Chapter 0515
第0515章Fell the level!
掉级了!Lin Yideeplytook a breath, has enclaspedFeng Xiaoxiao, attended todoes not go wellonfeltsoft, flushed awayto the room! Mustknow, butFeng Xiaoxiaopresentlycomatose condition, if it is not dealt with properly, what to dodid die?林逸深吸了一口气,将冯笑笑抱紧了一些,也顾不得手上柔软的感觉了,向房间里面冲去!要知道,冯笑笑现在可是昏迷状态,如果处理不好,死掉怎么办?
Before tradingdoes, althoughLin YitoFeng Xiaoxiaowill not sit by and do nothing, butwill not be worriedabsolutely! Howeverknows after Feng Xiaoxiaois the Feng Tianlong'sdaughter, Lin Yihas totake seriouslysomeFeng Xiaoxiao.
换做以前,林逸虽然不会对冯笑笑坐视不理,但是也绝对不会担心!但是知道冯笑笑是冯天龙的女儿之后,林逸就不得不对冯笑笑重视一些了。Has placedonFeng Xiaoxiao the bed, Lin Yifrownedslightly. AlthoughLin Yiwas calledMedical Godby the common people, butLin Yiis clear, oneselfandold codgersomeMedical Skilldisparities, but the disparitywill not be absolutely many! The Feng Xiaoxiao'scondition, isLin Yiis but unprecedented, becausethis momentLin Yisimplyhad not looked where come outFeng Xiaoxiaohad problems.
The symptom after Lin Yiclearpersonstupor, eventhinks that Feng Xiaoxiaoisdisguises the stuporto deceive itself!
The nature, by the Feng Xiaoxiao'sdisposition, maymakethisdeceit the matterto cheatLin Yi, isLin Yiafter the Lin Yi'sinspectiondiscovery, is notthis.
自然,以冯笑笑的性格,或许会做出这种欺骗的事情来蒙骗林逸,可是林逸经过林逸的检查发现,并不是这样。InLin Yiheartanxious, on the one handis worried about the Feng Xiaoxiao'ssituation, on the other handisfeared that at this timeFeng Tianlongcame backsuddenly! IfFeng Tianlongseeshis daughterto be nakedbodyto lieon the bed, oneselfwerea hundred mouths cannot explain it away!林逸心中焦急,一方面是担心冯笑笑的情况,另一方面则是怕这个时候冯天龙突然回来!要是冯天龙看见他女儿赤裸着身体躺在床上,自己就是百口莫辩了!Being lost in thought of Lin Yicannot find way out, regardingFeng Xiaoxiao, Lin Yiis unable to startreally! Naturally, Lin Yihas not delivered to the hospitalthoughtFeng Xiaoxiao. Oneselfcould not find the issueto be, went tohospital is also useless.林逸一筹莫展的陷入了沉思,对于冯笑笑,林逸真的无从下手!当然,林逸也没有将冯笑笑送到医院的念头。自己都找不到问题所在,去了医院也是白搭。In the bodydoes not havewhatconditionobviously, five main internal organs and six bowelshealthy, from the representation, Feng Xiaoxiaoisonehealthycannot the healthyperson, butwon't have the vitality?
The bloodhas flowedfollowing the Lin Yi'sarm, made that in the bed sheetandFeng Xiaoxiao'severywhereis, butLin Yidid not have the thoughtsto manage the wound on oneselfarm, after allon the armthisskinflesh woundcould not be regardedanything.
鲜血顺着林逸的胳膊流淌了下来,弄得床单上和冯笑笑的身上到处都是,不过林逸也没有心思去管自己手臂上的伤口了,毕竟手臂上这点儿皮外伤根本算不得什么。„Old Jiao, are youexperienced, do have the method that whatsolves?”Lin Yihas toseek helpfromJiao Yazionce more.
“焦老,您见多识广,有没有什么解决的方法?”林逸不得不再次向焦牙子求助。„Herwithin the bodylacksEnergy, smallLin Yi, youcantryto transportXuan Yuan Controlling Dragon Method, inputsEnergytoherwithin the body, has a look at the situation.” The Jiao Yazisound, has made a soundin the Lin Yi'sear.
