地,噬魂草等等。 Even, many strength terrors variant beast. 甚至,还有诸多实力恐怖的异兽 Moreover is bloodlines extremely ancient variation. 而且都是血脉极其古老的异种。 In addition Samseon-dong this and other liberal world environment, causes these variant beast strengths, is more terrifying than outside world. 加上三仙洞这等优渥的天地环境,导致这些异兽的实力,都比外界更加恐怖。 Can say this trial, even if regarding nine Heaven's Chosen, absolutely is not a simple small matter. 可以说这场试炼,哪怕是对于九天骄子来说,也绝对不是一件简单轻松的事情。 However in this trial, has the most relaxed person. 然而这场试炼中,却有一个最为轻松的人。 Is Jiang Luoli. 就是姜洛璃 She is almost such as the taking a walk picnic is common, follows side Jun Xiaoyao. 她几乎是如散步郊游一般,跟在君逍遥身边。 The Jun Xiaoyao footsteps the place of treading, does not have any barrier can prevent. 君逍遥脚步所踏之地,没有任何障碍能阻止。 Many variant beast, a Jun Xiaoyao palm writes off. 诸多异兽,君逍遥一掌抹杀。 Terrifying killing formation, Jun Xiaoyao stamps the feet, his collapse destroys. 恐怖杀阵,君逍遥一跺脚,将其崩毁。 Let alone was following on the heels Jiang Luoli, even if were Jun Xiaoyao oneself, was relaxed incomparable. 别说是跟在后面的姜洛璃了,哪怕是君逍遥本人,也是轻松无比。 Elder Brother Xiaoyao, was this trial, Luoli this is some is too after all relaxed?” 逍遥哥哥,这毕竟是一场试炼,洛璃这样是不是有些太轻松了?” Jiang Luoli somewhat were embarrassed. 姜洛璃自己都有些不好意思了。 This is not the trial, but is the picnic. 这根本就不是试炼,而是郊游。 Matter that Luoli, you must handle only, controls beginning of the universe gold/metal fight, other things, give me.” Jun Xiaoyao said. 洛璃,你唯一要做的事情,就是掌控混元金斗,其余的事情,交给我。”君逍遥道。 Although Jiang Luoli no longer is the flowers in greenhouse. 姜洛璃虽然已经不再是温室里的花朵。 But the man maintains the own woman, is the perfectly justified matter. 但男人维护自己的女人,是天经地义的事情。 Let alone Jiang Luoli this type moe softly is a girlfriend, can arouse the protection desire of person. 更别说姜洛璃这种软萌系女友,更加能激起人的保护欲。 Did not say appropriately, Jun Xiaoyao looks like the old father to favor the daughter simply. 不恰当的说,君逍遥简直就像是老父亲在宠女儿。 Hehe......” the Jiang Luoli feeling is somewhat embarrassed, but actually also happiness of flood. “诶嘿嘿……”姜洛璃感觉有些不好意思,但却也有一种满溢的幸福。 Although before comparing, she has become very independent. 虽然相比之前,她已经变得很独立自主。 But this type protected feeling, after all is very wonderful. 但这种被人呵护的感觉,毕竟还是很美妙的。 Passed through after some time . 经过了一段时间后。 The front presented a space vortex. 前方出现了一道空间漩涡。 Samseon-dong altogether has three channels, it seems like then must converge in together.” Jiang Luoli said. “三仙洞共有三个通道,看来接下来要汇合在一起了。”姜洛璃道。 Walks, the seems like following traveling schedule will not be boring.” Jun Xiaoyao said. “走吧,看来接下来的行程不会无聊。”君逍遥道。 In this Samseon-dong, wants to his take action person, to be not infrequent. 在这三仙洞内,想对他出手的人,不在少数。 Jun Xiaoyao also wants to practice acquiring a skill with these people. 君逍遥也想拿这些人练练手。 Two people overstep the space vortex. 两人踏过空间漩涡。 In the wink of an eye, the front world is broader, the immortal qi abundant, spirit flower spits auspicious. 瞬息之间,前方的世界更加广阔,仙气盎然,灵葩吐瑞。 That feeling, even more defined......” “那种感觉,越发明晰了……” Jun Xiaoyao at heart secretly thought. 君逍遥心里暗道。 He can feel the Immortal Dao material the aura, should in most deep place of Samseon-dong. 他能感觉得到仙道物质的气息,应该就在三仙洞的最深处。 But at this moment, another direction, has the form to come. 而就在这时,另一个方向,有身影现身。 Jun Xiaoyao and Jiang Luoli vision looks. 君逍遥姜洛璃目光看去。 A discovery long wide sleeve cloud robe female, impressively is the cloud sounds of nature. 发现其中一位广袖云袍的女子,赫然是云天籁。 