SBPE :: Volume #3 初遇敌手

#510: The air/Qi fainted

Chapter 0510 第0510章 The air/Qi fainted 气晕倒了 Packed to Feng Xiaoxiao, Wu Chentian pays up, but after attaining the bill, immediately was a little scared! 冯笑笑打了包,吴臣天去结账,不过拿到账单后,顿时有点儿吓傻了! This...... How much money is this?” Wu Chentian stared in a big way the eye, somewhat inconceivable was reading the bill in hand. “这……这是多少钱?”吴臣天瞪大了眼睛,有些不可思议的看着手中的账单。 Sir, you altogether spent 15.037 million Yuan, the odd change treated as the discount to be good, received you 15 million entire.” waiter smiles was saying. “先生,您一共消费了15037000元,零头当做折扣好了,收您15000000整。”服务生微笑着说道。 15 million?” Wu Chentian some do not believe an own food spent 5 million, but saw that in the bill writes, these signature dish each were ten thousand Yuan scratch coat, expensive reached as high as 300,000-400,000, moreover that single end abalone was not cheap, cheapest perhaps was that bottle of 82 years of who he selected! “15000000?”吴臣天有些不相信自己一顿饭就花了5000000,不过看到账单上写着的,那些招牌菜每一道都是万元打底,贵的高达三四十万,而且那单头鲍鱼也不便宜,最便宜的恐怕就是他点的那一瓶82年的拉斐了! However, Wu Chentian reads the menu, is some doubts: „Were you miscalculation accounts? Then adds together more than 5 million a little, braved come out 10 million?” 不过,吴臣天看完菜单,还是有些疑惑:“你们是不是算错帐了?这才加一起才5000000多一点儿,怎么冒出来10000000了?” Sir, the vase on dinner table by your crumb, the value of vase was 10 million.” waiter does not abhor slow answered. “先生,餐桌上的花瓶被您捏碎了,花瓶的价值是10000000的。”服务生不疾不徐的解释道。 „? A vase 10 million?” Wu Chentian had a scare. “嘎?一个花瓶10000000?”吴臣天吓了一大跳。 Yes, Sir, on vase has mounted six four carats diamonds, but the vase whole is the pure gold manufacture, 10 million are only the cost prices.” waiter smiles was saying: „Do we have the appraisal certificate of authoritative organization, the mister must look?” “是的,先生,花瓶上镶嵌了六颗四克拉的钻石,而花瓶整体是纯金制作,10000000只是成本价格的。”服务生微笑着说道:“我们都有权威机构的鉴定证书,先生要不要看一下?” Wu Chentian somewhat wants to cry but have no tears, was this too also black? However he also knows, this upscale place, possibly intentionally does not butcher him, said how much money were many. 吴臣天有些欲哭无泪,这也太黑了点儿吧?不过他也知道,这种高档地方,不可能是故意宰他,说多少钱就是多少了。 Moreover, four carats diamond, a price of bare drill probably was over 1 million, therefore six four carats diamonds, the vase of gold, 10 million prices actually were really in addition inexpensive! 而且,四克拉的钻石,一颗裸钻的价格大概就是1000000以上了,所以六颗四克拉的钻石,加上黄金的花瓶,10000000的价格倒是真的不贵! Unexpectedly was given the crumb by oneself all of a sudden, and has given Feng Xiaoxiao! This made him fall quickly insanely! This act high and mighty cost was also too big, it seems like, later cannot along with the casual attire! 居然被自己一下子给捏碎了,而且还送给了冯笑笑!这让他快疯掉了!这装b的成本也太大了吧,看来,以后还是不能随便装啊! Wu Chentian saw that Lin Yi and Feng Xiaoxiao as well as Xiao Family brother and Kang Zhaolong they walked , can only receive the meat pain expression, said intentionally loudly: Our several people eat are not many, has eaten these things, was colored 15 million, this shop may be really cheap really cheaply!” 