SBPE :: Volume #3 初遇敌手

#519: Ten-thousand-year Spring Wood Box

Chapter 0519 第0519章 Ten-thousand-year Spring Wood Box 万年春木盒 In Fatty Lai heart thinking even more, own decision-making how wise, makes lil bro with Lin Yi, that is how glorious! Own big bro that country bumpkin also thinks that has gotten so far as Electronics Industrial Park on multi- powerful, actually he does not know, reason that oneself give up these , because in oneself eye, these are not anything! 赖胖子心里面愈发的觉得,自己的决策是多么的英明,跟着林逸小弟,那是多么荣耀啊!自己大哥那个傻帽还以为弄到了电子工业园就多厉害了,其实他不知道,自己之所以放弃这些,是因为在自己眼中,这些已经不算什么了! Only then stands above a higher position, can look is broader! With enterprise that Lin Yi makes, must compare that Electronics Industrial Park huge many by far! 只有站在更高的位置之上,才能够看的更远更广阔!跟着林逸做的事业,要远远比那一个电子工业园巨大的多! Lin Yi is reading the auction name list in hand, majority are some antiques, carvings, great picture and calligraphy and so on thing, naturally also some strange any celebrity appointments and so on. Second day celebrity obviously is more famous than First day celebrity. 林逸翻看着手中的拍卖名录,大多数都是一些古玩、雕刻品、名画、书法之类的东西,当然还有一些稀奇古怪的什么明星约会之类的。只是第二天的明星显然比第一天的明星要有名许多。 Was right, that what superstar does Xu Shihan, have the appointment to auction?” Lin Yi looked at celebrity on this register of names, oneself did not know, has thought for quite a while, has heard Xu Shihan this name. “对了,那个什么大明星许诗涵,有没有约会拍卖?”林逸看了看这名册上的明星,自己根本都不认识,想了半天,也就听说过许诗涵这个名字。 „......” Fatty Lai stares, immediately smiles bitterly saying: Boss, do you like Xu Shihan?” “呃……”赖胖子一愣,随即苦笑道:“老大,你喜欢许诗涵?” Does not like.” Lin Yi shook the head: I have a friend to like, if there is an auction, buys to make them meet also good.” “不喜欢。”林逸摇了摇头:“我有个朋友喜欢,如果有拍卖的,买来让她们见见面也行。” Lin Yi knows that Great Young Lady and Little Shu are the Xu Shihan's fans, if at this auction has this opportunity, Lin Yi did not mind actually the help/gang two people bid one time, after all Great Young Lady and Little Shu to oneself are very good. 林逸知道大小姐小舒都是许诗涵的歌迷,所以如果这个拍卖会上真有这种机会,林逸倒是不介意帮两个人竞拍一次,毕竟大小姐小舒对自己还是很不错的。 This! I also think that Boss you like her!” Fatty Lai said that and shook the head, said: Also is, Boss you, if her fan(s), will not know!” “这样啊!我还以为老大你喜欢她呢!”赖胖子说完又摇了摇头,道:“也是,老大你要是她的粉丝,就不会不知道了!” What knows?” Lin Yi asked. “知道什么?”林逸反问道。 Xu Shihan's background! Since has made a debut, absolutely does not have what scandal, but actually no one knows her background! Person who however these have attempt to her, vanished......” Fatty Lai low voice saying. 许诗涵的背景啊!出道以来,根本就没有什么绯闻,但是却谁也不知道她的背景!但是那些对她有企图的人,很多都消失了……”赖胖子小声的说道。 Vanished?” Lin Yi knit the brows, this Xu Shihan had very powerful background evidently actually, such being the case, Lin Yi was also disinclined to provoke her, own trouble has sufficed many, caused such valiant Little Girl to chase down itself again, oneself did not need to do other. “消失了?”林逸皱了皱眉,看样子这许诗涵倒是真有很强悍的背景了,既然如此,林逸也懒得去招惹她了,自己的麻烦已经够多了,再弄出这么一个彪悍的小妞追杀自己,自己也不用干别的了。 