STSBAFGG :: Volume #14

#1307: Is impossible to depart with ease, estranges Chi You immortal lineage, joins...

In Jun Xiaoyao prepares to retire after meritorious service. 就在君逍遥准备功成身退之际。 The emperor sky stood. 帝昊天站了出来。 Jun Xiaoyao, are you about openly to leave like this?” 君逍遥,你就准备这样堂而皇之地离开吗?” Although the emperor sky, in the Jun Xiaoyao hand, tasted the unprecedented failure. 虽然帝昊天,在君逍遥手中,尝到了前所未有的失败。 But he was also a character, quick got down the own state of mind on returning to normal after all. 但他毕竟还算是个人物,很快就平复下了自己的心绪。 At least now, is not he incompetent wild with rage time. 至少现在,还不是他无能狂怒的时候。 He is impossible to make Jun Xiaoyao leave simply. 他不可能让君逍遥这么简单离开。 Un? What meaning is your saying?” “嗯?你这话是什么意思?” Kite clear interrupted directly. 鸢澈直接插嘴了。 She is special in the immortal courtyard status, no one can neglect her will. 她在仙庭身份特殊,没有人能忽略她的意志。 Princess, there is nothing to do with you, you possibly do not know now the Immortal Territory pattern.” 公主殿下,这与你无关,你可能不知道现在仙域的格局。” Jun Family, had posed the threat to my immortal courtyard's rule, you are protecting Jun Xiaoyao, is not considered as that a wise decision.” 君家,已经对我仙庭的统治造成了威胁,你护着君逍遥,并不算是个明智的决定。” The emperor sky said. 帝昊天说道。 Since won over the plan fail of kite clear. 既然拉拢鸢澈的计划失败了。 He does not install simply. 他也就索性不装了。 Kite clear sees that beautifully to dream appearance , is also reveals wipes indifferent smiling. 鸢澈见状,美丽到梦幻的容颜上,也是露出一抹冷漠的笑。 Really so. 果然如此。 Beyond the dream in the dream, the emperor sky is a false role. 不论是在梦里还是梦外,帝昊天都是一个如此虚伪的角色。 From the beginning ships out a hypocritical appearance, once discovers the plan to be hopeless, immediately appears the prototype. 一开始装出一副伪善的模样,一旦发现计划无望,立刻就现出原型。 If I can guarantee Jun Xiaoyao?” “如果我要保君逍遥呢?” Kite clear treads one step. 鸢澈踏出一步。 Immediately, the vast Emperor bloodlines are vigorous, such as mountain Ruhai, such as deep pool like prison! 顿时,浩瀚的帝君血脉蓬勃,如山如海,如渊如狱! After her tender body, appears faintly together the extremely fuzzy form, probably sits cross-legged in the ancient space and time. 在她娇躯后,隐隐浮现出一道极为模糊的身影,像是盘坐在亘古时空当中。 Aloof, Imperishable, bright, immeasurable! 超然,不朽,光明,无量! That...... that is anything!” “那……那是什么!” Is it possible that is lord of ancient Xianting the!” “那莫非就是古仙庭之主!” The four directions shock! 四方震撼! Eight side worships! 八方朝拜! Some many people, knelt down directly. 更有许多人,直接就跪下了。 That is wisp of aura of myth! 那是属于神话的一缕气息! They witnessed legendary supreme expert with own eyes, once ancient Xianting Emperor! 他们亲眼见证到了传奇至强者,曾经古仙庭的帝君! Jun Xiaoyao crosses the hands behind the back as before, stands erect indifferently, had not been affected. 君逍遥依旧负手,淡然矗立,没有受到丝毫影响。 In the eye reveals wipes the surprise. 只是眼中露出一抹诧异。 „The Donghua emperors also really love his daughter, leaves behind wisp of True Spirit, may manifest in the bloodlines.” “东华帝君还真是疼爱他的女儿,留下一缕真灵,可于血脉中显化。” As the matter stands, almost no one, can injure to kite clear.” “这样一来,几乎没有谁,能伤害到鸢澈。” Jun Xiaoyao also has to gasp in admiration. 君逍遥也不得不叹服。 The Donghua emperors also are really the father love like the mountain. 东华帝君还真是父爱如山。 Not only the thought stretches across the eternal space and time, helping kite clear find who passed the burden the strength of big sin. 不但意念横跨万古时空,帮鸢澈找到了转嫁大罪孽之力的自己。 In the bloodlines of kite clear, left behind wisp of True Spirit, aiding her is well. 更是在鸢澈的血脉中,留下了一缕真灵,护佑她无恙。 Tread! Tread! Tread! 蹬!蹬!蹬! Even if the emperor sky, drew back continually several steps under this pressure. 哪怕是帝昊天,在这股压力下都是连退了数步。 Even, the aura pressure of kite clear, must bend his back, making him kneel down. 