Chapter 0555
第0555章Wasis dying
是不是要死了„No, Ithought that Sister Yao Yaowas best!”Chen Yushuhas wielded the fist: „Youcould rest assured that Sister Yao Yao, Ihelp certainlyyourecapture the Shield Bro'sheart!”
“没有啦,我觉得瑶瑶姐最好了!”陈雨舒挥了挥拳头:“你放心,瑶瑶姐,我一定帮你挽回箭牌哥的心!”„Was dying, what do yourecall?”Chu Mengyaosaid with a smile: „Little Shu, youregrettedvery much,whathasn't hadwithLin Yi? presentlywas dying, without enough time?”
“都要死了,你挽回什么?”楚梦瑶笑道:“小舒,你是不是很后悔,没和林逸发生点儿什么?现在要死了,也来不及了?”„No, in any case, has the opportunity............”Chen Yushusuddenlydiscoveredoneselfsaid inadvertently, hurriesto shut upclose to.
“没有呀,反正以后也有机会嘛……呃……”陈雨舒忽然发现自己说漏嘴了,赶紧闭上了嘴巴。„Little Shu, what did yousay?”ButChu MengyaoCongmingvery much, listened toChen Yushu'snot to suitall of a sudden: „What do youhaveto hide the truth fromme?”
“小舒,你说什么呢?”楚梦瑶可是聪明的很,一下子就听出了陈雨舒的不对劲儿:“你是不是有什么瞒着我?”„Hehe, actually before Icome, has sent a short notetoShield Bro, toldhimusto comeMt. Shuangyan, ifhediscovered that wehave been missing, certainlycame backto rescueour!”Chen Yushusawoneselfwere piercedbyChu Mengyao, was not goodto concealagain, spitstongue, the maintaining lifetrump cardwill saycome out.
“嘿嘿,其实我来之前,给箭牌哥发了一条短信,告诉他我们来双燕山了,如果他发现我们失踪了,一定回来救我们的!”陈雨舒见到自己被楚梦瑶戳穿了,也就不好再隐瞒了,吐了吐舌头,将保命王牌说了出来。„! YourdeadLittle Shu, didn't youearlysay? Harmsmeto be worried! Youscared to deathme!”Chu Mengyaowas madto jump, has pinched the Chen Yushu'sneck: „Ichoke to deathyou! Youknow to exitobviously, but alsopretendeddied the appearanceandIsaysthese many, whatmeaning were you?”
“啊!你个死小舒,你怎么不早说?害我担心!你吓死我了!”楚梦瑶气得跳了起来,去掐陈雨舒的脖子:“我掐死你!你明明知道能出去,还装作要死了的样子和我说这么多,你到底是什么意思?”„I, ifdid not say,Sister Yao Yaocannottellmeyouto likeShield Bro!”Chen Yushuthiefcleverhas smiled.
“我要是不这么说,瑶瑶姐也不能告诉我你喜欢箭牌哥呀!”陈雨舒贼贼的笑了起来。„Wizardlikeshim!”Chu Mengyaogot angry: „Iwasblindnonsensedeceiveda moment agoyour, actuallyIalsoknow that the Lin Yiaffirmationrescuedour! Isaid,todeceiveyouacknowledgedyoulikeLin Yi!”
“鬼才喜欢他!”楚梦瑶怒了:“我刚才不过是瞎胡说骗你的,其实我也知道林逸肯定来救我们的!我那么说,是为了骗你承认你喜欢林逸!”„Oh, Sister Yao Yaobecame angry out of shame!”Chen Yushuwavedboth handsto run away, taking advantage ofdark, makingChu Mengyaonot have the mark to seek: „Come, graspsme, cannot catch!”
“喔,瑶瑶姐恼羞成怒了!”陈雨舒挥舞着双手逃了开来,借着黑暗,让楚梦瑶无迹可寻:“来呀,来抓我呀,抓不到抓不到!”„Looked that Ido not tear to piecesyourmouth!”AlthoughChu Mengyaocannot see, butcanpursueChen Yushufollowing the sound. Twopeoplehad the peekabooinblackin the darkplay.
“看我不撕烂你的嘴!”楚梦瑶虽然看不见,不过可以循着声音去追陈雨舒。两个人在黑暗中玩儿起了躲猫猫。Has made the period of time, twopeoplewere both tired, Chen Yushusurrendered: „Sister Yao Yao, does not make, Iadmitted defeat, Iliked the Shield Broline, youlet offme......”
闹了一阵子,两个人都累了,陈雨舒投降了:“瑶瑶姐,不闹了,我认输了,我喜欢箭牌哥行了吧,你放过我吧……”„Ahem, did youacknowledge?”Chu Mengyaohappilysaid: „After looking atIexit, yourwordstellsLin Yi.”
