SBPE :: Volume #3 初遇敌手

#532: You have not gotten sick

Chapter 0532 第0532章 You have not gotten sick 你没病 One is the Kang Family person, Medical God Kang at this moment smiled enjoys this moment to bring the sense of achievement that Kang Guifeng and Kang Zhaolong are also so. 一个是康家的人,康神医此刻正笑眯眯的享受着这一刻所带来的成就感,康贵丰康照龙也是如此。 Another is the Yu Family person, Yu Family indifferently looks in the auction market lively bidding, person who perhaps today finalized, tomorrow will regret? Has on -hand merchandise not to want, actually buys one to sell in advance! However, the Yu Family person actually cannot say come out. 另一个则是雨家的人,雨家冷眼看着拍卖场中热闹的竞拍,恐怕今天成交的人,明天都会后悔吧?有现货不要,却偏偏买一个预售品!不过,雨家的人却也不能说出来 The gang that most wonders was Fatty Lai and Guan Xuemin, Fatty Lai has not thought that Medical God Kang also caused such Golden Creation Medicine to come, let him is very depressed: Boss, this won't Kang Family understand clearly our plans? Does such one to auction? Yu Family person our news revealing?” 最纳闷的一伙人莫过于赖胖子关学民了,赖胖子没想到康神医也弄出了这么一个金创药来,让他很是郁闷:“老大,这康家不会洞悉我们的计划了吧?怎么也搞出这么一个拍卖来?是不是雨家的人把我们的消息给泄露出去了?” Cannot.” Lin Yi smiles lightly: Which I knew medical prescription in their hand am.” “不会的。”林逸淡淡一笑:“我知道他们手中的方子是哪个了。” „? Boss, you said that you did know their recipe?” Fatty Lai stares: Our are recipe, with their different?” “哦?老大,你说你知道他们的配方了?”赖胖子一愣:“那我们的配方,和他们的不一样?” „Different, his is very expensive, inside is some precious raw materials for medicine, my this is very ordinary.” Lin Yi smiled: Reason that they must buy Thousand-year snow lotus, should to dispose this anything improves looks to raise myo- Golden Creation Medicine! Thousand-year snow lotus is in this constantly the essential medicinal herb!” “不一样,他那个很贵的,里面都是一些名贵药材,我这个很普通。”林逸笑了笑:“他们之所以要买千年雪莲,应该就是为了配置这个什么美容养肌金创药千年雪莲是这里面一味必不可少的药材!” Originally is this, no wonder their hundred million must snatch!” Nod of Fatty Lai is suddenly enlighted: Early knows so, First Year that called a moment ago again, plays them!” “原来是这样,怪不得他们一个亿也要抢呢!”赖胖子恍然大悟的点了点头:“早知道如此,刚才再叫的高一点儿,玩死他们!” Isn't already unbearable of their play?” Lin Yi ponders is looking at the wooden box in hand, smiles lightly: 20 million, value.” “不是已经把他们玩儿的够呛?”林逸玩味的看着手中的木盒,淡淡一笑:“20000000,值了。” From the representation of wooden box, this truly should be without doubt, but Ten-thousand-year Spring Wood that Ten-thousand-year Spring Wood makes is actually useful, uses, Lin Yi is not clear, sees to introduce in a this medical book, had swept at that time such one, does not have examines carefully, the thing that therefore remembers is very few. 从木盒的表象上来看,这确实应该是万年春木制成的无疑了,但是万年春木究竟有什么用,怎么用,林逸却并不清楚,也只是在一本古医书上看见过介绍,当时只是扫了那么一眼,也没太细看,所以记住的东西少之又少。 Praised me quickly! Is my play!” Feng Xiaoxiao interrupted suddenly. “快表扬我!是我玩儿的!”冯笑笑突然插嘴道。 „, Waits to turn head to deliver you one bottle of our injury cure Deluxe version, with this almost.” Lin Yi very did not express, after all Ten-thousand-year Spring Wood Box can succeed in obtaining, Feng Xiaoxiao had very major function. “呵,等回头送你一瓶我们的创伤药精装版,和他这个差不多。”林逸也不好不表示一下,毕竟万年春木盒能到手,冯笑笑有很大作用的。 