STSBAFGG :: Volume #14

#1375: The ghost king pulls a cart, willow Qiongyan the awkwardness, is advocating to arrive

But king Yan Nine Heavens true top evildoer/monstrous talent. 王衍可是九天真正的顶尖妖孽。 On the position, is equivalent to Immortal Territory Jun Xiaoyao, the character of emperor sky that rank. 论地位,相当于仙域君逍遥,帝昊天那一等级的人物。 Luoli, who is also annoys you is not happy?” 洛璃,又是谁惹你不高兴了?” In purple day, broadcasts king Yan the voice. 紫色大日中,传来王衍的声音。 In that domineering Heaven's Chosen unlike imagination. 与想象中那种强势的天骄不同。 king Yan the voice, is very gentle, making people enjoyable. 王衍的声音,很是平和,让人不由舒心起来。 Actually this character, compared with that making a great show of one's talents Heaven's Chosen, must be more dangerous. 其实这种人物,比起那种锋芒毕露的天骄,要更加危险。 I am very ripe with you, do not call me, is very easy to misunderstand.” The Jiang Luoli tone is very desolate. “我跟你很熟吗,别这么称呼我,很容易让人误会。”姜洛璃语气很冷淡。 Treats king Yan the attitude, with treating any stranger has no difference. 对待王衍的态度,和对待任何一个陌生人没什么区别。 Many Heaven's Chosen that this looks at actually shake the head. 这倒是看的不少天骄啧啧摇头。 In Nine Heavens, dares to so to be perfunctory approach king Yan desolately, only had Jiang Luoli. 九天,敢以如此冷淡敷衍态度对待王衍的,也就只有姜洛璃了。 „, If were not happy that called Miss Jiang is.” king Yan smiles lightly. “呵,若不高兴,那称呼姜姑娘便是。”王衍淡淡一笑。 Surrounding people hears word, somewhat admires king Yan the bearing. 周围众人闻言,也是有些佩服王衍的气度。 This makes Jiang Luoli frown on the contrary. 这反倒让姜洛璃蹙眉。 If king Yan is that very overbearing person, she is on the contrary easier to reject. 如果王衍是那种很霸道的人,她反倒更容易拒绝。 Instead now, this quack remedy attitude, making her fling cannot throw off, is very annoying. 反而现在,这狗皮膏药般的态度,让她甩都甩不掉,很是烦人。 king Yan then looks to willow Qiongyan, said. 王衍转而看向柳琼烟,道。 Willow tree miss, this time to help Miss Jiang, I will not keep the hand.” “柳姑娘,这次为了帮助姜姑娘,我可不会留手。” Facing king Yan, willow Qiongyan has not despised actually. 面对王衍,柳琼烟倒是没有丝毫轻视。 She reveals an innocent color. 她只是露出一副无辜之色道。 king Yan Young Lord, a piece tendency Mingyue, does to Mingyue according to the drainage ditch, must look that younger sister Luoli is willing to accept your help.” “王衍少主,一片将心向明月,奈何明月照沟渠,也要看洛璃妹妹愿不愿意接受你的帮助啊。” Others were a pity, king Yan a Young Lord sincerity was disappointed.” “人家只是可惜,王衍少主一片真心被辜负而已。” willow Qiongyan, although there are ominous king and the others to help. 柳琼烟这边,虽然有凶王等人帮助。 But if to king Yan, how that were very difficult to say the result. 但若对上王衍的话,那还真很难说结果如何。 Therefore, if the possibility, she does not want to make king Yan help Jiang Luoli. 所以,若有一丝可能,她也不想让王衍帮助姜洛璃 Hehe, I believe that the Miss Jiang meeting wants to go on, after all she lived in Immortal Territory, the vision always has the limit.” “呵呵,我相信姜姑娘会想开的,毕竟她以前生活在仙域,眼光总有局限。” king Yan this saying, aimed at secretly. 王衍这话,就有一丝暗暗的针对了。 