“哼哼,你承认了吧?”楚梦瑶得意道:“看我出去之后就把你的话告诉林逸。”„Thatis also what kind, saying that myconfess,...... Chen Yushuhad not cared at allin any case”.
“那又怎么样,反正我都表白过了,啦啦啦……”陈雨舒满不在乎的说道。„......”Chu Mengyaodid not have the means, indeed, Chen YushuandLin Yiconfess, had saidagainanythinghas not used.
“……”楚梦瑶还真没有办法了,的确,陈雨舒都和林逸表白过了,再说什么也没有用了。Theyhave created a disturbance the half of the day, in additionin the eveninghas not eaten meal, thisnearlyfivehours, has not eaten the thing, Chen Yushuthought that the bellycluckcalled: „Sister Yao Yao, Iwas hungry, Iwas thirsty, Iwantto eat meal......”
两人打闹了半天,再加上晚上就没吃饭,这都快五个小时了,也没有吃东西,陈雨舒觉得肚子咕咕的叫了起来:“瑶瑶姐,我饿了,我渴了,我想吃饭……”„Endures, didn't yousend the short noteto giveLin Yi? After hereceives, shouldrescueour.”Chu Mengyaosaid.
“忍一忍吧,你不是发短信给林逸了么?他收到后应该会救我们的。”楚梦瑶说道。„Oh.”Chen Yushusomewhatsuffering from injusticenod of: „Butmypresentlygoodthirstyquitehungry!”
“喔。”陈雨舒有些委屈的点了点头:“可是我现在好渴好饿啊!”„Whocalledyouto be so insane!”Chu Mengyaois also hungry, is thirsty, butactuallyalso can only endure, otherwiseshe, ifalso said that twopeoplealsonottostarving to death!
“谁叫你那么疯的!”楚梦瑶也饿,也渴,不过却也只能忍着,不然她要是也这么说,两个人还不对着饿死!„Was right, are thatpackage of things that Sister Yao Yao, wediscovereda moment agowhat? Canbe delicious?”Chen Yushuaskedsuddenly.
“对了,瑶瑶姐,刚才我们发现的那一包东西是什么?会不会是好吃的?”陈雨舒忽然问道。„Possiblyis, butperhapsis the toxicant that Zhong Pinliangkeeps, weeat, was equal tooneselftook poisonto commit suicide!”Chu Mengyaohasto thinkthatpackage of thingsareeat, butactuallythinks that does not understandZhong Pinliangclosed/passalsoto keepdoing of eatingthem!
“可能是,不过没准儿是钟品亮留下来的毒药,我们一吃,就等于自己服毒自杀了!”楚梦瑶不是没想过那一包东西是吃的,不过却又想不明白钟品亮将她们都关起来了还留吃的干什么!IfwantsandChen Yushugoes on livingbyoneself, thatdoes not suit, because the lighthas the foodnot to have the water! Mustknow that a persondoes not eat the thingnot to have the issue, if not drink water, perhapsdeathis quicker! Therefore, Chu Mengyaoguessed,theremeetingdoes not have the toxicant, isZhong Pinliangremainsintentionally, wantingthemto take poisonto commit suicide.
如果想让自己和陈雨舒活下去,那也不太对劲儿,因为光有食品没有水!要知道一个人不吃东西没问题,要是不喝水,恐怕死的更快!所以,楚梦瑶猜测,那里会不是有毒药,是钟品亮故意留下来,想要她们服毒自杀。This is also a fault of Zhong Pinliang, heconsiderswas too simple, withoutconsidering the issue of water, thinks that hadfoodChu Mengyaothey to go on living.
这也是钟品亮的一个失误,他考虑的太简单了,没有考虑到水的问题,以为有食物楚梦瑶她们就能够活下去了。„Oh, Ido not eat......”Chen Yushuto have a scare, hurryto cancelthisthought: „But, Iwantto drink water, wantsto eat the thing......”
“喔,那我不吃了……”陈雨舒吓了一跳,赶紧打消了这个念头:“可是,我还是想喝水,想吃东西……”„Was good, Little Shu, weresta while, falls asleep not hungrilywas not thirsty......”Chu Mengyao, although was also the hunger and thirst occurred simultaneously, buthas toput out the big sisterappearanceto come, comfortedChen Yushu saying: „Youdid not say, Lin Yi can definitely rescueour......”
“好了,小舒,我们睡一会儿吧,睡着了就不饿不渴了……”楚梦瑶虽然也是饥渴交加,但是不得不拿出姐姐的样子来,安慰陈雨舒道:“你不是说了么,林逸肯定会来救我们的……”„Oh...... Good.”Chen Yushuhas closed the eye.
