SBPE :: Volume #2 风起云涌

#495: Another region meets the old friend

Chapter 0495 第0495章 Another region meets the old friend 他乡遇故人 The Fatty Lai words said is very smooth, practicality issue has not explained that after Life Extending Detoxification Pill has, when will have, he had not said! At Third field auction, will increase any something by auction, he had not said, as for can increase, is the unknown! 赖胖子的话说的很圆滑,实际性的问题一个没有说明白,延年益寿排毒丹到底以后有没有,什么时候会有,他没有说!第三场拍卖会上,会增加什么拍卖品,他也没说,至于会不会增加,也是未知数! Even if this smooth ambiguous manner, makes those present very excited and anticipation, the ambiguous thing, always lets the person recollections in close succession! 但是即使这种圆滑的模棱两可的态度,还是让在场的人都很兴奋和期待,含糊的东西,总是让人浮想联翩! You will say actually, was equal to anything had not said.” Lin Yi looks at Fatty Lai to get down, light saying with a smile. “你倒是会说,等于什么都没说。”林逸赖胖子下来,淡淡的笑道。 Hehe, that can we speak irresponsibly casually? This is the business secret!” Fatty Lai shy saying with a smile: Boss, you said at our Third field auction, but also prepares something by auction?” “嘿嘿,那是啊,咱能随便乱说么?这都是商业机密!”赖胖子腼腆的笑道:“不过老大,你说咱们第三场拍卖会上,还准备拍卖品么?” What also prepares?” Lin Yi has not prepared anything actually, words that but presently prepares, is with enough time. “还准备什么?”林逸倒是没有准备什么,不过现准备的话,也是来得及的。 I heard, Medical God Kang at the tomorrow's auction, will auction some Deluxe Golden Creation Medicine, it is said wound healing effect ordinary must be soon better.” Fatty Lai said: Or do we also auction some Deluxe Golden Creation Medicine? I had given to offend in any case a moment ago him, our drugs listing, is the competitor, therefore presently does not need to care with their mutual hatred!” “我听说,康神医在明天的拍卖会上,会拍卖一些精装金创药,据说伤口愈合效果比普通的要快要好。”赖胖子说道:“要不我们也拍卖一些精装金创药?反正刚才我已经将他给得罪死了,我们的药品一上市,也是竞争对手,所以现在也不用在乎和他们交恶!” Em?” Lin Yi heard that Medical God Kang also has Deluxe Golden Creation Medicine to participate in the auction, came some interests actually: I think, has a look to make the come out anything thing, look can surmount his!” “恩?”林逸听说康神医也有精装金创药参加拍卖,倒是来了些兴趣:“我想想,看看弄出来个什么东西,看看能不能超越他的!” That is indeed good, worthily is Boss!” Fatty Lai nods again and again: Said is also, if same as them, did not have any meaning, probably we copied he to resemble!” “那敢情好啊,不愧是老大!”赖胖子连连点头:“说的也是,要是和他们一样,就没什么意思了,好像我们仿造他似的!” The following something by auction, was some ordinary things, naturally, this was only relatively speaking. Even if because is these things, attains at the ordinary auction, that was also the best quality goods! 后面的拍卖品,都是一些普通的东西了,当然,这只是相对而言的。因为即使是这些东西,拿到普通拍卖会上,那也属于极品了! Here, everybody is the person of seeing the world, regarding these things is not too surprised, price that called, did not have one to surpass Life Extending Detoxification Pill again, even was inferior including one of the extremely! 只是在这里,大家都是见过世面的人,对于这些东西也不是太惊奇,叫出的价格,也没有一个再超过延年益寿排毒丹的,甚至连十分之一都不如! Lin Yi did not have what interest, Fatty Lai naturally also left the seat, direct the backstage of auction handled to connect with formalities, income deduction that three pill medicine obtained purchased sheepskin to curl the money of map consumption, other had in the Fatty Lai account. 