甚至于,鸢澈的气息威压,要压弯他的脊梁,让他跪下。 Cracks a joke!” “开什么玩笑!” The emperor sky shouts in the heart. 帝昊天在心中嘶吼。 He was the ancient few sovereigns in immortal courtyard, sky True Dragon. 他可是仙庭的古代少皇,昊天真龙 Is matchless rebirth, will thoroughly understand in the future all. 更是举世无双的重生者,通晓未来一切。 Was pressed the experience that kneels down, time was one enough. 被压得下跪的经历,一次就足够了。 Bang! 轰! The emperor sky also stimulated to movement wisp of aura, brings a vast immeasurable dragon prestige. 帝昊天同样催动了一缕气息,带着一股浩瀚无量的龙威。 In him behind, the vitality spurts thinly, seems faint, there is a great form to reappear together. 在他身后,气血喷薄,似乎隐隐间,也有一道伟岸的身影浮现。 Emperor Hao Heavenly Dragon!” “昊天龙帝!” Also some people call out in alarm. 又有人惊呼。 Emperor Hao Heavenly Dragon, is ancient Xianting a super big shot. 昊天龙帝,可是古仙庭的一位超级大佬。 Did not say that are treated equally with the immortal courtyard Emperor, but at least position, where will also not lower to goes. 不说与仙庭帝君平起平坐,但至少身份地位,也不会低到哪里去。 Had this aura, the emperor sky blocked the kite clear bloodlines pressure. 有了这股气息,帝昊天才挡住了鸢澈的血脉威压。 „, Emperor Hao Heavenly Dragon, you actually obtained his inheritance......” “哦,昊天龙帝,你竟然得到了他的传承……” Kite clear also reveals an accident/surprise. 鸢澈也是露出一丝意外。 Although she has not personally seen Emperor Hao Heavenly Dragon, but also knows ancient Xianting to have such Dragon Clan supreme expert. 她虽未亲眼见过昊天龙帝,但也知晓古仙庭有这样一位龙族至强者 Princess, you misunderstood actually, I had not said that how must to Jun Xiaoyao.” 公主殿下,你倒是误会了,我也没说,要对君逍遥怎么样。” But, he killed my follower, but also killed Cang Jie immortal lineage warehouse moment, killed child of truth and the others.” “但是,他杀害了我的追随者,还杀害了仓颉仙统的仓矩,更杀了真理之子等人。” In addition, but also captured Chi You immortal lineage nine Li Tu, Xing Tian(Heaven Punishment) immortal lineage execution by decapitation straw cutter.” “此外,还夺取了蚩尤仙统的九黎图,刑天仙统的斩罪铡刀。” Even, that Sacred Body Dharmakaya, itself should also be the treasure of my immortal courtyard inheritance.” “甚至,那具圣体法身,本身也该是我仙庭传承的宝贝。” „Others can walk, but in forgot the treasure in the state obtaining, must stay behind.” “他人可以走,但在被遗忘国度中所得到的宝贝,要留下。” Emperor sky indifferent say/way. 帝昊天冷漠道。 Jun Xiaoyao indeed won this game. 君逍遥的确是赢了这一局。 But he did not make Jun Xiaoyao win happily. 但他也绝不让君逍遥赢得痛快。 Is more impossible to make him carry off these treasure, strengthens his strength. 更不可能让他带走这些宝贝,增强他的力量。 You......” “你……” Kite clear is speechless for a while. 鸢澈一时无语。 Although she status noble, but just now regains consciousness now after all, did not know about the Immortal Territory situation. 她虽然身份高贵,但现在毕竟才刚苏醒,对仙域局势根本不了解。 But nine big immortal lineage, although respects her, actually not possible every word and deed to listen to her command. 而九大仙统,虽然尊敬她,却也不可能一言一行都听她号令。 After all present Supreme Immortal Court, with ancient Xianting, there is a very big difference. 毕竟现在的无上仙庭,和古仙庭,还是有很大区别的。 Right, Jun Xiaoyao, the execution by decapitation straw cutter you must remain.” “没错,君逍遥,斩罪铡刀你必须留下来。” Xing Tian(Heaven Punishment) immortal lineage expert indifferent say/way. 刑天仙统强者冷漠道。 You also killed my lineage/vein warehouse moment, how should compensate?” “你还杀了我这一脉的仓矩,该如何赔偿?” Cang Jie immortal lineage also has the expert opens the mouth. 仓颉仙统也有强者开口。 Gullan Saint Cult person is also coldly looks. 古兰圣教的人也是冷冷看着。 The child of truth, dies in the Jun Xiaoyao hand, made their exceedingly indignant. 真理之子,死于君逍遥手中,令他们无比愤怒。 But they are not at all over a million people of surface, killed Jun Xiaoyao directly. 但他们又不敢当着上百万人的面,直接杀了君逍遥 First did not say that killed. 先不说杀不杀得了。 