“喔……那好吧。”陈雨舒闭上了眼睛。Chu Mengyaoalsoslightlysighed, presentlydefinitelywas the night, becausein the cat eye of burglar-proof door, did not haveluminous. Chu Mengyaoremembersveryclearly, thisburglar-proof dooristo the Mountain Cavecave entrance, ifoutsideisdaytime, certainlycanseeoutsidescene.楚梦瑶也微微叹了口气,现在肯定是夜晚了,因为防盗门的猫眼里,没有一丝光亮。楚梦瑶记得很清楚,这个防盗门是对着山洞的洞口的,如果外面是白天,一定可以看到外面的情景的。Timeoneminuteonesecondpassed, twogirlare walking arm in armmutually, Chu Mengyaograduallyheard the Chen Yushuevenbreathing, knows that shefell asleep. Chu Mengyaowas also tired, has rested.
时间一分一秒的过去了,两个女孩子互相依偎着,渐渐的楚梦瑶听到了陈雨舒均匀的呼吸声,就知道她睡着了。楚梦瑶也累了,也睡了过去。Twopeoplewake uponce more, incat eyehas shownluminous, outsideMountain Cave, brightday. Naturally, two peoplewere not wakedbythisweakray, buthad a parched mouthto wakebyone!
More than tenhourshave not drunk a water drop, two peoplearethirstyis not good. Chen Yushudid not thinkhungrily, butthoughtthirsty, wantedto drink water.
已经十多个小时没有喝过一滴水了,两人都是渴的不行。陈雨舒也不觉得饿了,只是觉得渴,想要喝水。„Sister Yao Yao, Iam thirsty, Igood to drink water......”Chen Yushuto be mute the throat, extremelydifficultsaying.
“瑶瑶姐,我渴,我好想喝水啊……”陈雨舒哑着嗓子,十分艰难的说道。„Little Shuwas clever, enduresare good.”Chu Mengyaohas patted the Chen Yushu'sback, firmsay/way: „Lin Yi can definitely rescueour.”
“小舒乖,忍一忍就好了。”楚梦瑶拍了拍陈雨舒的后背,坚定的道:“林逸肯定会来救我们的。”„Oh...... Did youdetermine?”Chen Yushuthislittle whiledid not haveconfidenceon the contrary, shethinks that Lin Yiwill comequickly, butobviouscrossedone, Lin Yihas not come. presentlydoes not know that isanytime, but the affirmationis the Seconddaydaytime.
“喔……你确定?”陈雨舒这会儿反倒没有了信心,她以为林逸很快就会来,可是明显的都过了一宿了,林逸还没来。现在也不知道是什么时刻,不过肯定已经是第二天白天了。„Em, hedoes not come, Idismisshim!”Saying of Chu Mengyaocomfort.
“恩,他不来,我就开除他!”楚梦瑶安慰的说道。Chen Yushuwants saying that hedoes not come, do youalsodismisshim? Howeverin the heart, is actually hopingLin Yicancome, thiswas the finalstraw to grasp, shedoes not wantto be disillusionedbyoneselfhope.陈雨舒想说,他都不来了,你还怎么开除他?不过心里面,却也是盼望着林逸能来,这是最后的救命稻草了,她不想让自己的希望破灭。„Sister Yao Yao, do Iwant dead? HowIthought, a whole bodystrength, justhad not awaked, wantsto sleep?”Chen Yushuworn outstrugglesis holding onChu Mengyao's.
“瑶瑶姐,我是不是要死啦?我怎么觉得,浑身没有一丝的力气,刚刚睡醒,又想睡觉?”陈雨舒有气无力的挣扎着拉住楚梦瑶的手。„, Youwere nottoohungry, did not have the strength.”Chu Mengyaoshook the head.
“不会的,你就是太饿了,才没有力气。”楚梦瑶摇了摇头。„Oh, Iresteda while...... Chen Yushuto close the eyeagain”, wastrapped/sleepyandexhausted, could not fall asleep, the bellycluckcalling, in the throatbelched smokeprobably.
“喔,那我再睡一会儿吧……”陈雨舒闭上了眼睛,可是又困又疲惫,就是睡不着,肚子咕咕的叫,嗓子里好像冒烟了。Chu Mengyao is also very uncomfortable, butsheknows,Little Shudid not have the beforehandconfidence, at this momentshecannotdespairon the contrary, iftwopeopledespaired, thatreallyended.楚梦瑶也很难受,但是她知道,小舒已经没有了之前的信心,此刻她反倒不能绝望了,两个人要是都绝望了,那就真的完了。
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