Practically, Jiang Luoli lived in Immortal Territory, the vision is not high. 等于说是,姜洛璃以前生活在仙域,眼界不高。 Therefore foolishly in Jun Xiaoyao that Immortal Territory Heaven's Chosen. 所以才会痴心于君逍遥那种仙域天骄 king Yan, you......” “王衍,你……” Jiang Luoli to king Yan, just like willow Qiongyan, dislike. 姜洛璃对王衍,和柳琼烟一样,厌恶至极。 Yeah, such being the case, that also can only offend king Yan Young Lord when the time comes.” willow Qiongyan hangs the eyebrow to collect the eye, sighed one lightly. “哎,既然如此,那到时候也只能得罪王衍少主了。”柳琼烟垂眉敛目,轻叹一声。 At this time, in the immortal tomb deep place, the having mystical powers light filled the air suddenly, the immortal splendor surged. 这时,在仙陵深处,忽然有灵光弥漫,仙辉涌动。 Said the sound to thunder, in reverberation world. 道音轰鸣,回荡天地之间。 Samseon-dong is going to open!” “三仙洞将要开启了!” Presenting everyone is the spirit inspires. 在场所有人都是精神一振。 Although is no one is qualified. 虽然不是谁都有资格进入其中。 But this Samseon-dong, essentially is also a collision of nine Heaven's Chosen. 但这次三仙洞,本质上也是九天骄子的一次碰撞。 Elder Brother Xiaoyao......” 逍遥哥哥……” In the Jiang Luoli big eye reveals to wipe the color of missing. 姜洛璃大眼中流露出一抹思念之色。 She comes Nine Heavens, experienced many suffering with lonely, but she has not given up. 她一个人来九天,经历了诸多委屈与孤独,但她并没有放弃。 Before she has not been , that greenhouse beloved daughter. 她早已不是之前那个,温室里的掌上明珠了。 But now, she indeed wants to see Jun Xiaoyao to arrive. 但现在,她的确想看到君逍遥到来。 Does not want to rely on Jun Xiaoyao anything. 并非是想依赖君逍遥什么的。 To see him purely. 只是单纯想见到他而已。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! At this moment, the distant place suddenly has terrifying fiendish qi to surge. 就在这时,远处忽然有恐怖的煞气涌动。 Made many people transfer glances at the light, in the eye reveals the surprised color. 令许多人转过目光,眼中露出惊讶之色。 „, Did he come finally?” “哦,他终于来了吗?” The ominous king vision transfers, the look is light. 凶王目光转去,神色淡淡。 The air/Qi of that terrifying evil spirit, besides the ghost king, others is impossible to have. 那股恐怖的凶煞之气,除了煞王之外,其他人不可能拥有。 king Yan casts the vision lightly, is very tranquil. 王衍则淡淡投去目光,很是平静。 To him, even facing the ominous king Hesha king two people, he is still calm. 对他来讲,即便是面对凶王和煞王两人,他也依旧从容。 Jiang Luoli and complexion of cloud sounds of nature is not quite attractive. 姜洛璃和云天籁的脸色则都不太好看。 The ghost king arrives, without doubt is lets willow Qiongyan that side camp even more powerful. 煞王到来,无疑是让柳琼烟那一方阵营如虎添翼。 willow Qiongyan is also the lotus steps moves lightly, goes forward to greet, on the face brings to wipe the charming happy expression to say. 柳琼烟也是莲步轻移,上前迎接,脸上带着一抹妩媚笑意道。 Ghost Your Highness king comes, but some late.” “煞王殿下来的可是有些晚了啊。” Not far away, wears muddily turns round variant beast of blood-color hair to come, taking the form of tiger. 不远处,一头浑身披覆着血色毛发的异兽现身,形似老虎。 Length of body nine zhang (3.33 m), fang, if the sword tooth is generally sharp. 体长九丈,獠牙若剑齿一般锋利。 