林逸也没有什么兴趣了,赖胖子自然也就离开坐席,直接去拍卖会的后台办理交接手续了,三枚丹药所获得的收益扣除购买羊皮地图消耗的钱,其余的都存在了赖胖子的账户里面。 After getting through formalities, Fatty Lai curled map to take carry back sheepskin, has given Lin Yi. 办完手续后,赖胖子羊皮地图拿了回来,交给了林逸 After Lin Yi opens looked at one, received, here does not study these places, but Lin Yi has not planned to study, when at least presently has not studied. 林逸打开看了一眼之后,就收了起来,这里并不是研究这些的地方,而林逸也没打算要研究,至少现在也没有什么时间研究。 In addition family/home inside that same place, Lin Yi two remnant charts, this remnant chart whole does not know in a big way, is divided into several, therefore presently two it can be said that do not have what actual use. 加上家里面那一块,林逸不过才有两块残图,这残图整体不知道有多大,又分成几块,所以现在的两块可以说是没有什么实际用处的。 Reason that Lin Yi makes Fatty Lai pat, is a psychology of seeking novelty, had not counted on that this map can bring any advantage to oneself, but emerges temporarily. 林逸之所以让赖胖子拍下来,也不过是一个猎奇的心理,也并没有指望这地图能给自己带来什么好处,只不过是临时兴起罢了。 The auction had ended quickly, besides Life Extending Detoxification Pill, other something by auction has not caused this effect, after is several people bids, winds up things hastily. 拍卖会很快就结束了,除了延年益寿排毒丹之外,其他的拍卖品没有一个引起这种效果的,都是几个人竞价后,草草收场。 This First day something by auction did not have specially what, in the past was also so, normal should like this, but left Life Extending Detoxification Pill this peculiar circumstance. 本来这第一天的拍卖品也没有什么特殊的,往年也都是如此,正常本就应该这样,只是出了延年益寿排毒丹这个特殊情况。 Lin Yi and Fatty Lai and Guan Xuemin set out to be about to leave the auction market, but actually saw that Medical God Kang looks like to here, sees Lin Yi and Guan Xuemin, the obvious complexion concentrates! 林逸赖胖子关学民起身准备离开拍卖场,不过却看到康神医向这边看来,看到林逸关学民,明显脸色一凝! Lin Yi nodded to him, smiled. 林逸对他点了点头,笑了笑。 Medical God Kang already suspected Lin Yi is the Rich Second Generation son of the influential and so on character, therefore sees him and Fatty Lai, Guan Xuemin in the same place, but knit the brows, has not thought anything, in his opinion, Guan Xuemin can be on the business way, completely is Lin Yi and Fatty Lai agitation. 康神医早就怀疑林逸富二代公子哥之类的人物,所以看到他和赖胖子关学民在一起,只是皱了皱眉,也没有多想什么,在他看来,关学民能够走上商途,完全是林逸赖胖子鼓动的。 But the investor, possibly is Fatty Lai, but this Lin Yi estimate also some stocks, but Medical God Kang has not actually paid attention, lets the person who he dreads is Fatty Lai, this market expert. 而投资方,可能就是赖胖子,而这个林逸估计也有一些股份在,但是康神医却没有放在眼里,让他忌惮的人是赖胖子,这个商场老手。 Lin Yi!” Feng Xiaoxiao some cannot believe that oneself eye, she rubbed the eyes, discovered the person who not far away was Lin Yi without doubt, quickly ran, called pleasantly surprised. 林逸!”冯笑笑有些不敢相信自己的眼睛,她揉了揉眼睛,发现不远处的人是林逸无疑,才快步跑了过去,惊喜的叫了起来。 „?” Lin Yi turns the head, is somewhat surprised looks at Feng Xiaoxiao, some are not clear, why will see Feng Xiaoxiao here! Must say that Feng Xiaoxiao comes with him, Lin Yi does not believe that because boards craft time has not seen the Feng Xiaoxiao's shadow! Then only had a possibility is the coincidence, cannot help but smiled bitterly saying: You how here?” “?”林逸转过头来,也是有些惊讶的看着冯笑笑,有些不明白,为什么会在这里看到冯笑笑!