But at this moment, clouds that the sounds of nature women's clothing slightly has disorderly, has the trace of fight. 只不过此刻,云天籁衣裙略有凌乱,有战斗的痕迹。 Obviously, they come, experienced some fights. 显然,他们一路过来,也是经历了一些战斗。 But side cloud sounds of nature, several Heaven's Chosen. 而在云天籁身边,还有几位天骄 And one, is that Samsara sea three Young Lord. 其中一位,就是那轮回海的三少主 The sounds of nature also saw Jun Xiaoyao and Jiang Luoli, on the face reveal wipe say with a smile pale. 云天籁也是看到了君逍遥姜洛璃,脸上露出一抹淡笑道。 Young Master Jun, Luoli.” 君公子,洛璃。” Because of Qiong clouds lineage/vein domineering relations, bluish green clouds lineage/vein and clouds lineage/vein, each other support, therefore relates is good. 因为琼霄一脉强势的关系,碧霄一脉与云霄一脉,彼此扶持,所以关系还算不错。 Also will not have what conflict eruption. 也不会有什么冲突爆发。 Two side troops converge. 两方人马汇合。 cloud Tianlai sees Jun Xiaoyao Jiang Luoli, the women's clothing has no time, the fine dust does not dye. 云天籁看到君逍遥身边的姜洛璃,衣裙无暇,纤尘不染。 In the eye reveals wipes the color of light admire. 眼中不由露出一抹淡淡的艳羡之色。 Obviously Jun Xiaoyao protects Jiang Luoli is very good. 显然君逍遥姜洛璃呵护的很好。 In comparison, clouds the sounds of nature, although also has Samsara sea three Young Lord and the others the help. 相比之下,云天籁虽然也有轮回海三少主等人的帮助。 But underwent a fight after all. 但总归还是经过了一番战斗。 Seemed like saw cloud sounds of nature revealing wiped to admire. 似乎是看到了云天籁眼露出的一抹艳羡。 Nearby, that Samsara sea three Young Lord that wears the golden magnificent dress, profound not, in the eye flashes through wipes not the cheerful color. 一旁,那位身着金色华服的轮回海三少主,玄莫,眼中闪过一抹不愉之色。 Originally he as Samsara sea three Young Lord, does not have the Great Emperor successor finally regarding Jun Xiaoyao this, does not catch cold. 本来他身为轮回海三少主,对于君逍遥这位无终大帝传人,就十分不感冒。 Now sees cloud sounds of nature that vision, he is more uncomfortable. 现在看到云天籁那目光,他心里不由更加不爽。 Profound also looks at Jun Xiaoyao not, in the eye reveals wipes the unusual look. 玄莫也把目光转向君逍遥,眼中露出一抹异色。 You are Jun Xiaoyao, body have special aura actually, is similar my Samsara sea Samsara true intent.” “你就是君逍遥,身上倒是有一股特殊的气息,类似我轮回海的轮回真意。” Saw that profound opens the mouth not suddenly, the one side cloud sounds of nature complexion also slightly changes. 看到玄莫忽然开口,一旁云天籁脸色也是微微一变。 She may know, the Samsara sea and does not have Great Emperor finally, is almost sworn enemy existence. 她可知道,轮回海和无终大帝,几乎是死对头般的存在。 Did not have Great Emperor finally once to cause heavy losses to Samsara sea Supreme Existence. 无终大帝曾重创过轮回海的一位无上存在 But now, Jun Xiaoyao carries not to have the status of Great Emperor successor finally. 而现在,君逍遥又身负无终大帝传人的身份。 To disagree/not with the Samsara sea is not not possible to. 想不和轮回海对上都不可能。 What's the big deal?” Jun Xiaoyao tone light say/way. “那又如何?”君逍遥语气淡淡道。 power of samsara to him, is not indeed strange. 轮回之力对他来说,的确不陌生。 Jun Xiaoyao condensed the Samsara principle, but also had Six Paths of Samsara Fist, Six Paths of Samsara immortal root. 君逍遥凝聚出了轮回法则,还拥有六道轮回拳,六道轮回仙根。 Even Sacred Body phenomenon, may form Six Paths of Samsara. 甚至圣体异象,都可形成六道轮回 Therefore by power of samsara, profound not this Samsara sea three Young Lord, but also really cannot compare Jun Xiaoyao. 所以说论轮回之力,玄莫这位轮回海三少主,还真比不上君逍遥 It‘s nothing, but felt that your body Samsara true intent is too thick, perhaps has some causes and effects with my Samsara sea.” “没什么,只是感觉到你身上轮回真意太浓,或许和我轮回海有某种因果。” This matter terminated, you go to Samsara sea along with me.” “等此事完结,你随我前往轮回海一趟。” The profound tone not, just like telling the servant is ordinary, has a conceited meaning. 