吴臣天看到林逸冯笑笑以及萧家兄弟康照龙他们已经走了过来,也只能收起了肉痛的表情,故意大声说道:“咱们几个人吃的也不多啊,吃了这些东西,才花了15000000,这家店可真便宜呀真便宜!” Xiao Family brother stares immediately, heart this Wu Family is really different from oneself, others eat meal on the flower 15 million, but also considers too little, is really outstanding! 萧家兄弟顿时一愣,心道这吴家和自家果然不一样啊,人家吃顿饭就花15000000,还嫌少呢,果然是不同凡响啊! „, Brother Chentian, you may be really rich!” After Feng Xiaoxiao hear, immediately to praise sighed: Some many people gain for a lifetime less than 15 million, your food spent 15 million also to think not many, but was really too graceful!” “啊,臣天哥,你可真有钱啊!”冯笑笑听后顿时赞叹道:“有很多人一辈子都赚不到15000000,你一顿饭就花了15000000还觉得不多,可真是太帅了!” That! These money, in our aristocratic family younger generation eye, radically are not anything!” Wu Chentian presently act high and mighty has formed custom, constantly not in attire, therefore this saying was freely spoken said come out. “那是啊!这些钱,在我们世家子弟的眼中,根本就不算什么的!”吴臣天现在装b已经形成了习惯,无时无刻不在装,所以这话是顺口就说了出来 „Do I take red-roast shark's fin doggy bag to be good again? I want to select at that time, but feared that spends not to dare to want......” Feng Xiaoxiao many pitiful to look at Wu Chentian saying: I want to taste shark's fin really am any flavor/smell!” “那我再要一份儿红烧鱼翅打包好不好?我当时想点来的,不过怕花钱多就没敢要……”冯笑笑可怜兮兮的看着吴臣天说道:“我真想尝尝鱼翅是什么味道呀!” „...... Good, does not have the issue!” Wu Chentian full head breaks into sweat, his family/home not compared with doing business other aristocratic family, Wu Family one year of income , several million, good time can over a hundred million, moreover needs to support the Wu Family entire expenses. Therefore their juniors several hundred thousand spending money to the end, this food have spent 15 million every year, if were known by Grandpa Wu Gonggao, must irritate! “呃……好,没问题!”吴臣天满头冒冷汗,他家可不比其他经商的世家,吴家一年的收入,也不过几千万,好的时候才能上亿,而且需要支撑吴家的整个开销。所以他们小辈每年几十万的零花钱就到头了,他这一顿饭就花了15000000,要是被爷爷吴功高知道了,肯定得气死! However, words that did not tell, he could not have put out these money to come. However these are secondary, has given first Feng Xiaoxiao wanted shark's fin, after doggy bag, sends her to leave, standing that looks distressed tries to find the solution before the bar. 但是,不告诉的话,他还真拿不出这些钱来。不过这些都是次要的了,先给冯笑笑要了一份儿鱼翅,打包后打发她离开了,才愁眉苦脸的站在吧台前想办法。 This moment Xiao Family brother also first goes downstairs, Wu Chentian that Wu Chentian sent hesitated has been dialing the telephone to Grandpa. 此刻萧家兄弟也被吴臣天打发的先下楼去了,吴臣天才犹豫着给爷爷拨通了电话。 Hey? Grandpa, I am Chentian!” Wu Chentian careful saying. “喂?爷爷么,我是臣天啊!”吴臣天小心的说道。 What matter? I was busy, have the matter to say quickly!” Before Wu Gonggao, has suppressed a lot of air/Qi in Feng Tianlong there, does not have the place to vent! Naturally, this is also not anything, he looks for son-in-law Liu Tianyi, wants to have a look at to be able from his hand to make Life Extending Detoxification Pill, what has not thought that son-in-law stated categorically that treats an illness to use to Liu Zhenhu, cannot give him, this makes him be depressed and does not have face. “什么事情?我正忙着,有事快说!”吴功高之前在冯天龙那里憋了一肚子气,也没有地方发泄!当然,这还不算什么,他去找女婿刘天翼,想看看能不能从他手中将延年益寿排毒丹弄过来,可是没想到的是,女婿一口咬定是给刘振虎治病用的,不能让给他,这让他即是郁闷又是没面子 Therefore, hits the phone call words including the grandson who usually most likes, his is is not very still happy. 