要说冯笑笑是跟着他来的,林逸都不相信,因为登机的时候根本没看到冯笑笑的影子!那么只有一种可能就是巧合了,不由得苦笑道:“你怎么在这里?” Yes, you how here?” Feng Xiaoxiao also simultaneously opens the mouth to ask. “是啊,你怎么在这里?”冯笑笑也是同时开口问道。 I and friend come to see casually.” Lin Yi smiled, said: I have the matter, first walked.” “我和朋友随便来看看。”林逸笑了笑,道:“我还有事,先走了。” Lin Yi subconscious does not want with be too near, idea of this girl Feng Xiaoxiao walks, somewhat strange, making Lin Yi keep at a respectful distance. 林逸下意识的不想和冯笑笑走的太近,这个女孩子的想法,有些奇异,让林逸敬而远之。 That will you also come tomorrow? We sit together?” Feng Xiaoxiao is actually in the heart dark angry, is Lin Yi so desolate to her manner? However in the surface is actually looks at Lin Yi that anticipates, pitiful asking. “那明天你还来么?咱们坐在一起?”冯笑笑却是心中暗恼,林逸对她的态度怎么这么冷淡?不过面上却是期待的看着林逸,可怜兮兮的问道。 Tomorrow will say again.” Lin Yi does not want to pester with her, is perfunctory to say. “明天再说吧。”林逸不想和她纠缠,敷衍道。 That line, I will look for you tomorrow!” Feng Xiaoxiao thinks that dad is still waiting for itself in that side , not good to say with Lin Yi too. However can see Lin Yi here, in the Feng Xiaoxiao's heart has an inexplicable exhilaration, this feeling made her also say that was not quite clear. “那行,明天我来找你啊!”冯笑笑想到爸爸还在那边等着自己,也不好和林逸说太多。不过能在这里见到林逸,冯笑笑的心中有一种莫名的兴奋感,这种感觉让她也说不太清楚。 Does another region meet the old friend? Had one to attack Tang Yun, making Lin Yi fall in love with own opportunity?...... Oneself thought that was too bored? 他乡遇故人?还是有了一个可以打击唐韵,让林逸爱上自己的机会?还是……自己觉得太无聊了? In this time, Wu Gonggao and Wu Chentian quickly are actually walking to here, Wu Gonggao knew that Life Extending Detoxification Pill is later of Guan Xuemin refinement, had the thoughts, prepares and Guan Xuemin exchanges greetings, can look make one again. 正在这个时候,吴功高吴臣天却向这边快步走来,吴功高得知延年益寿排毒丹关学民炼制的之后,就动了心思,准备来和关学民寒暄一下,看看能不能再弄来一枚。 Professor Guan! For a long time does not see, really thought the ghost old man!” A Wu Gonggao long gown, has the meaning of Martial World public figure actually, sees Guan Xuemin, holding the fist in the other hand excited say/way. 关教授!好久不见,真是想煞老夫了!”吴功高一身长袍,倒是颇有武林人士的意思,一见到关学民,就抱拳激动道。 Hehe, Old Wu, can be healthy?” Guan Xuemin nodded to Wu Gonggao with a smile, he also gives the Wu Gonggao acupuncture, naturally cannot be strange, but has not actually displayed excessive warmly and winds ripe. “呵呵,吴老,身体可好?”关学民笑着对吴功高点了点头,他也给吴功高针灸过,自然不会陌生,但是却也没有表现出过分的热情和熟络。 Guan Xuemin regarding these aristocratic family manner, is always very neutral, not with which walking is too near, even if crest of wave vigor Yu Family as well as this Iron Hand Wu Family! 关学民对于这些世家的态度,一向很中立,没有和哪一家走的太近,即使是风头正劲的雨家以及这个铁手吴家 Thanks to Professor Guan, but also is hale and hearty, when is young old wound, but must trouble Medical God Guan has free time , helping my acupuncture one!” Wu Gonggao extremely polite saying. “托关教授的福,还算硬朗,不过年轻时的旧伤,还要麻烦关神医有空的时候,帮我针灸一下了!”吴功高十分客气的说道。 Even if he is Profound Step expert, in front of Guan Xuemin, is respectful! After all Guan Xuemin as fame very big Medical God, is aloof existence! 即使他已经是玄阶高手,在关学民面前,也是毕恭毕敬!毕竟关学民作为一个名气很大的神医,已经是一个超然的存在了!
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