“她体内缺少能量,小林逸,你可以试着运起轩辕驭龙诀,将能量输入到她的体内,看看情况。”焦牙子的声音,在林逸的耳边响了起来。Lin Yislightlyonesurprised, immediatelyhad found the hope! Yes, haven't oneselfthought? SinceFeng Xiaoxiaowithin the bodylacks the vitality, True Qi can Energy that thenXuan Yuan Controlling Dragon Methodproduces, giveFeng Xiaoxiao?林逸微微一愕,顿时找到了希望!是啊,自己怎么没有想到呢?既然冯笑笑体内缺少生机,那么自己轩辕驭龙诀所产生的真气能量,是不是可以给冯笑笑呢?Thinks ofhere, Lin Yino longerhesitated, heldFeng Xiaoxiao'sboth hands, transportedXuan Yuan Controlling Dragon MethodInternal Manualchant. In a flash, a formidablesuctionpasses from the Feng Xiaoxiaobody, Energy in Lin Yibodywells upto the Feng Xiaoxiao'sbodyat an inconceivablespeed.
想到这里,林逸不再犹豫,抓住了冯笑笑的双手,运起了轩辕驭龙诀的心法口诀。一瞬间,一股强大的吸力的从冯笑笑身体里面传过来,林逸身体内的能量以一种不可思议的速度向冯笑笑的身体涌去。Lin Yislightlyonestartled! Pasttime, Lin Yihas also treated and curedotherpeoplewithEnergy, for exampleLiu Zhenhu. Thereforeis not strangetothisformidablesuction, thisis the injuredbodyregarding the Energydemand.林逸微微一惊!以往的时候,林逸也用能量救治过其他人,比如刘振虎。所以对这种强大的吸力并不陌生,这是受伤体对于能量的需求。ButlikeFeng Xiaoxiao, likelybottomless pitgeneral absorptionEnergy, Lin YiorFirsttimesees.
可是像冯笑笑这样,像个无底洞一般吸收能量的,林逸还是第一次见到。However, in order toletsFeng Xiaoxiaowake, Lin Yialsoclenched teethto endure, wasn'tlosessomeEnergy? HasJade PendantCultivation Spacein any case, sleptbasicallyto supplement.
不过,为了能让冯笑笑醒过来,林逸也咬牙忍了,不就是损失一些能量么?反正自己有玉佩的修炼空间,睡一觉儿基本上就补充回来了。However, the Lin Yi'sideais good, is quickheto discover that in factis notthat a matter! Because of the Feng Xiaoxiao'sbody, seems to be inexhaustibleregardingearnestly seeking of Energy!
The Lin Yi'scomplexionalsobecomespale, Energy in body, as beforecontinuoustoFeng Xiaoxiaowithin the bodytransportationin the past.林逸的脸色也变得苍白起来,身体内的能量,依旧源源不断的向冯笑笑体内输送过去。„Brat Lin, dropsquickly!”Jiao Yazialsorealized that the matterdoes not suit, hurriesto make noiseto remindLin Yi.
“林小子,快放手!”焦牙子也察觉出事情不对劲儿了,赶忙出声提醒林逸。Lin Yihears the reminder of Jiao Yazi, whole bodyshakes, wantsto loosenFeng Xiaoxiao'sboth hands, butactuallydiscovered,intwo peopleboth hands, the stick force seems to be ordinary, could not separate!林逸听到焦牙子的提醒,浑身一震,想要松开冯笑笑的双手,可是却发现,两人的双手之间,似乎有一股粘力一般,根本就分不开了!„Old Jiao, what to do?” Under Lin Yihas a big shock, has toseek helpfromOld Jiao.
“焦老,怎么办?”林逸大惊失色之下,不得不向焦老求助。„......”Jiao Yazi is also verystrange, butbyhisexperience, whywill not actually be able to think throughwill have the presentlysituation: „Do not tryusingXuan Yuan Controlling Dragon MethodInternal Manualchantagain?”
“……”焦牙子也是很奇怪,不过以他的见识,却也想不通为什么会出现现在的情况:“你不要再运用轩辕驭龙诀的心法口诀试一试?”„Cannot stop......” the Lin Yiforced smile saying that henaturallyalreadyhad tried to findthissolution, butXuan Yuan Controlling Dragon Method is actually automaticrevolves in within the body, is notLin Yicancontrol, before looking likeoneselfpromote, the flash that mustbreak throughis ordinary, was not controlledbyownthought.
