STSBAFGG :: Volume #14

#1305: The Jun Xiaoyao principle, refuses to marry, makes the junction with kite clear...

Looks at kite clear the vision, the Jun Xiaoyao expression is calm. 看着鸢澈的目光,君逍遥表情平静。 This to others, is the space falls the pie absolutely, asks matter that cannot strive. 这对其他人而言,绝对是天上掉馅饼,求都求不来的事情。 Is good fortune that the three generations cannot repair. 是三辈子都修不来的福分。 The appearance and status of kite clear, have almost drawn fully. 鸢澈的容貌和身份,几乎都已经拉满了。 This falls above other men, absolutely is the huge celebration. 这落在其他男子头上,绝对是天大的喜事。 But Jun Xiaoyao was different. 君逍遥就不同了。 He is also top tall rich and handsome. 他本身也是一个顶级高富帅。 If that type of waste firewood flows protagonist, perhaps will also be wild with joy, felt oneself grabbed a huge bargain. 如果是那种废柴流主角,说不定还会欣喜若狂,觉得自己捡了一个天大的便宜。 But Jun Xiaoyao is a big shot. 君逍遥本身自己就是一个大佬。 If he with kite clear, that position should same, rather than he benefitted from kite clear. 他如果配鸢澈,那地位应该是同等的,而不是他沾了鸢澈的光。 , Jun Xiaoyao was also impossible to comply. 再说了,君逍遥也不可能答应。 After all he has complied, must with Jiang Shengyi, the Jiang Luoli engagement. 毕竟他才答应过,要和姜圣依,姜洛璃订婚。 Now if married kite clear directly. 现在若直接娶了鸢澈。 That absolutely was the dregs male solid hammer. 那绝对是渣男实锤了。 How Jiang Shengyi and do Jiang Luoli think? 姜圣依姜洛璃会怎么想? Even if they are with good intention, can understand. 即便她们善解人意,能够理解。 But to these two from the beginning, foolish faithful female , is absolutely unfair. 但对这两位从一开始,就痴心不渝的女子而言,也是绝对不公平的。 The concept of Jun Xiaoyao is also very simple. 君逍遥的观念也很简单。 If I have not pledged anything, I am responsible for not mattering. 如果我没承诺过什么,那我负不负责都无所谓。 So long as I opened the mouth to pledge, that was a promise that can be counted on, was impossible to change. 但只要我开口承诺了,那就是一诺千金,不可能更改。 He complied personally, must with Jiang Shengyi, the Jiang Luoli engagement. 他亲口答应了,要和姜圣依,姜洛璃订婚。 Will not first have any connection with other females, is more impossible to marry. 就绝不会先和其他女子有任何关联,更不可能联姻。 This is a man's commitment. 这是一个男人的承诺。 This will, not because kite clear status noble changes. 这种意志,也不会因为鸢澈身份高贵就有所改变。 But before Jun Xiaoyao, although has had the relation with kite clear, but that is in the dream, is not a reality. 君逍遥之前,虽和鸢澈有过联系,但那是在梦中,并非现实。 Saw that Jun Xiaoyao does not have first to comply, people on the scene yes sigh. 看到君逍遥并没有第一时间答应,在场众人都是啧啧感叹。 Worthily is Jun Family Divine Child, others facing this aspect, feared that is looks forward to pay instead of getting paid to come up, Jun Family Divine Child is calm.” “不愧是君家神子啊,其他人面对这种局面,怕是巴不得倒贴上去,君家神子却如此淡定。” Nonsense, Jun Family Divine Child is what position, kite clear princess, although noble unparalleled, but Jun Family Divine Child also stands in the peak character.” “废话,君家神子是什么身份地位,鸢澈公主虽然高贵无双,但君家神子也是站在巅峰的人物。” Performance of so Jun Xiaoyao, made to present in actually many female cultivator eyes the twinkle extraordinary splendor. 君逍遥的这般表现,倒是更令在场许多女修士眼中闪烁异彩。 This is the man who in their mind worships, not because of any female, but lowers the own stance. 这才是她们心目中崇拜的男子,不会因为任何一位女子,而放低自己的姿态。 More impossible to lick other women. 更不可能去舔其他女人。 Naturally, now seems like, is kite clear wants to lick Jun Xiaoyao seem like. 当然,现在看上去,倒像是鸢澈想舔君逍遥 Has not needed the Jun Xiaoyao opens the mouth. 还不待君逍遥开口。 Nearby, Ling Yuan actually first stood. 