Does not have the meaning, I do not go to the scar.” On Feng Xiaoxiao really has the scar, but in her opinion, this not important, quick death person, but also manages the things beyond these to do? Has that time, might as well play other. After saying, Feng Xiaoxiao somewhat is suddenly curious: Lin Yi, what meaning were you a moment ago? Fatty Lai is recipe, you give?” “没意思,我又不去疤痕。”冯笑笑身上确实有疤痕,不过在她看来,这都不重要,快死的人了,还管那些身外的东西干什么?有那时间,都不如玩点儿别的。说完之后,冯笑笑忽然有些好奇起来:“林逸,你刚才是什么意思?赖胖子配方,是你给的?” Lin Yi one hear of Feng Xiaoxiao's words, know oneself said inadvertently a moment ago! This Feng Xiaoxiao here, somewhat is in the way actually, was not good to exchange with the Fatty Lai exchange. 林逸一听冯笑笑的话,就知道自己刚才说漏嘴了!这冯笑笑在这里,倒是真的有些碍事儿,和赖胖子交流都不好交流了。 Do not say.” Lin Yi looked at Feng Xiaoxiao one, light saying. “你别说出去。”林逸看了冯笑笑一眼,淡淡的说道。 „Do you make me make your girlfriend? This was not worried that I divulged a secret!” Feng Xiaoxiao laughs, got the Lin Yi's handle, somewhat cannot help but self-satisfied. “那你让我做你女朋友吧?这样就不担心我泄密了!”冯笑笑嘻嘻一笑,抓住了林逸的把柄,不由得有些得意。 You said.” Lin Yi indifferent shrugging, although Pharmaceutical Company matter Lin Yi does not participate, but also has many people to know Lin Yi secretly control, therefore did not fear that Feng Xiaoxiao knows. “那你说吧。”林逸无所谓的耸了耸肩,虽然医药公司的事情林逸不参与,不过也是有很多人知道林逸才是幕后的掌控者,所以也不怕冯笑笑知道。 You!” Feng Xiaoxiao air/Qi: Did not say that did not say, you told me, did you understand Medical Skill?” “你!”冯笑笑气得不行:“不说就不说,那你告诉我,你懂医术?” Understands.” Lin Yi has not concealed actually again. “懂一些。”林逸倒是也没再隐瞒。 Yesterday that Life Extending can Detoxification Pill, give me one?” Some Feng Xiaoxiao anticipations looks at Lin Yi. Although Feng Xiaoxiao despaired regarding own condition, who is willing dead? Yesterday listened to that auctioneer wonderful that Life Extending Detoxification Pill said that but can also Wash the Marrow Attack the Bones, this simply be wonder-cure for everything, does not know that can improve own physique? “昨天那个延年益寿排毒丹,能不能给我一枚?”冯笑笑有些期待的看着林逸。虽然冯笑笑对于自己的病情已经绝望了,但是谁愿意死呢?昨天听那拍卖师把那个延年益寿排毒丹说的神乎其神,还能洗髓伐骨,这简直就是灵丹妙药了,不知道能不能改善自己的体质? Did not have.” Lin Yi shrugs: What do you want to make?” “没了。”林逸耸了耸肩:“你要做什么?” I eat!” Feng Xiaoxiao said. “我吃啊!”冯笑笑说道。 You have not gotten sick, did not need to eat.” Lin Yi actually beckoned with the hand. “你没病,不用吃了。”林逸却摆了摆手。 „Haven't I gotten sick? How you know that I haven't gotten sick?” Feng Xiaoxiao stares. “我没病?你怎么知道我没病?”冯笑笑一愣。 I have inspected.” Lin Yi said: Has not looked at come out to have any special issue, has the issue, eats this uselessly.” “我检查过了。”林逸说道:“不过没看出来有什么特别的问题,有问题,吃这个也没用。” „......” Feng Xiaoxiao is somewhat disappointed, but Lin Yi said not wrong, own body, which hospital check result in did not have the issue, Lin Yi to realize to have problems, that also was really a god! “哦……”冯笑笑有些失望,不过林逸说的也没有错,自己的身体,在哪个医院检查结果都是没有问题,林逸要真的察觉出问题了,那还真是神了! You before, the body did not have any vitality......” Lin Yi to knit the brows, but actually shook the head: With you said that you do not understand, in brief is a little strange, your such person, my also First time meets.” “你之前,身上没有任何的生机……”林逸皱了皱眉,不过却又摇了摇头:“和你说你也不懂,总之有点儿奇怪,你这样的人,我还第一次遇见。” Feng Xiaoxiao stares, has not thought that Lin Yi realized really her body had the issue! However, what is the vitality? Feng Xiaoxiao's does not understand the words that Lin Yi spoke firmly is any meaning. 