玄莫的语气,宛如吩咐下人一般,带着一股唯我独尊之意。 He finds fault, first, is somewhat is indeed uncomfortable to Jun Xiaoyao. 他之所以挑刺,一来,的确是对君逍遥有些不爽。 Secondly, he also indeed from Jun Xiaoyao body, detected not general Samsara true intent. 二来,他也的确从君逍遥身上,察觉到了一股不一般的轮回真意 Did not mediate the Samsara sea to have the relations, but if can make him excavate secret, could obtain the great benefit. 不说和轮回海有没有关系,但如果能让他发掘其中的秘密,或许能得到巨大好处。 Jun Xiaoyao complexion, is reveals wipes to ponder. 君逍遥的脸色,也是露出一抹玩味。 Let him go to the Samsara sea? 让他去轮回海? When the time comes Six Paths of Samsara Fist, Six Paths of Samsara can immortal root wait/etc things, be coveted by the Samsara sea? 到时候六道轮回拳,六道轮回仙根等等东西,岂不是都要被轮回海觊觎? Moreover by his present standpoint, really goes to the Samsara sea, that is the extreme danger. 而且以他现在的立场,真去轮回海,那就是羊入虎口。 Although the Samsara sea not necessarily really dares to begin to Jun Xiaoyao. 虽然轮回海也不一定真的敢对君逍遥动手。 After all before executed the immortal sword just now to shock. 毕竟之前诛仙剑才刚震慑过。 But Jun Xiaoyao does not need to play dumb, goes looking for trouble. 君逍遥也没必要犯傻,自找麻烦。 Orders me to go to the Samsara sea, what thing are you?” “命令我去轮回海,你算什么东西?” Profound although is not a person of cloud sounds of nature side camp, but Jun Xiaoyao has not been forgiving. 玄莫虽是云天籁一方阵营的人,但君逍遥也没有丝毫留情。 Dares to select his thorn, courts death. 敢挑他的刺,就是找死。 It seems like did you propose a toast do not eat to be made to drink as a forfeit?” The profound eye narrows the eyes not slightly. “看来你是敬酒不吃吃罚酒了?”玄莫眼睛微微眯起。 Jun Xiaoyao is this, he more thought that Jun Xiaoyao body has some secret. 君逍遥越是这样,他就越觉得君逍遥身上有某种秘密。 Three Young Lord, Young Master Jun, you......” “三少主,还有君公子,你们……” The sounds of nature were clamped in the middle, is unpopular everywhere and with everybody. 云天籁被夹在中间,里外不是人。 Unzen, you make way, I want to know actually, the Jun Xiaoyao actually somewhat strength, dares so to show off ability in Nine Heavens rampantly!” “云仙子,你让开,我倒是想知道,君逍遥究竟有几分实力,敢在九天如此嚣张逞能!” The profound voice falls not, is refers to for the sword directly. 玄莫话音一落,直接是并指为剑。 Wipes the light of Samsara to reappear, changes into together the radiant incomparable sword light, as if shone upon various world. 一抹轮回之光浮现,化为一道璀璨无比的剑光,仿佛映照了诸世。 This is Samsara sea top divine ability, Samsara Dao Sword! 此乃轮回海的顶级神通,轮回道剑 This sword, if were cut, as if can fall into endless Samsara, what might end is the terrifying dares to provoke me boundlessly, you find fault the person. ” 此剑一出,若被斩中,仿佛能堕入无尽轮回,威力端的是恐怖无边敢挑衅我,你是找错人了。” Jun Xiaoyao has not kept the hand, fights with the fists, Six Paths of Samsara. 君逍遥也没有留手,一拳打出,六道轮回 As if there is Six Paths of Samsara macrocosm, follows the fist front billowing steamroll to go. 仿佛有六道轮回大世界,伴随拳锋滚滚碾压而去。 That terrifying Samsara Intent, even exceeds profound Samsara Dao Sword not! 那股恐怖的轮回之意,甚至更胜过玄莫的轮回道剑 What?!” “什么?!” Profound is also startled not. 玄莫也是吃了一惊。 His solemn Samsara sea three couldn't Young Lord, compared with Samsara Intent, have compared Immortal Territory Heaven's Chosen unexpectedly? 他堂堂轮回海三少主,比起轮回之意,竟然还比不上一个仙域天骄 Bang! 砰! The immortal light blasts out, the principle scatters. 仙光炸开,法则四溅。 Profound was rumbled to draw back more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) not, the chest vitality surges, a blood was swallowed by him. 玄莫被轰退百余丈,胸膛气血翻腾,一口血被他生生咽了下去。 His complexion is also becomes gloomy. 他的脸色也是变得阴沉起来。
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