一旁,泠鸢却是先站出来了。 Keeps off in front of Jun Xiaoyao, the intention is also very obvious. 挡在君逍遥面前,意图也很明显。 The kite clear vision then looks to Ling Yuan. 鸢澈目光这才看向泠鸢 „The soul and person soul had fused unexpectedly, moreover was born was the own will.” “地魂和人魂竟然已经融合了,而且还诞生了属于自己的意志。” Kite clear completely understood. 鸢澈一眼就看透了。 I am not the soul and person soul, I am immortal courtyard present age few sovereigns, Ling Yuan.” “我不是什么地魂与人魂,我是仙庭当代少皇,泠鸢。” Ling Yuan said every single word or phrase. 泠鸢一字一句道。 It‘s nothing difference, evidently, you as if also quite have the admire to Xiaoyao, good, this proved me and Xiaoyao fate.” “没什么区别,看样子,你似乎也对逍遥颇有爱慕,不错,这更加证明了我和逍遥的缘分。” The appearance that kite clear that inverts all living things, always has the tranquil smile. 鸢澈那张颠倒众生的容颜,始终带着平静的微笑。 No, you cannot represent me, this is my own will.” Ling Yuan is pinching the fist stubbornly. “不,你并不能代表我,这是我自己的意志。”泠鸢死死捏着拳头。 She somewhat understands the feeling of Celestial Maiden Yuan now. 她现在算是有些体会到了天女鸢的感觉。 Perhaps, this is the retribution. 或许,这就是报应吧。 Unobstructive, when you return, you are I, such I, can achieve perfection, completes the expectation of father.” “无碍,等你回归本身,你就是我,那样的我,才能达到圆满,完成父亲的期望。” Kite clear regains consciousness in this golden big world, to completely solve the strength of own big sin. 鸢澈在这个黄金大世苏醒,原本就是为了彻底解决自己的大罪孽之力。 In addition, wants to complete the expectation of her father Donghua Emperor, cultivation becomes the unprecedented double sovereign's body. 此外,就是想完成她父亲东华帝君的期望,修炼成史无前例的双皇之体。 Present she, has Fu Xi Sacred Body source, missed Wa sovereign Sacred Body source. 现在的她,已经拥有了伏羲圣体本源,就差娲皇圣体本源了。 However now, kite clear also had a new goal. 不过现在,鸢澈又有了一个新的目标。 Is and Jun Xiaoyao lives together affectionately. 就是和君逍遥双宿双飞。 Even if beforehand memory is the dreamland, are not related. 即便之前的记忆都是梦境,也没有关系。 Because of kite clear, had a liking for Jun Xiaoyao. 因为鸢澈,看上了君逍遥 He regardless of the appearance, the strength, the character, the makings, is the top. 他不论容貌,实力,性格,气质,皆为顶级。 She also knew, Jun Xiaoyao just now defeats the emperor sky the matter. 她也知晓了,君逍遥方才打败帝昊天的事情。 It can be said that even without meet in dreamland. 可以说,即便是没有梦境里的相遇。 Jun Xiaoyao is also entire Nine Heavens Immortal Territory, only, can match the person with her. 君逍遥也是整个九天仙域,仅有的,能够和她相配之人。 I will not return!” Ling Yuan clenches teeth, the aura bursts out. “我不会回归!”泠鸢咬牙,气息迸发。 But at this time, Wa sovereign immortal lineage, actually some people opened the mouth. 而这时,娲皇仙统,却有人开口了。 Kite, do not deliberately create trouble, that is true you, is the home to return to that you should return.” “鸢儿,别胡闹,那才是真正的你啊,也是你该回归的归宿。” The person of opens the mouth, unexpectedly is orchid the woman. 开口之人,竟是兰婆。 This educates her since childhood, raises her, by person who Ling Yuan regards the paternal grandmother. 这个从小教育她,将她养大,被泠鸢当成奶奶的人。 Now actually comes, urging her to return to the kite clear main body. 现在却是现身,劝她回归鸢澈本体。 orchid woman, you......” “兰婆,你……” Ling Yuan looks pale like the paper. 泠鸢面色苍白如纸。 She discovered, Wa sovereign immortal lineage other expert, the expression never has also had strangeness. 她发现,娲皇仙统的其余强者,表情也是从未有过的陌生。 You......” “你们……” Ling Yuan understood, thoroughly understood. 泠鸢明白了,彻底明白了。 Wa sovereign immortal lineage, knows from the beginning she is the kite clear place soul. 