Even if killed, Gullan Saint Cult must greet, is still the crazy retaliation of Jun Family. 即便杀了,古兰圣教要迎接的,也是君家的疯狂报复。 But previous time initiates Imperishable games to Jun Family, but also in a while. 而离君家上次发起不朽,可还没过多久。 The bloody reality puts at present. 血淋淋的现实就摆在眼前。 Jun Xiaoyao, you killed me to teach the child of truth, must pay the huge price, first apologized, the matter of compensation made the discussion in addition.” 君逍遥,你杀了我教真理之子,也要付出巨大代价,先道歉,赔偿之事另作商议。” Gullan Saint Cult expert also spoke. 古兰圣教强者也发话了。 As for Chi You immortal lineage, on the contrary is very mysterious, no one opens the mouth to beg nine Li Tu. 至于蚩尤仙统,反倒是很神奇的,没有人开口讨要九黎图。 Successor who because the Jun Xiaoyao itself/Ben was selected by Emperor Chi You mo. 因为君逍遥本就是被蚩尤魔帝选中的继承者。 Is listening to these words that has the threat. 听着这一句句含着威胁的话语。 Jun Xiaoyao smiles. 君逍遥只是一笑。 Is familiar with his person to know, this smiling, represented what meaning. 熟悉他的人知晓,这个笑,代表了什么含义。 I scratch, this is in the legend, death smile of Jun Family Divine Child?” The Shangdong riches and honor one startled one said for the first time. “我擦,这难道就是传说中的,君家神子的死亡微笑?”鲁富贵一惊一乍道。 Dares so to talk wildly to Master, was really the brain water penetration.” black ink swallow jade snorts contemptuously. “敢对主人这般放言,真是脑子进水了。”墨燕玉嗤之以鼻。 What character Jun Xiaoyao is, what character, aren't they clear? 君逍遥是什么人物,什么性格,他们难道还不清楚吗? Asked, Jun Xiaoyao has suffering a loss time? 就问,君逍遥有吃亏的时候吗? Who dares to make him suffer a loss? 谁又敢让他吃亏? You sufficed, before you had said that if accompanying enters, the treasure that they obtain belongs to their own!” “你们够了,之前你们就说过,若是随行者进入,他们所得到的宝贝都是属于他们自己的!” Ling Yuan cannot bear open the mouth to say. 泠鸢忍不住开口道。 Kite, comes, do not mix.” orchid the woman opens the mouth to say. “鸢儿,过来,别掺和。”兰婆开口道。 Ling Yuan bites the lip, stands side Jun Xiaoyao as before. 泠鸢咬唇,依旧站在君逍遥身边。 Now to her, entire Wa sovereign immortal lineage, cannot compare Jun Xiaoyao one wisp to send the silk. 现在对她而言,整个娲皇仙统,都比不上君逍遥的一缕发丝。 Jun Xiaoyao is smiling as before, even appears has selects genially. 君逍遥依旧在笑,甚至显得有那么点和煦。 Therefore, you did not plan asked me to leave?” Jun Xiaoyao said. “所以,你们是不打算让我走了?”君逍遥道。 Leaves behind the treasure, was the person of dying apologizes, offered the compensation.” The immortal courtyard, Gullan Saint Cult some expert coldly said. “留下宝贝,为死去的人道歉,做出赔偿。”仙庭,古兰圣教的一些强者冷冷道。 They also know, trades the life by the life is not possible. 他们也知道,以命换命是不可能的。 Jun Xiaoyao has no anger, then looks to Chi You immortal lineage. 君逍遥并没有任何怒意,转而看向蚩尤仙统 You, wants me to hand over nine Li Tu?” “你们呢,也要我交出九黎图吗?” Chi You immortal lineage everyone is silent. 蚩尤仙统所有人都沉默。 Many person complexions fluctuate. 许多人脸色更是变幻。 But Chi Long, ignorant feather and the others, in the eye bring to wipe up. 蚩珑,蚩羽等人,眼中则带着一抹光。 It seems like, Jun Xiaoyao is their hopes is ordinary. 就好像,君逍遥是他们的希望一般。 After all, this is by the character who Emperor Chi You mo selects, could help their Chi You immortal lineage, is separated from the present base and low situation. 毕竟,这是被蚩尤魔帝选中的人物,或许能够帮助他们蚩尤仙统,脱离现在的卑微处境。 The Jun Xiaoyao eye glow is also flashes secretly, knows that was almost the time. 君逍遥眼芒也是暗闪,知道差不多是时候了。 He opens the mouth saying: Such being the case, your Chi You immortal lineage, might as well be separated from the immortal courtyard, how joins Emperor Jun's Court?” 他开口道:“既然如此,你们蚩尤仙统,不如脱离仙庭,加入君帝庭如何?” A Jun Xiaoyao language arouses thousand overlapping waves! 君逍遥一语激起千层浪! txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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