“停不下来了……”林逸苦笑道,他自然早就想过这个办法,可是轩辕驭龙诀却是自动在体内运转,根本不是林逸所能控制的,就像是自己升级前,要突破的一刹那一般,根本不受自身的意念所控制。„......”Jiao Yazithisdid not have the means: „Ihave not incurred, you yourselftry to find the solution.”
“……”焦牙子这回也没办法了:“我没招了,你自己想办法吧。”„Yourdeadold man!”Lin Yiwas anxious, Jiao Yazidoes not manageindependently, oneselfwhat to do? Summonedhastily: „Old Jiao, yourcome out!”
“你个死老头!”林逸急了,焦牙子放手不管了,自己怎么办?连忙呼唤道:“焦老,你出来!”But, Jiao Yaziactuallyfeigned death, does not make noise.
可是,焦牙子却装死了,根本不出声。„” A Lin Yipitiful yell, felt that Energy in bodyhad been drainedgenerally, falls downon the bed, fainted......
“啊”林逸一声惨叫,感觉身体里的能量被人抽干了一般,一头栽倒在床上,晕死了过去……„Fortunately, youhave not died.” The Jiao Yazisoundthishas made a soundfinally.
“还好,你没死。”焦牙子的声音这回终于响了起来。„Em?”Lin Yialsostares, are oneselfall right? However, the nextquarter, Lin Yiactuallydiscovered,oneselfenteredJade PendantinsideCultivation Spaceautomatically.
“恩?”林逸也是一愣,自己没事儿?不过,下一刻,林逸却发现,自己自动进入了玉佩里面的修炼空间。Beforewasfalling asleeptimecanenter, has not thought that faintedhas also been ableto enter.
以前都是睡着的时候才能进入,没想到晕倒了也能进入。„Has not died, butresembledsituationis notverygood......” the Jiao Yazihollow laugh.
“没死,但是好像情况不是很好……”焦牙子干笑了一声。„Yourdeadold man, we were also Both Teacher and Friend, howyoucanthrow downmeat the last moment, no matter?”Lin Yiis angry: „OwedIto have good luck ever, was only the stuporin the past, had not diedevidently.”
“你个死老头,咱俩也算是亦师亦友了,你怎么能事到临头丢下我不管?”林逸大怒:“亏了我命大,看样子只是昏迷了过去,还没死。”„Hehe...... Isn't thisaloofmyknowledgerange? Ido not know that what's the matter, can'tspeak irresponsiblyis not?”Jiao Yaziis somewhat awkward.
“嘿嘿……这不是超脱我的知识范围么?我也不知道怎么回事儿,也不能乱说不是?”焦牙子有些尴尬。„......”Lin Yialsoknows, at this momentdid not blameJiao Yazitime! ButOld Jiaosaidright, he not cleara moment agowhat happened, he can only choosesilent.
“……”林逸也知道,此刻不是责怪焦牙子的时候!而焦老说的没错,他并不清楚自己刚才发生了什么事情,他只能选择沉默了。„Youhave a look atyoursituation, Little Yi, yoursituationis not very wonderful!”Jiao Yazihas coughedtwo, shifts the Lin Yi'sattentionto come.
After Lin Yilistened to the Jiao Yaziwords, immediatelyonestartled! Yes, oneselfwere patronizingandJiao Yazispoke, has not inspectedownsituation, lostthat manyEnergya moment ago, does not know that had the harmto the body! AlthoughpresentlyalsoinCultivation Space, isoutsidebody, is actually the stuporcondition!林逸听了焦牙子的话后顿时一惊!是啊,自己光顾着和焦牙子说话了,都没有检查自身的情况,刚才损失了那么多的能量,也不知道对身体有没有损害!虽然自己现在还在修炼空间里面,可是外面的身体,却是昏迷的状态!Thinks ofhere, Lin Yiexaminedhastilyownsituationcomes, is the nextquarter, the Lin Yi'scomplexionchanges!
想到这里,林逸连忙查看起自身的情况来,可是下一刻,林逸的脸色就是一变!Because, Lin Yidiscovered,oneselffell the levelunexpectedly! FromYellow StepLate Phasepeakstrength, turns intoYellow StepInitial Phaseis not the average person!
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