Yes, vanished! After being possible be was threatened, travelled, but might also be vanishes from Earth directly.” Fatty Lai said: This in Upper Class Society, was is not secret.” “是啊,消失了!有可能是被威胁后跑路了,但是也有可能是直接从地球上消失了。”赖胖子说道:“这在上流社会中,也不是什么秘密了。” That, I did not have any interest to her.” Lin Yi said, continues to read the auction name list. “那就算了,我对她也没什么兴趣。”林逸说完,就继续翻看起拍卖名录来。 Fatty Lai sees Lin Yi not to have what interest, also no longer said anything, otherwise he must certainly exhort several again, although Boss was very flamboyant, but that Xu Shihan was also good to provoke. 赖胖子林逸是真的没有什么兴趣,也就不再说什么了,不然他肯定还要再嘱咐几句的,虽然老大很牛逼,但是那个许诗涵也是好招惹的。 Suddenly, the Lin Yi's vision stayed on the page of name list, before that was Fatty Lai, Thousand-year snow lotus that said. 忽然,林逸的目光停留在了名录的一个页面上,那就是赖胖子之前所说的千年雪莲 However brings to the Lin Yi attention, is actually not that Thousand-year snow lotus, but is that thinks of the Thousand-year snow lotus box! 不过引起林逸注意的,却并不是那株千年雪莲,而是那个装着千年雪莲的盒子! Saw the Lin Yi's vision to stay on Thousand-year snow lotus, Fatty Lai thought some Lin Yi regarding this interests, therefore introduced: This is from Mountain Cave discovered that some years, it is said simultaneously had been discovered that some Chinese medicine and some medical books, but this Thousand-year snow lotus is actually most precious one!” 林逸的目光停留在了千年雪莲上,赖胖子以为林逸对此还是有些兴趣的,于是介绍道:“这是从一个山洞里面发现的,已经有些年头了,据说同时被发现的,还有一些中草药和一些医书,不过这株千年雪莲却是最珍贵的之一!” Base price 5 million?” Lin Yi read a name list to ask: How many can rate be?” “底价5000000?”林逸看了一眼名录问道:“成交价会是多少?” Yes, the base price is 5 million, but the rate is very difficult to estimate!” Fatty Lai shook the head: This type of thing, is the quite special goods, if some people just need, that price will be very high, but if nobody needs, will not lay out any good price to come!” “是的,底价是5000000,但是成交价很难估计!”赖胖子摇了摇头:“这种东西,属于比较特殊的物品,如果有人正需要的话,那价格会很高,但是如果没有人需要的话,也不会拍出什么好价钱来!” „?” Lin Yi nodded: Tomorrow pats it.” “哦?”林逸点了点头:“明天把它拍下来吧。” Boss, you did not say before, this useless?” Fatty Lai nodded, but asking of some doubts. 老大,你之前不是说,这个没什么用么?”赖胖子点了点头,但是还是有些疑惑的问道。 „, That snow lotus is useless, I want that box.” Lin Yi is pointing in the name list, thinks of the snow lotus box to say. “呵,那个雪莲是没什么用,我要那个盒子。”林逸指着名录上,装着雪莲的盒子说道。 Box?” Fatty Lai stares, but has not asked anything, nodded: Ok, I make contribution.” “盒子?”赖胖子更是一愣,不过却也没有多问什么,点了点头:“行,那我尽力。” Over 100 million words, even if.” Lin Yi said. “超过100000000的话,就算了。”林逸说道。 This box, should be one type the tree trunk manufacture that is called Ten-thousand-year Spring Wood, after the medicinal herb puts, can maintain property Ten-thousand-year is invariable, not only so, but can also carry on the accelerate ripening and depuration to drug. 这个盒子,应该是一种叫做万年春木的树干制作而成的,将药材放进去之后,可以保持药性的万年不变,不但如此,还能对一些药物进行催熟和提纯。 However, this is only ancient book of Lin Yi from the family/home on old codger has also looked, thing that on that ancient book said that was almost the raw materials for medicine of some nearly myths, was hears something never heard of before radically, thing that the modern age did not have! 