The whole body is winding around the air/Qi of blood-color evil spirit, ominous prestige illustrious. 浑身缭绕着血色凶煞之气,凶威赫赫。 tao low stool! 正是梼杌! Un? How did the fourth child offer a sacrifice to the main body?” Ominous Wang Weiwei knits the brows. “嗯?老四怎么祭出本体了?”凶王微微皱眉。 However next quarter. 然而下一刻。 Presents all Heaven's Chosen, the expression was the instantaneous delay lived, wrote all over the thick stunned color. 在场所有天骄,表情都是瞬间呆滞住了,写满了浓浓的错愕之色。 Because they saw, appeared the ghost king of main body, body is twining the reins. 因为他们看到了,显出了本体的煞王,身上缠绕着缰绳。 Behind is drawing a magnificent carriage car(riage). 后面拉着一架华丽的辇车。 Above the carriage car(riage), sits whole body immortal glow to cover, just like being born to exile the immortal aloof form. 辇车之上,坐着一位浑身仙芒笼罩,宛若降世谪仙人般的超然身影。 This, seems the Spiritual God controls the ominous beast, Lower Realm goes on patrol! 这一幕,仿佛是神灵驾驭凶兽,下界巡游! How is this...... this special a matter?” “这……这特么到底是怎么一回事?” That absolutely is the ghost king, but, how is he pulling a cart?” “那位绝对是煞王,可是,他怎么在拉车?” I have not misread , are ghost kings solemn beast hole four little king, pulling a cart?” “我没看错吧,堂堂兽窟四小王之一的煞王,在替人拉车?” Presents all Heaven's Chosen, the eyeball stares quickly, scalp tingles, mind buzz cry. 在场所有天骄,眼珠子都是快瞪出来,头皮发麻,脑海嗡鸣。 That is the beast hole, one of the Nine Heavens ten big forbidden areas. 那可是兽窟啊,九天十大禁区之一。 Moreover is forbidden area that antique ominous beast lineage/vein create, ominous illustrious. 而且是太古凶兽一脉所建立的禁区,凶名赫赫。 In the past turmoil, once made to kill the tribulation boundlessly. 在以往的动乱中,也曾造下过无边杀劫。 This is an lineage/vein ominous name most abundant forbidden area. 这是一脉凶名最盛的禁区。 Also is therefore, let alone common Nine Heavens life. 也正是因此,别说一般的九天生灵了。 Even if Heaven's Chosen of other forbidden areas, is not willing to have the conflict with the beast hole. 哪怕是其他禁区的天骄,也不太愿意与兽窟起冲突。 Finally now, what do they see? 结果现在呢,他们看到了什么? Of ghost kings beast hole four little king, are giving the person domestic animal that when pulls a cart! 兽窟四小王之一的煞王,在给人当拉车的畜生! This to the beast hole, absolutely is the biggest shame! 这对兽窟而言,绝对是最大的羞辱! willow Qiongyan charming such as flower cheeks, immediately is stiff, is somewhat pale. 柳琼烟妩媚如花的脸颊,顿时僵硬起来,有些铁青。 Ghost king, is one of her pursuers. 煞王,也是她的追求者之一。 Now is actually regarded the domestic animal of pulling a cart. 现在却被当成了拉车的畜生。 That indirectly is saying her, was pursued by a domestic animal? 那岂不是间接性地在说她,被一头畜生追求? This makes willow Qiongyan the snow white cheek exude the azure, has the sense of stigma. 这让柳琼烟雪白的面颊泛着青色,有种耻辱感。 Can make the ghost king pull a cart, is the person who that sits who?” “能让煞王拉车,那坐着的人是谁?” The vision of people, all shifted to that to sit the form above carriage car(riage) easely. 众人的目光,全都转向了那悠然坐在辇车之上的身影。 The Jiang Luoli wonderful eye looks, one ten thousand years. 姜洛璃妙目看去,一眼万年。 Luoli, I have not come late.” 