所以,连平时最喜爱的孙子打来电话,他心情依然是很不好。 Grandpa, I eat meal in Hotel, money insufficient......” Wu Chentian weak saying. 爷爷,我在饭店吃饭,钱不够了……”吴臣天弱弱的说道。 „Do money insufficiently you eat a wool? Before you go, thinks that what comes?” Wu Gonggao snort/hum: „Weren't you belt credit card? Can't that place swipe the card?” “钱不够你去吃个毛?你去之前想什么来的?”吴功高哼了一声:“你不是带信用卡了么?那地方不能刷卡?” Not...... The credit card has the quota, insufficient......” Wu Chentian afraid saying. “不是的……信用卡有限额,不够……”吴臣天心虚的说道。 Insufficient? How much money did you spend to be insufficient? Isn't that credit card the quota 200,000?” The Wu Gonggao sound improved eight degrees immediately. “不够?你花了多少钱不够?那信用卡不是限额200000呢么?”吴功高的声音立刻提高了八度。 1000...... 1000......” Wu Chentian has somewhat been afraid, but Grandpa the First time such gets angry with him. “1000……1000……”吴臣天有些害怕了,爷爷可是第一次跟他这么发火。 1000? Did your credit card link 1000 unable to brush? How are you usually colored?” Wu Gonggao is angry, this Wu Chentian unexpectedly brushing exploded the credit card. “1000块?你的信用卡连1000块都刷不了了么?你平时怎么花的?”吴功高大怒,这吴臣天居然把信用卡给刷爆了。 Was not 1000......” Wu Chentian was somewhat timid, 20 ten thousand Grandpa so were annoyed, if oneself said that flower 15 million, can not fly into a rage! “不是1000块……”吴臣天有些胆怯了,20万爷爷都已经如此恼火了,自己要是说花了15000000,不得暴跳如雷啊! How many isn't 1000 is?” Wu Gonggao snort/hum said: Your boy not very loses face, ate 1000 things not to have money to pay a bill! Really lost our Wu Family face!” “不是1000块是多少?”吴功高哼道:“你小子都不够丢人的,吃了1000块的东西都没钱付账!真是丢了我们吴家的脸面!” Is 15 million, Grandpa...... I spent 15 million......” Wu Chentian to clench teeth, how this matter must say, was towing uselessly. “是15000000,爷爷……我花了15000000……”吴臣天咬了咬牙,这事儿怎么都得说,拖着也没用。 What? What did you say?” Wu Gonggao listened to the Wu Chentian words, for a while a little responded does not come: You said how much money you have spent?” “什么?你说什么?”吴功高听了吴臣天的话,一时有点儿反应不过来了:“你说你花了多少钱?” 15 million......” Wu Chentian redundant say/way. “15000000……”吴臣天重复道。 „......” That side telephone, Wu Gonggao did not have the sound directly. “……”电话那边,吴功高直接没了声音。 Grandpa? Grandpa?” Some Wu Chentian doubts called several, but that side anything replied that does not have. 爷爷爷爷?”吴臣天有些疑惑的叫了几声,可是那边什么回答都没有。 Just shouted two, that side the telephone have not heard a noise, is the Liu Tianyi sound: Father, you? How to faint suddenly?” 刚喊了没两声,电话那边就传来了一阵的嘈杂声,然后是刘天翼的声音:“爸,您怎么了?怎么突然晕倒了?” Here Wu Chentian had a scare, did Grandpa faint? Hurries to shout to the telephone: Grandpa? Grandpa!” 这边的吴臣天吓了一跳,爷爷晕倒了?赶紧冲着电话喊道:“爷爷爷爷!” However, that side the telephone except for the disturbance, anything did not have...... 不过,电话那边除了吵杂声,什么都没有了…… Wu Chentian can only helpless has hung up the telephone, somewhat anxious looks to waiter: Can owe first? I have not had money, my Grandpa has fainted, I must go back to have a look......” 吴臣天只能无奈的挂断了电话,有些焦急的看向服务生:“能不能先欠着?我没带钱,我爷爷晕倒了,我得回去看看……” Excuse me, Sir, here does not give credit!” waiter still respectful saying. “不好意思,先生,我们这里不赊账的!”服务生依然恭敬的说道。
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