但是,这也只是林逸从家里老头子的一本古籍上看过的,那古籍上面所介绍的东西,几乎都是一些近乎神话的药材,根本就是闻所未闻的,现代根本就不存在的东西! Lin Yi initially also regarded reading of entertainment magazine, has not thought some day will bump into the thing that on ancient book introduced! However Lin Yi also slightly has impression, thinks that ancient book of box picture on auction name list with Ten-thousand-year Spring Wood that on introduced to be somewhat similar, cannot determine that both were the same type of things! 林逸当初也只是当成娱乐杂志似的翻看,根本也没有想过有朝一日会碰到古籍上所介绍的东西!但是林逸也只是略有印象,觉得拍卖名录上的盒子照片与那本古籍上介绍的万年春木有些相似,也不能确定两者到底是不是同一种东西! Moreover, that ancient book also introduced that what nature is the Lord, regarding each type of thing is also in a few words, the use and usage are language are more unclear, therefore Lin Yi had met at this time, harbors the curious psychology to make Fatty Lai bid. 而且,那本古籍也只是介绍性质的为主,对于每种东西也就是三言两语,用途和用法更是语言不详,所以林逸这时候碰见了,也只是抱着好奇的心理去让赖胖子竞拍的。 As for can pat, Lin Yi does not regard as important actually very much, because patted, Lin Yi did not know to be useful, how let alone to use. However is patting play, the cheap words, make to study. 至于能不能拍下来,林逸倒是也不是很看重,因为拍回来了,林逸也不知道有没有用,更别说怎么去使用。不过是拍着玩儿罢了,便宜的话,就弄来研究研究。 Ok! I try!” Fatty Lai nodded, the Lin Yi's request at heart. “行!我试试!”赖胖子点了头,将林逸的要求记在了心里。 As for other something by auctions, Lin Yi did not have any too big interest, has read, conveniently placed the one side: „Will Medical God Kang what Golden Creation Medicine Deluxe version, auction tomorrow?” 至于其他的拍卖品,林逸则是没有什么太大兴趣了,翻看了一遍,就随手放在一旁:“康神医的什么金创药精装版,明天拍卖?” Em, their Golden Creation Medicine are places tomorrow!” Fatty Lai nodded, hehe said with a smile: „If no accident/surprise, perhaps snatches to be spatial! Or will we also auction the injury cure Deluxe version tomorrow? Pounds to disturb to them?” “恩,他们的金创药是放在明天的!”赖胖子点了点头,嘿嘿笑道:“如果不出意外,恐怕是一抢而空!要不明天我们也拍卖创伤药精装版?给他们捣捣乱?” Ok, does not need to manage them.” Lin Yi beckoned with the hand, these change regarding Kang Family, will not have a fracture, Lin Yi naturally does not have the interest to go with them to struggle anything. “算了,不用管他们。”林逸摆了摆手,这些小钱对于康家来说,也不会伤筋动骨,林逸自然没有兴趣去和他们争什么。 That no matter they, Boss, come, our drinking!” Fatty Lai saw Lin Yi to read name list, finished eating the stuffed dumpling, therefore to Lin Yi one glass of liquor, then has held but actually up the wine glass, said: Boss, I respect you, our Don't Return Sober! Celebrates our Company finishing an apprenticeship major success!” “那就不管他们了,老大,来,我们喝酒!”赖胖子见到林逸看完了名录,也吃完了饺子,于是给林逸倒了一杯酒,然后举起了酒杯,道:“老大,我敬你,咱们不醉不归!庆祝我们公司出师大捷!” „......” Lin Yi with a smile has also taken up the wine glass, by having drinking, it is estimated that nobody is the Lin Yi's match, but saw that Fatty Lai and Guan Xuemin are very happy, Lin Yi naturally will not say oneself cannot get drunk. “呵……”林逸也是笑着拿起了酒杯,论起喝酒,估计没有人是林逸的对手,不过看到赖胖子关学民都很开心,林逸自然也不会说自己是喝不醉的。
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