娲皇仙统,一开始就知道她是鸢澈的地魂。 Reason that so trains her carefully, regards the Wa sovereign immortal lineage only successor her. 之所以如此精心培养她,将她当成娲皇仙统的唯一传人。 To have causes and effects with kite clear. 就是为了与鸢澈结下一份因果。 In other words, they regard as important, is kite clear, rather than Ling Yuan. 也就是说,他们看重的,是鸢澈,而不是泠鸢 They are good to Ling Yuan, for kite clear. 他们对泠鸢好,也只是为了鸢澈而已。 Thinks of here, the Ling Yuan tender body cannot bear trembles, creakies. 想到这里,泠鸢娇躯忍不住一颤,摇摇欲坠。 She unexpectedly is only a substitute person! 她竟然只是一个替身! In Ling Yuan shivers. 就在泠鸢颤抖之际。 A palm, built on her fragrant shoulder, was warm and firm. 一只手掌,搭在了她的香肩上,温暖且坚定。 Ling Yuan turns the head, then saw Jun Xiaoyao that smiles as before wear a look of pale. 泠鸢转头,便是看到了依旧面带淡笑的君逍遥 When Ling Yuan knows the brutal truth. 泠鸢得知残酷真相的时候。 Only has Jun Xiaoyao, stands side her as before, steadfast. 只有君逍遥,依旧站在她身边,坚定不移。 At this moment, Ling Yuan knows, her heart, is only Jun Xiaoyao beats since then. 这一刻,泠鸢知道,她的心,从此只为君逍遥而跳动。 Even Wa sovereign immortal lineage to her, does not have slightly the significance. 甚至娲皇仙统对她来说,都已经没有了丝毫意义。 What Wa sovereign immortal lineage successor, even the positions of immortal courtyard few sovereign, Ling Yuan does not care. 什么娲皇仙统传人,甚至仙庭少皇之位,泠鸢都不在乎了。 Her eye of band of light unprecedented affection attachment. 她的目光带着前所未有的深情眷恋。 Jun Xiaoyao to the Ling Yuan smile, is comforting her by the look. 君逍遥对着泠鸢微笑,以眼神安慰她。 Then looked that said to kite clear: „The kite clear princess's words, made Jun somewhat feel extremely flattered actually, pitifully, was only sorry.” 然后看向鸢澈道:“鸢澈公主的话,倒是令君某有些受宠若惊,只可惜,抱歉了。” The audience atmosphere, stops in this moment. 全场气氛,在这一刻止息。 Did Jun Xiaoyao, refuse this space to fall the pie unexpectedly the good deed? 君逍遥,竟然拒绝了这个天上掉馅饼的好事? The immortal courtyard, all cultivator are long breathes a sigh of relief. 仙庭这边,所有修士都是长舒了一口气。 If Jun Xiaoyao complied, perhaps that really troubles. 如果君逍遥答应了,那恐怕才是真的麻烦。 The emperor sky also relaxes secretly. 帝昊天也是暗暗松了一口气。 However his expression does not have to be relaxed. 不过他的表情也没有轻松起来。 He knows, what kind of character kite clear is. 他知道,鸢澈是怎样的性格。 Sure enough, kite clear shows the accidental/surprised look. 果不其然,鸢澈露出意外的神色。 Xiaoyao, why, obviously we are most appropriate, even if that is the dreamland, but in the dreamland, we is still most fusion.” 逍遥,为什么,明明我们是最合适的,即便那是梦境,但在梦境中,我们也是最相合的。” Kite clear is not clear. 鸢澈不明白。 Kite clear princess, in the world many things, is very difficult to talk clearly.” Jun Xiaoyao said. “鸢澈公主,世上很多事,是很难说清的。”君逍遥道。 Because of her, but she is also I, I can make her return directly.” “是因为她吗,不过她也是我啊,我可以直接让她回归。” The kite clear voice falls, stimulates to movement strength of the day soul. 鸢澈话音落下,催动自身天魂之力。 In the three spirits, the day soul is a lord. 三魂之中,天魂为主。 Ling Yuan feels immediately, oneself Nascent Spirit does not start stably. 泠鸢立刻就感觉到了,自身元神开始不稳定。 Even had one type to rush to the kite clear misconception. 甚至产生了一种要奔赴向鸢澈的错觉。 It seems the magnet to be the same with the iron, must be adsorbed the past. 就好像磁石遇铁一般,要被吸附过去。 Jun Xiaoyao flings the sleeve, kept off before the Ling Yuan body. 君逍遥一甩袖,挡在了泠鸢身前。 „Does kite clear princess, how we make to trade?” “鸢澈公主,我们来做个交易如何?” txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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