洛璃,我没有来晚吧。” On the Jun Xiaoyao face is hanging the temperate happy expression. 君逍遥脸上挂着温和的笑意。 Elder Brother Xiaoyao......” 逍遥哥哥……” The Jiang Luoli corner of the eye exudes the clear tears. 姜洛璃眼角泛起晶莹的泪花。 She and Jun Xiaoyao, the separation does not have the too long time obviously. 她和君逍遥,明明分隔也没有太长的时间。 But Jiang Luoli actually feels to experience one day like a year, was similar to three had lived. 姜洛璃却感觉度日如年,如同过了三生。 Sees that form, Jiang Luoli such as the young swallow turns over to the nest to be the same, throws to Jun Xiaoyao. 看到那久违的身影,姜洛璃如乳燕归巢一般,向君逍遥扑去。 This, looked at many people stupidly. 这一幕,把许多人都看傻了。 After all just now, Jiang Luoli also to king Yan this grade of character, looks cold and indifferent, likes building. 毕竟方才,姜洛璃还对王衍这等人物,爱理不理,爱搭不搭。 Finally now, actually puts into arms of man on own initiative. 结果现在,却主动投入一位男子的怀抱。 Is he, he is that Jun Xiaoyao!” “是他,他就是那君逍遥!” Really is Jun Xiaoyao, he also really dares to come Nine Heavens!” “真的是君逍遥,他还真敢来九天!” After knowing the Jun Xiaoyao status, the audience in an uproar! 当知道君逍遥身份后,全场哗然! After all after experiencing has executed the immortal sword event . 毕竟经历过诛仙剑事件后。 Jun Xiaoyao was becomes famous in Nine Heavens. 君逍遥算是在九天出名了。 Does not know that many nine Heaven's Chosen, want to suppress him. 不知多少九天骄子,想要镇压他。 Finally Jun Xiaoyao, arrived at Nine Heavens on the contrary on own initiative. 结果君逍遥,反倒主动来到了九天 Jun Xiaoyao......” 君逍遥……” Sees Jiang Luoli to invest in the Jun Xiaoyao bosom, in king Yan the facial expression leads wisp of light cold intent. 看到姜洛璃投入君逍遥怀中,王衍神情中带着一缕淡淡的冷意。 He really has to Jiang Luoli actually not likes. 倒不是他真的对姜洛璃有多么喜欢。 Ominous king Cai good, he indeed is because the Yuan spirit immortal body of Jiang Luoli, wants to marry with her. 凶王猜的不错,他的确是因为姜洛璃的元灵仙体,才想要和她联姻的。 The Yuan spirit immortal body, to Grandmist Purple Qi that he has, has enormous help effect therefore him to obtain Jiang Luoli. 元灵仙体,对他身怀的鸿蒙紫气种,有极大的帮助效果所以他一定要得到姜洛璃 But another side, the complexion of ominous king is also as gloomy as the extreme, in the pupil has the color of ominous offense. 而另一边,凶王的脸色也是阴沉到极点,眸子里带着凶戾之色。 Ghost king, you are......” “煞王,你这是……” The ominous king looks to the ghost king. 凶王看向煞王。 Solemn beast hole four little king one, was regarded the domestic animal that pulls a cart. 堂堂兽窟四小王之一,被当成拉车的牲畜。 This lost completely the face of beast hole simply. 这简直是把兽窟的脸都丢光了。 But with were ominous kings ghost king compound four little king, how could it not be also pushed down the domestic animal first-grade? 而和煞王并列四小王之一的凶王,岂不也是被拉低到了畜生一等? Ominous king, saves me.” “凶王,救我。” Ghost king Zhi can say. 煞王只能这么说。 He was always impossible to be in front of people saying that his three moves were suppressed by Jun Xiaoyao. 他总不可能当着众人的面说,他三招就被君逍遥镇压了吧。 That will lose face without doubt. 那无疑会更加丢脸。
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