冯笑笑一愣,没想到林逸真的察觉到了她身体有问题!不过,什么是生机?冯笑笑的确不太懂林逸说的话是什么意思。 I said that I was dying, do you believe?” Feng Xiaoxiao hesitant, suddenly asked. “那我说我要死了,你信不信?”冯笑笑犹豫了一下,忽然问道。 Cannot die.” Lin Yi looked at Feng Xiaoxiao one: presently is normal.” “死不了。”林逸看了冯笑笑一眼:“现在还算正常。” „......” Feng Xiaoxiao has not continued, she and Lin Yi said oneself situation, wants to have a look at Lin Yi to have the solution, but actually does not think that Lin Yi sympathizes with her. “哦……”冯笑笑没有继续说下去,她和林逸说自己的情况,也是想看看林逸有没有解决办法,但是却不想林逸同情她。 At the auction, the cosmetology raises the myo- Golden Creation Medicine price to rise dramatically, at this moment had been patted 10 million high prices! Not being able to close up mouth that Medical God Kang smiles, has not thought that this thing is so valuable! The cost has been short of several points. 拍卖会上,美容养肌金创药的价格一路飙升,此刻已经被拍到了10000000的高价!康神医笑的合不拢嘴巴,没想到这东西这么值钱!成本又少了几分。 The First share cosmetology raised myo- Golden Creation Medicine by 11 million price deals, was patted by a rich merchant. These aristocratic family have not gotten rid actually eagerly, they think is very clear, since this medicine is Kang Family, then Kang Family will definitely not prepare to them! The Kang Family thoughts they are also clear, want promotion aristocratic family, that must show a sincerity! 第一份美容养肌金创药以11000000的价格成交,被一位富商所拍得。那些世家倒是没有急于出手,他们想的很明白,这个药既然是康家的,那么康家肯定不会不给他们准备!康家的心思他们也清楚,想要升级世家,那就要拿出点儿诚意来! Therefore major aristocratic family have not participated, but pays attention has. 所以各大世家也都没有参与,不过关注还是有的。 The Second share sells in advance, by 11.5 million price deals, the buyer was also rich and powerful people! 第二份预售品,也是以11500000的价格成交,购买者也是一位富豪! This is also Kang Family hopes to see, they do not hope that these aristocratic family got rid at this time, such one came his plan not to have the means smoothly execution! 这也是康家所希望看见的,他们也不希望这些世家这个时候出手,那样一来他的计划就没办法顺利的执行了! He must after the auction ended, talked with each aristocratic family head, everyone sent out an cosmetology to raise myo- Golden Creation Medicine! These people obtained oneself advantage, believes when the time comes at the aristocratic family annual meeting, must support itself! 他要在拍卖会结束之后,约谈各个世家的负责人,每人送出一份美容养肌金创药!这些人得到了自己的好处,相信到时候在世家年会上,不可能不支持自己! The Second day auction ended smoothly, Medical God Kang under the help of Yu Haitian, made an appointment with Four Great Aristocratic Families and Five Small Aristocratic Families in which several heads separately! 第二天的拍卖会顺利的收场了,康神医雨海天的帮助之下,分别约见了四大世家五小世家的其中几位负责人! Wu Family Patriarch Wu Gonggao is still lying down in hospital, but Wu Chentian can representative Wu Family, obtained an cosmetology to raise myo- Golden Creation Medicine from Kang Zhaolong there sells in advance! But Xiao Family was needless saying that although Kang Zhaolong does not want again with it marrying, but before Kang Family truly has not become aristocratic family, could not be cut off with the relations of Xiao Family! 吴家家主吴功高还在医院里躺着呢,不过吴臣天可以代表吴家,也已经从康照龙那里得到了一份美容养肌金创药的预售品!而萧家也不用说了,虽然康照龙不想再与之联姻,但是康家没有真正成为世家之前,和萧家的关系还不能断掉!
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